Legal Advertisements NOTICE OF l-AND SALE BY w TRUSTEE , ! y . irture of the power given in :: certain de.d of trust executed by i'. i-. Wilkins It. J. Sitton to the liiult rsigned trustee to secure cer tain indebtedness mentioned therein, which deed of trust is dated 23 day ?'l January 1926, and registered in Hook 1{) on page 629 of the deed in trust records of Transylvania Coun ty, North Carolina, ami the said in debtedness mentioned having become due and default having been made in the payment, and notice as required in said deed of trust having been given to the makers of said notes and deed of trust to make good the pay ment and the default not having bee a made good, and the holdeV of said notes, having demanded that the lands described in said deed of trust be sob! to satisfy the said indebted and the cost of sale. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the iowii of Brevard, N. C., on Monday November the 28, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. all the following described land. BEGINNING on a stone at the north west corner of the garden and runs with J. E. Glazener's line south 62 deg. west 16 poles and 5 links to a stake, then north -11 deg. west 22 poles to a stake in G. L. Glazener's, then with his line north 51 1-2 deg. east 21 1-2 poles to a stake in the center of road; then with road north 18 deg. west 10 poles to a stake in branch; then down with branch the following courses and distances north 68 1-2 deg. east 31 poles to a turn; then south 78 deg. east 8 poles to a stake at the mouth of a branch; then down with >ne creek the following courses and distances, south 46 deg. east .6 poles; then south 5 deg. east 6 poles, south 39 deg. east 5 poles to a stake on the south bank of the crcek at J. E. Glazener's corner; then with his line 45 deg. west 39 poles and 8 links to the beginning. Containing 8 acres more or less, and being all that land described in a deed in trust from C. P. Wilkins and B. J. Sitton to T. C. Galloway, trus tee dated the 23 day of January 1926 and recorded in Book 19 at page 629 of the Deed in trust records of Tran sylvania Co. N. C. This 24 day of Oct. 1927. T. C. Galloway, Trustee. 027 N3 10 17 NOTICE North Carolina Tramylvania County. NOTICE OF SUMMONS Hester May Wright vs. Chas. C. Wright. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute Di vorce from the defendant above named .and that the said defendant will further talcs notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County. North Carolina at the Court House in Brevard with in forty days from the date of this notice and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This 14 day of Oct. 1927. ROLAND OWEN, Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County. P Oc20-27 No3-10 ? SALE OFl REAL ESTATE Whereas, on March 12, 1926, Paul Welman, Mack Williams and C. P. Wilkins executed Deed in trust to undersigned trustee to secure pay ment on certain notes therein men tioned and . described with deed in trust registered in office of Register of Deeds of Transylvania County, Book 1(5 at page 175, and, Whereas, there has been default in payment of said notes and the owner of said notes has directed the undersigned trustee to soil the lands described in said deed in trust to satisfy said notes, and, Whereas, all usujil and necessary notices have been given, On Saturday the 19th day of Nov. 1927 at the Court House door in Town of Brevard at Public Auction for cash to the highest bidder, I will sell the following described tract, lot or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Transylvania, State of North Carolina in town of Brevard on north side of French Broad avenue and more particularly bounded as follows: BEGINNING on a stake on the north margin of French Broad ave nue at W. S. Price's southeast corner being the corner of lot No. 15, and uins with the north margin of French Broad avenue north 58 1-2 deg. west, l>0 feet to a corner thence north 31 deg east 176 feet to a stake, near a ditch in W. S. Price's north boundary line, thence with said line south 66 1-2 deg. east 61 feet to a stake corner of lot No. 16, thence south 31 deg. west 185 feet to a stake to the beginning, lying in the town of Brevard, on the north side of French Broad avenue. Sale made to satisfy said notes, cost and expenses of sale. Dated this the 18 dav ofiOct. 1927. P.. L. Gash, Trustee. 020-27 N3-10c NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina Transylvania County. Thompson Millwork Company, vs Alex Gaston. Bv virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Su perior Court of Transylvania County in the above entitled action, I will on Monday the 28th day of Novem her 19l'7 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of said county, sell t>, tho highest bidd' r for rash, tc sa'i-f.v said execution, all the right, title and interest which the sai poles and 1 links to a stone on the west, side of the road ; then south (i 4 depr. west X jioles to the BeRimiin^, conlaiiuiit; . 1-2 acre move or less. 1 tin 1'ith day of Oct. 1927. ill. .1. SITTON, Sheriff Transylvania I County. Stc T Mwk 20-27-3-1017 North Carolina Transylvania County. ! William I-. Stophel vs. Ora Stophel. , JiX i HE SUPERIOR COURT i The defendant Ora' Stophel will tak ? notice that an action entitled as ;:l>ove has been commenced in the J ierior Court of Transylvania i.unty, North Carolina, by the plain tiff to secure an absolute Divorce from the said defendant; and that the said defendant will take notice that she is required to jippear in the ott'ice of the Clerk of the Superior j Court of said county and state, in I the Court House in Brevard, North I Carolina, qn November 14, 1927, and answer or demurrer to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the I p.'-igiritifF 'will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This the 11 day of Oct. 1927. ROLAND OWEN, Clerk Superior , Court. OCt 13-20-27; Nov 3B NOTICE North Carolina Transylvania County. b\ D. Murdock. vs. ' Ardath E. Murdock. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT The defendant Ardath E. Murdock, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transyl vania county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute Di vorce from the said defendant; and j the said defendant will take notice ; that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state, in 1 the Court House in Brevard; North ) Carolina on Nov. 14, 1927, and i r.nswer or demurrer to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or ' the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. . ! This the 11 day of Oct. 1927. POLAND OWEN, Clerk Superior i Court. OCt~13-20S?>__Nov 3B TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas default was made in the I rayment of a part of the indebted ' n?S3 secured by that deed in trust ?yecutcd by Author M. Griffin to O. ; Crowcll trustee for F. E. Arm ington, bearing date of December u. . recorded in book 21 page ;:M rf the records of deeds in trust j for Transylvania county, N. C., and [ 'f*"r default more than five days ' notice having been given that if de j v,-:!3 n ;t trade good the en?re i indebtedness will be declared in , -.??tantly 'due and payable and the I deed in trust would be forsclosed ; intid whereas, default was not made '? good the undersigned will, at the , request of the holder of the notes ar.d in order to satisfy the indebted . ross and by virtue of the power of 1 sale contained in said deed in trust, fall to the highest bidder at public ruction for cash on Wednesday, No , V'.nbcr 9, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Transylvania county. North Carolina, after due advertisement, all the property de scribed in said deed in trust, to-wit: BEGINNING on a chestnut, the tenth corner of entry No. 2162, and runs South four degrees we t 64 poles to a chestnut; thsnce orth 77 1-2 the Beginning. This deed in trust given to secure balancc of purchase money. This the 8th day of Oct. 1927. O. B. Crowell. Trustee 13-20-27 N3 Ray & Redden, Attorneys. NOTICE North Carolina [ Transylvania County. I Azalee Dorff. vs. I William A. Dorff. . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Th defendant William A. Dorff ? will take notice that an action en t'tl 1 as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transvl vnn'.i county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, to secure an absolute Di vone from the said Defendant; and the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear at :h< office of the Clerk of the Superioi Court of said county anil state, ir the Court House, in Brevard. \ <)!*t 1 .Carolina, on Nov. 11. 1927, and ans J demurrer t<> h" complain! . of the plaintiff in -aid action, or thf I nlaintiff will npplv to !lu- court f-'i '.he relief demanded in the complaint ''"li-- th 1' dnv "f Dot. 1927. HO I. AND OWEN. Clerk Si lienor Cmv. OCt 3:5-20-27: Nov 3R T"'"1 T?rh"?l savs it is no use tc ?'spread lime and expensive fertilize: ' | over a field and then let the rain' 1 1 wash it away during tie- winter. Mi ? hns hesrun terracing and idantini i j winter crops. George Barnhardt of R?\var county. planted three acres of al falfa las', year and reports that it i the most profitable crop that he i v. i planted Hi' harv '.ii four tors o , eur"il hay ;*er ain- and n:< ? - Hl.V l? i UI'l 'WATKU. I> n. PtttB ICO, i ii Lesson for November 6 'amos pleads for justice I.KSSON TKXTV-Aiiioi f>:l-27. Cf'Lt>U:N TENT- !.??: Judgment run down hm waters and righlrvuiincxii in -i mighty stream. PRIMARY Tt '1'IC ? Treating Every body Right. JUNIOR TOPIC? The Kind of Man God Honrs. 1XTEI:V;KD1ATE AN!> SENIOR TOP IC ? A Squaring for tio<) Against the Crowd YOl.'NG PEOPLE AND ADl'l.T TOP tC ? Tho Conditions of Divine Approval 1. Israel's Desolation Predicted Net Made With Hands I lie ti'tiMif#; is t In* true life until i>p h liMitis r>f Ooil, the ''hnitfK n??t ? ?>|n Willi I ;it?N." if ? ]*|. i| V I . . ?. uOoGt KJiPOR'i'S GRAT^MG SALE! ! IK-'ioif, Nov. t)odne Uroihe'l ! ii' i ! ! lisi ? < f ? s Tula) ;:a: seilgeil . in! ear and truck ililivtricf 1. !? :i !?; i ? -,|. 1 ? : 1 1 port shipments, fur the four weekT ? jideil .Inly 30 v\ t* I ;!,NK7 ; for till i r ;.i.!r iv i i l.s ended August 27 wen 117.170 nml for the four weeks end I oil Sept. niber 2 1. I7,fi!>l). Ourrell m \| irt shipments have been shoxviia i increases, turh nhipmrnt* fJ I lulv being 1,111. for August. 2,7(j and for September in excess of j 500. I. < or.pany officials reported till i f?i the six months ended .June 3l I iy:?7, net income available for di\ i< 'U amounted -ii $5,020,97 1 .( ; ,v. i pn fi ivnt'i-o . t.'i k dividend i ! ? ??! nicnts for the period of $: i ' ? -t 250. oil. Kor the f.vo mont j en . i'd August 31. 1927, such n ! & 'lint's available for d!vidcn I mi ? . , ortcd in- excels of ijil.hOl j 'HI.:. (Ill to i over dividend reqiiii m nts mi tli" preference stork f 'such I 'm months period of $77,083 As at Augu+t 31, current assc wire repelled to lie in excess .'?< 17.000, 000. 00, of which over $1.' ! .">00,000.00 was cash and over $f j 500,000.00 marketable securities wi i current liabilities of about $18,00(f 1000.00. The truck division i dciiig t greatest business in its history, wi l-hipments for July amounting 1 2.557 vehicles, for August -1,13 I .mi! for September in excess of ! i 000 and with orders on hand in o less of 2,300. The various plar [of the truck division at Detro Kvansville, Stockton, and Toron are operating: at capacity and pr jduction is being maintained at re , ord levels. iNO MOREPYROtOL l Raleigh. Nov. 3. ? No more stum I will be blasted in North Caroli with the cheap government expli sive, pyrotol, after this winter. T 'state has been allotted 525,0 j pounds this season and this amou ! will close the distribution of go ei'iment explosive. The warehousl | will be cleaned out after Janua I first and farmers who wish to u ! explosives o ntheir farms will ha to go to the regular commercij sources. During the past five years, 1 oa-'s of this material has been us in the state according to figures su pl:ed by A. T. Holman, extensu j agricultural engineer at State C' ! lege. During September of tl 'voir orders were received for 1 Of 950 pounds bv' farmers in four cou ? Ccrli It. '.v '.his s-ns tw!;h 5S.400 nouiiiis already or rocks from i cultivated lands. Sat" ~ | % Dreaded Ache& s 1 pains// Disappeared^ % "My health had been poor J ?jg for ten years, before I took 3 jjg Cardui," says Mrs. Anna S ym Cronin, of Rockport, Ind. "I ? '?2S was lifeless and "no account'. J ;, do what was J VSJ nhsoiutely *r.t ccpsory, and J 'IS tho". lie down 0 n. ; Xi "Oae day, ao.ueono surest- i *.?5 ed Cardui to !ne. I took it ? '.i* f?r several months, and all ? :~r~ the timi I was (/rowing ? ?"38 stror.per, and ]rt>9 nervous, j 'Ja My aches an-', pains finally ? fS dlsappecrcd. ?? 5 j?? That ~ .?o your* ago. < sjg? My improvement hr.3 bacn 5 :.<3 remanent. Tho [,00 i health, ? which fbltowiH the taking ot' a g* Cardui, is still with mo, so I 2 5j5 da not hisitato to rocomroeoil - 73S it to my frionda." I ||( ? TURKEY CREEK BAPTIST C. E. Blythe, pastor; proacliinrr services Fourth Saturday at 2:30 p.m., Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a.m. ?!. R. Alexander, Supt. Everybody wci^ome to each service. glad^brancT^hurc^^ Rev. J. E. Osteen, pastor. Preach ing First and Third Sunday morn ings, 11 o'clock. Sunday School ev ery Sunday, 10 a.m. F. H. Hclden, Supt. Prayer meeting every Sun day evening at 7 o'clock. Send Us Your Job Work GOOD THINGS TO EAT MADE BY SPECIAL ORDERS Phone your order no/f for GOOD BREAD, CAKES, PIE^T AND PASTRIES " Phone 1'' PHILLIP'S BAKERY 15REVARD, North Carolina Travel by Train COMFORTABL y// ECONOMICAL SAFE Reduced Round Trip Fares for Short r hi ? irips Ask Ticket Agents SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM 7*i