IntVKOLET MEN TO ATTEND SCHOOLS Detroit, M>ch. Feb. 31 ? Of u? usual interest to the millions of Chevrolet owners in the United States was the announcement made here today by the Chevrolet Motor Company that nearly 4,000 men, ? heads of dealers' service departments are being called in t,o attend special ly conducted service schools. These schools, designed to place the service facilities of the company on ij higher plane than ever before, are being held during February and March for the service personnel of the. Chevrolet dealer establishments throughout the country. The Service managers are being summoned to the 45 zone headquar ters, located at key centers, wnere the schools are being conducted. Here, under resident instructor, they are given a course in every phase of shop management. Among the principle' subjects cov ered. are shop arrangement; equip ment and special tools; appoarance and maintenance : shop personnel ; training of service personnel; operat or costs ;$peciatizing the. work of me chanics; compensation of mechanics, and the keeping of detailed and exact shop records. j Upon completion of the. course 1 the service managers lire competent, to go back to their own establish- 1 mcnts prepared to conduct their end of the dealer's business upon the high standards evolved by factory oiiicjals from the most approved methods known. ?This means that Chevrolet owners everywhere may expect uniformly efficient service and courteous at tention from the service departments of" the wide spread Chevrolet deal ers organization. COUNTY CONVENTION IS CALLED TO MEET MAR. 19 To the Republicans of Transylvania County: In response to a letter from lion. Hrovynlow Jackson, State Chairman, dated February 15, 1928, Thereby call a convention of the Republicans of Transylvania County, to meet in the Court House in Brevard, on the 19'.h day of March, 1928, at I t oclock p.iwiV at which convention, di legates for the Congressional con vention, the Senator'nl convention, and the State convention, will be chosen. The naming of the candi dates on the Republican ticket for the county offices will not be con sidered at this convention. In order to find the true sentiment o? ihc Republicans in Transylvania county. I, as chairman, am desirous of having as many in attendance as possible. , The chairman of each township will meet at the regular meeting place, Saturday, March 17, at 2 o'clock p.m., to choose delegates to the County eonvention, called hcre , with. Respectfully, Ralph Fisher, Chairman Repub lican Executive Committee of Transylvania County. C. M. Douglas. Secretary. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina Transylvania county. Having qualified as executor of the estate of J. \V. Brooks, late of Transylvania county, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Brevard. N. C., on or before the 1 day of March, 1929, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of th'sir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 27 day of Feb. 1928. Lem Brooks, Executor of J. W. Brooks Estate. 4tc 1-8-15-22 YATES GONE TO TRYON ; MILLER IN LOCAL OFFICE I Wh'le Brevard regrets the loss of Mr. S. Yates and his family, who 'eft r J ?ntly for Tryon, the town is proud to' welcome h'-s successor, P. G. Miller, and his interesting fam ily. Mr. Yates had been agent for the Southern Railway company at the Brevard office for many, 'many years. He now holds a similar posi tion w'th the Southern at Tryon. Mr. Miller comes here from Waynesville, and brings with him a reputation for progressiveness that makes him a most valuable addition to Brt-vard. A CARD OF ?THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the last illness and death of our son Joseph Whit fi?ld Brooks. MajL_God bless you. Mr. and Mrs. L. \V. BrOoks; ? Cherryfield, N. C. | RARE SUIT BARGAINS Carefully tailored are these suits, as you well know if you have ever worn a suit from this store. Excellent materials, too. Stylish models. Yet, they are priced at even less than mediocre suits ? see them now. PUSHELL'S Everything for Men and Boys. / 1 OiilVlj 1 ^itxilCilV htiWiu We are sorry to report that I'nclc | Diiw Sims is seriously ill. Rev. C. K. Blythe tilled his reguinr I itpponiimeut at the church Suiuiuy. Mr. lloy l)avis of Blantyre, was in this section recently. Kck Suns of Brevard, visited his father, Uncle Dave' Sims, Saturday , ?light. I Mr. I.. Powell of (Jlnntyre, attend ed church here Sunday. J We are glad to see Mr. Mack 1 Drake and s?n, Alvin, able to he out again. ? Mr. .1. C, Mc(\ill had as his dinner ! guest Sunday, Mr. H. Urogsn. The many friends of Mrs. Kobert Raines will be (dad to know that she i.-; improving after her long illness. Mr. John Brown, who is working.' at Mills Kiver, spent the week-end at his home here. "BE A BULL ON THE MOUNTAIN COUNTRY" ( llendorsonville T mes-Xews) The Spartanburg Herald is a con sistent friend and booster of the Western North Carolina mountain country. The people of this section who watch conditions in upper South Carolina as closely as they study conditions here, thoroughly appreci ate the attitude of The Herald and its efforts to aid in the development of Western North Carolina To i;ay's Herald had this to say of the mountain country: It is quite generally admitted now that Western North Carolina did "boom" two summers ago and that perhaps it boomed a little too much. But those who are looking ahead a few years are of the opinion the re join has those things upon which to stage a "comeback" on even . f rmcr foundations. One of the things peculiar to the Western North Carolina region -s that the end of the ?'boom" did not bring an end of the great public im provements in that iVgion upon which the "boom" was predicated. The public looked ahead and saw what was coming in that region and caught the vision. It became too enthusiastic. Highway building, the foundation of the progress of the mountain country, has never halted. ' Polk, Henderson, Rutherford, Bun- ! combe counties in which the boom : reached its greatest height, have con tinued to build and with the ap preaching summer will open to the public the most interesting system of highways and mountain country has ever possessed. Henderson county ; has put millions in its state highways and continues the program. Polk county is also the scene of highway building operations of the most im portant character. So those who look ahead in West cm North Carolina have the most 'substantial reasons for their faith in the foundations there. I Now. The Times-News has only | this to add to The Spartanburg 'Herald's advice: and we offer it to , the people of Hendersonville and 1 -- ? ? ? ? ? - Rupture Shield Expert Coming to ASHEV1LLE on Wednesday & Thursday, Mar. 14-15. at GEO. VANDERBILT HOTEL from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evenings by Appointment TWO DAYS ONLY ?* No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlieh the successful expert says: The "Perfect Retention Shields," hold the rupture perfectly no matter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you lift. They give instant relief, contract the op ening in a remarkably short time and strengthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they frequently recover their previous natural retaining power needing no further outside support. Stojw trouble, backache and constipation often caused by Rupture promptly disappear. Truly rvmarkable results have bro - : obtained with recent and not yet I fully developed ruptures and many f old ones also. No legstraps or elast-c belts arc used. Can be worn while bathing and are highly sanitary, being im pervious to sweat. Letters from highly satisfied clients available. Advert 'sed mail order contraptions as well as elastic belts with chafing filthy legstraps are absolutely worth less. Call on me and I will show you. Results on children are 05 per cent favorable. Business engagements prevent vis iting any other city in this section. C. F. Redlieh, Rupture Appliance Expert. Home office, 713-71-4 Grosse Bldg.. 1th and Springs Sts., Los An geles, Calif. BREVARD Tuesday of Each Week Dr. James A. Palmer Optometrist Specialist in the treatment of defective eyes and the art of fitting glasses. Associated with W. H. HAWKINS & SON Hendersonville, N. C. Established since 1880 Brevard Office over Davis-Long Drug Company i vivjuu ?. iVlj V(f is Mi-. J. 1J. Sinus visited Mr. J. A, lirown Saturday Mrs; .1. J{. Sims was on the sick ist. last week. ' Mrs. Bonnie Swangrin visited ?!rs. J. S. Sims Sumlav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Alexander, Mr. I. K. Sims, and Mr. M Fowler visited Mr. I.'. Sims Sunday, \Vho has been wry ill for some time Harry and Carl Swangrin spent Sunday afternoon with Thomas and Cloy Brown. Miss Katherine Sims spent the night with Miss Margaret Swangrin. Sunday. .Misses Carrie and Cannie Brown wire visitors at the home of Mis. J. S. Sims Sunday. Oh yes, Boylston; Doncl Creek is right here. (?lad to say that. the saw mill works are going line; finished the second yard Saturday afternoon, and is now ready to move to the third yard, which will finish -li;* jol?. We are also glad to note that Mr. Joe, Add, and Jehu Bryson are get ting along tine with their logging job. Mr. .1 .G. Holden attended church a t Turkey Creek Sunday. Mrs. Bert Alexander and children spent Thursday night with Mrs. Jene Bryson. Mr. Charlie T .Sims of Pickens, S. C., spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Sims reutrn ing to his home Sunday. Mr. W. A> Baynard passed through this section last week. Henderson, and the adjoining coun ties ? "Be a Bull on the Mountain coun try.'' T^USIWESS MAkl ABOUT TO f "CALLED AWAV" FOR THE BALANCE OF PAV ??S& PAINT UP! SPRING IS ALMOST HERE. LET ME GIVE YOU ESTIMATES ON PAINTING PAPER HANGING and DECORATING A. W. Barnett PHONE 161 Southern Railway System TRAIN SCHEDULE No. 6 Departs 9:42 A. M. No. 5 Arrives 1 :00 P. M. No. 6 makes connection at Henderson ville for New York, / Washington, Rich mond and other points North and East, and for Savannah, Jacksonville, Atlanta and points South, also for Cincinnati, Chi cago, St. Louis, Memphis and points West. Tickets sold to all points. Pullman Reservations made. Special 2 Day Fare Round Trip at one and one-third regular one way fare. Special 5 Day Fare Round Trip at one and one-half fare. These special rates apply to points where one way does not exceed $5.40. Minimum charge 50 cents. For further information apply to T. G. MILLER, Agent Brevard, N. C. J. H, WOOD, Div. Pas. Agent Asheville, N. C. ANNOUNCING the Arrival of a New Ship ment of Ladies Spring Coats-Dresses and Spring Suits. N. B.- See the Brevard Institute Display in our windows.

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