Was Beautiful Presentation of 1 ilcpe of the World" ? ? Made Great liuprc??ion Generally . Considered one of tin ? most entertaining and instructive r.ored pageants Ov. r given in a Jit'i' . \ar.i church was thin at the Baptist church Sunday night, when the Ifoinemakt'l's class presented their inspiring' pageant, "The Hope of the 1 World." Preceding the pageant, the pa .nor, Kev. W. 11. Hartsell, made a short and appropriate talk on the heme, which was the main theme of tile occasion. At She conclusion of the evening's service, Rev. Hartsell sang a solo entitled "The Hope of the \Vorl?l. the congregation joining in the chorus. The costumes w-.-iv most attractive and in keeping with the various char acters represented. The pageant open'.'d with the W.irl d appearing on ,tl\e platform and reading a ]kk!?. explaining the wonders of the world. Future tlu-n come- in. showing the evils of the world, malice, envy, greed, lawlessness and Sabbath breaking as they go in and out among the people leading them into sin. Th? World calls. to. her aid the Court and the Press to show the people the right way of living, Evils keep up their destructive work, then the World calls the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., Education and the Com munity* The Evils go slower and slower, still the work goes on among the people. The World shows Fu ture where the real hope of the world lies, Horn* then comes tc> the plat form with an open Bible on her knee and gathers the children of the world around her and instructs them In the way of everlasting life. Following are the characters ap pearing in the pageant : World, Mrs. W. H. Grogan, Jr., Future, Mrs, Lewis Hamlin; the helping factors: Press, Mrs. John Ashworth; Court, Mrs. Avery Case; Community, Mrs. Coleman Galloway; Education, Mrs. Canie Aiken; : Church, Mrs. Charles Pickelsimer ; ; Sunday School, Katherine Case; Y. .j W. C. A., Mrs. Avery Galloway; Y. M. C. A., Bruce Hartsell. People of the World, Ruth Can- j trell, Mollie Snelson, Mrs. S. C. Os i ' a . ? ? , ? a ' ' > ' * I -jf< h.'is ?? ' ; In iia'PiiltiHi'v >\ it h it* cii**oin foi year.', tlif Wnic.hifiill \\vrj .?':?pt, 1- <?f the limiKhlirs uf, tlii V v. " !{:'Volul ioll is nllVlillg ?' ir.-dal to the seventh tirade pupils ot ili? following schools: lircvard, ! lliwr, Turkey I'ri'i'k, Ros Balsam tirove, SjlvcrsUen, "lin.stee, lake Toxauay, l.iu'le .{iver aiul IVniosc. The pupil I'runi tin- seventh 1 \ ai'Ji of ill sc schools w !ii" nuitit's : ? hiehest average in I lie study of Anurican History will receive one ivf licso medals. In t lit* ]ui,^t a- ifiHti! ileal of ron '".??i. 11 ami annoyance lias been ?aus 1 by tlii' failure, on tin- part of ihi* schools lo cooperate in this niat > r; l;c!ic> the following conditions >-u -t In- met by each school entering !i ? contest: First, the Regent of he Chapter, Mrs. K. \V. Blythe, must he informed promptly, by the teach ?r in charge of the work, of the in -cntion of the school to enter Un contest. Second. A careful record of all pupils competing must be kept and the regent ill ust be notified as to when the medal is to be presented at least two weeks ahead of time. Members of the I>. A. R. in this county are especially anxious to j stimulate patriotism and arouse an ' interest in ths study of the history J ? >f our own country and they hope to ? receive the hearty cooperation of ' both teachers anil pupils. ? Sec. Waighstill Avery O. A. R. PEPPER PLANT THAT IS A RECORD-BREAKER An unusual pepper plant was ' brought to- The News this week, j there being 585 peppers on th? one ; plant, some red and some green. The peppers were grown by John Bishop on the Institute farm. borne, Hattie Sue Sitton, Mrs. Rad- j ford, Myrtle Barnett, Ruth Snelson, j Ella Lee Yates, Mrs. Duclos, Eliza-! beth Mills, Helen Sitton. J Home, Mrs. Louis Loftis; Evils,': Elizabeth Price, Or'a Holt Long, Mar- ? jaret Fulbright, Nita Galloway. Pianist, Miss Robertson. i " K"V. I"*!', <*>. I. ( .'handle.* was j?i hp -\ speaker ai, the. Kiwanis cun ' J;. : Thursday evening. , There \va | an '.lui u? uaily !ai\vji: at'- ? an * . I Ar. t hail ll'l' ?|?i:^hu i.1 ill* I IK IrjifiT'.i |Vv.-.:al with his address. . i*'.' <h*cu.-., :n\ '.??i'lil. bu.-inc.. con ? Jll!?| tlU- >|l.;j;ll t?f ?j.-S ( fiioy in sections. Robert 1 (!.i li made very omphalic as>\ r. ioiif Tli Uivv.ird lawyer expressed the opinion that any man who doubts tin.' fiiiui" of this* community i* e'thcr a fool or' has a yellow streak. ! ail.) '/ ave a reeital of the wonderful po.r.ses>:??as enjoyed by this commun ity. it- grout improvements, and its boundless possibility s, as proof uf his assertion. X' I.*. Shore am! Miss t ail rend ered a Hi light f iu musical pcomum, ami the work of these, lailics is ad <lin?- much pleasure to the meetings ; of the Kiwanis club. SAW MILLWORK IS i NOW IN FULL BLAST ? ? ' 'i J. A. Miller has started a sawmill operation on Boylston road at Little Mountain, which gives promise of a ! long period of employment for sev- 1 eral people. There is a boundary of about 250 acres of fine virgin tim ber that Mr. Miller and associates are now entering. It is said that some of the best white oak and the finest poplar trees in Western North Carolina will be found on this bound ary. v SIMS CAPTURES CONVICT ESCAPED YEAR AGO Officer Eck Sims captured a man ' by the name of Kingsmore, who es caped from the chain gang some time ago, and returned him one day ? this week to the officials. Kingsmore ? was working in Haywood county. It ] is said that there were 11 more con victs away without leave, some cf ' whom are expected to be brought in i at an early date. i (Special To The News) l:?>. on City, ? Oi l. I '- t in;1 oil O.tohcr t/.K v. Walla, e ?!! >v?ll vonv tn l?ry>on C uy to open i >v r:\'.< o| j m ? ? j i i i V? -? ;ii r : i ? * "*? t *? ?:? ;V Ust. ? ./)). jSuntSav. ? Oet. ? lt?, Kev. I'. I . ? \ i ; pastor ?(<!' lh?- e'lur. 1., \...i ... !i J- fhai tfi' ?;l lis, svrviros Ut-Kl Wijl nieet . nil i'i ? ?, ni/.a,'. ioh.; o-! 1 in s!nir(ii in M i. li*.; tiles. svi vii *:." for ih'.* sua tir.f <'i* this community..* .Mr.' Ihivtsell conies highly i t'i .OM;>."*ud d r will have chnnre of ihv services ?-iU'h eveiiinif ai 7 :"{0 oYloek. Aii invitation is extended by Mr. tival to nil Christian people to at tend these me0tinj?4 and help in liritiKii u i?ou!s into the church. The nomihcrship has unanimously voted to ask all the storekeepers to doAe at 7:15 each flight that they mitfht attend th ? meetings. I' is the hope of i l?e pastor and his people that the iiuv!inj?s may result in a splendid ivUv'tVuI of all Christian people in : ii.-i ? avlive work for the Master and His Kingdom. lOtAL BAND CALLED TO ANDERSON, S. C. Brevard's municipal bund has. again come to the front, in that Bandmaster F. J. Cutter and his band boys have been called to An derson, S. t\, on Saturday of this week to play at a land sale for the Burns Land Sale tympany. This will be the fifth trip of similar nature the municipal band has made recent ly, and the second time the band has played outside of the state, hav ing played previously at a land sale in Georgia for the same company. Th? Brevard band is thus not only irlving wide-spread publicity to itself but is boosting the 'town as well wherever it goes. The name "Bre- ' var'd Municipal Band" is paii'ted in ! large letters across the drum. Queen Marie bought five fur coats 1 n Chicago. It can't be her rccept- 'j on was that chilly. Member "f ;!. ? \u ! : , ii'Uini, i ??!.?}? v. I. aiv fi -! *-ljri ni iis^v iiu.*< !?v.v.k ih ? ninth ;?nni\ei>a.ry of f ij ? ? I'viiu's ? ? tliejr pastor, Ht v. A. II. \\ of the jK'iv>ior and ? his church oirieials ?lia\v there has * a tremendous increase in mem bership sijico Ilev. Wilson lirst took el.ar^e <?f tlu* church nine .war* I! 'ilivl huiists of H?7 hav i:*,; ha 1 li":> than 100 nu-mi?t*r? nin..' > j-a r>- ano. Tluiv is an average at tendance ??f !M) in the Sunday School of tlu? lKthel Uaptist clr.nvh, I .ending white 'citizens of the com munity nlacc hij/h valuation upon the iCiltii'iuo wieKli'il hy lU-^. Wilson ainon^ tlu* colored population of.ilu* town. AUXILIARY MEET GREATLY ENJOYED At the district mooting of the Wt/inan's Auxiliary of thy Prcsby ti:ii:ii denomination hold at Mills li-vi-r church Monday afternoon, ?s.voral members of the local auxil iary were in attendance. One of the Brevard members, Mrs. Robert Gai ?vt{, was on the program to lead the i devotionals. Members of the Brevard auxiliary ? present included: Mrs. V. A. Craw- ? ford, Mrs. W. A. Monroe, Mrs. lie- ! bekah Glenn, Mrs. Arthur Harrell, j Mrs. J. \V*. Smith, Mrs. L. A. Amnion, ! Mr.-. Robert Garrett. FRED KILPATRICK BACK AT WORK; RECOVERED; Friends of Fred Kilpatrick were ! delighted to see him laying brick on I the Whitmire Motor Sales building this Week. M". KUpatrick's arm was injured in an accident about two j years ago and this is the tirst work J that he has been able to do in that long period of time. , ? The building on which Mr. Kilpat rick is working is being erected by J. L. Whitmire for the Whitmire Motor Sales company, and rapid pro gress is being made on the new structure. i ' fr'nvt uf [ h>' si-hoil'sAii* ?lii' lit .. i y l'iiienl ?- acli- .* ussoi uitiua Wits h; lit in iho .?.Union! ar;. s,rhoo| building Aluiuliiy afternoon, with ill' now pivsident, Mi's. ( Hiver Oir. in the chair. A large ion el parents was jivci* ' i'i? 5 t" lUniMiistiatt ilu'ir interest in t h* school act ivitics ui' their children, Sui< rinti'iiiU nt J. 1!. Jones >poke <11 the otijvi'i of n parent-teacher as sociation ami of the benefit* to be derived from a cooperation of the ilillVrent forces to unify the siliool activit it's. l'riiicipal M, II. Shore, of the Kle nieiitary school, spoke of the material needs of [We srhool and of the ?.'sseii tials necessary in developing the moral, spiritual aiu! physical nature ? of the .hilil's life. ! The following conimiti.'e chairnicti , were named l?y the president: Mem . brrship, Mrs. Hinton Mcl.eod; pro ! gram,1 Mrs. 1'. I'. Sledge; publicity, Mrs. 11. L. Wilson; hospital, Mrs. Mack Allison. | Mrs. Uufty's grade won the honor of having the largest number of parents present. BREVARD PEOPLE ATTEND REVIVAL Several Brevard people were in at tendance this week at the great Cy clone Mack tent meeting now in pro gress at Great Falls, S. C., where the revival is meeting with great suc cess and in full accord with the people of that community. It is said that 83 converts were noted at the Monday afternoon service and that the big tent was filled to capacity with an estimated attendance of 4000 people from all sections of South Carolina and many from North Carolina. The great meeting there will come to a close with the Sunday night service. Those attending the meeting from Brevard during the past week were, W. H. Alexander, "Sandy" Wood man, Mrs. J. 0. Barrett, Bill Barrett. Fall and Winter SPECIALS bom Men's Heavy Weight Winter Unionsi for Men's Heavy Weight Haynes Shirts ; for Boys' Heavy Weight Ribbed Union S for Men's Wool Mixed and All Wool Shi for , Men's 20 Ounce All Wool Lumber Jacks Boys' All Wool Lumber Jacks for Boys' All Wool Sweaters for Men's Best Work Shirts in Heavy B1 Chambray Men's Leather Work Gloves for ] Men's All Wool Sox ? Extra Heavy for Men's Heavy Wool Mixed Sox for Men's All Leather Boots, 16 inch and 18 incb Boys' 12 inch Boots $4-50 and $4.95 Boys' Everyday Shoes $2-95 and $3-95 Men's 220 Indigo Denim Overalls SI*?? for Boys' Overalls 75c and 95c SOME MEN'S SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES Come In And Look Them Over for Yourself. Men's Dress Shirts $1*^ " 1*^0 ? 2*?? anc* $2'^ Standard Brands - Fast Colors Boys' Sheep Lined Coats $8'^ for ^ Men's Sheep Lined Coats $10?? Men's Heavy Lined Duck and Twill $3'^ an<^ $4'^ Coats ^ New Fall Hats ? Worth Hats $5*^? an<^ $6'^ Stetson Hats S8'^ for ^ Satisfaction or Money Back k T 17 BREVARD, IL.Hi 3 n. c.

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