: LOCALS and PERSONALS ^BMMMMuantMaonMWM^vwa w*? r>m a**c I.jrs. C. N. Rogers and daughter, Miss Cartotta, of Blenheim, S. C., ar rived Friday to spend the summer at their sunnher home, Rest-a-Bit. Mrs. ;W. J. l'uette is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. B. McFee in Ashe ville. Rev. Harry Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smedberg, Mrs. Frank Jenkins and Mrs. David Ward attended the annual conference of the Episcopal church convening in Hickory the past week. Epworth League members will en joy a weiner roast Thursday night, leaving the church at 6:30. Mrs. M. B. Wilnier and daughter have returned to their summer home here after spending the past several months in West Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. J. E. Godfrey, of Aslieville, has been visiting Mrs. G. E. Lathrop and other friends here, while attend ing the commencement exercises of the Brevard high school. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. York have as their guests Mrs. Henry Thomason, Lafayette, Ala,, Mrs. B. I,. Logan, Fairview., Ala., Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cooper and Howard York, of Hartsell, Ala., Mrs. Edgar Bewley and two children and Mrs. W. H. Conner, of Bristol, Tenn., these guests attending the high school commencement and graduation of Lorene York and Jean Crouch. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Pitman, of Lowe, N. C., visited friends here for several days the past week and at tended part of the high school com mencement exercises. Mrs. Pitman is remembered here by her host of friends as Miss Cora Leigh Tyner, who was for a number of years prin cipal of the Brevard schools. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Band and children of Waynesvillc, were Bre vard visitors Sunday. Mrs. Eliza Aiken is improving after a severe illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Henry. Mrs. E. H. Webb has as her guests for several weeks Mrs. I. C. Cohen, of Summerville, S. C.. and Mrs. Campbell, of Havana, Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sumner, of Ashe ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. English the past week. Miss Hattie Aiken has returned from her year's teaching in North Wilkesboro, and is visiting her father, W. L. Aiken. Miss ' Luella Kellar left Saturday for a visit of several weeks with - friends in Baltimore and Washing n c. ^ 5orn to Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Walk er Friday, May 20, at Transylvania hospital, a daughter. 1 -Mrs. Rush Whitmire had as her guests this week' Mrs. H. S. Harkins and Mrs. J. T. Harkins, of Asheville, Mr. Harry Harkins, of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. B. H. Pace and Herschell Har kins, of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dworetzky re turned Wednesday to their home in New York City after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sil versteen. Mr. Dworetzky is vice president of vthe Transylvania Tan ning company and president of the Toxaway Tanning company, which positions he has held since 1902._ He has been in the leather business longer than any other person in New York City. Mrs. W. E. Shipman and Mrs. E. S.' English were Asheville visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hamlin at tended the funeral of Mr. Bill Brown in Cullowhee last Friday. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Mr. Jim Wilson, of Selica. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn had as their week-end guests Mr. /osenh Keyes, of Washington, D. C., and Mr. Murphy, of Philadelphia. Mr. Paul C. Benedict left Monday for Washington, D. C., to begin his work with the Venice company, of Florida, where he will be general manager of their business interests in Delaware, Maryland and the Dis trict of Columbia. Mrs. Benedict will repiain at her home here for three or four weeks, after which she will join her husband in Washing ton for the summer and winter. Miss Beatrice Daniels. Miss Cath erine Moffitt and Dwieht Moffitt spent Sunday in Greenville. Miss Josephine Colp, of Boston, Mass., visited Mrs. R. H. Morrow last week. Miss Colp. has been win tering in California arid had visited in Florida before coming to Brevard to visit'-her old-time friend, Mrs. Morrow, en route to her home in Boston. Miss Colp expressed her self a"s being delighted with the mountain views and beauties of this section. ? ? Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, Mrs. W. H. Undorwood, Mrs. E. M. Parker and Mrs. C. C. Hodges were guests of Mrs. Fannie Glenn Tuesday at East Flat Rock, and attended the meeting of the Susannah Wes ley class held at her home. Mrs. T. O. Squires, Mrs. Lumpkin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Squires, of Charlotte, spent the week-end at Squire cottage on Maple street, making arrangements for opening their summer home here on June 2 for the season. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Smith were in Trvon Tuesday where they were call; d on account of the <loath of Miss Mable McFee. who was a close friend, of Mrs. Smith and a sister of Mr?. "Smith's brnther-in-law. C. B. M<Fi>e, of Asheville. Miss McFee att nded the Baptist convention in session in Brevard last week, when nhr was aopnrentlv in good health. ? Mr. and Mrs. J. r> Hinnant, of Brooklyn. N. Y., spent the week-end with Mr. llinnant's ssitcr, Mrs. L. H. Bosse. .and Mrs. T. W. Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Whitmire and Ml. and Mrs. Lawr-nei- Holt motor ed to Lake I.ure Sunday :ift< rnoon to enjoy fhe beauties of that devel opment; /Mrs. C. M. Douirlas spent several day* this week with her parents, tt, and' Mrs. C. F. ' Marshall, in jtmorci a K^nna Mrs. J. (?. I.owe. <.f Kan are visitors this week Mr. . Mrs. C E. Lowe, coming her" attrtid the irniduntion of their ? tfty" Tow. from the Brr gh school. Dill Bradley spent the 'week-end in Greenville with his parents. Miss Kachel Hall, who has been nl the head of the home economic.- dt partment of the Brevard high sehi' >i the past year, left Wednesday .or her home in Asheville. Miss lial! >viK study this summer at the Jefu rsi .> University hospital, Philadelphia, lin - ing training for hospital ilietiti .a work. Mrs. Frank DeVane has . reUirni-d from Florida and joined her husb:.:i I at their summer home here. Mrs. S. M. Maefie has as her nues-".s for several days her mother, iurs. S. O. Ashe, of Rockingham, and her sister, Mrs. Beverly T. Payne, and little son, of Rockingham, am) an other sister, Miss Anne Ashe. Mr. and Airs. Arthur Harrell and Mrs. Oliver, (Vary were shopping in Asheville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reck, of Ashe ville, were week-end guests of Mrs. Beck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1*. Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Verde ry, of . Lincolnton, were in Brevard Tuesday id they were accompanied home by Mr. Verdery's mother and sister, Mrs. Mamie Verdery and M iss Mary who will visit them at their Lincoln ton home for, two or three weeks. Mr. Corbett Alexander, of Ashe vill v was a business visitor in Bre vard Monday. Mr. Alfred Allison and little son, James, arrived in Brevard Wednes day after a tour of the West. Charlotte Patton and Nelle Gilles pie had their tonsils removed at Transylvania hospital Monday. Airs. Van Whitmire of Greenville, attended the high school commence inent exercises, her son, Harold, be ing a member of the graduating clnss. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson and two children were week-end guests at Mr. Wilson's home near Forest City. Miss Roubenia Nicholson and Miss Bertie Ballard were Asheville vis itors Thursday. M. D. Foxman was a business vis itor in Hendersonville Tuesday, Miss Elizabeth Morton, of, Ashe ville, visited friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Nails, Sr., of Macon, Ga., have arrived in Brevard to op?n their summer home at Con nestee Cove camp. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whitsctt, of Daytona Beach, Fla., have opened their summer home on Depot street. Mr. T. H. Shipman spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach and other South Carolina points. Max Burleson, of Albemarle, Vis ited his sister. Mrs. George NichoU son the past week. Miss Virginia Mason left Monday for Greenville, S. C.. where she will take a course of three weeks' train ing at Greenville City hospital under Dr. WilKerson, fitting her for hos pital office work. Mrs. Corn G. Hopkins, who was local Westefn Union operator last summer and made many friends here, returned the first of the week to relieve Miss Alice Wall, who left Wedr.e sttty to spend her two weeks' vacatioiii with her parents in Green vill ?. Miss Wall was accompanied' to Greenville by Mr. Verne Clement. Mrs. Hopkins'' will go from here, to Trvon and Newton, where she Will hold positions with the Western Union through the summer months. Miss Ruth Cantrell, who under went an operation for appendicitis '.t Brevard hospital, was able to leave the hospital T\|esday and to re turn to her home. Mr. Fred Hollinshcad, -jvho is at tending Weaver College,, spent Sun day with his parents, jrlfr,, and Mrs. R. P. Hollinsheaa. f Mr. Theodore Clement and friend of Greenville, motored to Brevard Sunday and spent the day with Mr. F. D. Clement. *?& Miss Ellen English, who has been attending Converse College, Spar , tanburg, has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. English, for the summer. She was accompanied home by her school mate. .Miss Eva. Askins, wh,9 will; spend two weeks as the guest of Miss English. Mrs. Jacksie Wolfe, of Asehvillo, is visiting her father, ?Mr. B. V. Mc Gaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allison, of Candler, spent Sunday with Mrs. Al lison's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Clavton. They were accompanied to Brevard by Mrs. Anne Candler. Joe Clayton will return Thursday from Wake Forest college and spend about ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Clayton, before leaving to play baseball for the sea son. : Mr. " Houston Maekcj^, ,of St. Pet or.-'bui;g, Fla.. is visiting h'is sister, Mrs. ?. B. Clayton, , at Davidson River; ? * ??' Wiljinm aMarchant, of Greer, S. C.. visited, friends here Sunday. Mr. Jrthn I-yon, of Burnsville, is visiting his son. R. R. I, yon, and at tended the high school commence ivnt exercises. * His granddaughter. Miss Kathleen I<yon> being a mem bee of th" graduating class. Miss Pauline Reece, who taught school the past year at Kannapolis. has arrived in Brevard and will n?nd th^, srimmor with her sister. Mrs. Tudson MrCrnry. She was ac i-i,mpr>ni?d to fir?vnrd b>- V-r i'v '? nd. Mis* Gladys Griffin, of Kap ii.T.cdiv. who will spend two weeks lure. Airauda ria'-ton has return ed home after visiting relatives in !'v herfordton the ]>:?<? month. Mr. .Ta<I< Fr-,d. "f Orlando. 1*1 r?.. '? ?-it -. I lb.- !>a?t wi > k hi" ni>ti-vs. I.-.n !:i r Pu-shell and Mrs. N. Morris. Mr?. N. M"rri?. Mrs. I.uther p'i ;t?, U a I'd Mrs. M O. Fovmar at tended a "kid partv" Tn Hetvl't-i.n v:!! ? Thue-dav ni"h the home of Vath-r Fred. Patter-on. of Henderson v'V v<?. ie.) hi* air". Mrs. I.tither I'.i hell. Monday. \ t . ? Cf ???I avil breth' r. !.;. man, of Shelby . ()hl<>. are visiting FINE GRADUATING CLASS RECEIVES i iS&tS'f tONOK? ip?!r.....iv.l from front page) wore nntiie: advised that tiiey must no. only, have sonic definite goal in view iilohg lilt 's journey, bi.it that tii.-y inum al'.o have the prop?r ?aide. and recommended to them the taking of (!oi,l as tlu-ir guide and pilot through lif'\. In addition to i hi* address, were also musical selections by the high school chorus and orchestra and a tiio by members of the junior class. li. -acridly pronounced one of the most original and entertaining sen ior class programs ever' presented by a senior class was that of Monday light wIh.ii that group of young peo 1 le appeared before a large audience ai the school auditorium. The program was varied, clever ai\d al together well presented; The class (lower (lance was pre sented. in a graceful and effective manner by eight young ladies of the class, including Kathleen Lyon, Nancy Maclie, Elizabeth Shipman, Helen Duckworth, l.orene York, l.orene Payne, Roxie Jones, Jean Crouch, followed by the class sprig by the seniors in a group. Nancy Macfie was . class histor ian, Torn Whitmire class poet, and Jack Trantha'ni reader of the last will and testament, all of which pro voked much pleasure and merriment in the audience. The class prophecy by Dewey Wood was presented 111 a unique and entertaining manner by members of 'the class, by use of informal conver 1 rations and somewhat mystifying radio broadcasting device, which proved of great interest. The proposed annual ''The Moun taineer," which was contemplated issuing, this year by the class, was portrayed most _ originally by means of living pictures of the different 'members of the class, and other 1 features which would have been in cluded. ih their annual. ? Following a short address by Mr. Pat Kimze.v on the meaning and sig nificance of' the high' school mono 'gram, Coach Dan Coleman presented the letters to eleven boys for hon ors received in baseball, football and basket ball for the year. Those re ceiving a letter included: Frank Osborne, Jack Trantham, Harry Clayton, Spencer Macfie, Harold Whitmire, Clyde Jones, Guy Lowe, Tom Whitmire, Ansel Jones, Dewey 1 Wood, Bill Morgan. The scnool auditorium was filled almost to capacity Tuesday night when hundreds of. parents, relatives friends and visitors gathered to at tend the graduating exercises and the closing feature of commence ment week. The salutatory address by Miss Wilhelmina King and the valedictory by William McLean. Grogan, toegther with the selections by the girls' gls?^ club and a solo by Mrs. II. R. Walker, preceded the adress to ^he graduates; by Dr. .Ashley Chappell, pastor of Central' "Methodist church, Asheville. ~ Dr. Chappell chose as hi? subject for presentation to the graduating ^class ttThe Weal Man or Woman,'' . and" pressive and beautifully express Sri words summarized the wrtaanirig of education in .terins' of ? wellfrounded development, including the physical, mental and spiritual. In tracing the development of the ' ideal man or woman and basing some of his statements on historical facts, Dr. Chappell stressed the im ' poijtanee of muscular development, | in creating ia sound and healthy body' to carry the make-up of the heart and soul and mind; the sig nificance of a clear and well trained brain in its effect on one's mental make-up and attitude to ward life; and the value of cultivat ing the poetical side of life in order 'to cause one to feel and appreciate | beautyj whether in art or in con duct. But greater than any of these 'ideals for which to strive, as import - I ant as tfiey all are, stated the speak ? er, is the cultivation of the right 1 spiritual attitude in the young stu I dents of today, filling them with a 'greater desire for unselfish service ! to the world. Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, in behalf of ' the federated clubs of the town and other organizations which sponsored the recent high school cotton dress I contest, presented the various prizes ' which were awarded by the judges at that time, the three first prizes go ing to Ruth Cantrell. Tina Hedrick. and Edna Mae Henderson, and the second prizes presented to Rowena Orr. Mildred Barnett and Gertie 1 Hamilton. It was announced by Mrs. Silverstcn that Ruth Cantrell also won third prize at the Durham state cotton dress contest, and Tina [Hedrick and Edna Mae Henderson won honorable mention. j Supt. W. W. Ilanaman closed the ' exercises with the presentation of diplomas to the 32 graduates, after which he spoke a few words telling of tile growth and added equipment in the Brevard high school during the 'past two years of his administration here, giving th ? whole credit for j such improvement to the people of 'Transylvania county for their man ifest interest in educational affairs. REVIVAL IN PROGRESS AT FISGAH FOREST CHURCH 1'musuiiI "inl. fi'?? is Iriniv innr.i festi'd in the r.-viv-l at T"" i > v : 1 1 1 Kor this wi-i'k. <?'>!'.. luctod l'V IVv. '1. I". Wrieht. The tr.'>etintr? l:i'! S inda.v nirhf. and it ;:id liu'vrt* , ."It4 (" ?" ]? i- nr?* kn<?W') \vhi>tln*r n?">: th* rrvivn! will ? ?n-l y-\ t S,ir !;?y *i*rh!. ; ? * * -;???-? t *\ ' h- will ?! ? t? rr !n'? #.hi.? : o:n: . Mr. Mii?*ry :< V-uVr.-r :h intr. \vh??h i* acWi*?t* ir.u:h *'? vtim at if*. ir*. ?h**;r cm!"!' *<?: h?"\ Mr*. >'. f. \* ? ton f- ?? f,V' ?-'i!r iv,v. Mr. ' ? wh" m.Vc - i ? Il? v.;r<!. V"T * t?i < >ii ? 1 * r.f ?; ? ' : o. i ?! his >'.r 5- -sh'"- : ? l! ? ;*?: ) -v m?.: ???. rivriv'i::' hffv T i ? ?{' ? :: ... ? D. I. EXERCISES . START ON FRIDAY Thirly -Four Graduates, 22 Yoiing Women and 12 Young Men In CIaib Ai : it !><il commencement exercises of Ui\ vurd Institute will begirt Fri <!ay ii t^. lit ii ml continue through Tuesday night <>f next wivi;, wit!. 25 inoinhei t)f thy senior class re ceiving diplomas, and nine young people completing courses in the various vocational depart merits en titling them to certificates. Of lite 31 graduates, 22 are young ladies and 1 v. young men. The baK-alaureate sermon Sunday morning at the Methodist church will be delivered '?>' Rev. T. ltond, pastor of the first' .Methodist church, AIoi'KUiiton. .Mr. Thormvell llaynes, of Brevard, will address the gradu ates on Tuesday night at. the Insti tute chapel. Five states and the District of Columbia and 211 different towns and c tics are represented by the gradu;..ing class of 1927. The names of the members of the class and their place of residence are as fol lows : / Diplomas Dora Blanton, Gatfney, S. C. Lita Brooks, Hot Springs I.ydia Deyton, Green Mountain Cecil' Hitt, Duncan, S. C. Deborah Longe, Greenville, S. C. Alma Morgan, Jacksonville, Fla. Lillian Moss, Hendersonville Ressie Kate Meece, Brevard Annie Dee Owen, Canton Jess Robinson, Clover, S. C, Mildred Reynolds, Woodland Grace Ranter, Pisgah Forest Lorene Short, Shelby Jva Sanders, Lake Toxaway Gladys Walker, Charlotte Willie Young. North Charlotte ? Vera Otto, Atlanta, Ga. Roy Cash, Cowpens, S. C. 1'inkney Deyton. Green Mountain Ivey Elliott, Lawndale Ansel Fowler, Woodruff, S. C. Ralph Huls, Washington, D. C. Albeit Johnson. Spartanburg, S. C. William Stubbs, Blounts Creek I Dewey Blanton, Cliffside Certificates Merle Bridges, Ellenboro Leota Collins, Brevard Pearl Jolley, Forest City Blaine Sell. Concord Leona McKeever, Pittsburgh, "Pa. Joseph Poole* Brevard Odell Daniels. Cowpens, S. C. Carl Frady, Pisgah Forest Wilson Yarborough? Fayettevi.lle The program scheduled for com mencement week follows: Friday 8:15. p.m.. ? Commencement Con cert Saturday 3:00 p.m.? Music Recital 8:15 n.m. ? Society Contest and Ex hibits Sunday 11:00 a.m. ? Commencement Sermon 6:30 p.m. ? Epvvorth League, eon ducted by the Senioi's Monday 0 :30 a.m. ? Faculty Meeting 2:30 p.m. ? Athletic Contests 8S15, p.m. ? Class Night Tuesday u SHSO a.m. ? Athletic Contests 3:30 p.m.? Ahimpi Meeting. ; 8:15 p.m. ? Graduating Exercise? fe. Awarding of Diplomas and Cer 1: tificates. j ^ r . DAVE FOWLER SUFFERS STROKE OF PARALYSIS i j ' ' Dave Fowler, -who lives in the vi .cinity of Franklin Park, suffered a i stroke of paralysis Wednesday and 'is reported to be in a critical condi tion. Mr. Fowler i? in his 75th .year and has been a member of the [Brevard Baptist church for a num ber of years, i ? ? __ ___ W ANT ADS NEW MILLINERY-- At very low prices. Must (')ost' nut stock "II iici'iiiiiit of having leased our build inn', Ni'W hats at unusually low price. ?>. .Mrs. .1. Clayton ltp2'i POULTRY SUCCESS America'* foremost Poultry Journal. $1.00 per y;-ar. Kenneth C. ParsOns, Sap phire, N. C. pil .Ml' (> ; J2-JI-1U HATS REDUCED S>5 % of price and more in order to sell all stock before i?ii>" 1 1 1 f into new place. .Mrs. M. \V. GALLOWAY Mg dh FOR SAM'. - Good Jersey Cow. See Woodlin Miller, Sapphire,. N. C. 2tp H>-28 LOST- ? -Crank front Anderson Car, between Brevard and Jim Whit miro's home at Cherryficld. Reward /or return to Dr. McLean, Brevard. 2tp 10-20 PASTURE ? Room for four or five more cows in pood pasture. Apply Dr. McLean, Brevard. 2tp 10-20 FOR RENT? Furnished Apartment, 2 or 3 rooms. Modern conven iences. Emma Bagwell. M 1!)?? FEMALE HELP WANTED LADIES, who can do plain home ; sewing and want profitable spare time work. Send stamped adressod envelope for particulars. GLEN DAI.!'. CO., Putnam Station, N. Y. FOR SALE ? Porto Rico Potato plants, from high grade, treated seed, ready May 25th ? $2.25 per thousand. 25 cents per hundred. T. P. Galloway, Jr. Calvert, N. C. 3p-12 WANTED ? 50 Suits to clean and i press at 75c. BREVARD CLEANING CO. ! ? ? MONEY TO LOAN ? On Improved farm lands at six per cent, for ; long or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dol- 1 lars preferred, however, one ; thousand dollar loans will be ac-; cepted. 1-20 tf 50 j A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. j WANTED ? 25 Suits to Press, 35c. BREVARD CLEANING CO. BREVARD'S FIRST 4 NIGHT ON THE Aik* (Continued f . front |?hk?') deep interest hi : ything tliat fir ? vard docs. Air. l> md has a ho>: c>t friends in Transylvania county, and his message to the tire vard people was highly approo! ited. From Nashville., Venn., on one si<le, to South Car din > eities on the. other, came mesSag^s of appreciation and tmcouragemei". Charlotte peo ple -.i re liberal I!! their praise of 1 the ! ni^ram, one doctor sending a telej.. am which read as follows-: *"l i 'ir ladies' qu.irt>t is simply de licious." Hendersonville i i/.fn's called and wired, among those sending line mes sages being Mayor .John T. Wilkins . and J. Allan Bhoadcs. Cyclone Mack called over I >ng distance and complimented the Brevard broad casters, sneaking highly of the ef forts of the local people. All these messages were most en couraging, and w. r ? fully appreciat ed by every one- on the program. Cut it was, after aii. the mesage.s from the "folks at home" that thrill ed the 15r?rvard broadcasters. At the conclusion of the first number the citizens of Transylvania county beuan calling, saying the program was coming in fine, to keep it up, that Brevard was with the perform ers and urging them to "keep go ing.'' Then a telegram came say ing: "Program rrne, Good work. Keep it up." Signed; "AU of Brevard," That message inspired the Bre vard crowd to exort their very best effort. It was a program well bal anced, and no ore could pick any feature of the program, all of it being most satisfactory, it seems, to all who heard Brevard's first effort at broadcasting. Much regret was expressed that Mr. Th'os. H. Shipivan. who had been scheduled to speak on good roads, was unable to be present. His place ' on the program was filled by James F. Barrett, editor, of The Brevard News. Many messages have been received by Brevard people since the prog ram was rendered, and some direct results have already been obtained. Mr. Breese has received many let ters, .some from Florida, saying the program was distinct in their cities and that people were keenly inter ested in the things he said about Brevard, the Beautiful. DR. DAVID M. MORRISON EYE SPECIALIST 5 ; Will be in. Ere v a i*<? on Monday and Tuesday. June Oth a. d 7th. At the S. M. MACFIE DRUG STORE. Mrs. H. A. Plummer 4 EYES EXAMINED, GLASSES FITTED & REPAIRED "SERVICE" u * Grease is the life of a car. Grease SERVICE at Standard Oil Station Service Always. STANDARD SERVICE STATION Caldwell and French Broad Sts. New Sport Sweaters a (?' ^ wasisss'r.-ii >4 Styles much admired for ser vice* Jeither| indoors or out, es pecially for golfing or tennis. The moderate pricing will prove especially interesting to those seeking exirs values. $2.95 to $5.95

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