THE BREVARD VOL. XXXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 9, 1927 No. 23 C. OF C. MEETING UNUSUALLY FINE Many Mutters of Importance Acted Upon Star Route Committee Named R. R. FISHER BROUGHT UP INTERESTING MATTER -arge Nun,^>4!r ?f Inquiries Coming In Enthusiastic Board of Directors From a viewpoint of general in terest and importance to th.s com munity' the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night over shadowed, perhaps, any meeting of that organization that has tak .1 place during the year. Usually at .his season the interest begins to lag, for the greater part of the advertising campaign for summer visitors is com pleted and the inclination in many places is to take things easy and await the coming of the tourists. But not so in Brevard this year. The early arrival of summer visitors ap pear to have given impetus to the directors' responsibilities and not being content with what appears now to be a good vacation season, they have undertaken matters of much im portance to Brevard and the whole county. The secretary reported that a ? large portion of the publicity ma terial authorized by the Chamber of Commerce this year, had been dis tributed, and as a result inquiries for : all classes of accommodations are coming to the office in greater num ber than in previous years. The I addition of the golf course to Bre vard's recreational facilities is known to attract a class of vacationist that heretofore was not interested in : coming here, and many of the golf enthusiasts inquire concerning the arrangement that is in effect to ex tend to guests at the hotels and boarding houses, the privileges of the Brevard Country Club's golf , links. Even the routine business of the Chamber of Commerce was interest ing. i'ostniaster Roscoe Nicholson reported on the meeting of citizens of Greenville and Brevard, held at Caesar's Head last Wednesday ev ening, at which the Caesar's Head company was host and served a de lightful" fried chicken dinner to the entire assemblage. At this meeting (Continued on back page) r Tfl ADVERTISE TAX SALE NEXT MONTH Regular monthly meeting of the county commissioners was held last Monday, all members of the board being present. Aside from authoriz ing the sale of the $50,000 bonds for school purposes, but little business of importance was transacted. The board ordered the county tax colector to prepare a list of delin quent tax payers and to advertise their property to be sold the first Monday in August. The commission ers and tax collector expressed de- 1 light at the manner in which citizens have paid their taxes, and it is pre dicted that this year's advertising list will be the smallest published in ? , the past several years. Tax Collector W. B. Henderson expressed the opinion that practically all delinquents will, have paid their taxes before the date of turning the list over to the printers, which will be about June 20. Fees collected by the register of deeds amounted to $201. 7n, showing an unusual activity in the real es tate market for the month of May. ? LETTERS GO BY AIR MAIL TO GREET MERO Postmaster K. L. Nicholson is busily engaged in sending letters by air mail addressed to Chas. A. I.ind bsrgh, who will arrive in Washitnr ton on Jnne 11. Anyone desiring to send a letter of appreciation to the young nrnn who -has. just made his tory by flying across the Atlantic ocean is urged to deposit their let ter with the post mastor as soon as possible and he will see that it goes by air mail to Washington. Authorities thore have pledged themselves to ileliver every message sent to the hero. Rural mail car riers are authorized to accept this mail which will ho forwarded by air mail route to the young American, who has captivated the hearts of all the peoples of the world. * PARTIAL UST OF ' ' NEW TEAUERS Following is a ? !i ?t of the teachers who will I"- ;.???! in the Br< vim I elementary ri ? i hiirh school th ? next school year: lli:rh teachers elected: ?I !5. J. nes. >-iiwrin!endent; Julian Glazener. vocational ajrriculturi* ; Mr . H. . Hamilton. Mis- Ethyl Rob in*nn. Mi-s Minnie Fagan. Klementary teachers: Mrs. Ralph Duckworth, Miss Atrnc? Hunt. Miss I^on-i ("J rah?i m, Mis- Jen nie Aiken. Vi s I.^is Wikc, Miss (\i\v net I'VHay. Miss Swanee Heilrirk Miss Pauline Si'ton. Mt^s W'lli* AijiMfi, Mrs. F. P. Sit'Iu'"1. Mrs. .1 ? ^ M. Tatum, Miss Ileitis ilnlln ;??? Mrs. John E. Ruftv. Mi* [.will' Wike. Miss Julia Skinner. Lessie Morris Young girl who fell over Toxaway! Falls. She spent several days in Transylvania hospital, but has recov- 1 cred sufficiently to be taken to her; home at Cherryfie'Id. FRANKLIN HOTEL TO OPEN JUNE 20 . i Everybody In the Community Urged to Attend Opening And In spect Improvements On Monday, June 20. the Frank lin Hotel will hold open house for the people 01" Brevard and Transyl vania county from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening. Refresh mints will be served. It is the de sre of the management of the , Franklin to acquaint the people of I this community with what the Frank- j lin ha* don? in the way of improve ments. Mr. Ilammatt, manager of i the hotel, says the Franklin belongs to Urevard arid Transylvania county, i-.nd that he wants the people to; kiiow just what they, are doiitir and trusts that every interested person will call during these hours, when officials and attaches of the hotel will act as guides in showing the callers over the building. More than $25,000 has been spent; in repairing, remodeling and refur nishing the Franklin. Some of the older citizens, who have witnessed the transformation of the place, say the Franklin is in better condition now than when it was absolutely, new, because of the high grade of repair work and the excellent fur- ] nishings that have been installed. , Simmons beds with box frames have been placed throughout the i building; 195 hooked rugs have been purchased and placed in the hotel, rile lobby ru;rs are of the very lat est design and are of the same ex cellent quality that one would find in the finest of homes. The change that has been made ' in the hotel is really beyond the j power of description in a newspaper; article, and citizens nr.1 urged to j remember the day. Monday. June 20.! and attend the "houst* warming." and through their attendance and by words expf is to the management the appreciation "f this community j of the gi1' at w-ivk that has been d?it-c at : in- Franklin hotel, a work J which will !>. of tremendous value, to ' V - community. W. M. 0. TO MEET AT LITTLE RIVER Tronpyivanin \V. M. IT. associu tional meeting of the Baptist church will in- sit the l.ittle River church on .luly <>. Miss Kdna R. Har ris. i'ia'n*i?|'on<lliitr seer* tarv ami Miss Kmnia I.eaehnnni. outstanding homo board worker of the southland. will be I'-f ' ii : at this in. eiinjr and will :i . i'. fi-t'iiu"-. with sever al others. A splendid program has been arranged for the day, and a lar-.v <? ??! > ;ai i<u; of liaptist ladies i ' x pec tol. Di'iner will b<? served by ! ? 1 1 i . t ?* i*f '.at- !. ;t!. Rive." church. Mr.-, Hugh K. Walker and I. ;i - ?-on narrowly e-c.i perl serious ir Monday morning. when they were i'i their I*'ord coupe riding into Bnvar-i from their Cedar Mountain honii . mid through son-.- d--f<-et in wit in jr. i' thi'tiu . th-- cr on lire and ti.e ? ia.Nn'- baiv! . - ,-nped Im- f?l-e *h ? fachine w:i- prac tically eonsun.i d i-y ;!i>- flnnic-*. There was no .M^jranee on th?- car at the tinn-. I he insurance h:el la i <? ! a 'i".i lay* previously ai had c.'-. ii r--nt;we<i on aeponnt ?.f ?: M ??. ?? ri'? .{ pla'ujiiu' * '? 1# ? i \* a *? w i : ? ; t in :. >v day. a:ui ' . . h v 'ill'.* to rcMi'v.* i ??? . :m<*. CREAMERY TO BE i OPERATED HERE Plans Being Worked Out at Present, Lead ing to Early Operation v of Plant WILL MEAN MUCH TO THE FARMERS OK COUNTY Plans to Establish Routes Through out the County ? Co-operation Is Urged Transylvania county will soon have a creamery established here if plans being worked out by C. E. Lowe, Thos. II. Shipman and other inter ested citizens, materialize. It is planned to establish a creamery which will use the product of a thousand cows to start with, grad ually building this to a plant that will handle the cream and milk from two thousand cows. Milk routes are to be established over the county and the milk be brought in by trucks to the cream ery. Those interested in the move ment are anxious to ascertain the sentiment of the farmers who have cows and learn if they will cooper ate with the. creamery and furnish necessary quantities of milk and cream to make the movement a suc cess. It is expected that meetings will be held at an early date over the county, at which time farmers will be asked to meet with represen tatives of the creamery to make i definite arangements for the estab- , lishment of this great industry. In communities where creameries operate, it is pointed out, there is always general prosperity. It pro vides a constant source of revenue seven days in the week for those who have cows, and scatters pay checks as no other one industry can do. It has been suggested that county correspondents to The Bre vard News talk-the matter over with people iii their communities and: through the columns of this paper express the opinion found to pre vail as to whether or not the farm ers would cooperate with the cream ery. ' In this wray interest can be worked up, and the true sentiment of the county be determined. 259 VACCINATED AGAINST TYPHOID !n One Day ? Believed to Be State Record: ? Regular Schedule of Work Dr. S. E. Buchanan was un able to keep hit appointment at East Fork and Upper East Fork Tuesday morning, on account of car trouble. The county health officer expressed real regret over this mishap, stating it was the first time in eight years that he has been prevented from keeping an appointment. Another date will be set for his work at these two points. Dr. Buchanan is in the midst of a campaign to prevent typhoid fever. Thj lirst tiny of the campaign he va< ciliated '250 men. women and children, which is believed to be a record in the state. It is said that citizens of Transylvania are fully uppreeiating the services of the county health officer. The campaign will continue until every section of Transylvania has been visited, and the vaccination against typhoid has been administered to all those desir ing to take this precaution against this dread disease. June IS to 2S Transylvania Camp will entertain the Young Peoples' Service Leagues of the Diocese of North Carolina and the Diocese of upper South Carolina. More than two hundred yoim;: people are ex I ?> ??? -ted to attend these sessions, at ' wVrh th'-re will be about thirty lec ; Ji'er.s and teachers, it is said. This is known as Camp Capers, and the fathering will he in charge i of Bishop Finlcy of Columbia, S. C. DR. SUMMEY AT MEMPHIS MEET Dr. T. J. S limine;.*, nt-'sident of It liivvard Kiwani? club, is in 1 >hi> llii- week a::i ndir'" th ? ' :.:i: ion,.l K!w:*iii? > "iiv ion. Oth^r .:!-!nUi is of the 1 'legation a ho v.* c: 1. cted f >und i' inspos.-ible to a: ?.tel. : r.'l I > ."'iiiiiiW'V left Sainr lay ??-?*? ? ? ?; 1! \p.-i*ti il to i-'.uii'. to l>:?-\arn l*'i i i : ; 1 * ;t: !.:iu- f ?! th< :.:??? *:T:-* !?* i : ? * ? ill- h t. LOCAL AIR MAN WANTS TO ENTER II. J. Williams, who for the |>ast six years has born a resident of Bre vard, contemplates a flight from the main-land of America to the 11a- , waiian Islands to compete for a prize of $35,000 offered by .lames 1). Dole, president of the Hawaiian i I'ineapple company to the pilot of I the first plane to leave America and complete a non-stop flight from \ America to the Hawaiian Islands. In a letter written to the secretary, Mr. Williams asked the Brevard Chamber yf Commerce to sponsor j the flight or to assist him in such a J way as to bring t^e maximum ] amount of publicity to this section ! in the event his plans materialized , and the flight was successful. Mr. ! Williams stated in his' letter that he I was in communication with two large aircraft corporations in effort to secure a plane for the flight. GOLF TOURNAMENT FRIDAY MORNING ! on First for Ladies to Be Held Local Course ? Men PLay Next Thursday Brevard's splendid golf course has been given the finishing touches by "Sandy," the professional, and his helpers; In celebration of the event that means so much to this section, the lirst ladies' tournament will be played Friday morning, June 10. Pairings for Friday's singles are as follows: Mrs. Harry Perry with Miss Ro. ? Shipmalt. ~ Mrs. H. A. Plummer with Mrs. D. j G. Ward. j Mrs. J. F. Barclay with Miss Martha Breese. Mrs. Beulah Zachar'y with Miss Louise Barclay. i Miss Jennie Aiken with Mrs. S. P. j Ilammatt. ills. Ray Coble with Miss Dot: Silversteen. Mrs. Harry Patton with Mrs. S. j M. Macfie. Mrs. \V. E. Breese with Mrs. R. ; W. Everett. A cup will be given to ihe winner I in this tournament, and all interest ed in golf are anxiously awaiting j event. Men's Tournament [ On Thursday afternoon, June 16, ' ! beginning at 1:30 o'clock, the men : (will hold the boards in a tburna- 1 Iment. Those pairing are requested j J to communicate with one another i be.fore coming to the course and j I agree upon time of starting play. I I Following is the lineup for the men's singles : Thos. II. Shipman with Jerry] I Jerome. Walter Cobble with Dick Breese. Harry Patton with Walter Hart. Mr. Lewis with R. D. Lyon. If. Carrier with H. Clarke. W. 11. Alexander with John Smith. . j H. A. Plummer with R. H. Mor- i row. S. P. Hammatt with C. IC. Orr. j R. H. Eagle with CI. Tebell. Bob Plummer with M. Ga/.ley. Mayor Whiimire with Tom Whit-] mire. Rev. II. Perry with Ed McCoy. ; W. W. Croushorn with D. G. Ward. | Dr. Summcy with C. P. Wilkins. , W E. Breese with J. S. Silversteen. I ("apt. Risk with J. F. Barclay. Tit.' golf course is attracting at tention of many outsiders, and prac tically every visitor to Brevard asks i , about the golf course in the first few minutes of conversation with citizens here, giving emphatic evi dence of ihe importance of the , course which is praised by all who visit the country club. * I mm arssv AT THE INSTITUTE Mr. ami Mrs. .1. F. Winton ?n?l ?hr<?? small thil?ln?n siri'i v?*?l in I5rc ' ar?i !a>j FrMay. and Mr. Winton :ii i- asMiined his new omit * a* su pcviiit?'ii(lvnt mi* JJr?va:\i Institute. t?> which position he wa.- ivcvntly clt-crt - ?*rl t.> suiiiM-.! (). H. Orr. who has !;? *i i ? i ! : is pos=ti<?n ;hr past four years. Mr. Wint??n. who wa formerly roni!t*riv?! with the Sue llemu it .M? :n ?viai School. I >*!. Ky.. conns i?r< hivrh'.y n-i -or, vcik!- i a*4 : ? ?I ' ' -:>tian ntl- -i an 'jm l with i i?1 <;ua!iti<- tt!"n? i-? uli his r?-v?S- ;;.,-iii..|i :m IJjwa r?i. ' l!r<'V ;ini Nvv.s. in hrlulf ? ?: ? . ? ?? .! V? Mr. r:M.1 .>? t >? .i'l'i * ?:. i y a ? ' i'?' ! Jr-. \ :.'??! ;.r. i Trai >yi v: : . ? . il r : y. REWARD j $200.00 rew&rc. for infcrrr^Hon 1 leading to the conv'ch'r cf rr?"LT: j J stealing my younj* turkev* frcrj ? _ \ j-, ' " ; ' Kveret ? r z rrn . r \ Van WaLdrop I Brave Transylvania farmer who went over the famous Toxaway Falls and saved the life of little Lessie Morris, who had fallen over the precipice. REV. 0. L. SIMPSON TEACHING AT DUKE fn Two Weeks' Course Local" Men to Appear al Methodist Church Rev, O. ;L. Simpson, pastor of the Brevard .Methodist church, left the first of the week for Duke University where he will be a member of the faculty of the Summer School for pastors to be conducted at that in stitution in a two -wtwks!. session, j Mr. Simpson will teach a course in Christian Doctrine. Two hundred ' pastors from, both the Western North Carolina and the North Car- 1 oliiia .conference will comprise the student body of this summer school. ' Arrangements have been made for regular services to be held at the Methodist church during the two Sundays of Mr. Simpson's absence. The schedule as planned is as fol lows : June 12, 11 a.m. ,Rev. J. F. Win ton. Supt, Brevard Institute I 8 p.m.. James K. Barrett, Editor The Brevard News June 19, 11 a.m., Dr. J. O. Chandler. Associate Pastor Central church, Asheville . K p.m., C. II. .Trowbridge, Presi dent Weaver College. boarSgImjss KEEPERS TO MEET * i Members of the Brevard Kiwanis club will have as their guests at the meeting Friday niirht laities of this section who operate boarding houses. The object in asking the boarding house keepers to nice! with the club] is to complete plans for making the very best of the opportunities offer ed the citizens of this community during the summer season. Each member "f the club is u In vite a boa'rding hou>e operator as his guest for the oven in ir. The prog ram is in charge of Clarence Yongue. and it is thought i". will be one of the most important iructing.- h. h- Id by the club this year. .Mem ib?*rs who have 'n>l as yet wade .".v raiurcments to have a jruest are ii rtred to communicate with Clarence Yoncue or Jerry J< rmne at once. VISITORS ARRIViNG M LARGE NUMBERS Visitors ill lui::e il'iinlx-rs :.l reaily arriving: l'm- tin summer. "OI?l-Tinter?" here say that this i:' unusually early foi tin- arrival of so many ;u*oi?lo. li is taken as no in ? lic.'ati"!'. "iiat 1'iis ^ ?. ?? t i ? ? n will In well fill*-*: v. tli vi itors ami tourist.* tl?r< '.h:'i lit** tiia-i 11. K vi' r a; t!u> ( lliiiiiN r "f t ?! > i m?- !"? ? ? inrhi'li-<l : .Mi-* llai'isoii. Dallas. Texas; Mi. ami ,\|r-. Ki'win Jnrksonvilli . !-*!:?. : .1. '!"?:< ? ;n j i. Savannah, (in.: II. ? . Ilanor. |hi::v>t!r. l-'ia.t I'\ V. ,V< i l uc? ??11. I '. . X. ( : A. .1. I'- . lira n. I- la.; .1. I". .Isu-.iv-, ? I?a;i ll:?**?-:n-!. ? n; - ~>"i v'.'l'i iM ., S. I > - liavi-nal. .Ir.. c 'I : i . t .. S. M:>. A. I!. M ouzon. r ? ? S. ? \ i -.t. jury list' FOR NEXT COURT r* \ Ivmia it:!' * y :ury c;.:r.n;is ? : ir? \v.* *k. ????? :.n- .Mx1 ? : iii: li !:? v ?>.; term >>' t-.i'i'-t v. lii. li fi'li s.- . n I \ i<:. (j iit.- a ? <'f Knriv i- :!"l in tli!* revision. a? it is i.oi -v ' ? t "r ? ? i oiiui'.i-sion to ' *' "iir --I nil the tnalo !*i:- ' t rte <? v.: . ? !?!??. t iinr ?' .1 ? ? . i p | with ?. . ? ? V- ? . Tl". ; AMION TELLS OF SUGAR BEET WORK dEKPLV intekested IN p"?POSED INDUSTRY ^Res farmers tr? c ?n Brin^V*': WUh To Brevard V Hi^iir beet factorv al!,|,v '"i"'8 "oar " and . |,.\ observe,) the ; 1 was "oMvi VI, V'',h ",a,,v b.?. ? f'?c iii.ju>ti-v for OH v"s.u,,ul^ "'"'?i. an, I espcciii 11." . i Ciir Jlaving dot. .rim! J ""Hiritains. Old Xortli Stat!. ' i* ,'t'lurn friend tliat would . .. 1 1 u,otl' ? lodge ?f u.| ' J souk* know doWn here, to bei>t*. <io I he li tter came, end ,le, 0 '"''suits. ' found wo c-an if,,.... ?!' "IV '"?irprises better Letts than the \\V i*S "r "??. So j uas , U'i'" ?'"u }<> the matter more Vul'lv Io./.""k large plant at Almi. Vt , X I~1U''1 -l beets unloaded j,-,,'"' Savv the end of the bui|<]jn<r \ C?,I at om* ehinery. .sliced iooI'pj" bv ma" ??me sixty times, and the sutfur was slum*- * i r rr,|i ?al force. V centrif-j million 'dollars " and*^ ' 13d cost two tons of beets i Could ?slic<" 120 of ten tons per acre'' "i,h ? >*'<' would tiik-? it ,e' you see it to run a nlanf lfli ??" ,20-000 acres t>.? !'? ,Iuys- One Would bfing in ? ?,nl '? s,ze' aml tins and He -id -rs.m r "u'?"u" to The-- f. County. beets up to furtv c^}llrac't *?r rhoir $8 per ton del ver, !,U'; ?ut" Ten ton.# is a fair ? ?f. ?ur station, bate to sav that siv??l ; 1 woutd grown on "much of oliv -C ^ "ot l>0 Our river and creek hT" b,,<toms. eel lent for these beet, aT hJ" * *X~ proven at Blunt.-,-, *'s ba.s been The pl?ntin? W SwnnnanoA. planters with Wn ,. K* with corn tivation done wh fc an'' tk-' cultivators The i "lni01' corn worst iob ,, , A weeding js the usually all thev?cc't ""1? V?1'"1"-11 >s the fact,,,* .furnishes th? Vr'rth Weeders at the Z! ? e s<"<"" "?<> Sl?"al weeders are\& , ?f*c?i*?on i?ifi nirecl bv 1Vi? we, with larger ' ,t'"" to farn' well to take a hot't. ? wouId <i" our own weeding " Pn<0 ;,n"' ?'?? <ir en befor^Mnd' f,f.U''e<' J,-v, t,K' adults .-ur the tons -l - ,h<" them to the otation ?n h;'ll) ter. better thn? '"i000^ r?" all win Would < ut t'lin eoste "f Dt?ct'mbt'r from cold. Protection wnV'7-' "uteI'thev th? ?outho?" Kail tor'v for i, f ilJ"!' lan<l thif fai t?" counties wlie of th" wo have t he chance ''"of1", before us as farmer. v "'.time ? 'lS eases 1 V, , cl'"'' with fev dis and insfcts to n<*-ht i u..r, , dreamed of this f,?. fri,7,V , informed, the Southern consid^uV through. " * " s"' ,l NEW OFFICERS Dunn* lii Miis-onic lodiri- will '.??al liio elect inn of i 'Viccrs ]?'. iilav nijrh!. I'.uio 10. >7>ticn sim y .-.-n'. to al! ricmix. ? in iu !!"?!??!! it thii> rnv j'ii't,"n ? ? !????! ipij- t h>* oft' 'riT'i \v!i<> i<i car ry tin tin- work (taring ?}?.?? <"iirns vcar. CARL TOWI'JSFNTi 15 AT WAYNES VILL E Carl T? \vr er.d. a .? f* \\v. Ti^vn-cmi ir. u Mis?- i.??u! ''ov ;i i. wi:u l*< vimM'ly lived ,.i I! v..:<l mm! has 'm-{ m ron!U'< t i! \v : *. ? . ; h< *? State-- Navy tl.o |iiiV f. ir /??iifs. i- t < ,xv !n- :ifed at whoiv he has ,tM'e|)U' I a i - ? i ? wilh thf WaynesviiU* Mt>t?v ri* J any. Vini!:/ *I*? ?\\ |i - < j; ! -h hYisi It* in \ujru i 1 1 ? i? " ? i .? *'r< '.t ? flV'VT*- i? -;.v;re_- t !*.?? !!\ ? v ? :;:ii in ? a I?. i! r ; ?. *'i :h" e:?i'"n-r .Maeki' sv !":!<? \v : Ivij.j* : ; ihf naval pi? r a! X\ .'port. I'. !. v hf!i r.O cr rr.erv es ?? MUCH CORN mr COFH PY lallili".- <.f ' l'. C"U.' "V I'C VV ;!! ? ill:.' tin- -mile !i\:it won": io:>u- otr "?i : ?<?< :ii ? ( f the jiclivity in llic n?sn i i?t -?f ? i ' : ? .! i :i . I it '!? -ri;ii"|. T- : ? ?. V: T:i ( -l :i 1 ? ? !--n ??< ! I ? ? ' .urnir.'.* ... . ,.y for ? :? ,(?!" ' l,h" ?

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