REKS pioplv <if !{o> U s'l* >?? |l<! o their repair and sali-fnr i! has at last been 1 1. Sunnncy has cstab li institution he^o re llociit'Ml in the" old j near I). 11. Winchcst I Main street. lie will do first class repair tLFARE IN CHINA a letter received by roni Dr. J. C. Owen, ho China situation: Wright: most destructive fam- i itorv is now raifinir in ablegram to the New Tom Peking, China, 7, 1927 says, in part: c spreads. 9,000,000 Whole counties in Chili provinces are de ^lis is brief, but it sug of human suffering iver been surpassed in Is in the history of the , lys the case, the orphan | the first and the most fevers. In this territory five of our oprhannges. ion is in position to re minjster the l'unds stnt .?ay to accomplish the nt of permanent Rood, ou and your good people tter up at once, raise a jffering and send to lis? check payable to me. I ter it. You can go to l and women, boys and , and sinner's to secure J NOW. Use this in your J any other way you may It me hear from you at pilar from each of those I know me will save many I in your car, or go on ^e as many as you can. f matter to the school. Do Jean in every right way. ring people are those for Jl I have given the best fy life. fry fraternallv, I C. OWEN. Jd not good from thpm to Is due when it is in the |hy hand to do it." (Prov. Strayed, or stolen reeks ago Mr. Roy Fisher, ent young gentleman of ook a trip up in Tennessee ucky, stopping by here a ! on his way to Birming- ; coming back through Ros- ' lig south, and the last re | was headed toward Ander It is feared that Mr. either lost, Stnayed ?r ?Any information leading to pabouts will be greatly ap ! by his friends here. Jtella Fisher of Sylva, spent week-end with home folks l>KY OF A IVEMENT Inbarked upon a pro (Dealer Organization [cond to none in the achievement are now (a cite, over a similar ?Vilar qual od ? if '{(IMtliUlV : '-ui'ii 1j.1ov.iI fit i ! \v:Ui <1.1 ui his \ . 1 1 1 < In I'O. ( ill! HIS, OIK' of ItOtSlftUn'* ; hi >. ong , moil, is <)uitf ill with flu. UK ilio tiny r of Uev. and Mrs. U. |{, i'al'ly, was tpjite ill, but al this time is much improved. Mr. J. \V. Hudson, who was re ported quite ill. is now on the high way to recowry again. The many l'rieiul.' of Air. I.. Al. (ila/.enei; will rejoice to l-arn that iiis condition is very much improved and it is earnestly hoped that he will soon he himself again. Miss May White of Asheville, spent last week visiting relatives here. Miss White is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. White and is a vny attractive and popular young lad. v. Mr. anil Mrs. L. P. Owen had a pleasant business .trip to Asheville one day last week. AUs T. O. Thomas was <j[nn*v q C ?Ar.-, off W M "??*? Mi,*' Madge ^'hitmire of AsV.e ville visited her . Sunday Glaze ner oi thu> city. ai,. l! L O'ates and family vis ited relatives at Old Fort last week. Southcni1 feTg?raph Institute. Miss Edna White CoHege. ?to her studies there. Mrs. Totn X^hf been engaged to teach fftaWnl^he place of >--rtdo and is very highly reeowtnenoed. Mr. E W. Banknightvand family of Columbia, S- c Whit Bauknight's sister, Mrs. iv, ire, the past week-end. Mr. John Byrd has ^"ved *? utter an extended visit in "The North PoleUhas re A been moved near Rpsman. . Mr. Vasco ^anley ^^.^o^cccpt day ?orn,nS?\u? Southern Mercer a position with the Soutne ^ Man. izing companj of Try t p ,ey is oncofRosmai and Mr. G. C. 5Ic9)urowen'sp<!"" Mr. and Mrs. L. ? Chesnee, S. Sunday ?thJ?L ? very cold trip "ast Sunday after noon. and Mrs. A. O- K"cn this year who is attending c? le?% spending -t Ft. Petersburg, in Havana, the holidays vath %vent by boat CubB; fr^m St Petersburg, via the ^insula "nd_Occidental line. When asked by the ^Ne\v s-man ^ oiicd?C'yit'snto"cold' to talk now." , Prof. E. D. ^Vj|i?r" turned 'to 'their of teachers have all o( the aes. Sr^sHr10" ..^?aiaKgS ,F everybody will help When we ^"n ]vCvf ?!r. Bar Jd?us"o u?e-? g*Jgfr ^enough! "This L,, able to do yet. We make the section one . rif possible, pages of X : Rvas our hope then, aa s J be our endiiiivor, to 1 , leaders with good sfifj. t lirtirl' ? 10 1 I , A?le and their * IT, the proud little eit} . handed in all art*?? :,nd left the matter otT(.,, the editor himself. <iU. re say? that Mr. .lame,, one of the kindest ..asJ i we happen to know J il staff of any P.:,PC, ([ y where. He i- 'fWE(i n.-. better things, that J of Transylvania are J |1?? stands squarely I? , Inward ?-?oing of oy'V 'ad and enterprise <>t an., and fond *'?] P^FVN?-KRYBOml has Sir A rt hj vn his character that many peop| and thousands ire addivssed to1 K?V. Jfc afli09B goes % roil mk W. I :>. :n! on. ii. i|y Hi ? V ' . ?' I' Ml \\ of S. ( ?? ha was ?vct ntly elected a i-pre ?? -Mta'. ive ironi Oi oih'i- county e \ lit* i" ? . - ki . ? ? !?<?, toes to Columbia to .? present his county on January i v i' .?h-I.s nciv arc much I'latvti over his el- fli*,-.' m tliis place nt' responsibility ui..l i -,.-l, !>tly \p? -c* ! i I : ? :ho icst * ! j i r ri-s i T him. In i recent !u; r I! NVw - -num. hi- hns ;his l ? ly ic to l-'HVi- .laiviury i'th i">-r < ? liitnliii. 1 want you to pray eavii tin mi- while 1 urn then. . h.-.1 l -I i w li;.t is l)Pft." if all the !.;vv inakii'. oi\ ? m > ouutry would assume their duties! in the manner and spirit of Rev. .Mr. ] Nicholson, .how diflferett. many | ! fiin.'s would be. "When th'- wicked rule, the pep-: t lc . iViouru : When the rlfthtenis rule; 1 th." people rejoice." PiSGAH FOREST CHLRCH On rext Sunday, the pasto- >f l'i~ Forest Baptist church dans lo '>i-each at the mornitig sevic> on "Same Suggestions for tie New Year;'' and at the evening- service on the subject of "Then it d Jfotv, and Now and Then." "DON'T WAKE A SLEEPWG DOG" i ? 1 1 In conversation- with a umber o.f I 4 men some days ago, conceving mat ters of a disagreeable natuj. Mayor ( Mahoney said, "Dou't evei wake aj_s fierce sleeping dog:, unless you aro '0 prepared to handle him." "his was 1 j iv entirely new proverb tot's. But;0 the more we think of it, le more j f we see it to mean ? ? ' Jam this j 1 .-?lying all of us could takelessons.' J v The preacher, the politicii, the v editor, the business man, tlidawyer. 's) th" doctor, the husband :d the jj v.'ife, the employer and the nploye. Shi- swetheart and friend, em and t( ; It would do well to pond this ayiiijst and apply it in the daily , j? lives. . . b( When aiiy questionable nuer is at *]> "uin'tt and quiet, just lent re- fu inn ill so and time, the great \ X A- ol i t - A for- all human ailm-ti and fo disagreements, will heal the latetr id over. and settle all human litter- dc ernes. _ Prof. Show-alter publish*. that at fai ious song "The Game ol'.ife." an years ago. the first vje is Bi this: co ?This life is like a game of- els. j0 With players young and old, oomc play for trumps, and ome 0f spades, in ''.ut many play for gold; or( It matters not how much cacniay lv> win, mj Nor how much each may save, i tj0 ' he spade will finish up the KB*. j And dig the players' grave." - 'j. GARDEN WITHIN She Sh.i Our hearts are little gardens 1^, which we must watch, you kni ? |ta. wufsta?,ftUtnok,^w^ Z -? knows' ^ % me ' ll4 says that seeds of envy jfil ^dw'nov'oTToueh' the ' hear for ^ such _ . ? ? j. |lal i?-ni seeds grow fast indeed, |ta \ i that I'm not too young to tart ToNvatch the garden of my hert. ! d An, so 1 watch my garden i?POn morning until nipht* I Bec'use 1 to keep iKclea. * Tn\ beautiful and bright \ l* v ?having mama helping. ]\ jn't one bit hard to do. >. . ~ me above poem conW^ a ivil ltht ? one of us shou <!]?*, If^!' \y ! niust be very careful nobj* knt low anv evil words or thoughts f to nniu ate about ou. hearts, by !o .linj? we are apt to Ut them de- /? into large evils. J'1 % ie noein was' writfn by one or. Ill ,. world's greatest poets. Mr Jame" tlu who once was a minef-bov K> forked in the mines to provrfe ?o H?,- to secure his education. w'-ing gifted in poctic thought. ' hi r^.i .he endless fi^Jds. otJJBf'",' ',$< >J. -Mr Rovv' .,t cause. ?.'? | iRi /.k- ,:fc into this t^,0usauds rid vUV.' I'1' jnultiplu-d t do^wc: ringmS ^ of .lesus wh ^en men,.b0 ?"1 fr,J hifwonderful l^.'cht gla^l" V h"H^ of th^u rteh 1,-^sure ^wcektothe ^cribe ? | ' ?%? ?"E! . a SHOULD HAVE liKW CITY HALI ..?'Mian .liouUI )mvo a licw a oily hall. is conceded' by . ti.uliit' wilh conditions hero. \ i .ii our city it will iibJc to'af .1 .It'll llll IllstitUl loll, HO OIM? , i.outil liar*- ili'iiv. ? i A..iuii vcpciilcdly upon i:i.;,;s mil town, but i i ? : ? ? . htii'v we liuiHiuiU'd h. if.i.'ltnilat uiii'. Soiiio I u ? w , by .a I it-. til "l' liiiiuj or ilii- \v?_'i'ii" of iiiomll, We hi'!"' I.. I;. i*|i rwi'la ili?i):iy ol ailVAii'illiilK Ml i * 1 1 n:oVi'i!.i In ami ini'iiMli'c. as ivill itn "li'.-iv i h> v.lSi-i'b ?>( I'-fuirroa-i mill ?tart oil)- on loe hn;liway i.f dovelnp i II i i * a motion) up lo-ilat.' city, ilii-* I lull is .si'i'oml 10 ihUui, f I .in* Mlilill linvib, in all Western N'olili Carolina. Aiioih.r ll.inj; wo. surely need is a water system - one that will not ,i?a ?\ five us ample water supply, : ni ; will furnish ample pivtrllon in coso of fire. Till' savings in it. i ? unco premium, alosit*, would :omi I pay for i'u- witter sy.itcai. Tltimon, ^ relatives ^ ol' his aui day \ ounjj ^ ing a colli' .- in luvitii'i^ iii Viri(inui It to pi ae.lie. i) ediellie in>'. his eitlleatioii. l>i. .1. A. ( .in nun favoiaoly MiukV!! ill comity, having praqtii *ion litre for liian'y the past several year eatcd at l'icUciis, numbers his friend: iiu.uiitancos. vumplet ln ;i medical ;s his pinkos,' a: lor - <-oni|>!t>t '?< , ?veil . ami I'vansylvonia yd his profe- ? .vertr.s, but for has b?C|! Jo where In > by his iiu The making of ghost .noney, lin fi?i| y|)o<s lo he burnetl in front o.f a dead man'.- shine to provide him with the .standard cltrrctU'y of the dead, is an important industry in China. Legal Advertisements NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE x>y virtue i?i" ih <? iiiiumi- ...i. otvuivu l)> said deed in trust, whereby the pow 5v of sale therein contained has be :onie operative and the holder of said lotes thereby secured having ds? ?lared the whole of said debt in itantly due and having demanded l>at said property be sold to satisfy aid indebtedness the trustee will', >n Wednesday , the llth day of anuary, A. D., 1.928, at 1 2 :00 'cloc!: noon, sell nt public auction or cash t<? the highest bidder, at he Court House door of Transyl ania county, in the city of Bre ard, county of Transylvania and :at? of North Carolina, all the right. Me, interest, claim and demand of le Midcity Service Company in and > that certain indenture of lease escribed as follows: Said lease be ig dated the 24th day of Decem jr, 15)26 and recorded in Book 58, : page 183, of the Records of Deeds >r Transylvania County, North Car inn, to which reference is made >r a more complete description and entification, covering the following scribed property, to-wit: BEING eighty (80) feet squata the Northeast corner of Caldwell d. Probart streets, in the town of ??yard and being part of the lot nveyed to J. L. Bell and A. Q. oore, February 9th, 1880, r a period of ten (10) years, lich lease is dated the 24th day December, 1926, and is recorded book 38, at page 183, of the Bee- ' Js of Deeds for Transylvania coun to which reference is hereby 1 ide for a more complete descrip- 1 n and identification. i This 8th dav of Dec. A ,D. 1927. 1 P. KITCHIN, trustee 15-22-29J5 i ( Trustee's Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power ? 1 authority contained in that car- c n deed of trust executed and de Ted by J. H. Townshend and 1 iowe Morris, dated the 21st of I pttSober, 1925, and recorded in the - 'ice \f the Register of Deeds for ?ansyi^nia County, N. C., in book , at pjfe 631, and because of de ult in t^ payment of the indebt ness thc\by secured and failure j carry oucan(] perform the stipu ?ions and iveements therein con- t ined and, Pursuant to demand of p owner and\older of the indebt ncss securod br said deed of trust . e undersigned rustee will expose r sale at public suction to the high , bidder for caS? at the county ?; art house door c t Transylvania inty, in the City ?f Brevard, N. ? at 12 o'clock, noot, on Monday, ? 6th day of Fcbruaty, 1928, all p it certain lot or paro?l of land, cl uate, lying and being in Brevard ? wnsliip, Transylvania County, . it? of North Carolina, and more rlicularly described as follows: , "Known as th:- J. Adgev Forsythi^* cm, adioinins the lnnd/pf ^ inter. Beginning at a reo v ? west bank of the French^ Broad '' ver, Lamances corneal*. ru'ns V fttht 73 "est 1205 ?? .1 point of a ? 1 on the _ of a road; \ "Z dotr. 30 min. west " Vh "/tstl'liO on the top of a it 300 north 17 deg. 45 nun. nee \Jtc-t to tx stake at a fence " -Jbrth 74 dep. 45 min. west 5 minT t0 a stake on the cast .side ( on p4d road; thence north 50 deg. orth WCst 1085 feet to a stak* and ? ? k on top of. ? rid.'; thenoe J .oaf jy doc. 45 mm. west 67.^ tiki Iunt.fcno near the. top of ougar ines fountain, corner of the r. "? ?"renej tract; thence with seven*' South! the Hunter tract to the feet Abroad Rivor. as follows, viz. leg. deg. 45 nun. west 4.0 L. M , ^ NOTICE _ North Carolina. ? 1 County. ; Ha2elT,^rSPKIU0': C?URT 1 vs. A. W. Murray. ! aSS??jW5?jf8 i Ssgr? ?"? wja Clc k of- t^'^"' at the 0ffice tlu -ess uaTiS^Zr'- " c to tii? ' i ^ .answer or demurrer complaint d?*?nded in the said fiOLANDeow^^ay(5f ,Deo notice of foreclosure sale of c??er ani' .by virtup Of the power of trust Cfromnr' a certain (,?ed wife to n , McCa" and -? V- L- English, trustee, said 28 lo'-'V f x'"rin^ <lat? of Jan. 28, 19_fi and registered .in Book No ID on page 497 of the records of deeds in trust for TransvIvaX county, and default having' been made in the payment of the indebt ?ind?nM R?c)'.ref' b.v said deed in trust and all notices required having been given and said default not having been made good; . k Now therefore tho undersicned Iv928?'\fai2r<li^i tfLe r,8th <ia-v of ?>??? if to, at 12 o clock M. at the Court North r'?' i ?" the ,tow" of Brevard. ! ij Carolina, sell to the high'-st ?"h ,lK' "?" b?^.a description of the land to ' t Si ? ?5f ,s horpbv made to Weo/ i, .tl,'us,t and the record -hereof hereinbefore mentioned and ?he same is hereby referred to and nade a part hereof for the purpose >f a description of said land. The proceeds of said sale to be ipphed upon the indebtedness, cost >1 sale, commissions, etc gThis the 27th day of December. >. L. ENGLISH. Trustee. 5-12-19-2(5 LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale ontained in a teed of trust execut ed on the 15 da.- of April, 1927, by V , An('ers, to Union Trust Co. of lurylund and Insured Mortgage lond Corporati?|i, Trustees, to se u.? '"je indelMjjness therein des ribed to Beart^ wjjich said deed of rust is duly /cf- .'or dec J ?hooftiee f the Register of De'n/Js foi Trar. ylvania county, North Carolina in look of Deeds of Trust x0>' lr> age 603, and default havinK be?^ lade in the payment ot both prlivi.\ al and interest on these note& sc ared by s^d deed of trust, 3ml pon application and demand -of the alder /Gt said notes, the under trne*' ' Trustee will on Tuesday, the \F!L day of January, 1928, at 1 clock noon, offer for sale at the lourt House door in the city of ?re* ard, said county and state, to the lighest bidder for cash the following liece, parcel or lot of land, situate, ying and being in the County ot fransvlvania, State of North Caro ina, more particularly described as ollows: . BEGINNING at a stake in tin vistern margin of Oaklawn Aveuue; lorthwisi corner of R. L. Scruggs^ ot, runs thence with the eastern nargin of Oaklawn Avenue north loo- ?!!-, min east 90 f-et to a stake, ?hence south 60.04 EastU6,8 feet to a stake. Bertha Trantham a c?? nor; thenc. with hei- line soutl^ dep. 55 min. wcrt 56jO rtake in what was the lino ; ,th"n<:e with sa\<r dog. U0 min. _west oak stump. " *' thence wifcVJ north S9 dee more or less ning, heing_ veyed Dai?y marriee 1927. 59 at deeds C T1

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