REV. FRANK R. NAILS WAS NOT DROWNED Found in Semi-Delirious Con dition 40 Hours Afti?r Disappearance DOES NOT REMEMBER HARROWING EVENT Mother and Sister of Minister's Wife Return to Brevard, Overjoyed Rev. Frank R. Nails, reported 1 drowned last Tuesday, and who was found the following Thursday some fifty miles from home, in a seiai-i delirious condition, is reported as! making rapid recovery at his Home I in Lylesville. Intense interest was taken in the ease here, Mr. Nails j having married Miss Kdna King, of; Brevard, and was at one time Eng lish teacher in the Brevard High] school. Mrs. Cordia King, mother of Mr.-:. Nails, and Mrs. Clifton DuRant, sis- ; ter, both of Brevard, left here last i Wednesday morning upon receipt Of j the news thav Nails was missing and, reported drowned in the Pee Dee ' river. Following is an account of the circumstances, as given by Mrs.1 King to The Hrevard News: Rev; Mr, Nails and his wife left ( their home at Lyltsville on Tuesday j afternoon of last week, to lish in the ; Pee Dee river, some seven miles from j their home. After a while Mr. Nails, decided that he would take a swim, Mrs. Nails pleading with him to stay out of the water. She had not been j aware of the fact that he had , brought his bathing suit along. Mr. . Nails said his suit was in the car, i that he would change into his suit, I and be in the water but a short time. He "set" his hook in the bank, ask ing Mrs. Nails to watch out for his hook while he was away. After a while Mrs. Nails became uneasy, and went down the river in J search of her husband, to ask him to : come on out of the water. The un- ! derbrush was so thick that she could j not reach the bank of the stream, j Becoming alarmed, Mrs. Nails went > back to the place where they had j been fishing, and called to some boysj near there to help her locate Mr. j Nails. A search was made by the boys, who found Mr. Nails' shoes on the bank of the river. Nothing) .could be seen of the young minister, ! SArd-ifee alarm was given. Lylesville ?was informed, and large numbers of j people the place, A1I night Tuesday night, and! throughout the day Wednesday, and ! on through Wednesday night, a ! small army of men dragged the Pee j Dee river. Experienced divers were brought to the scene, and made ef- ! fort to locate the body that was sup- j posed to be at the bottom of vhe j river. Dynamite was used, also, in | large quantities along the river i where it might be expected that a i body would sink. At 11 o'clock Thursday morning' first word came that Rev. Mr. Nails ; was alive and had been seen. This was considered a false report and was kept from the grief-stricken wife, as it was considered dangerous to her in her frantic condition to; have any hope revived, unless it was made certain that suc h report could i be verified. , A few minutes later a telegram (Continued on page four) ! | I BIG TOURNAMENT TUESDAY,. JUNE 12 On Tuesday, June 12, a Dinner Tournament will be played on the links of the Country club, in which about 58 players will participate. ) Thos. H. Shipman is captain of one side, while Randall W. Everett is the opposing general. The two teams will be paired, and each losing player must pay for the dinner for himself and the man who bested him. ? Din- i ner will he served in the Country1 club building, with Mrs. Harry Pat- j ton and Mrs. B. H. Garner acting as hostesses. It is said much practice >v i 1 1 be had by the players before the great event, as the two captains are an cient rivals on the golf course, and each will insist upon his men doing their utmost in the contest. Captain Captain R. W. Everett ( T. H. Shipman Dick Breese Henry Carrier Ed McCoy Hinton McLeod Dr. Hardin Lawrence Holt W. W. Croushorn . . S. P. Hammatt A. O. Kyle H. Clarke Mayor Whitmire Dr. Zachary Dr. Lynch James F .Barrett Duncan MacDougald . .R- 11. Morrow H. Patton H. Shipman Rev. Monroe . . D. MacDougald, Jr. John Smith A. Trantham Jerry Jerome H. Wilson S. M. . Macfie Paul Smathers Dick Zachary Fred Miller C. P. Wilkins Rev. Crawford Mr. Barclay Dave Ward I.oy Thompson W. F. Hart Dick Zachary .... J. S. Silversteen Ladies Mrs. Macfie Miss Rose Shipman Miss Morrow Miss Barclay Nancy Macfie .... Martha Breise H's. Shipman .... Mrs. H. Patton *Mr?. Smathers Mrs. Perry Mrs. Whitmire Mr?. J. Smith Bill Aiken Janie Wliitmire Mrs Barclay . Mr?. farrier Mrs. Ward Mr*. Kyle Mrs. Silversteen .... Mrs. Evert tt Ade|nif county commisisoners in ?' session Monday. Budget for next ! ?.!!?*" ,'xl>VI"'aim's ?* prepared bv I Auditor Kizer will come before t hi- l board -as a special order of business I on tin1 -third Monday of this month. I Jh ? commissioner* with uie >ehoo board, and at an adjourned ! session met with the board of road i commissioners on Tuesday. (W . U " (.'aII,uv?.v. unt il recently j tux supervisor of the cotintv. had presented to the board a list of i jiroperty belonging to the Silverstcen j interest upon which flu- tax supervi.s 01 declared back laxes were due in' he amount of about eleven thousand | dollars. Mr. SUversteen, -through his j attorney, declared this report erron eous, and a check for the amount at issue was placed in eschrow, pend ing investigation of the matter. Re cently the board ordered that County K0 int0 the matter ? v. om W1" ? BVees?. attorney for the bilversteen interests, and make report, to the board. Messrs. Martin and Breese made I a comprehensive report 011 the prop erty involved, and found that taxes', 011 nearly all the property had been ' paid. An opinion of L>. L. English, - lawyer, on the matter was asked bv the board. Mr. English, in his re port, stated he could go no further than rendering an opinion upon the findings of Breese and Martin in the study of their detailed report, unless he first go into the records himself, which, he declared, would require several days time and an expendi jure of quite a sum of money. Mr. bnghsh s opinion concurred with that of Massrs. Martin and Breese, based, of course, upon his examination of their riport made by them. According to the report made bv Martin and Breese, Mr. Silversteen was due about $400 in back taxes, instead *>f ?11,000,- as charged up against him and his interests. The commissioners will meet again with the road board on Saturday night. J Much of the time last Monday was devoted to hearing of cases in which 1 appeals, were being made for relief by the county's indigent. It has been j' suggested that some one man or wo- ' man be appointed to hear such cases, i< and report in writing to the com- j missioners at each meeting, so the | commissioners may devote their I time to the business of the county without having to lose so much time listening to these appeals for aid. |i INTERESfGROfS IN B. B. LEAGUE . . V ' I Interest is growing in the Jndus trial Ball League since its orj^aniza tion as an amateur sports circle. j The Tanners are on top with three games won and 110 losses with Sap- , poire Mill second, having won one j ahd lost one. I Last Saturday Sapphire defeated i Carr Lumber company's team on the 1 latter's diamond, and the Tanners carried off honors in the fracas with Rosman. Schedule for the summer has been announced as follows: | Schedule June 9? Kosman vs Sapphire Mill T. T. Co. vs Carr Lbr. June 1<; ? Rosman vs T. T. Co. June 23 ? Kosman' vs Carr Lbr. | T. T. Co. vs Sapphire Mill i t ? Sapphire Mill vs Carr Lbr. July 4 ? Kosman vs Sapphire Mill Carr vs T. T. Co. July 7 ? Sapphire Mill vs Rosman I (July 14? Sapphire Mill vs T .T. Co. j I Carr Lbr. vs Kosman I July 21 ? T. T. Co. vs Kosman It 1 .o(:'iTr vs Sapphire Mill ' July 28? T. T. Co. vs Carr Lbr. ? August 2 ? T. T. Co. vs Sapphire Kosman vs Carr Lbr. * 1 August 11 ? Sapphire Mill vs Kosman August 18? Sapphire vs Carr Lbr. i Rosman vs T. T. Co. HOW THEY STAND Team W L Pet | ;T. T. Co 3 0 1000 j j Sapphire Mill 1 1 500 j | Carr Lbr Co 1 2 333 1 Rosman 0 2 000 CHICKEN DINNER FOR JUNIORS ON SATURDAY With a chicken dinner as the main drawing card, members of the Junior Order in ' Brevard are expecting a big crowd at the meeting this Satur day night. Members are to bring their families, and some especially invited guests will also be present. RF.V. V. A CRAWFORD WILL PREACH SUNDAY j Rev. V. A. Crawford announces | that he has reutrned from Charles ton. S. where he was called on I account of the death of his brother. | and will occupy hi- pulpit .1! ' h I'resh.v terinn church "*? n< \t Sunday fur the regular services. Flag Day Will Be Celebrated 'Heve Flap l'ay, June 14. will l>c ob served ill Brevard on that date, with, an appropriate program rendered at 7 o'clock in the evening on the court house lawn. The service will be un der the auspices of the local chap ter of the D. A. R., with the assist- 1 Rnee of different clubs of the town , ?nd the boy scouts and girl scouts. | A speaker for the occasion will ? be secured, who will talk on matters relative to the proper respect and 1 use of the national Hap. Members j of the local scout troops will also participate on tire program, and the i municipal band will render patriotic I musical selections. A cordial in vita- j ton is extended to all people of the town and county to be present on this occasion. TO HOLD MEETINGS AT THE NOON HOUR Kiwanis Club Changes Time of. Meeting from Evening | Hour to Noon Time Brevard Kiwanis club has changed ? meeting hour to noontime, and all I members are requested to take no- ' tic." that the luncheon this Thursday ! will be at 12:15, prompt and on the! dot. The meeting has been held each; Thursday evening, and the change to ; the noon hour was made for several ? reasons, chief among them being the j fact that many members cannot at- j tend the evening meeting. Then it | is pointed out that nearly all the j clubs throughout the country hold their meetings at the noon hour, j and as there are to be many Ki- } vvanians here during the summer, it is considered to the advantage of j Ihe visitors that the meetings be j held at noon. Notices have gone out to all mem- ' be rs, and this additional reminder is to further impress upon the member- ' ship the change in the meeting hour. .4. PASTOR'S BROTHER I EN FATAL ACCIDENT Hi' v." V.. A: Crawford was called to Charleston, S. C., last Thursday on account of the news of the sud den' death^of his brother, Richard T. Crawford." who was knocked from the new Cooper bridge, and was drown ed in the waters below. Funeral ser vices were held Saturday afternoon in the Episcopal ch'urch of that city. Mr. Crawford was a civil engineer and was engaged in work on the new bridge when the sad accident occur red. It is thought he was struck by some of the bridge material and probably fatally injured before fall ing into the water. Surviving are his widow and two small children, besides his mother and father, two sisters' and one brother. Rev. Mr. Crawford. ROSMAN REVIVAL GREATLY ENJOYED Rev. A. L. Aycock, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, concluded on Tuesday night a ten-day revival meeting in the Rosman Methodist church. Much interest was manifest in the series of meetings, a good attend ance was in evidence at each service, and splendid gospel messages were delivered each night by Rev. Mr. Ay cock. The opinion is expressed by many who have been in attendance at the various meetings that much good will result to the members of the church and to the community of Rosman as a whole, on account of the searching messages of the Bible which were preached during this series of meet ings. ? ? HOLT MAKES HOLE IN ONE ON THREE Lawrence Holt made a holr in-onc Tuesday morning on tho vjolf course. It was on No. thrro that Mr Holt madf the unusual i drive. DEMOCRATS MEET | NEXT SATURDAY! To Choose Delegates to the State Convention ? Meet ing Hour 11 A.M. Democrats of Transylvania county will meet next Saturday morning in the court house, at 11 o'clock, and select delegates to the state conven tion to be held in Raleigh on the 12th of the month. Two weeks ago the precincts selected delegates to attend the , coming county conven tion to be held this Saturday. . . delegates will be selected in the meeting Saturday and go to Ra leigh, and assist in selecting the state delegation to the National con vention to be held in Houston, Texas, on June 2(5, when a candidate for the presidency and a vice will | bo named. It is expected that a large nura- j ber of people will attend the meet ing to be held here Saturday morn- | ing. ' - ' . " ' LITTLE INTEREST j IN THE PRIMARY! j Last Saturday's primary created > but little interest in Transylvania j county, as the voting was confined to j the state ticket alone, there being no j eoumy contests in vithc r political j pary. In some of the precincts >v> 1 election at all was held, it is said. In the contest for commissioner of labor and- printing, M. J.. Shipman rvceived 108 voles, the highest cast1 in the primary. Mr. Shipman is well known here, having at one time been editor ?f the county paper here. i Crist was given -11 votes, while; l'etorson received nine. R. T. Fountain, for lieutenant governor, received 137 votes, v.' hi I his nearest oppon< nt, Hurgwyn, had | only f>!t votes in the county. Lang- : st on. ' running thirH, received 15 j votes. Mr. Kounta. s lead is due , 1-iig. ly to the fact that Mrs. T. J. i Wilson was interested in his candi- 1 i!acy and worked among her friends | for Fountain's success. Mr. Wilson, legislative member from this county, and Sir. Fountain are close friends. PICNIC ENJOYED 1 BY BIBLE SCHOOL I Concluding the four weeks' session of the Summer Bible school, a pic 'nic was held for the children who1 had been in attendance, on Friday i , at I.aurel Forks, and a most enjov jable event was pronounced by all the children in attendance. | The churches sponsoring the school (wish to publicly express their thanks |to the following people who helped make the Summer Bible School a success: To the teachers, Misses ijulia Skinner, Lucile Wike. Bernico Bridges, Flora Lyday, Pearl Lyday, lA. Monroe, Mary Johnson. T<> those who furnished cars for the picnic: Mrs. H. A. I'lunimer. 'Mrs. il. I.. Wilson, Claude Cantrell, I.. I'. Hamlin, Fred Harris. Kd Rat iton, Mrs, J. M. Allison. W. H. Crogan, Mr. Ward, Dr. K. S. Kng- j li,h. Mr. Simpson, H. II.. Ramsey, Kd I.oftis,' Mrs. R. W. Everett. W. A. Monroe, Mary Johnson. To the merchants who gave free lemonade to the children : T. M, Miteh-ll. R- iid-r's S'!nr . Ilnrrv S.-l! ? . ; A A- 1* i . r-. '. rv ! ? of \ A- I' Sl?o I '?! n. !'u' it v Product'' company f'-r BKEVARi/ ^iVENifi 0VM1OS Town Tahos Part !:i I in.-:- ^ RilOcivul ll.'.vn ?\,';i:;i.?t at Asiieville ICO BREVARD PEOPLE TOOK PART IN PLAY' Presents Rhododendron Scene 1 from China ? Bronifield In Leading Role I Fur a few hours last Tuesday evc ; 'hk' Ioimiuk Twentieth , ' i.suiy c r. i|i land of j . . iliy.atioi'.. .i. Mined the character of j '. ?? Chiiic; of many centuries ago, , 1 i'oiI wiili j; di".!g<*" and worship- ' . I ill.' (. >< !, , .1!'. Mem-;,'. oll'ering i : i I h;' blossom.- <'f tlic Uhododcn- J tl< she might f'fr , ; . . ? Lfloiii,' Iruni :1k . I'. mon i-aminc . . .1::". '.iin atei < d Ihvm. The oc- *i*ioM wu- tin* big Khodod*.' ndriM pap an! * 1. at Ashe villi*, :.*i which seven 1 ? pui't it ij' if; A cast of about !j '?.'ii* thousand people took part in .the* ; afc*? ant, while Brevard hail muri''; Vsiiiij o.iii* hundred men and women' in 1 theepisode presented by local talent.)1 Throughout the < mire pageant, 1' the Khodod* udi'on Blossom was tliej-' center of thought,, of action, of P sight. This mountain flower which 1 ' grows more beautifully in Western 1 North Carolina than any where else 1 in thi world, was given a place of ' prominence and permanence in the i* affaii- of this s. etio'n through the ! presentation of the pageant. I1 All \:>e Brevard people played their'] parts well, and Mrs. 0. L. Erwin, |j general chairman of the oonuniltcei! 011 arrangements for the Brevard cp- j, isodo, has been hitrhly complimented |.: for tli.* success attained. Mrs. llugh 1 It. Walker was the Goddess of Mercy, j' while J. S. Bromlield had the leading!1 part and played it like a veteran of jj the stage. There is. not time to tell r in detail . lie fine work done by each,' individual for Brevard. J Miss Edith Russell of Asheville, 1'. hail full charge of the pageant, hay- 1( ing written the parts and planned thei, whole affair. It is believed the pag-!j eant will prove out to be one of thei. really big events in the Rliododen- ! ' dron Festival Week now being cele brated in this section. SAYS THIS COUNTY j FINE FOR POTATOES:; ? i> Became of the high altitude and ? the splendid quality of the soil of this county the agriculture depart- . ' ment of the Southern Kailway com- ' pany is making effort to interest the ' farmers of Transylvania county in i * growing certified seed potatoes. Ac- i cording to authorities, potatoes that.}, are to be used as seed must be grown j j in a high altitude. Julian Glazener , vocational agri- ' culture teacher of the Brevard High ; . School, has long contended that the 1 farmers of this county ought to make j the growing of potatoes for set-d |j their chief object. And now the ex perts connected with the Southern ' Railway company, after thorough j J examination and many tests, make; the same analysis as that of Air. ' J Glazener. Friends of the latter ex pei'ienec new pride in the local ; tt acher's knowledge of farming. Mr. Kelley, of the Southern Rail- ' way, or Mr. Glazener will be glad to I j d;scuss the question With any inter- , ested farmers, until the arrival of 1 Mr. Gaston, the new farm agent, who ' is scheduled to begin work the first 1 1 of July. PREDICT HOOVER | WILL BE DEFEATED' l< I' Members of the republican nation- ] al executive committee are now in , Kansas City, making final prcpara tions for the big event on next Tut'.s- 1 day. when candidates for the Presi- | d**ncy and vice presidency are to he 1 named for the ?*<>niiug campaign am; ? election. It is understood that but few of North Carolina's delegation will support Hoover, now apparently the * leatlintr candidate for the nomina- 1 tion. Republcians Who are in posi- 1 tion to know something of the senti- | ment over the country, however, are emphatic in their assertions that 1 Hoovqr will not be named in l he n Kansas City convention. H MANY VISITORS IN j! i THIS SECTION NOW I! < 1 i Many visitors to Western North Carolina are in Brevard this week, several tours arranged by the ! Rhododendron Festival being routed jthrouph this section to points of in- , ; terest in this county. Waterfalls, j I tli.- Pink Beds. Caesar's Head, Toxa- j way and the Beautiful Sapphire ? Country, all heinir visited by the j ih'.ii'.r- >>f visitors to the festival. account of the manner in which | the ; tii- were arranged, it was found impracticable to have A Bre- ; vard Day. as had been planned, the ei'i.wd-' preferring to come and go at : ?vil!. s..e**u: as n uch as possible in ,!a\" lini*. Ii i-J btiiev.d tint h I!' . . ? .!? * 1 , ; ? . . j- ? * ; . - i : - I 1 *i ??/? ;*'{.?* r. ' I a , ' I Ail.i ? ?? V ?? ??> ..?S ? VSiWj J.u i K JU t Sui.uiKuy t i \7?>rl; CtsiHncrf ul |Viorr?iu'4' ? ? viC<.J L" work i-rfum. plishcd by ih:. chuvvh uring the past live years, all of whirl) t?' the fact that this church ha- b.-.n lu-ortVor'n- iKr in. r th '? ? 1 1 is : t prest-nt in a thriving conn; n, t ? t h (?M.utilly a?d materially. il was, brought out iti Kev, .M r. Hai'tsell's review of - tlie pnsi y.?avs' history of the local church that 20 I'ears ago the )'m 'cut church edifice ivas er-'ctcd -and that nothing further in the' way of building had bten :lone until in 1924, wiieu the hand wine new pastorium was erected on the lot adjoining the church, at a lost of approximately $10,000, and is generally rated as one of the fin est. pastor's homes to be found any where in' the state; Other evidences jf growth of the past five years are to be found in the erection of an imposing rock wall around the pas torium and church property, at an approximate cost of $700, the erec tion of the modern and well-equipped! three-story Sunday school building, ivith 35 rooms conveniently arranged Eor the different de.partrv- s :ost approximating $21,000. ? jva pianos are now in use for the differ >nt departments of the Sunday school. One-quarter of an acre lot ind a dwelling house has been pur chased by the church at a cost of >10,000, totaling the church property xt the present time, to an amount, of me-half an acre in the heart of ihe ;ity. ? The entire property of the Baptist church at this time is valued it not less than $75,000, it was jointed out. Not only is growth evidenced it) he amount of property acquired. but ilso a decided increase is noteil in he church and Sunday school en rollment during the past five vravs. V total of 285 members has b?cn idded to the church roll during this ime, making a total membership at present of 546, and the Sunday ichool has grown from an enrollment >f 100 to 400 pupils, with 40 teach es and officers in the various de partments, under the superintend ;ncy of Julian A. Glazener. A full graded W. M. U. ' is now in active working order, with five B. Y. P. O. organizations doing splendid work, ind five years ago there was only one 3. Y. P. U. . It is the first time in the history jf this church that the same pastor las remained for five years, with ?egular full-time preaching services .?very Sunday, all of which comomed ndicate a thriving condition of the :hureh from practically every as pect, pointing to the fact ilia'. 1 'V many ways the church has ncconv |)lished more in five years, both iiia terially and spiritually, than in per haps the past 40 years. Other features of this service on Sunday morning were special musical selections from the choir and trie I'hurch orchestra, all of which added much to the occasion. GOING TO CANADA TO ATTEND MEET IU-y. and Mrs. Wallace Hailstll mid two children will leave on ;vlon iiay for a motor trip to Toronto, Canada, going with other Baptist pastors from various sections of the country, to attend the session "7 tnfc Baptist World Alliance meet inu in that city from June 23-30. ''""J*,1 be the largest meeting of , , rl tist denomination in the worlci. '? -Hiking feature "f which will U ;m roll call of nations. Mr Hart sell and family will >,' iw'av from Brevard for a months vacation, returning home through the New England states, visiting his toric points of interest in that sec tion of the country. Rev. Mr. Hartsell is conducting ?