VOL. XXXII BREVARD, NORTH Welcome to Brevard,! Woodmen of The World MISS BRINKLEY IS DECLARED WINNER IN NEWS CONTEST Editorial Writing Contest Proved Most Successful ? Winner's Sub ject Was "Obscene Literature'* OTHERS RECEIVE PRAISE OF THE COMMITTEE Hoped That Contestants Will De velop Talent For Newspaper Work in the Future Miss Pearl Brinkley has been de clared the Winner in the Editorial Writing Contest conducted by The News. All contestants are given high praise for their contributions by the committee which decided the con test. The committee chosen were men of education and real newspaper ex perience. All the editorials were submitted to the committee and no member of The Brevard News force had any part in deciding the winner. The statement of the committee follows : Editor The Brevard News: "We have gone carefully over the papers submitted in the editorial contest of The Brevard News. Ev ery one was interesting and showed a hie', i average of intelligence. "The prize is awarded to Miss Pearl Brinkley for her editorial on "Obscene Literature." This paper shows a logical mind, good reasoning powers, and is a graphic presenta tion of a problem that is causing widespread comment. "Two editorials we liked, very much were "Much Used; Much A"bused," by Weilt Duckworth, re ferring to cart-less people throwing trash on the streets, and "Don't De stroy the Trees," by Clifford Mon teith. These, with the winning con tribution, were pure editorials, whereas if we were selecting the best ?piece of literature or descriptive es say, the prize would, in all probabil ity have been awarded to one of the other competitors. The News congratulates Miss Brinkley, for she won her laurels over able contestants. Those who tried and failed to be awarded the prize are not losers at all. They had the will to make the effort, and that great possession is worth much to any young man or young woman. The object of . The News in offer ing this prize for the best edit6rial written by a school pupil in the Tran sylvania schools was to encourage any such student who' had an ambi tion to become an editorial writer.' Out yonder in .the future this writer fully expects to read and enjoy edi torials and special articles written by some of the fine boys and girls who had their first experience in nev/rpaper work in the editorial con test of The Brevard News in March, 1U27. Such is our hope ? and such will be our reward. REVIVAL BEGINS MONDAY EVENING ? ? . Beginning next Monday night, May 9, and continuing through May 15, special revival services will be held at the Presbyterian church each night during the week at '7:45 o'clock. . The preaching will be done by the pastor, Rev. V. A. Crawford, assisted by Rev. C. E. Piephoflf, of Greenville. A cordial invitation is extetidpd to members bf all denominations and other friends to attend these ser vices. At the morning service next Sun day at 11 o'clock. Commandant "Jul i;is Abranis, of the Salvation Army, will be present and address ,those present. An invitation is extended to all friends to be present on this weeasion. Joe Whitmire was elected by the (ounty commissioners in the Monday meeting as constable of Cathoy's i'reek township, and W. H. Barton was rc-< lected to the office of super visor of the county home and farm. Alex Kizer was selected as full time county auditor, an office eroat e.l by the state-wide county govern ment at the last legislature. Many other matters of n routine nature were disposed of Nir.r ! meeting, including :noa?uros per taining to completion of r land ings in the comity. PALMER CLEAN-UP AND PICNIC OAK GROVE CHURCH Anmal clean-up day and ar. nil i':.\ jiii nil will lv Id :i* <>ak Grove roii'eterv on Tue sday. May 10. This is for the purpose ef decorating the graves, putting the finishing touches on the grounds at d doing sone work to the interior of the church. All interested in this work are r'-nucted t.- ^e nresnii; on '.h>' date and to <? > pi ? ; i. ?< I i.i r l? ? *.- i f h the wu:k and to bring well lilted bask ets for lunch. HUNDREDS ^ERE FOR W. 0. W. MEET Sessions Held at Court House? ? Basket Dinner a.t Noon Hour Lewis the Principal Speaker Nearly thro*1 hundred visitors art' In Brevard today, attending the <<>n vention of the Western North Car olina Log Rolling association. Open ing 'sessions began with a band eon cert on the court house lawn, after which the sessions were begun in xhe court house auditorium with the singing of the Openin'g Ode of the order. ? . Following is the program as plan> ned by the lotal committee: Thursday M orning Band Concert, ' by Brevard Munici pal Baud. ' Song ? Opening Ode. Prayer. Address"? of Welcome: Mayor T. W. Whitmire. Hon. Win. E. Breese, for the city. H. A . I'lunihier, for the Chamber of (|o!pmerce. James- F. Barrett, for the Kiwariis Club. Wm. H. Grogan, Jr., for the Wood men qf Transylvania county. Miss Marjorie Garren, for the Circle. Music? By Simpson Brothers Quar tet. Responses to Addresses of Welcome. Music ? By Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Jollay, of Asheville. Address ? By Hon. E. B. Lewis,. State Manager Woodmen of the World. The afternoon session will be de voted to tbj> business of the. organ ization, which ' is one of the most successful fraternal-beneficial or ganizations in the country. Tl.e morn i tig program is open to the public. MAE0NEY LEADS , IN ROSMAN RACE V ?" Rqsman's city election held Tues day brought about changes from the vote cpsi, in the primary one week ago. Mahoney was elected mayor by a vote of 105 to Fisher's 8(5. McKay Collins and, J, Freeman Hayes were elected on the board of alderm&n, jthe first receiving *17 votes and | Hayes receiving 96. Winchester and Nicholson tied with 88 votes each, and it is said that efforts are beimj made to decide this race without the 1 expense and trouble of holding an other election. ? Citizens of Rosman expressed themselves as being delighted with the splendid conduct of the men on election* day. while the followers of each candidate were enthusiastic in support of their favorites, no ill feeling was seen in any one. In the. primary a week agi>, Fisli^] er lead Mahoney in the mayor's race. | IPSEPAPJNG LISTS ' | ' FOR TAX SALES ? ? t- Tax Collector W. B. Henderson made report to the county commis sioners Monday as to 192G taxes re maining unpaid. Ufldar the new law then? is nothing for the county officials to dci but to advertise ihe property cn which taxes ha.ve not been paid. The tax collector's office is en gaged now in preparation of the list to be advertised. Within the next few days, it is announced, the list will be ready, and ordered published. It is expected there will be a tre mendous rush on the part of tax payers during the next few days, pitying up before the list is turned in for publication. Tax Collector Henderson stated to The X' ws that he hopes every tax payer will settle, so he will not have to advertise a single name. II'' pointed to the plain law, stating there is no way around it. for any one. except by payment of the tax due. and every unpaid tax must be pdvertired according to law. MAYOR WHiTMIRE AND BOARD RAMFD Mayor T. V. Whumire and th? entire old boai d of aldermen were re-elected Tuesday to another two year Km. A ver; i:j'ht vote .. ' iv in i .. ' o*e ticket in ? {???Id. A r -pi'.l-'icar. ticket. which was complete, had been filed to;- t h ? loary held a week ago. by niembt ? - of th:;* n.'t r'. V. I.owis I'. Hamlin wn suggestetl for the uTiee of mayor, while ,v.\ II. Itarri K. S. K'i?! !i an ! ! J' ??.??! ? .? ..!>.? !- fre -t? d !*???? the boa I'd. Oi:e ul the l;itti*r dc ? i ?? t" race on jir.-otit.: :>!' :I: ? r.H ? *';?? ii.l-i-|i--~ will, i' :1 f !?..:? :t ? i- ? ?' time. ? v;, ' t o, . , ? , ' P'i!i!ie;:r. ' V! ? ' would !: i v ? !>???.)? :m.:i' ? up ??!' (!.]>.? !' ? < ami; for i .-I,. . . no t'ek'-t be ? nte<-i d :i t.'.l- pi-l.i lai eity cleiSoji all. \Vbiith fades, love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A Mother's secret hope outlives thein all. ?Holmes BREVARD IS GETTING FULL BENEFIT OF CLEAN-UP WEEK Brevard's clean-up campaign is in fill! swing. The army of enthusias tic workers has attacked the enemy of dirt and litter, and every imple ment of war known to modern clean up methods have been brought into play. ?Painters of the city have been working overtime, and many places are taking on new appearances. It is expected" by the end of the week thai r>riittu-.ally every lot in the city both vacant and improved, residen tial H:id business, will be thoroughly cleaned and all rubbish be removed. Folks in charge of the movement have stated that there has never been greater enthusiasm displayed in ,i elii.it-up campaign than that of this wi?ek. U. D. C. TO MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON Meeting of the U. D. C. will t>e hold Saturday afternoon at t>:30 o'clock at the library. The district meeting: will . be held at Dillsboro on May 17, and it is de sired that a large delegation of members be present Saturday in or der to arrange for delegates to at tend the district meeting. This is an important meeting and all members are urged to be present at the stated hour. BREVARD BOY WINS PRIZE IN CONTEST | Jjittle Jackie Morgati has reason i to be proud of himself on ai'Pount of the fact that he won the prize for the best stdry about his <lojr which ! was published in a recent issue of the Forestry magazine. Jackie's picture and that of his dog appeared 1 in the magazine with his story. Jackie is ten years old and is in the fifth grade of the Brevard gram-! nyar school. REV. HARTSELL ATTENDING THE BAPTIST CONVENTION . ? . lie v. Wallace arc attciulinjr the Southern I ,<mi> v:!lf, K> iitji ky li-i? in if lei; lii'c'i'iird .M < ? i: ? I !lrv. K. K. i t niDctun t>n! t><t a: ' hi- J ":i i ?: i -? v. t F.EV. WALLACE HARTSELL Huri.-vM aii'l fair.il. I' - ?>i V. . 1 ?-ihtocn in \v members have booii the church roll in ih'/se four vr.a^'iv.: r more* iJ* til olio :? i??r < :irh Sun'l;?y in the i ? Ko<>i. A new homo 1*0 1 ? I* t-rj 1 re 1 4. ? t ill pj .1 ?1;? Mf |HT hero t r<*:r the !?:?|?{; .1 MOTHER'S BAY TO DRAW BIG CROWD S|>lt-ndid Program Arranged For 'Methodist Church Co Honor Man's Ue&t Frietid on Earth Mother's Day will ho observed at tlio Methodist church next 'Sunday with appropriate exercises conducted hy the young ladies of the At. (I. J1', class, of which Mrs. 11. A. Plummet* is teacher. An interesting program has been arranged to be given by the mem bers of this class, assisted by other departments of the church. Cars will be provided for any mothers who desire to attend the strvice, and those desiring to make use of this free car service are re quested to notify Miss Ketibenia .N'ieholson at Plummet-'^ store. The Mill's Bible class will furnish cars to be used for this- purpose, and Mr. Ott Summcy is chairman of a com . i'.:ee frinn this class to .attend to this matter. The prograti to be presented at the chur.lt follows: Prelude- -Select ion Hymn ? "We Greet You'' M. G, V. Class Exercise, .... Primary Department Prayer .... Mr, Thornwell Haynes Exercis-..-, Intermediate Dept. Special Music ..... Misses Bariium Reading . Lorene York Son;; ? "'Faith of our Mothers" Congregation Script u. e Lesson ..... Nelle Aiken Armor, ?ements ? C'trtory? Duet Mrs. K. King, Mr. J. 0. Barrett Pr : -entation of Tithes an<l Offerings "Our Moth rs" Ansel Fowler Svrnton by the Pastor ? Hymn? "A Prayer for Mothers Congregation LIi liediction Postlude THE PRAYER CORNER MOVING DAY" "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred and from thy fathers "house." ? Gen. 12:1. Is not Moving Day in all our cal endars? Is it not a symbol of the unexempt condition of our mortal pilgrimage? From house to house we move, but that sign signifies little, if we do not overburden ourselves with rubbish. From youth to age we move, but that is not fatal, if we do not over load ourselves with prejudices. From opinion to opinion we move, but that is natural, if we are not forced to do it in haste. The man who thinks when old, precisely tne same 011 all points as he thought when young, is not a con servative. He is an obstacle. Sys tems, theories, idolatries, are thTiigs to be left behind on Moving Day. They will not fit the new house. But three things are worth carrying with us on >all earthly migrations, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS THE GOLDEN RULE and the faithful saying that ? CHRIST .1ESUS CA ME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS. A PRAYER FOR MOVING DAY Father of Lights in whom is 110 variableness, neither shadow or turning, we thank Thee that every giiod till t and evjry perfect sift is from above, and cometh down from Thee, who changeth not in vhis world where change and decay on all around we see. We yield Thee hearty thanks, O Lord, our GoJ for Thy great good lies* to us in the condition of our mortal pilgrimage from which we are not exempt, the condition of miving: from house to house, from youth to ; age, from opinion to opinion; merci fully assist us, at such times in every duty we liave to do. and vouchsafe 1 to be our companion. '.-very day. from morning to night, and night to morn- 1 ing. that we may love Thy presence ] and walk in it vigilantly, and being; delivered from ail errors and adver sitii-', may joyfully serve Thee in ;:1! ?voodly quietness and, prant us I p \<r ail the days of our life. Ai-ide with us. Lord Jesus, in all the ohi'.njres and chan.es of our mor tal Me. I'heu wiio are ever the same j- . !>i. ... today :.ud forever, and i 1 i.s t'laie i ' ? cany with us on all ? ui oai'tr.ly nii~ra;i< ns. The Ten 1 1. Inn n'.s. with Thine oivn pre? ious summary of them. "Thoa !i:j love the Lord thy God with :'!! l*jy stlfiisrth and with al! th> mind, and tiny neighbor as thyself." T!? ? Gi l-ie:i Rule. "As we would that 1- ? r -h'Mild do to us. do We also 10 thv likewise." And th" ? faithful ?a> t ? " i'i'im 1 1 : 1 ! s t <-?:i:e into l'l< ?-*? ::! 1 .O ?.;?*(. .-iivi'-.s." ???!<! 'j^lou Ti.y O ( luist. Let .? our closing eyes. . Thine ''dough the gloom and- poii.f us to the -kics. Heavens mornia^ i reak - ; ? iihly rain shadows ll e.iin life in o a''i. (' i.ovd. alode v. ill 1; . Amen. ? C. I>. C. RE-ELKCTED CITY FATHERS TAKE , OATH OF OFFICE ie?-:< : si . -r:. .:??? ? . t "I. city luill V.'i lay aft'-riio-ili, : t < hii 'n t In d. ? -1" of ? IV <* ? mil! ii" r.an!: ? ! ? . ' . ? . ' I . ' J' 1 i I ? V. ? I* ? IJIJ O i i * i ?> i , WOMAN'S BUREAU IN DEAD EARNEST 1 ABOUT CLEAN CITY Praise 1 hose Who Are Cleaning Up, and Intimate Hard Life for Those Who Kail to Do Likewise CLEAN UI' AND KEEP THE TOWN CLEANED UP Is the Motto of This Enthusiastic Group of Women- ? Committees Appointed for Work "Clean-up and kei-p it up" was the slogan particularly -tressed at the May meeting of the Woman's Kurc iu held Monday afternoon, which was fittingly in keeping with the clean-up campaign now in progress jn the town. Ladies present were enthusiastic over the outcome of the week's cam paign for a cleaner town, and ex pressed themselves as especially de sirous of continuing the campaign 'at least through the summer months. The members pledged themselves to do all in their power in working to ward this goal, and to cooperate with the mayor and town officials in any way possible for a cleaner and more beautiful Brevard. Expressions were heard from ilia ladies to the effect that they .vouM be willing and glad to go so far as to don working apparel and be seen along the business streets with broom and pick, providing 3U"'". :? ideure was necessary in order to brinf a"bout a cleaner and more attractive town, particularly from now until th close i f the tourist season. Mayor T. W. Whitmire wa- pres ent at this meeting and pledge*! his support to any movement alor. ; this line ol' cleaning and beautifyi: s the town that the Bureau might se fit 'to make, leaving as his | srting words of encouragement in the mat ter, "Go to it, I'm with you." A committee was appointed *>y the 'president, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, as a j permanent clean-up committee to .work in any way they see fit toward keeping the streets and vacant lots clean, empowering the nvemb rg to appoint such sub-committees as nec essary for successful operations. The committee follows: Mrs. D. L. Eng lish, Mrs. T. H. Shipman, Mrs. R. B. Lyon, Mrs. H A Plummet-, Mrs J. W. Smith. The subject was stressed and some i discussion followed regarding the matter of every member of the Bu reau, and any others interested, | planting now a varied assortment of flower ' seeds around their pr:mis.;s for the purpose of having flowers ready to enter in the flower show ex hibition to be sponsored by the Bureau during the coming sumr ier. palmervItT MR. SIL$ER8T)IEN ? | Hon. A. Mitchell Palmer was a visitor in Brevard Monday, spending' ?a few hours in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. S. Silversteen. 'Mr. Pal ! mor, who was Attorney Genc.T.l in | I'risident. \Vi!.:o:i"s ciibnvt, is ;.iv old |cla:=#ina e Of llr. Silvers een, the two havinjr hecri T0ar(-d in the same town am! ali.e::ded Wood Colc-.re to gether. *? Mr-. Falivcr was delighted with Brevard ami , Transylvania county, and spoke highly of the beauties and i.tu*ucii?ns i-l ihe mountains, and 1 predicted a .nrvat future for this sec tion of ihe antry. His visit to Brevard was of a purely social na ture, c'ominjr lu-re soley to fie his friend, Mr. Silversteen. QUOTA DOUBLED FOR SUFFERERS Chairman Sil vcvrtccn, of th?% Vocal Chapter of the Red Cross, war noti fied Tuesday that the first ci ?'J for financial aid of IVricoiy sippi (Icod suf ferers by th.? P. d Crosi*. has Seen doubled. This cour.t/'s first f;:iota Has $750 ? thir. has been raised to $1500. Secretary Moov?r, who has been in the flood district, was in confc:cnce with Preiiii^t Coo'lidge and c'hers. His report to the president rf the rapidly increasing numbers of lune h as y.ccplt' a:, a result of the flood, and 'he want, distress and vnij>rry nf ? h'* fiord vscti:: caiucJ the or '.! ! -r jv ? < ?> 1 ?? r1!*.* : i; '.ctJ, The Brevard Banking Cor.ipiv.jy ic receiving the donations ard r.c ? dinrj the monoy on to Red Cross head quarters in 'Va.liingto-j. BUILDING AND LOAN IN NEW LOCATION '' tu1 b r ? ? 1 1 i :>vi ? ? .? ( I :? ? . "? ii atro i ?i: ? ? lis,-. fur t ? * i * < ? f Miiin : ? : ? 1 (VMv. . s ?< t:;. The business office ??f iho ;ol? ;.hoi.o < >ir.p:my hsis r1.*i> i>r??n r ?">v< .} i?? * <> tin' same c,unrlers. and .le? ** .! -c ?. ??? i- ?.i u.- ? ' V . ? ? _ IV. ril. lOV l?.?th cow-err..*. TH?' 1?? nt.on i- * f Jig ?voj* d:*stral?!?* ro-,,-.cr< ;j' #1io, city, and the removal was lv.adc noce^nry because of the constant growth of

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