i Rosman Section Of Brevard News H, F* WRIGHT, Manager? Rosman, N* C. ROSMAN HSCli ENDS YEAR'S FINE WORK On Tuesday evening of this Wi-.-ic y t lie Rosman high scho it dosed ics l'J2ti-27 term. It is thought ?' , many that this has keen, in mat :>? respects, the crowning year of thj school's history. Large crowds were in att endunc at each of the public* recitals, pi -.,4 ruins ,jivon, and the other meetings held during the closing exercists, and it was evident front radiant faces of this eager throng of patrons that they were proud of their school. Of eourSe it would not in anywise l>e comparative of the character of the people and patrons of the Kos man school if their institution should dp Other than well. They have the moral backing, the mental power and financial ability that it takes to make a good school. Not only that, but they have the children with strong bodies and large mental pos sibilities. No community has a more choice set of boys and girls, . young men and women, and Rosman is destined to become famous for the truly good men and women that it shall send forth into the \vorld. Some of them are tp be lawyers, some judges, some legislators, con gressmen, governors, merchants, and some are to be farmers. Last but by lio means least, some are to be preachers that sTiall proclaim the message of life eternal to the utter most parts of the world. Rosman is indeed a plant of human life, from which shall be transplanted the ten der plants into the life of people ev rywhere. The play given Saturday evening was a great success. The sermon Sunday morning by Rev. O. L. Simp son was one of culture and inspira tion. The program on Monday ev ening was appreciated by the large audience, and the literary address by Rev. Jessie R. Owen was a master piece of oratory and inspiration. Vcdals were awarded and diplomas delivered to a large number of young men and women. Prof. Wes singer, in a few well chosen words, informed the audience of the exact linancial standing and the future hop.- of the school. . Mr. Willie Moore, the cross-tii agent, attended a banquet and bar becue given by his company at Spar tanburg, S. C., last Saturday. He is employed by the Taylor Colquitt Cross-tie company. The purpose of the meeting was to standardize the Work of the company in the many local districts and to acquaint the ?vovkers with each other, and the great creasote plant located at Spar tanburg. A real nice time was en joyed by all in attendance. KOSMAN LOCALS Mr, Wingo, who formerly was manager of (he Gloucester Lumber company store, was in our 1 it lit* city litis week. He brings sniiU-.i ami good cheer tu his many friends hero. Conic- often old friend. The W. M. U. of the Baptist church here met Monday afternoon. The attendance was large and the . i.iru i>i the meeting was indeed ..lie. Tiu next meeting will be held .Monday after the second Sunday in .'line at 2:30 o'clock. A full pro gram will appear in these columns in time. Alias Baruie Fortune of OKI fort, attended the commencement exer cises of the Bosnian high school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Azelee Beam visited ill. tatter's sister, Mrs. G. C. Mc Chire here rccentlv. These friends ;'.rj of Shelby and we hope for their eiaiy and often return. .Mrs. I. E. McGuire of Henderson- J Ville, was a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. Gus Glazener on Mon Uiy of this week. Misses Lucy Fulbright and Ola I'axton were much elated over a trip fit Gloucester last Sunday afternoon. While there they called at the home . of Mr. Vance Galloway. I Mr. Frank Galloway is visiting friends and home folks here. Mrs. Tom Shepherd and daughter, of Mendcrsonville, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Gus Glazener Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elzie Shipman of Brevard, were visitors at the home ?f' M Jordan Whitmire Monday r.fterr.oon. Rev. N.' L. Ponder and family were appreciated visitors in our little city last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ponder his accepted the principalship of the Enon school and has recently located there. Rev. W. O. Holcombe of .Jocassee, j S. C., visited relatives here last Sat urday,. He preached at the Baptist church while here. Mr. M. A. Mull, with his wife and daughter visited Mr. Gus Glazener ! ?id family on last Sunday. Mr. j Mull is a pTominent citizen of Bre- ; ,'Ji 'd. Miss Pearl L.vda of Davidson | River, attended the commencement exercises of the Rosman high school j 1927 Hymn Books for Sale CROWNING PRAISES is the 1927 all purpose Hymn Book edited and published by McD. Weams of Easley, S. C., containing 227 Gospel Hymns of merit and high quality. You will find it to contain new classical music of merit; also a good selection of medium old Hymns that have been tried out and proven both good and popular. And last but by no means the least we have a carefully selected department of the old Standard Church Hymns. Therefore, you have in our book a selection for Sunday School work, young peoples' sing ings, for conventional singing, for birthday celebra tions, for family reunions, for funerals and for regular Church and devotional services. * We have* on hand and take pleasure in supplying your neecls at 35c per copy, $3.60 per dozen. Special rates to teachers and Churches buying in quantities. H. F. WRIGHT ROSMAN, N. C. ; week. Miss I. .Vila was a member | of i hi' faculty of i ho elementary de | part iiu lit ?if ' ihu Itosmsm seliooi the pas: term, and has s rved acceptably !'?r three years ami I'nade many ( l it litis llv'I'C. Mr. Claiiilo \'i al and family of S i . i'ftoi'-biiriv. l-'l a., are visiting at the home nf Aii'.--. Xoal's parent. s, Mr. | and Mr.i. A. M. While. Mrs. Amanda Sisk. who has been Vt r.v ill for some time is much im proved iii health anil we hop? for her early recovery. Ah'. Dock Reese, Mr. Arthur l!c;>Sv and their families were vis ors al the home of Mr. R. A. Col lins on last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Herbert Stevens of Mars i i ill, attended commencement exer cises at {he Rosman high school Mon day ev ninjr. Mr. it. C. llonaker, formerly of this place hut now of South Georgia, was a pleasant visitor hero last week. Mr. Ernest Pax ton has recently treated himself to a 1H27 Essex coupe. The ladies may . well, we forgot what we were about to say. k Mr. West Ramey has moved with his family recently to our town. He is engaged in the lumber business with Mr. Fields. A large crowd hiiended the home coming services, at Otd Toxaway last Sunday. The crowd was variously estimated at five hundred. Many former members of the church were there from Brevard, Hendersonville, Pickens, Easley, Greenville, and many other nlaces. Good order pre vailed the whole day through. Work on the campus of the high scool building is now in progress, and we suppose will continue until the yards and campus will be well developed. Mrs. Gus Glazener is no doubt en title :! to the championship medal for hav '? g. the best early garden. She is sjon to have cabbage, onions, po tatoes and many other vegetables. The city fathers have recently done some top-soiling on the side walks of our town. When this dirt wears out there will be plenty more. Miss Stella Fisher, who has been working at Sylva, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mfrs. Lee R. Fisher. Miss Mae Allison, a former teacher rf the Rosman high school, attended the graduating exercsKjj here Mon day evening. ; *V A ' . j Mrs. M; C. Sumerel and Mrg! W. ?A. Wijson and two children, accom panied by a touring party, motored to laurens, S. C.. last Thursday. ? , ir ?_ ?? Mrs. L. P. Owen had as a week end guest her sister, Miss Mattie Sue ^Allen, from Shelby. Mr. Paul Stroup, who for the past sixteen months has been in St. Pet ? rsburg, Fla., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Z. Stroup. : ? ' Miss Hattie Reece, of Pickens, has been visiting Mrs. R. A. Collins for the past week. ? ? ? : V The P-. Y. P. U. of Zion church will have a social at the home of Miss Evon Collins Saturday evening, May 28. Every member is invited. We are glad to see so many of our old friends come home from a visit from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman and son, Barney, were visitors at the home of Mrs. A. N. Collins one day last week. Mr. A. N. Collins of St. Peters burg, Fla., is expected to be a vis itor in Rosman soon. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sumerel had as their guest last week, Mr. and HORSESHOE GAME PROVING POPULAR Thi- y..uuju men anil lioys <>;' itos n::;u liavf recently discovered a brand ih'w f i (.Id i)l" fun anil pastime, and i hi* new tea me is attracting wide attention. Pitching horse shoes is th new game. Already there have been establish ed about four yards with suitable ar i:'.n;;eiaeiils and equipment for two ??i't of players to each yard. Test ?? in: are played and much interest un?,l no little excitement is exper :i acid each afternoon when the men : ul hoys come from their work. The playing continues many times u::t 1 -he moonlight hours have come. . It is clean sport and no one can see any harm in this form of recrea tion. REV. G. T. BOND TO PREACH MERE ; Rev. G. T. Bnnil, pastor of the First -Methodist church, Alorganton, . will, deliver the baccalaureate sermon in conne xion with the Brevard In stitute c > ? inducement exercises. The service will be held next Sunday, May 29, at the Methodist church at , 11 o'clock. The special musical program will be in charge of the ( Institute faculty and students. Rev. ' Mr. Boiid is said to be one of the out- j standing preachers of the state. His , coming to Brevard for this occasion " is heralded as an event of major ' importance. SEVERALNEGROES ; PLACED IN JAIL Arrest of several negroes Saturday : night caused quite a lot of excite- j mint, and as a result of the general 1 melee sdnie half a dozen negroes were locked up in the county jail. j The trouble started, it is said", when j Eck Sims and Policeman Freeman j went to arrest John Allen and Mose ? Kemp for driving cars while under ; the influence of whiskey, and oper ating cars with no license tags on ; them. j It is said John Allen escaped from , Buncombe county chain gang j where he was serving sentence. When he and Kemp were brought to the square, it is said, Rcna Allen, John's wife, accompanied th? offi cers and the men. When the start from the car to the jail was at- : tempted, it is said, the Allen woman j "began abusing the officers and at tempted to interfere with theni. Of ficer Sims used his flash light as a billy on the Allen woman's- head be fore she could be persuaded to leave . them alone. T. B. Summey and ! Yancey McOrary were sumoned" to assist the officers in placing the bunch in jail, for the Allen woman was locked up at the same time. Later Mose's wife and mother came to town and started trouble, it is said. They were accompanied by I a negro man. As a result of this inv terference these three- were locked up. In the jail, it is sajd, the ne groes started another uproar, and Deputy Sheriff Clarence Fisher as- 1 sisted in quelling and quieting them, j Mrs. J. M. Sumerel of Gay Court, S. C., Mr. Mansel Sumerel of the Pres byterian College, Clinton, S. C.,' Mr. J. G. Sumerel of Union, S. C., and Misses Petty and Hymezby of Spartanburg, S. C., and Miss Rosa j Sumerel of Asheville. We are glad to report that Miss Rosa Sumerel will be one of our teachers at Rosman for the next school term. Little Miss Helen Fulbright spent j the past week with her sister, Miss ' Lucy Fulbright. Say Rosman Folks, we have a page I in The Brevard News, why not use it. F or est Hills Brevard's finest suburban development. (You should make an early selection of your home site in this beautiful residential Park. Prices are lower now than they will ever be again and terms will be ar ranged to suit any responsible purchaser. Property is fully restricted and city lights, water and sewerage are already on the property. The public generally is invited to visit and enjoy the splendid mountain spring in the center oi' the develop ment. See our Mr. Eagle or Mr. T. G. Moody ? Office up/stairs over Post Office. MRS. THOMPSON ENTERTAINS BRIDGE Cl.UB Mi's. Lloyd Thompson entertained the regular fortnightly inccliiig of : i lie briitge club Wednesday after noon at her home. High score was made by Miss Marian Yooguc. Mrs. .Roland Whit mire and Miss Martha Breese substituted in tile ab sence of two of the (Members, Mrs. lioycc Walker and Mrs. Ed Cantrell. A Jio/.en salad course was served by i'i ? hosU'ss at the conclusion of the ga.iies. Ucsyular members present includ ed: Mrs. l'aul Sma titers, Mrs. Hush Wliilinire, Mrs. George Gritfith, Mrs. Frank Oarr, Mrs. Kay Coble, > Miss ?U...ian YonguC. IV: '. AND MRS. McCKARY HONOR GUESTS WITH PICNIC dr. and Mrs. .ludson McCrary -red their house guests with a ri? 'lie supper at Conneslee Falls Su .day afternoon, the occasion be ing a most delightful one to all pres- ? elit. 11 addition to Mr. and Mrs. Mc Crary. those in attendance were Mf . McCrary'* sister. Miss Pauline Recce, and her friends, Miss Gladys Griifin, Mr. Marvin Upright, and Mr. Oarleton Biyians, all of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. John Rufty and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Necly, of Brevard. MRS. CARRIER IS HOSTESS TO WEDNESDAY CLUB Mrs. H. N. Carrier was hostess to h ..?embers of the Wednesday club ;tt her home at "Rocltbrook" Wednes day afternoon. llowing the transaction of bus ies.? presided over by the president, Mrs. fed Patton, a very entertaining program was in charge of Mrs. v. A. Crawford, who read a play, entitled, "Mr. Prim Passes By." Mrs. J. S. Silversteen gave in an in teresting manner a report of the ?tate federation meeting at Durham, ivhich she attended as representative >f the local club. After refreshments, the club ad joiirned to ninot Junu I for the iinal session ?>f tin? vlub year at the .home of Mrs. O. I.. Krwiit, with Mrs. F. P. Sledge as hostess. T. E. L. CLASS MEETS WITH MRS. GLAZENER An interesting meeting of the T. K. L. Class of the Baptist church was held Friday afternoon at the homo of Alts. ti. I, .tihuencr. In the ab sence of the president,. Mrs. W. M. Henry, the business session was pre sided over by Mrs. T. M. Mitchell. The program for the afternoon was in charge of Mrs, A. X. Poole on the subjei't Of "Hope." Mrs. Mitchell rend an interesting paper on tiie subject. Delicious refreshments wore served by the hostess during a pleasant so cial hour. . ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Of interest' in their many frisnds throughout this section is the an nouncement of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Helen Duckworth to Mr. Cordcll Russell, the wedding to take place early in June. Miss Duckworth is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, II. Duckworth, of Brevard, and is a pop ular and attractive member of Bre vard's society circles. She is a member of the 1927 graduating class of the ' Brevard high school. Mr. Russell, whose home is at Waynesville, has for the past year been manager of the Brevard branch of Medford Furniture com pany, and has made many friends during his short stay in the com munity. MRS. PAUL SMATHERS TO HONOR HER GUEST Mrs. Paul Smathers will entertain at six tables of bridge Friday after noon at three o'clock at her home on Franklin street, in honor of Mrs. Paul C. Benedict, who leaves short ly for Washington, D. C., where she will remain through the sumAier and; winter. FOR THE MAN WHO CARES* Florsf ? ? She . f ' MOST STYLES Jt t 1 _ v .tf,> * BASEBALL 7 O v e r / \i 1 THEBR'E' Everybody inv" Plenty of e.otr An extensir Motor Co1 visit with