BUNCH OFFUN IS MOST FUNNY THING ? j ' ' i .'?nouncccj by niitay as one of the i ^ Uo;:u'-taU?M plays presented in J revurd in recent yonra, wa^ that wii by studont.f of the seventh ^rude of the Brevard Elementary '??out Friday evening, the play en " '.ed. "A Bunch of Fun." The n. i finer- ? pvoved themselves a i ? .'dil both to the school and the; i Muniunity, and deserving particular 1 :va:. e because of the fact that this I lay usually presented by high liuoi or ^'iill^Ke students. Uth"ug!i.itll of the characters v . . ? unusually good, ' special men ' -:i I ?lue Walivr Ashworth, who i "it tin part of Raymond Hunt y.nd llutiic Sue Sitton, as Chris mi, the Swede maid, who were the ?ir? in the eB".t. The audience en ; into the sprit of the occasion at times roared with laughter. Tlie entire action took place in . I.ving 100111 of the Rectory, her? Dr. Grandon and his charming li >usi>iv>ld dwelt. The curtain rises > Grandon Slid her sisler-ii1. Mai'tim, were discussing their struggling existence and their dis tress, over the love of the maid. Christina, for th? movies. In a let tor f 'oni Mrs., Huntington, they were a -?!??<} to entertain five college girls. Alicv Huntington and her four guests at the Rectory for two weeks. Ray mond Huntington, in the meantime, is to entertain his guests at a nearby <anin. On arrival of the girls, they report a hold-tip, the "robbers" later Veing recognized as Murray Kent, Tack;- Mulford and Alice, who were playing one of Kent's brilliant prac tical jokes. Christina is the laugh ing stock of the entire play, one of the actors declaring that, "for pull ing funny stunts Christina has got Charlie Chaplin beat forty different ways." Finally after a mix-up of humor ous and perplexing problems, the young people thanlj the Grandons for their kind hospitality, and a 1: "!e wedding is. conducted, includ in Sylvia and Lynn, Tajiks and \ fa, Cecily and Ray. The play was directed by Prof. M. II. Shore and Miss Reese. DECEMBER HONOR ROLL FOR CALVERT SCHOOL Following is the honor roll for December month at Calvert School: First Grade ? Burtram Cassell, Earl Garren, Earl Gillespie, Howard I .'.net;, Bruce Whitmire, Eula Mae X. ???rif.. Wayne Morgan. Sccond Grade ? Roy Brown, Fred Giile; pi; . Ernest Lance, Straley Mor ris, Sam McCullough, Jr., Bill Owen, Movie Waldrop. Ora Mae Gillespie, Caroline Garren, Julia Jordan, An nice Whitmire. Third Grade ? Frank McCall, Jr., Lamar Whitmire. Millie Allison, Margaret Glazener, Mary Morgan, Mae Owen. ? Teacher ? Mamie Hayes, clum. in cooperation with the busi GREAT INVENTION IS POPULAR HERE Another contribution of science ?which is being heralded as roost "beneficial not only from nn economic standpoint, but as a life-saver, is a V5ry dependable means of prevent ing serious fire at any time. This invention is known as Shur-Stop. the Automatic Fireman. Like most great inventions, Shur-Stop is ex tremely simple. At approximately *30 F. Shur-Stop operates and re leases its liquid, which expands to 1000 times its volume under the influence of heat. The vapor thus created is deadly to fire. Nothing to fail or jam in a crisis. If you are present when the fire starts, just seize the Shur-Stop bulb and throw it on the fire. If vou are absent or ?s'.eep, and your house is equipped ?w'th these fire extinguishing bulbs, you need have no fears of a destruc i lire. Under the protection of Shur-Stop bulbs it is claimed, and oynerienee has demonstrated, that sin.' fire, originating from within. wi!i automatically, be checked and put out in its incipiency. It is endorsed and approved by juv chiefs and fire marshals in all >'.? :t:<ins of the United States and < '!?>. anil in a recent issue of The l;\ va: i! News was an endorsement I: nur own fire chief. Mr. J. S. J'.r '??afield. The News understands that a Bre vur.-i firm has plans well under way fur the establishment of a wholesale warehouse here from which the Shur St.oii products will be distributed i.i?r a wide territory. New York specialist says a wo si'uns' refusal to talk is a sign of insanity. Fortunately, -such cases are rare. 1 ?? Dunn's Rock Lodge ? 267 A. F. & A. M. Meets every Second and Fourth Friday Nights at 7:30 O'CIock. Visiting Brethren Always Welcome ?i iri A vi*> /V' "V ),v . t r ?. ? d RAIN.. Ow" A t ? lj[? jc ^ ' 4 J hwl ??l'iii-! Kir.:' yillod '.li.' V-"'i . ,cw. '??? :,. i-? Whorei" yvl!.'<( th<? :v;> ell (]uoti(C. ' "ill : s: it;: . null behind!" wi. i ; : c* response. Ami .'.vi' ii is said, Jhi i.y io.h'ii <>!i tlic Southern v fain ' ? rated on t !><- Transylvania ilivis *'!i ?? 1 tin? Southern, was on lire ii so1, is no steam heat 01 v v'-'iti'lie ???' these traiiw, and th> are .supposed to k> kep ? m t>\ stoves, of ordinary uizeaia ci;.i\ . lueed in one corner of tin ih. It was on last Monday, a: ti. iti rolled into Quebec, tha ? . i 11 ? 'i.xired in c tie roof > . i-Jaih. it is said. A vo'unteei force, equipped will ?. ?<ci;s and dishpans, fiifCJiileil ii ...til:;* out the flame* that for i . ir. f threatened to destroy tin coach. MME8SM& ? :1W OSGANiZA'fiON Raleigh. Dec. 21. ? While farmer, f Xi?i'th Carolina, admit that- a state' v.i'.le fit nn organization built by -tin ?ousohdation of community ant .county organizations will be greatly beneficial, they are doubtful as t< the financial support that will be accowk-ci such an organization. This is the general opinion of civ. 12-5 extension workers who uphove. I .?it State College last week for their annual conference and school. The county agents especially appeared reluctant to commit the farmers with u'hem they work to this organization, ?>o:r,e. of the agents had the spectov tf the late lamented tobacco associa tion before them when they reported lhat they would not want to be per sonally responsible for the success of the organization in their counties. This view of the agents was up held by the results of a survey made of leading farmers. Replies were re ceived from 823 men who had been or.ixtioned by the extension service. Most of these replies indicated a (iced of the proposed organization stated that the signers would join the organization and that it would be supported in their home communities, but, there was a rather sharp division when the question of dues and financial support was ans wered. In discussing the matter before the agents, Dean I. 0. Schaub, in charge of agricultural extension work, stat ed that the agents could not be per mitted, under the law, to go out and perfect such a proposed organization of farmers. The agents can assist the farmers to do their own organ "ing and may heljj to get the move mcnt started but the actual organiz atiori must be done by the farmers themselves. This question of farm organiza tion was one of the principal matters coming before the county agents in rheir joint conferences. Much time was devoted to a study of all exist ing national organizations. K1WANIS TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT Kiwanis club will meet at tli< Waltermire Grill Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, at which time announce ment of tremendous importance t( this community will be made. Specia Christmas usic. has been provided with Walter Hart as chairman of the music committee. The evening*! program will be in charge of J. S Bromfield and James F. Barrett. GETS THREf YEARS FOR STEALING AUTC Dock Reed, negro, was sentencee to the state penitentiary for a tern of three years last Thursday on i I'hurge of stealing an automobile Judge Moore said the time ha tome when'automobile thieves mus 'te placed in the class as horsi thieves of olden days. It used to be th- court said, when a man stole i nurse all the citizens of a communit; turned out and helped run the thie (i'uvn and give hint punishment N w. with tV- automobile, citizen hiive to loci: their cars, and thei wr.tch them losely to keep som thief from i..'..lng them. Officers t of the opinion tha Reed is the fvilow who stole so man ;ars here last spring. It will be re ? ailed that several cars were stole and found ditched on the Caesar' : Head highway. It is believed tha i T'red is the man who is responsibl | tV:4 many of these thefts, and it i pointed out that but one or tw ; of car thefts have been repori ?if :-;nce Reed's arrest. EIG TOM WOOD IS <mn fine of $10< In the affray involving Big To Wood and Elbert Owen in a ligl wiili a .shovel several months ag ! * V'.1 ^ ??d was fined $100 and on : ?:,ii l he coms, wljile Owen was fi n c 5 'tie -half the costs. liKOEDOC OAXftg iS 99 xaAfe bil) On ? Christmas Kay "UnVlv* Duo > .avion," as hi' is known ' I' y utin i ?! < '' frjfltdx, will olw rvo |ijs i.-.'ili nii Oi rtniiiv< i ? _v. 'fii'v y"!ne: !!w.- 1. 1..- !i.> \..t. . Hi i ??!'?? of 1 1: * iito-t deal iy ^'l.ivv.i. n'.;-. /.cllf Ik. this rOUiliUllity. .?)!(, .('UV: "on is i.-'jHvially populai' in Dunn's l{i'ik Masonic Lodge, whrtv h.- i-.. ine of that organism ion's i.idest numbers. It l* \ jh i'tt* i \ i isUii.v '< ;.i!i ':i Drevurd ui ii olhur mi of ? i-futiij v iil call uni n Mr. Ciay . .i tl'.'.ri!.^' i Iil* lu'l.iiays. ami e \ |-rc'>^ : , lo\ 1 . 1- liii'i through pri-scnta '.??n of (. hristhias sifts ami woids of Vulolid.e cheer ami greeting*.' ? EVERY Om PRESENT I iiV.iii i-r ui t he Primary dopai t ???.ont of tin) liivV'tii'il Klonifiiu.i , fc.tiool demonstrated their nS.tsty a 1 ei ornu-rs ami also gavs tiue eii-ait ? th?ik* diKCtOb, hi the j ?.??>? '.si i t:i t? -their i;li. istiv.iis playlet . "Bcity Jane's ? Christmas Dream," Tumlaj- evening at the school ar.di io?.u:n". Th play was given in a pi'i>h;rfav, one act anil an epilogue, and rieligh ted the large number of parents and friends present. Betty Jane Smith, as Mclra-e Tiiisiey, actsd the part of a v.'- -,i!:v.y jlittl* girl who has lost the Spirit of 'Christmas through her selfishness, sees 'her mistake in ri dream in which the Christmas toys, candies and fruits appear to her. after whL'h Betty Jane finds the unselfish sjirit which leads to happiness. In addi tion to .Betty Jane, the other main \ characters in the play were: Betty Jane's mother, Dorothy Kv- I erett; Santa Glaus, Thomas Orr;l ,.Jack -in -the -Box, Max Ashworth; ! Drum. Charles Pickelsimer; Sailor, ! Donald Thompson ; Pickaninny. Helen Galioway; Selfishness, Pearl Mull, besides the other group char- j acters including Peppermint sticks, ' Oranges, Dolly Family, Ran Dolls, j and Sacks of Peanuts. All of the east performed their parts excep tionally well and the costumes were ' most appropriate to the various char- j acters represented, but especial men- ! Hon is due little Helen Galloway in ; her portrayal of the character of | . Pickaninny. i Special numbers, which were highly i enjoyed, were the- Zu-Ztt band and ; , a Spanish Duet by Malva Tharp and Louis Hamlin. KING AND WH1TMIRE I ! FAY MOST DEARLY i Poke King and Erskine Whitmire, j young men of the east' section of the county, were found guilty in court last week on charges growing out of an automobile ride in which liquor i : played a part in connection with two i young girl companions, both of whom jwere under of age. Charges upon! ! which the young men were convicted I were confined to the whiskey part of the ride, they having come clear in a previous trial upon charges in con nection with the girls. King was given 12 months and Whitiriire drew a suspended sentence of nine months, a fine of $250 and one-half the costs, the nine months i sentence to take effect unless the fine was paid and the defendant continues to show good behavior. An unusually strong fight was waged by the attorneys for the de fense, and after the jury had return ! ed a verdict of guilty with recom mendation of mercy, attorneys made ; desperate effort to have light fines imposed.- Judge Moore held the of i fenso too grave, and would not be swayed by the earnest appeal of at torneys. Special effort was made for young Whitmire, who is only eigh j teen years tff age and a member of a good family. Judge Moore expressed Ms admir ation for the jury in returning its ' verdict of guilty, but stated his dis . appointment that the mercy of the ! couit had been embraced in the vcr J diet. i ALLEN CONVICTED ! OH BIGAMY CHARGE i R. A. Allen, tried here last week . on the charge of bigamy, was given . a fine of $.r>00 by Judge Walter K. Moore. It was brought out that " Allen had made a practice of going from place to placc, courting young T girls, marrying them, and leaving ; them to their fates. Allen married a popular Brevard girl sometime ago. and since that time, it was proven, had married an oiher girl in Florida. Previous to h's marriage to the Krevard girl, young Allen had married another woman, it was brought out. Apropos of attractive and artis ?ti?- alliterations, we note that a Mississippi editor refer? to certain "purveyors of putrid prejudicial political potpourri." n t (ii?.ahnma farmers are being in >? strueted in a "meat short course.' Some boarding-house keepers ap *1 pear to have graduated from ji ? ??I i.o?a! <ourse. Several divorces \| Superior . mi;' hi r ? Jl)'.;' t}le .-.ileiulili J - ' county during tlu whV .'! lit'1, a , single ed in tiio county' the divvives grai'] iUHiUmi n. of nn I uollit ii -ilar ft tu-!>iK tii . viil li\ irii.' w ' . v. iu- J traded with Moore annullc I vstui ;d Mj hfr maiden in; J OR !;KNT? 7 j - 5 .11 tow: or .1. H. Tinsjey. 1 OH KENT ? One Store or Office r' room 25x40, next door to War r- "5 'mire Hotil Office. T. \V. Whitmiiv. 2C Owner. 022 -iie < I V; AN I EC ? 1.00 Bushels alieilej yc! low corn at oncc. See C. C. Yongue, Brevard, N. C. I'-' 2 ? 1 would like to get in touch with j two young men who are interested : in the Minstrsl work to travel ami 'show schools and theatres. Leave I here January Itith. Call and see me. 1 Sherrill R. Sharp. Mgr., Brevard , Fun Makers, Dee 15?? ?LAND FOR SALE? My home plrtce, 75 acres in this tract on Pickens and Brevard high jway, 5 1-2 miles from Pickens, near good school and churches, 18 acres of the best creek bottom in country, will make 1000 bushels of corn; 27 acres cleared land that will make a bale of cotton per acre; .12 acres in pasture; balance in woods. AH this land can be cultivated, good 7 room house and all necessary out-, buildings; good well of water and a good spring. $80.00 per acre, one half cash, balance on terms. Write M. D. Chapell , Pickens, Route 3. phone No. 3311. _ MAGAZINES ? Please let us have |i your subscription for your favci ite magazines. We handle subscrip tions for all standard magazines for this section. It costs you no more ?? to have us handle your subscription v and we can relieve you of all de- Ji tails of sending in new and renewal ^ subscriptions. In addition we sh-'.ll % appreciate your patronage. Phone J" during the morning hours 129, Mrs. ?! Edward Patton. Dcl5? " WANTED to buy ? Second Hand Clothes. Brevard Cleaning Co. D1 ?> FOR RENT- ? A good 8 room house, k1 2 baths, central location. See T. H. Galloway, Phone 73. N3 tfc ^ FOR RENT ? One real nice store jjt room, 30x70 next door to Pisgah Sjj Bank, right in the heart of the city, i ?" T. \V. Whitmire. Owner. D 22 4te ? PHONOGRAPHS ? We sell Victrolas, ?; Sonoras and Columbia Phono- 5 graphs. Victor Records, Columbia tj Records, O. K. Records and Vocal ion I Records, if we have not got what yon ' ^ want in stock, we will be glad to i order it for you, I S HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. jig Successor to Medford Furniture Co. j j, Brevard, N. C. Sep 1C tfc j S COCKERELS, Parks Strain, Pure- ' 1 bred Barred Rocks ? For Sale. Reasonable. See or write Julian A. | Glazener, Brevard, N. C. Oc 13tfc SEWING MACHINES? Needles for all makes of machines, Bobbins for sewing machines, Shuttles for sowing machines, leather belts for machines, oil for machines, oil cans for sewing machines. See us for anything in the sewing machine I line. If we don't have it we can get it. j HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. |i Successor to Medford Furniture C<>. I i Brevard, X. C. Sep 15 tfc 5 FOR RENT ? Jan. 1st ? One Store ^ room in Waltermirc Hotel Build in;:, 25x100 fjet with basement. T. \V .Whitmire, Owner. D22 -lie FOR RENT or SALE ? Almost now 9-room House and bath, on Maple street. Easy to heat. E. W. Blythe. MONEY TO LOAN ? On Improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amount' from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred, however, one < thousand dollar loans will be ac cepted. 1-20 tf 50 A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. FOR RENT ? One 5-room house; one | 7-room house, and one 8-rbom , house. Apply to Jud McCrsry 1 St f FOR RENT ? Several Office rooms ? over Davis-Long Drug Store, cor- J ner of Main and Broad streets. 5 T. W. Whitmire. Owner. D22 -1 tc ; LOST Pair grey gloves, at the Grammar 5 1 School Entertainment ? PLEASE re- J turn to News office. Ite ROJ. Christmas Day Please get your Cars Serviced on Satu day as we and our employes want to spen Christmas Day with our families. We wish all our friends and customers very Merry Christmas. Broad Street Servic Station C. L. FINK, Owner Carl McCrary Service Station CARL McCRARY, Owner Standard Service Station W. F. HARTZOG, Mgr. J ' Mail's Service Station GUY F. HAMILTON, Mgr. Brevard Tire Service \ J. E. LOFTIS, Mgr. Nothing Better than HATS Stetsons $8.00 Worth $5 and $6.00 At COBBLE'S For A Christmas Gift GOLF SOX ? Imported $1.50 to $5.00 SWEATERS Boys' ? Girls' ? Men's

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