FLOWER SHOW WAS 1 GREAT SUCCESS \ . Winn?jr# Awarded Blue ant Red Ribbons ? Show Pronounced Good Oreat success attended Brevard'i hi.M w?5nUi J fl0W('r show< which Wft! hold Wednesday of last week, ? " I ,'.v th!' Women's Bureau, and w'i! !l 1 '.'fidents and tourist. >e in attendance during; the af dr0atO'i,,?o.'Lre"inK ?',eni"K hours, event ,1 Is ?"?nifest in the ?. s;?;, zx'^Tir ? m.c. cions of the county. Hundreds of cTudhil Were '? the show, in cluding a varied assortment of home-grown flowers, wild flowers potted plants and a variety of ferns' otto Busp1^88' ,a;?? and 'K and n? ? ck.', of Mfddlemount rietv n??FP ? / . eve,y known va riety, predominated in the display Gardens, Asheville, judged the ex bon^Y award,n* a total Of 71 rib number 1*7 M Uny uuinntrs' 0f Whkh ed >s fi?i ue r,bbons were award for ^?,?,i P-,ze' and 34 "d ribbons ioi second winners. Mrs. W, E. Breese was "eneral ?howm?h.in Char>Jt; of the"flower Fr^U, ab'y .assisted by Mrs. O. L. Burin, \ prP3.,dent the Women's Bureau, and members of other com ^ rVnClUDdin? Mrs- R- E- Law Pe rr v' r^l?' u ab Zachary, Mrs. >?rGalloway? Mrs. H. A. Plum s* Y. Neel, Mrs T H Shj^p^n Mrg. c E Qrri Mrs ^de town ' y?Ung lad'eS ?f thL' an d G trl Scouts! e n 1 a tl vc s ?* the Boy An added feature of the flower fanev HUnnP th? afternoon was the Boston r Thi? P^Kram included a mil tary_d*nce by Mollie Belle Dru etta Dorothy Hale and Mary Br dfeoSr:rfJ?/ 7 d3nce by Dlanche Bradford Hayden; musical comedy oth vhT i'e uBflle Druetta, Dor o k r.?n LMary Holmes; toe p n y- Blanche Bradford Hayden. in IK flW,ng \a list of the entries }? '?wer show and the names of the entrants with the prues award Blue Ribbon Winner* Camp Illahee, lobelia; Mrs. T. H p v^vf.n\rr?ckDgaJden : CamP Il'ahee, exhibit, Mrs. R. L. Gash, collection; E^abeth Duckworth, wild flowers; r o ??e Camp, wild flowers; Mrs. ^ ' i Ha>nes, nasturitums; Mrs. Fred Johnson, gladiolas; Mrs. J. M. Zach ary, petunias; Mrs. David Ward garden flowers. Miss Daisy Norton, Egyptian moss; Mrs. Joe Pickelsimer, gardinia; Mrs. Ash worth, marigolds; Thelma Orr, zinnias; Mrs. Harry Perry, ruffle Mrf ' u iS' a-' He"ry> geranium; Mrs. Hale Simard, begonia, Miss Daisy Norton, begonia; Mrs. Tim Cowan, begonia; Mrs. P. N. Simons, begonia; Mrs. John Maxwell, inspir ation; Mary Maxwell, Mina Bugle dahlia; Mrs, Luther .Wilson, asters;, ?'""a T ^rav", collarette dahlias; Mrs. J. W, Chapman, blue achemise; Mrs. Hale Simard, patient plant. Mrs. John Maxwell, dahlias; Mrs. Luther Wilson, phlox; Mrs. Lee Dal toti, colia; Mrs. T. Dodsworth, dah lia collection; Mrs. Cowan, begonia; Miss Julia Deaver, dahlia; Mrs. Nell Wilson, dahlia; Mrs. Yongune, collec tion. Red Ribbon Winners Camp Keystone, exhibit; Mrs. H. A. Plummer, nasturtiums and glad iolas; Mrs. Cowan, Mont Brezia; Miss Daisy Norton, achiminese; Mrs. Jenkins, verbenia and heliotrope; Mrs. W, E. Breese, mixed collection; Mrs Simard, marigold; Mrs. J. M. Zachary, zinnias; Mrs. Lee Dalton, fern, Mrs. Beasley, fern; Mrs. F. H. Holden, lavendar hydrangea; Mrs. t ?!.' Gallamore, ivy geranium; Mrs. J. M. Zachary, dahlias; Miss Martha Kos well, begonia; Miss Marv Max well, Rosa Nell dahlia; Mrs,' John la nx well, seedling dahlia. Mrs. Siniard, asters; Mrs. Dalton, ferns and sunflowers; Mrs. J. M. Zachary, phlox; Lee Kilgore, white dahlias; Mrs. Banks Nicholson, ice plant; Mrs. John Maxwell, Margaret Wasson dahlia; Mrs. Fred Johnson, colia; Mrs. G. F. Glazener, sultana; Mrs. Ada Reid, yellow dahlias; Camp Illahee, milkwert; Mrs J M Williams, dahlias; Mrs. R. A. Con ley, dahlias; Miss Julia Deaver, dah lias. ZACHARY REUNION DREW LARGE CROWD With a large number of relatives and friends present, the Zachary reunion held its nineteenth annual meeting last Saturday. Descendants of Col. John A. Zachary and his wbo 8ettled Cashiers Valley in !X35, formed an association nine teen years ago, to meet one each year, on the last Saturday in each August, at the cemetery where the bodies of the pioneer Zacharys lie buried. During the business session of the association, Dick Zachary, of Bre vard. was named president of the association to succeed his father, the late Ralph H. Zachary, whose death occurred since the reunion one year ago. Many members of the Zachary family were present from distant points, and the all-day session, wit! a great nicnie dinner at noon, was t most enjoyable affair, as it brought relatives together who had not seer one another since the reunion oni year ago. A resolution was adopted to eree1 a monument to the memory of Ralpl -acnary, because of his great wori ???0r5an,/ ? and Promoting the in i. association, and be k J" b!*h p'teem in which hi ?as held by his relatives, A' I" A>'cock nr>f the organization: . Pat Kimzey was elected president .if the club, and Grady Kilpatrick was selected as secretary. A pre cinct chairman was named for each ? ri'cinct in the county, and these, .Vith Messrs Kiinzey and Kilpatrick, constitute the board Of directors of 'lie Young Men's Democratic Club of Transylvania County Each precinct chairman under the plan of organization is to be held responsible for organization of his precinct Following are the precinct chair men : Brevard No.' 1 ? C. Y. Patton. Brevard No. 2 ? -Clyde Ashworth. Brevard No. 3 ? P. W. Jenks. Boyd ? Joe Lyday. Catheys Cree^ ? Arthur Whitmire. Dunn's Rock? Frank King. Eastatoe ? Elmer Gillespie. East Fork ? -Charlie Gravely. Gloucester No. 1? Allen McCall. Gloucester No. 2 ? Fred Fisher. Hogback? Otto Alexander. ' , Rosman ? Will Moore. T .it tie River? Frank Shuford. Chairmen of the administrative c mmittees- have been appointed, each of Whom will name the balance of their respective committees. These chairmen were named as follows: Program committee, Ralph Ram sey. Finance Commitee, Hunter Martin. Advertising, Dick Breese. Publicity, Eck Sims. Organization, C. A. Mull. This administrative committee is to work with the central county com mittee. GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTED IN TIES One of the most enthusiastic tour naments ever held on the local golf course was played last Thursday ?afternoon, when a large number of local people and several tourists participated in'the foursomes. The scores resulted as follows: Tying for first place were Dick Breese and Nancy Macfie, and Rand all Everett and Mrs. H. A. Plummer, bi'th couples scoring 43. Coming in for a close second were Harry Pat ton and Mary Louise Croushorn, , with 45, and Mayor T. W. Whitmire and Mr. Kamniar, scoring 46. Dan MacDci-'rall, of Atlanta, play ing with Bob Hummer, Dick Breese and Sandy Woodman, is said to have ? shot the best "olf for tourists this ason, shooting three 46's. Mr. MacDougall has been in Brevard the past two weeks, and is very enthus iastic over Brevard' splendid golf course. BUREAU MEETING MONDAY, 3 O'CLOCK September meeting of the Wo men's Bureau will be held next Mon day at 3:30 o'clock at the Chamber i of Commerce. A full attendance is ' desired. ? Meeting of the directors of the ' Bureau will be held Friday afternoon >. of this week at the regular place of i meeting. i . t NOTICE TO CREDITORS i I have this day purchased the i equipment, stock, accessories and godo will of R. G. Lumsden, former fc occupant of the Broad Street Fill > ing Station in Brevard, N. C. This t is a notice to all persons and firms - who may be creditors of th?' former - tenant, to present their accounts to t me within fifteen days from this date. At the expiration of this time I will no longer consider them. i ? Uobt. U. GARRETT. Auicusl 29, 1928. to. to. Ut VAULT IS CALLED BY DEATH Well Known Southern Railway Engineer Passes In 72nd Year (Asheville Citizen) W. 'W. (Daddy) DeVault. 72, of 204 Patton Avenue," died last night at 1 1:10 o'clock following an illness of 10 weeks. Death resulted from 'complications which set in following a sinus operation. No hope for his recovery has been held for the past five days. Mr. DeVault was the second oldest man on the Southern Railway, serv ing as an engineer on the Asheville Division. lie was well known throughout this sectioii and had many friends. I Surviving are his wife, two daugh ters, Mrs, J. O. Barrett, of Brevard, and Miss Katherine Devault of Asheville, and two sons, W. B., of Durham, and R. Ray, of Asheville, all of whom were at the bedside when the end came. He is also survived by two brothers, Frank and Ed, of Glen Alpine,, and two sisters, Mrs. Marshall McLean, of Gibbonsville, and Mrs. Columbus Sigmon, of Nebo. Mr. DeVault was born in Burke county, but lived in Asheville for 32 years. He was never late for duty in 38 years with the Southern Rail way. He was a loyal and faithful employe, and had many . friends among the high ranking oicials of the road, particularly R. E. Simpson, general manager of Southern Lines West. Funeral arrangements have, not been completed, and will be an nounced later. Mr. DeVault was a member of the Haywood-Bethel Methodist church and served as a steward in that church. He was also a member ;0f the 'Brotherhod of Loco motive engineers. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barrett and family have been in Asheville sev eral days,- called there by the serious . illness of Mrs. Barrett's father. JOINESiOVESlO j FINE NEW BUILDING ; . ! Joines Motor company, local deal- ; crs for Ford cars, is moving into the company's new home, which is rap idly nearing completion, at the cor- | lier of Main and Caldwell streets. Formal opening of the new building will be observed as soon as the fin- | ishing touches can be put to the new structure. I Mr. S. K. Joines, manager of the company, has been confined to his home with illness for some days, and 1 this has caused delay in completing the building, which is to be one of the town's best business houses. TRIBUTE PAID TO j LATE REV. BOWEN (By E. D. RANDOLPH) Rev. J. M. Bowen died Wednesday morning, August 10, at his home in Jackson county, near Wolf Moun tain. Death was due to heart fail ure. He had been in poor health for some time, but was able to be about the affairs of the home. Mr. Bowen was born March 31, 1866 and died at the age of 62 years, four months and 1.5 days. He accepted the Lord in early manhood. For years he lived an active church member and was later ordained a minister of the gospel at the age of 21. He was married to Mrs. Ar thur Nelson and to them were born six children, five girls and one son, including, Mrs. Olivia Galloway, Mrs. Ila Galloway, both of Wolf Mountain, Mrs. Bessie Curlee, of Brevard, Mrs. E. D. Randolph and Mrs. Ina Woodard, both of Rosnvan, and little Cannon, who died in in fancy. The deceased is survived by his wife, five children, one brother, three sisters, and a host of friends. His remains were laid to rest in the Owen cemetery at Wolf Mountain. SEVENTHGRADE EXAMS FRIDAY Seventh grade examinations will be repeated at the Brevard High School building Friday August 31 at 8:30 A.M.. for the benefit of those who for any reason failed to take it in the spring. CHANGE IN HOURS AT THE U. D. C. LIBRARY Beginning Saturday. September 1. the opening hours of the U. D. C. Library will change from the sum mer schedule, the library to be open only in the afternoons from 2 to 6. The librarian's report for the week ending August 27 shows that 277 books were in circulation during the ,nast week, with an attendance of 262 and five new members. Among the recent books added to the shelves is the World Book in ten volumes, which contain much valu able information and reference, and all school children are urged to take advantage of these books in their school work. ! The following books have been shelved recently: "The Love Nest" by Lardncr; "Mother of Gold" by Hough; "Glor ious Apolln" by Barrington; "Leave ito Psmith" by Wodehouse; "Arnold Watcrlow" by Sinclair; "Benoni" by Hamsum; "Over the Footlights" bj, I-a-acock; "The Money Puzzle" h\ Beresford; "Primitive Culture iti Greece" by Rose; "Autumn" "Tht P'-asants" by Revmond; all donated bv Mrs. F. R. Booth; ".lnsselyn'i Wife" bv N'orris, donated bv Mrs. S M. Macfio. i CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! FOR RENT? Funished apartment in I comparatively jiew house. Two or three rooms with bath ? hot water I lieat. Apply Mrs. J. F. Zachary, j phojie 272. It? [WANTED? 500 bushels Peach Seed | ' saved from the small native var ieties, We pay highest cash prices. TITUS NURSERY COMPANY, Way nesboro, Virginia. 4tc 30S<>- 13-20 SPECIAL RATES for September at / "Kum-Inn" the most beautiful [season 'in the mountinas, also cater ing to private dinners ? or supper parties. Box 313, Brevard, N. C. AWS6JT (WANTED. . A cook, good wages. Chestnut Hill Farm, Brevard, N. iC. A30S6c iFOR SALE ? New six room house, 'and 4 acre lot, Gocd spring and or chard. Close to highway, church and [school at Calvert. See Loii Chap man, Calvert, N. C. 30 S6- 13-20 [ 6 LOTS on Hillcrest Heights. Will | sell at reduced price or will ex ! change for small acreage out of town. Address Box 743. City. 4tp 23-30 Sep6-13 1 cows- seven grown' hogs; 40 pigs, 2 months old. See Mrs. A. C. Mc Call, Brevard. ltp WILLIAM E. McDONALD William E. McDonald, of Gulf port, Miss., and a former resident of Brevard, died at his home on Mon day, August 13, following a brief illness caused by a stroke. He was in his 83rd year. Surviving are his wife, who was formerly Miss Betty Armfield, also a Brevard resident for several years, and both made many friends in this section. Five sons of Mr. McDonald also survive. . NAMUR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Claud Reid are spending a few days this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Reid. I ? Mrs. John Hinkle was the after noon caller on Mrs. Susan Green Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hinkle were the week-end guests of the former's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinkle. ? John Hinkle went South Tuesday after a load of peaches. Miss Flora Hinkle was the week end guest of Miss Flora Reid, of Oakland. , : Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cash called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hinkle Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cash were the j Sunday dinner guests of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinkle. Gertrude Hinke, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hinkle, is suffering from a cut foot. PERSONALS Miss Nolle John >oti, who for ih" past two weeks, hu.< been visiting her parents, Mr. unit Mrs. J'oo Johnson in North Brevard, has rctu rneil t> ' Biltmore, Hospital where she will eontjuue her training. I Mr. Ray Yeoman <>f Henderson ville, whs a Brevard visitor Sunday. I Mr. Lionel Wilson of Robbinsville, visjited his aunt, Mrs. Joe Johnson of North Brevard, last Sunday, j William Whitesides, a former em ploye of The News, was a visitor in town Wednesday. | Mrs. John M. Palm, of Greenville, lis visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. M. Feaster. \ , | W. L. Mull, accompanied by a party of Greenville people are on a motor trip to New York City, Nia gara Falls and othor points of in terest in the East. | Mrs. A. A. Hamlet is visiting for several weeks in the eastern part of the state. j Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ramsey are moving from the Zachary apartment into the Gene Stanberry house on l Maple street. I Mrs. Charlie Weaver and daughter, i Nancy, left Monday for their liome in Apex, after spending the sum mer with the former's sister, Mrs. Ed Gillespie. I T. A. English and son, Daii, spent several days on business in Spruce i Pine last week. j Mrs. T. J. Hunter and niece, 'Mary Frances Case, of Swannanoa, I spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. E. Clay ,ton. i Mrs. C. M. Douglas spent Wednes day in Rutherfordton visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Starrette. I Mrs. Frank Gaffney and daughter, | Ethel, of Greenville, are visiting Mrs. Gaffney's sister, Mrs. Ed Gilles pie. Jack Johnson, of Biltmore, was a Brevard visitor Tuesday. Lawrence Holt and Rush Whit mire were Asheville visitors Monday. Mack Johnson, of Augusta, Ga., was a Brevard visitor Tuesday. He vras accompanied on his return to the Georgia city by his wife, who has been visiting for several weeks her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Miller. GERTRUDE BELLE HIPP . ENTERTAINS BOSTON SCHOOL Mis Gertrude Belle Hipp was host- i ess at an informal party at her | home "Kipp's Shack" Tuesday eve ning .entertaining in honor of the faculty of the Boston School of ex pression. Music and readings by members of the faculty and students of the school were' enjoyed. Dancing was also an enjoyable feature of the oc casion. Refreshments, were served during the evening. 6 6 6 j Cures Chills ar.d Fever, j Intermittent, Remittent and I Bilious Fever due to Malaria, j It Kill* tk. G?> INTESTINAL STASIS,E?3?2 bleforu rnaj jflty ( t humuuilU- ? "6W'h U claimed by f jnv eminent autjioritiyt/ Symptom# warning of dan'^pr are, dlzzinn*?, coated tonKn?, bad tasto of ir.orninjfH.Kttr bid bri-ut1), p.ilj/itution.bhortnyaa of bri^th, jaundice, pulciia &ido u.idback, apecka bo i ore tbo eye?, etc. A aafe, rHiable, apeody remedy la DR. THACHIN'8 VKOHTAULC SYRUP, obtainable of alt dottier*, In t>0c ana $1.20 bottle*. * *? Davis-Long Drug Co. Phone 85 ? Brevard, N. C. $AM B. CRAIG Attoney-at-Law masonic temple' PICKENS. S. C. | Office Phone 39 Res. Phone 18 NEW YOKKj