BREVARD, NORTH CARO L!NA. ALVUARY 12 VOL. XXXIII / W. 'B. iilHDERSOil J WILL KOI SUPPORT GOV. AL SMITH Populaj- Tax Collector of TrAnsyl-'j vania County Take* Stand in j Presidential Matter *>* POSITIVELY REFUSES ^ ' | TO SUpPOR^SftllTHj Mr. HendersV"> "Is An ArtJ-ent Pro%i- 1 bitioniat and Objects To A1 Smith' . As Presidential Candidate ..f v ; ( W. 15. Henderson, tax collector IHv; 1 ransylvania comity* amp. one of .10 outstaiulihg dcmtftf.lts in this'MfeC-i tion, makes it icimwn throng' this issue of The ?Brevard' .News .Imt lie will not support A1 smith for prtis? ' Sclent. Ijj^nderson . is, an atdent.' prohibitionist afed a Baptist in about-} ? tho saine degre% of feeling that h<S^ is a democrai. A1 Smith's wot in-J| ciination seems ' more tjjan Asm HendeMos can stand, thererbift ?c a Hjilkos the following stut3pienfc-^co%5 corning the presidential campaign : .g Brevard, X. C., Jan. 17, 1928. "Fellow Democrats of Transylvania ','? County, j "My Dear Friends : "Several of my friends have asked nie if I were goirtg to bo a candidate for re-election to the ? office of Tax Collector this year. So I deem it necessary to make a public statement I at this time. . "I have been voting the Demorat- [ ic ticket for forty years, and I love! the principles of this great party ? ! one of which is freedom to think and i act according to the dictates of our i conscience so long as our freedom j does not infringe upon the rights of i others. "I mean to vote the Democratio ! ticket in the county and state this f year if we nominate good moral ef-s| ficient men, but I cannot support the man for president whom it seems ! now our party means to nominate; and for this reason I can't ask my party to nominate me again for the place I am holding by its suffrage. 1 "I am a bitter foe to the liquor I traffic, and I think that instead of modifyihg ??our laws against the ? whiskey evil, we should stand to- ' gefcfrer as a mighty army to put it dolm. . '"I remember? and many other people in the county, if they will express -themselves, "will verify what I 'j?yp? wht-ii -the government distil-1 lery was in Operation in 'our county i and the public barroom was on Main street of Brevard, many men were ? seen in our town reeling and stag gering under the influence of Whis key. When E. S. Walrick, editor of the first newspaper in Brevard, "The -Transylvania Pioneer," wrote against these evils some young men went in to the printing office and threw the type out into the streets. I ' have been in Brevard almost every day for nearly a year, and I have not seen a drunk man oil the streets dur- : ing that time. Then should we sayj prohibition is not effective? "It is true the prohibition law is' being violated. But so is the law ' against stealing, against carrying , concealed weapons, against murder, ? and, in fact, against every law upon ; the statute books; but this does not j signify that they should ba repealed. Then why should we have the great-1 est piece of legislation that lias ever been incorporated into our organic . law destroyed just because our of- ' ficcrs have not been abls to prevent ' its being violated? I for one should be ashamed to let my children know | that I had voted for a man who would dare to drive the entering i wedge that would finally cause the; repeal of our prohibition laws. So ! I am for this reason against A1 Smith, Jim Keed and Gov. Ritchie , for president. "Another reason why I shall not ngain ask the good people to elect 1 me is this: Because the taxes are! vary high this year on account of! the heavy bonded indebtedness of | the county,- there is a great deal of! complaint; and while I do not think] that any one would think I were in ; any way responsible for this condi tion, a large amount of the com-! plaint seeips directed toward me. J The County Commissioners, the ' Read Commisisoners, the Board of , Education, and every man and wo- i man who voted bonds for the rail- j road or a specie) tax for our pub- i vlic schools, or signed a petition for (trading a road or loading money to the state for hard-surfacing a road are responsible for the debt which (Continued on page four) AUTO LICENSE MUST BE BOUGHT AT ONCE HV Rural Policeman Eck Sims is au thority for the statement that auto owners must procure license tags at once for their cars or else leave such vehicles at home. Mr. Sims says that only approximately one-third of the car owners of Transylvania have secured licenses, and that running a ear or truck without a 1928 license is u violation of the state traffic laws, punishable by a fine of $50 and costs or 30 days on the roads, or both. It is understood that a number of people have ordered tags within the past few day?, and others have not been furnished with necessary blanks for application to the state depart ment. Mr. Sims states that he has ? a surplv of th ? required Mar.ks and will be clad to assist anyone in pro curing a license. / oil1 iMi' 't'j SwClPRISB 3-li Mayor T. VV. Wh. tin ire C.hoit'it ai Vice President 6f the Chamber of CohinK'rcu Body ? WILL RETAIN PRKSKNT QUARfFKS FOR THE YEAR * ? 4-' ' ? ? r\ ' ? Brcsw . ilrinjj Up Vital- Question ot :'T:x\ation Which is Given Due Consideration by the Lociy ^-inmos^S. Rrpimiehi, Hi' ? 'if mutt prdniinem business nu n iwjv arff, wai! el cted president ?.t the. Chamber of I'miiir. ret r.t a s ..t ciul meeting; of the <Hnctvs 1 it! Inst Friday evening. * Nearly every laembi-r of. ' W.e ? board \v:is iij ? find Air, BromtK !ii's vleutioVi wa"-' iby yA?ai.n:i(yib vote. . * Mnyttt'' T. W. wtltmif e ? s eleci,eif vke presid1. ni rAf'wis I*. XtX-ii . - - |in w; '? i ' I IrLlrr I ll'l ' v, a- . T T,e w i tvns named seciv- j ?association. jscus-ioti arose over the ? headquarters of t he i body. A vote was taken ! .c.tors on three locations. ? : l..o present headquarters, Mr. Clem en's building on Caldwell street, and a room in the Postoffics building, owned by Bob Lawrence and J. S. Sjlverstoen. An overwhelming vote was cast in favor of retaining . lu present headquarters, and a letter received from the Woman's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce,' urg- , ing tile directors to retain the pres ent quarters, was largely respon sible for the decision of tho tHrec- 1 torate. W. E. Brecse made a most interest- 1 ing and instructive address on the ; subject of taxation in the county. This question is never a Very \vsl- ' come subject for discussion, yet it was pointed out in the meeting that it is a question of such direct inter est to the community that the di rectorate of the Chamber of Com- ! merce must give serious thought to | "? .. ?. . | HOMEMAKERS TO MEET AT PASTORIUlU TUESDAY Homemakers class of the Brevard j Baptist clfurch will meet at, the Pas- | torium next Tuesday afternoon at : 3:80 o'clock. Mrs. Wallce Hnrtsell and Mrs. K. T. Raines will be host- j esses for the occasion. ? 1 tnZh IIARRJS RETURNS TO BREVARD "TO DIE" ? Mr. and Mrs. Fr.'d Harris, former well known Brevard people, who have I been making their home for some j time in Barbourville, Ky., have re- j turned to Brevard and are now at: their home on Johnson street. Mr. Harris, in talking v.'ith a representa tivs of The News in regard to his future prospccts, said that as yet he , hud not formed any definite plans, but that he had come to Brevard "to (lis here." ELEMENTARY P.? T. Hcgular meeting of the Elementary I ?FjtrentVTaachor association will be! held at the school buildint* next Mon- i day afternoon at 3 o'clock. All p:>r- j rnu and friends are urpc-d to at- ? tend. mum- i LOCAL SCHOOLS If State Inspector of High Schools, i A. B. Combs, of the North Carolina | Department of Education, visited the . two high schools in Transylvania j county, at Brevard and Rosnian, on j Monday, anil expressed gratification j at finding both schools so well organ- | ized and th? quality of work of such j high standing. The type of institu tion, system of records and grading also canto in for a share of praise from State Inspector Combs. All teachers of the two High | school faculties were found by Mr. Combs to meet the requirements for | state accredited schools. ? I According to the State's rating. ' both of the Transylvania High ! Schools are in Croup H Class A. Mr. j Combs stated that both schools meet all requirements for admis -ion to the ' Association of Colleges and Second ary Schools, with the exieption of one matter of lengtfy of school term. With the addition of one ihore month to the year's school term, making it tin" months' term, Brevard High School would then be eligible to on "->? the AA Class, according to Mr. ; Comb's statement. The belief is ; expressed that the Brevard High School will be able to attain this I goal by another year. I MUCH INTEREST IN BASKETBALL GAME Much interest and curiosity on the part of 'he people of the town is heint- created over the approach ing bask.tball game for the benefit of the hospital, which will be an event of January 27. The game as ? rh -duleil for that date will be some thing out of the ordinary, and every body. youne and old. are requested ?to reserve the date, if they want an | ,?i i noon of real fun and enjoyment. i CARD OF THANKS ' Vr. Bill Fetzer wishes to express \ ??? ?wh this nan< r his groat appreci ation to the Brevard fire department and people of Brevard for the assist - 'nnre and efficient services rendered j. and his fan.ilv at. the tome of ? the burning of his home several ivvci'U ago. Candidate Far Th< r V "Pat" Kimzey announced this week by hit friends for the State Senate. I Article in adjoining column. PROF. F. J. CUTTER VINDICATED j ON CHARGES OF SEDUCTION J Cvlirr v-xc thoroughly v iv&&atcJ j.ttc \vcc/ncsaAy afcrr ncor. ii: r. hearing brrore Hagtf !:;a?c D. I-. ivaymer on a charge cf seduction, brought by the parcnLc of a young girl of Bre vard. It was alleged in the com plaint that Prof. Cutter, band l.-ader of the Municipal Musical fcrce, raped a fourteen-year-old girl. Feeling against the band master was very tense until the hearing before Magistrate Ray? mer. There was no evidence offered connecting the congen ial German with the charge, and when hi* attorneys made motion fcr a non-suii, attorneys for the * -trcv?*c!> inincd vjitS the is6ue ' j" ni:': j: r.k^sdcd motion to oci?, ' Mr. C j*t"r fr?c cf all charge*. Every one familiar v/fyh the ca&c have been loudly praised for their activities, and even the defendant and his attorneys ! stat. d that those who agitated i the prosecution were well within 1 hei- bounds in bringing the case befo. e the court. The good sense of the people cf Trcasylvania county was fair ly demonstrated during this agi tation. because there was at no J time any threat of viv lence, and ? the case was permitt d to run j ile course through th s court of | law. I EXCLUSIVE STORE BQJf TPS? ' Mrs. Lawrence To Oai'i Nob!?y Shcp ir< tV.p Pottoificc: Building Brevard will have an exclusive ladies' ready to wear store, which will be opined at an early dato in the Postoffice building:. The new con cern will be known an The Nobby Shop, owned and operated by Mrs. Flax Andrews Lawrence. A con; plete line of the. latest creations in ladies' ready to wear apparel anil millinery will be carried, and new goods will be added to the stock at fre?ju?nt intervals. The management is working in cooperation with a most exclusive up-to-date firm, and will be assisted in buying in -he Northern markets by capable and > x perienced buyers. M?s. Lnwrencf is paltieulnrly fit ted to carry on successfully this line of work, in that her previous train ling and experience have been aKufj' the line of home economies and ;i. K.idy of the clothing Held. 1! lore her marriage, Mrs. Law |i<nce was Miss Martha Flax An |drews. who was educated at Colum bia University in New ^ ork City. > During her three years as student i there she majored in th? study of I home economics- with special training ? in clothing. After leaving Columbia, she spent eight years of acceptable ! service as home demonstration an. nt ! 'n Robeson county. Here she won j treat honors for herself and made an ; enviable record which was expressed ! in numcrou: state pap: rs. and The I Robesonian, which never seemed to finish the story of her praise and | service. The regret of her co-work ers becaus? of her resignation from 'this position was expressed in a sil :ver loving cup. I While in the service of the state department, she was offered many honorable posit i< t.s and promotions, iucltidinu the ;.n>Uion of district 'agent and assistant state poultry ! specialist. Thest she declined in or to ii -h n'ir i she had laid out :r. l!"i?< ?' cou.i y. ; Mi-. I awrence is the daughter ol ? (i'.'oi u ? \V. Andrews, of Mt. (iilead 1 Was Well Known and Loved By Entire Population of the County News of the death of Mrs.. Martha E. Gillespie, which occurred at her ' home in Brevard Moru'ay ilight. innie i:s ti gr;at shock 10 her host of friends and relatives in Transylvania county. Mrs. Gillespie, who was in I 90th virtr. had buen in her usual health up to within a few hours of !icr passing away , death being due to heart failure. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Wallace llartsell, paslo: of the Brevard p.apiist church. !?.t; rment was in Gillespie cemtery. )'r*. G;ll? hail b-*er totally Hird t*?>r tile rt:?t yt ar. but V.-r at flictir-'.i .11 nt way rcaotid on her im position, for >"ne was !;nown by her many friend/ throughout the county as a woman of most lovable charac t r and cheerful disposition. She b. vr. in Transylvania county and ha?i lived here all her lifi'. Her name lias ht en on tin- church roll of the East Fork Baptist church for almost Sn years, and she had been a faith ful member until failing health of her latter years befell her. Mrs. Gillespie's husband, C. M. Gillespie, died about 24 years ago. Surviving are three daughters and one son. including, Mrs. W. W. Gravely, of East Fork. Mrs. A. C. Garren. "f A-heville. Miss Janie Gil lespie and .1. T. Gill.spie, both of Brevard. In addition their* are IX grandchildren. 2.1 great grandchil dren. and two ??rent-great-grandchil dren. there having been five genera tions < f this family living up to the tin > of the death of Mrs. (iilk-spi ?. one of the stat-'s most successful business men, and she has a number of brothers prominent in business af 'airs. one of whom is .Dr. George He id Andrews, of tile Federal Coun Since coming to Brevard nearly cil of Churches in New York City, two years ago. M it. l.awrcnce has affiliated herself with civic and re licious activities, jrtid has assisted irate r ailv in ' he. various fivite:= ? h # vn. wV.'cli !v-r pre* ? IS ti: > ine and experience, have made pos sible. \ I I "PAT" KiMZEY IS 7HV \Ct ?!ll 0 I1 * nuiuU of Brevard Attorney} i?re".si*nt I Niiiiie As Candi date i:*r Stale Senator . A*-. iNDJil'f.WDiiNT i/.'i.',:./! AISLE TO ALL . ' y Wc. . . .* 1 1 . *? Way through CM 2ti Ah*1 Hit r r if. lids Are litiuwn: . I, i'ruud or Mini Friends u i V. uli .. 1 iii'ioi* (KniU'oy, lipttOi," known in local unci law cir cles as I'm Kimsw-y. have sent a com : ;iiiiii.-aUon in Tin- N^ws an no uiit i s; th. i -.he l>?v va ''(1 1 !L Vs V i r ill Ik .- v?!? : .'d t.>-lht vuiitj *.n ih?' ! It- i.i ocv:ii iv ii' inuU'ii as a candidate tor lirtjt Stat.- Sviiuil.' in tins naiarial district.' yjiis .senatorial , ; comp.'sed- ot' three t eoun V ;i!>vlv, lia^wot'il'jj ami -.-U'-ts^n. and ii. has been the custom i -ast i < ' -??? n th" s^ftator ;! I ; ' POV^jty, .y,i t. J,s Vi iransylvaitUi's time, .x ee.r\Hm.j to iYioiids?of Mr. Ivimzey, hi- :,amc is being presented for? on- j ? iiU'Mt of the -democracy of his . own- county. . > Mr. . KimZey is ofle of the -most ) popular. youngs men o? Transylvania I i;uuy. ?tic was born and leaved on farm near Brevard,- and graduated V^thM-Hi honors in the. Brevafrd Hjgh i He ..obtained his college ed /c>ti ^ ,ut navidsoi), where be w?B gtvten h'ijtfi/ honors -in scholastic wbrlc, an a*' n his letter in athletics. Mr. j Kiittxt is a self-made . man, having i paid ..s way through k. college by work' -ir .'s traveling salesman through vacation periods in order to make money with which to pay his college expenses. 'Aftejj. graduating at David on. Mr. Kimzey was engaged for i v o years in -"a military school in Mobil? 'as instructor. He studied if.ivni. Cumberland University, Ten V '??see. -'.nd in 1926 formed a law .ulutv '? i with Lewis P. Hamlin, which th v "two members of the firm-, have bu;!t into a very lucrative prac tice. Mr. .Kimzey has a flair for j fiublie service, and his friends pre- J diet for him a bright future irt poll- 1 tlis *hhd statesmanship. Pat is an j' Si '.-dent democrat, his forebears on ? loth sides of his family having been | active in democratic affairs for many j years in this section. His friends j claim, however, that, ard.nt demo- | ivat that he is, he will make an ideal j' representative, in that he is fair, i: broad minded and absolutely lnde-j pcnd'->nt. _ . " ? , ? r 'Ruoublican friends of- 3Jjr.. KufizKi1.* } who have been intervidtvc J, Shave stated that the district, being so overwhelmingly democratic, it is a foregone conclusion that a democrat will be selected for the post, and these Republican friends have ex pressed the utmost confidence in Mr. Kimzey, if he is successful, and are firm in the belief that he will truly j repress tit all the people of his dis 'lt is not known whether Mr. Kim-, zcv will have any opposition, nor would he admit, when interviewed and told cf the activities of his friends in his behalf, that he would accept the nomination ev?n if t?nd- I end him. His friends, however, are confident that he will respond vo th: rail to his party and be guided by the wishes of Transylvania democ racy. . ' : I' METHODIST SERVICES i BE HELD AT CLEMSON j Due to the fact that it nas not yet been possible to make complete adjustments and repairs on tbej audi torium of the Brevard Methodist church, since the damage caused by lire two weeks ago. announcement is 1 hsvebv made that both muruirtg and ( ev-ning church services n^xt Sondaji! will be held at Clemson Theatre. ? The morning service will convene, at j i l 'clock and the evening service at j ? 7 :30. ! Since the Sunday School annex j h<. well heated both Sunday I hool and Kpworth League will be! | held in the usual places, the former - at !?:15 in the morning and the Jut- j tef at C:;10 in the evening. ! ]t is expected that this arrange - Inu pt for the church services will be in effect for only the one Sunday, ? since the repairs on the church will be completed during the coming : week, it is said. Officials of the ( church express great appreciation to P. D. Clement for his courtesy in | offering the use of the Clemson Theatre to the church at this time. At a meeting of the board of , stewards held in the church Tuesday evening, it was decided to hold , I Church Night at the church on Tues ? day night, January 24, on which oc- | jcasion all members are urged to be: present. Ladies of the Misisonary so I eiet v will serve a bountiful supper ' i'<-r the occasion. Dr. Ashley Chap ! pull, i.f Central church. Ashevlllc. j 'and Presiding Elder J. F. Kirk, will be the principal speakers. Reports 1 on the progress of the church will be made, and an enjoyable jjot-together ' meeting is anticipated. j ' At the conclusion of the business i ! session of the stewards Tuesday i night, refreshments were served I through the courtesy of ,1. B. Picke} simer, chairman of the board. CALLED MEETING OF LIBRARY COMMITTEE: I 'ng is called for the' tabraryj l" to me : at*the.tT. D. o'clock. A merl f'ommitl Librai y Friday ^morning at- 10] ' ? * # V % '? s r . 6fitV;-.i'i>iisSkON AT ffifc mmidm mm l :'2i 1***1 % I'HrvwpU To llrt- Club) V'; \VU tt' l9i!K Is Introduced To \ , ' \ lIii. Crowd D jf.' Hl.LU IN \VA.- 1 -IKK DINING ROOM liu.v 100 People Attend I.adie* ,'n .i ol. -..on of the lviwanii j Ci-. b ? A1 C%. eat Meeting K.uiu . ? Ladies ni_ lit t ho W al- vt i, ht;U<l Thursdl? evening, tit. \vr:i-h . n.oro than" oh hundred members, iIi.t wive.- ntii sweethearts joined in the celebration. H was pronounced by all the most enthusiastic nail most enjoyable ineeui'ig ever held by Ihe local club. President Shipnuin . and M.ssrs. J;;:iulull Everett and Frank. Clement* hi thy program committee, \veve highly complimented on the suis ge-itf of the- muting. . cnii-. t . aturo of the ug wjjt a farewell given by 1027, ami gr eat ings from 1028. Fred Milk: vpre Seuteil the Qld Year, and wa d! ssed as 'Father Time. . Little A1 Dot: othy Everett represented t! giad,- . some New Year, and both .-j ,..;kere captivated the hearts of the big crowd. ' ? Fred Miller, as-. 1C27, delivered v,'T. ? H ? the following message to the el lb: ' "Gentlemen : "As you are gathered about the festive board, celebrating tin com ing of n New Year, that of 1928, 1 have a word to pay ' to you. Not for all the world would I spoil your fun and frolic, on this great ocafiy' sion and more especially in v yw oi , the fact that your ladies arenvithi you, yet I cannot be cast aside with-( out a word of protest as yoii lake 1 unto ?yourselves a new love. Just^ twelve short- months ago you' me, at that time somefhk-c; you pledged your faith to - r.-g as you will pledge your failSi successor Here tonight. "1 am the year 1927- ? y that has been used- and fondled and abused. I am now de to all -the world, and can never 1L_ again. You had ma for a whole twelvemonths, a.nd it is in regard' to s s your treatment of me that 1 ?peak, here tonight, as a ghost of the f that will rise*to hauni for time to come. "Some of vpn treated me kindly* while I was \fith you, .althoiigh you neglected many *>f>p?>*t}<rii1jf s that- L brought tT^you. .Vlost ofJJ' v < '? ly failed to use me as 5*>u. should have done. Some the*e -are .here io- ''IvSj night who are glad .that 1 am dead . to the world, littla knowing that with v my passing, you, too, ai-^ just, ana year nearer the dark. and^ilettt-gvAv' i which 'has come to house' me. "Now you have taken . a;; olh?r: ... y, bride- ? The {{?w t Y e iir ?w" i 3 What arc you going, to do_^ith 'hifjj' new toy of yours? TheiS? ,arc,?36S' t -M blight, brand new days ih^fcu ytr.r, *',y? and five? of these have aireinly wit-. nessed theiis. sunsets. IJow Tilae . '. does fly! The town you -liye,ih, u| county which you claim, the f'ate, . '<J9 of which you boast, all arc looking f to you, watchinjf you, to seV v/hat o3 you do with the days that. g? V>- <ts make this New Year >vhich yfiu pro fess to love. The ladies wh$ have honored you with, their pi; sence v^"" here tonight have a right to .expect the (tpjfy best there is in ;,on jj?- ^ your sorvice to them and to t H siy? during this New Year. * ' "What are you going to di' with ' tlie children I gave to you, the hew . , born babes of 1927, the new enter- t&fiS prises- started, the endeavors -that ? brought into your community?. . [? jo am dead, you say, Not so! live as long as Time lasts, ? ^ and", 1 shall expect a full accounting, jiSme ' " day. of everything that, ciimi'.t:o while 1 held the spo.tliglit of.; tffet-; world. ? "May th? God of Good Fortune t/ uuide you. and the QaetMi of Aecoi;'- ? ' f Hishments mark vour efforts "C this . New Year with that groat and glor ious sentence of 'Weil ^dono, thou good and faithful servant^.' * - "Yours in deepest lovo* "THE YEAR 1927, Past and Gone." At* the conclusion of ,tlv< message of the dying year, little Mi*s Ever^ ett came skipping into the banquet hall as "New Year," and in iiuaini manner delivered her message, whu f follows: v "Hey Kiwanians,- I grtfety (Continued on page four) J. I. CRAWFORD CI WITH BREVARD Bi ^ ,1. I. Crawford? of Canto^ accepted a position with the A Banking company as chief P ant. Mr. Ciawforibqonies tJ highly reeommend|-*^ v. 't

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