S MGAH rOREST NEW! is The health of the community i very good at the present writing, er, Mr. Ed Taylor was *n visitor ii I), this section Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Finks were Mill 'St Kiver visitors Sunday. '"> Mrs. I'ruett has had as her gues Mi?s Kuili Muck, from Asheville. rt' Mrs. Tipton was a visitor in 1 h i iss section Wednesday. Mrs. Drown Carr and Mrs. Franl rs. Carr were Hendersonville visitor: ry Wednesday. pj* M iss Mildred Bennifield has re I :u:.ied io her home after spenditu ra sonri time with friends in Soutl 0y Carolina. ne , Mrs. Florida Carter and Miss Ed ay na Lyda.v entertained with a lawn a party Friday evening. About fortj v uests were present, and a fine time i was reported. Mrs. Willie Morris and Miss Can ute Bryson were shopping in Hen ilersonville Wednesday. '"? Mr. L. V. Sentell and Mr. James y- Barnette were in this section Sun ?n day. Miss Edna I.yday and Miss Flor js_ no Carter are spending a few weeks in Asheville. Little Mildred Lyday entertained re the young folks with a birthday ?v'. party at her home Wednesday after noon. Some twenty guests were "g present, and an enjoyable time was en had by ths little guests. ng We were very much surprised to ve hear of the wedding of Miss Cannie its Bryson and Mr. Don O'Kolly, which ke occurred at the home of Rev. Tip ton, in the presence of a few home in Brevard with our long* term loans, cplain the plan to you. ird Office ille Mortgage any Inc. Jr., Mgr. Over Patterson's Dept. Store t friends. Miss Bryson is post mist \ ri'.ss here, and Mr. Q'KelJy is con nected with the A & 1' store at lire v?rd. The community joins in wish s inn for them a long and happy life. , 1 Mr. I.ouie Cavr has returned t< n his home here after spending aoirn time vi Mexico, where he is operat 3 ing a lumber concern. Mrs. Willie Morris was the gues ^ of Mrs. Lcm Daniels Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Hoggs was the gues a of Mrs. \V. 11. I.yday Sunday. I Mr. Jim Killian ami family were guests of Mrs. Killian's mother Mrs. Allison at Hlantyre. recently. Mr. Claude Cialloway was tlu ' gucft of AJr. Claude Stepp Sunday Mr. Parker was visiting liis fain ily Icre Sunday. i Mrs. Mamie Verdery and daugh ter, Mary, were guests of Mrs. G T. Frady Saturday. Mr. Karl Wyatt motored to South Carolina Saturday. SELICA NEWS The farmers of our section are very much encouraged since the showers have come- ? -even the weeds and grass are growing better. Mr. Homer Lance has been on tlu sick list for a few days with mumps. i Mrs. H. C. McKtnna and son, George, were business visitors in Brevard Saturday. i Mr. Andy Hamilton was in our burg Sunday. i Why are so many of our friends surprised to see Mr. Clarence Yongue's garden looking so well? , Ask his neighbors ? he is an all-week farmer. | A number of our folks \vent to ? Mills River Sunday to the Home Coming or decoration services. ! Last Sunday was a bad day for 1 ioy riders in our section. Four cars i were wrecked, but none of the occu pants were fatally injured. I Mrs. C. McCall of Horse Shoe, was ja visitor of her mother and family, [Mr. and Mrs. John McKinna, Sun jdav and Monday. I Mir. Fred Whitmire, who is walk ing on the Boylston road grade, was I at home Sunday. Mr. Wade Sumniey was in our sec tion Monday. Mr. Summey is a Rosman booster. ?!". TI. Barton is having a new house built on his property near Se lica Station. More home and better ones should be our slogan. We wish Patrolman Sims would put a muffler on his high flyer, as we :.".e nre he could see more. W are glad to hear that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Pearson is improving. East Fork mentioned about her bugs being hemmed jn. Some must have bummed a ride on the airplane last week, as we are well stocked since it passed over. Uncle Joe Bryson was not at Sun day School Sunday, he must hare been sick. *.? L I If your Feet Hurt there is a good reason why Come to our store THIS WEEK and get relief You can't help feeling dragged out and listless if tired, aching feet are torturing you every minute in the day. Therefore, if you have foot troubles of any kind ? weak or broken down arches, weak ankles, crooked or over lapping toes, painful heels, corns, cal louses or bunions ? let our Foot Com fort Expert show you ho v> Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Applian - s and Rem edies will remove you.- trouble and give you ease and cor.-.. in. Come for that great relief this week. This is Dr. Scholl'a Foot Comfort Week ? a special occasion for foot sufferers. You will be given an analysis of your foot trouble, and a demonstration of how you can be rid of it quickly and permanently ? free of charge. ACT NOW. DzSctioll's Toot CoJttfort Week; June 18th to 25th Dr. Scholl't Foot-Eaz** ? relieve* tired, nehlnff fee?, weak nnrf broken down nrrhtv painful he*l? and other fp r. n.? h-irifl/ ir *t;ir tlT. n?ry rrinov "}':y "S" lion an-1 , t. Xifti*. V^C. I BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE IT^'7 Fa yi ibjSyakd. n,cj fTijaWA smUBWllil ! PENROSE HAP'NINGS ! And still we are having beautiful i 'growing weather and our crops are] looking pi.omising, except our beans, i | The beetle has Kitten them and gone I in most places. Some say spray with calc-arsenic, and you can savo them. Some say liand pick them, but so far nothing has proven a success. You cam pick | them otr clean one day and the next I day there are more than ever, pick i rein again and still they come. 1 un derstand C. C. Yongue has a sure remedy for them but it is a very tedious job to follow his instruc tions. The remedy is as follows:] I Catch the but;, till his mouth full of the poison, then tie his mouth to gether so he can't spit it out, turn i him on his back ami tie him down I so he can't turn over and he will die jof a broken heart in (24) twenty j four hours. If there is anyone wants to try it, I'd like for him to report through The News his success or failure, as | we farmers will all want to know how it succeeds. Anyway, L know what hand picking 'om means for I've picked them till I've felt like I had no back left. We had the pleasure of listening: to one o? the ablest sermons at Enon > church last Sunday that the writer i has ever had the pleasure of hearing. | The preacher was Rev. A. L. Justus i of Hendersonville. It was the 1 unanimous opinion of all who hoard I him that it was the grandest sermon I they ever heard in their life. I Next punuay we will have with us Rev. Harvey Stanberry of Mars Hill. We would! like for everyone irv the county who wants to hear a good sermon to come to> Enon next Sun day. But what is; the use of me tell ing you abo.it "Ifarve," for everyone knows him. Get in your flivver and rund own to Enon and .vou will hear something worth while. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. 3Iythe were called Asheville Sunday to see their daughter, Mrs. Hall Corpen intr, who is seriously ill'. Mrs. L. B. Frady and' children of Asheville, were visitors at Penrose Sunday. Mrs. L. F. Lyday ami family vis ited Mrs. Lyday's sister, Mrs? U. G. Reeves, Sunday.. Mrs. A. D. Lyday, who has been seriously il! for several months, has gone to Charlotte for treatment this week. We are all glad to see Mr. T. F; Middleton able to go back to his work on the Rural mail route again. There were two articles in last week's paper that if everyone didn't read they ought to. Mr. Alexander's piece on the "Neck Tie FraudV' and the one in the Rosman corner on "Local Self Government." Both of these were very timely and to the point. Re-read 'em ? it won't hurt you. AVERY CREEK NEWS J The health of our community is not very uood at present I Mrs. L. E. O'Keilev and Mrs. W. | P.. West were guests of Mrs. J. G. | N'-. ill Sunday. j Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Mil l 'i: June 8th, a son, George Lynch, Jr. Miss Faye IloIIinasworth was the j pr'.U'st of Miss Vera West Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Noill was very ill the I past week, but is improving. j Mies Lola West v?as the t of : her mother Wednesday. She has been spending a few months on Mt. risgah. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Taylor at tended the W. O. W. memorial ser vices at Brevard Sunday. Mr. Jack Davis has been on the sick list. We were all surprised to hear of th? wedding of Mr. Don O'Kelly and Miss Cannie Bryson, which took place Sunday. Mr. Herman Davis and Mr. Leony Parris were in this section Sunday. Miss Maggie Parris has returned to her homo after spending a few weeks with friends and relatives at Alexander. Mr. L. V. Sentell was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Waynes Fox and Mr. Ed Sheppard left Monday n.rrning on a trin to Detroit Mich. Mr. G. Parris made a quick trip to Asheville Sunday night. Mr. A. X. Parris has been on the sick list. Mrs. John Mackhand has returned to her home after a short trio to Tennessee. Sir. V. L. Xeill was in this section Saturday. Mr. Webb Hollingsworth is moving to his new home this week. j MY HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS j hi the St. Petersburg Times of ; ' : i 1 Saturday. the following verses | | ? < re published: l'?? tbir.kiivr of my h>>sn,? in the j mountains Of Xorth Carolina s.> fa:v: 'V.i-vuril with its beautiful fountains j Ami abundance ,of pure bracing | air. ir. the laad ? r water fall. ( i ! t'i . I":'.!'. >'i r. ar.i! v:hv fonrv'-tee. I ~ !? bi iui'T iv. mm tair. -unl^at that'. over all D . \ ? . i il every vail y a:'d lea. i Irikln- little rottage B fVlchiii half way up on the hill 9 \t :! know there's a bi-r bow! ?>:' pot g ' U \ ; < 1 welcni'v awaili::.: in. .-'.ill. B 1 i 1 ? ..f 11 y ? fair HiKa, '? t: II' M :.".d Rox'i his wife ? ! . ! r' ..1 ? *(.t ha I v. \vvi? Bobby, uj j V'. i,., . ii "'.11' life. '1 ? ?:!??? -iv a\ Mi. d .ir . lies to .?ec. ? 1 h> 1 IV;.- makinc intincj ' ?1 1 ay our dear home out of debt 0 Whiff th:* bees make ?rnnge-bui honey H' And ".1: ir ci*v'? 1<--I b- t." ? EIINK.ST ii::.\K\ NOiaVOdt). NEXT SUNDAY IS Father's Day So remember Old Dad on that da-y ? Get him something* that will, in a measure, ex press your appreciation for the way he has labored for you. An Easy Chair A Smoking Stand A Reading Lamp Either or all these things will make Father very, happy. We also have numerous other useful anu practical articles that will please him. A Wicker Suite For yourself, or porch furniture, floor coverings ? In fact, any thing you may need for the home is here in big assort ment. .* Buy Furniture Now AND PAY WHILE USING IT.