THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1928 Published every Thursday and en tered at Postoffice at Brevard aa second-class matter. STARRETTE A STERLING Editors MISS ALMA TROWBRIDGE News Editor Telephone: office, 7; re.W.?ce, 189 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Payable in Advance) One year '2*?? Six months ^ ? Three months Two months *?? The News is glad to publish let ters, not too long, on matters of general interest. But such com munications must be accompanied b> ;ne real name of the *ri*er? even when they are to be published ?o\er a nom de plume. The News, of ?coi.:>e,. reserves the right to reject #u article offered for the Voice of ?the People. For Cards of Thanks, Notices of h- < rcanmieiics where admission i? ci^-^iJ and Resolutions of Respect, the charge is 5 cents per line. "THE FIFTH STATE" ' In this issue of The News, mention "is made of a recent publication by the Department of Conservation ami Development "North Carolina, j The Fifth State Today" Two times, in this book Brevard is mentioned j as ti mountain resort town, and is indicative of the importance of our i friendly little city among the vaca-i tior, ce:'.:ers of Western North Car- j olin.i. Publicity of this sort is not | bouuht and comes only to deserv- . ing communities whose activities at-, tract the attention of those who are see ing progress. The vacationist j wh" ha? been coming to this com-; munitty for years sees in Brevard, a remarkable growth and the visitors who are here for the first time, nee.l only note the substantial char-, acter of our activities to know that we ire making a strong bid for the patronage of the tourist and the permanent resident of mountain re sort city. SPEED DEMONS I Within ? the past few days two locu ' ca.-s have been seriously bat tt ..-;! by speed demons. One car, ?on che Greenville highway was com pletely "caved in" by a head-on coU, lisiun with a reckles driveiy^-^So ha?:ng a big speedy <&?;"was literally j^ tht^gegfrits if it were his very own and other people had no right on the road whatever. Again on Main street an ugly wreck and possible injuries were barely missed by a speed demon ? who was in too big a hurry to get across the square that he did not have time to run less than 30 miles per hour. A few doses of the law as applied in A she vale last week by Judge Stack would go a long ways to re lieve us of our home speed demons. ' The Asheville Times says, con cerning the passing of judgment by Judge Stack on Mrs. Rogers, who was convicted of manslaughter be cause of the death of a Mrs. Abbey ia an auto accident: Such judgments as Mrs. Rogers received are severe on the individ ual at fault, but in no other way can society establish in the minds 'of those who operate motor ve hicles the necessity for eternal vigilance to protect the lives of other people as- well as their own. A SENSIBLE COURT contrast with the tendency of j JTany courts to thwart justice f:hrt>agh setting aside convictions of ?immals on ^trivial teachnical ?,1-ounds, a decision of the Alabama Court of Appeals is worthy of com mendatory notice. The case of a defendant convicted f second degree murder was ap pealed on the ground that one, of the juors named J. Arnold Hale fcad smswered to the name of A. Ar id Hale on the venire. As a mat of fact, the juror in question was iiionly known simply as Arnold ?~e and there was no other person 1 1 that name in the country in which he case was tried. In affirming thei |nfc?nce of the trial court, the f'urt of Appeals said: ( "High technical and captious ticisins of the rulings of trial i will not cause this court to re .ww causes and grant new trials fciminal cases, where it does not ?*\ of rents. No matter what the -cos he his clothing, his three squai . meals a day, and a comfortable, healthful home to live in, just th. same. 7. Neither does he worry abou doctors' bills nor dentists' bills.- ? Uncle Sam pays them. 8. If he wants to see ih<> woihl he will sooner or later have the oppor tunity, on full pay and with travel expenses paid by Uncle Sam. 9. If he wants to return to civil life at the end of an enlistment, he may prepare for it by learning a trade, without loss of time or pay. With this and the discharge that testifies to good character and faith, ful service, his earning capacity and ability to get a job will be greatly increased. 10. He may also expect to return a much stronger and more capable man, physically and mentally. 11. His service will take the humps out of his back, broaden his shoulders, deepen his chest, develop and train his muscles and his mind; in brief, it will make him a more cap able and useful man, 12. -If he desires to remain in the service, there is room at the top for the capable and ambitious; the ser vice offers exceptional facilities for advancement. 12. Enlisted men, of any grade whatever, may compete for commis sions, or for appointment to the United States Military Academy at "West Point. 14. Ask about these things and become informed of tK# great oppor tunity that the United States Army offers to young men. AUTO CHAINS? ALL SIZES ? at BREVARD BATTERY CO. "A Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever" i ? This ts one cf tie T>ea?ty spots o the Sesqui-Centennial lntematloni Exposition in Philadelphia. The" expo sitlon celebrates the 150th adnirei sary o f the signing'of the Deciaratioi o( Independenc-. The riew shows thi tower o; one of the main exhibit build Ings rearing its head op from amoni the gorgeous landscape which artlaU hare built around the giant atructur* which house exhibits from forty-three nations of the world. The KxposiUot continues until December 1. The Philadelphia of Our Ancestors Here la shown a section of "High Street," a reproduction of Philadelphia's famous Market street In the days of 1776. It Is one of the outstanding features of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition now being - held In Phila delphia to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declara tion of Independence. Erery building has been built to actual aise and la actual architectural detail The furnishings of each'building are exact repro ductions of those used in the Revolutionary days. Many of the pieces oa display are the originals and today are worth thousands of dollars bacauM of their historic vAltia. The Exposition continues until December L - * i i > " n i'i mn |m ??rin i ? ibi? ??????MnnnnrinMin -MOVED Je-Anne Beauty Parlor from post office building to residence of Mrs. W. E. Ram sey opposite Franklin Hotel. Just behind Simmons Inn. Boris Nalgasso of Athens, Georgia, is said to bare broken all records by I ' * '? walking 180 miles in 24 hours. I . ? . By actual count 107 baby sharks were, born to a 7-foot mother shark ttrappad near Messina, Sicily. Bank's Surplus Means Much It is accumulated in two ways. Ours was created by setting aside part of our earn ings each year. The earned surplus rep rsenting years of successful business, ? ought to mean much to a bank's depositor. < 1 . i Our Surplus was Earned CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS - 52,000.00 ; RESOURCES OVER $1,500,000.00 "THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE" 4% PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Brevard Banking Company DIVERSIFIED ADS JJSE yjANT ^DS UJTO CHAINS? ALL SIZES? ?t BREVARD BATTERY CO. IVE THE CHILDREN'S SHOES PAIRED-READY FOR SCHOOL )NDAY MORNING. NORTON & NICHOLSON SALE ? 18 H. P. Gaioline En 1'ine and Grist Mill outfit. Good ondition. Call on or write M. PAXTON, Rosman, N. C. 3tp 26; 2-9 iNTED ? Clean cotton raga... Will |ay five cents a pound. See Brevard News. RENT ? Store room on Main |treet. Suitable for office or ore. New building. See ? )SON McCRARY, at SVARD REALTY CO. tfc 7-22 in Caatle Valley Co. at Brevard |300 for quick sale. 4tp til 26 3ray P.O. Box 35 Charlotte, N. G. ?NEY TO LOAN? On Improved (arm lands at six per cent, for ong or short term, in amounts rom three to fifty thousand dol ars preferred, however, one Ihousand dollar loans will be ac epted. 4-22 tfc F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. }R SALE? VALLEY VIEW farm. miles from Brevard; 60 acres; plenty wood on land; 10-room house, city conveniences. J. C. McCALL, evard, R. 2. 2tn 19-26 [^NTEO-^MidiHc Aged Man. Hu?l ers make $40 to $100 weekly sell ng Whitmire's guaranteed line of ?ilet articles, soaps, spices, ex acts and medicines. Transyl vania County open now. Team or (car needed. Experience unnec essary. Salesmanship taught FREE. Start making good money this Fall. Write today. IE H. C. WHITMER COMPANY ^pt 25 Columbus, Ind. 12-19-26p PARTMENT ? Furnished, for rent. ! Close in ? after September 15. rs. W. E. SHIPMAN. 26-;2-9pd SE? BREVARD BATTERY CO. IUTO CHAINS? FOR ANY CAR PARTMENTS? For Rent. Fur [ nished, 2 and 3 rooms, private bath. Close in. *RS. F. P. SLEDGE Ite