Go to the Polls I Tuesday and Vote Y-O-U-R Sentiments BREVARD NEWS 1S? ' ? ; ... . . ... ' . ?; ? ' . . . V ' . ." ?',* ? y "v . -.*? . -f, "? V give them that which is best in yourself; if you are looking for friendship which shall help you to Know your self as you are, and to fulfil yourself ias you ought to be, am! for a love | which shall be a true s. miradeship | and a mutual inspiration to all no I bility of living, then you are surely on the ascending path. | I do not, cannot ask for you a lesser blessing, than GOD'S OWN ! LOVE. To dwell with Him, and j all His boundless wealth possessing | in Heaven above. For you and I are waiting here as stringers ? still | bound for Home ? Abiding midst j earth's darkening shade? and many dangers ? till God says "Come.1' I ""I j A PRAYER FOR THE UPWARD i PATH IN FRIENDSHIP . ' ' I 0 Thou Infinite Friend, whose Friendship sure has been *he same forevermore, help us ever *-> walk in the Upward Path of Friendship. Let us never seek in c:ir fellow men that which minister;, to ambi tion, or avarice, or sensuu-ity, or try jto make friends simply ir crder that | they may help us to secure certain ' advantages in the woiic <.i wealth j or fashion, or form ties of "intimacy whose chief attraction lit-' in their : appeal to that which is selfish and ' greedy and base in ojir ..ature, for 'then we are surely on the Descend ing Path. ' But give us grace to look for that which is best in the men ;.:id women ! with whom we come i:i contact, 1 seeking to give them th;a which is 'best in ourselves, ever locking for I a friendship which shall hslp us to know ourselves as we ought to be, and for a love which shall be a true comradeship and a niutu:.! inspira tion to all nobility of living. So ] shall we know that we are surely on jthe Upward Path in Friendship, and the Blessing of Gods own love shall t be ours, and we shall dwell with j Him in Heaven, for we j.rr- strang (ers and Pilgrims here or earth, [abiding midst its darkening shades i and many dangers, till God says i "Come." , Grant this, Thou Infinite Friend, 'whose Friendship for us ha-- been the same, always pure and .steadfast, we ask it in Christ's Name, who has ever been the Friend of t::j friend less and the Helper of the halpless, and ever will be, Amen. ? C. D. C. SALE AT HUNT COTTAGER POSTPONED TILL SATURDAY On account of inclenur.t weather Tuesday, the auction sale '.f furni ture in the Hunt Cottages was not completed. Quite a large crowd was present, but it was known that many other people desired to attend the sale and were prevented be cause of weather conditions, hance the sale wa,*' continued until next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Bidding was lively during the few hours of the sale Tuesday, although only one of the cottages was opened to the buyers. Next Saturday fur- v niture in the remaining cottages will be offered at public auction. Those buying Tuesday seemed highly elated^ over the genuine bar gains they were able to buy at the auction sale, and record- V> caking ! crowd is expected to art':. cxU j Saturday.