fEVARD NEWS BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 17, 1927 No. 7 REVARD NEWS MOVING INTO NEW HOME IN NEWS ARCADE, INTO NEWS BUILDING pin se. to ?se to [c.. true the ese in* we buy L'et ier? Reliv ftruek Jquick, It up. [being over tur over r. much sugar defin fiat you we |el, tur ;ed not 'ou can ible. If [year set ' truck JON VISIT the Carr d to . his al weeks' >e here for is in fine News that xico. or in ere nis big He added glad to get home. lusiness men ing of Mr. nsylvania is Carr comes days. His and keenest his home LUNG i\ BOGS to have been the .streets of several shot? Jt no one suc 10. rabid animal |l he school chil [by city officials m hour Tuesday after the usual i until it was them to return s is the second teen seen on the within thA past o havin been Is * late of afTairs that soir*c At'iicrg iolatinrt t'>e rtcci)t ny th?- city eoun 'ogs to or conlned ixty day*. er.il tnod, were killed the understanding running loose on next sixty days, in is in force, will proper authorities. ? t .-1, PS MONDAY t'n rent/Tor cher | mw: Monday aft*T elwk a: *!??? mamma.. < ;ury ni' out r. I III' ch- '-l ,1C* fl? | :trt"UM?! wll rntiiur. All par* h?.? to hri e ai'.vt ink ? ).,? ijrht hi- ?i>eoall\ jr.'.nl "?jr i-hiMrcn of *l?e n?N\ The constat ut.> /ation will be rem! ?ntl other matters children at of H I The Brevard News will begin on ?Thursday morning moving its mn pj.'.iery and equipment into the "pair's new home. The News has I secured a long lease on two cr the offices in the row of brick buildings erected on the short street known as West Alloy. The street runs from Main street through to the post off ice. The buildings were erected es pecially for the newspaper plant, with concrete floors and an abund ance of light. The city council at its meeting Tuesday night voted to change the twine from West Alley and honored this paper by naming the short street "News Arcade." Messrs Pickel :-mer. who erccUd the building, PARK ADVOCATE LAMBASTS PRATT Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, formerly with the forestry division o{ the State government, but who is re ported now to be lobbying agtiitist the Great Smoky National Park, has brought down upon his head much severe criticism. Following is a copy of a night letter said to have been sent to Mr. Pratt by Charles James Metz, which ? no^ only. " .s. t>y lor iff.- Brevard Chamber '1l l. ? .1 for -I ;- ?l-.;rjr' mil o, I Id |. rj, ? :i, Sn- u r. ? * n.J n:i- i.rtf "rv jfoifc-l- . v ? i"r ...?? ! n.r-h? r ? *y i buret). A>hevilU-, uiil b. ? prem h-.'r, and 'h?* ( rusndcr wil! i.t-v. Vnb.lm Taylor. t- .f (Jri-envill*. S. C. Scrr ioe? of I* ? ly C.ny rrunt.r. v i" K* h?M cvjKy airtriiim a: T::*" fVcloek, a^rT the evening cru?nd> ser at > gave an ::ddiiional honor to. this paper l?y miming the l>uil?li .for the paper, ami it will Ik> .known as "The Mews building," 'I his issue of Th'.* Mows is smaller than usual, containing only ten pages, bcniiOp it was necessary to print the* paper as early as possible an?l get .started on the big task of moving tin- machinery, setting it up ainK making arrangements to publish next week's issue on time. In mak ing this announcement The News desircr. to thank every person who has contributed to the success of the paper as advertisers, aft subscribers, and most of all, as boosters. It is needless to say that the paper will continue to improve after it is es tablished in its new home. LATEST NEWS FROM TEE STATE CAPITAL Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 18:? (Special, to Bre\ard News)? Present indict lions point to the speedy aitopt"'" of the Turk appropriation bill which the State is to issue t\vo_mi| lion dollars in bonds, as North Caro lina * 5-liurc in the establishment oi a National Park. Many amendments haviwbeen accepted to the original bill, and these amendments are said lo remove whatever objections have had to be made to *he original bill. Tlu Australian ballot measure is having rough sledding and numerous amendments are being made to the. original bill. Advocates of the plan here ire assuming an attituda now of indifference towards the measure, stating that it has been so changed and amended that they are nol in terested in its passage. The House committee on educa tion Tuesday buried the Poole anti evolution bill. It . is said ,n wise circles that the Poole bill was laughed to death, the most certain way to kill any proposed law. Raleigh is filled with -citizens from the various counties, lobbying . ,n the interest of favorite legislation. Several Transylvania citizens are registered at Raleigh hotels. OTAES BAND TO ENTERTAIN TOWN ^ The Brevard municipal band is presenting a play entitled _ The Dancing Artist," or Fifty-fifts*. at_ ti e high school auditorium rrida> night, r Mnrch 4. the proceeds of the entertainment 'to go toward the support of the band. This is a hiuh royalty play above the average in amateur perform ance, the cas?t being composed of the very best, home talent, under the direction of I)r. Carl Hardin. For the past two seasons the, band has given an entertainment, each one of which was generally pronounced exceptionally tine, and this new. plav promises to be even better than either of the former ones. The Brevard band is a worthy or ganization mad? up of home boys under the efficient directorship ? N' * ?r MANY INTERESTED IN BANK'S PLAN Mr. -Shopman's Offer to As&ist in Stocking County Mect6 with Great Response (By L. A. Amnion) The. Brevard Hanking company, through Mr, Shipman, hit a respon sive chord win n they aniMimcvd their help in .securing more. brood sows. Letter* from outsiders have already .come, stating some im.ere.-l in the program. In short, the plan is this, if -you wish a brood sow, and can not pay lor Ik r now, but i'eej that you ean a year from now, give your Order to the batik or the County Agent, You give a bankable - paper and; have twelve mouths to pay in. A bred sow bought during. '-the next twenty days would drop pin.- in say Muec mouths, which i>_.Juv.-. These pigs, if properly fed wjl! vyc:^'* 1-50 pounds up in six months, siiV! ready for market. Thy re is* -nil. three months until your note is 'l ie. You can keep them till eight 'months old when they ought to go 2.*?u pounds each -at 10c. per pound is $2 5 each. The average litter of a .you tig sow is six- ? $150. Tin- cost of bred gi!ts. /a ill be $3 ft to ? Tho past week's government t j port on swine for 1027 is move favorable than expected. The corn bolt did not breed any extra num ber 'luring December past, so the outlook is not far different from 1026 till late spring of 1928. which is too far off for a guess in this quick turn-over class of livestock. Th- County Agent has plans for the raising of proper feeds and marketing of the fat pigs. First, he takes from the results of those in other states who hog down corn, a?.d compares them with the i- .-ults of Mr. Carson Woodfin of re-twos , and fint'?:i this plan of. h: ::?*dir. . ht.-.'?s v*-ry profitable. Mr. Woodiita planted five" ncr,s of <.o:n . ,i two acres of Soy' beans. When mature, slightly more than thirty head of hogs, (average) were turn ed in. The cost of the pigs weigh ing around a hundred on an aver age, was kept. The corn -and soy beans were consumed without was*?, and when the pigs were through not much more feeding was necessary. The com and soy beans brought better than $2.50 per bushel, or there were over six hundred dollars worth of pork sold from the corn and soy beans. The other method of handling pigs is the self feeder: Put shelled corn in one section, shorts in a second, and tankage in a third, and go away till empty. They will balance their own ration, eating about one-fourth tankage. Mr. Bishop of the Bre vard Institute, put on better than 4 wo pounds tier day on his lot of pigs, in several different years The marketing end comes eas iest if there are plenty to market, and all ready at one time. From ten to thirty ought to be fed per farm, working under this plan: more if you wish. E.ighty to 100 fat hogs to the single deck car and twice the amount for a double deck, for minium load. The County Agent will act as go between in starting off the fatten ing, the day of loading and the market to he shipped to with the bank as helper when needed. THE PRAYER CORNER GRACE BEFORE MEALS The customs ,of Grace before meals is beautifully natural. Our fond received daily and at regular intervals is the most conspicuous and constant reminder of the Father's loving care and beneficient provision for our wants, It means to us the continuance of life, and all that life means, or ought to mean to us. It has been taken tp int?? the loftiness of all symbolism ? the Bread of . Lifev, the Water of Life, the Lord's Supper. If at any time of the day.' public thanksgiving is to be given to God by 'Our Chri> tian families, it should be at their meals. Grace before meals- is also an ?n dispensible mode of testimony. 1: marks off Christian households from those that are :.ot Chi stiai or nr. Christian less in devout reality thai, in name. If visitors are presenj, declares at once, and* in the m?>'. quiet and modest of ways the posi tion of the fanvly in religious mat ters. Before 'he children it is a dailv training in reverence and gratitude and in the expression o*.' ideal '"hi $'-t::>:? ?rrnc .* day th- h"nd of the family, th- fa'her, ormothti or whoever performs -this sacred of fice. becomes more grateful and cheerful h?*causr of th continual offering of outward thanks to the Giver of all". Guod. "Giv? us* this' day our daily bread." ts or.c of the petitions of out* Lord'- l*r:?/m\ The bread be long? <\ .'J. n*v! wh't' \v n-'-d can Hct* n Ihr.,u,j5 lf-? .rift ????- *'? tafc. ?hat ?? -.H. r . . . r K vn it :h U . . ? b ?'"r '.ib! . '? .,rjy ?? lt j. < ?' '? i / ' ? i,. " ;,r ??gh*i.-,?. some* .imc* m?.re houn: fully, ??th 1! > Sun ri-o r.'n t!.(- -vjj nS.,? on th i ro id. ?r-,i <<-nneth rain on ;h- >? ? .. FARM AGENT HAS PERFECTED PLANS FOR YEAR'S WORK Livestock, Poultry and Trucking push the lion, livestock and truer., and with these th-j marketing ot same. >?, Poultry work as outlined in lyl and Oilier articles Will bu f jft'eater production, and marketirtu of same. ir. the greater production, it is hoped that those who vary wt M can will choose either the Whity lev horn, or Rhode Island breed. TV. .* is the standardizing of the induslV;. .. The marketing 'end of the game* r planned .through, the Assocjatto:?. Unless marketing conditions . spjerf things up. we will plan on '-having- <'* car hero .to buy all kinds of goult) ? about April 20th, and as often . thereafter as needed; Express shin meats will' be. lh order wh *n net. enough for a car. Along this ? will come culling, feeds, and ar.y help that can be rendered. With livestock, one goal is to. shin , in one more ear of good ? bloodfcK dairy cows or heifers. To. h?lp self same, to help in : exchanging among farmers and city people. More at tention to he- given to instruction* :rrr feeding dairy cattle,, in a s.ries ot barn yard feed meetings. In beef cattle, first to conserve th_ j>ot less than six demonstrations! and assistance to others as much iu[ possible. A county wide project ] filing standard canned berries \ people want it. Soils ? To encourage clover - soil builder, and to keep recorqj tliose" using same for soil impiL merit. Also soy beans for assist in determining *hc best tilizcrs for crops, and market. ?dVj| about same; to jbudy farther needs of . our-soi&\and give the I idence *tq[ t^ie;; farmer ; to c neon raj more use*- of "High grade - fevtili* and discourage the use of fertil*! that is about half filler; hell home mixing; testing of soil for i and helping ordur lime. Bean Beetle ? To continue,/ light, mvl fyep in touch with II* material as killer, and best of applying; assist in buying j chinos with which to* distribute ? terinl. . . Engineering ? To do terracfl called for. and lay out \yi?; for tlv homes. More terra, ' toal l ew.-' /? To cooperate with the n bnyinp ihe best of seed^ I lit- lowest price. To do a* mnch.cljb work will Permit. . To have a County CJraifl ;.nd IN'iiltry Fair. A- per orders from 4 ?l 'he O-IVge, " consi* ?work will be done alonfe lines. Th^s?- make up thojj '? ion i-.f 1 lie year's plans! inclu le the vntorinaryj thou^iTi.l on 5 things* call" upon for. PICKENS ROM -j|