CHAMBER OF COMMENCE PASSED THE 250 MARK IN FIRST WEEK OF FINE CAMPAIGN The Transylvania Spirit Manifest in Magnificent Style ? -New Mem bers Galore are Added MORE MEMBERS NOW THAN TOTAL WAS IN PAST YEAR AHiion and Bromfield Running Neck and Neck in Contest ? Pulling for 300 Members Ending of the first week- of Bre vard's campaign for a greater Chamber of Commerce came Tues day night in high gear, with the . twenty-five members of the board of directors in the most enthusiastic and optimistic mood. Reports by the two teams that had been can vasing' for new members since last Wednesday morning showed a great er collection in cash than ever be fore; a greater amount in pledges than ever before secured, and with the largest membership in the or ganization's history. Mac Allison and Jim BromfieW. were the two captains, and the two teams had really worked, as ' tlie results showed. The race between the t\yo teams was so close that neither could be declared in actual lead over the other, and it will' take the winding up of the campaign next Tuesday night to decide the winner. An enthusiastic meeting was held, ^Eat which reports were made. With but few exceptions the people not only of Brevard, but of all Tran sylvania county, proved themselves to be standing squarely behind the Chamber of Commerce. New mem bers in large numbers were added to the list, each team turning in about 130 memberships, giving_a_-t(?tai- of (continued on page four) HUNNICUT IS COMING FRIDAY ? ' To Speak to Kiwanians at Regular Meeting ? Breese to Make Report Superintendent Hunnicutt, of the Henderson county schools, will head a delegation of Kiwanians who are coming to Brevard next FYiday night to meet with the local club. Mr. Hunnicutt has the reputation of being one of the finest speakers in the western part of the state, and local Kiwanians are anxious for the coming event. The club met last week with the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night, but this week will go back to the regular meeting time and place. In addition to the visit of the Hendersonville Kinwanians, District Trustee William E. Breese, who at tended the district meeting in Char lotte last Wednesday, will report on the action taken by the governing board. Every member of the club is ex pected to attend the meeting Fri day night. NOTEDMANPAYS VISIT TO BREVARD Hon L. L. Jenkins of Washing ton and Asheville, spent a few . hours in Brevard last Saturday. He was accompanied by . Mrs. Jenk ins and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyd. Mr. Jenkins has many friends in the county, having spent much time here during the campaign of 1920 when he was R-epublican candidate for Congress. While Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins spend most of the time in their Washington home, their Ashe ville residence is their real home, both desiring to retain their legal residence in North Carolina. Mr. Jenkins announced his inten tion of bringing his wife to Bre vard this coming summer where they expect to spend most of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd live at Pen rose. Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Jenkins are sisters. BREESERETURNS FROM WEEK'S TRIP " William E. "Breese has ^returned from Charlotte and Raleigh, having Wn Away from the city for about ? one week. The Brevnrd lawyer said he is glad to be back where the weather is perfect. lie encoun'.r ed snow, rain, wind, sleet, slush and mud in the Central part of the state, and vowed that Brevard is the one _ spot in the whole section where tKe* Fun shines brightly, and where there is no snow. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SINGING CONVENTION At the last session of the Tran syTfTrTKa County Singing Conven tion. iS^as elected to scive as '?hairma^epf the convention dur'ng the year ^^27. The first session of th? convo^^on t hi < year will con vene at the court house in Brevard on the fifth Sunday in this month, being the 3rtth ftf January. We hope to make this a great con vention. Let us come together and worship the Lord 'in song. ? Z. I. HENDERSON. Chmn. auiiiljilli R AT P.?T. Elume|itary Group Renders Interest ing Program ? Miss Kern is Heard* with Interest Unusual Merest was manifest at the meeting of the Elementary 1'iUv ent-Teaehe^assoeiation held fyortday afternoon In the elementary school auditorium, at which about seventy five parents and teachers were in at tendance. The president, Mrs. Hinton MCr Leod, opened the meeting with cle votionals and conducted th? matters of business pertaining to the assoc ciation, following which the meeting was put in charge of the program committee, of which Mrs. F. P. Sledge is chairman. An interesting and instructive program on the subject of Health was presented, opening with a health May entitled "Milk for All the World,' - which W&s -given by Miss Hedrick's fourth grade children. TlM young jfirts and boys taking part in the play were dressed in cos tume to represent the different na tions, demonstrating the fact that milk :-s a nourishing and necessary food for children the world over. A number of*iittle folks of the second grade gave an enjoyable demonstration ;?f physical education to the accomffcniament of the viu trola. r Dr. T. J. .lummey, in his discus sion of the subject, "Contagious and Infectious Diseases," told interesting rind helpful facts concerning the most serious contagious diseases ( prevalent mainly among children, i 1 He spoke also of the rapid changes M taking place in medicine from year J \ to year and <>f recent discoveries af fect ihg the treatment of certain dis eases. Prior to his discussion of the sub ject at hand, Dr. Summey announced to' the audience that the procuring of a full-time county health officer was now a reality and that the ser vices of an educated and experienced man for this position would be se- j cured within a few days. Miss Florence Kern discussed the Health Crusade to be carried on in the schools of the county, explain ing more in detail the health chore folders which have been distributed for use in the schools and urging Hie parents to cooperate with the children in the proper observance of t ivise health rules. The grade having the largest num- , her <.f parents present at the Par. nt Teacher meetings is entitled to keep ?i special picture in their room for . a month, hence Miss Hedrick's fourth ' grade will have the picture for the j month ^>f January for having nine ! parents present. WILSON PLEDGES SUPPORT TO BILL Of interest to the reading public will be the letter printed helow which was received this week by the Woman's Bureau from Repre-i, smtativc Thos. J. Wilson, relative to the Bureau's recent request wr him to introduce certain bills at thU. pres- I ent General Asembly in session at Raleigh. As \vag generally expected, Mr. i Wilson expresses himself as desirous 1 of complying with the request and doing all in his power toward the jmssage of a bill requiring compul sory vaccination in this county. This is encouraging news to all throughout the county, and it is to j be hoped that the enactment and en forcement of such a bill for Tran- i sylvania county will be a matter of only a short time. Mr. Wilson's letter follows: Raleigh, Jan. 10, 1027. I Woman's Bureau, Brevard, N. C. Your letter received in regard | to vaccination and quarantine . law. I will he more than glad | to introduce a bill to that ef fect, for I certainly believe we nod such a law "in our county. Will be clad to help in any way I can for any law that my county wants passed. Yours truly, THOS. J. WILSON. CHARLES M'CRARY FIRST DEPOSITOR One morning, nearly five yearn ruro. Charles McCrary walked" into lire vara tr< m his father's h mo in I.ittle River community .ami w patiently until ?> o\ lock. ;.t which time the Pi- -rah Bank (opened it* doors for th* l?r> t time. Young Mc Crary w.i- the fli *t depositor of th?- ? new hank. '* I'"* N'W Year's morning, vvhi-n the hank ^ opened in its new home. Mr. M.^t rary wn% a en in nri vand. ami made the lir^t dopo?-t m th?- bank's n? w home. II* j? now -i .? ;,?^n* r f Rr-var.l nn,j n stud.n't ' ? ? ht" B e-.j.r J H ^ ^ S? ,,Oi il (>?** .lids of the hj.nk proud ,,f ? V'*ung man arid rhi*rle? Mcf'rarvN < pla.v* ,,f hor.-r * ?V. :>r-*?k? r-f * he hank. J This Is How They Grow In Transylvania County ? Picture shows a DOS-pound hojcj killed by Mr. L M. Glazencr, of Rosman, several days ago. Mr.' Glazeher is one of- the best known j Farmers of the state, and takes ??reat pride in raising pure bred stock. | This picture has just boon re turned to The News, having been t iMVshed in The Asheville Tim?? and in one other daily paper of the state, giving to Transylvania county much valuable advertising. HENS BOUGHT ALL FAMILY GROCERIES And Paid fir Some Clothing, Too ? Big Meeting of Blantyrc Citizens (By L. A. Amnion) ? --T a talk with Mr. Harley Merrill, of Little River, this week in regard to his flock 01. liens, soiiio good boosting information was secured. After visiting the rtne flock -of four hundred white Leghorn?, the* question of feeds, ami cost of feed ing the flock tame up* ? The ques tion was put: "Mr. Merrill, 'did you make much money on last years flock of three hundred?*' The reply was like this, "Well! It is like this, my hens fed themselves, bought our groceries, and clothes, and had some money left." Mr. Merrill's hens are now pay ing him three dollars per day above feed and he is charging all feeds he arrows at market prices. Last month's feed hill was forty . dollars. Egg* figured at' 30 cents, per dozen. Word comes to me from several that many popple i:i the county think the county furnishes all the-' medicines that the Agint uses in doctoring. Get ! but I wish they did. 1 would be t'rnm one to ten dollars better ofT. I bring along the medicine. jUst to save time for the farmer. He is expected to pay f- - it. . . From the tax listers' census . of last May, 1 find that we are very short on some livestock in the county. We have less than ?>ne horse or mule per farm. One cow, and 24 hens. While the records did not separate the cattle Into ages, 1 , am sure from the sum total, that we j are just as short of beef cattle. ( The.?? figures ought to point the ? way for some to increase in th?se j lines, as prices are bound to bt bel ter, and sales easier. We h?td about sixty of Blanty're's best f-Hizcns out to the poultry m^et'1 'j. U"trrA< that we were not ah1* to h:*ve the movies, but the crowd seemed very much interested in the- general talk on poultry, and the plans for the year. Three in dicate ' they would increase their flocks during 1927. Meetings Thursday at Quebec; Friday :?t Rosmnn ; and Saturday at Selica. Others next w< ek. Fridny niirht. , 28ih. at Brevard will bs the big wind up, and the whole county . is invited. Th.* Hatchery started ofT better than 1 had hoped for. Not able to ee* enough egtrs from hrtavy breed*. ??? some leghorn eirgs are going in. Good crops with 1*ss insects usu aPy follow winter* ft' hard freezing. 1 [five heard some very f avorabl < prophe c i'es a 1 re a d y . Ilnv?. a ?pccial ?i.-sjre t" sfc the' '? How air crop> increased this .veer: ? rid ve!!ow rorii f'?r chick- ' ? n*. . St:',ns f. r la* I and catf.e; and t!-.? k v, 11. Thir.k i: ever. CRrr.K church to nr. IORMI.D IN ASHEViLLE Mr. an I Mr-, r ;-.a . i:. \j^, ''har'-s VaUam. . P. t r ! ; ' " ?"" Thohur arte*!,!# d a v'i A".". 1 ile Tu? -dav. ?t f. :n ilat. d f??r !n e?.iri.v er?-4*.u-n ? .? Greek church. * v- r., 1 f- ...hep c:1 PARSONAGE FOR THE METHODISTS Enthusiastic Meeting Tuesday Niglkt Guarantees Home for .Methodist Pastor About yne hundred and fifty mem bers of the Methodist church gath ered In the. recreation moms of the church Tuesday night for a get-to gether meeting and supper, the ob ject of which was to discuss ways and means for the building of the ne>v parsonage. Following a delicious and bounti ful repast st ryed by the ladies in charge, enthusiastic speeches 'rela tive to the new parsonage were heard from fifteen of the leading church members present, including. C. P. Wilkins, H. C. Hanson, W. \V. Hauanian, Dr. J. ,1*. . Zachary, T. 11. Galloway, O. II. Orr, H. A. Plummer, i\ C. Yongue, R. E. Lawrence, L. B. Waynes, \V. L. Aiken. .Tamps F. Bar rett. Mrs. Sarah Tavlor. Mrs. W. H. Harris. Mayor T. \v. Whitinire made the opening tnlk and presided over the occasion. Pledges were taken to finance the undertaking and a neat sum for the initial payment was subscribed, inaik ing it possible to begin erection of the structure at an curly Mate, it is thought. Inasmuch as a rented res idence in the outskirts of the town is serving as temporary parsonage, it is deemed advisable to compjetc. plans for the erection of a pastor, V home with as little delay as possible. A LITTLECOLB, BUT NO SNOW AT ALL Brevard experienced it* fir>t real winter weather early Sunday morn ing when the thermometer registered 2 abov? zero, according to official bureau records, breaking previous low records for the past two years. On the preceding Tuesday morn ing the official thermometer record ed a temperature of S above, which cold wave was followed by two days of rain and a notiecable rise in temperature just prior to the de cided drop in temperaiutre Sunday morning. The temperature b^gsln to rise gradually ^during the day Sunday and for the succeeding days to the pre.;ept t:m \ Another cold wave ^redirtod, how -v.r, for the last of the week. No -now has as Vi" ???*?? -> i Bvi-vard and immediati section. m LIKE GOES NOW TO ROSMAN K'?"man and the entire upper end ? ?f the c??unty rejoicing over the fa-t th.v regular bus ?<-heduh? ?o?w !:? ? ;T? t t between Brevard and "l}he Bl'eMil ?.-Ii ei?de v s J I ? ? lii> l:?f hn* ho m extended t? n?? l.?ave Ko>n;an for Br-\ard .it ? an 1 ;n ;h r*?-n:r,g?. and TEACHERS MEET AT HIGH SCHOOL Brings to Forefront Problem.* Facing Schools of County~? Parents' Duty Outlined MRS ORR TELLS WHAT IS EXPECTED OF SCHOOLS . Supt. Henderson Discusses the Old School 'and the New Noted | Educator Coming j One hundred or more teachers of I the county and visitors assembled Saturday morning at the high hchool auditorium to attend the regular meeting of the Transylvania Local North Carolina Educational associa tion, which was conceded by many to he the most successful meeting of the association held recently. The president, Prof. V. E. Wessinger, principal of the ltosman school, pre sided. The program as previously out lined by the committee proved un usually interesting and profitable, the general subject being "The School and the Community." Rev. O. L Simpson, pastor of the Methodist church opened th? meet ing with devotionals, reading a por tion of the fourth chapter of Ma.k rind basing his timely remarks on the Parable of the Sower, applying these teachings of Jesus to present day life. This was followed by a solo, "Bless You," by Mrs. A. II. Ki/.civ Mrs.- O. H. Orr spoke on the sub ject, "What the Community Expects of the School," stating concretely th- best methods of correlating the i two. In behalf of the Community, Mrs. Orr mentioned several things | which the community expects of the school, as follows: Create u clean, fit school environment for the child such as. will help build up his morals; l'.nk after the health of the child arid report any deficiencies to the parents; take steps that Will bring (anoj oKud uo ponupuoj) THE PRAYER CORNER AN ACT OF DEVOTION You are a child of (io.d: He is your Father; the Kingdom of God is your Home. i Repeat silently the Family Prayers sharing its trusting and. triumphant not, "Our Father," etc. Now inake these affirmations as a conscious expression, of what it means to be A CHILD OF GOD. Who is the All Good, Perfect .Love, Wis'dom and . Power. Your true sell" is God's thought of you, the perfect self which He means you to work out with Him. IN CHRIST I am one with the Di vine Power. IN CHRIST I am one with th . Love Whieli understands and for gives. IN CHRIST I am one with the Peace that passeth, understanding. IN CHRIST I am one with infin ite resources. IN CHRIST 1 am one with His Spirit of Service. IN CHRIST 1 have power over opposing conditions, such as fear,, lack of confidence, difficult circum stances. IN CHRIST I am one with His patience, purity, joy, wisdom and contentment. Quietly a (firm to yourself the vir tues which you are most conscious of lacking, but which God means you to have, and which will grow through His indwelling union with you. I A PRAYER AS AN ACT OF DEVOTION : Help me, dear Father to step out of self life into Christ life; to real ize that I am not an important worker; not a mighty messenger of Thine, full of care and anxiety, but only a little child with my Father bidding to heed and fulfill. Help me to cease to hurry, lest I lose sight of Thy Face; to learn to follow Thee and not run ahead of orders; to cease to live in self and for self, and to live in Thee and for Theo. Help nie to be a clear med ium through which Thy Life shall shine and glow. Amen. O Lord Jesus in Thee we arc Om* with the Divine Power. In Thee we ar? oni with the Love which pas seth understanding and forgives. In Thee we are one with the Peace that passeth understanding. In Thee we are one with infinite resources. In Tin ? we. aie one with Thy Spirit of service. In Thee we have power over opposing conditions, such as ' ft-ar, lack of confidence, difficult circumstances. In Thee we are one with Thy more abundant life. In The^ we ate one with Thy patience, purity, jov, wisdom and content ment. llelj u- t?? ouietlv affirm to our solves tli virtues which w? are mo*: ennseiou* of lacking, but which God mean* .>-? to have, and which n ? thank Gud. will grow Ihrouirn il s indwellinir with us. O I. old .le-us Christ, mo-t merci ful Redeemer. Friend and n-'-lher. xt> "odnv and cv-ry da\ . t ? ? *.? ? Tln-e more elearlv. to dove The. ? .! tongue shall eor.f,-.. i), k Thou art' Lord, to the glory of God the Father," Amen. ? C IV C HEALTH OFFICER FOR THE COUNTY Commia&ioneris Join Force# With City and State? y-Work to Begin at Early Date DR. BUCHANAN TOLD OF OFFICER'S DUTIES Office of Home Demonstrator Au?i islied ? Strong Influence for the Adoption of Health Work County commissioners, in special called meeting last week, voted to join the state ami eity in the em ployment of a full-time health offi cer for Transylvania county. . Sev. eral citizens appeared, before the commissioners and urged the a'- ion. For several months interested people have been actively engaged in pressing the question of a fuH-tim<: health officer, the Chamber of Com merce, the Kiwanis club, ibv wo men's organizations and leading cit izens of all parts of the county, have worked constantly for the cre ation of this office. Dr. Buchanan, of Concord, of the best known county health offic ials in the state, was with th? dele gation that appeared before the county commisisoners, having been invited to give a history of the work and explain the duties of nuch official. Dr. Buchanan was lojr] in his praise of the great good that has been accomplished by the county health officials in the t' i.ty foiir counties that have tried the work out. The commissioners and -sever a. e. file mind of some citizens dealt with the additional expense of the off-ice. It was feared by some that through the work of the county health ortj.-er, there might bfi untold additional ex pense piled upon the county. ' D.'r. Buchanan made it plain tfaflt "1:1 are no aduitional expenses above i'he appropriation made by the j-tutf. county and city. Under the plan , the stale- pftvs $2500 a year; the. eity pays $.r>00 and the county pays $2000 the y? In taking on this important.. -woW;. the county commissioners dropped the home demons' ration Many people have been hear/ to exHMHMHk 1 '