HEROIC ACT SAVES YOUNG GIRL'S LIFE Lessie Morris Fell Over Toxaway Falls, to Pool 75 Feet Below, Fast Sunday VAN WALDKOP FOLLOWS HER OVER PRECIPICE Quick And Courageous Act Brings Girl From Churning Waters ? Was Almost Drowned Lessie Morris, young daughter r i ' n o-m'iis 'In- n.'.'.m ta:r:> every summer for a number of years, and snvs he is always triad to (re) hack to Brevard. PROF. J. B. JONES iS NEW PRINCIPAL , Committee Select* Carolcen Mati to Succccd W. W. Hanamait In hi^Ii Scluot HAD FOUR COURSES IN SUPERINTENDENCE' WORK Said to be Capable and Eipecialy V< -'il Qualified for Higli S -hool Work I'rof. J. If. Jones, of Caroleen. been selected as principal of I he Urevard High school, succeeding W. \V?. Hanuman. The local school committee met last Saturday afternoon to consider the numerous applications for the superintendency of these schools. After a prolonged and careful con sideration of all applicants, the com mittee reached an agreement in favor of I'rof. Jones. Mr. Jones is a young married man, 35 years of age. He is a graduate of Wake Forest College and .expects to receive the M. A. degree from the University of North Carolina this summer. He has had, it is said, four major courses for super intendents at Columbia University. He has had eight years experience; tivf as high school principal at Caro leen, Xorth Carolina, and three as superintendent of Henrietta-Caro leen schools, which consist of one high school and two . elementary schools, all of which are on the ac credited list. Mr. Jones is reported as being one of the most capable young school men in the state, unusually strong, and who will render acceptable ser vice; one whose community work has been unparalleled and whose school work has been crowned with, success. He has the reputation of being a young man of excellent character and good judgment, who knows how to get along with folks and is a hard worker. Furthermore, ho actually makes the schools min ister to the cultural and recreational needs of the community, takes a great interest in the community so cially and religiously, and has al ways .been successful, it is said, in gaining hi- ends through tactful leadership with the result that good will and a total lack of friction char ::c'iimif p. th> r in'- r- -*. ?! :? V ? -III l '.'|'| V ?>!! id'V.r ?>?!. 1,'n l ? . S'ir.e.-.j ? ::'.indi>> if. a .??oi'.th a l:g . . fur it ? .'tilnr day th ,i e.'ii iu ays ledd. i: ivv fenerations of Henderson ?? ? _ tatmiy Reading left to right, upper row:. Miss Doneiie I.ee, aged 12, and her mother, Mrs. Maude Lee, aged SO. Lower row, reading left to lijr h.t: Mis. Leila Lill; aged 48. who is Mrs. Lev's mother. ;>ext, Mrs. Ma ry Ann Miller, age 07. mother of Mrs. Lill, and then Mrs. Millie L. H enderion, age SSt. mother of Mrs. Miller. In th" accompanying picture . are ! shown "Grandmother" Jlendergon, together with her daughter, grand .iaugiiUr, great-granddaughter* and ,-rf;a'. -great -cranddaug'hter,. five generations of thv Henderson fam ily, all ^>l'?svhom are residents of Transylvania county. Of the descendants of "Grandma," ; who are living, there are eijrht chil idrtn, thirty-nine grandchildren, sixty-eight great-grandchildren and ten great-ni'cat-gia n. I children. Near ly all of tli'.'se are i.ving in Transyl vania county. Among "Grandma's" living chil uff< rer had committed some rash act. Search for the missing man in cluded the dynamiting of the Krene'n Broad river a! places wh.re sear.'h e:*?* thocirht they h::d trailed Mr. Gil l".-j>i? . Family and friends wen overjoyi d when Mr. GHiesp::.- reuirr. <1 home with the two men who came with him. F:rst |-e(H< r' - given oil' when Mr. Gillesph was isiis^ipir wore to sh- ef fect 'hat he was in trouble over fi rancial matters. Friends of the t . : a :i -tie-- 'h- . ? * ' nio :.l!. a:.'' . . .?rt that .V r. 'i ilespie i* no. in "any Jir.aneial .-tra a' all:" that hi< (l.-spontler.cv iva -? eaus-d by his :.h vsic;.! <-on>!i: Th- well known man at h ? e now. *PEC!M. SERVICFS TO BE HEI.D AT ST PHILIPS CHURCH Sre.e::.! -v\ It - will ' ' ? N-M :r S * . Chili:1 nil , -hvirch *ievt Sun ? :av. ?* iM-.ni;' the occasion t ' Whi' .- 1 ; n Day. The f il"wir.-.' ord r ? f >rr\ :-?? - i\ .- ? hi V ii! !'? fi'ib.v.- : ?; ; f ? : v :fio ..._ ' ' ? ei> if- i.'t a. n:. ? S V ? I ? LAUGHINGKOUSE AT KIWANIS MEET Noted Slate Medical Man Coming Here For Friday** Meeting ? - All Members Out I)r. Charles O'll. I.aughinghousC. secretary of the Stat v Hoard of Health, will l>e principal speaker at the meeting of the Kiwanis elub Fri day evening of this week. Brevard has been anxiously awaiting this :uin.'uiK\ment ever siru e Dr. T. Summey, president of the elub. sug ifested several weeks ago that this ?Jisunjjtiishcd Carolinian had stated he wi-ulil e-?!Ve to I5r.'Vard at first opportunity. Dr. Lamrhin^house has done much f< r North ''urolina. He is a most pleading -p< ak-r and invitations come to hi r,;. it is said, from every state in ill.- union to address gather* ings of ditferent kinds. It is expected every member of the club, as well as several invited guests -who are not Kiwanains. will be at the meeting Friday evening IMPORTANT GROUP INSPECTING LAND Am :?ii t?ri vtin-r j.rroup of people ar on t/ip of in>neetion through the a;ip?r t :i?i ?-f the rount> this \v are lot a:? .-iiiil t" '? >n? of :h? ? r Vi "n the ni??.?\tai: " :i? ? ary ???* !;:"?! - ,i \ ;iuh?r. av?! ? ? ;j ifu : i ? n.ay ? : hr trip ?-f :v-n?etion pr ? h r 1 f. ? ae? I'Vea a *? , - ?!> !et ? : v? ]?.f hy i ;jtt' r ? y. Tw-.-nty-five Gradual?* Receive Di plomas? Dr. Bond ('reached Barc.ilaiiri'alc- Sermon fHCRNXVEl I. HAY.NKS I.S . COMMKNC !?: M INI S P K A K K R I MiprrinU'ndeni Orr .Succeeded by Dr. Winton ? Opal Goudman Gets Scholarship Honor Twi'tiiy-so nil annual cummi'iu'o ?i eut nee" so ex tended that hi is on the "to" all the time. His services have ln-en in con Islam demand. and lie: ntr in love with 111.- wifc-k, Pr. Bucha'iar has rend- 1 e! < d such services ti'.iit ill ? people ' are deeply impressed with i.i;- earn- j i s*. n ess and his interest. ! Thi .-chedule appears in an ad-' v.*vtis nn'iit on another pave in this! ;ie of Tli ?? N'ews. It is suggest oi!>, "l:?it readers keen tl'!- copy of ; h. pappr so they will know the date j rr.d place where they can meet Dr. i Buchanan. Telephone Girls' , Narrow Escape V. djMHt-idav aflernei ! . i i- Mihi. ?"?'i playing on ? y win - a^prtrir light i>- .. .ajse.i :!>?? ? ! i to contact v.*ith ;? ' ' ? which caii'e ?Au<<' '?"?>? :.!?!? :nuir> tl ?? VpllAtM J' r. ?! . it i- -:.' i :!? T"e*. M'.ii tl '?!>' V.'t'H .I'm > i d. none ii it j ii.iur> !. ? . ? t . I ? ? T f - . ? - : EXPLANATIONS OF COUNTY TAX LAW Executive Secretary of County Gov ernment Executive Committee Send* Out Letter COMMISSIONERS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR TAWS New lax ISookfr Cannot Be fumed Over Until All I'ast Taxes Are Fully Paid Knleigh. May li x. A d iti : :i i st >*ilt on of tit - liscal ; :lii!ts lit" the c.ountior is not affirlt'il liy tin* in i'ttu't ion*, brought in a ft- v. counties j?r>>h ing i hi' advertisement and salt of land for taxes the only effect thesis injunctions can have is to postpono for a few months the adv<'.\ . vment and sale of land for .taxes for tin? year 192G, but the administration of fiscal affairs bcgljiing July 1 will not bo affected by those injunctions, .accord i n tr to a letter on this subject sent to the members of the board of county commissioners in the various counties by Charles M, Johnson, ex ecutive secretary of the County Gov ernment. Advisory Commission. Mr, Johnson has discussed ihis matter carefully with Dr. 15. C. Brooks, chairman of the commis-ioti and with, the Attorney General.' Tll'O opinion, therefore .represents the de liberate judgment of those official:! on the effects of the injunction. The statement also calls the at tention of the county commissioners to their responsibility under the now legislation in the matter of making a settlement for ail uncollected tax es .including taxes derived from the sale of land, before the tax books are turned over to the sheriff in Oc tober. If the books are turned over to the sheriff on the first of Oc tober before settlement for the taxes of the previous year is. made, the county commissioners are reminded that under tha act they are personally liable fc: the amount of taxes due by the sheriff. r' . The letter is as follows : "In a few counties injunctions have been brought by taxpayers to prohibit the advertisement and sale of land for taxes for this year. The question has arisen as to the cfi- et that these injunctions may have on the County Government Acts, begin ning with July 1. when we go the next fiscal year. "After studying the Acts c; o fully and discussing the matter with the Attorney General and the chair man of the County Government Ad visory Commission, it seems to be very clear that the only effect the:-e injunctions can have is to postpone for a few months the advertisanvnt (Continued on editorial page) NEW FORD CAR IS SOON TO APPEAR Henry Ford has officially' an nounced that a new car is soon to he on the market. Just what the new Ford will be is. of course, not known at present, hut promise is given that the now .model* will soon be on th" market. Following is a telegram received by the Lowe Motor company, teP'eg of the new model : "Detroit, Mich. May 2T>. "Low* Motor Co., "Brevard, N. Car.. "Starting early production en tirely new Ford car. announcing Thursday now model, superior de sign and performance to any now in low priced light car is .Id. Mr. Her. 5 Ford staU s new model recognizer, that present condition make further refinement in motor car construction (U'sirable. New model lias speed, style, flexibility and control in traf fic more costly to manufacture '.int. more enonomicnl to operate. Mi del "T" will continue important par: 'if factory production for ten million owners requiring replacements ;.nd service. No information about d' tails until you receive plan for y; or part in supplying public description "EDSKL. B. FORD. "Vol) A May 20." rev. R, i, mm TO PREACH HERE President R. L. Moore, of M;'if Hill College, will speak at the E:e varil Baptist church Sunday nioin ing ,at the 11 o'clock hour of wi.i s'nip. The address will be deliver". cd particularly to the B. Y. P. U. < ?f - 1 ganization. which body of yoi/ng people will observe the day by hr'd for ->ii members of the B. V. 1'. ? throughout Transylvania con-: and it is expected that a Ir.rg, eiration of young people !>??:!! ?-> rious sections of the count;, ? ?? in attendance. Sunda\ will also rumpK-tv P' \V .11. liar',. -if y a tor of th ? local Bap* : t ??: '.'*ch. ; li" will preach Sunday nigh'. ?' a 1.1-:. f sket.-Ji ..f th- w : '? 1; !? y NI-'.W COPS COMMMENCl their officia: \ve~;c Cri va .!'? ?>. w i ??????? -'.mini their liali. - ?> ? ?? ' n* :!U'. having l -i "? -won: ?? I' '' '? "in 1 I .?!<) o. ' nil' s ' * ,'H