THE BREVARD NEWS VOL. XXXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 27, 1927 No. 4 GREATEST CIVIC MEETING IN BREVARD'S HISTORY WAS HELD LAST TUESDAY NIGHT Directors of Chamber of Commerce Met with Boarding House I Owner# of County PLANNING FOR BIGGEST SEASON EVER HAD HERE Enthusiastic Talks by Numerous Men and Women Brought A'll Interests Together From the standpoint of civic de velopment and community worth, the best and n.ort c:tih.usiaslic meet ing ever held in Brevard was .hat gathering Tuesday evening when the director.-: of the Chamber of Com nl e r c I- entertained the boarding house owners and operators at the Princess.. Cafe. As to results of the meeting, it i,s safe to say that the meeting will prove of lasting and tremendous value to Brevard and Transylvania county. Chamber of Commerce director!? had desired the co^frperatipn of the boarding house people in its pro gram of bringing more people to the city and -sicL'ton* and in laying plans as how best to* so entertain the tourists that they would return next season; and bring more friends with thorn. This co-operation was pledged, and pledged in an enthusta'stiie mantle r which, means much for this eonimun ity. 'In the meantime, the boarding housj operators gave much Valuable information to the Chamber of Commerce which will greatly en hance the power of that organiza tion iii really, serving this commun ity. 11. A. Flummcr, president, had charge of the .meeting, and kept things humming throughout the three-hour session. President Plum met- explained to the ladies pl*efieiit that the directors of the Chamber of Commerce wanted to work ih abso lute harmony with them, and that this meeting had been planned and ? called by the*. board of directors, and the directors themselves . were pay ing for th'.' dinner, for the tole pur pose -of getting the women who come in closest contact with the tourists and* the Chamber of Com merce together. .Secretary Alexander told of the advertising campaign, for the x'omintr '..sfseason. He explained in detail just how the Chamber works in getting tourists to Transylvania county, and urged the boarding house owner* to > help in this work, as it directly ben cfited them. The people^ wheii coming to Transylvania county, must go straightway into . a boarding house or hotel, and the secretary expressed his appreciation of those, who had been standing by the com merce body, and voiced the. opinion that "in this year's work every one of them would work hand \n hand together. Vice President . Jim Bromfield was then called upon. "This is the finest, the best, the most highly favored spot in the world," was the way Mr. (continued on j^gc seven) " DR. BUCHANAN TO ! ASSUME OFFICE Officer by ? Start* Dr. 8. K. Buchanan bus been ap pointed health officer for the county 1 of Transylvania by the <'ounty BojqkI >>f Health- and will n'riivif in the city the first of the . month to laki up his official duties. Dr. Buchanan is said to 1> ? one of the best informed men . ii. flu* state on public health work, and his* long service in Cabarrus coun'.y has received much ptnise for the meat lesuJts obtained, there. In fact, the doctor's, reputation' in health work has gone far beyond the slate bor ders, ami his opinions and a -i-* ah'ee have been sought by authori ties in many other states, t The v.Ork 'of the county health ?>f^ ficer, as does that of every other public official, it is pointed, put. <le pencis' in a large measure upon the co-operation of the public. Those interested in the health of Transyl vania people -express themselves as ) > 1 1 K anxious for " the work of the county to receive hem ty sup port of llu citizenship. to the end that this county may reach the. very zenith in health perfection. M-uwy people have . congratulated the county board of health on their selection of Dr. Buchanan for the work here. V/ORKSTARTEDON M. F, PARSONAGE Work , began .Monday morning on the new Methodist parsonage' to be erected on the lot adjoining tlie church. At a joint meeting of the trustees and steward:-- ibis week floor plans for the new parsonage were approved and tlv building committee given full authority to pfoceed with construction. The plan dicided upon calls for ah attractive two story .house. .Colonial style. U. D. C. LIBRARY CLOSED .Notice is hereby given that" the V. I). ('. Library is forced -to rlosc until further notice on account of lav k of h?*at in the build inc. An nouncement is also made that those holding .libmfy liiembcrjdilp card* will be allowed an extension of time for the time the library is closed. ?>'''?? it is anticipated that the matter of h Pitting arrangements of the building will be adjusted so that the library may be open at an early date to the reading public, according to previous schedule. Appointed Public llcnltli the Board of Health February Firit THE WOMEN GOD FORGOT-FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND OF THEM IN OUR OWN STATE Nearly Haif a Million in. the United States ? They arc White Women and Native Born CANNOT READ A WORD IN BOOK UK NEWSPAPER Thin and Wrinkled in Youth, Clad 1 without Warmth, Working from Morn to Night; Tired-Worn 1 Our forgotten women ? Almost a half-million of them in the United States, throe-fourths of them east of the Mississippi river, and more than half of them in the South Atlantic and East South Central states. Nearly 1,200 of these forgotten wo men are in Aroostook county. Maine, nearly I. *100 in Clinton and Franklin counties. New York, and more than 2,000 in Berks, Lancaster, and York countic-s, Pennsylvania. Forty-four thousand of them arc in North Carolina. Nearly forty throe thousand are in Keiitucy ? more than 2,200 in Pike county alone. Twenty-four thousand in Virginia, almost exactly half of them massed in the twtntv south western counties of th<- statin- more than a thousand each in Pittsylvania, Wise and Buchanan, nearly three thousand more over t h?- line in ^ Wilkes and Sorry counties, N"??r:h W Carolina, and live th"Lir-ar.?l in toe four bonier counties i.f K. ???.?., ky. Thirty-nin" thou?nn.| atv iii l'? m nessfee and more tha?: half ? *' ? are in Ka?t Tcnttfs^etv Nntivc-horn White Womrn They ?r" not a - i wom-r. of f..r<iirn Hirth, They a? rat jw-S-rn vh.te w. >ua : w. ;.t> years - Id and over, who raj not thoir = cm' rea l a 1' * t . : ?? u ne'vypapei or the.r Bd?l? -. In r numbtv-- 177 limwar i ! S> read l'y dull !':*<?'; . , th- lO'jn Ccu.-u-'. i' ? ^ vho>e other nnm- - . -I K ? ''p port unity! And afu-v ? ?v:r clred an. I ten years < !' ?r>t. r\ ' They are the wnv . :i . " and wrinkle- 1 ?? y iv ill-oreparod f 2. r'.ad '?? k." warmth or trrace, l*v;r._* ?? h' ?. w-orkinc ffin ? i-i ? ' ? l>?,it.iv ;?i fV r?-ii-?d v ? ?nu??d <n | * thte-* WOMAN'S BUREAU INTENSIVE DRIVE | F o Obtain New Members ? Tennis G"trnntee Lively Contest To secure new members and dues atul to create more interest in the Woman's Bureau , this organization putting on a tnomln r?hip drive be ginning t hi* last of this week aiul continuing until the next regular meeting of the Bureau, February 7. The organization, consisting <? f a present membership of 4(1. will be di vided into two ?teams, with a leader fur each team, and the team secur ing the smallest uumbei of paid members at the expiration of the contest will entertain the winnim: team. The goal set for the now membership is not less than 100. ami according to the enthusiasm and ?>p tiini>m of the leaders it is thouuht this number will be reaehed. Mr-'. .1. W. Smith is leader ?>f ? ? am. ami Mr,. |). I.. Kr.trli-h > 1. ad i i ? >1" the ' her. Following i, oj . each team: Mr-. lJ. ? . ]* ? ' .i, *?.. x ."j: M,-. ! I. ? -u 1 .as.k -i ? ? ,r . ,\! - v. Mr. >. \1 . Ml, ? *tr. .\|;-. (> H. n \j. -?r i . . M ? . r j Vat... M Mr- W. if. }. ;? fv ?. \! i ( i: it" y\\ w v. ? EAGLES NEST CAMP IS NEW ADDITION Miss Oppcnbeimer Purchases Beauti ful Tract ot Land Near Brevard I CAMP WILL BE READY FOR SEASON'S OPENING ? All Brevard Welcomes Splendid Woman ? Elated over Her Se lectior of Transylvania i . Mi*:- < ':?*??.! I'. Oppenheimor hits 'purchased a beautiful tract ..f laud f near (be Everett place, and ha .! ready l.u>nun I h ? erection thvix-un of RiiJriw Nwt Camp for Cirk This s'latement :iliiii<> carries much weight fo/ Transylvania county's > n pr? ???? Hey in carnp 'life, for .\li,-is Oppcti h?? hu* liberated her camp a; Waynesvillv for tlie past; five year.*. Before jfoiitK to WayiH ?.?:ville; she had I ?. i - - ? i ? head counixe-Jlor of a camp in the Adirondack Mountains; had mnnrifced camp " TorbusiJite* v.ontr-h 011 l^onje Iclftij d Souuf, ,\.w VprJt- and has I, ad ;u*oat e'xp,ori;,nct' in educational w.orjt both in N*-.-\v ^ urk, and in her own huriu< city. Savannah, (Jul So Miss Oppenlioi mer/s - .selection and purchase of her own vamp site In T i. -in sylvan in county really means something' as an f end. >is;mom of this county'.- claim to superiority in chmn site loca tions. . ? ! K. II. Morrow.. civil eiurin- rr and [cnnip f\vi'n )? him?elf> lin.- bfecn e;? yaucd to supervise the oreiTTT>ir"'wf 'the nece- ary buildings in All*- Op jpenheimer's c.amp. The buildings will he constructed- .on a" beautifully l wooded, .site. with, the recrealioii I hall and dining rnoin in the evnlel' of the gr^ujf. Cabins will ! round IhtVf main buildings and; will. I be erected, in ' such .manner as to; ?preserve nil-* the natural beauty of; the surrouiKliii^. adding To. intheri | than taking away, the 'attractive-' i ness of the location. ! A small private lake at. the foot of th ? ir'J will provide, for ba.thinj; ! and water sports. Between the lake" >ite and the winding, river banks there is ample' urbuml for tennis and all kinds of sport. Mis* Opponheinier features three : l roups ? 1 he Seniors, the Junior: I nnd the .Midgets, she started her work with only the. Seniors in. the < amps. Later the younger women d-'ir-ii . enroll, and finally the lit tle fellows wen* admitted,' because of the. splendid reputation Mis Op \ penheitnei^ had trained .is camp <K rector. J ho Brevard Chamber of Com merce. the Kiwanis rlub. and manv individuals. in this city have ex j pressed gratification over the dcei. ion of. Miss Opjuuheiiiier to locate in Transylvania county. She i.- ex j pected to be a nient addition to this community, v.;ith ? ,mtr Ability a* ft i business woman and her larV e - ay- . . quaintaiice gained in . c">iiinu' ; contact with, the line.-t puojilv < f the country. Brevard . feels that many ( hundred;. ??f ^people will*. know of" (hi* section, through Miss .Oppenheimer. who would' p'robablv hover have heard of Transylvania county had she not select, d this location. J. O. Barrett and J. M. -C'raiyr rep resented "Miss Opi?enheiim r in the purchase of Ok* bcaufifnl boundary of land. up? \ winch is' orcc'.inif i Laybs Nc-t Camp. KiZER TO MANAGE I HIS OWN CAMP , CKerrytiold Camp will be operated I full three months ihiV season, oj-.m 'intr on June 15, and closing on S p tember 15. Alev ttizcr, well known in business circl-s here, is the owner of Chcrrytield Cam)), and will operate the camp under nin owA personal >npen:>ion. Mr. K i/.e r wa? for six years -connected with Kuck brook Cum p. and is lh??roii;rhl y ex perieneefl in th work. Chi rryjteld Camp is in a < lass all .to itself in tin Southland, in that it is operated for women alone. It i> mi id there are only two or *hre? camps !ti the whole country of th kind. Knrollrnentt will be for two weeks, one month or for th.* wh?de ;-eas<?ii. The camp will have an es pecial appeal to business women who have but tw?? or '. weeks away f-i?n? tb. rr business. Supervised Instruction will be ^'iv?-n in swimminir. h- r-. back rid io>r. t? tinis and oij?-?r .d -ino-f.. Overnight hiktn^ *r will \ o| ?lie atf'Mit a -ir. - "t" <*amp Ble a: i herrytiebi. HOPKINS TAP <>'*|N': VAN TO BE HM Ik Jan. 31-FF.B. J A 1 *11 \ \ ' ' ? N. 1 ? (/f > -o ?*: !"! a i '? \i : i-.? i 'CHAPMAN MURDER | CASE NEXT WEEK I Trial for Mu?der-CCr? t V",'* "" in Outcome of .(''"c.."<V,'. ,V/ j-V.-u. . ' ? ' ? ? with t !)?. iii i,;i, V f , , ( ? ? I " u.,.,- 1 V"""' ?v'' "> .i.. '"Jt t,,- |?,. '['I'"'"" M.ur'. , th" Vr7-'t| .Z'rt! . ""lil. '?'??h on ti?. i j ' ? <>f .-i ? vowli.L .h. t., <?,?? fiictur. i>h <?* . }v,,um| in. juejOSStPifii purlly i-ovcit-,1 >viti, ' "' " I"'! ??''?"ut- fitly i, ...r-'i'h'";;1 ''r"' 11 after hi* Ij-,i .. , , v' then with i'i' u ic'('k7?|l( ( Mr ,,<^p "K' ? f" KUppovml u, ii?vt- H>? ,Var<''i ?""" 1,1 I'H'W trim, . until si* xvh"" h ' c#,'?stnousiKsv I.. ?iu i i - -Juu?[i tin- .lehril ln,l"L'' j>i-< ni?i,|,h j,v ,j . .?! ' *' "I"'" liir.i '"?<i w.r b. !!' he ' f'i?i|>m:in ivUirp.-il , ri v'v?Mf. siin,m?,?.,| j;UI. ,i?.. home im,| Wtti ^rsry''^ Vr- :'-v' '? ; Kay DEGDETO makebome here Jt hfl.V ?>?.'(?!) f'n-n . . 1,1 Nwmi, I ' "'"T" I'll In-. Th. r "ow v'?iUll|f tile i.ik,.-;v hy "?l,vV" Slh"yi' thl'M' SCi't ((til **\t ni f".r the \vjiit Jr. ? ,,l!1 1 M. I.. ? 1 ?"? Will ill . "f r,:in-vlv.,i1i, l"',',''?""l Oil!:: if ?????. . r wu?4-. buii, i? . . iiinl it* thv fSrtl!""''' l'""Khl' ? >' is btl ii. vi.,|. . J| / li' r smkesbaskmg IN SUNNY SPOTS SiJCiikiti^ of t in- buauliful v.*t??thov that has prcvniled fur the past sev eral ilay.-, for which all tin? ]w,?>lv' liavi' })ci-n cxprt-.- sinjj thank?'. ilw t-n'vha'.h* proof of sprmirtuv.v weather wa< tiivrh l?.v Mr. h. T. <1 ! U>pie. .Mr. Gillespie was at Kiv.trU Camp la i SiMviay. ;ni<l th" ?' !:? mw a -naho i'll up. bj?sl-:ii ; ;hv suiishiiu- with all the consent m rut and .ymfnt c?f a reptilv'* .? ?"! whft: ?! ir 't in.' hrinj;'.< Irm forth frt'i.i hi.- Winter's hiiUa;: pl n-v. Mr. Uill< ^pk< state?l that whs! - he i i ^ vp. i t all hirf t: ft- in th - ? 1 .?? n :? > ?t ill rv.e ni'ains. thl; is th.?' Ji ?sr iiiii" 5r?? ??. ;vr -aw a siwtke Ja'nuary. DR. J. F. HARRIS HIES AT OAN A, NEAR HENDERSONV1LLF. 1 1 ?. I;:ist('s !?')? inir.-j Mari '. wh-? was l?? ? i v. in Ilr -vtird March ?'?. ? iii-o :!*. iii- h?u,v . ? Dunn, luni* vill-- i:? ?? "-I* ! .??: .u?.-r'w!V b !.?WMt>I>ann! S ? Y MI.S. J. W. PARRISM MUCH TRADING IN ; LOCAL REAL ESTATE Almost One Hundred De<-?U Filed in Pan Fifty Days ? Some liig Dealt OTHERS PENDING WILL CAUSE ENCOURAGEMENT l.ook for Fratpcrouj Year in Bttsi: j r>e*? Circles ? Unusually Fine Situation Nearly one hundred d?'.;d*. have . iiot-n lij ml in- the K";;i.-t?-r of lK?Vl* ? t/iri*c .-hu'i* Decern hi? |* 1. and . lit ? ? t ?"> and iriHudiivu' NVfcIrti-rilay of 'in j wt'fk. 'I hi j.* i activity in Bt't-va.! ! land Transylvania county. propet-iy , is caur in;* nut eh elation in this e 1 1 ion, nmnjr concrete evidence of til steadily growing prosperity of (i'i - .si-ctiqn. Many of the deed.-, that a:' included in Ihe following list; denote unusually lu rjje fair's -of prnpei .y. j It. is said there are. several bij? . <l>. a is pending now that will pive the p: opt.e of the eo.unty sonu'lhiti^ to ( talk about. : One , announcement i*-; tci be made. possibly in the next IV l'su? of The News, that will creiite s1 are -wide interest. low are -jrivoii: the u?m*. ? tho e deedinjr property to purciiav ' ?-rs. with the 'purchasers' . names : Cohipton to M. ii. Bajrwell . .y\, l>. -Bagwell to E. M. Bagwell ?'iV D. England heiiv to K. .\L & M. I!. Bagwell , Frank NViJson to Ntjlie Wilson Brevard Developmeilt Corporal ion. i to Yho'.f, II. Shiptnan Edna .Jordan .to 13. E. Grant C- C. lvil Patrick to Tnwji oT lin -, : vard ? W. I.. Aiken to Town of Brevard I.. M. (ilaz"d"r to D. L. Glav.. oarah C. North to Board of Alder men ?. ?; \Y. I Mull to; Iioard of Aldermen ;TI fV '.'ilve ratten !w Town of Hi' - .vdrd:V ? . ? - : A. B. Benjamin to Town of Bro ? vard . il. II. Pattou, trustee, to lv.iilli 1-. j T'atton ; Jaek Page to W. E. Ramsey Jack Pane, to \\". E. Ramsey J. C. Galloway to .L A. Simpson I'l l m il .Broad Pari; to 1 5. A TwichfelJ Castle Vailcy l.uild Co. to;Emni.a . \*. Swain ' Castle Valley Land Co. to II. <j. : Hurdley Castle .Valley Land Co. to: II. (i. JTardloy Castle Valley Land Co. to R. C. Hurdley ? T. \V. Whitmire to Zebuboi Weaver . W. E. Shipnian to S. W, Glaxenei* G. Lee to Pisgah Forest Ext. Corp. John. S. Talloy to J. Mi (,-la rk K.. E. Lawrerice to Judson.- :?orn ? li. 'A. Bci.4; t > H. R. Kristiauson ? J; A. Simpson tf' .T. C. Galloway Jack Pav to \\\ E. Ramsey Castle Valley Land Co. to Emma C. Denmark . - .I. H. Piekel, inier to J. l?. PlykWr [ ' ?(continued . oil page ten i. POULTRY MEET AT COURT iiOUSE On Fi iilay Ni'jbt of thifr * Kaleifch Man it Principal Speaker PANTHERS KILL STEtfRS ON. THE OWEN FA! VI County hae lost no Hoi-no* ac j*i t from Disease that is KayiiiR in' otli^r Socttor.a ' ' ( By I? A. Atnmou | ' As a .wind u|i iu i:.-/ t d;, - poultry campaign,, there will b< rt ; couiity wide niouiij. in Uv? cir. * housjp at. .eight ?>\-Joi-k l-ii ifi.ty V\ ? ing, .Ian. S?8. The". ' object r>f meeting will In- in ??.?'. .? ? r>unty poultry organ:/tii'<im Salter of the S'.jt?.-' :> ? ; ?:? r*. i :? n ;.l Markets- is. expected u i? with and tell what an- '.li^ nizai! \ ?:ir. d,0 ill! : Q id". . . ftot sure- thnj any diod With, the -new dis a.-o y.-i, tow have diexl, . I>ut ' had ^ysapromr- J other t'ro'ul)!<". The .'p .'bf?ie -;c v>; ' ?> reason out the tro.i#:-.k* a$ ? du bad corn. We i.-ivr \yor-e. I>.iy r.. any year, but not so imu-h daitUt - ' cd corn Iti ?yjur.j. y; ieji -.Rhyz'i' jhq- cbhi you ;Ved. .'.Save. the ? : -i for hogs. OvtT thiei*1 hu:ub.<i ii 'o,;.?v :r - yCiitJ rln ^joaltiy meetings -last \vev>:f ? and much inlotv.-i was shoivrt. 8 era I at .each meeting have>**' they intend *o im-ra^e their Ladies are noticeable "at these nte--' ings. find w? want them- to. join e>. til' all meetings. ' . ? . v.Zeb Owen of l,al>" T- xawav. hi just.- received a high t.riec -..ale b V. fi oai ? one ?.t ,-lh] ?.SojuifK'l? W, breeder;; of .-.polrind s s. H: - SO-jne \voith.v > !?/ f ? matt . 5# plnivnmpjon . _ i ? things for hi- farm. Fertility in yirty i.i UiU h a1-.. ? * ' y . ju * ' ?:L""15y- : ;v.~. ?'.? *b. fc- . . ?.-l r'0 ? - "... should be as -\v.' -have . had i . u f -r-n I "- '! ?. - Mr. '?B-illieV ny -.'ii and or.- hti lost two year ??i.'l sr ,?-i t- ? p?j - ? theirs* Some . real sJTC uc. ii.h Strong enough to bfc.ik. ribs - nr.t ? bell collars, Sttite says shu-l Uvo p'n- V" of >&) ion meal pcv. "day ca i be' i'oii ii Ji-k:- - with -jA'ogd re. -.alls' if J,. . .-/i. *'.:?? >low to. yet th< i>j - di'usv^l 1l> I-. " Tip wh"n not v. '?: Viir: . i - ! . 1 bowels. Heard much ab'ua.t hWoiv-'r. in ir'. during tin* "^eTTnT ?i?i ....... ; T .? ?' ? < sonic more in th cOiiiity. ??b\tl-;v)*e i'.a'd better be cart j'fuP o.' v i S". *>' done,. ^ on coarnon ;4:. >'-e- ' cattle is the :rr?*at"i iiv ?'. no\v. "'?< bX'intr in n doxeti e:?r - :* y . ;. ;e would bo !? bh':->in'r -;h<* ' T. I>. Galloway ? f < Vlv plaunipg on sweet p'otntv p.i.H'u * U-.r all and sonie to -hij> a v.;-.. v. A. bv/. industry "for. that se- ?an. And Spmc mor-.- outsider iy v'.-. clont you: people, ui'ow ? ?. i i'Ut !> ? J wonder' sonie\ii .-c why. v / are sn sJ6\v. I belioyb in growing. im > things but: . SpcmJ* v. ? b^VO 1 -? ' niesSiriK around lo.m; t.s;.oi::h to launch out and ???i e-r b>ad siulT. WAR CLOUDS ARE HOVERING THEfR SMAOOWS CAST FROM MMff CLIMES THE PRAYER CORNER THE CHRISTIAN HOME Jlead Kphosdans <i:l? 9. This is called The Family Chap ter. The popped should br? all n.ow fvful in the home. Horace BushiioM 'honirht that the need of the. world i.-s ??he out populating power of t Godly stock. Whin Christ Incomes Master of the home, it becomes possible 1" !!?.'?' thi* world with a Godly stink t?!* y are r ,- homes v.'lv iv * v ery ntemi . t !??ves ami obey? < ht i-.. The fol.'ow ni' j- ajrood rrt:*tt?? ?? ban- in "?h?- h??.i ? : ;< lir: ? : ti.i I? ! "f th- w r ?? The 1'n.icen n; every rm:! Tif Silent ' Lisreii'T ev.. jy versntioii." There is n<? -'h *r place wlu^t Chrisllike qualities >.hine fu? l?riuhis* Ob.dienco. l.->ve, licvercnce. IV. S i*n~v. l-'orhraran-'e. *?ueS a- tb'*s< the hiiUi-iliobi vbaies. *i inv'.ie ''h'is* ii. rome into our "w: ? ? . ihat !b- nia> ti-:;eh us' '.!? ihin^'. 1 he home 4* ??rd I'.' ih>- plae?- ? ' W" . N? . i ?>. . ,.J an d?- -h. ? f h- nn . T*. fat her ihe Cnrhtful h? ad "f t h ? how and he *h?i:itd or?-par- him 4-;'' ?? 'h- pr ????: * ? - n :iVv. ? d H5- . ? . ihe ? r. \v?'. '. l :?I b: \ ? . .. v?t x), i . Id ? r ? ' .n M'tV. ? Well ;?? * s. ? ? '"M :j .* ir. I ?i,'."..- *t ? ;5 i f l.?r?l. f n _ , , . , , .;i_, 1 , v? :l' \ r? :.! obi-. Vr f?. -???it "ti-.l f v? ' ? f . ? I ? ?? . ? :??. hnid-.-:.f :. Th. ls:bl. ^ 1 uji-n'K \v ? ! < .?: i r:.v? : ! ' -.t rbst-r\t'l. N" \v?it:drr th?-r : rat ? Ivblren ?l:p nw.iv i r . t ? ? ih.- . . r- a? u.?r!d :i"d t hri-! and ???r <'hni-h. 1* ?? - 1 :rrn* ? d tha* j>?-r ei?nt of *V.? b?>- f thi- Chnr-.V > ?..-t ar.i! ji-e 3?^l in the rare world. W- * ? -f " ? ? ?r ability ??:* thi* h- v.-i' " 'I': - " '?a- rhe tir>; and ] From Mexico to Ch:na U. jT , Pi>|tT : ^ Sailors and ?4a?ihe; *rc Standing (Ward. ?'*> GOVERNMENT 'S CRITIC:* f.R'r FOR NICARAGUA*] M' v$ Following Int'ormaticn Gleaned f:om Many Quarter# Pre.-, i>'.<rd Without Prejudice. ?War t'jfjud.s arc* '-hovel jay* lh Slater t??'lay. Thf i .-ituu'.ioa. which U-n- We:. ?;??>!?> "* acute for a ui\ :: 5 ai::rv y , la '>ntc lYIoro t?> the f-i'-.-l*' ???'. ?."..?i-nniK'in ha - *nt u: ' i N*i<.aravfUa. Our. i- rer ?; ? ? r . i attention .from tj:t* Uai.- ! .vjvt now. an<l \v..:* ^hij'-s : i valor- there. The a< i.? viv;: : ?; I in ion.- of I. 5: ?.ir - ' the country. In-nr-i;-. \.i. ?? ? jui'.oti. Thwo oji:; ???: .k ? -j ] ?r wither. y" : : rv : n?.v.-rnat:on oi >? f r ?; .... The re:i?leJ'*. ? ? f < . i -? . oiiiir? n> ;? . t :1k f ?' THE INVASION OI > ! ?.AC ? A ' S ? ? ? ; \ ? ? . t . ? t " * 1 TV. i- .U'jv.r.' i ?:?.! I ? ' ir'i-i vi-i.: i ?. Wh. . .??t vhat ial-M h;.\v a*.';otl fi ? ? '.atcrventioi*? .l.M whv ?ln \ ? rrv ??> P ? VS,, ? l?fcu the iTcoturi - j \ u-./ri* .1 v.nn*rrjal interi-st-. ,.t I who \v? -Ji I from r-o'.-r wi'h ?u; n?ir ititc ? - who*- mi i rr*t?i 'lo ;s:m> -i ' ? i* ? Th.'.sc arc ,-ju- - ? * J nr. |>narc nine)

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