Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE BY COMMISSIONER. > In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. NorricE North Carolina, Transylvania County. Brevard Banking Company. vs. Ralph Fisher. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Sueprior Court of Transyl vania County, entered in the above entitled cuuse, ordering and direct ing the personal property hereinafter described to be sold for partition be tween the plaintiff and the defend ant, said order appointing the un dersigned a commissioner of the Court to make said sale ; ? Now therefore the undersigned will in pursuance to said order and decree on Saturday October 6, 1928 at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, N. C., between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M. and as near 12 o'clock M. as may be offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the lollowing personal property to-wit: All the personal property herein after described composing the Li brary of Ralph R. Fisher located in the Erwin Building in the town of Brevard, N. C., consisting of books, furnishings, chairs, cases, etc., be ing the same property# set out and described in a certain Chattel mort ?age given by Ralph R. Fisher to the irevard Banning company on the 28th day of March 1921, which Chat tel Mortgage is registered in book 'No.- 16 at page 548 of the records of Chattel Mortgages for Tranyslvania county, N. C. ,4,1 The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied first to the expense of said special proceeding, cost of sale, etc., the remainder to be equally divided between the plaintiff and the de fendant. This the 5th day of September 1928. Ralph Duckworth, Commissioner. 4 t Sept. 13-20-27Oc4Dle NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed in trust from C. P. Wilkins and A. B. Owen to the undersigned trustee, bearing date of Sept. 6, 1925, and registered in book No. 19 at page 33 of the records of deed in trust for Transylvania county, NorthCaroIina, securing certain indebtedness therein named and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness whereby the power of sale contained in said deed in trust has become op erative and all notices required have been given and said default has not been made good and the holder of the notes evidencing said indebted ness has requested the undersigned trustee, to foreclose said deed in trust; Now therefore . the undersigned trustee will on Saturday Sept. 29th 1928 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash "the following described real property to wit: All that tract of land described in a deed from A. L. Cantrell to J. D. Owen by deed bearing date of Jan uary 24, 1921, which deed is regis tered in Book 45* at page 16 of the deedrecordsof? Transylvania County North Carolina and being the same land described in a deed from J. D. Owen and wife to C. P. Wilkins and A, B. Ow?n said deed bearing date of September 5, 1925. The proceeds of said sale to be applied upon said indebtedness, cost of sale, etc. This the 27th day of August, 1928. D. L. English, trustee. 6-13-20-27 NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE Under and by virtue of the power of sale given in that certain deed in trust, executed by R. R. Fisher and wifej Thelma Fisher, t? the under signed trustee, to secure certain in debtedness therein mentioned, which deed of trust is dated Juy 8th, 1923 and recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds of Transylvania coun ty, North Carolina, in book 15 at page 257 of the deed records of said county^ and default having been made in payment of said indebted ness, and all notices required by law having been given and the default having been made good and the holders of the notes mentioned in said deed of trust having demanded that the land therein mentioned be sold to satisfy the indebtedness se cu? .Hlereb?- t?*?8 and costs; I will on Monday the 1st day of October 1928 at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, North Carolina, all the fol 1 owing described property, to-wit: . Situate, lying and being in the town of Brevard, in the county of Transylvania and state of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of W. J. Mills, and others and more particu larly described as follows: on the east marS'n x? o2 ?j no corner of lots Nos. 27 and 28, and runs with the east margin of said street north 53 1-2 deg. west 100 feet to a stake corner of lots Nos. 29 and 30 thence, north 36 1-2 deg. east with the line of lot No. SO.^rfee? to a stake, corncr of lots Nos. 29 and 3?: thence south 59 1_2 dee oast 106 feet to a stake, corner of lots Nos. 27 and 28: thence, south 1-'' deg west, 101 feet to the Beginning. Containing all of lots Nos. 28 and 29 of the R. L. Gash land?, as surveyed and mapped by A. L. Hardin, Sep tember 1915, which map is registered in the office of the register of deeds of Transylvania county in book of ?lends No. 33 on Page 31. The sale of said land beinp made to sa'Ufy said indebtedness, inter est, tafes and costs. This the 24th day -of Aug.. 1928. w I O.ASH. Trustee. H&K A30 S6-13-20-27. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the l'ower of Sale contained in a certain deed in trust bearing date of March 21, 1022 and registered in book 15 at page 67 of the records of deeds in trust for 'l'rasylvania county from F, T. Galloway and wife Ola Gallo way to Welch Galloway, trustee, se curing certain indebtedness therein ?named and default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having requested the undersigned to | forfdose 8aid ^leed in trust and all notices required by law having been 'given and said default has not been made good; Now therefore the undersigned will on Monday the 17th day of Sep tember 1928, at 12 o'clock M. at the | court house door in the town of Bre vard, N. C., oflter for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the followin greal property to .wit: Lying and being in the county of Transylvania, State of North Caro lina and Eastatoe township. BEGINNING on a black pine on top of the Blue Ridge the Fuller corner and runs north 71 deg. west 27 poles to a chestnut; thence south i 27 deg. west 28 poles to a stake; thence south 59 deg. west 13 poles to a Red Oak; thence north 68 deg. west 13 poles to a stake; thence south 83 1-2 deg. west 19 poles to (a maple; thence south 36 deg. west ;28 poles to a black gu-n; thence south 53 1-2 deg. west ") poles to a stake in an old line; nee south 35 1-2 deg. west 31 pou to a stake in a branch; thence north 51 deg. east 5 poles to a chestnut; thence south 89 deg. east 79 poles to a black gum; thence north 4 deg. east 38 poles to a chestnut; thence north i 14 deg. west 50 poles to the Begin ning, containing 44 acres more or j This 16th day of August 1928. I Welch Galloway, trustee (Seal) Ag 23-30 Sep6-13 DLE TRUSTEE'S SALE State of North Carolina, .County of Transylvania. By virtue of the power vested in the undersigned, Insured Mortgage : Bond Corporation, Trustee, under the power of the deed of trust exe cuted by J. H. Tinsley and Bertha TinSley,: to secure the indebtedness therein in said deed of trust, dated .February 1st, 1926, and duly record led in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, | North Carolina, in book of Mort | gages and deeds of trust, in book No. 16 at page 34, and default hav i ing been made in the payment of (the indebtedness therein secured and therein set out, and the holder of 'sftid indebtedness therein secured and therein set out, having declared the whole of said indebtedness due the undersigned trustee will on the 13th day of October' 1928 at 12 o'clock Noon, sell to , the highest bidder. for cash at the Court house door of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to satisfy said indebted ness, all that certain piece parcel or lot of land with the improvements thereon, situate and lying and being I in .Transylvania County, North Car jolina, in the City of Brevard, and more particularly described as fol lows: | AH that certain piece parcel or lot I of land with the building and im provements thereon lying and being in the City of Town of Brevard, | County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina, on the south side of Main street, adjoining lands of Martha Boswell, Brevard Banking Company and an Alley and having according to plat made by A. L. , Hardin, Civil Engineer, January 26, 1926, ?. the following metes and bounds to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the soath ? margin of Main street, said point being 35 1-2 feet south 64 degrees east of the intersection of the south margin of Main street, and the east margin of Caldwell street, and is al so the center of a brick wall, and running thence with the center line of said brick wall, south 26 deg. west 100 feet to a stake in the north side of an alley j thence on a line parallel with Main street and one hundred feet distant therefrom at all points, south 64 deg. east' 43 .feet to a stake, Boswell Corner; ; thence north 26 deg. east 100 feet .to a stake on the south margin of I Main Street; thence with the South ern margin of Main Street, north . 64 deg. west 43 feet to the point | of Beginning. Being the identical I property purchased by J. H. Tinsley from Brevard Banking Company on August 27, 1924, as will appear by reference to deed recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Transylvania County, North Caro- . lina, in d?ed book No. 49 at page ' 179. , This 4th. September 1928. ' Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of North Carolina, Trustee. 4tp S6-13-20-27. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MECHANICS LIEN. Under and by virtue of the laws of North Carolina governing Mechan ics Liens, we will on Thursday, tho 20th. day of Sept. 1928 at 12 o'clock Noon, at .the court house door in the town of Brevard, county of Transylvania, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal property to wit: One Ford Touring Car 1926 mod el. Motor No. 12803156. Said car being the property of J. I. Aiken who contracted for the rap ir made on the car. This sale is made for tho purpose ?f collecting repair bill of $45.40. which is a reasonable chnrirc for ma terial furnished and work and labor done in repairing the above describ ed car. anil has remained due and unpaid for a period of liinetv days. ? This the dav of Sep:. livjs K. &? M. Ant- - : .u ? Anaemic I Hens ^ can't pay you a profit. They liavcn't the blood strength that make6 good layers. Your hens need cod liver mcal> in just the form it is contained in Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH This choice mixture of oatmeal, cod liver meal, molas6es, minerals and proteins will get you more eggs and better eggs. Start using it now ?it costs less because it does more. ? . B. & B. FEED & SEED CO. Main St. Brevard, N. C. CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! FOR RENT ? -Apartment, 2 or .3 rooms, furnished. Modern con veniences; close in. Rates reasonable. Emma Bagwell. , 2pl3-20 LOST ? Onyx ring, with small dia mond. Lost in Vicinity of post office. Reward for return to Mrs. T. E. Reid, 248 South Caldwell BOARDERS WANTEDfor Winter Two blocks from center of town, warm rooms. Excellent meals, lots of chickens with butter and eggs. Cheap rates. Apply P. O. Box 246; Pd. 13&20 FOR SALE ? 1926 Ford Coupe, in good condition. Very reasonable price. See D. L. English, Brevard. p4t sl3-20-27oc4 STRAYED ? Three Heifer C?lve8< unmarked, one a red, one a dark Jersey color, the other white and I yellow spotted. Please give any in formation to J. M. Thrash, Davidson | River, N. C. pl3-20 j WANTED ? Reliable salesmen for quality tires, tubes and dinner ware. Salary $300. per month. Give references. G. H. STEWART Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. . ltp FOR RENT ? Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, or will subrent house for 4 or 5 months very reasonable. Apply P. O. Box 463 ? phone 266. 2tp 6-13 WANTED ? 500 bushels Peach Seed saved from the small native var ieties. We pay highest cash prices. TITUS NURSERY COMPANY, Way nesbero, Virginia. 4tc 30S6-13-20 FOR SALE ? New six room house, and 4 acre lot. Gocd spring and or chard. Close to highway, church and school at Calvert. See Lon Chap man, Calvert, N. C. 30 S6-13-50 6 LOTS on Hillcrest Heights. Will Bell at reduced price or will ex change for small acreage ?ut of town. Address Box 743. City. >-i 4tp 23-30 Sep6-I3 MONEY TO LOAN? On Improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dollars pre ferred, however, one thousand dol lar loans will be acceptcd. l-20tfc60 A. F .MITCHELL, Atty at Law. CLOSED CARS FOR HIRE? Phone 104 when yoa need a taxi. vGood drivers, closed cars, reasonable charges. Always at your service. Paul Sitton. Feb 23tf NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER MORTGAGE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Chat tel Mortgage Contract, executed by S. C. Yates to J. L. Whitmire, on the 17th day of Feby. 1027, to se cure certain indebtedness therein mentioned, in the amount of $600.00 said mortgage of record in the of fice of the register of deeds of Transylvania county. North Carolina, in book 24 at page 85; and default having been made in the pav-ment of the indebtedness scoured by said mortgage, the undersigned will on tin- 18th day of Sent. 1928 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the town of Brevard. N\ ('.. v. '11 to the highest bidder FOU CASH, tin following described property, '.o wit : One Nash Sedan. Serial Xo. :tst?702 ? M"'tor No. 2640H5. Tlii? thf tfxtli dav <?( .\ug?i?t 19J8. .1. I.. WHITMIRE. 6-13 7? SHOULD GROW TWO 1 CROPS EACH YEARj Farmers. Lose By Planting Only In the Spring-Time, | Says Authority (By J. F. CORBIN) There. Is too much of a habit among farmers of having one time to plant tilings, in the spring of the year. There is no one time to plant, no two times to plant, but planting all the time regularly is the only way to be a good farmer. .^specially in the fall of the year, or right now, is a mighty fine time to plant a variety of crops and make the country beautiful, prosperous, and the old cows' and horses smile next summer when they see you coming with an armful of hay, and make more money to help pay off the mortgage, and send the boys ami girls to school. Some of the crops that should be planted in this section in the next week or so, are as follows: Alfalfa, clovers, Austrian winter peas, barley, oats, wheat, rye, grass mixtures, and rape. AH of the above crops, the writer believes, if properly seeded, and at the right time, will do well in this section. Now Winter farming has many advantages over summer farming, some of which are as fol lows: Distributes labor for man and beast over the .year, furnishes feed for summer farming, you can make two crops per year by winter farm ing. This Southland of ours was made for two crops per y?ar, pre-. , vents -washing, saves fertility and fertilizer, stores up moisture for the summer crop; winter crops do not re quire cultivation, and these crops may be handled with labor saving implements, also these crops may be planted without as thorough prepar ation as summer crops. In fact, they do better if planted on a firm seed bed. One of the best combin ations. of a cover crop, *temporary pasture and soil improving crop and also hay crop, is the following seeds sowed on one acre of land and well fertilized: 1 1-2 bushels of oats, 1 1-2 bushels beardless barley, 1-4 bushel wheat, 15 lbs vetch. The above seeds sowed on one acre of good land within the next two weeks should produce two or three tons of good hay at one cutting next May. All of these seed may be purchased at the seed house in Brevard and the writer will be delighted to assist in method of seeding. The yard at Rosman . High School has recently been seeded in this mixture and a nice coat of green is already taking the place of the weeds once there. SENIOR SIX DODGE I SOON TO APPEAR ? ? I Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10. ? An nouncement of New Senior Six mod els by Dodge Brothers is expected to be made within a few days, accord ( ing to reports in local automotive trade circles. Factory production is being pushed on overtime schedules to supply dealers over the countrv as rapidly as possible, it is said. First shipments already have been made. The Senior, to be offered in; varied body styles, represents advanced en gineering design that stamps the car with an individual appearance ! characteristic of no other car. The body lines were adapted specifically I to meet the latest American view point on automotive design ? a de mand for color, beauty and the last word in fashion. Interior appointments of the car carry out additional features of its | artistocratic style creation. Finish ing of the instrument panel is har . monized with the upholstery and coach work in most unique manner. DONALD LEE MOORE BREVARD BOOSTER Writes for National Musical Magazine and Boosts This Section J Outlaid I.ce Moore is not only a musician of whom all the town is proud, hut he is an exceptionally line booster for Brevard, his work each month carrying news of this Community into every nook and cor ner of tne country. Young Mr. Moore is correspondent for The Mu sical Enterprise, a magazine read by musicians and music lovers every where. His articles appear in every issue of the magazine, which means much in the way of advertising Brevard: , The August issue of The Musical Enterprise had the following from the pen of Mr. Moore: BREVARD, N. C., July 30.? I. Richard A. von Calio, former cornet ist with Sousa's Band and formerly with the Keith Vaudeville Circuit, presented a varied concert in the auditorium of the Clemson Theatre, on Sunday night, July 22. The lighting system in this indeed splen did theatre was very effective and added greatly to the color' of the well selected program. The audience was very appreciative and responded to each number with tumultuous ap plause. Von Calio performed upon numerous instruments, including cornet, chimes, bells and xylophone. His technic, expression and individ uality were features of the concert. On the morning of July 5th, the Piedmont, S. C., Band gave a con cert on the local bandstand. The selections were enjoyed, although a lack of practice, individually, and en masse was evident throughout the entire program. The University of Florida Orches tra is playing an engagement at th? Franklin Hotel, and from reports, BROADCASTING FIND A NEW WORD - The class in lexicography will now assemble, ? Be seated, please. What is the word which stands half way between "quiet" And 'sil ent?" Some high powered advertis ing men and seasoned copy writer* want to know. This is the missing word in the literature which describe the new Frigidaire. Nobody could think of it. i According to the authorities, no mechanical device can be absolutely silent, as its very motion creates sound waves. On the other hand the word "quiet" is entirely too rioisv to describe the new product of Gen eral Motors. E. G. Biechler, who is president * and general manager of Frigidaire 0 Corporation, Dayton, Ohio, is broad casting on appeal for the word or phrase which best describes this at tribute of the new automatic refrig erator. the outfit seems to be quite a warm affair. The trumpet player is indeed the "thing" and he knows his sharps and flats. The Brevard and Hendersonville Municipal Bands executed a joint concert on the Courthouse bandstand July 20, before the largest crowd ever assembled at a musical perform ance in Brevard. The fact that these bands had not 'rehearsed in unison, rior to the concert, didn't seem to amper in the least their ease and felicity in presenting such a pro gram. The intonation and quality of the volume was the most striking; and pleasing feature of this respective concert. These bands expect to ap pear shortly in Hendersonville. DONALD LEE MOORE. LONG TERM FARM LOANS! AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST Semi-annual partial repayment of Principal with interest Put your farm on a business basis with funds from a FARM LOAN running from 20 to 33 years Clean up ? Paint up ? Make the Farm a Home for a healthier happier family Loans made promptly on improved farm lands for: Paying off Existing Indebtedness Payment of Balance of Purchase Money on Farm Lai Improving Soil, Purchase off Purchase of Fertilizer and I Remodeling Farm Buildings) New Barns, Dwellings, Ten^ Diversify for L Below are listed attorneys who ? see any of them iJ A. F. Mitchell, . . Hamlin & Kimsey Atlantic Joint Stock La RALEIGi High Speed Motorsj need this oilier oO because It's a tougher more durable oil that's specially processed to stand the gaff and do its job under all conditions overcomes frictiol A special friction machitfl Co. of New Jersey labor of different lubricating It it operated with diffe *?Hou? speeds, and will In one series of tens, thi kept at 175 lbs. per squa oil supplied was 12 dr Standard" Motor Oil th fectly at 700 revolutions motor oils used by raoto became over-heated and 300 to 400 revolutions pe / strata Hou much Casoline? H. /hen did] hax-r it-crnl Motor Req AjJi your Stationor d J STAN DA MOTOR 01 ''Standard99 Greases, Transmission Oil <in<H Gear Compound tire made with the tame as " Standard " Hiofor fuels and motor nifs.|

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