MANGANESE MINE BERG OPENED BY EXPERT ENGINEER Mine Located Six Miles From Town on New West Asheville - Highway WORKING DAY AND NIGHT SINKING FIRST SHAFT Mr. Miller, in Charge, Says This County Is Rich in Mineral and Ore Deposits Much interest is being' shown in the mining operations six miles from Brevard, on the new Brevard-W.est Asheville highway, where operations are being carried on to": determine the amount of manganese deposit in that territory, and its quality. Mr. T. J. M ller, expert in ores and mining, is in charge of the preliminary work, whichs has been going on for several weeks. A shaft has been sunk to a depth of about eight feet, and -Mr Miller expresses himself as being entirely satisfied with the showing of the m neral so far as his operations have gone. Two shifts ai* being used, thereby rushing: the work as rapidly as pos sible. Mr. Miller is a native (Jaro linian, being a native of Mitchell county 'where he spent his early manhood n ' the mines of that sec tion. For the past 34 years, however, he has been in the West, ..engaged in various mining activities. He is of the opinion that this whole section is rich in mineral and ore deposits, and predicts an early activity :n the , mining industry here. The place where the present work is being carried on was worked many years ago, but Operations ceased for some reason: Some say it was bc canse the money for such operations gave out, while others say there was not suff:cient deposit found to war rant a continuation of the work, therefore it was abandoned. f In the event a big deposit of man-' ganese is found to exist, it will mean much to this section, as the metal is used extensively in the automobile industry and in the steel -works of the country where it is used in yhe process of hardening steel.: The pro duction of this ntouil 'n 'hi Uii?jd States has had a wonderful increase in the nast quarter of a century. In 1900 there were only 11,771 tons l of ? manganese m ned in America p while the output today is nia^iy times k that a,r>W>unt. It is found in Cali * fornia, Montana and other Western states, and~ in North Carolina, Geor gia, Virginia and Tennessee. Steel companies in the United States buy this ore in huge quantities from Cuba, Brazil, India, Chile, Turkey and other foreign countries. Mr. Milier has consented to exam ine soir." specimens that have been )"ft at Tile News office by citizens of this county who are convinced that there is rich ore in tna bowels of these big mountains.' Mr. Miller is emphatic in his assertions that such m:nerals are here, and said that if this county, were in a Western state where real mining" is carried on, that but little attention would be given to the tourist business or in dustrial establ shments, and that mining would be the chief industry. DONALDLEE MOORE COMING HOME SOON Donald Lee Moore, High School student injured in the wreck two ; weeks ago at Sanford while on his way to Kalei?h with T. C. Hender son and Julian Glazener, will be brought home today. Young Mr. Moore has been at the Charlolte Sanitorium several days, and it has been decided to postpone operation for several weeks on account of the condition of his injured knees. Both knee caps were bursted in the accident and the knee joints are so swollen that an operation is im possible just now. Reports from Messrs. Henderson and Glazener are to the effect that both men are improving. They re- ' main in the hospital at Sanford, where they were taken just after the accident. DISPOSE OF MANY CiJSOll DOCKEl In John McKtlvey Case? Jury Out I'or Twenty-Four ? Hours SUBMISSIONS MADE AND I 1NES PAID UY MANY "Barn-Burning" Case Being Heard Whim Court Adjourned Late Wednesday Afternoon Superior court convened Monday r. mining, and much progress has been made in disposing of eases on llie dockct. Judge 1'. A. McElroy, Of Marshal), is presiding, and his graceful conduct of the court keeps the machinery running smoothly, with a noticeable absence of tilts and subsequent delays between attorneys that have marked some terms of court here. Soleiitor J.' Will >Pless, Jr., of Marion, s representing the state in prosecution of the cast's. Mr. 1'less is always a welcome visitor in Tran sylvania county, and is just about as irittch at home here as he is in Me-, dowell county. Several cases have been continued until another term, various reasons being offered for such continuances. Many submissions have been record ed, lines and costs! paid, and the cases taken from the docket. Only two cast's have gone to the jury, while the third one was begun Wed nesday afternoon. It is not Known vvl'.ether or not the murder case of Revis and Mrs. Laura Robinson can be reached at this term of criminal court. In the case of John McKelvey, be ing tried on a charge of abandon ment. a mistrial was ordered after in? j a i y deliberated for 24 hours. Tht case was given to the jury late Ti.ic.-day afternoon, and at a late hiur . V\ ednisJay afternoon . it was reported to. the court that the jury was, hopelessly deadlocked, and the nsistr aj .was ordered. Follow ng is a list of the jury in the McKelvey case: Ltcii Hubbard-, C. W. Henderson, D. T. Grimshaw, H. N. Blake, D. Morgan, A. L. Hardiii, F. E. Carter, John Perry,' John Brown, Charlie Campficld [Walter Gillespie, Nathan Chapman. The case o f Herman Kitchen vs. Elijah Owen and Richard Hoxit, in what is known as the "barn-burning case," was begun Wednesday morn ing and when court adjourned Wednesday evening only three of the large number of witnesses had ben heard. It is sa d more than fifty witnesses are to be examined in this case, and some lawyers and court officials predicted that the hearing of this ease would consume the balance of the week. The Grand Jury Following are the citizens selected to serve on the Grand Jury during present term of court: C. K. Osborne, foreman, Jerry Burns, I.uther Pushell, F. L. Wilson, Lloyd Cantrell, Roy Delong, C. S. Osborne. Claud Reed, B. M. Boyd, 11. E. Shipman, I. ;S. Sanders, Dun can McDougald, S. R. Reed, S. A. Jones, Rufus Griffin, W. H. Grogatv, Jr., Lon Gillespie, F. P. Shuford. ABOLISH OFFICE OF CO. TREASURER At the expiration of the term of office of County Treasurer Ed Pat ton, there w II no longer be any of fice of treasurer, as a result of the action takc-n by the board of county commissioners Tuesday. The offce was abolis'ied, it is said, in order to cut down expenses of county govern ment as much as possible. Alex Kizer, county accountant, will be required to act as tax super visor from now on, with no addi t'onal pav for this extra work. This, it is said, is another effort to re duce expenses, and it was intimated in official circles that other work might later be placed on other coun ty officials, in an effort to further reduce operating expenses. It is estimated that a saving of about five thousand dollars a year is effected through the action of the commissioners. A Proclamation One year ago I, as your Mayor, proclaimed Easter Mon day as "Hospital Day," and gave it to you in charge to observe this day in all the years to come. Another Eastertide is here. Some of the great souls that were with us one year ago have been called to Him who was resurrected nearly two thousand years ago apd are with us no more. Their going are striking examples that we, too, must soon stand before the Great White Throne and give lull ac count of our stewardship here in this beautiful world. The Master gave particular instructions to His people concerning the care of the sick and the helpless. Our dut?" to sui-h is plain, and our privilege to serve them is great, indeed. Our method of rendering .qomnmnity aid to the sick poor is splendid, in that all people are permitted to have a part in making it possible for the sick poor of our town to have th< advantage of hospital treatment, surgical skill ami medical attention. Therefore, I once again' call upon the citizens oi' Brevard to observe Easter Monday aig Hospital Day, and especially urge every one to cease their udual activities from 2 o'clock till -I ri'&ock next Monday afternpon, and gather with their friends, bringing such offerings as each one may desire, and lay thes< offerings on the altar of mercy, to be used in the hi^h and holv purpose of restoring oftr sick poor to health. t> W. WHITM.IRE, ... M&jfor'of Brevard. ' OirMOlKAI'It MASS MEETING CALLED Chaiiman Win. K. I'reese, of ;Ik' County Democratic ilxicdtive com mittee, inakts announcement thai a I mass, meet ng iff tilt* 1 K'liiifi'l'alH of (Transylvania county is called for I Wednesday, April IS, to bo held at t hi' court house in liivvaril at 12 o'clock noon. It is v.xp 'cted th.iil a (root! speaker from the State Kxccuiive committee will lie present c i this occii.'-on ami bring a message of general interest to democrats in I he county. The se lection of canil dates for county of fices will be made at this meeting, and other matters of great, local im portance. will be discussed. This will be a very important meeting:, it is said, and all democrats of thd county are requested to be present. GRAND JURY SETS GROVER LYDA FREE ! 'V.' . No true bill was returned by thu Grand Jury in the case of Transyl vania county against Grover l.yda. i charged with caushg the death of ; S. K. Morgan. It will Ims recalled jthat Morgan was brought to this county . s-veral weeks ago by Mr. 'Lyda, acting as deputy sheriff of Henderson county, left at the coun ty court house here, placed in jail for the night that he might have" comfort and medical attention, con tracted pneumonia and died early l nevt morning. Morgan had been an inmate of the county home here, I leaving this county to go to his home lift Henderson. . A difference of opinion aros.e as to which county was responsible for I Morgan's care. The aged man had I been placed in tho Henderson county , home, arid th- officials of that coun ty sent him back to Transylvania. 1 The tr p was made <>n a very cold and rainy day, the sick man being broufht here in a Ford car. It was charged by this county that thy trip 'from Henderson county to Brevard caustd tha aged man to take pnou moiria, ?from which he died. At a "preliminary h?ft ring before Magistrate Shufonl, l.yda was held t;> the court. The action of the 'grand jury ends the case, n that no tru ? bill was returned in tho case against Lyda. ? Streets Run East and West, While Avenues Cross, North and South ! All streets running east and west in Brevard are to be named and numbered as streets. All thorough fares running north and south are to be named and numbered as ave nues. | This acton was taken at the moot ing of the town council Tuesday evening. There is one exception. Broad street, one of the principal ! north ami south thoroughfares, is ;o | be known as Broadway, instead of ' being called an avenue. | W. H. Harris has ba-.-n -imaged in 'marking the siretts for some t ine, [and it was because of the fact ihat names now given to Brevard's thor oughfares would always remain with i them, that the decision came to ar range for streets in one direction and avenues in the other direction. This method of des gnating streets jand avenues is in vogue in practic ally all the larger cities, and it is \ found to be much more satisfactory jthan having all thoroughfares named .as streets. ' Mr. Harris will push the work of marking the streets and the ave nues, and it is thought that as soon :as this work is completed, and the i residents have numbered their houses, that the town will be given free mail delivery service. CHICKEN CAR TO BE | AT LAKE TOXAWAY I Farmers Federation, of Asheville, [will have the chicken car in the ? county two days th's month, instead (of only one day, as in the past. On (Thursday. April 1!'. the car will be i at l.nke Toxaway. Heretofore the icar has come only to Brevard, but Ion this trip the car will go t?) the ,'l.ake liist. being there on Thursday, the 19th. and buy all the poultry there, and then will be in Brevard on Friday. April 20. to receive all I poultry offered for sale here. The Icar will be in Hendersonvjlle on Sat i unlay, April 21. and it is hoped to i - omplet.dy load the car on these . ? hree days. When th" car was last here in ? irevard. on March 2.'t. 7.00ft. pounds >1" poultry wore purchased, leaving jisite a sum of money here on that into. Prices announced for th? April | .rip are a - follows: ''?in. h"avy ?ti?ek. the pound, .. 20c liens, liirht. tile pound 17c Heavy broilers, the pound .... .ISc l.iuht 1. rod-is, the pound fl.'le , iloosters. the pound 8c ; Mr. <ie?r'?c Kvan?. in charge of the car for the Federation, ex ?tressed the hope that by th.' time rreen velvet abb's come >?i tbo Feder ation will be in position to huy all vegetables the farmers and truckers of the county can raise. WEiUif 'C. M'CALL IS COMMISSIONER Apj By KhIaiuI Owen to Suc I Cecil J. H. Pickelsimer un the Board IS PROMINENT FARMER AND SUCCESSFUL MAN Completes Board's Re-orgaiii-/at>oii ? ^McNcely Could Not Accept the Place Wesley I'. Mct'iill, prominent farmer ami fruit grower, was named by Clerk of the 1'otirt Roland Ow-n a.s meinbci of the board of county commit oners, succeeding J. II. l'ickoisinur, ! ? ? l. neil. Commissioner Mr. (.'all took t:ie oath of office )l<in /lay morning, ami was in s ?s.sic.n with the balattc? of the board for the > wo (lays .this week. Mr. McCall's appointment was ; ? > 1 11 c what of a surpr so, except to his closest friends with whom he ad vised as to the. <iuoslion of whither or not he should accept the place. The Republican Committee several weeks suggested C. R. MeNeely, of'Toxaway, for the place. . Mr. Me Neely is postmaster at Toxin, ay and would have been forced to resign from that position had ho accepted the place on the board of commis sioners. He is also a b'g denier in timber and lumber, and h is work carries him away from the county for several days at a time. It was on account of these business reasons that Mr. McN'eely was forced to de cline the tender of the place. Ji K. Mel'all, ii brother of the commissioner, was. also suggested by jthe Republican Kxecutive Com mi t tfe, but states that his. business' is of such .nature that it would. cause big sacrifice on his part to accept the p!acv> Friends of W. C. .Ale Cull as sert that it will also be a siicritiee for him to take the position, urjiinH' hint '? nevertheless to accipt the place and ?give to the county the benefit of li s .services on th? board, i Mr. Pickelsimt i', who w;;s chair man, resigned several week s ago. since which time CI. T. Lyday had; been selected as chairman, and the selection of Mr. Met'all how com pletes the board's organ: jiation. Mrs. Laura Robinson was placed in jail again ami once more be comes defendant as a result of the action of the Transylvania county grand jury wlvch returned a true bill against her ami her father, Joe Rtfvis, for the murder of Ulys Rob inson. These defendants are to be tvir -ft :;t this term of court. The crime for which father ami daughter must stand trial was com mitted Tuesday evening-, January 17, when Ulys Robinson was wound ed with the charge from a shotgun. The trouble occurred at the Revisi Kob'nson home, situated on the mountain: ide in Hogback township, high above Horsepasture River. At noon of the following day, medical aid reached Robinson, who had suf fered from the ev' ii.nsi bet' or?, when the shooting toe!; plitie. He was brought to the Transylvania Hos pital. having to !>.? carried on stretchers by men who wailed the i icy waters of the (lashing mountain river. Robinson died the following Sunday morn ng. I An inquest was held over the body on the day of the death, and com pleted th> following Wednesday, 'when both the wife and the father in-law, Mrs. Laura Robinson and Joe Revis. were held for thq mur der of Robinson. On February C, Mrs. Robinson was given a prelim inary hearing before Magistrate F. E. Shuford, and given her freedom. Her father, Joe Rev's, waived pre liminary examination and was bound to court, later being released on bond. Action of the grand jury throws Mrs. Robinson back into the case, to appear as co-defendant with her father, for the murder of her hus band. aycocTpreaching ; TO LARGE CROWDS Revival services at the Method st church are continuing each night this week, anil will conclude with the Sunday night service on Easter Sun day. The pastor. Rev. A. I.. Ay cock. who is conduet'nir the t wo woks' .- ??cries of meetings, is deliver ing strong, heart-searching messages each night, and the attendance and interest an- apparently increasing i with .1 s rvice. , ' the outward demonstration :?<>'. g> ? atly in evidence, in res ponse t'i rhe pastor's invitation to the church members and to the unsaved, still it is generally conceded that the appealing mcssares of the plain gos pel truths, as delivered l>y Rev. Mr. Aycock, are not fall'ng on deaf ears, and that much groin! will lie evidenced in the ehur, !: and com munity. as a result of this >p cia! series of meetings. BROMFIF.LD AND HART BACK FROM STAY IN KENTUCKY .1. S. l!iom(it-ld and Walter Mart retnrni'il Wednesday from l.ouis v lie. where thev visited Mr; Brom tields father, and attended a birth day anniversary honoring the elder Itromfield. dOSPlim : i BE OSSSkMD- im Kasli-r Monday Will WUtiu*A Two Important J tor th.* Hospi'iil 'PROGRAM AT THE CHURCH AND AT THE HOSPITAL Supporters Expected to Add Many Useful Articles to the Equipment Kjistor Monday has lieen adopted us annual Hospital Day for Krevard and Transylvania- county, and a splendid protriam lias been arranged by the hospital committK' for nt- \t Monday afternoon, beginning at. si oVocj; in t he auditor urn of the I5up ti. t church. Dr. John \V at kins, prominent physician of Ashevilk*. will lie n charge of the program. Re ports of the various committees . of tlf 'work done dating .the past year will be heard. Annual election ol ? offtcc'vw >>f the hospital committee .will he htfld at this meeting., i The program will he continued at Transylvania hospital at 3, o'clock, when Dr. Wittkins will address those j present on the subject, "Maternity, j Discovery of some unusual eases in | this county, in which neither the : mother nor the newly born bade ve j reived any . semblance of propc- at tention, is one of the causes of Dr. Watkins selecting this subject for the htos'nital address. It is hoped that many ladies of the town and county will L. present at th s meeting. The annual shower tit the hospital Will b - held from 3 to "> o'clock. All donai.ons in money given the hos? pital will be spent on much needed equipn-ent. The Guild will furnish a ' kitcht i shower, and Mrs. G. B. Lynch will a sist in selecting the articles. I Tlu. .- desiring to make donations of ?articli . for use in the hospital are requcsWd to consult with Miss Mnr ? Bo:-- I 01: t\ny member of ch? U'l.tild a: o articles most needed in j'thi hCi^.Vuili j Friends in the county who desire to be of ass'stance to the hospital 'are interested hi the statement that j canned fruits, vegetables, and other ! Isuch products- as the hospital is usinu i constantly, are most acceptable gift", land of course equal in value to. ae, ? tual cash donations. j . On account of the large number ? of charity cases that have been, | treated, during, the. past year, thve s keen interest being taken in Ilos j pital Day next Monday. People :.ll | over the county, it seems, are just I beginning to realize the great ivn [portnnce of the work done by th?. Transylvania hospital. Business liv-n and those interested in the tourist trade and camp life activities of the town and county realize the fact that the operation of a hospital here means much to summer visitors, in selecting the place d at which to spend their vacat:on. Mayor T. W. Whitmire has issued a proclamation, in which he calls on the business men of the town of i Brevard and the professional men. land all c tizens to sjase the'ir usual i activities between the hours of 2 and 1 4 next Monday afternoon, and all i join in the great work to be done on' j Hospital Day. The board of county ; commissioners, in their regular mci-t Jinjr Monday, adopted a resolution calling upon the people of the coun ty to act as a unit in the great wo: '; : of mercy represented through the char.ty work of the hospital. I Front present indications, it an ' pears that Hospital Day next Mon day will be by far the most success ful event of its kind ever held in Transylvania county. MUSIC RECITAL TO BE i GIVEN FRIDAY, APRIL 13 On Friday even ntr. April 13, at S o'clock there will be a music recital jriven by the ntusio pupils at the Grammar trrade auditorium, to which a cordial invitation is extended the , general public. The snccial feature of the ev.nintr, jwill be the flower program and toy ? symphony by Hndyn, played by the I children, assisted by Misses Eva [Call, Lillian Jenkins, Mildred Clay I ton and Mr. Leon Underwood, di rected by M iss Marguerite Robert i I cun 'iM mm, ? TRAINING FOR POST Suggests Cot nuiiti&ont'ii Be looted Without Ri'^urd to Tjwir Politics POLITICS NICK GAME, \ BUT EXPENSIVE LUXURY Brevard Lawyer Says Much Ability Needed to Put the County ? in Good Shape (By W. E. B REESE) After ,i careful stud; ;ii> finances of - Transylvania' 'online it appears to nil- that there will have to. be some f i r.~ t class business man agement by the county commission ers to save many taxpayers from hardship and permanent ioss.. While the County Government of. 1027 v 11 ultimately be a benefit and will reduce the' ta "s, still it causes the levying- arid co:>.c tioii of a large sum of money Vor the first three or four yeai-s and al so requires that the business of v.he county be run on sound, safe and economical plans. This new law puts the county on a cash basis itnd while that is the best, it is hard until W3 pot the money to start paying up with. . Too little attention has been paid in the past to the huge sums of money handled by the Board of County Commissioners, too little at tention has been paid to the business training and ability of the members of the board. Only men who are trained in business, trained in deal ing in large financial dealings, who have shown their ability by manag ing the'r own personal business suc cessfully are thoroughly qualified io serve as commissioners. Every man. worthwhile has -a choice iis to what .political party he. belongs to and usually . takes a posi tive stand for one . party or the other and the .wishy-washy fellow is usually one who does not amount to much. The hoard of 'comm.: - iont-rs sht.'ulti be selected because of the'r bus' hms quiiiilic'ilioiis; but wk'e.h .vou select n man who has such qualification.-', you invariably find that h? belongs vo one or the other political party. In order to get" our county on its ttt feet financially I \Visfi to suggest ? \ that both the political parti of this county agree to select a hoard of first class business men and that each political party is as equally l , - resented pn the board as it is pos sible to be. In other words. to select a business board and not ft political board, and I for one will do my utmost to have my friends agree' to this proposition. Don't let us have any tight cither in the primary or the general, ??lec tion for. our commissioners, anil let. us put business before polities in the selection of these men. Vou would not get a lawyer to treat you if you were s'ck, nor would you jret a doctor to appear for you if you had a lawsuit, nor would you get a farmer to put a filling in your sooth, nor would you get a banker to do your plowing and. so on, for at the., present day each man has a special job that he can do better '.ban any one else and the day af the pai'K of all trades has gone and past, so let's select business men to transact vhe county's business. The county is a corporation and should be managed in the same manner as other corporations, that is, by a board of men who- for the county are called commissioners. and who for the corporations are called directors and these men should boj .-sleeted because they are trained to look after the business cf managing and handling big sums of money in a safe and saving manner. ?? v Politics is a nice game to play with a great deal* of exe'tement in it if a man can afford to pay the pricv but it is not fair to the tax payers of the county to have them pay out ? vast sums of money simplv to grat ify the desire >>f some politician who wishes to make a name for h niself and who is trying to advertise him self by getting into partisan poll lies and who claims that there is no > (Continued on page foun A Resolution Whereas, The boundary lines of Transylvania county make of its people one unit in the world's population, with common comiiion interests and responsibilities that are equally borne by each of the citizens, and, Whereas, Whatever concerns one of this county's citizens is of deep concern to all the balance of the citizenship, and. Whereas, The greatest care of any community is thai of administering aid to the sick and the helpless of such com munity, and, Whereas, Such community aid can best be rendered through assistance to the hospital where surgical aid and med ical attention can be provided for those of our citizens who arc j unable to pay for same. Therefore, Be It Resolved, That we. the County Comtnis jsioners in regular meeting assembled, do urge upon .ill the people of Transylvania county to observe' Easter Monday ?s [Hospital Day, and we do most earnestly request .every citizen? I to meet in Brevard on next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and ( join with their friends in the perrVrniancp of this county's sac jred duty to its sfck poor, bringing such gifts and donations a? each citizen is inclined to offer in the alleviation of the suffer ing poor of our good county. BOARD OF COUNTY- COMMISSIONERS (}. T. LYDAY. Chairman C. C. YONGUF " E. J. WHIT MIRE W. C. McCALL A. M. WHITE

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