PERSONALS Mayor R. S. Pearce returned to I St. Petersburg Sunday after a ' month's vacation with his family at , their summer home here. Air. Harry E. McCardell Jr., and | Mr. Gauld Curtis resumed their motor j trip to Maine after spending a week j at Brevard as guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Pearee. Mr. Elmer Kipp has returned to I>aytona. Fla., for a month, after ac companying his wife and daughter to Brevard to their summer home, Kipp's Shack, on Maple street. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gar rett, June 17, at Transylvania hos pital, a daughter, Kuth Emma. Mrs. Gene Qdgen, oof Saguache, Calp., has returned to her home after spending several weeks with her sis it:*, Mrs. R. \\ . Everett. Miss Jennie Aiken returned to her h. ;ne here last week, after complet ri:j; the school year at Eastern Car . -I na Teachtrs College. Greenville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. O. \V. Coston. Miss Vrginia Stradley and Leslie Strad U-y. of Asheville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. \V. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rockwood. of li'iston. Mass. are visiting Mrs. Rock ?.v.xid's mother, Mvs. J. C. King. Miss Grace Collier, of Richmond, V'a? is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. - ap:::an. Air. and Mrs. Jack Zacharv. of Greenville, spent the week-end with My Zachary's parents, Mr. and Mrs: II. H. Zachary. 'Miss May Crary, a graduate .oil irse of Biltmore hospital, spent Thursday with her father. T. B. ?."r ay, in Xorth Brevard. J'r. and Mrs. Ashley Chappell, and icily of Asheville. are registered at ih - W'altermiVe hotel. Dr. Chappell i.kfs Brevard and expeets to stay several days visiting among his fi-ivnds here. .Miss Ruth Waters was the week end t Charleston are with Mrs. Chap nun for the summer. - Ir. P. K. Mynatt, of Knoxville, was the week-end guest of Mr. and ^rfrs. A. H. Harris and family. Miss Amelia Galloway, of Ashe ville, is visiting Miss Ella Zachary. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Thompson and family are moving this week into their new home at Lake Sega. Mr. and Mrs. .P. S. King are stop ping at the AValtermire hotel await ing the completion of their new resi dence on Probarte avenue. Mrs. Roy Kanipe and small son of Marion are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Sledge. Mr. ami Mrs. Whitsett and family, of Daytona, Fla., are now occupying their summer home on Maple street. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Mahaffey and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mahaffey and daughter, Laverne, of Greenville, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. V. Whit mire. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jollay left Tuesday for a visit of ten days with relatives in Georgia. Mrs. Ida Bryant, of Tampa, Fla.. spent the week-end at The Bryant. Mr. Elmer Finch, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kipp, left this week for Binghamton, N. V. William Wallis, of West Palm Beach, Fla., is spending his vacation vvith his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallis. Roberta Bryant accompained her mother the first of the week on a visit to Chattanooga, Tenn. Lon Junior Coon, of Marion, is spending several weeks with his aunt, Mrs. D. F. Moore. Coach G. K. Tebell, head coach at State College, Raleigh, is building a summer home at Lake Sega. Miss Maybelle McKee and Mr. Gud ger, , of Asheville, were guests last week of Mrs. lone Tucker, who is spending some time with Mrs. Thom as Dodsworth. Miss Annie Zachary, a graduate nurse of Charlotte, will arrive Mon day to spend her two weeks' vaca tion with her mother, Mrs. Joe Zachary, and sister. Miss Ella Zach ary. Mr. and Mrs. Powers and daugh ter, of Lakeland. Fla., arc with Miss Sadie North for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, of Warsaw, are now at The Bryant. Mrs. M. C. Henry and daughter, Miss Violet, returned last week to their summer home in Brevard, after spending the winter and spring months at their home in Louisville, Ky, Mr. Oliver Orr returned from sum- ! I i fnier school at Knoxville, Tenn., Fri day and spent the week-end here with [ his family. M. A. C. Johnson piloted in his airplane a representative of Beverly Hills on a two day trip over several ! subdivisions in th evicinity of Ashe- '? ville. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Osborne and j children and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. ! 'Sterling and daughter were on a l week-end fishing trip to Bridgewater. ! Miss Agnes Clayton has returned home from attending school at E. C. T. C., Greenville, N. C. Mrs. John Hay and children, of Clover, S. C., and sister, Miss Susan 1 Craig, of Chester, returned to their j respective homes Tuesday, after} spending the past week with Mrs. M. ! C. Henry. Rev. V. A. Crawford, pastor of [the Presbyterian church, has return ed from Banner Elk, where he attend ed the young people's conference in session there. Mrs. C. M. Cooke and children, of Florence, S. C., are spending the summer at their cottage adjoining Montclove Estates. Miss Celeste Thornton, of Sapphire visited Miss Roberta Bryant several days the past week. Mrs. H. H. Moore is having erected a $5,000 brick bungalow on her I homesite in I-ake Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Houston, of St. Petersburg, Fla., arrived in Bre vard Wednesday to spend some time with Mrs. Houston's father. W. I.. Aiken. Miss Hattie Aiken had as her week-end guests Miss Elizabeth An derson, Mars Hill, Miss Elizabeth 1 Merritt, Mt. Airy, Miss Eugenia' Roper, Florence, S. C., and Miss Beatrice Paranta, Asheville. J. L. Aiken, of Asheville, was a week-ed Brevard visitor. T. Ross Alexander and Lester Alexander, of Statesville, were vis itors in Brevard Wednesday. W. W. Zachary, who is connected with Judd & Company, big broker age firm of Hartford, Conn., is spending his month's vacation with his mother. Mrs. Beulah Zacharv. Mr. Frank Houchard of tin Pinellas Overland Co., Clearwater. Fla.^ is stopping at the Kilpatri.k House, North Brevard for ten*" day.-. He motored up with his daughter. Miss Francis Houchard and some friends who are attending the V. W. C. A. Girls Reserves camp, at Rock-! brook. SOCIETY MISS ROWENA ORR IS HOSTESS FOR BRIDGE PARTY Miss Rowena Orr was hostess for a bridge party Wednesday afternoon at her home on East Main street hon oring Miss Elizabeth Michael, of Vero, Fla., who is summering in Bre vard. A tastefully arranged color scheme in pink and green was carried out in the rooms, and was further accentu ated in the favors and refreshment . Miss Elizabeth Shipman made high score, Mjss Dorothy Fetzer, low store, and prizes were presented the honor guest and Miss Melisse Mullen, of Greensboro, the out of town guest I present. There were three tables playing. MISS NANCY MaIcFIE ENTER TAINS AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON A recent social ijvent of enjoy ment was the bridge' luncheon given by Miss Nancy Macfie at the- hom of her parents, Mr. s-'nd' Mrs. S. M. Macfie, on Caldwell street, to honor Miss Elizabeth Michael, a Brevard summer guest. Four tables were arranged fot play. and at the conclusion of the games scores were counted giving high score to Miss Ruth Waters and consolation to Miss Kathleen Lyon. Miss Michael was the recipient of an attractive guest prtze. Following the games, a delightful luncheon was served. MISS MARIAN YONGUE , I ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Miss Marion Young entertained at . six tables of bridge Wednesday after- 1 noon. June 1C, at her home in North ! Brevard, honoring Mrs. Captain Has-! kell Allison, of Washington, D. C., ? and .Mrs. Boone Carey, of Greenville, both Brevard summer guests. The rooms were attractively dec- j orated with a profusion of June roses. | A salad course was served at the con-j elusion of the games. When scores were counted it was; found that high score was made by j Mrs. Boyce Walker, and low score ' by Miss Ida Lee Patton. Attractive truest prizes were pcscntcd the two guests of honor. . Following the games, several tea guests arrived. The guests present included: Mrs. W. W. Croushorn, Mrs. F. Cari\ Mrs. J. J. Patton, Mrs. Boyce Walk er, Miss Ida Lee Patton, Miss An nie Mae Patton, Mrs. Ed Cantrell, Mrs. C. Y .Patton, Miss Frances Scott, Miss Ella Zachary, Misj Julia Deaver, Mrs. McAuley, Mrs. R. R. Fisher, Mss Jennie Aiken. Mrs. M. Shackelford, Mrs. Tom Dekle, Miss Willie Aiken, Mrs. K. P. McCoy, Miss Jack Clayton, Miss Martha Breese, Mrs. R. R. Eagle, Mrs. Brown Carr, Mrs. Boone Carey, Mrs. II. Allison, Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Hugh Walker. MISS HANAMAN PRESENTS RECITAL Miss Eloisc Hanaman appeared ? Saturday evening at the high school auditorium in her piano and voice recital given complimentary to the Brevard Music Lovers' Club. Miss Hanaman is a pianist of ex ceptional ability and delighted her audience, throughout the program with both vocal and piano selections. Her rich endowment of talent and its development will make her a commanding figure in the musical life of Brevard. Slenderness of Line j ' Variety of style, simplicity of clesig-n ? a correct adherence to the vital indicatives of styling for the summer months ? and last but by no means of the least consequenc-e, our prices, all combine to make this a splendid store at which to buy Shoes. "ITS YOUR DEPARTMENT SJORE^USE IT." Jerome & Pushell's June Clearance Sale JUST A FEW REAL (SPECIALS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FOR OUR ANNUAL JUNE CLEARANCE SALE. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER AND WE, KNOW YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING YOU NEED. Pongees, Natural and Colors SSC YD Peter Pans 45c YD Lad and Lassie Cloth 20c YD Percales, Lights .and Darks 19c YD AH-WoqI 1 54 inch Flannel $2.95 YD Tub Silks, Stripes & Plaids $1.39 ! Crepe De Chene $1.49 YD Georgettes Solids & Figured $1.69 Suit Cases $1.00 Men's Pajamas $1.69 Night Shirts 98c Men's Union Suits 45c Sheeting 12 Yards for $1.00 Ladies Cotton Hose 15c PR Men's Cotton Soiiks 9C One Table Shoes 98c PR Dresses At 20% OFF Suits At 20 % OFF Shoes At . ' 20 % OFF Hats At 20% OFF Men's Fancy Sox 29c Ladies' Silk Hose 29? L / Men's Pants $1.85 Men's Dress Shirts 98c One Rack Men's Suits $14.95 Ladies' Dresses $4.95 Boys' Work Shirts Men's Khaki Shirts 98c .Men's Khaki Pauls $1.95 Ladies' Slips 98c Remnant Bundles 89c Ladies' Union Suits 49c Pepperell Sheets, 63x90 $1.19 Pepperell Sheets, 72x!)0 $1.29 Pepperell Sheets, 81x90 $1.39 Pillow Cases 39c