PRECINCT MEtWCS CAllED FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON \ .11. . Vi.l ' I v'i ) ?? '. .VlW . ?hr \v"i!! J* \o? ?h ? ? r I ! : ii. .Ou? *? '1 ? 1 1 l\?lV ?>.f* ? riilivl iflirtV f"i* j'i i ' u,,ii y. i V iv!i;rt A.;Al?Vt I in I'hv JtCt ' ?!'.???'* ! ?T A V ' i A A , ?. Li i 4 i ? U- >' v- ' El?rp?i't>v.'.; f ? ?? ;??? ? i s V ' .a_ Vy "u s f.rv I V ,vv '? ;?i ..k? r* '? yflH ]V;jfi : . f5 ' ; ?? ?" ? Ladifi N i r li t Frb'.vtl M*;-.' inl in?j Me* I i 1 1 f- Work i '.i (a'j I'd Alt' \\. I\! '! li'l-ii!:' : I ' ( rilcrtaint : ?! :? Iiiy iit ?tlx- '.Shjitmsiu ?? %?; 'i ?? ' i'ick; IIS flij-'i'-'Aiiy. Titc loaded w lit. u!:. wick -1?* . ; !i IK Sinn :;!onr. cat. I !?!?:. >c. Iii tlddlUriti ! i> : be *|i| i .'! ! ii : . ? i:st?! .? l y llri'viii'd's own ! :i" I. *;hor?i .vi'ii ir.iniy "!<1 ? : ' ? ?? ? < t . ?! ii.v V: . .Mac All <>n. 'Aith I' ! in Oliiz>ni !? playing lilt* jr'iitar. A lav'ie ,UII|Ih ;? i f V ? : JH ? I'l l. Jlllil . .! ? ii the n n :< ami (lit' story - < 1 1 i ? i - . I.. 1'. Hamlin. I'i csidetit .-'lii pmaii mill -.til rs made tdiorl talks t! yi hit-It humorous incident* wnv xlaiiii. Wives nf Kiwnnians were asked liy officials: of the club to refuse to prepare dinners for tlti'ir husbands mi Thursday evenings, so attendance at the nicotinic* would be better. The iailies promised their support to the ' club. A vote of thanks was given Mr. j Shipman for having the members, their wives and friends meet at his camp. Tho band was likewise given | an expression of appreciation for the I splendid music of the evening. BREVARD VISITOR IS GIVEN HIGH HONORS! The many friends of Miss Frances Scott will bo interested in hearing that Miss Scott has recently been re-elected to serve a second year as president of the Teachers' League. This is a large organization of some 500 teachers of East Tennessee, in cluding the city of Knoxville. In July Miss Scott will go as represen tative from this organization to the American Educational Association, which convenes in Minneapolis, Minn. ? i Miss Scott will be pleasantly re membered by a large circle of friends, having spent all vacation periods and the summer months in home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Har ris, and they will be glad to hear of her success in her chosen profession. CITIZEN ON TABLE AT THE U. D. C. LIBRARY Librarian Miss Edith Hunt an nounces that the daily Asheville Cit ibzen may now be found on the reading tnble of the U. D. C. library for the use of patrons and friends the library. This is made possible rough the summer months by the Brevard High School library, through tho courtesy of Supt. J. B. Jones. W. O \v. k IUCI 1 Of'T'lCI A!. I tt i t . . I > ?v. nr, . Kl.iir/.* yv Sy?l 1 Vjayri'j i: i; ! v.'?t ? . Ali'.h'. y T;"aa*- ,A ?tr;.aai.' ;?!)?? i.'i .U.k ? I') '.i?* I; V- I]-; fh . " v'i < * ? ; i - ' . ? . ? .\L,44i i/?!i Yon-true.' I : W.kf aiul U.!i t ;lr r : liv- \'iv? .?liititv. ' ,\!i .Uy-- Pick Imuht ami iMr.i. I. }iwrt )????? ; the thr?" I.rii! \iil. Mr.-. Mamie Vor- ' di'.rv, Ai i -. i av/icnrv H??lt :i ti?l ..M :.*??= , Mary ?!< h ! a?v?l "J.erry .lir?>jm* as j Abraham l.? vm-ki. Mi>. I'. Wll- j kinV pl::y-?i tlp> piano accompniii- i ni? hty ihi ? \ I ?*? ?y ' .V./; ' K I !>??:': ? K'\ ? V n':!l? l-f- :.u :.,.-i IV-.X ? * t. . \ ' ? r.' V .-f.fv :? . ... v. w!\. ? . \ ? 1 A' . ? ? . fv;t -i : k* ;! ? lu.-t .. . ? ; li t I*. I. ? ? i;.v- ? ; ' l ? '"i':.!* M*. i'j ill. .In.*-*. r?i? ul' ' ,liu? IVnc . i iitk<.-yV ( ? *f U : ( '. K. Clarke. ?>f I he lVaci1. K;i.?tniiK? : XV. II. Sunnm y. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6 TO BE BREVARD DAY Wednesday. June 6, will lie "Bre vard Day" during tin- great Rhodo dendron Festival Wo ok. and it is ex pected that law crowds will visit this county on that day. Mrs. Wni. E. Breese and S. P. Hnmmatt are in charge of arrangements for this day. It is planned to have the visitors come from Asheville to Brevard, then to Conncsftee .Falls, Cedar Mountain, Caesar's Head, and return to Brevard for a buffet lunch at the Franklin Hotel. In the afternoon the visitors will go to Lake Toxaway, Cashiers, and on over No. 28 to the intersection of No. 10, returning to Asheville by Waynesville. The Chamber of Commerce is elated over the success of the com mittee in securing a "Brevard Day," realizing the wonderful advertising value of the occasion. It is plant to do much work for this comi ? on that day, and throughc A Festival Week. AIR MAIL SERVICE PRAISED . Last Saturday e\ o'clock, Miss Katl,J a letter in WashiJ parents, Mr. anj^ in Brevard, thra vice. The letj burg at 5 o'j and was reca noon Sunday! Many peoif mail service| son says, aj itransmittir RIDlJ Jess j [of a noi Mr. LeS At , FRANKLIN HOTEL] i'. ; SrftSo;i To As&itt I ' C firing h'or i*arly Visilos's .wul I Festival V,' i? Cro.vkila ! ? Ah?i.. n: ? I- >: ?:'(! j II itl h;is i ?. - 1 1 : !i I iui:i!!.v ' \v i i I juV.'.V ? ?? l* ? u'N'mW*!. '.y jL.iu v' I iMHth/y ! 1. i .- !) I ! : i - In . i by > a.-.on." . fx.n '? iUH't- : ! !?; J)t T.i.\ '.'V y. - '? 1 tl I ? P ? y> V: n HP ?T'T D- $ I . \x:. V - :? R . .?;? av . = ? < ? ???*? i'ct i;. i I v Album *.f l-on|_- Ago Present* . J ? Offic^r.-i Rc-Flccted for New :Ytar's Work Twehty-six ineniln rs of the BilS' II--.-.- .-mil Professional Women's rlul> nn-'. at tin* Pierce-Moore Il l!. ? A w I ? .. jsv.ct ? I. 1 i "l' ! !? I V i i ! I : \. . \V. It. I!, i*. ( . 1 .. . I Mr. Mu'lina*:. ami vvviu-1.-. < .Viii!!i t ' : .i. \\ . Burn-. f ' .*li . : " ; i : iv ; .1 .A. Simpson. Itnvard: i'oberi Alavkt-.v, l'isuah Kores; . r. I:. t unninviham, Fletchers ; "Critic" . 0:r. lircvard. ami many o:lnr in I' ll sonit U iuli rs of the two ( am iiniis. People from many sections carie to hear the singing, which was >jio nounced by "old timers" to lie .one of the most enjoyable days c v ?. i .!>? voted to this kind of work in this community. INDUSTRIAL league IS ORGANIZED HERE I I ill' jlv.i. >? . .i m ! y 'm school t?;t(li{vt for I lui , ii.-.n ro il'; " Ci <1 !? .Ilill , ,i- . a by .1. S. IVrnii ? t u'i, hr'nnau of i.lus r.1 . . ? . ?|| u i'l ..'1 1 1.0 l'u:i ? t h ?. .vi-.-.i 1 1 - ? i . . i' the '? !: '!, I III*. ;u i , fiv?ul '? *>"f , l*ii M'llCKil t>. -:i eliminated, it i .... 1. 1 1 : k : Mr; r ; . ti'dui tidli in school vxj;i*n-. s. I til' board fays. Ii ii I.. i. own for some laic thai -i ii ? 1 s. a il, with Sh|H*rin ."c n.i in f j ' ?uh ? ? i , . hi4\' 4 bi'i'ii work ii:n liard in a- t to reduce the budget ju?t much ns possible, Th? )i wj tlriit ii .ja\!i! of th-8 big sum over hiM v.-:u, wit!) the full term provided for. will be, welcome' tu ;he oilWni of !)ii> coivity. . . .... ''ill. ; ? I l1: -? hi'ol board foci if ?? ; >K >.???.:' tOiMtt'* 'ill th? .1 '. t'tuld ma!;.*. 1 iko ???? ;> _ V X!H-II.-CS. ?i " ? l-:-i a tJ'JlK" y' y , i""; ' r ? .. 'i. ? ? ? ;h< .' l-.ii-i. . V, , . '1 . ?' ? i. >.? ; anthem- ' i * ltd -r ii flee club l-ortroi-i.-1 in'.-. .- a tul girl*. all 1 Hod in tli" riuiil ]< i ? I i f . ? ' "i Vri : i 111 Tir ? Iv tU I'l'i.i;