f SOCIETY MEWS ^ | 1 ' * ???>'? ?uwnMBUManMnm ac mu-.c3Si.wi r'KESHMAN CLASS IS HONOR GUEST OF THE JUNIORS * ? . ? One of tlu' most enjoyable of the recent school socinl events "whs Uie j :v. ty given by the junior class of ?the high 'school in honor of the ti "f innan class, Friday evening at th? high school auditorium, the af fair being in the nature of a back ward party. I lie stage of the auditorium was tll'ectively decorated in autumn 1 avis, pumpkins and Hallowe'en suggestions. The backward idea was carried out in the dress of the yc ung people, in the serving of re freshments as the first feature of the < . lung's < ntertaiument and in the games. The principal form of amuse ii' mi! was the backward wedding v.'l.lch provoked much merriment, the 1 1 id.1 being Sam Harnett and the gloom Rowe Burrell. I.' nionade, sandwiches and cake Wire served to the more than one hundred young people present. In addition to the students present, were id o Rupt. J. B. Jones, Miss John soli. Miss Hamilton, Miss Holt, of the High School faculty. SENIORS ENJOY CAMPING TRIP :.l ,'mbers of the senior class of tl' Brevard Iligh school formed a woa; happy party on a three-day cr. i dng trip the past week-end to C:yr > Illahee, the seniors being ac companied by the High school fac ulty. The time passed all too quickly, according to the opinion of the members of the party, the principal forms of amusement being canoeing ihp lake, tennis, hiking and old time dancing in the lodge. The meals served in the camp dining room, and prepared under the supervision of Mrs. Hinton McLeod and Miss Holt, added greatly to the delights of the i "ers. The camping party was composed of about fifty seniors and faculty members, many of whom were heard to express their appreciation of the kind nospitality accorded the partj bv Mr. and Mrs. McLeod .owners oi the camp, in allowing them the privileges of the-camp. i\:KS. NORWOOD ENTERTAINS i M ATH AT AS I AN Cl.UU A!:'". lOriu.t Norwood w... i . to the members of the Miithatasit;:: | ?Tub Thursday i.fteniomi, at Iter > noine on l'ark Avenue. Included in | ne business, transacted was (he elec tion of Mrs. J. H. Jones to act as substitute for Mrs. Ralph Zachary. | An interesting program on the ; ubjcct -of Discipline in the Home \vas in charge of Kirs. II. C. Ranson. V p.leasant social hour followed the program, (luring which the hostess1; rved refreshments. Mrs. Ranson will entertain the next meeting of .he club, November 10, and Mrs. L. V. Amnion will be program leader. I S MERRILL- RAMER On Sunday morning at ten o'clock [ Mi ; Grace Ranter became the bride, < t Mr. Robert Sherrill, both of Dav- j idson River, the ceremony taking place at the Brevard Baptist church, I;.' pastor, Uev. W. II. liartscll, of ficiating. The bride is the attractive daugli- j tcv of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ranter, ' and it former student at Brevard In- . .ititutc. The groom, who is the son til", Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Sherrill, is well-known in the community and has been in the employ of the Bre vard Battery company for the past '? ar. Following the ceremony, Mr. end Mrs. Sherrill left for a short wedding trip, and are now occupying Rev. Hartsell.'s cottage in North Brevard. Witnessing the ceremony were numbers of the two families and a few friends. MISS YONGUE ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF BRIDE-ELECT One of the most delightful social functions of the autumn season was tlv" linen shower giveti by Miss Marian Yongue Thursday afternoon at her home in North Brevard, hon 1 oring Miss Ida Lee Patton, who will wed Mr. Archibald Alexander Gra ham 011 November fifteenth, this being the second of a series of en tertainings to be given in honor of the bride-elect. Hallowe'en suggestions were in ev DUNLOP CITY Throughout the world, the productive Dunlop properties cover so vast an area that ? if com bined into one place ? they would form a "Dun lop City" of over 100,000 acres 4 times as big as PITTSBURGH v THINK of all the great factories at Pittsburgh, Pa., and yet the 29,226 acres occupied by that city is only about a fourth the area of the produc tive properties occupied by Dunlop. Great size proves great quality, Dunlop could never have grown to its present magnitude un less its tires had given outstanding value. Greater size makes possible greater quality. Dunlop today is making far better tires than in all the 39 years since John Boyd Dunlop founded : ' the pneumatic tire industry. Until you put Diuilops on your car, you will WHITMIRE MOTOR SALES CO. ?'?-? I /i';;ho??i iiio rooms, the rtiii.i! Ua\ i.j attractively arranged i.iid- lilt' soft glow of the lighted . miles in tin* darkened room lend ing charm to the general color ef fect. Uridg:- was en joy oil . during the lir.-'i part of tin- afternoon, the gam., s .?iniv interrupted by little Jane . o!ij,.le, charmingly dressed as a age. who delivered to the honoree i It dit.c.ing her to another ? >om where was found on a pr." Iv decorated talde a large hollow ? umpkin tilled with linen gifts for lie bride ; led. following this fea ture of the afternoon's' entertain m u! refreshments- were served, ? on iisting of chicken do mayonnaise, -.^ntlvvit'hts, cheese balls to represent pumpkins, and coffee. Dainty Hal low'.1 nfavors weie presented each guest. Guests included: Miss Ida Lee I atlon, .\riss Annie Mae Patton, Mrs. I. ,1. Patton, Mrs. Hates Patton, Mrs. Maefarland Shackelford, Mrs. K, I'. Mct'oy, Mrs. Ffaulk.-, Miss \n'.i Kan Cash, Mrs. Charlie Patton, Mis. Boyee Walker, Miss Julia Denver. Mrs, Grady Kilptarick, Mrs. Waller Duckworth, Mrs. Arthur llarr II, J Mrs. Vables, Mrs, Lloyd Thompson. 1 Mrs. C. C. Yongue. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES L..NJOY HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL Young lady members of Mrs. ,1. 15. l'ickelsimer's Sunday School class and the young men of Mr. C. M. Dou;jrlas' class met in the recreation rooms of the Methodist church Tues day evening for a Hallowe'en party. The rooms were attractively decor ated with autumn leaves and Hal lowe'en suggestions. Games and contests were enjoyed during the evening. A popular attraction for all the young people present was t Ik fortune telling booth. Refreshments of hot chocolate, doughnuts and candy were served to the thirty-four yount* people in at tendance, chaperoned by their teach ers. KATHERINE ENGLISH HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY | Little Katherine English celebrat ed her ninth birthday Saturday afternoon with a party at the home | of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. ' English, about fifteen of her young | friends being present to celebrate | with her the happy occasion. I Hallowe'en costumes were worn by the young guests, and outdoor games j . :>..ropriate to the occasion were en joyvd du fiing 'the afternoon. The most thrilling event of the afternoon was the finding of a coon in a pine f ? hv. lit t! s Katherine, who is thus . .Iubilinj; early in life the hunting instincts of her father, a huntsman of rare ability. Th? capture of the coon tnnsed g'.'ent excitement among t!:o children. fr^yhsr.entr wrrc served during the afternoon. Y. W. A. IS ORGANIZED Th .?? Blanche Bnrrus circle of the Sr.p'.i.-t church met Saturday even :i?, al t!); home of. Mis. Harold Xor at wh'c^i time an org'nnii ation f ; h:- Young Woman's Auxiliary :vas cfTV.cted. Mrs. Norwood was :amed leader of the auxiliary. A program was in charge of Mrs. Ralph Ramsey, a few remarks lnjins nadc also by Mrs. Wallace Harts?ll. Hallowe'en decorations were at tractively carried out in the rooms, ?ml various games were playsd b-e fore the organization meeting. fol lowed by refreshments served by the hostess. About iw-Mity-five ladi-as were in attendance on this occasion. SARAH BISHOP GiVES HALLOWE'EN PARTY Sarah Bishop was young hostess at i Hallowe'en party Friday evening t th" home of her parents. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Bishop, in North Brevard, ibcut twenty of her young friends beinir present to celebrate with Sarah he Hallowe'en occasion. Ghosts, spooks, witches, fortune ellinjr, games and many othev forms ?>f smurrAnent included in the cle iration of such an occasion were njoyed by the children in attend ance, v'l of whom were dressed in 'ostume. Marshmallows toasted over i fire out of doors added to the oloasures of the evening. Refresh ments were served preceding the de oarture of the littl; guests for their homes. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. LOFTIS Mrs. .T. E. Loftis entertained the members of the Fortnightly club at her home on Broad street Thursday afternoon. Included in the business session was the unanimous vote of the club to pledge $100 to the hos pital fund, and the decision to hold j a rummage sale Friday anil SaHivdav of this week, the proceeds of sr i ?? to be used toward this fund. A program of unusual interest was led by Mrs. .T. F. Zaehary, as- ! listed by Mn, I.oftis. on th r> subject of James Whitcomb Rilev. TV sub- ' iect was presented in the form of I readings and S'?ntT of Ri|r v'-. cv'ino- | sition. a?d a sketch of R''?>y's lif ? i and works. The hostess s -rv.'d delicious re- , the ^o.-'.-i1 V t* I The club "vill i.ieet nsrnin in two weeks at 'h " lv me of M Alma Trowl-- 'rife. w"h Mrs. R Y \ ? c ! as program leader. JC'VT MOe rrSSFS HONOR "Ari'l.TV MF.MPTRS A delii h"vl !! '""we'??n partv was enjov-i! "-ndnv < v nine ai the Vine , f .vr. and M- . t. A. Bishop '? .Wv"i Br-. T 'd. when 1 h< t ? ? ! r v of T>. ;?? J? f?v f ; , K VV( M ?aino<l V ? t,. \f?? AttVr." ?v!) M-w T . S-nrfor-? nn.l M * vrnn"f-?s I) n n. C.nTvr - ;j ! ??'?!:*?; "*i \v"*h Ilf- i ? r ? "1 | J" ? ?Mr ll*o v -t ? , ? v ? ' v,r'(N " ' . * i iniusioii. I lallowuYn decora iions in tho rooms were effectively carried out. Tho joint hostesses served a salad course. JEAM ENGLISH GIVES HALLOWE'EN PARTY .One of the enjoyable Hallowe'en parlies was that giye.n by Jean Ene I ? : h Wednesday evening* at silo In ure ot L-.-r parents, l>r. and Mi-. S Eii}>h h. The evening was tlio,ott':h ly enjoyed by the t v.tlw youri;< guest.s i esent. in games, coiU.-sl-i, a nut hunt and the toast i njv of marsh mallows. I'll'.1 ti Uiitg of ^host stor ies was also an i njoyalile feature ot' the evening. The house was prettily decorate I in the Hallowe'en colors, and the.nt trne(iVe costumes worn by, the young people added to the plca-iir of the occasion. 1'uneh and vn'.e was served during the evcninC. HKiDE-hl.fcC 1 IS HUvOKhU Entertaining in honor of Mi- I I" ' ? Patton, whose wedding <o .v . Archibald Alexander Graham w,l. place oil November fifteenth. Mrs. E. I*iit'?n of Davidson River, wa; hostes. at a lovely bridge party, a id handk. .chief thoyver on SuUir.Ly afternoon. After playing; bridge, Miss Patton was presented the lovely shower of handkerchiefs. Miss Julia Denver won first prize, which was a hand painted pottery vase. Low prize fell to Mrs. Fred Miller, which was n tiny hand painted pottery pitcher. The honor guest. Miss Patton, received silver candlesticks. A delcctable buffet supper wa served from a lovely table decorated in Hallowe'en colors, with yellow chrysanthemums gracing the center of the table, and yellow tapers burning in silver bells. Sirs. E. E. McDowell ; of Asheville, and Mrs. Arthur Ffaulkes of Jacksonville. Florida : served from cither end of the table, and Mrs. Macfarland Shackclfor.l of . Badin, N. C., poured coffee. Assist ing in serving were Misses Mary 1 Maxwell, Mary Johnson, and Mar- , guerite McDowell of Asheville. "Those invited were : Mrs. Charles Orr, Mrs. William Breese, Mrs. J. S. j Silversteen, Mrs. David Ward, Mrs. j Henry Carrier, Mrs. Ralph Fisher, ; Mrs. Charles Patton, Mrs. Hugh ; Walker, Mrs. Randall Everett, Mrs. Macfarland Shackelford, Mrs. Walter Duckworth, Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. S. M. Macfie, Mrs. Ethel McMinn. Mrs. Boyce Walker, Mrs. Ed McCoy, Mrs. Robert Gash. Mrs. William Deaver, Mrs. Joseph Patton, Mrs. W; W. Croushorn, Mrs. Thomas Shipman. Mrs. Grady Kilpatrick, Mrs. C. E. Lowe, Mrs. H. E. Perkins. Mrs. Bar -Claj^- Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, Misses Mar tha Breese, Jackie Clayton, Annie Gash, Julia Deaver, Marian Yongue, Ida I.cc Patton, Annie Mae Patton, Louise Barclay. Marguerite McDow- _ (!;?, Mary Johnson, Dorothy Fetzer. Tea Guests were: Mrs. W .McK. ' Many things may be preserved in alcohol, but law and order are not on the* list. Kclzi-r, .Mrs. K rank S!od^t\ Mrs. Mar Allison, Mrs. Harry I'alton, Airs, .lames Deavt-r, Mrs. J. S. Bromfielil, Mrs. Osborne of Virginia, Mrs. ort Gash, Mrs. McDowell of Ashe villi*. Mrs. Arthur F/a ulk< s of Jack sonville, Fin., Misses Violet llniry. Mary Mnxwt'll, Oatl'uTine I'oivh.-r ol'i j N'oxy York City, .Maijriu riU' McUow loll of Ashoville. ? ! *>> , Growth Through Service The growth of our bank is an evidence of the service that we render. In addition to routine banking, this service involves many helpful features that are a distinct benefit to old and new customers. If you are not already one of our depos itors, come in and let us show you why an account with us will be to your advantage. 4 percent paid on Savings Accounts CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $152,500.00 Brevard Banking Co. OFFICERS: THOMAS H. SHIPMAN President JOSEPH S. SILVERS'! EEN Vice-President R. B. LYON Cashier ANNIE L. SHIPMAN Anistant Cashier

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