9 i MOODY INSTITUTE TO DRAW TURQ^ Next Sunday Starts JT wo VyV.K^ Session of Bible Study And Lecture GREAT SPEAKERS ARE ON INSTITUTE PR.OGRA1V Local Churches And Civic Orgp.niza tions Backing the Movement ? General Interest Plans are now practically w\~ fectt'd for Brevard's first Kjblt conference of the Moody Bible I ? siituie, of Chicago, ? which will b. fin here next Sunday afterr.i . .1 July 24, in a two weeks' sc.' . >n Three services each day wih bt held, all being in the high sihoo auditorium and free and open ic the general public. The committees appointed to as sist Director \V. Earl Robinson id the work of the Bible conference met on Monday evening at the Bap tist church, at which time 'Mr. Rob inson issued general instructions covering the responsibilities of the local men and women who will contribute largely to the success of the- conference. The committees are composed of five members each, being one from each of the four churches in Brevard and one from the Chamber of Commerce. It is these institutions, representing the business men and the churches of Brevard, that are sponsoring the conference, Prominent speakers in religious and educational fields from various sections of the country will be heard at the different sessions, and a large choir made up of singers from the different churches will fur nish music for each session of the conference. Following is the program for the opening week, beginning July 24: Sunday, July 24 3:00 p.m. Opening session of Con ference. Address by Dr. S. E. Long, of Indianapolis, Ind. 7 :45 p.m. Song Service, congrega tion and large chorus choir. Sermon by Dr. Henry Ostrom, of Chicago. Monday, July 25 9:30 a.m. Boys and Girls meeting, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. All home and visit ing boys and girls invited. 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible hour. 4 :00 p.m. Dr. Ostrom, Address. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Dr! Ostrom, Sermon. Tuesday, July 26 9:30 a.m. Boys and Girls meeting. 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible hour. -4:00 p.m. Rev. Louis Entzminger, foremost authority on the Sun day School. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Dr. Ostrom, Sermon. Wednesday, July 27 9:30 a.m. Boys and Girls meeting. 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible Hour. 4:00 p.m. Rev. Louis Enzminger on the Sunday School. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Dr. Ostrom, Sermon. Thursday, July 28 9:30 a.m. Boys and Girls meeting. 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible Hour. 4:00 p.m. Rev. Louis Enzminger on the Sunday School. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Dr. Ostrom, Sermon. Friday, July 29 9:30 a.m. Boys and Girlsr meeting. 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible' 'H.our; 4:00 p.m. Evangelist W. S. grove, of Grand Rapids, Mich',* address. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Rev. W. S. Colegrove, Sermon. Saturday, July 30 3:00 p.m. Dr. Long, Bible Hour. 4:00 p.m. Rev. W. S. Colegrove, address. 7:45 p.m. Song Service. Rev. W. S. Colegrove, Sermon. (No meeting for Boys and Girls). * ? JUDGE W. E. MOORE TO PRESIDE HERE Judge Walter E. Moore will hold the next term of court, which con venes here the first week in August. There are a large number of im portant civil cases to be tried. Judge Moore is well known here and mem bers of the local bar, as well as cit izens generally, are always glad when the genial judge from the Murphy branch is to preside at a term of court. campissueof" THE BREVARD NEWS Next week's Brevard News will be devoted to the activities of the camps/in this section. Then? will he a special page devoted to Camp ^Chickasaw and to Kngles Nest camp, ^vhile news of other camps will be carried. Transylvania people fully appre ciate the tremendous value of the summer camps to this section, and it is the desire of The Brevard News to pi*opprly convey this spirit of appreeUmon which prompts the de votion t/r> so much of th ? -puce in the pajrtf' to the activities of the camps, fnetdentr'ly there will be iPrartically 200i> extra copies of The ^.Mfrevard News published next week, [fin order to supply the mailinr list ^ ^-"furnished by the ramps. /T'J DR. HENRY OS 1 ROM ? Member of E&te nsion Staff of the i Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, ? author, evangelist and Bible teacher known from coast to coast. Dr. Cstrom will speak daily for four days at the Brevard Bible Confer-; , cnce. BEANS SHOULD BE I BURNED AT ONCE }- r . . | County Agent Away With Club Children Poor Corn Crop In the County i ' (By L. A. AMMON) > In traveling about, 1 see many j i patches of beans that should be I pulled up and burned. If you do I not you will soon have another gen- j jeration of* hard backed beetles, and < [a few days later more eggs, and I ;then more wooly ones. Now is the; time to hit and* hit hard. It is up ' [to you whether we have a large! number for the late crop of beans j or not. It will be time well spent j if you will look after those dead I vines soon. The most oft asked question the ' 'past week, "Are we going to ship; j potatoes this year?" Yes, as soon; 'as- the skin is a little tighter, and l lless danger of them heating in the! car. The market situation is being | (investigated by Mr. . Yongue, and) 'about the middle of August we hope to begin moving \them. Speak to Mr. Yongue or the County Agent if you wish to sell this fall. Last report of the government on the potato crop gives a good chance, at another big crop, so we had bet- 1 ter take what we can get and move them before the middle of October. Tuesday the Agent and the club children will drive over to Rocky Bottom for four days stay. Hender son county joining us . | Since my wife is away for a ; month, you will have some difficulty in reaching me over the phone. Will be at home late evenings and up to about eight in the mornings. Examination of Mr. C. F. Wood- j fin's, corn where the lice and root worm was doing much damage, shows that the soda, (nitrate), has done good work and will pay for itself 'many times. This is two that have . | tried it with good effect. Corn on ?loose, puffy land that is small, yel jlow, and streaked, should be exam ! ined for lice on the roots. If found [add about one table spoon of ni trate of soda per stalk, which is i about 100 pounds per acre. Government report on corn shows i | the poorest crop since 1901, which ! jiiCa rather poor showing. If growing out pigs at nine cents i per pound will give you two dollars : per bushel for corn, why on earth I don't more" of you jump at the | chance to make money? I Don't forget the meetings for the ! week of July 25th, as we want ) large crowds out, to hear the best | men of the county and state, talk j 'about your chances in shipping cream. The creamery talk has brought | one inquiry from a large concern, J wanting to start a creamery some- 1 where up here. One application for boss of the proposed creamery re ceived at Chamber of Commerce. | Your chance to show the country jwhat you can do. LOCAL BOY MEETS I SERIOUS accident; Mystery at first surrounded the] I serious injury of Bill Brinkley, the; 1 21-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. j ! Charley Brinkley, of North Brevard, I (when he fell from a moving Sou- j ith"rn freight train two miles from ! Hendersonville Sunday afternoon,. Jand was taken in an unconscious condition to the I'atton Memorial , hospital at Henderson ville, where he ? remained unconscious for 18 hours, : and hi* identity was unable to be , solved. After retraining conscious ness fr.ra short time on Monday, the young man gave t ohospital author- 1 itics his name and address. ? Young Brinkley suffered a frac tured skull and serious internal in juries as result of his fall, and little hopes at first were entertained for 'his recovery, but later reports *tate , 'that his chance for recovery are' | more hopeful. !t i? thought that the yoiiiitr man,, j while riiling this sou'hhoiind f r?-iirht , ' j had intended to get off at H-rd'r l^f.n?-.lt0 and come on to -and after discovering that the train I d not .-top at Hendersonville, he made | 1th" daring jump, which almost! ! of vi (I fatal. I . * * , ? v ' ? ? i * CYCLONE MACK TO HOLD KEV1VA!, HIvRE ? Rt v Bt>xt>'r McLendon, known tc Unt vf iho.usan di oi people * ati "Cyrlonc will be^in ;k revival it* bre\ard on SunrUy, Anifin.t 7. A l?ifj tent will b;* " crccteJ on the vacant lot bf *' lengin? to Mrs.. Bmilah Zach v iiry, next to the Baptist church. * This announccnient will de * light hundreds of Cyclone * Mntli'-. fr.'enfls, and It is expect * cd that pi'oole from all over the county* ana from Hendorion* ' ville :*t?d Aiheville will attend ?* the revival services. ?. ?> * * -V * ?* ' ?|? i> * * ? 4 * * VISITORS WININ GOLF TOURNAMENT Contrary to expert predictions, thi' honors of llrevard's first mixed golf tournament held last Thursday afternoon went to a Georgia iwo some who negotiated the rugged hills of the local course in the cred itable score of 63. The inners, Mrs. Eugene Limer ick of Savannah and Jennings Gor don or Home, seemed to be more at home on the rolling fairways than anv of the mountain bred golfers, although several local tosomes were hard on their heels. In fact, but through a regrettable error the laur els would have gone to Mrs. H. A. Piummer and Ray Lyon. They turned in a GI but due to the fact that Mrs. Harry Patton substituted for Mrs. Piummer for the first three holes their score was disqual ified. With more than fifty contestants entered, the tournament was easily the most successful contest held by the club this season and many golf ing enthusiasts are urging the tournament ' committee to arrange another during the month of Aug ust. " j ' Mr. Gordon, ho is golfing instruc tor at Camp Carolina, added to his fame the day following the tourn ment when paired with G. F. Gazley he deflated '"Scotty" Woodman and Edwin Lewis two up in a special nine hole match, much to the con sternation of local divot diggers. "Scotty," the Brevard elub's pro, has offered various and sundry at ibis for the defeat and is blaming his partner for his donfall. So loud has been Woodman's lamentations that Mr. Gordon has consented to play a return engagement this j (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock ! with the same partners. The match will be a best ball foursome for 18 i holes and a large gallery is expected I to witness these gifted exponents of i the royal and ancient game display i their wares. .. WILKiNS MEN IN SPLENDID MEETING: Charlie Wilkins, manager of the Western North Carolina territory for the Security Life and Trust company, of Winston-Salem, was in his seventh heaven of delight last Friday evening, when he held a boosters' meeting of his agents at Highlands. As guests of honor Mr. Wilkins had C. C. Taylor, vice pres ident and general manager of the company, and Mr. Harrison, actuary | of the insurance company. Agents working with Mr. Wilkins from all the western counties were present, including Clarence Fisher, A. E. Hampton, and W. E. Ramsey, of Brevard, and numbered as the j most successful representatives of | the company, J. E. Frazier, Brevard i lawyej, who is connected with the company in legal capacity was pres- | ent. The mayor of Highlands was a guest of honor, and spoke feelingly of the work being done by the rep resentatives of Security Life and Trust company in his section, and welcomed the visitors to Highlands. Vice President Taylor paid high tribute to Mr. Wilkins and his agency force, saying that no section of the country is responding quite j so loyally to the appeals of his com- j pany as the Western section of I North Carolina. ? Mr. Wilkins maintains district | headquarters in Brevard, and is in- 1 trumental in keeping on deposit in the Brevard banks much money that j is of material benefit to this section. I James F. Barrett, editor of The ] Brevard News, was one of the ' speakers of the evening. | KIWANlS CLUB IN ! IMPORTANT MEET, Despite the inclement weather prevailing at the time "f opening of the Kiwanis meeting Friday night, i the true Kiwanis spirit was never- \ theless demonstrated, in that a large ! number of members were present ;o participate in and enjoy the splend id program on Business Standards, as arranged and presided over by D. (i. Ward. Quite a number of local and on! of town speakers touk part on l hi* program anil spoke on different phases of standards, as applied to professional and religious activities as well J'S to tho.-e of .1 j-irictly bus iness nature. T!i" T.rst ? peaker "f th? oc-nsion wti ? A'ti r'vy K. It. Rims.*\v who '<f ihe high slan'dards for which to strive in the field of Jaw. This was followed by O, H. Orr. speaking on the measure of a man MR. EARL W. ROBINSON Member of the Extension Staff of the Moody Bible Institute of Ch, .cago. He will direct the Brevard ! bible Conference. 'GREAT SYSTEM FOR ! THE BREVARD BANK Public Demonstration Next ,S*t"'.<jay | ?Everybody Invited? Hundred, Are Expected To Attend 1 Next Saturday will bo a great day for the Brevard Banking company, i when a factory representative will (demonstrate the workings of ' th? M. Clint mk Burglar Al"X.d in the TS 3 SS fact, it is said, there is no chance whatever of tam penny: wlth , , , bank vault in any manner without the alarm sounding. v,.,.P be*!' iSd'b? the" bank to | attend i the public demonstration next ba j finnan interview concerning the, ! Thos. vhee. 1 following vie^jkof the otficer of a bank is its vaults. Th^m are stored not oiily *?, records and monies of the banK I'liffess an^otCsati^ed ^trh Thick walls and UeavTeCn^s^a contract has ,ust So^ompany. the to electrically protect j 0Ui'.TheUltentire surface of the walls., ceiling anil flocr are ^nsitive , rounded *.th eleUnca ,u> arc. , TolSeTaJin'. Stick ?< *">' k%o ?.?? o< astrous bm-ning companies as Irtrch of hades' will attack ouv ! the torcn ,. known among ; of "the underworld that tamp those of the ntock electrically I uWi ,h? I SSESSflS J. !&8? -1 ?>"'?" safe-guarded. vaults "Anv attack made on the vaults of this bank will immediately cause ; m; ^ WS&. -H ?KtrZXSt system of elec- j trical protection '^"^d Vault I the finest thing of Its *'"? and Sarr^^-^irpSl irtheVnd^w^ers'liatoraionesinl the, highest rating, that of Grade j poUbiUties^nd 'for the '^h which they have Eo ?j in JJ tion. the very utmost in vauiv )" from a busings standpoint; Rush ? Whitmire. on high standard* in the ! automobile business: J. S. Silver steen. on high standards in business in general; Rev. O. I.. Simpson and | | Rev. V. A. Crawford spoke on diflfer |ent phases of the question of the. relationship of religion as applied to , 'modern business methods: VV. Earle 1 Robinson, director of the Moody j Bible Institute conference* to be in, session .here the next two weeks.! made announcement of th.? coming, event an I spoke of the splendid co- : ? pi rativ" spirit he finds in Brevard, ? predicting that the Brevard confer-' ? nse will bo ??ne "f tile best held j 'during the year ,by the Moody lnsti-5 | f Ute people: J. W. James, of Ash" Sville. a gue?t of J. II. Tinsley. ; stressed the necessity ??f obeying 'high standards in the insurance btis i in ess. ? I The songs sung during the ev-:- ri ling, led by song leader, Rev. \\ . II. i IHartsell. prove dan attrp'*t.ive fea ture of f h- *veiiinjr'js%f?r^: **ain# TO HEAR COMPLAINTS ' Oi TAX ASSESSMENTS On Saturday, July 30, the board of county commissioners will meet tor the purpose of heartfi^ any criticism or com plants cci?ccrningf the new tax assessments made this summer. The special committee named several days a?fo and charged with making the levy by town ship has completed its work, re potted to the commisaio.nc rs and has b<*t n discharged. The county commissioners constitute board tf equalisa tion, and Saturday, July 3 0 , has been set aside lor this work. 1 ? m MAIL ROUTS TO GREENVILLE Gives to Brevard (he Best of Mai Facilities^? Several Hours Chopped Off e1 BreVard made {mother ki'< ; f< rwanl last week whist die T.'iiiuii S ates government established a stai J n ail route between Brevard ami ; Greenville, S. C., which also serve's i Cedar Mountain and Caesar's Head ? a:?l all points between this town and i Greenville. V. Bunyan McGaha. of Brevard, was awarded the mail cOn 1 1 . act . which will be tried out for i\ | f w months, and if it proves of ! v:ilu- to the two cities and the 1 places between, the service will be c<nt>nued as. a definite route. I A star route between Brevard and ! Greenville has been sought for sev !e;al years. A few weeks .ago Con Igressnian Zebulon Weaver came over !f otn Asheville and with several IB 'pv.ifd citizens went to Caesar's I! ?ad, where a meeting was held with j.C tngrersman McSwain and .many tditig ? "tizens of Greenville. Plans w -re a<'' ated at that meeting look ing to the establishment of the star i"ute. This prompt action once a ain demonstrates the effectiveness oi' co-ordinated action in securing tilings needed by a community. The star route to Greenville shortens the mail time between the t: st and Brevard by many hour#. Mail from New York comes direct to Greenville, and a few hours lator is distributed in Brevard. 'Hereto fore the mail had to be sent from Spartanburg, by Hender^onville and then to Brevard, or else switched off at Salisbury,, sent by Asheville, and thjn tc Brevard. Following is the new schedule of arrival and departure of mails into and out of Brevard. Daily Schedule Arrivals Departures 10:00 A. M. &:30 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 0:00 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:30 P. M. <5:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Sunday Schedule Arrivals Departures 11:30 A. .M 8:30 A. M. 2:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. 6t30-^-M, 4:00 P. M. LOCAL HOSPITAL ADDS LATEST X-RAY Makes of Transylvania Hospital One of Best Equipped of All Towns Transylvania hospital ha? just had installed in its recently acquired home on Broad street an X-ray ma chine of the latest device, thus plac ing this hospital in the front ranks of similar privately owned institu tions in the state, insofar as equip ment is concerned. The machine, which is on the first floor of the hospital, was purchased from Kelley-Koeth company, Cov ington, Ky., and was installed hy Engineer John Pfeiffer, of this com pany. It is said to be one of the most up-to-date and most thoroughly equipped machines to be found on the market, with generator, trans former. aerial tubes and all neces sary equipment to carry on all work for which such machines of the lat est model are made. This new equipment added to the Transylvania hospital makes of this institution one of the most modern hospitals to be found in any town of the size of Brevard in the United States. People of this section take an especial pride in the Transyl vania hospital, because of the fact that Dr. T. .!. Summey. a Transyl vania boy, is at the head of the in stitution. Associated with Dr. Sum niev is Dr. G. B. Lynch, and work ing in cooperation with the hospital are practically all of the doctors of the county. Transylvania hospital serves not only Transylvania county, but the upper end of Henderson and a .section of Jackson and Macon counties. Tho institution is now filled with patients, and plans have been announced for the enlargement of the present buildinir. Transylvania hosoital1 means much to this section in addition to its abil ity to properly care for th,- citizens <>f the county, on .'i'-C"U:it of the 'act that this is a tourist report. People spending time av av from home al ways take into consideration the hospital facilities, and tr.e splendid reputation of the Tran-.vlvania hos pital gives assurance to tourists that if. the event of r?vider: sudden illness. Brevard is amply able to take care of any situation that may arise. : BREVARD HAS BfST ?; MAIL SERVICE YET .1 v Great Meeting Held a; C. of C. Shows Tremcndoiu S t i?i i-a 1 mvn I* M'l|' ? r.q; * FEW ABSENT ON ONl? AC CO U N T AND A .SO HE U ' Report on Industry Made l;> J curat ? ;Bij> Meeting Expected v:i Next Tuesday Night " Hr<-. Miirii was in i' Li ;is * cendency at the 'mteiin-; ?..* the " Chamber u t* Commerce Tuesday * 'it. \vh.;? member# ?.?f tW xecu tivi board met in regular' im -tintf. j:.*;:orts were made of the |ii"(jro5S t:>i i e.i'ain measuis bud n.v . and '!?' ap|ilaiis 'jr. ???rat.' each eport V'.w till but deafeaintr. Some ;n?m '??i ' were a bs' at . iKC'RUft* of nner . vns,.i|<vi.i.">:< that meant nil; i to the tov.-n and county, while :i few i'b.-enu i we're noted because f the ' fact that nothing of especial inter est to their personal benefit ha been , announced for the. meeting.. Those nbsetittce were noted and '.e sensed ' o" the gv< ';v! 'hut i: is . imp "siblo 1 for some pe ,o have any inter ' est in'' anythiiiK except 'it cor ain a ' direct personal : ivancement t<- such 1 people. Uoscoe Nichoe .a, postmast r ex : traord'na y :;-vi itiv.en pi en a>ton t rejo.lfd or the cor. .titter, having in Hiarge the securii ; of the situ- '.ween Breva> I and Greenville. Tir'- -sport has : high lights the following: i "Brevard ti('2 u"s the fine.-' mail service of ally . 'ort town in vVest (ern North Car. 'Inn. While our afternoon lraib sed to close at 2 o'clock in. -.ho nf'Tnoori, tdda* 1500 ! letters ere uispp?ched to their 'variour -Ic-.'.T ?' t*? . is that were mailed at ' hiU h< tr. This ? ?? i ' .ion to Br .'ard's appeal to the tourist, was ri -eived jwith the gr a ;st ap.plau--, Ed McCoy, po> *.n. .. . "r at Pissra For est, tolu of ho,. .aUch good th ? new j route would be to the people is of fice served.. Lewis P. Hamlin Alex I H. Kizer and Roscoe Nicholso ? con stituted the commitee which !? ->ught about this happy condition f; ? this .section. i One of the pleasant porti. is of the report of this committee w; 5 that ( dealing with the additional mail 'service afforded Lake Toxawav. Ros jman and those sections above here. 1 This new plan gives additional mail I facilities to all sections of the 1 county, and it was this great service which gave so much pleasure to the 1 officials of the Chamber of Com ; merce. j One of the finest resujts of the meeting was the discussion of the letter received front a big creamery ! concern which is anxious to locate a I plant in this county. This offer came : because of the activity of the (Chamber of Commerce in the estab lishment of a creamery in Transyl ! vania county. The industrial committee which was in charge of the negotiations with manufacturers who would like to locate in this section made le port. This report is not ready to give to the public as yet, and only those who attended the meeting Tuesday are allowed to know just what work has been done along these lines. It was decided to hold another meeting next Tuesday evening, at which time many matters of import ance will be discussed and acted m> on. It is expected that the ques tion of the nine months school and its possibilities will be discussed at 'this meeting. All members are ex ipeeted to be present at the meeting next Tuesday evening. HOUSTON COMES TO i BREVARD BUSINESS j One of the interesting business deals in Brevard during: the recfitt I months was the sale of the Medfoid 'Furniture company store to Mr. A. ! H. Houston, of Canton, The Med , ford people, under the local man 'agement of Mr. Cordell Russell, has i built up a splendid furniture business ! in this town and county. The coro ; ing of Mr. Houston, well known in ; Brevard, is a guarantee that the high standard of service set by the Medford Furniture company will be maintained in the future. Mr. Russell, who is a partner in I the chain of store* operated by the j Medford Furniture company, was very popular in business circles .here, and in social circles was well | known. Mr. Russell's marriage a ; few weeks afro lo Miss Helen DurVt ? worth was one of ( the social events of the season. ' I While Brevard regrets to give Mr. and Mrs. Russell up to Cairo*, 'it i nevertheless, happy to ha ve (Mr. aid Mrs. Houston as citizen-, especially ir, view of the fact that ! Mrs. Hou.-ton is a daughter of Mi j W. I.. Aiken, of Brevard. MRS. HARTSELL HEADS i COUNTY W. M. U. GROUP ' At the recent ? meeting of the I Transylvania county \V. M. U. hold lat the Little River Baptist chiiich. | the following officers for the ensu ing year were elected : Association.**! | superintendent, Mrs. VV. H. Hartsell, Brevard; secretary, Mrs. J. I,, Gil lespie. Cherryfield; treasurer,- Mr*. jTalley, Penrose; young peoples herd er. Mrs. Ralph Ramsey, Brcvftrd. | The next annual meeting will be I hf-lii a' the Ciilvi 1 1 ohuu i"..

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