* WARFARE RAGES E OFFICIAL CIRCLES School Board Says There Shall Be Nine Munlhft' School Term For County Commissioners keep "*i ON CUTTING BUDGET Whole Question To Be SettleJ in i. r .V ' Court, it is Said by Some Authorities. After a session lasting two days, the county commissioners and county school hoard failed to agree 011 ',!u school budget as prepared by ;he. school board, and all indications point to the fact that tlje courts wiil be called upon to decide whether or not Transylvania county has a nine months school this year. The commissioners refused to ac cept several items contained in the school budget. Among such items as rejected by the commissioners, and which money was refused for pay ment, included: The athletic coach of Brevard High School; the vocational agriculture teacher at ilnsman ; the clerk in the superintendent's office; reductions were made jn amounts asked for in the upkeep of buses and in the travel ing expenses of the county superin -- tendent; and elimination by the couu ty commissioners of the emergency fund contained in the school budget. ; Members of the county school board claimed that under the law the county commissioners must levy sufficient taxes to run the schools nine months, and in the deadlock that has ensued all the facts on both sides will be heard by the clerk of the court. In the event differences cannot be ad justed, then the matter will be ap- ) pealed to the judge of the superior court, who will decide upon all the questions at issue. The school board seems to be de terminedj if possible, to give a full nine months school term, while the members of the county board of com missioners are faced with the finan cial situation, and seems to be trying ' to find some way of cutting down ex- I penses in order to hold down taxes. Monday and Tuesday all-day ses sions were held by the two boards. A recess was taken for Wednesday, and they are in session again today. Members of both boards are giving much of their time and best thought : to the proper solution of the ques-j, tions confronting the county, and j differences of opinion only have caused the deadlock. County commissioners have used the axe on the road and chaingang 1 budgets, with equal vigor as that felt by tfte school board. Many items con tained in the road and chaingang budgets were cut squarely in two by the county commissioners. One such item of particular interest was that Oi'the salary of Road Supervisor T. J. Wilson, which was cut -exactly in naif. Of course, none of these matters arc definitely settled, nor is there any Jikelihood of such definite settlement until the last court of resort has been appealed to. QUORUM llNALLY MEETS AT CHAMBER After a wait of about one hour, a quorum was finally assembled at the meeting of the directors of the Cham ber of Commerce Tuesday night, and transacted much important business. One of the big matters coming be fore the meeting was that of a pro posed creamery for this county. Messrs. J. A. Yarborough and D. K. Yarborough, officials of the 1. & B. Corporation, of Charlotte, ^'cre at the meeting, and made proposition tor the establishment of a creumevy iiere..* 'J hese gentlemen a:? \V1uT0ughly ex perienced in the creamery business, naving operated the Mecklenburg Dairv Company in Charlotte for many vears, and are now owners of the Catawba Creamery 111 Hickory. The proposition made by these gentlemen was referred to a commit tee which iv. et with th 111 W eilnendaj, rning at '?* ::1" o clock. At this meeting it was decided to hold a pub lic meeting in the court house 1-riday afternoon at 2 o'clock. PROPERTYTOBE SOLD FOR TAXES Monday, August 1st. at 12 , n ">r., t'our.ty Tax Collector VV. i'.. ileti it r.-on and City Clerk II. 11. I'atton will hold the boards a: the county court house. A real . auction sale is to be held, uut there wili he no brass band, nor giving away of prizes in an effort to bring out it big crowd. Th> occasion will be a sale "?! real ??state aTid al! unpaid taxes for the \ ? .r and prior to that. It > sai i that many pieces of property are to he sold for the purpos- of Hearing titles and in the dissolution of partnership, buying of real es tate during the flurry of a year ago. I'nder the ni< law the sale of r>al estate for taxes mear.s much n ? ? ?> than it used to. I11 fai t it genuin' sale, when a' the ??n?l stipulated period of time. *h?* former ownt-r fails to redeem hiv !k- !. nn i th" d?-"?!. tt U ssvd. b ? -? I'iirr *t. Mrs. \V. O. K. King. .Mrs. Ward. Res. possibility, building up a large chorus choir. ,.\dvi. and ll< v. Wayne M"i> ' Kuril committee iia- mi duty to perform and t' I"'"!"' functioning of th?* ??*.;. . ??' . . ? . ? t ' ? r 'V ' Come To Court House Friday Afternoon At 2 All citizons, men and women, business men, professional men, farmers, and all people interested in the establishment of a creamery and cash produce market for ? ransylvania county, are urged to meet at the county court house Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when a plan will be submitted for consideration. All people who are really interested in the future of thi*> town and county are urged to drop other matters, if possible, for one hour Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and lend their presence and counsel to one of the most important events in the county's history. "BIG" ELBERT OWEN KNOCKED IN HEAD BY "BIG" TOM WOOD Thomas Wood, of Gloucester, known as "Uig" Tom Wood, is said to have struck Elbert Owen, also known as "Big" Elbert, in the head with a shovel Wednesday afternoon, inflicting serious injury. Mr. Owen is in Transylvania Hospital, and it is said his condition is most serious. According to reports reaching The X'ews, Mr. Wood is contracting for the Gloucester Lumber Company, in .he Gloucester section. Wednesday, it is said, Air. Owen went to the log ging operations being carried on by Mr. Wood, and began running the nen away from their work. All the men, it is ."aid, looked upon .Mr. Owen as a dangerous man. It is said he took one team away from a driver, in his campaign of terror among the . men. "Big Tom" Wood then went to the rescue of his men, and struck Mr. Owen across the side of the head with a shovel, knocking him into uncon sciousness, Mr. Wood came to Brevard and surrendered to Sheriff Sitton. telling ; the officers about the trouble, and then offering to guarantee hospital costs for Owen. Both men are well known and well liked throughout the county. COMPLAINTS TO BE HEARD SATURDAY; Saturday, next, will be a busy d a v ' n Brevard, it is predicted, as that lay has been set aside by the eountv ?omniissioners for the purpose of learing- any complaints that may be nade concerning- the new rate of axation. Those who are in position ?.?k"ow> however, state that there Mil be very little criticism, as the issessors and appraisers have worked iard and studied each property care ully, in an effort to give equa'l valu ition to all holdings. It is an accepted fact that the valu ition this year must be considerably ugher than that of last year, and this act being- generally known, and the pasons therefore being common7; nowledge, it is thought there will be jut little complaint heard at the meet SREAfCROWDS GO TO BREVARD BANK . ? I I It is estimated that fully fifteen i !lc'"!)!l' visited the Brevard I ??.UK last Saturday and witnessed a ? mnnstration of the Workings of the lew burglar alarm system just in >talled. It was really an interesting 1 u? I)<:oP'e who are unfamiliar vith the workings of safety systems | o see just how far science had ad anced in an effort to guaid valuables igninst the thieves. I he touch of the iin^-**r on the ault starts the alarm that carr^te? leard throughout the business district r;f. tl>e town. LVen one's voice, raised moderately, will start the ilarm. Should the officers of the -**nk fail to lock the doors at night, v h -n the clock strikes ten the alarm starts. It was a remarkable demonstration, ind doubtless caused many people to ?etermine to rent a safety deposit )?>x in the big vault and piace their valuable papers and other valuables 'herein, where it would seem to the layman that perfection in safety hail been reached. AUTO LAWS MUST BE OBEYED. SAYS SIMS Highway Patrolman Eck Sims rails attention of ;he pt:l?lic to the laei that tin- new automobile laws to hv -trii t ly enforced in this ? ojntv. Among the new provisions are one that rails for testing <>f lights ami their adjustment, when necessary. ?'One-eye*!' "car.* and t ar- in i it r lighting at ja!?L? iuen? s. m??rc especially the u'arifig kin J. will not : ?.'t rat - ?!. :,cr<>i ding to ?hc officer. ;j|'f. In I ?( ? f!l f. . |J, an* special attention i -? !?? I ?? ? t?> n rkKss ilrivers. 1'atrolman Sims *a/s he cannot >h??w any partiality in the discharge ??!' his duty, and trusts that driver> will cooperated with the ofTic r- in olieyinir the auto -?I. / laws. ?mm taxes MUST BE PAID NOW ? .? 'atcmct.: made l?v 1 N 'tor U. H 1 !? a . ? JO , ? , ? ?' ." ;"???? . ..I ! I r : i!; a.. ' .1 ;v y .\ J *? ,i'" f " ' ? ?!:.'? . ti >, ,;i i; Mir TW- : . . vi'i .: that ..fly .J, Vjf ? . " r. ?- m have he. r. p.:id ? f. r INTEREST SHOWN IN COMING MEET .Much interest was created through-' out the county when announcement was made in last Week's issue of The Brevard News that Cyclone Mack, is to begin a revival in Bre vard on Sunday, August 7. Ex pressions of appreciation have come in from all sections of the county, as well as from Hendersonville and Ashcville. It is expected that thou sands of people will attend the meet ings from outlying sections and nearby cities and towns. Advance workers for Mr. McLcn don are expected to arrive at once and begin the erection of a big tent and the placing of seats. Prof. Jones, choir leader, who is known to be one of the most sucessful men in ' his line of work, will he with Cy- j clone Mack and have charge of the music. One of the features of the services will be the singing by the different community singing classes in this and Henderson county, as ;'il members of the singing conven iion will be invited to assist with . the music during the revival. GOLF GAME GIVES GREAT PROMISES With Gordon' and Gazlev winning the first match two up and Woodman and Lewis winning the second match two up. there seems to be some doubt in Gordon's mind as to which two rfotre is the hotter. But due to the fact that (iazley and l ewis were both fired after the second match for put tir.e up such a poor exhibition of golf. ' h" next match will be composed of Woodman and Cobble vs. Gordon and Brvsp. Play will begin at 2 P. M. this t Thursday) afternoon. Woodman said, with his new partner, there will be no question as to which has the better twosome. In other words both twosomes are out for blood, and the gallerv will see some good golf rtav cd. "N'uf sed." One Club Tournament. i ?ii Thursday. August 4. there will held a men's one club tournament. You may choose any club from v< ur bag you wish to play with and leave the others at the club house, playing the entire nine holes with the one i iub. Start ng in foursomes with no r.::r.:iicH;\ Tb ? pairings will h. an : r.unc.'il later. MAYOR WILL TRY DRUNKEN CASES UNDER THIS LAW: An Act t'i Provide for the Better Enforcement of the Prohibition I. aw in p. il: aiw T ;o: r .ur>! i. s. ? s.-k.-. f I: i \'r.'.:l .1 ? I'-i: : ! . i h.i: a 'i\ ??- -v ? ? ! ? ? v' .< ' ! ?.f t'wbii.- !: . a I : ;? Trat ivan'a i iijc* t i.- . ..?? w'm . -h;dl be found m a di;i4t-.*-;' *M- in' o\ir !i ?' I i' -aid co\!! : . - whor, iconic ;:1*| il ? milled for a:'.? lawful purpose s'naH : ir 1 1 . 1 : . -i.l o. ai, " '.r. .loil.-,.-" : .11., r -. or :.. n i... hi" ? i ' ? .. .... : olo of. , ? si .. ! r:< t le ? " ?> : i . ; t . 1!:. . - .o.,-d :? . p. o. I liiil ali law- ami ibri-e ' f law* j:i ??' edict with | ov ? * i ;i*. ?, i r ?? b\ ? ? > . i !"? a : -? ? foreo and : rt\ ?' !>..m i r ?:r ia.-.Xr.. i CHAIN STORE TAX ji | COMING UP HERFJ A slit villi* and Heiidcrsonvillo i ihaw |?!l i' tax ol' ?>-*>?? each _ on iliv chain siore.. ill . After the devotional ser vices. Miss Flora Davis, of Raleigh, t assoc! . e superintendent of the,. NortV Carolina Sunday School As sociat n, gave a very interesting . talk oil "The Duties of a Four- . Square Sunday School Teachei. ^ '\n.-her verv interesting talk was -The Sundav School that Measures 1 tin " bv Mr. W. .1. Vaughn, of Ash-. - land. i<\\. former field secretary of the K ntucky Sunday School associ Wednesday morning was. en.-, joved with: the devotional services, pongs and talks. Dinner was served h ; the in i n hour under the trees at no chu: c. i and mjoyed very much ^ bv v> ' \t the close of the afternoon st'fc sion a nice felt pennant ' tt;?s a ed to the .Sunday School that had in ^ this convention the largest numbei ? of representatives, sixteen years oi aee and over, according to the num bcr of miles traveled This pen- ? nant was deserved and presented to the Pisgah Forest Sunday School, at which Sunday School the convention r. will be held next y?ir. ?e evening ^ services were very much like the services Tuesday evening, with M^s Dacis speaking about Effective Ways of Using Stores in jeachmg. and Mr. Vaughn speaking about "The Invested Life." Both speeches were enjoyed by every one present, it MR. YARBROUGH 1 BOOSTS BREVARD | \\ Mr ?! A. Yarbrough, president h i.f the V & 1? corporation, Charlotte, o one the biggest business concerns h in the Piedmont section of Caiohna. I, -is been in town for several days * visiting "his section of Tnmsylvama ( county, and when asked for aii ex mission of his views on the section 1C"Thi"'('is niv first visit to Hn-vrtyd. : I have made quite a good many trips _ through Ohio. ItHliana. Kentucky and \cw York state and have nt\ei g been in a section that imnr-Med me p so thoroughly. The. lands an fei- a tile in the extreme, the best itops } that one can imagine; the altitudv of v the country is perfect and the seen- ., erv is as excellent as in any seition p with which 1 am acquainted. , n The valley of Virginia from u Roanoke north is one of tllc ' v sections of the country, but I .do not ;| think it is comparable to Bio. ml t and Transylvania county . The ci . ?f Brevard is most attractive in e\j erv wav, the homes are be.iutitul and grounds well kept. I am a so ( verv much impressed with thi J diaiity of the citizens, and to my ? mind this section is one of ,he .no. t , beautiful on Cod's arth. j KIWANIANS TO BE i BOYS ONCE MORE j A-rSff 'fe-T,'; need) d in his program ? ou.u ? ,' t in ,?os, 1,1 hut Friday evening. ? ??stunt niuht" was postponed for on< wiek. a.'.d ??>'.' pr-vram w.l, be i.. ??:. ,! to Fn l:.> ewni": " ?" { Will.!.- I luo. .. ., I.v- i- A ays ? :1< " , ' . ' K V ! niuhij* of Kiwanw " , | .j,-f v : hat mh nj??? *> will h . the nu'etinjr r i nlay * initial cim'.n :y ,?j i M..;itm - con i.i- :* ? n'H* ' ? f 1 he ? . lO", . ?; -I'tNi' belt" . V _ :h?. proxinn'y "I '?< ? ivhirh is provi'iir a b e mdu> ??i -1 "t ... 1-, 'v ( ? ,.r iv- ? , i V II i . Th f ' i ' ? ? , , ' I' I - FREEMAN SHOOTS NEGRO IN STRUGGLE Popular Policeman Wrestled Witli Negro for Some Time Before 1 Using Gun. JAMES WALKER, NECKO, WAS ON WAR-PATH Timely Operation All '1 liat Saved Negro's Life ? Freeman Being Praised. I!. II freeman, Brevard polivc ?an, shot James Walker. 21-year ild negro, early Sunday morning as he negro was drawing hi* pun to ire at (he officer. Walker i>. in tho i. spn.il, and :i is thought, ah hough .oiislv wounded, that he will live. Walker engaged In a light *>'iih {ill Marsh banks, a negro on Greasy 'orner. Saturday night. and it is said K-al Marshbsinks with his pistol into nsengibility, and then fired several ?hots at his fallen l'oe. Another legro came up town and notified Joliceinon Freeman and Rtiftv of tlie ight, and they went in company vith these colored men to Greasy Corner in search of Walker. They cere notified that he had started out he Hendersonville highway and thn ifficers pursued him. At Gallamorc fill they overtook Walker and a ompanion, who were having ear rouble. When the officers stopped, he negroes ran, Mr. Freeman pur uing Walker, and Mr. Rufty try ng to overtake Walker's compan on. Mr. Free m nil finally < vrrtoek Valker, and, according to the re iort. as he grabbed Walker they both ell into the branch and tus.-.led and ought for something like fivv inin ites. The negro finally succeeded n breaking the hold of Mr. Free ian and pulled his gun. whereupon Ir. Freeman fired at the negro with is 38 special gun. Mr. Freeman aid that Walker then surrendered is gun and said to him. "Captain, rill you take me to the hospital?" Palker then walked back to flit car nd went up town to the Tr.i syl ania hospital, where Dr. T. J. umme.v operated on Walker. Offi ers expressed the belief that the egro would die before relief could e given. It was found that the bul ;t entered the right breast and anged downward, tearing through ne stomach and taking a tip off the egro's kidneys. Physicians who witnessed the operation pronounced ;s success almost miraculous, on ac ount of the extreme seriousne of. lie wound. Citizens of the town have spc ken i praise of Mr. Freeman, wh:? w nown to be One of t'l? quietest, lost courteous and kind hearted offi ers the town has ever employed, he very fact that he tussled with le negro for five minutes in an ef [>rt to subdue him without resorting :> use of his pun, and then only hen the negro was trying 1o :;3?>ot inf. is pointed out as a fine exr.::>pl". f an officer's clear conctptio : of is duty. ]0UNTY ASKED TO KEEP ITS PROMISE Bishop Finley, in charire of Camp lee Off on top of See Off Mountain, ntertained at luncheon last Monday, t which people from South C:tiolin>. lendersonvile and Brevard mc1 .?ith the camp officials and the oit tens living in the section where the amp operates. The object of tho neeting was to discuss the road sit lation from the Caesar's Head h:j;!i i-ay to the camp site. There i-t bout two .and one-half miles of ounty road through this section (hat s almost impassable, and the imnort ince of putting this road in shape cas stressed by several speakers. Citizens in the community, were em ihatic in their assertions that Tran ylvania ouirht to keep its promise io ime to put the road in good shape, lishop Finley and his a^vi ei. 'r t nade when I ir. R. Brown d<. ?" he establishment of a camp. !' '?< aid that th< agreement wa< mad* l?v hi' county commissioner: at 'a! iin- ;? p'lt In road in I s'r "re. It is expected that interest'. 1 -li nens in Brevard. especially. "'"I ?oad official-- will take not< of If ?xistimr comlit;ons and five ui". f a: in early date. mrs. j, wTbarrett fS SER'OHS! v ?!I Mrs. .1. \\ . BaiTett. riioti.c. ? f i D. Barrett and James F. Barrett, r seriously ilt at the home of -Mrs. Barrett's daughter, llrs. J. A. Charlotte. Last word from thoi ' lide of Mrs. Barrett said thf.v ' .!? lope wns held out for her *ec ov? ? . I. (). Baifett left Tuesday < ?? " o be with his mother. TAXES PAID THIS WEEK ACCEPTED M.s.v f.-r , .... . .... t ? p* i)t> f'i S'i r.* t "? f?. Ucndt-vxin. im ?? j nt ?:i\ . ? :i. | Jill!- ' n?|.. >? i i ? i . m * ? ? ? ? ' . : ? ,> , ? ? , ?a1lr?| ; ? ? m ?;??;??? - tl.i* i ... . <> v\.?.