Legal Advertisements NOTICE OK I AND SALE ?Under and l?y virtue of- the power . f suie contained ill ;i curtain deed in trust, bearing date of January y, ('Jit!, f nun \V. (). K. King anil wife 'Elsie King, U> the undersigned trus tee, t<> sec uif ilie luiyui lit of a cer iiiin nolo therein mentioned made pa> able to ihf Uivvard Banking Co. which .said deed in trust is duly registered in the office of the Ktsi'-ier of Deeds of Transylvania county, North Carolina, in Book ID, at page -175 el seq; aiui default hav 1 1 : l-; ''ecu made in the payment of the ii.,k iucdness secured by the said deed in trust, whereby the power of lontaiiud therein has become op erative; and all notices required by law. and by the said deed in trust having been given; and the said de fault not having been made good, and the holder of the said note hav ing diverted the undersigned trustee to j'vocped under the power of sale in ;>aid deed in trust: NOW THEREFORE, the under signed trustee, will, on Monday the nth day of December' 1927, at 12:00 M. at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, North Carolina, of fer for sale, and will sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bid der the following described prop erty: To wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a white oak stump and black oak cor ner of a tract of land conveyed by Samuel King to M, HI. King and runs with the old line, north 58 deg. west ti poles to a stona on the east bank of the road ; then with the east mar gin of the road, south 37 deg. west 5 poles to a stake; then leaving the road north 48 deg. east 16 poles to a stake in the old line, and in Coop er's road; then north 25 deg. west 8 poles to the Beginning, and being the ?same tract of land conveyed by J. L. Wright and wife, Ellas S. Wright to W. O. K. Ivingr by deed dated Jan uary 25, 1899 and recorded in book No. 14 at page 428 of the deed Rec ords of Transylvania County. SECOND TRACT: An undivided o- ---fourth interest in" the lot, and iiuildiiig known as the old M. M. K::i^- Building, on the south side of Main street, in the Town of Brevard, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands formerly own ed by L. G. Siniard, J. E. Patton, and others, Beginning on a stake in .the south margin of Main street, the old L. G. Siniard, and runs south 26 ?deg. west 73 feet to a stake; thence north 64 den. wast 28 feet to a stake; thence north 26 deg east 71} feet to a stake on the margin of Main street, south 64 deg. east 38 feet to the Beginning. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied on the said indebtedness, costs of sale, interest, etc. This the 8th day of Nov. 1927. W. E. Breese, Trustee 10-17-24 D1 NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust, dated Sept. 25, 1925, and executed by Geo. P. Fitchett, to the undersigned trustee, for R. W. Everett, securing certain indebted ness therein mentioned, which said deed in trust is recorded in book 19 at page 281 of the deed of trust rec ords of Transylvania county, and default having been made in the pay ment of said indebtedness, and all notices required by law having been given, and default not having been made good, and the holders of said notes having demanded the trustee to foreclose, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder on Saturday, Dec. 10, 1927, at the courthouse door in the town of Brevard, at twelve o'clock noon, all the following described property, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a spanish oak stump, near the north west corner of the Gash old field, and runs east 16 poles to a gum, old spanish oak corner; thence still east 84 poles to a sourwood; thence west 100 poles; thence north 160 poles to the beginning. Containing 100 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the above described tract, beginning on a spanish oak stump, beginning cor nrt- of the tract above described, and runs with the line of said tract south 1 30 poles to its south west corner, thence west 25 poles to a stake; thence north 160 poles to a v'ake: thence east 25 poles to the beginning. Containing 25 acres, or les.;. Said sale made to satisfy said indebtedness, interest and cost. This 10 day of Nov. 1927. T. 11. Shipman. Trustee 17-24D-1-7 Galloway & Martin, Attys. NOTICE IJy virtue of the power of sale, given in that certain deed in trust, executed by E. R. Pendleton and S. I.. Shirley, to the undersigned trus tee, to secure certain indebtedness therein mentioned, which deed in trust is dated Oct. 1st, 1925, and recorded in book 19 at pace 231 of the public records of Transylvania county, and default having been made in the payment of said indebt edness, and all notices required by law, having been given, and the de fault not having been made good, and the holders of the notes having demanded that the land therein men tioned fie sold to satisfy the same and the costs: I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in th" town of Brevard. X. on Mon day. the ">th day of Dee. 1927, at 12 o'clock noun, all tne following described property: I. vine on the west side of North Caldwell street, in the town of Bre vard. and on th" south side ?.f French Ittoad Avci.iie. and known ?is Cascade Kill inir Station l"t. fully described in B"nl< |'" made to satisfy said in de|>i edne-s, interest and costs. This .till day of Nov. 1927. I, .P. Hamlin. Trtfteo. IO-I7-2IDI O'Mvay R Martin. Attys. rd r I N^ut/V OK IKUSTEK-S SALE I i. ? ? i ii'iiu' * ? t" I ho j?o\vci H ' ?:!.? ?? -Mi Milled in a certain .Li-. I ? :i (ni l irmii' A. H. Ouvti to I). I. jv.!))'!'- Hi Trustee, slid deed in trust iiiut date in* i bruarv hi. I!'^', U'ji'iU'iui i.. >k \ . I :? . it ? . of the record.-. of deed* in I fin- 't'l'iiiiMV Iv'iihi;.. *'? ;:tity. si; Carolina; *-aid de-. <1 in I : . i i I : ^ t'< Itii. a ii. .Ii t>! liii:---. I r. ? uiiiKi'd, and default hating i> ? i ; iii liit' |>a\ uu'ii'. <> s.; ai i ii . li-l> i - j .? ir ?.? whereby ill-.* of salt' 1 ? "i: allied tiielv.n I. a* bccome o;>ei ?. mid ni'tu".* i'f suul default ( i % : i i h Ik 1.11 given ami ?aid default ? ?I having. been made good and lis; ? 'i 1'jtu'il trustee having been re quested ti< foreclose said deed in i ; .\i>vv therefore thi uiuLrsigned on Saturday tl|i- loth day of .i.. ember 1927, ai. .12 o'clock -M. at court house door in liivvnhl, N. , i .. sell to the highest bidder for tii>',i one fifth undivided interest in iie following' tracts of land to wit : All tiiiisi.- three tracts of land des cribed in (ho d eed in trust herein M-lVre referred to which deed in mist is registered in Hook No. 19 on '?n;;c ,">1)9 of the records of deeds in trust for Transylvania County, N. i'. to which deed in trust and record is hereby made for a full inscription of said lands. The proceeds of asid sale to be applied upon said indebtedness, com missions, cost of sale, etc. This Uth dav of November 1927. Nov. 17-24D1-8 ]). L. ENGLISH. Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT State cf North Carolina, Ti ar.sylvania County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT J. H. Pickelsinier VS. 0. M. Cooke and Mae C. Cooke. The defendants in the above-en titled action will take notice that on he 4 day of Nov. 1927, a summons n the said action was issued against defendants by Roland Owen, Clerk ,.i .ho Superior Court for Transyl vania County, North Carolina, plain : iff claiming: the sum of $597.00 due him' on note, which summons is re t urnnble. on Dec. 5, 1927. The de- ? fendants will also take notice that a wairant of attachment was issued by ? said Clerk of the Superior Court on the 4 day of Nov. 1927, against the property* of said defendant, which warrant is returnable on Dec. 5, ? 1927, at the time and place named i tor the return of the summons, ! when and where the defendants are | required to appear and answer or j demur to the complaint, or the re- j lief demanded will be granted. This the 4 dav of Nov. 1927. ROLAND OWEN, Glerk Superior Court, 4t 17-24D1-7 j NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power | of sale contained in a deed of trust | given by Sutton Wilson for the bal ance of the purchase price of the sale of land to the undersigned as trustee to secure the payment of j certain indebtedness to A. J. Beck, i said deed of trust being registered j in the office of the Register of ! Deeds for Transylvania county in book 16, at page 68, default having! indebtedness wnereby the power of been made in the payment of said , salo in said deed of trust became op- , erative and the holder of said note I having demanded the sale of said ' lands, I will on the 10th day of De- ? cember, 1927, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door of Transyl- . vania county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following de- 1 scribed pieces or parcels of land, ' situate lying and being in Boyd j Township, Transylvania county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of George B. Morgan, J. H. Phillips and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a. hickory on a ridge and runs west '!(> poles to a stake in D. H. Eng- 1 land's lino; thence north with the -ame 87 poles to the corner of the j a rue; thence west with England s line 55 poles to a stake; thence j r.orili 3 poles to a stake; thence east j 88 poles to a stake in P. C. Sur- . ?oU'j line 33 poles to a stake; thence r.crth 55 deg. west 30 poles to a ? ?vhite oak; thence west 4 poles to | i'.; thence south 2 deg. east 43 1 to the Bejrinnir.j:, containing 30 rnrifo i?r less. fr'XOXi) i iCAC'i : Ijcuinuir.g " *- I! ( 'i i'wtiinl. a corner of the* above dc.*- ' ci'il<(d tract; thence north 55 *dci?. west 30 p*! - ?> a white oak another corner o i* th .ibove described tract j thence cont:* tig with tho line of j No. 1 ovc described west -1 pole* t?> a ! ch; thcnce continuing wiili a lino - f the tract above des cribed >outh 2 dog. east 50 poles to a ?tone; thence cast 30 poles to a ov.woud; thence north 34 poles to ? the Beginning. containing 8 acres i more or less. THIRD TRACT: Adjoining the ' i;rst tract above deseribed and im ! mediately west thereof. Beginning [on a post oak and pointers on top of [a ridge and run? west 10 poles to a hickory grub ar pointers; tln-iuc ?urth 83 poles ? a stake; thence lortli 17 deg. "- 5* poles ? -> a >lake, a cornor of the lirst tract ibove described; thence with the western lino of the first tract al>??*c .'.escribed south 120 poles to the Beginning, containing 25 acres more or los*. This the 3rd day of Nov. l.)L?. <;allatin KOBKKTS. Tm Uo. \,?v. "0-17-21; IH-cl NOTICE OK LAND SALL i'rider an. H K??of. hirl; sod 'leeil ir : rj ?*. off * h? Ke.'i *? r ?f | >?...(! ^ 11 ' ' '.'k ,-'1 ?'? - d 1 n .i.i.- : rj ? r. |?:r. - 1 n ' : said lUfld in trust, whereby the i 'el of salt* contained therein has beionu I operative ail notices require! I ? i'< ? i? i i . ? ' : i . . ? < a.".;!, 1' .. ii. ; . l':>. >. J" ... V My, to w . : ; i I !* la.-.-. ? :> : .: .. ' thi- liv.a. T I*-.- : ?l* '.lie .* .... .. : S.'a.e I.!' Noi'ti: ii oi . t. :i ? ?.; i!i" Ml Mi* |>r. -;y ??.?,?! i 'I ?. .laiVv! t Ii:- liJml in. <.f l:?-J."i fr?>m 8. C. Morris v.':' - I', ii. Roof said flood In i'. ? . : : ??it in iii uiyit'K <>r ?h ? i: ....-? i ; Deeds of Transylvania Co.ihty, N. r., in book 29 at page ;.'i! i.l i. \:.< .'?ami- land described in a deed dated t lii- lilith day of . Slnrch l!'"J ? from L>. R. Roof and wife to S. ('. .Morris and sai.t iLi-.i r j.*5s'.-.>reil in tlu- office of th'tf Register of Deeds of Transylvania county, X. C.. in book no. ... at page . ... to which | .-aid deeds and both of these. rci' i ' elicc is hereby niado and same .itiaiiv a part hereof for tlu- purpo-e of description. The proceeds of said sale to. be : applied oil the said indebtedness, costs i of sale, interest, etc. I This tile 8th day of Nov. 1927. i \V. E. Breese. Trustee. 10-17-2:; 01 NOTICE By virtue of the power of sale, i given in that certain deed in trust, executed by J. A .Colburn and wife Klumii Colburn, .to the undersigned trustee, to secure certain indebted ness therein mentioned, which deed in trust is dated Aug. 16th 191S. and recorded in book 12 at page 211 of tlu* public records of Transylvania county, and default having been made' in the payment of said in debtedness, and all notices required by law, having been given, a lid the default not having been made good, and the holders of the notes having demanded that the land therein men tioned be sold, to satisfy the same and the costs: I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., on Mon day the 5th day of Dec. 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, all the following des cribed" properly ______ All that certain land on theiitti^h side of Davidson River, consisting of two lots, fully described in book 12 at page 241 of the deeds of trust records of Transvlvania county. Raid saie made to satisfy said in- j dtbltdness, costs, etc. This 4th day of Nov. 1927. WELCH GALLOWAY, Trustee, pd : Galloway & Martin, At. 10-17-2-1D! ! NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power, of sale contained in a certain dee 1 of trust made and executed b>~-L=? J-h Duffy of Guilford county. North i Carolina, to the undersigned trustee, dated November 6, 1925, and record ed in the office of the Register of , deeds of Transylvania County, ' North Carolina, in Book 16, at page 617, and recorded in the office of ( the Register of Deeds of Jackson . County, North Carolina, in book of deeds of trust 94, at page 256, ref erence to which is hereby made, - said deed of trust having been given j to secure certain indebtedness of L. J. Duffy to Andrew Gennett and N. W. Gennett and K. Leeman; and de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, whereby i: all became due, and notice thereof hav- 1 ing been given to the said L. ,T. Duf fy. and the power of sale in said deed of trust having become operative- by reason of said default and notice, the undersigned trustee will op Sat urday, Dec. 24. 1927, at twelve o'clock noon at the court house door, in the City of Brevard, county of Transylvania, State of North Caro lina. SELL, at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder the fol lowing described land and promises: Lying and being partly in the county of Jackson and partly in th' j county of Transylvania, in the stale of North Carolina, and being iv.r-iv ; particularly described as follow-- : On the waters of White Water TNvr>r : . Tit ACT: Beginning ai a | white pine saplinir in the east boun dary line of R. Norton it Company, and runs east 204 poles to a forked 1 white oak crossing Gold Run Creek j at 60 poles; thence north 500 poles to 'a stake on the side of Sassafras j Mountain; thence west 201 poles to | a rock on said mountain; tlienee {south 500 poles to the beginning, ibeing State Grant No., 554. (issued j by the State of North Carolina to j E. II. Phipps anil registered in said 'county and state in book 25. pag.1 j 24). 'iss, howcer. the la page of the Amnions (Jrant. , SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a (foikcd white oak. southeast i-orn*.-r of Euny No. 26:;5. an. I run 1 204 poles to a Spanish oak. crossing Democrat Creek; thi-nie north 50# ' pO!t ? to ,l .--tiiilf i.i* Rattle > o.-.i: Mountain ; thence west 204 poles t" | a stake, northeast corner of Entry No. 2695; thence south with it r ! I n.- 506 poles to the bcginninir, cor. jtaiuing 640 acres niore_or less. an?! [being state grant N?. 557, issued 1?" ! th- State of North Carolina to E. H. I I'hipps and registered iii the off:. ' } of the Register of deeds fo" Transy! I inn in County in Book at pace I o ^ This 1st day "f Nov. A. D. I'.'J,. C.hg .U. 21-ni-s.l.-, B G. I.. JONES. Trustee. In the pa.-t -i\ \?ar- ' id its hav ! .- |. ?? >iin ately ;?r.o., 'in.iif|i ' f> r-r.i : }-.?? I ' n:t< I J- at ?> mail. A .! n'l-t ?a> - that a woman lose, it..,- ?ccth -? ..???? r than a man. Piob a1 1 ?!?(? i ti-.( i.i * at with V - t Improved Uriiior.i; {.r.srr.ationr.i 1 ?. J ??> ?V " V. ?: .ii vr 4. 1..- ;. > Lessen f?>r i'.' .:vov.i'>er 27 ISAIAH T LAC :?< - j T.'I'jr. WORSllir* r.ICSSO.V T'l ! ! :V , <:? " i". ? ! .o.ri'fy ?!'. I .'?l i i ,\v|: |? it |tl III >.? 1 ??II ! it ? ,i:i I -l n.:r. <1 i' ? from a my tears. l';;IM.\i:Y -T' 1 V ? WVr tilpins ' M'XIOli T? Jn i? 'I'll.' I'lf.iPf-.-i < * <1. intkk.v :r>i.\ri: " hi:\i>>h to; K'_w I -I I,; . i ; ? , s I :?>'!. Yi'l'N'i; I :??!?: ANi> ADtn.r Tor 1C ? -Tli.* X-iiura i r -I'rud Worship. Isai:!h li.ij ,i ln:;_* i.iiu.istrjv begin nlng In the days oil' l'/zlnli aw) ex tending. i lirouuli i! i- ivK'i of .lothati. Aliaa ami I !\'/.< ];. s i r:i:-(iim <>[ Jlo. slab's kingdom. ; :. i- t is the title to the whole Imu!;. It cinituinv t.he treat arraignment of the people for their sins. I. Tlie Moral State of tlie People (vv. 2-1). 1. Filial inr:r;:t:iU(l'' (v. "). The universe i ; i-iumioneil to hear the Lord's 1 :i : . against Judith an'l Israel for ilu-lr ha-e ingratitude. 2. lSrutal ^thpidit.v (v. y). The ox iiinl the a. -; are proverbially ! stupid, but Israel's stiipMHy exceeded j theirs. i rai'l would not recognize , Ilis right as sovereign, nor aull.'or of . mercies. j 3. Habitual evil doers (v. -I). They were not sinners in net merely, I but In nat'.ire aad heart wore lhdeu with iniquity. I'.y heredity they pissed ' ! their vices from generation to genera tion. . . j II. Their Canrsquent Miseries (Vv. i 50). 1. Their perplexity (v. 5). Chastisement only hardened them. | Their a mictions were followed by deeper and more heinous sin1'. 2. 'J'lieir awful confusion (v. 6). ! The calamity which befell llirti ex- ! r tended to all classes. No one 'was able to minister to their comfort ; Desolations in tiie eooiii.rj > (vv. , 7, S). Revolts from within i.j..l 1::'. Jdons from without h i t their c< jhtry desolate. Physical ruin alway>f iol- , lows moral and spiritual doeade M. 4. A saved remnant assured ( j. 9). I Cod's purposes cannot (ail. A rem- j uant was saved in Israel? a ret ?ant ] shall be saved ill the church. , III. I'ormal Worship Rebuked: (vv. 10-15). Their aufifl~cahitniiies were noli due to the neglect of i-uligloiis rites' and ceremonies. Tiiey punctiliously' ob served the forms of religion wh'.B In dulging in iniquitous practices. 1. Goil does not need sacrifices (v. 11). Worship and service arc noli for God's benefit, but for that of theivvor- ; slilpers themselves. 2. God's attitude toward fwraal ! worship (vv. 12-11). The very rites and ceremonies ?^hlch God ordained for the purpose of help- J ing men to approach lliin becoma dis- i gusting and irksome to I liiu. 3. God's lefusal (v. 15). Every net of worship wliila the : heart and life are steeped wttK in iquity only incites the alitor of the Holy One. IV. An Amended Life God's Re I quirement (vv. 1(1-20). : Though tlie nation had so grievous ly sinned, their case was not hopeless. In order to enjoy that mercy there | must be: 1. A cleansing. "Wash you. make you clean." The . ; washing by water symbolized the ; cleansing by tlie blood of the Son of ! God. 2. "l'ut away the evil of your do ! incs." mere lo i;.. ? i si;; wltiio ? ; continuing in sin. 3. "'.'ease to do evil." jt. "Learn to do well" (v. 17). One can only cease to do evil by earning to do well. 5. "Seek Judgment." One must not only lie upright him self but should protest against the wrongdoing of others. Hardens > should be removed from the op pressed. Justico should ibu done to the fatherless and the widows should be befriended. C. Encouragement to come to God (v. IS). Thouu'h their guilt was groat and I e judgment wl'ieh befell ti.em was awful. Hod's pardoning and cleansing ' gi'.iCO ? " Velont. 7. f'oa.litiuiial (v. lfi). ? This mentis that they could only en j'.v goe I "ti (iod's tcrius. 8. Solemn warning (v. 20). llvbillion a?aiiist God brings ruin. Religion Trusting God with a sincere and ?pen heart, ready to obey what lie suggest.*, L>klng llu guidance, and ready to t;ike it, believing in lllm and simply trusting li.'e to U:m ? tliat is ' religion. ? lteid. Cost of Disciplesliip Christ t? lis us to count the Cost Of i disciplesliip, but llu never asks us to count the gain, lie knew w? could not; there is t.o arithmetic to com fit- "nit.? W. K Watn^on. Church , Directory (W?l.\'V - 1'* YUl J> ciuitv^l ;*:ul Suniiiiy Sv.:!i ?i>l i - n?. l .1 *. i ? . | vofuir.t.;- pi v r?. yu.vir I t.?#r Sunday -S-.'Uoo! tike i\).- ii:'. : !).??: u**!' iW:-i : u.. s *iu:. in. th c;? ! i i:Ul\ h tl U'OCllv: y,. ? < liKEVAKD FKtSBYTtUlAN '?TI.IK l-'KJKXliiA fHl'Ki-li" | Ui'\. \'it:!i>!i A. C rawiY ,-d, |m '.or;! Services : Sunday School, >?;.| j ?, ! m.; morning worship, 11:00 a. ?>>. , evening worship, 7:!!0 p. ??.; Chris l. .mi KiitK'UVtir, 0:30 p. n. ; liii-l-w.-vk i si-rvii'i', Wednesday. i :30 p. in.; S S, Suj>!., 1.. A. Amnion. A c"rd;ul in- ! vnation is extended to members ai.J friends to every service. . I BREVARD METHODIST J. Chan ih-r. puslo* . Si.-1. -vices: , Smjdiiy Sii'liMi), H:4o a, in.. Dr. ?t 1' 1 Xa-.iiary, Sup?, Morning Service 11; Kpworth League 0:15; Evening s,-r \ ice, 7 :?0 l'ruyt r .'?i* ctiiiiA' \\ ir.ine.-- , >l.;y, 7 :30. Ail visitors t > the c'.ty ] In- cordially invited to v.vr .hip with | i. Wo need you ? you need us. , BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH I Rev. Wallace Hart sell, pastor. j Sunday School 9:15 A. M.; Preach-, | ing service 1 1 :tl(? A. M. and 7 : j j i'. Mi; B. Y. P. (J. Sunday evening; 'Mid-week Prayer Service, Wednes day, 7 :3o 1' -M. Julian A. Glazenev, ' Sunday School Superintendent. ? I ST PHILIPS CHURCH * (Episcopal) He v. II. Perry, rector, phone 134. lKly Communion, 8 a. in.; Church School, 10 a. m. ; Holy Communion J and Services, lir 'it and third Sun- ] days, 11 a. m.; Morning Prayer and c Sermon, second and fourth Sundays, t II a. m. . ZION BAPTIST Rosroan, N. C. I H. F. Wright, pastor. Preaching "" 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. rn. and t? 7:30 p.m. Sunday School cach Sun-'f day 10 a.m.; C. R. Clark, supt.; B. Y. . P. U. 7:00 vl: P: r.v? eatit Thursday evening 7 :45 j MT. MORI AH I Cherryneld Baptist Church a Rev. J". H. ' Stanberry, Pastor Services every first and third Sjn- J* days at 11:00 a.m. Night services o at 7 :4o o'clock. Sunday School at 81 10:00 a.m., and B. Y. P U. at r :00. 1 PISGAH FOREST BAPTIST Rev. H. F. Wright, paster. Preach- S ing services 2nd and 4th Sundays at B 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday 3; School each Sunday at 10 a. m., D. I - H. Orr, superintendent. All cardial- ! ly invited to each service. LAKE TOXAWAY BAPTIST Lake Toxnway j*!; Z. Isaac Henderson, Pastor; Sun-jV', day School each Sunday 10 a.m., L. j q V." Sigman, supt.; preaching on 2nd , anil 4th Sundays, 11 a.m. Regular . conference on Saturday before each T 2nd Sunday, 2:30 p.m. Special invi- j tation to visitors and tourists. i* TURKEY CREEK BAPTIST C. E. Blythe, pastor; preaching] services Fourth Saturday at 2^30 ! jr p.m., Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday jr School each Sunday at 10 a.m. J- ! e] R. Alexander, Supt. Everybody g welcome to each service. I ,i ENON BAPTIST Rev. W. W. Marr, pastor. Sunday] School 10 a.m. Preaching 11:00 S a.m. and 7 :30" p.m., every Sunday. -1 A cordial welcome to all. n KOSMAN CHARGE Rev. J. C. Richardson, Pastor R OA 411 AH Preaching every 2nd ami 4tli Sundays, 11 a. ill, ? 7:30 p. m.j Sunda> School 10 a. in., -^-A, M. White, supt.; Prayer Meeting each Wednesday 7 :;10 p.m. Lake Toxaway Preaching 3rd Sunday, 11 a. in. ? 7:30 p. in.; Sunday School 10 a. in., W. H. Arrowood, supt.; l'rayer Meeting Sunday evening 7 :30. Exsl Forlt Preaching 1st Sunday 11 a. in.; Sunday School 10 a. in., W. W. Gravely, supt. Preaching at Connestec 1st Sim day 2:80 p. m. ? Selica, 2nd Sunday 2:30 p. in. LITTLE RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J, F. Scott, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. in., Mr. t'has. Asliworth supt. Preaching service 1 1 o clock. Junior 11. V. P. IT, Sunday 2:30 p.m. IV. M. U. mot.* Thursday after th? second Sunday. BREVARD VVESLEYAN METHODIST Rev. G. K. Kelhir, pastor. Proach ng each Sunday evening 7:30: Sun iay School each Sunday 10:30, W. Li. PicviOtt. supt. Prayer meeting Tuesday oiil Thursday 7 :30. Z. M. IV. 11. Society each second Tuesday 7:30. AV. H, F. M. Society *.icn 1th 7 :30. CARSONS CREEK Preaching services second Sunday it 11 o'clock, and fourth Sunday at .1 o'clbck. Sunday School at 10 ('clock. Everybody is invited to onie out and worship with us. TURKEY CREEK BAPTIST Brevard, Route 2 C. S. Blytlie, pastor; preaching 4tb laturday at 2:30 p. ni. Sunday at 11 . m. Sunday School each Sunday 0 a. in., C. E. Orr, supt. "Welcome o every service." flOYLSTON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. P. Holtzclaw, pastor, 'reaching 3rd Saturday at 3 p. m., nd 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m.; unday School each Sunday at 10 a. i. ; Henry J. Garren, supt. Every ody is cordially invited to attend all ;rvices. CATHEY'S CREEK Rev. C. C. Reece, Pastor; Sunday chool each. Sunday, 10- a.m., Ward reedlove, Supt. Preaphing 1st and rd Sundays 11 a.m. Welcome to all. OAK GROVE BAPTIST. Quebec. Z. Isaac Henderson, Pastor; Sun ay School each Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; . W. Henderson, supt. ; preaching on st and 3rd Sunday, 11:30 a.m. onference on Saturday night be jre each 1st Sunday, 8 p.m.; Prayer nWeting each Sunday, 3:30 p.m. he public is invited and members re expected to attend all these ser Ices. GLADY BRANCH CHURCH Rev. J. E. Osteen, pastor. Preach lg First and Third Sunday morn igs, 11 o'clock. Sunday School ev ry Sunday, 10 a.m. F. H. Holden. upt. Prayer meeting every Sun ay evening at 7 o'clock. BLANTYRE BAPTIST Rev. Walter Holtzclaw, pastor, ervices every second Sunday at 1 :00 a.m. and second Saturday ight. BREVARD BAKERY Just Opened ? On the Square ? Facing Court House. Bread ? Cakes ? Pies ? Home Made Candies Try Our 100% Whole Wheat Bread We want to get acquainted with you, and want you to get acquainted with our products. BREVARD BAKERY ON THE SQUARE Travel by Train COMFORTABLE ECONOMICAL SAFE Reduced Round Trip Fares for Short T? rips Ask Ticket Jl gents SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM