f d'o we appreciate OUR LIBRARY? ( I !y TUOKNWKl I. HAYNES) 1 literature is like nubility ? |>y 'hat 1 mean runs in this blopd-r ll'ion books are literature'.-, eoat-of urtiiit itnil a library a l'ulacc of No li'l.ty. (low often do we >;i\ " cur library a thought? Theft- an- sonio, . J nm euro, wlv every t lim* tliey pass that . way l>">k at it and mentally say, "I \vi>h you well'!". 1'ut how many ot u n ate like thai? There is no vit in--n of Hri v:i-il w'1' . js m>i iiiliaii the etiu.ain.nal ail I oulvurai value ?i" a town liliiary. )>.v menus of it. ti'.ev will tell you, in fluences t or jrtioil reach to ar.d ; through gen- rations unborn. But who visions tlu little wooden house among the trees on Alain street ? who visions it in a not-too-far-away day as a magnificent stone tdifice with majestic white pillars and beau tiful bronze doors? For such a vision there must be born in us a deeper appreciation and love of a library's worth. None of us are altogether ignorant of these things, but frankly, we are negligent of *hem. And the more we reflect upon it the more embarrassing it becomes. There are men in Brpvard sufficient ly wide-visioned and strong and brave to make the growth of the town library a "hobby." It would require years and years of labor, but no citizen could surpass such man or men in the virtues which touch upon greatness! BIBLE SCHOOL AT PRESBY. CHURCH Second Annual Summer School , now in session at the Presbyterian j church, began Monday morning of , last week with a good attendance, ] w!' ch is steadily increasing, the pr sent enrollment including 104 , boys' and girls between the ages of J 6 and 16. Children of all denomina- ( tions of the town are in attendance ; , at the school and much interest is j manifest in the work being carried on. The school convenes every ; morning in the week except Satur- _ day, and will continue in session through the month of June. , Mrs. Wayne A. Monroe is superin- < tendent of the Bible school, assisted | by Mrs. V. A. Crawford, who is in | charge of the opening and closing , excieises. Miss Carlotta Rogers, Miss , Glenna Guinn, Miss B?rtha Chand ler and Miss Julia Wood. Subject matter taught the children includes Bible history of both the Old and . New Testament, Bible geography, , books of the Bible and memory : verses, Bible doctrine, Life of Christ, Life of Paul,- Bible stories for J younger children. i CTinrtals-o?. the school extend an invitation to all parents and those | in t'j rested to attend the . opening , "exercises each morning from 8:30 to 8:45 o'clock, or the closing exercises , from 11:15 to 11:30 o'clock. Clos inp exercises of the school will be held on Friday night, July 1, and the following Saturday will be cele brated by a picnic for the children, at which time th*> nnrents are asked , to bring cars and if they can to go with the children. Further details of the closing of the school will be given later. VITALlTATiSTiCS WORK BEING DONE Register of Deeds Ira D. Gallo way, "and his assistants are revising the registration of vital statistics for this county and indexing same. The period reaches back to 1913, and all births and deaths in this county since that time will be placed on record and the names indexed in such man ner that interested parties can find a name in any given case m a moment's time. This will be the , first time that Transylvania county has bad the advantage of up-to-date , index records on vital statistics. j A B. CARTER TO HEAD THE BAPTIST ORCHESTRA A B Carter, well-known violinist and composer, has been engaged by the Baptist church to have charge of the ?-hurch orchestra durinpr the sum "i0!* season. The Baptist or chestra adds much to the services at that church and the addition of Mr. Carter, it is said, will greatly strengthen this part of the church work. t Mrs. Radford Nicholson Mrs. Radford Nicholson died early W'vresdav niorninc at the home of her "?other, Mrs. Cantrell, following a lingering illness of more than a year. Funeral services ? Wcd::';sdav afternoon at the Presby ter nn" church", conducted by the p.ts i ?*. Rev. V. A. Crawford. us of this sad death was 'earned jus: t.efore going to press on \\ed nus i-'i. and a more detailed account of' i'-'* estimable woman will be given in next week's paper. jWALTERMlRE GRILL | OPEN TO PUBLIC ; i, M.' ( ' IV:' 'V: II . (ppf of iKi' Waltormiiv .Grill an<l Dining I : lui'iU'il in i!.i' Wultcnhfti1 m' l>l building, i.s oifi-iing a p:r/.e ? (Hilars to t ho person who i \w to> the host letter stating !';is : .mini ??f lh>> survive aii.l fond at li s. ii wntly e.s'.ablished dining l uum, ?ihui. is now upt n ii> th<- public. Ait'.hlion c ?' ' readei .< is called ? o ? l-viriv-m found I'ltUwIuTO ?.' :s Syrdle of 'I'll.' NeVV.s, telling I i in detail i>i liiis prjy.e contest. I NOTICE virtii" hi" tho power given '? i curtain deed in trust executed b\ 0 White to the undersigned trus :ee to secure ctrwiiti indebtedness n'.i-jitivned in said deed in trust, which if dated April IS. 1!>2(>, ' and legistered in book 20 ;;t page tH>. i "ii in trust, records of Transyl vania County, N C., and the said in debtedness mentioned bavin* ho- 1 come due and unpaid, and notice as required in said deed in trust having been given to the maker of said notes and deed in tru.st to make good the payment and default not havinjc been made good, and the holder of said notes, Mrs. Anna. J. McDevitfc having demanded that the lands described in said deed in trust be soUl to satisfy the said indebted ness and cost of sale. 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the Town of 1J re vara, N". C., on Monday, July 11, 1027 at 12 o'clock M. all the follow ing described lot of land lying in the Vown of Brevard on the west side >[' North C a hi w oil street, adjoining he lands of Frank Shuford and oth ers. Beginning on a stone eight feet west of. the east margin of North Caldwell street the northwest cor ner of Lot No. 4 and runs with the line between Lot No. 4 and No. 3, south 01 deg. east 233 feet to a stake on the west margin of a 10 i foot alley; thence With west margin | ji said 10 foot alley south 29 deg. j ivest 70 feet to a large locust post: l chance still with the west margin of j :he alley south 47 deg. 30 min. west J J4 feet to a stake on the north mar- i ;in of Apple Tree street; thence with j lie north margin of Apple Tree ! street 43 deg. west 233 feet to a j stake 8 feet west of the corner of , Caldwell street and Apple Tree , ?treet: thence north 29 deg. east t>0 I feet to the beginning. Being all the j and described in a deed from Anna T McD.evitt to C. P. Whtie by deed iated the 18 day of Feb. 1926. Excepted from the above describ ed land the following: All that land described in a deed of release from r. C .Galloway, Trustee to Ernest !?'. Young and Paul J. Weaver, dated ? day of April 1926, and recorded r. book No. 53 at page 581 of the :l?ed records of Transylvania coun- 1 iy to which record reference is 1 :? :vby made for a full and com- | plete description of the land herein ; excepted. fhi.? Uth day of June 1927. r. C. Galloway, Trustee. 16-23--30-7 WANT ADS WANTED TO BUY ? 100 Suit. ? Will pay highest price ? cash. Brevard Cleaning Co. J9 POULTRY SUCCESS ? America's ! foremost Poultry Journal. $1.00 j per year. Kenneth C. Parsons, Sap- j phire, N. C. pd M26; J2-9-16 j FOR SALE ? One Solid Oak Ten ! Piece Dining Room ouite in card. Mrs. Margaret "* +zer J16-23 HATS REDUCED 25 % of price and more in order to sell all stock before moving into new place. Mrs. M. W. GALLOWAY Mg dh MONEY TO LOAN ? On Improved! farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred, however, one thousand dollar loans will be ac cepted. 1-20 tf 50 A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. FOR SALE ? 50 Suits Cood Clothes, j very reasonable. Call in and see , them. Brevard Cleaning Co. PAINTING, Calcimining. Work j guaranteed Charges reasonable, j Let mo figur ? ?-Uh you on your work. See or write W. A. Williams, Bre- ! vard, R-2. J9-16. ! FOR SALE ? 100,000 Danish Bafd j Head. Late Flat Dutch and Sure- 1 Head Cabbage Plants. See W. E. ' Bird at T'.ill Glae/.ner farm n< u: \ Country Club. 16-23-30 R.E.L ! We BUY and SELL Second-Hand Clothes. Brevard Cleaning Co. !) FOR RENT Our furnished home for the season. Six rooms and bath, all conveniences. Good garden already planted and growing that goes with the house. See O. Duclo*. o.t Nicholson and Duclos, or nhone 125. 2tp J9-16 ARGUMENT FAILS to cor.vir.ee with many Bu : -tu ;I 'S'iviH'i makes th- m ihi'Tijr ? th mi lid . So \v ?'U((irc-t that ; -??it umviarablc i? feather or th"-? ? . i f ury cicuiicii. We. KUaran'.e" ?ha! when you fret them hack vi.-.is idea that they had soen their Ik day.-' v. '11 l i completely ehar.^' CLEANING CO. Telephone 94 HIT?) Brevard, North Carolina ONE BIG WEEK STARTING MONDAY JUNE 20th. Edward A. Renos Funmakers "The Show With a Million Friends" With A1 "Smokey" Lyle And a Company of 30 People 30 IMCLUDIMG CONCERT BAND Under Direction of George E. Stone AND Novelty Orchestra Direction of Frank D. Chnon BEAUTIFUL TENT THEATRE Corner Caldwell and Jordan The largest and best Vaudeville Show on the Road 3 NOTE OUR PRICES ?7~ Children 10c ? Adults 25c On our opening night one lady will be admitted free with each paid adult ticket. You know the name and the show so we expect you Doors Open 7:15 - Curtain At 8:10

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