NEW COUNTY GOVERNMENT PLAN BEING PERFECTED Raleigh, May 24. ? Preparation of a budget that will take care of the of each county department mid activity and stand public in Hpectioji at the court house and in the county newspaper is the present of the county officials through out the state under the new County Fiscal Control Act. Preliminary budget estimates ar? n<^w being prepared on forms al ready sent out from the ofTiee of the Goilnty Government Advisory Com mission by the department, heads and officers in charge of functions in ?ach county. These estimates must be completed and presented to each county accountant by June 1. These ? preliminary budgets will show in detail what the department spent last year, an estimate of what it will spend this year, and what it expe.cts to spend during the year be ginning July 1. Bused on the figures submitted to liim by the department heads, the county accountant will prepare a budget estimate for the entire coun? ty and submit it to the county com missioners not later than the first Monday in July, when the budgets will be finally fixed for the year on the basis of the county's income. Under the new law all counties will use the uniform budgeting sys tem. After the budgets have been finally acted on, the departments will know exactly what they may spend next year. Each line of ac tivity will operate under its own ap portionment, as the fund? are not transferable from one department to another. > Uppn submission of the budget es timate, and at least twenty days be fore tne adoption of the appropria tion resolution, the budget estimate ?hall be filed in the office of the clerk of the board, where it shall re main for public inspection. The law further requires that a copy of the budget estimate be furnishej to each newspaper published in the county. The county officials must also cause to be published in at least one newspaper published in the county a summary of the budget estimate, showing' at least the total appropria tion recommended for each separate fund or function. The responsibility for the carrying out of the budget system of handling county funds falls to the lot of the county accountant. No purchase is legal until countersigned by the ac oountant, who is personally respon sible for the purchase orders he ap proves, and personally liable for or ders ' approved without sufficient fnnds to take care of them. The new system is designed to promote efficiency in the conduct of oonnty affairs by setting up a defin ite amount of funds for each activ ity and by introducing a uniform system for all transactions, and by requiring each county to live within its income. r^ANT ?DS 1JR1NG RESULTS "ant "ds ?ring "lsults PISGAH FOREST NEWS' The health of our community is very good health at present. , Mr. Wad Nicholson and brother, Vernon Nicholson, motored to Greenville, Friday. Mr. Jamie Morris and family were guests of Mr. Tipton and family Tuesday evening ,of last week. Mri Joseph Keys of Washington, ' D. C., and Mr. Murphy, of Philadel phia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Croushorn Friday. Mr. D. H. Orr has purchased a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Campfield, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen were guests of Mr. Campfield's daughter, I Mrs. Marcum of Hendersonville, | Monday. Mrs J.. A. Colburn spent theweek end with her daughter, Mrs. Morris, of Biltmore. Mr. Carl Bryson has returned to his home after spending the winter with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Morris. He has been attending high school at Brevard. Mr. E. C. Corn, Mr. J. Cagle and Mr. Jim Allison motored to Pickens S. C., Friday. ' j. , Mr. Henry Sentelle has purchased a Chevrolet. Mrs. J. Galloway and daughter were guests of Aunt Lue Mullenax Monday. Miss Mattie Cody and Miss Susie Holden were guests of Miss Tina Hedrick Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Croushorn motored to Asheville Thursday to vis it Mrs. Crouhorn's sister, Mrs. H. D. Clark. . !/ i Mr. M. Moloney was a visitor in this section Saturday. Miss Delia Tipton was the guest of Miss Cannie Bryson Saturday night. ~ IB! Mr. Joe Groomes was a visitor here Saturday. . , | ? Farming and fishing is the order of the day. ;W