^'?PsW^jkevy 'i hutsduy by ? \7P,.%. '?tiiinfl'H AN.SYI.VANl.A I'Uia.l: 1 1 1 N ? i ( o., Inc. .Rnftrcd at the l'o?toffici. in Ui ,atdi i- us second class matter . Barrett Editor Iiish Trowbridge Associate Mil fcirtSOJU'TlON RATES i payable in advy?ce) Rear .... .... . .... IU.00 'II 'litiis l.uu 'fhrce Months .60 Headers are invited to use the CO}un-iis of The Brevard News in expressing their opinions on . y iiauc. ? of public interest. Personal on individuals will not bo Shod for any one. UKSDAY, JA.NUAKY 12, 192S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE SHOULD BE UNIVERSAL. In this day of general nutoi),obil. Ownership, when praetieally all traf fic is conducted by way of the auto mobile, it is surprising' to note how few owners and drivers of cars are protected with indemnity insurance. The insurance companies, always alert to :i new situation or a new , rci>.:dflioii, met the advent of the au tonn.bile with an insurance policy which protects the owner or the driver of a car against any damage he may do to his fellowmnn. The cost of carrying such insurance is fefrily insignificant, yet people will Continue to drive their automobiles, i id * : 4 ' witness wrecks, read of wrecks, see the; suffering that follows in the wake of automobile accidents, and then never take the precaution of buying an insurance policy which protect?; them against any loss in Toii through injury to some one. ?10 day automobile drivers will Spelled to carry insurance just ?ij^.y are now compelled to buy ;c:if-c. .^t is so unfair to the gen J j/aHJic. for a man without a dol Vtpf assets to go upon the high ^ ^hi's at high speed, endangering the livej? of everyone ho meets or passes, and in the event of accident . leave the 'fn .i'liVed party without any re A-uuric- whatever to recover damage \ f;r in turies received. The state and X^pprfCTfoTwiH ertrlong demand of every ^T^jiutfi^obilti , owner that he must carry J?F ?.????< ?'njjiy insurance. . Yn<> Ori'Vard News, in conversation \y. t-A? ? uuge, was informed that i!;,- court was always more lenient v ,^i .! defendant in an automobile jU'c.tlnht or- collision, when such de fendant had used ordinary common i: sensv sufficient to protect himself iV and' the public with indemnity in jP; surance. That, we think, is a fine '? * recognition on the part of the court. K Just ordinary horse sense would sug 1 gest' to uny automobile owner or - driver that he protect himself and his neighboi by carrying indemnity insurance. \ OUGHT TO BE WORTH ^ LOTS TO RUTH ELDER. ? -. Old Human Nature is a grand old ' "tyingr? and it is' the same the world wfcr, whether it bo found on the ? '< grVrt whiteways of .he city or in the retrieU- mountain hamlets. We're nowvthinking of Rut. Elder and her arrest by a Clayton, Ga., sheriff. 5 'Ci^t Brevard News hi no particular re'spciL for Miss E 'r. Her at temptco flight across ..lie Atlantic v?waroused no admiration .n this coun ify we -kly. Had she been success ful in the attempt, her achievement as' a woman would not have been nearly wonderous as is the great . and noble deed of a woman who give s i.irlh'to a baby and brings an-, oth r human being into existence. V'^F-'ve sympathize with her in ths m-ivst that was made on the ^ charge m a erimc said to hav* been j committed four years ago. The wo man ha.; gained notoriety through her efforts iii the air and her experience in.- the water. She had hooked onto a juicy contract in vaudeville, said to be receiving $1000 a night -?for *W>earii:i; before the gaping public and satisfying morbid curiosity. The Georgia officer met Ruth in Atlanta, aiut "bound her over "?> court'' una r a "*'()? e-isi, bond. *? '*1 j. st let arty one begin to dint!) in ;he world, and 'here will.be soni? on., ready to start chopping with the old axe. Whether it. be in tUv po-fc#-al world, in the vn^>S the momamsue .u'u-.ns to coifc. that jfu\ crab ,i'o hates to see nnybn^djj well be gin.- lock th'- boat, anfl all the ypov.'e i - ,??' ^f'.*ll itself sefcm to join force." v "tli .this element rf human nature which must' be op.e of the i's ;t i iTiVtrumentS o(; destruc J>*i?n. j- ' / Ruth Elder nuiv hnVe traipsed t .ir<-o ml .with Rev. Mr. Evangelist J J<~.n:;fttK. ,.Wp il'? not 'knfv anything to !iv ?oiUr.n'y. We d'Jknow. how i . '.i - . -'??h coiipl?-.-yiave i i tayloy, . In ^artliCe thrit ?V i >.-* lik, 'In i ; > iiiyv 'iauTunt i' .HI tl'.'UI'lwt 11 ' ; 01 t>l\IWsulj; i ' t t' ? 'o O ?' i' H l\vl tilt '.Ui'Vcrel'.iI 1 hi 1)1 ' . rt. ?..'.! i , i'.iiil we'd uci H yen .lion to a pack of t'historfield iii. Clayton cil'ticw . mot none V tJmV ui tli.- ','iint stations. . 1. : ?ji j wii.iiy mean. sji.rchi; i,n, : ??i u - - 1 l?is h'iuliAtvi* to jtnlk' Aiij' . ? \\;ni is ill tli l Or >>ii ? ? , of sUCce.vj. . l. SAYS " uYU-.N TO OUR EDITORIAL !:t>)r i.l The liivva.ii! N.ws: like to .* iuv ,Tiiv >pp.oit "ii t.. 'eonutauilnu1 yuit on. ,w;e .'v.i-iul paper Una ?i:u ,i i- "i.-> ;j;.l (?r Ui.- i^u-iv-i y??tt ??'*? . :!.ng iii tho uphuildi:n; \ol ;he wm iviifcy. I like to : ,'Hki "?? ni;i r: >'' a you' Writv atld the '?>m- ir-run* >'f l?>o n - after thi.' I'd;. i*f i.iv lAuniy. l-etc is r.o' doubt in :n;. ruind ",hnt .. \ . >1. ('. A. vi- :t boys' ( luo. prop . Ij managed, would m?t only be ;l vat benefit to the boys, phys.ica'.iy, orally an; I menially; bin \wubi i ;v, a direct bene lit to the future virions of the county, for in a very >\v years the boys who would \>en -lit through this kiiul ot an organ ?v ition, will be the ones that take . jii- places- in the different civic and ivnsiness affairs of the county. As .iii example of the Rood of this kind .' an organization, it has been ?early demonstrated by the success ,f Se'th Pci'kihson in Asheville with :h.e bovs under his leadership, .some ?.f' whom had been arrested for small l imes, but through the efforts ot '.lis man and his .organization, tlie ante boys are living clean, hones vc.- and will in future years be bet ?v men, all through this kind of as ociation. . . 1, It seems to mi* that the Kiwanis .'lub. Chamber of . Commeice, and he different fraternal Organizations, ah the help of the ministers of the own ought to be able to work out Cm b kind of plan Whereby the young ,o? could be taken care of in .his .vay. 1 do not mean that we ought : o provide an expensive building, for 1 know that we cannot afford to do but thcr; are several large va snt store buildings that could be ; d without much cost; that could ?< made into very good quarters for ?>.: small Y. M. C. A., with a gym nasium, shower baths, reading room, rt.. which would eventually mean uich to the county, but more to the t v-. 1 nrnilv believe that the cf ???t; of men like Seth Parkinson, es c'ially in small towns, would do to ??liniinate the necessity ot rint? Training Schools-, than all tho '."oui'iS, and officers in the state. j.-t's really get behind this idea nd see- if the business men of . the anility can't work this thing out. " ? ojijlly. I WOU ' d much rather be *. .Leans of" wking clean, law ii b<- :t of voni" ot ? y-oting f vilow: . ito _ have not !'.:td'" the aVsraise opp tunities, than ? ? e all of our mm 'y spent in a ' ?Jin effort to gst on ide industries '?:.ntvd in our county. Wo ought to o the best with what we have al ;': dv. and I think that we are over ' noking what I regard as our duty in ? "t trying to hslp out the young fel ,ws of this county. Yours respectfully, E. P. McCOY. Vi.-jsah Potest, N. C.. Jan. 5,, 1928. "s ^UR CHILD. You want to know iive" teachers, they want to know viiu. They want to know your hopes and ambitions for your child s o that they may more wisely plan his curriculum and direct his aetiv itics.rVou want to know what the?:' i lans are so that you may cooperate i'i carrying them out. You work at rises and sevens when you do not r.ow each other. Another reason is the mutual in -oiration ? and sometime- consola tion? and solid help and encourage ment that mothers gain in talking v r together their common difficul ties. \ third reason is tho lieip and t n ? i Vn-a:"nmen' it gives the t< aehers to fciii.w that you arc really ii'icrestod what they are trying to do. They :? t often difficult and undosirab!*- conditions can bj overcome by a concerted ef fort of all concerned. The individ ual mother mav be holiOess in the f'ice of ''everybody does it.' when : !! the mothers in tow lojch' decree ij-it "nobody shall do it." The ilues are only 2" cents a ?? ar. o the expense i^ really nomin al. The next meeting, remember, will be held at th" lUeli School, on Mondav. Jariuarv.'V::. ;,i 3:30 p.nv A New York farm woman learned to e'ean her sowing machine and rut it in gootf running order. Then -e Kail" pirT money bv overhauling '.he n-aeliine-) of her neighbor*. ? \ I I I ? ? .nil ?; ... . ? \ . I v 'i :? ? ? ? . ?? ? 'h-ti ? v it ... , . ? . liu;' i 11 ; ,? : . ; ? . '-.Jin .Ij-v ; ? "... ?( ? V\ . ' . ? mi'. ? . .. I'-ti.-. ?' M- I-H . . ..in , . ?? ? ? . : ? .1 Mi ,u< : v 1 V .(Tu.'VV : :. i'Vi '???! - - ?? J ? : !?: w. s'.::'. e>v "N*\V \V (}. :'.,- toning in I'hc/r pi iirjram at ?! o'? |i.c* .. in the meriting. Sheivill Sharp. we I! k'u wti young man of this u'nvn. saw the nnnd'-iiii-om .'lit in the papers t'o."t coat hanger.*' :? I-. h:j:i l)in:ii fo.iiuil by the abov i-a. '-ed station., and duly and truly sat up iintjl '! a.m.. heard the pro ?irani and >cn in th ? required letter. One day Jtu-t week lie received his fat haiv i. I; was ft beautiful coat hall t>er, .somewhat difficult in opeva ton. lint th;\ broadca -.tin"' station ?n. full ih.-truetior.* as to how il ' ? to be u>t? instrument "iii ployed, in both l.i.nds. t'ui not attach hnngi r to furniture \ ? have IiARCiKR SIZE especially adapted for that purpose. Rules TV keep the club civilized wu? eanl.'y voted by the membership ? v" iiip't'tlnig' lasting way ,;ivt? the (arly morning hours, to ?d bit the fair sex it:i ;\u!-Hcdgod jHC ni 5 ;??;? of .'this' c-lub. Upon pre -eiitat 'on of ibis car;!, .l' -aiberj |i: . adir.itte I to. all social functions and busings meetings. When membership in th- ciub is dis i;rike the OOAT i i ANtiiiit ? en h ir?l blows or. until it , i Ifli'VjIVH I'fi from :;ie;ot. i\'. \s : . CI-. ::t-;i; it -civ ci b i'r Cfctcf. v-.?t,i.-i!:'.'i. a 'fti ?:? tr* r\ 7 Tvra j^ fl r ? ft 5 J*t ('i !;>?' An'.onjt tilt new books added dur .'n?r .ilie pa; t week o the shelves of i:-e U. D. C- Library, aecordinir to the new rental plan, are two which :i!o of. especial interest and arc ortliy of a short review. ?One of the books. ?'Andrew .Tack An Epi?- in Homespun," by ?Wall! W. Johijsoh. tells the story of Andrew Jackson, the seventh presi dent of the United States, vile story ?f' hU lit'i constitutinjr an epic? mi, pic in homespun? of the American run tier. The book is only inciden i-.lly' a study of American history. It not :o much a recital of the ex ploits of the soldier-stati small, as a ; ; escntation in -an American setting i't the eld drama that has ddlifrhted aiiitii nc; s of every rai ? since time I1 'cr.i;, 'the book is fall of il lustra- ' *.'ons. reproductions,, prints, por tniit-t, caricatures, dceoiroons and jnap.--. and is aitojjetinr worth w i i ile beok of the month. hi another of th:- new books. "Kieht Off the Map," a novel by K. Montajrue, the author ie:ls a 1 ? - ? ? 1 ? L . I*.. .llUIU(i^U\ , LI?V .ory of war, so ably that the >??.:. ! burns with indignation. Rrow lender wi:h sympathy and lauphs with plea, tire because of ihe clever ?'es' of i* . Off the may with Porto! That was :hc battle cry of the little British Ii? public of Ria. so that liian ? < apiiar-ts may appropriate the jrold j lielci of the disputtd territory be-! iwi'i'ii. If you hate war anil like 1 a novel keen in satire and swift in ( r : in :.! . this book will remain in ? ? ? r memory amoiifr tlu- st erics you I'. e pecially enjoyed. Other review,* of these rental iol.,t will be pi ven fr< ... time to ' time. f'tker books which have been re- J c ntly added to th" library ' shi !%'?? V . :!. Years I !?v Kait.. 1',1.1,1'a .11 : T> pii?* ?.?( by .In ?* !i Conrad: Not I'nd -i t i" Law b" !.. Hill : The ( a!! I, Wild 1 !?;. .'at k I.onden: U -.1 Sal by \' i - j thalie | l.:i?'idn : ,T!le call of .h?- I'an- j V ol by Zane Or y; Mcriiilll .Mv-ti-i,'. j bv V. S, Lincoln: l,o:?d ? "f l*"*,ib: j 1 ? Ili'ie ? : f'appv Hick- by Pet ? I! ! Kytie; 1 i'unik'rint! !li,,-d by Xane I fit y; Ta.-zan and (ioldea L ? ? 1 : an : Tavzan ;,nd Ant \k-!i 1- ;. Kdyai ii iec Purroualis; Desert of Wine; b\ V. .1 iin (irty : Pnrehas?> Price b\ Km *"- ?n lloiu'h : F!nehanted 1 :iny' bv Iloiiore Wilsie: 'I In r I ".no: by / ane Grey. Getting a supply of pure seed i> ; on ? of the best pa\ injr jobs of win ter. When planting time comes, it too late to spend many days in 1 1 h ? search for desirable vnrietics. Ser T .?. ( I.OFT IS for Sanitnry . r-.l?:r.- ^r,d Heating. Lnlc I '.i * tliodi. ) s. . < . '..j ? V' '? I1 ? \ i , i/v :?! '1 i ' t ::1 J.'SIJ? ? <>nv | l .... vouiu,. I ari : ? r.i !'?. !. i; v.'ii t\. i? :t:ns ? yNu . ..-.j- :: ? ?- i ' i '.??? 'i'; . .';Hv -! .i e- ?i?t to you. h:ti. ) ,.u ?!" "WK :i . I n - ,? . , r .' ' : vvitS 1 ? ivihctioll VV.Wl- Vi.u ;| | >vjth Jf??l I :> ' /%l> ? i'Vi'v lilt! PUfBW! '?' I.. y< a hi vurtt a-. aV iftf ?v?i'l I'vtV liiy " ii ,v?h nf d,. . ds wvM ? it k . .Wi'i n. ' . u*ii ?: u.v ? c.i n-l atl.i k.'l'R. & ' -l AM THE NKW VICAR 192S." A enjoyable musical pro urwin. in chars? ?f iU'V. Wallace Ka^clli chairman of the musiccom . i t . e w. . .? pre*' lit i d. The IHjch School orchestra, accompanied by .\li - Call at the pnino. and trained h" iiss iVlai(i'UC|-it - l{ob; r;son. vend ... t.il soy'ial selections. A jiolo by y H. Woodman, and quartet eom ::osed of .Mrs. .1. M. Allison, Mrs. MeCall, Mrs. A. II. K izc r and Jliss all. were also enjoyable features. MAY PROTECT MEATS ,f?0M SKiFPEK EES K loiitli. .Jan. ll ? Much meat eared on ill:- farm is subject, to the. . 'k- of the hani skipper which is . .-.iiall fly vcseiiiblina: a xvinired ant. ? ot fr.iin i"jtrs laid by this fly ?.my:: can ;' considerable, damage alul i.- ;? v\ i plan lo wrap the meat ur -i.vten the smokehouse so that the .! Yannot enter. "TV s.iipiur is much smaller ? i.aii the common housti fly," says ti. BraiVnon. ex.tensifin entomologist' . . Coll "Tb w'a>;jt?>?s :'i oia- -.'d '.??ii til so (I i i attack ?lly tiie w'ork hams arid shoulders a itk'ir ha v.- been cured and smoked. T'" fresher tl'.' meat, the more )'a;i 'd lb.' inju'y. DM'iiiw of wat ..?lijci have litiiw iia.d arid dry and ". .. -. .. . . f i 1*1 i ? J covered w it'n a ? '?[ o [ i-iao iih'i.i ot a ' salvclil; ? !? be Imtrir; . : a ... ; -V ft? 4-\i l... :i!,;v :e :? ii; i.-* -not it in a tisrbt sack. If the .e.cn liii'sh wire is used, wrapping is not needed. Mr. Brannoa states that the smoke houses should be well, screened al so. Meats stored in a well screened farm .smokehouse should need no fu; "her protection. Where infested imat cai.r.ot be re-conditioned by ?imminK'. the meat should be.de :royed. Bones: should not be al lowed near the meat as the skippers !ii v the fur catch in this country declined at an alarming rate. I'liv ! 'j 'Jo -20 catch was 20 percent 1 -s than in the previous year and in ! be ! !J2ii-27 season th*a decline .?oil greater. C-. T. J. LOFT1S for Sanitary r""'iifci''!; and Heating. Latest Methods. SUPPORT & SMITH ? iVi'in pat.- imc) ?".? haw til N" n. .:i- i\ve ?'.??.. 1 ? it ?? .nn? nun!) ti"' ? i.jiiy, liut t doubt ?( :??>> 1 ?v?'U!'i v.Wli . ..iiilitivi! - twck a ? l i>'-y >i 'iuvo u we \vlll (ihou)iKs' . l.Of liUs'ltUl* Av'tll :? Hint W?:rJi J til, .?< -i : ? or. ??: u;s instead *1 bit o r i? .. ? ii,'. ihkt s** t- ?y .i.i fiiiji.ea.t ? *xi.-.- i. :.lt ? !??:.- ttis.i ? . i i ' |v vu. ' j)i ? .- ?' '? . . i ? : . .iir pa',*i\\;.. .?? ?! ?!t,i'i.. ?. ? !'?. it. Mi is iiu: i'. ?? <:? iw.t.y N> iii. Can iiiia. ; "I- ;>? thai r. my iraay frtwt1'.* 1 i ? It? \ Uil siippo: ' llv> ' . ctt *?>n. unit, uluili I,; .. ,1 rti vnssist any wiirthy ! > -in v.'ho n for ii'1' ?>? i.ca .hi.; year: . ' . "Vei v ri-!w>-i-t;ully y?i)M..' ' -vv'. )ii:xi?v:^->n." ; Mimrnim d WH jf&PGE POLICY ' * ? ? V ' ? . fr' A ' the iveent announcement of ? u>i y :>ix by President K. (i. , i . . ii becomes t videiit thut Oiuigf; Brothers*: Injf., has definitely , entered upon ? policy of .lion after many years durnMflwt'liich I'ac company operated in'flW*. single price .field. Mr. Wilmer stated thftt iiH' announcement of the MVictojy' ,-iix was the final step in an oVcliWfiv' program ol" readjustment which ifcg' : ;? .f'tary Healls'?;. 'tt !,OS I ? -Cm- niavt'? gLvc, riglit haittf* l!huk. tic* w iiued. \Vii??;o! i;hv naimv t ii -buuiiiu' ' KcVvm'l . for- re turn. .Ian 1-??? FpK. SA!.L-*?Oji M< alow , i\. Itfti . Tim ni>: Sii' A.' I?, 'StUilh. . ,)lii i I ? ? L0- i ~ !i> ti ??*:?".? Itl'uwn ??;; '*?. ?*! ih. .?!.* ai> i?an<< L. >!.i Kt 'A' i\ 1:. iu ?i i.?? Nr.- *^r?V .\v : ,.iun I Jt V % >v . c jiiv.v it. f.n. v." (ill inc. !'t i- c K ? -Al A ;?ork! Cotip-j U. iii ?nvi! i. ii ill I- tU': ii i!, v. i\ . j.h'm ?? i';c-' .No. i?r, 1. . p i'Oi^ Ftli; >' ? bu? Store.- tor Ofl CO :oi in IU'\'t door in Wail. in i <"? li.i't t Office. T. W. W'liilin.i ?, Owner. -D22 .-liv : WAJS^rVN? 100 Bushels shelleJ yel low cui rt :.t once. ? Sv C. . 1 . I Yoii^ue, i :vvayd, \;. O, 1)22 ??, \\ A. .'il'.O >.c ij ---?c i- ,i nd Hand Clothc-i. liivvi.. ClcaiVnijf Co. JL? I i ~ ~ " j FOR .KENT? A good 8 room liou-e, 2 baths, central 'location. ? Sec '1*. jCH, GalU'way, Phone 7?, N3 tl'c II^QR RENT One real nice store ujfroom, 30x70 next door to I'isitali .ifc nk, right in the heart Of the city. 8K; ,\V. Whitniire, Owner. D 22 -Itc . J? : ? ? See T- LOFTIS for Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Latest Methods. 1 PHONOGRAPHS ? We sell Victrolas, j Sonoras and Columbia Phono graphs, Victor Records, Columbia (Records, O..K. K (cords and Voealion Records, if we have not got what you , want in stock, we will be glad to order it for you. HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. i Successor to Medford Furniture. Co. 'Brevard, X. C, Sop 15 tfc COCKERELS, Parks Strain, Pure bred Barred Rocks ? For Sale. Reasonable. Set or write Julian A. Glazen'er, Brevard, N. C. Oc 1 il t f c ?SEWING MACHINES? Needles for all makes of machines, Bobbins for sewing' machines, Shuttles for ?' sowing machines', leather belts for machines, aii for machines, oil cans for sewing machines. See us for anything in the sewing machine line. If we don't have it wq- can get it* ? HOUSTON FURNITURE Co! Successor to Medford Furniture Co. Brevard, X. C. Sep 1 5 tJ'o FOR REN i ?-t-JiLts, 1st ? One Stonv^ room in V.'altei piii'e Hotel Build V.'.'!. 25x100 feet with basement. T. "?V ; .XVhltmil^c. Oiv.neri . D'J2 4tc FOR RENT or SALE ? Almost new f-room House and bath, on Maple street. Easy to heat. E. \\. Blythr. MONEY TO LOAN? On Improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amount' from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred, . however, one thousand dollar loans will be ac cepted. 1-20 tf 50 A. F. MITCHELL, Atty at Law. FOR RENT ? One 5-room house; one 7-room house, and one 8-room house. Apply to Jud McCrary 18tf FOR RENT ? Several Office rooms over Davis-Long Drug Store, cor ner of Main and Broad streets, 'f. \V. Whitmire, Owner. D22 4tc FARM FOR SALE ? near Pickcns, S. C. Nine miles Easley. 323 acres. 1000 bearing fruit trees, 750 apple trees. Good dwelling, 2 tenant houses. Topsoil road, near church anil school. Quick sale, only $30.00 a.-re. Good terms if wanted. Arthur S. Agnew, owner, Greenville. S. C. Dec 3tp 5-12-19 BROOD SOW for Sale ? Full Blood Poland-China; bred to farrow this month. M. S. Monteith, David son River, N. C. J12 tfo See T. J. LOFTIS for Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Latest Methods. ENJOY STAYING AT - HOME -- With a Radio An At water-Kent Radio in y(