v SOCIETY NEWS I ROSMAN GIRL MARRIES YOUNG r MAN OF INMAN A quiet church wedding was sol emnized Thursday evening at Ros mnn, when Mi?s H or tense Fisher, of Rosman and Tryon, . became the bride of Mr. Dewey Burton, of In man, S. C., the ceremony being pre formed at the Rosman Baptist church with the pastor, Rev. H. P. Wright, officiating. I , The bride was lovely n a travel- , ing ensemble suit in tan, with hat and accessories to match, and wear ing a corsage of lilly of the valley . ] and brides' roses. Following! the j ceremony a small reception was ] held at the home of the bride's sis- ] ter, Mrs. N. 1>\ Padgett, of Rosman, ] at which were in attendance only a \ few immediate friends and relatives. After the reception the young couple left for a short motor trip before 1 going to Inman, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Burton is a graduate 01 ths 1 Rosman High School and of the i Mission Hospital, Asheville, and has 1 been engaged as a registered nurse t in Try on for the past four years. I Mr. Burton is a prominent young man engaged in business at his home f in Inman. i BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN ORGANIZE CLUB t A very, enthusiastic meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Monday evening at which time a Business and Professional Women's club was organized. Twenty-live were -present for this organization meeting. Miss Elizabeth A .Godfrey, presi dent of the Asheville club, w'as pres ent and ably assisted in the forming of the Brevard club. The following officers were elect ed: Mrs. 11. It. Walker, prsident; Mrs. K. E. Lawrence, vice president; Miss Launa Clayton, secretary, and Miss Alma Trowbridge, treasurer. The object of this club shall be to promote the interests of women in the businiss and professional world; '.art of the state; Mrs. J. F. Zachaiy spoke tin fuv >.n i uses of paper; poems of James Whit loml) Riley were wad by Mrs. Julian A. Glazener; a brief rov.ew of the re cent book "Giants in the Earth" was given by Miss Alma Trowbridge; Mrs, R, Y. Neel concluded the pro gram with a discussion on ."Woman in Business." A salad course was served by the hostess during the social half-hour. EPWORTH LEAGUERS ENJOY PARTY Members of "the Kpworth League enjoyed a social gathering Thursday evening at the home < f Miss Sara Barrett on Caldwell street. The young people spent a delight ful evening in games and music, af ter which refreshments were served by the hostess. MRS. OLIVER OKR HOSTESS TO MATHATAS1AN CLUB | Mrs. Oliver Orr was hostess to the Mathatitsian club Thursday after noon, with the president, Mrs. 11. L. I Wilson, presiding. Included in the routine bus ness was the appointment of the program committee for the next year, includ ing, Mrs, llume Harris, Mr.;. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Ralph Ramsey. i Mrs. Ralph Fisher was program . leader for the afternoon, discussing 'in nn interest ng manner the subject ! "Character Traininu.' One guest ' was present, Mrs. C. L. Richardson, 'who is the guest of inr daughter, Mrs. Ralph Fisher. j After refreshments and a pleasant social period, the club adjourned to meot on March 8 with Miss Florence [ Kern. ORA HOLT LONG HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY A happy occasion of the week was the b'rthday party of Ora Ho'.t Long, on Wednesday afternoon. February 22, when twenty little girls gathered at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long, on Broad street, to help the little hostess celebrate her ninth birthday anniversary. ihe house was attractively deco rat?d in keeping with the George Washington occasion, carrying out the red and white color scheme wi'h a profusion of flags and other pretty effects, in the favors of little red baskets filled with mints and the large birthday cake on the center of the prettily arranged dining table. The white iced cake was most tempt ing with its nine little red candles, flags and cherry decorations. A cher- . ry contest and games appropriate to ! the day were enjoyed by the chil dren during the afternoon. The following guests were pres ent: Elizabeth McCoy, Rebecca Patton, Helen Carrier, Dorothy Ev erett, Betty McLeod, Katherine Eng lish, Charlotte Patton, Mary Os- ? borne. Mary Aiken, Yvonne Robin son, Betty Moore, Martha Kate Moore, Janie Wilson, Wilhelmina Hinton, Jane Y'ongue, Elsie Perry, Betty Loftis, Emma Lou Loftis, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Jean Glenn, Bil lie Duckworth, Miss Willie Aiken. j FANNIE HECK CIRCLE HOLDS MEETING Members of the Fannie Heck Circle of the Baptist church met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M. Henry. Fifteen mem bers were present. Mrs. Henry, chairman, presided over the business session, during which several rou tine matters were transacted. De votiohals were led by Rev. Wallace Hartsell. CEDAR MTN.N.C. Mrs. E. R. Bishop was called to Hendersonville last week on account of the death of her sister Mrs. Jess Dav:s. The roads in this section are in a very bad condition owing to the bad weather wo have had recently. The log house that J. A. Floyd of Greenville, S. C. has planned for some time to build in the "Harper F'eld" is now under construction. Mrs. Paul Jones who is visiting her sister Mrs. Perry Taylor of Greer, S. C. is sick. Cedar Mtn. will have a meat mar ket and Fancy Grocery store com bined this summer. The foundation is now being placed by owner Robin son. , Miss Laura Jones Bishop is on the i sick list this week. The attractive bungalow of Malga j Allison is nearing completion. G:rls j just ride out this way as Mr. Alii- i son is an old bachelor, and you know j this is leap year. Rtv. A. L. Vaughen of Cowpens, ; S. ('.. who is pastor of R'>cky Hill ' church filled his regular appointment Sunday and Sunday night in spite of the bad roads and weather. E. R. Bishop Malga Allison and father were in Brevard Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. StreetBurns and daughter who are spending the win ter in Greenville, S. G,, were visitors in Cedar Mtn. Sunday. Pink Summey has been ill at his home for quite a while. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Dorse Allison and daughter Agnes are out again after being con fined with measles. Miss Gemmie Bishop was a visitor in Cedar Mtn Sunday. FOR SALE * Purebred Rhode Island Red Cockerels j * Hatched from eggs direct j* from one of America's ! greatest Reel breeders. It * will pay you to buy them j * to mate to your hens, for i ' t Ix'.v will certainly prove | " good investment. See or i * write Julian A. Glazener | * for prices. Act at once. ?*: