Patterson's SPECIAL NO. 1 OILCLOTH Best Grade Oilcloth made. White and Beautiful Colors. 25c YD. SPECIAL NO. 2 BARONETTE SATIN $1.50 Baronette Satin in all Colors. An niversary Sale Price ? 97c YD. LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Group 1. Ladies Dresses, consisting of Printed Crepes, Flat Crepe, Georgette and OA Radium. Dresses in the newest Colors and Styles. Values to $22.50. Special Group 2. Ladies Dresses, consisting of High Grade Silks in Values to $24.50 (J?Q AA Anniversary Sale Price ? Group 3. Ladies Dresses, consisting of all the newest styles, colors and fabrics flJIO 7C j in values to $29.50. Anniversary Sale ? iD | Ladies and Childrens Coats, Values to $35.00 $2.95 TO $19.95 One Lot Childrens Voile and Gingham Dresses, Values to $2.00 98c Ladies Coat Suits, Values to $39.50 $2.95 TO $9.95 SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL REMNANTS TOWELS Barber Towels Anniversary Sale Price 89c Doz. BOUDOIRS Ladies 98c Felt Bed room Slippers Anniversary Sale Price 69c SLIPS 1 Special Lot Princess Slips, all Colors, Values to $2.45 $1.29 EMBROIDERY One lot Embroidery' Packages at 1-3 OFF FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6TH AT 8 O'CLOCK lvl ANNIVERSARY SALE COMMEMORATING OUR FOuj PREPARATION FOR THIS SALE AND NOW WE ARE DUCTIONS. WE THANK YOU FOR THE RESPONSE 1 ING TO MERIT A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUH SOUVENIRS JO TOWELS Large Size Turkish Bath Towels, valu es to 39c? 25c SHEETING 38 inch Sheeting, 15c Quality. Sale Price ? 8c YD. SHEETS | Ancona 81x90 seamli Sheets. 4 Limit to 0 tonver. 96c One Table Ladies Patent one Strap Slippers, low and Mili- f QQ tary Heels. Solid Leather. ^ ' * / O Anniversary Sale Price One Table Ladies Slippers, an assortment of one and two A ?7 pair of a kind in values to $8.75. Anniversary Sale Price One Table Ladies Slippers in Newest Styles and Leathers. Your choice at Anniversary Sale Price ? $3.89 One Lot Ladies High Grade Slippers in Patent and Blonde Leathers. Medium and High Heels. Anniversary Sale Price $4.85 PRICE REDUCED ON | EVERY PAIR OF LADIES SLIPPERS. I One Table Odd Lot Tennis Shoes and Oxfords ? 49c Su Sal OF FLORSH BNc tAll 0UrA SOMA LADIES KNICKERS Ladies $4.50 All Linen Knickers, Plain White, Checks, and Plaids. Anniversary (?0 ?Q Sale Price ? *r ? Ladies $3.50 All Linen Vests to match ? ? ? 25c Fancy Turkish Hand Towels IQc 27-Inch Red Star, hemmed, per dozen. . . 1-89 27-Inch Red Star, 10 yards 1-89 7 Ladies White Handkerchiefs 25c Apron Ginghams and Calico, yard 10c One Lot Ribbon, your choice, yard ...... 10c ? ? Ladies Silk and Sport Lisle Hose ........ 45c 9-4 Pepperell Unbleached Sheeting 43c Everfast Voiles, Plain or Printed . 47c Ladies and Childrens Sundowns 19c Ladies" Cotton Ho&e .... 10c Good Size Huck Hand. Towels 10c Cotton Batting, per roll . . . 10c 15c Huck Hand Towels 10c 1-2 OFF ALL MILINERY NOT ADVERTISED 20% OFF Childrens Wash Suits 10% OFF Cinderella Polish 20% OFF All Laces and Banding 25% OFF All Trimming Buttons 10% OFF Bon Ton Corsets and Brassiers 25% OFF All Ladies and Childrens Sweaters 20% OFF All Minerva Knitting Worsted 15% OFF All Ready-Made Curtains 10% OFF All Bath Mats 15% OFF Curtain Scrim and Draperies 10% OFF Dry Goods Not Advertised 15% OFF All Childrens Socks 10% OFF All Ladies Ties and Belts 15% OFF All Muslin Underwear 15% OFF Ladies Parasols 20% OFF Ladies Hand Bags The Growing PHONE 208 4th A N N I V E R S A R Y | BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DE SL BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DEP/