Rosman Section of Brevard News '?v _ MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Manager? Rosman, N, C. i^SMAN ROMPS ON TANNERY BASKETS Rosman bHBketecrs romped on the Transylvania Tanning company fiv? to the tune of 40-15 at the Rosman High School court, November 8th. Flashy playing by the Rosman High team was the main feature of the game. A goodly numbers of fans witnessed the game. With their last year's record to boost them along, the locals are looking forward to a very success ful season, and it is expected that they will carry off honors in their class and above, of High schools. I The line-up: ROSMAN TANNERS W. Galloway ...... t . . ... ... Cole C. Fisher Morgan C I Collins Wood ? G . | L. Whitmirc Johnson C. Galloway Jones Keferee : James Staton. i PLEASANT GROVE The measles have about had their ? run in our community. Mrs. S. Hamilton, who has been very sick for sometime, is reported -able to be up. Elsie Gray, who has had the meas les, is doing fine. Rev. C. E. Blythe visited the sick home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grey last week ancl found then* better. Times are looking better now in our part. Mr. O. S. Grey and Mr< ' J. H. Drake have each killed nice fat hogs. Nicholasf Sentell visited his father- . in-law Sunday, Mr. H. A. Grey. Many people of this place at tended the funeral of Mrs. Gertrude Baynard Sunday afternoon at Oak Forest. Rev. C. E. Blythe and W. j Holtisclaw conducted the service. ) Many people were, there from for' ami near. Mr. Guy Hamilton of Brevard, was in our section Sunday. ,| The Beulah B. Y. P. U. gave a nice program at Pleasant Grove Sunday night. The many, many friends of Dr. A. 1 E. Lyday, of this place, offer him their sympathy in his trouble and ileath of his .wife. SCHOOL NOTES (By EUGENIA NELSON) 1 The sixth grade took charge of > chapel exercises Friday morning. 1 They began their program by pre senting a typical picture of the odd i Southern plantation. The remainder of the numbers pertained to Armis-i] tice Day. Those present for the ' < program were Mrs. G. C. McClure, ' ; Mrs. J. A. Nelson, Mrs. E. R. Gal-] loway, Misses Bessie "and Lennie ; Manley, Mrs W. E. Rufty and chil- ' e in Ros mun Saturday night, Nov.'- -12. to give a program. The program to*^5" fin at. 8:00 at the High School. \ MISS WHITMIRE ENTERTAINS Miss Laverne Whitmire entertain- ., ed twelve of her friends in honor of , her 14th birthday at the home of her ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whit- ; mire, on last Saturday from three to ' five o'clock. Games were enjoyed ? luring the course of the afternoon, j Refreshments of cake ise cream ind candy were served. The color j scheme was Orchid and yelloW" and | ? vas carried out in the refreshments ' md in the dining room. |i Many nice and useful gifts were 1 received by Laverne. | Guests of the occasion were: Irene J ind Eva Pharr, Beulah Moore, Odell ' Viken, Frances Edens, Annette Mc- < 31ure, Jack Fitzgerald, Ralph Eld ?idge, A. M. White, Jr., O. W. Glaz- J sner, Ernest Pangle. BLANTYRE BREEZES ' Miss Lillian Scott of Little River, j vas the dinner guest of her aunt, t rlrs. J. T. Justus, of this place, ri\ * ently. Miss Martha Maxwell, who has teen spending sometime in Hender onville, has returned to her home , lere. Mr. Raynel Morgan spent Sunday c light with Mr. Raymond Reed. r -Miss Blanche Brown, Messrs .Clyde 3rown and Edgar Orr of Glade r >eek, attended prayer meeting at v Jlantyre , Sunday night. t i Mrs. Flora Pickelsimer visited t ?Irs. Eva Simpson Sunday. | Rev. W. P. Holtzclaw filled his r ?egular appointment at Bl&ntyre f >aturda- night and Sunday morning. a The preaching services were changed roni the second Sunday to the first [ Sunday. Let's remember and come j he first Sunday of next month and Satuday night before. Everyone is f velcome to attend all our church , eivices. 1 1 Mr. Wilson McCall was a visitor n thid section Sunday. |j Mrs. Rachel Davis and children ipeitt Sunday with Mrs. Brewer. ; t Mr. George Marcuni of Lake Tox- i uvay was a visitor in this section Sunday. j\ Miss Lavada Orr . visited her aunt,') Mrs. J. T. Justus, Sunday.. j Miss Lillian Scott of Little Ris-'er. 1 ittendcd prayer meeting at Blan-ji ,vre Sunday night. Little Miss Dorothy Simpson, who . las been ill with measles, has iro- ! proved very much. ' ; Mrs. Ada Reed viisted friends Jm UendersonvilleX recently. i Mr. Jones, formerly of this place, i but now of Hendersonville, was in . this section Saturday. ROSMAN LOCALS cwV,' N"u1' F" filler, nrincipul of u, J,Lu o ,01, hfd, thfi misfortune! -nil Sunday night and break his collar bone. Dr. J. B. Wilkerson 1 rendered first aid and sent him to 1 treatment"'8 SP Ul for X"ray a,,d j Somali's Missionary society! of the Zion Baptist church will meet I ho? M?fnty at, 2:30 ?'c'ock at the home of Mrs. M. C. Sumerel. All I members please attend as this is a very important meeting. . .Mr- T?m Mahoney attended the1 fair at Anderson, S. C., on Satur day and spent Sunday at Greenville. R- Staton was a Brevard; visitor Saturday.. 0. Mr. arid Mrs. . Ed Winchester of \Ci'' KP?nt Sunday night With Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophel were Brevard visitors Saturday. Mr. Carl Galloway of the Glou- ' cester sectio.V Spent Fridav night Zay m,)ther. Mrs. Sarah Gallo- j *r*. h Shealev and Mr. Law- ' Sunday WL'ro Brevard visitors1 d ?">' A'rs- c-. L. Gant and chil dien, Harold, Louise and Thelma spent Sunday in Salem. ' . Miss Mildred Watkins and Miss ' Certh?o ^vS?L- 'ncc Collins anji ?;rt^e ?ere Kuests Sun da^ ?f Mrs. Bob Zacharj- at Toxa- ' waV Mr. D. L. Glazener and Mr. Jesse Chapman enjoyed a hunting party Saturday. , Mr. Ifnd Mrs. N. S. Galloway and JaughteM. Ethel and Thelma, and nieces, Mfc8 Roxie Parker and Miss Ida Nicholj?*1. spent Sunday at Sap phire. \ Mr. and Jim Aiken spent! ?he week-end Nflsl 'ing Mr. and Mrs. Tary Aiken. \ Born to Mr. a\d Mrs. Thad Siler it Lake Toxaway^^* daughter, Nov. ' 11th. \ I ^ Miss Siva Clarke, 6 student at ^ullowhee, but who ha.\been HI at ifer home here for a weefc' returned o Cullowhee Monday ? Mrs. L. M. Watkins antjL son, | jertha, and Mrs. Lee R. FisKSL of -osman Mrs. Ulys Merrill of B^" I ?ard, attended Mrs. Dr. Lyday's fun'.*.,' (rai at Little River last Saturday \ Vrifc Mrs- M- 0- Sumerel left ? ed" esday_f?r a few days* visit in >?uth Carolina. On Wednesday Mrs. I, >umerel attended Limestone Daugh- | era Conference, and on Thursday i lsited relatives in Laurens. i, *"a Mrv ,Frcen>an Hayes have >urchased a Kolster radio I < Messrs Chas. and Tom Glazener i ntertained a number of their boy riends Sunday afternoon with a i fountain party. Those enjoving the i iccasion were Ralph and Roy Eld-' 'dge. Earl White, Jack Fitzgerald, i Mr. Cornelius Powell had the msfortune to have his eye hurt n CUwmK wood' He was treated \ >y Dr. Wilkerson. His friends hope ' j hat he will not lose his eye. Messrs J. B. Rodgers, Orval Ed- ' iey and Walter Rodgers attended , he fair at Anderson Saturday and Pent Sunday in Salem. I Mr. E. L. Crow spent several days ' ast week visiting relatives and . riends in Rosman. Mr. Booth Price of the Gloucester 1 ection, who has been ill with rheu- i natism for a long while, was able to i >e in Rosman Monday. . Mi. and Mrs. Earl Holden spent 5unday visitinjr relatives near Salem . V"? S hpre_ will , be glad to hear hat Mrs. S E. Whit mire who has >ctn very ill. js much improved. Mr. Clifton Byers, who has been ! "siting m Pickens, for several days las returned to Rosman. ' Mrs. J. H. Cross and Bert I vJU, v?" nPPrt Sunday afternoon! iJ Glazenor. Mr. W. E. Black attended the \ndnd granddaughter of Pickens, spent the week-end visiting the former's wis and We Are In The Black Business BUT WE TREAT YOU WHITE Cold Weather is just, around the corner Phone ue your order now for Coal. Purity Products Co. PHONE 241 BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES! daughter Both, spent Sunday viaiu in ^relatives in Kaslcy, S. c. Mr. Jim Fislier an' Lumley, Dorothy Allen, Ida Mae Armstrong and Claud Mountain KPCnt Su"',ay nt whitesido o?^rs" E1.' Muggins and children, H?v? nTV-B.ure!1 and Miss Maymlo Ilayes of Calvert, were guests on Friday night of Mr. an<| Free man. Hayes.. Mr. J. L. Alhertson spent three Oconc" sT k visiti?fi- relatives in , , ,f"^rs' M;. Clazener is spending ni* week visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Paxton. Miss Roxie Parker of Brevard, r' tJ1 hc0 week-end with her aunt, Mrs. N. S. Galloway* Mr. and "Mrs. C. O. Powell spent bunday visiting Mr. Powell's broth er, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Powell. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rogers and daughter, Genelia, spent the week end visiting relatives jn Salem. Powc" and children spent Friday and Saturday attending Anderson Fair. Miss Dorothy Allen, music teacher at Rosman school, is ill at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Edney spent the week-end at Cashiers Valley, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson. Mrs. L. C. Sentelle and children and Mrs. R. S Winchester spent Sun day visiting their mother, Mrs. James Raxter, near Brevard. Mr. Gaston Whitmire of Cherry field, was a Rosman visitor Monday. Mr. Frank Hayes of the Cherry field section, killed the largest hog in the community last week. It netted over 600 pounds. Miss Bessie Manley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mahoney. Mr. Vance Galloway of the Glou cester section, was a Rosman visitor Friday. Messrs Drayton Randolph, Lewis Sentelle and Paul Rodgers and Miss Leota Randolph attended the sing ing convention at Valley Springs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raines of the Middle Fork Section spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Raines' mother, and father. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.Ma honey. , V J . the 0* - vjrtiter iaVT* Mr. and Mrs. HT^^M&ne} Mr. Elmer Barrett and Wisher spent Friday in Walhank s Miss Eugenia Nelson was a gues' Saturday night of Miss Pauline weathers. Mrs. W. H. Summey and Mrs. C. t,. Leathers were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wright. Mr. G. M. Aiken and Marion Powell went on a hunt Saturday ?>?ght and caught two o'possums. We are sorry to learn of the mis fortune of Mr. Homer McCall of. Quebec, who fell from a moving box :ar near Hendersonville about tvtfo tf&eka ago. He is in Patton Me morial hospital at Hendersonville. Mrs. Anderson Smith of Quebec, spent Monday in Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Dyar Crow and chiU Iren spent Sunday visiting relatives in Salem, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kitchen and Mr. and Mrs. Overton Kitchen and baby, of the Gloucester section, n-ere visitors in Rosman Monday. Miss Alma Galloway is still con Pined to her home with flu. Mr. Harty Kilpatrick of the Glou cester section, was a Rosman visitor Monday. Messrs I.oxley Crow and Elvin Edney spent the week-end visiting relatives at Salem. Mr. Elmer Burrett spent Saturday and Sunday visiting his father, near Walhalla, S. C. Mr. and Mr,1-. W. J. Moore spent Monday in Brevard. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson have purchased an electric Crosley radio. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Rice and Miss Beulah Rice of the Old Toxaway section, were Rosman visitors Thurs day. Mrs. Cos Paxton of Greenville, S. 0., was ft Rosman visitor Thursday. Mrs. Ed Glazener of Calvert, is vciy ill at her home. Mrs. Glazneer is the mother of Mrs. ,7. W. Clazener of Rosman. Mrs. T. P. Galloway of Calvert spent last Tuesday at the home of hor mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Mr. \\ hit Duncan of near Pickens, was a Rosman visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Whitmire spent Sunday m Easley, visiting Mrs. Whitniiro's brothor, Mr. 17. M. Bnnknight. Mrs. Til! MrCall and daughter, 1- ran har]?. t r*?f.v?n?i? n wil! K ] !>> ??!? \*v 'i *??! ?b ? pr?*ai him; 1 j v. - . i: v W i| rr- ^H rf Hrpvta-ii. 1 n w lh?' ft r oVurch ! : ?i \v.*? i?t.? i\'i thai :.*v V i.v ty -t M ail punch r :b ? ,;ry9.* h. * h' pt- rv v. wt* <-..r i?r f " i?',.lnv GOOD THINGS TO EAT MADE BY SPECIAL ORDERS Phone your order now for GOOD BREAD, CAKES, PIES AND PASTRIES Phon< PHILLIP'S BREVARD, N< Everywher< "the New I rivaled in pi Motorists ever y ing to the Silvi Buick with ai never before automobile. W lative beauty an less comfort, ai and unequaled | Silvtrjli J WITH M ASTER PIICM KAYSTONH HENDERSOfl St / Customer ***** ;r No matter howN^ar&e or small his ac count may be, receivest^e attention of an officer when he needs it. This has been the policy of since its inception, and is the secret of its growth and prosperity. If you are not enjoying this same helpful and courteous bank service, try the old reliable. y 4% PAID ON SAVINGS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES RESOURCES OVER $1,500,000,000 State, County and City Depository. Brevard Banking Company Officers II. s-illPMAN, President JOS. S. STIA KKSTEEN, V-Presid??nt 'ANNIE I.. SlllPMAN, Cashier U .1 DUCKWORTH. Ass't Cashier N. A MIU.EU. Aas't Cashier J. I CRAsVS'ORP. Ass't Cashier Directors: ,TOS. .S SllA'fcilSTlLEN, CLu:.rrnan y, Rv.tcM V.' >1 5U r y 1 I*. Yorgut W S. A . )i i. ,:'1. ? ? i*. StiipmBH < . K. Orr