personal Happenings Miss ^nnie Y.ongue,. who was op crated on at the Transylvania hos pital last Monday for appendicitis, is making s-plendid progress in her recovery, it it reported from the hospital. Mrs. T. J. Allen and son, Toni, Jr., and Miss Helen Cadwallader left this week for Dallas, Texas, after having spent the hummer at Arcana, summer home of the Cadwalladera. Mrs. Paul Benedict has moved in to her home on Main street, having spent the summer months at the Waltermire hotel. Mrs. W. P. Whitmire and niece, Miss Thelma Deaver, of Henderson ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. P. S. King. i Miss Gevaldinc Barrett has been ill for several days with a severe k cold. Roycr M'eCall and family, who , liave been living at Hillcrest for the 1 past ' year, have moved to Marcia, >>'cw Mexico. ? Mrs,, L. D. Martin, who has been ill for sometime, is improving. I Mr. Benjamin Ciola, of Fort Pierce, Fla., has returned from a three months tour of Italy and other European countries has re turned and is now with his family who have spent the summer at Hill crest, North Brevard. Mr. Ciola and family expect to leave shortly for their Florida home. Mrs. William Arnold, and daugh ter, Katherine, of Jonesboro, N. C,, who spent the month of August with Mrs. Arnold's mother, Mrs. John Patton at Davidson River, left Mon- ( day for their home. W. L. Mull has returned from a | two weeks' visit to New York, Nia gara Falls and Canada. He reports an unusually pleasant visit. ^ Miss Estelle Harris, who ha? been > connected with the Western Union for the past, two months, has been transferred to Waynesville. ; Miss Lila Brackens is spending i the week-end in Charlotte, with frionds. Mrs. Cordia King was a week-end i visitor in AshevillS with her brother, I Mr. Charles Jollay. ( 'Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters and ^ daughters, Misses Willie Kate and Ruth, and Harold Whitmire motored 1 to Leesburg, Va., where Miss Ruth I will teach in the county schools. All I other member of the party have re turned to Brevard. i INTESTINAL STASIS.iLSS >! He for ft majority of human ilia ? 85% is claimed by * aomo eminent authorities. Symptoms warning of } ) danger arc, dizzinuw, coated tongue, bad taste of mornings, gas. bad breath, palpitation, ahortness of ; ' breath, jaundlre, pains in side ond back, specks be* , ? foretheeyw, etc. A aafe, reliable, speedy remedy la DR. THACHKR'S VROKT ABLK SYRUP, obtainable of all dealer* in 50c and 11.20 bottlM. Dayis-Long Drug Co. sae 8S ? Brevard, N. C. X Mrs. W. R. Gillespie and children have returned home after having spent a month with Mrs. Gillespie's parents, M*. and Mrs. J. H. Met cal?, at Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Bagwell of Spartanburg, are visiting relatives and friends in Brevard. Phydell Orr, who has been con nected with Simpson barber shop during the summer, is now at his home in Blantyre. Mrs. Frank Carr and son, Junior, are in Jacksonville, visiting rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Calhourn Haskell of Greenville, were here last Satur day. Misses Mildred and Josephine Clayton , left Sunday for Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga., to enter their freshman ye??r. Mrs. Cos Paxton of Greenvlile, was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. Overton Erwin and sisters, Mrs. Rube Lewis and Miss Kather ine Erwin left last Friday for a visit to their sister, Mrs. Lamar Lewis, in Wilmington. Frank Duckworth left Tuesday for Lexington, Va., to join the force of Mr. \y. W. Latta in the news paper contest work. Leon English |s another Brevard boy working with Mr. Latta. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Williams and Mrs. Williams' , sister, Mrs. Mc Gowan and Rev. and Mrs. Jim Mc Gowan, of Akron, Ohio, are visit ing in Rosman where Rev. Mr. McGowan is conducting a revival, Mrs. Trowbridge ana Miss Alma rrowbridge are spending several :lays at Weayerville, guests of Rev. C. H. Trowbridge. Misses Jewel and Thelma and Mr. Winston Ash worth have re turned to their home here after visiting friends in Tennessee and West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs.. L. L. Daniels, Mrs. M. C. Daniels and Miss Beatrice Dan els spent Sunday in Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. N. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pushell will spend Saturday jnd Sunday in Hendersonville, at :ending religious services held in connection with the Jewish New If ear. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Foxman will eave Friday for Asheville where :hey Will attend religious services of he Jewish New Year. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Williams have noved to Elizabethton, Tenn., where Mr. Williams is engaged in business. Mr. L. Pushell returned Tuesday :rom New York, where he spent the jjwt' ten days purchasing new fall ?nd winter goods for Pushell's De >artment store. While in New York Mr. PuShell witnessed the double leader game between New York and I hiladelphia, played there last Sun lay. Mrs. Tory and family, who have spent the summer at the Norwood ftouse with Mrs. F. P. Sledge, have eturned to their home in Tampa, F"la. C. B .Haynes, of New York City, s visiting in Brevard, the guest of lis father, Dr. L. B. Haynes. Mr.' and Mrs. Poteat, of North. Brevard, are visiting relatives and friends in Winston-Salem this week.. BOYLSTON NEWS J. L. Ledbetter made a trip to Brevard on business last Saturday. J. G. Holden attended the Holden reunion at Mills River, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. England of Silver Creek, were Boylston visitors last Sunday. Mr. Walter Gray of Pleasant drove is engaged in the sawmill business on Boylston. Mr. D. J. Banning is making con siderable progress building a new house. Mr. Tom English visited Mr. Tom Duncan last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Maxwell of Brevard, passed through our settle ment last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr and fam !ly, Mr. J. M. Orr, of Pisgah For est. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Orr and family of Brevard and Mr. Colum bus Orr of Pleasant Grove, were . Boylston visitors last Sunday. t Mr. Reggie Orr recently caught a nice mud turtle. . I Mr. Carl Orr is busy harvesting hay at the present. Mr. R. L. Raines, two sons, daughter-in-law and two children visited Uncle Perry Orr last Sunday. Mr. C. Allison of Brevard, was. a Boylston visitor last Sunday. Ralph and )wen Banning_ visited friends on the upper section of Boylston last Sunday. Mr. Will Hollingsworth, wife, son, and two daughters, of the Pa cific Coast, arrived in our burjr last Saturday to visit old friends and relatives. Mr. John Collins of Rosman, vis ited Mr. T. J. Hollingsworth last Sunday. > Mrs. Nannie Smuthers of Rosman. is visiting her nephew, Mr. T. 1 Hollingsworth and other rela tives in our section at present. "Uncle Tom" Hollingsworth and wife visited relatives at Etowah last Sunday. The health of our community is not very good at present. Mr. J. I.. Simpson is reported on the sick list. Mr. S. B. Crook is ill withv in flamatory rheumatism. Rev. P. P. Orr 13 still on the sick Hat. Mrs. J. E. Thomas and two sons -f Asheville, were Boylston visitors last Sunday. Mr. T. U. Duncan worked in his tobacco last Saturday. oh, Yes! East Fork, we were cer tainly uneasy about you. We thought vou had given us the cold shoulder, but we were glad to see the nice ar ticle a couple of weeks ago from East Fork. We also want to ex pend our sympathy to East Fork be cause of the condition of thiir voad. as we think the chain gang should jhave been sent there for at bast twelve months' work before the ) ri?'>iK i < wer- hired,, tr. some other countv. I Improved Uniform International SundaySchool ' Lesson* (By RKV. r'. II. F1TZWATKR. D IK Piaa Moody h 1 1) ! ?? Inxtltutv of Chlraffo.) Cc>, Wytcrn Netrifapcfr Unloijjl Lesson for September 16 PAUL WRITES TO HI8 FRIENDS IN CORINTH ? 2|.L23SSON TEXT-1 Cor OOI.DEN TEXT ? Behold' how Rood and how pleasant It Is for brethren to dwell together In unity. PRIMARY TOIMC? Paul Writes a Patter to His Vrlcnds. JU.NIOU TOl'IC-l-nul Writes a Good l.etter to Mis Friends. INTEItMHUIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC? I'nul i; ruca Team Work. , f'-OPa."-: AND ADULT TOP IC? I aul Pleads for Christian Unity. ^ ?? ? Concerning Contention in the Church (1 : 10-13). I. Wxliorlntlon (v, 10). "That ye nil .speak tin* Kic thing." In view of tlio fact that he besought tliym In | lie of Jesus Clirlct, tile one tiling which he desired them to speak was the Lord's name. The name ol the Lord stands for all that the l.ord Is and does. "That there be no divisions among you," that Is, no fac tions, no alienation of affection. "That yv be perfectly Joined together In Hie same niitjd and In the same Judg ment." Th? wison for this exhortation (v. 11). ^ Word had been brought to Paul by members of the household . of Chloe Hint wrangling was going on among the members of the Corinthian church. ?He assured them that lie had suffi cient evidence of the strife which was going on among, them. 3. Nature of the contentions (v. 12). Their disputes were nbout their teachers. Their interests were cen tering In their favorite ministers Some were for Paul, perhaps attract ed by hts logic; some were for Apol los, doubtless tnovjo b.v h> I he possibilities of sj>iritri;;l uUainnirrir Beinp Content We have been content with a slleht elevation above the evils of our time, and not Intent on the Inward Search Ing, purifying and consuming of the Holy Spi it. ? F. B. Meyer. MORE NAMES ADDED TO COLLEGE GROUP In the list published Inst week of the young men and young women of the county who are leaving for colleges and universities, the fol lowing well known students were not included, due to the fact that telephone communications could not be had with them: Broadus Henderson, of Quebec, son of W, B. Henderson, returns to the University of North Carolina for his third year's work there. Miss Helen Henderson will attend ' Cullowhee. Miss Mary Jane Price and Miss Siva Clark are at Cullowhee. Miss Azalea Owen is a student at N; C. C. W., Greensboro. Miss Ressie Kate Meese, of Bre- 1 vard, will be a student at Weaver j College. j j W. Ernest Merrill, of Little River, has re-entered Furman University, | Greenville, to continue his studies | there. Robert Morris enters Clemson College. Tills brings the list of Transyl- i vania boys and girls almost to the j sixty point, and it is believed that others whose names have not been ! as yet sent in, will swell this coun ty's college population to sixty. SOCIETYNEWS MRS. BEAM ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Returning courtesies shown her j during her stay in Brevard, Mrs. I Frank Beam, of Augusta, Ga., was ; hostesses at bridge Saturday after- ' noon at the home of Mrs. David G. j Ward, on East Main street. The living room was attractively, j decorated with purple and rose flow- ' ers, carrying out the color scheme. \ At the conclusion of . the games de lightful refreshments wete served, j Mrs. Spencer Macfie received high ! score prize, two decks of cards.' Mrs. A. A. Chapman of Georgetown, ; S. C., received consolation, two ' decks of cards. Those enjoying Mrs. Beam's hos pitality were: Mrs. Miller, of Agus- : ta, Ga., Mrs, Oliver, and Mrs. Raines ; of Charleston, S. C., Mrs. Brown, of Abbeville, S. C., Mrs. Chapman, of , Georgetown, S. C., Mrs. M. A. E. Woodbridge, Mrs.. J. A. Miller, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Mrs. David Ward, Mrs., Valdes, Mrs. H. Perry, Mrs. J. M. Allison, Mrs S. M. Macfie, Mrs. H. V. Smedberg, Mrs. R. W. Ever ett. ???''. J LEAGUERS ENTERTAIN WITH j SOCIAL i Members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church who will at tend college away from Brevard were honored with a party at the parsonage Tuesday night. Games and music were enjoyed during the evening, after which f lunch and cakes were served to the arge number of young people pres ent. MRS. WARD IS HOSTESS TO AUXILIARY Mrs. David G. Ward was hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Philips church Thursday afternoon, September 6th. After devotionals and roll call, the standing com- j mittees of the Guild made reports, j and the following committees were J appointed for the month of Septem- j ber: Mrs. H. V. Smedberg to act ; on the calling committee and Mrs. j J. M. Allison as chairman of the Altar Guild. At the conclusion of the business session, a social half-hour was en joyed during which the hostess serv ed refreshments. PARTY IN HONOR OF MISS CLARK Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gravely of Forest Hills, entertained Thursday evening, Sept. 6th, in honor of their sister .Miss Alta Clark, oV Biltmore and Brevard. Twenty-five young people from Brevard and Biltmore Were present and greatly enjoyed the games and contests that were played. 4 A frozen salad course was served | as refreshments. Miss Clark will leave Thursday morning for Biltmore for a few days before entering Cullowhee State | Normal for her Senior yaar. GOOD THINGS TO EAT MADE BY SPECIAL ORDERS Phone your ostler now for GOOD BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND PASTRIES Phone 24 i PHILLIP'S BAKERY BREVARD, North Carolina WWVVVW\AV\flAWWVVVVVVW>'W^^VWWV^^VWUVWVVVWVi HUNTING LODGE ARCANA Heart of the Blue Ridge. Over 300 acres, close to Tennessee Bald Mountain. Rent by Week or month. See GEO. BILBY ROSMAN, N. C. Care Gloucester Lmbr. Co. School Day Necessities School has opened ? You have bought the Children's Books, now how about the Winter Clothes? Children's Sweaters 95cup from . Boys' Good quality Overalls JJgC Boys' Work Shirts at o Girls' School Dresses at 48c 95c UP Children's Winter Weight >|QC Union Suits 4o . Children's School Hose, pr pair 15c Now is the time for you to think about the Children's Fall Shoes ? -Red Goose Shoes are sold here. "Solid Leather that Stands the Weather" Children's Red Goose Shoes, at $1-75 250 $2-95 PLUMMER'S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii I fM ItfM? r/M This Store Will Be Closed SATURDAY # o SEPTEMBER 15th '* . ? ON ACCOUNT OF RELIGiOUS HOLIDAY U PushelFs Dept. Store | sioaoi ipaor? ioz=ao lomo