Rosman Section of Brevard News MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Manager-Rosman, N. C. MUCH INTEREST IN ! ROSMAN ELECTION Much interest is manifest in the Rosman primary election which will be held iMonday. Three men have tiled for the mayor's post, and four for aldermen. Those filed are: For Mayor ? N. S. Galloway, R. K. Powell, J. R. Mahoney. For Aldermen ? Craig Whitmire, E. M. Collins ,G. C. Mc Clure, Freeman Hayes. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEET The Woman's Missionary society of Zion Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Joe Galloway Monday, April 22nd with 12 members and three visitors present, two of the visitors becoming members. The meeting was opened by the president. Mrs. G. C. McClure. The program .was in charge of Miss Len iiie Manley. Very helpful readings were given by Mrs. M. C. Sumerel, Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and Mrs. J. F. Corbin. A committee was appointed in re card to election of new officers for the coming >ear. The meeting then adjourned, with the closing prayer being led by Mrs. W. E. Hall. Next meeting will be held with Mrs. H. (1. Stophel, May 13th. BYRD-THOMAS Mrs. Laura Thomas of Hatties burR. Miss., and Mr. John Byrd of Rosman, were married in Asheville last Thursday, and arrived in Ros man Friday. They were greeted at the train by one of th? largest crowds gathered at the Rosman de 4>ot in years, including the Rosman String band. ?* Mr. and Mrs. Byrd arc stopping for the present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Caldwell. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. R. ,K. Powell entertained Sat urday jn hoiior of' the seventh biHhdav ,'inniveravy , of her son, Earl. /- . ? ; Various nunes were played on the n. whiih we'*e eijoyci very much by the youngs: or?, after which de licious refreshments were,, served. Young Mr. Powell was the recipient of many nice and useftil gifts. Guests present for the occasion wore: Karl Powell, Int\7 Pangle, Hubv Galloway. France? Bert TVilk rrson. Jack s?n<? Dan Kderis. Ruth I.ewis. T.aiira and Eva Pharr. Loeney and Allen Sis!?. Jack and Rhoda Clarke, D. H. Winchester. Jr.. Ruby Glazener. Dovie White, 0. W. and Avrer Glajjener, Fred and Nadine Pawell. / |' MUSIC PUPILS ENTERTAINED Miss' Dorothy Allen was hostess to >ier music pupils at the home of Mrs. Lie R. Fisher on Wednesday. A student recital was enjoyed. De licious refreshments' of caiidy, cakes, sandwiches and fruits yrttr? served. Those present were : La Verne Whitmire, Annette McClure, A. M. White, ?'r.. Lula Manley, G. C. Mc Ctujfe. Jr.. Ktith Morgan, Fannie Morgan. Ophelia1 White* and Beulah SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENTERTAINED M'si Beuah Moore entertained Miss Armstrong's Sunday School lass" \v 1 : social t the home of Dr. and Mrs. .J. B. Wilkerson Satur day. April 20th. A short business session was held after which a so .ai hour w is en:?y<- i. Delicious rc fershmenis were served by the host MILES-CHAPMAN Mi?s I1 thy Chapman and Mr. ? Har'l^ Mi!-- : were married at Pick *?nt?. S. C.. Monday April 15, with .-rlv a few friends present. Mrs. Miles is the daughter of Mrs. Johnnie Chapman of Old Toxaway, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Miles of Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Miles will make Rosman their future home. Mn. J. R. Mahoney is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Raines on Middle Fork. Mrs. Cleveland Steward called on her sister, Mrs. B. B. White, last Monday. Calvin Galloway of East Fork, spent the week-end with his daugh : r. Mi", 'nhn Dotson. TV*. H. Summey was in Brevard la-t week u business.. ?f. W. L W. Sum mey were S. .'.i; Ca ? '.;na vis'' ?<>?* last Sunday. M: ? : Ir C. " ? of Sapphire, , v: i! V V I : rent '. M \ and Mrs. R. C. Galloway. Mr. Avery Morgan of Old .Toxa way, was in Ros in last week on i ' ess. TV. M. Gillespie, W. H. Summey an ! Mar'. ?? G! ? a"ended ser- : vices on Middle Fork last Sunday. George Dotson of South Carolina | was a Rosman visitor last week. Mrs. F. A .Raines of Middle Fork ; has been quite ill for some time, but is slowly improving. Mrs. Alice Page of Gloucester, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Baxter Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Galloway and children of Brevard, motored over the Rosman and Pickens highway last Sunday. On Monday night, the faculty of the Ro: ? school eljioyejl a weiner roast at Camp Pallowah. ROSMAN LOCALS Mrs. Mayme Bartleson, who has been ill, is slowly improving. Mrs. T. P. Galloway, Jr. of Cal vert, spent Friday as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. risn Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday at Pickens and Ee-asley, S. C. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Galloway, Mr. and Mr.' Louie Galloway and children, Mrs. Cole Pangle and daughter, Bessie, attended the iu neral of Tom Cantrell at Mt Carmel church at .Jocasse, S. C., Friday. Mr. Cantrell died of pneumonia. W. R. Lewis has purchased a new truck to use in connection with the Rosnian Cash Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ferb Finley of Eas ley, were Rosman visitors Wednes day. Mr and Mrs. Walter Lowe- and children of Canton, were guests Sat urday of Mrs. Lowe's sister, Mrs. N. S. Galloway. ? Mr', and Mrs. R. F. Glazencr vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glazencr at Calvert, Sunday. Rev. W. E. Rufty filled his regu lar appointment at Lake Toxaway Sunday. , ? Mrs.W. II. Garrcn and son roi rest, daughter Dora, and Mrs. Cuth bertson of Asheville. Mrs. Perry Ful bright and daughter Lucy of Bre vard, were guests Sunday of Mrs. A. M. Paxton . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice and son Clyde were Brevard visitors Sat urdav. Fred Kilpatrick cf Gloucester was a Rosman visitor Monday. Carl Galloway, Bert Sitton and J esse Galloway were dinner guests of Mrs. Sarah Galloway Saturday. Cos Paxton, who has been ill, is improved and able to resume his work as: woods supervisor for Glou cester Lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodara and children were Quebec _ visitors Sunday, visiting Mrs. Woodard s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. James Sunnney ana son. Homer. Mr. and Mrs. Oscai Petit and Nelson Page were Glou cost or visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tay Glen and sons John and Bob, am! Mrs. C. F. J one: and son Reid. of Asheville. wen Sunday guests of Mrs. Mayme Bart leson. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmei White, of West Asheville, Thursdaj V ril 2$, a son, Kenneth Blackston. * '\I- and Mrs. Craig Whitmire vis ited Mrs. Zeb Burreli at Brevarc Sunday. Mr.-. Burreli is slow'.y im proving s tor in operation. Miss Siel'.a Fisher and James i Bales of Sylva, spent the week-enc with the formers parents, Mr an< Mrs. Lec R. Fisher. W .R. Lewis and Sam Butler wen business visitors to Kaslev. Monday Mrs. Cos Paxton of Greenville was a business visitor to Rosman or Monday. ? , . Mr. and Mrs. K. G. ?tophei anc Misses Annie Davies and Iris W:lk oi-soii were Brevard visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Chnpman anc son. Ralph, were Brevard visitor: Sunday. Mr. iind Mrs. E. A. Glazener ant dfi,i|''Ttvis Fay and Louise, wer< "iiosis cf Mrs.* Glazencr'* mother Mis. S. E. Whitmire, Sunday. 'Mrs. Eui'cne Morrison was th< Wu"sr of Mrs. Crawford Lance, Fri day. Mr. Ed Jones' mother, Mrs. L. A Jones, is very ill. \ Miss Leota Randolph spent tin \.t ek-end at Brevard as guest cf hei , t in. Ethel Curlee. The h avy frost of 1:-. -t week dii rot kill the fruit in tips section \!r :md Mrs. I. em P.-'OOks of lire 'v.vrd. visited Miss Emma Bell, Sun dav. Little Wilda Reece is ill at tin home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Walter Reece. Mr. Gus Bailey of Greenwood, S spent the week-end at the home ( f Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Mrs. N. S. Galloway, Mrs. W. If j Edens, Miss Ida Nicholson and Mis; Thelma Galloway visited school at Lake Toxaway Friday An arithme tic and spelling contest was giver bv the pupils. T ' Mrs. W. H. Edens, Mrs. Taft Ow en. Miss Alza Hogsed, Miss Mamie Hayes and Miss Lillie Mae Whit mire were Sunday guests of Mrs. , freeman Hayes. I" Mrs. G. C. McClure and children, Annette. G. C., and Betty Lou spent ' the week-end in Shelby, visiting r. 1 j-.iives and friends. Rev. C. J .Eldridge preached at Enon Baptist church Sunday morn T ii - to a i:'v<re audience. Mr. .-.r ! Mr-. Leo Nicholson and children were Old Fort and Lak I.ure visitors Sunday. Miss f -ona of Gloucester, jut Wednesday ni.'vht .. ? II. G. Stophel, R. ? C : cf Etowah, vis-tod his j-n r*. r.-. ? Me. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Prather of Salem, were recent guests of then daughter, Mrs. C. C. Lusk. Miss Bessie Glazener was a guest of Miss Marv Whitmire Sunday. Miss Blanche Raines is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mahoney. , Glen Mitchell had the misfortune to be slightly burned last Tuesday. Messrs Jake Jarrett, W. J. Moore and Ernest Wilkerson were Asheville visitors Saturday and while there attended the ball game. E. H. Kitchen of Gloucester, was ; SINGING CONVENTION TO MEET Sat carrs hill bap. church , " i The district sinking convention will meet the Fourth Sunday after 'noon, April 28th, at 2 o'clock, with the Can's Hill Baptist church. Ev erybody is invited to attend the convention and more especially do 'we urge that singers will come and bring some other singer with them. JOE GALLOWAY. ! a business visitor to Rosman Mon day. j Mr. and Mrs. Lon Chapman were ! guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edens Sunday. Mr. James Cox of Penrose, has 1 contract for the store building be 'ing erected by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Glazener. The building is progress ing nicely and will be ready for oc cupancy soon. j Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Corbin and son I John Frank, and Miss Ida Mae Arm strong and Miss Rosa Sumerel were East Fork visitors Sunday. ' Miss Mary Kimsey spent the week 'end at the "home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kimzey of Brevard. Mrs. David Gowder of Atlanta, Mrs. Everette Smith, of Cowarts were called to Rosman on account of the illness of their sister, Mrs. John Clarke. ? , . . ! Mrs. Sylvannus McCall and daugh ter, Mrs. Blackwell, were Sunday guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Boyd Moore. | Elvin Edney and Rickmond Man lev were Quebec visitors Sunday. Rev G. E. Kellar and mother, Mrs M. Kellar, attended church ser vices at Asheville Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander and children of Lake Toxaway were Sun day guests o fMr. and Mrs. Cnas. Gantt. , Lawrence Hart spenc the week i endw at Travellers Rest. Misses Bessie and Lennie Mauley ? were Brevard visitors Tuesday. Miss Mannie Boley spent Saturday I night at the home of Mis. Allen 1 Sisk. ? , i J. M. Anders and sons, Ernest ana Marvin, of Gloui&ster, visited the I former's son, H. L. Anders, Satur ? ''"'Julian Boley left Sunday for Bridgeport, Tenn., for a few days , visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. > Cas. Boley. , ,, . ; Messrs Lee Nicholson and Mack - McClure were Brevard visitors Sat ? ""Mrs W. E .Rufty and children ' were dinner guests of Mrs. C. ?' ? Eldridgc, Sunday. Mis; Dana Lanning, a teacher of I Silversteen school, .spent !? ridaj - night as guest of Miss Ola 1 axton. Mrs. Walter Reece and l.liss fcm . ma Bell were Brevard visitors Sat 1 urday. , 1 Paul Rogers and Marvin Edney were Asheville visitors Monday. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gant and . child r-n, Darrell, Louise and Tul , man. spent the week-end at Salem. 1 S. C.. visiting relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Meece and Mr. Gal J vin Smith were Sunday guests ol - Mis-; Mamie Boley. Wait Gallowav of Cullowhe\ h guest of Mr. and Mrs. Obie Moore 1 Saturday. ,, , s Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Moore and -on. Carlos, Jr .of Gastoma. were I week-end guests of the former i parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. A V ? Earl O'Shields is erecting a build; in" nea" the postoffice to be its ; as a cafe. Mr. O'Shields expects to - be ready to open for bu sncss S.v urday. Jack rind Don Edens v re ?.?a of Ralph Chapman Saturday. Mrs. S. E. Whitmire and rrn;v; ? daughter. Mary, were Brevard vis tors Tuesday. 1 Mr. C. D. Franklin of \\ t As: e . ville. was a Rosman visits Overton Lewi.- and Paul k ; o. - Brevard, wer Rosman vi ? daMi\ and Mrs. Will Mitchell '? . children spent Sunday in S< Carolina. ^ , Mrs. Jake .Tarrett was a guest ot > Mrs. C. R. Clarke ar.d Mr.. L '??? Stat on Friday. . , . ; Miss Hazel Moore spent 1- nday ; ; night with Miss Laura Pharr. ; | Den Paxton of Calvert, visited . Ed Jones Sunday. . i Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire and daughter, Laverne. spent Sun . day at the homeu>f Mrs. Whitmire s i parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L .Wilson, - near Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. X. S. Galloway and daughters. Ethel and Thelma. Be ! Fisher. Willie Cantrell and 'da Nicholson were Sapphire visitors 'Sunday. ? , Mifts M: *? V ed of C ulvcrt, wr.s a guest bi Mr?. R. Fisher Sun day. _ ? ?... i Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rojre-s. >11. and Mrs. Jesse Love and daughter Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Eug'-iic^V 'on were gnestr. of Mr. an! ? s. ' Chnnman Saturday night. , Rev. r. P- Hart sell ' f . ' ' : ? filled the regular appointment t -Zion church Sund;;". :> ? [absence f :'v TV. F:' ' :v ' | Hartsell. t , ? Ollis Moore has accepted a posi tion at Gastonia and left Sunday to take up his new work the following WeMrs. R. S. Winchester and sister, Ethel, spent Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Raxter, near Brevard. t . . ., TT Frank Brittian. who. is in the u. Js. Navy, is spending his vacation as | guest of his brother, W. M. Brit jt^Cecil Galloway spent Saturday ln;?V with Gov Fisher. ' Air and Mrs. Mickler Lusk of j HARRY DUNCAN GETS WORTHY PROMOTION Harry H. Duncan has recently been promoted to chief paying teller of East Tennessee Savings Bank at Knoxville. The directors were proud of the success of the young man from Rosman. They would have been prouder still, could they have seen the lad fifteen years ago as a schoolboy. Hardships and discour agements came almost daily, but did he fall beneath them? No, he kept struggling. Did he feel embarrassed when one of his classmates laughed at the patch on the seat of his trousers? No: he laughed with them and became more determined. Did that mother feel ashamed of him the night he graduated from high school? Indeed no! With a heart light as a feather she felt that she was also sharing part of his honors. For eighteen months after gradu ation he worked in the Tannery ir order that he might equip himself with a better position. Many time? he faced unpleasant remarks fron classmates, who were in college 01 held better positions. Several were amazed when they learned that he had entered Draughons Business college at Knoxville, Tenn. By i hard struggle he finished his course and became an employee in the East Tennessee Saving Bank. He ii making a record and building a char acter that will prove worthwhile tc him in the future. Pickens, are spending a few day with the Jatfcer's parents, Mr. an< Mrs. J. W Owens! Mrs. Hugh Boley was a guest Sun day of Mrs. Loon Whitmire. Mr. end Mrs. John Byrd were din ntr guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. (1 Stophel S'. pduy. Walter Rogers is expected to ai riv.j fron; Walhalla, Tuesday. Miss Beatrice Bruner of Lak Toxaway, spent the week-end wit her sister, Mrs. Thad Siler. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Anders an baby, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Collin were Brevard visitors Saturday. Lesco Galloway and .1. O'Shield ieft Sunday for Bridgeport, Tenn for a few days visit. Calvin Sn.ith, Mack Collins, Misse Dorothy Mcecc and Mae Smith wei dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. I Anders, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green an children spent Sunday at Lake To:; -r away, visiting1 Mrs. Green's mother, Mrs. Alice) Jones. Mrs. D. L. Glazenei and eons, Charles and Thomas, were Etowah visitors Sunday. Mr. Walter Reece and children and Mr. W. E. Black and Miss Lu cille Dryrran, Ruth and Clyde1 Rice were FJast Fork visitors Sunday. Misses Betty and Ora Moore were Asheville visitors Monday. Mrs. Bob Zachary of Henderson ville, Mrs. Claud Kilby of Alabama, and Miss Mildred Watkins were < 'guests of Mrs. Jake Jarrett, Thurs- ' day. Miss Margaret Glazener spent Wednesday night with Miss Laura Pharr. i Mrs. Ed Jones, who has been very ill, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel W. Wilson and two children, Betty Jean and L. W. Jr., were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Jordan Whitmire, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Pangle and chilren motored to Cashiers Valley recently and enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mrs. Leo Winchester and sons, Glen and Boyce and Mrs. Den Pax ton of Calvert, were guests Friday of Mrs. Lon Chapman. Mrs. Matilda Robinson of Old Toxaway, is seriously iii at the home of her "son, Mr. Ep Robinson. M. Morgan of Tryon, spent the week-end with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Matilda Robinson of Old Tox away. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Aiken and family of Old Toxaway, spent the week-end with Mrs. Aiken's sister, Mrs. R. C. Powell. Mr. Jim Bell is spending some time with his daughter, Mrs. Edith Whitmire of East Fork. Mrs. W. H. Summey, who has been ill for the past few days, is not improving very much. Mrs. Camely Chapman is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mr?. Avery Morgan, of Old Toxa way. . tr. Martin Morgan of Old Toxa wa ?, was a Rosman visitor last Sat urday. Misses Beulah Rice and Norma Morgan of Old Toxaway, spent Fri day in Brevard and Rosman. Mrs. Monroe Galloway is quite ill at her home. Mr. B. C. Batson and Mr. Elam Galloway, were visitors on Middle Fork last Sunday. Bill McJunkins of Brevard and Crit and Alfred Galloway called on Thurman Galloway of Middle Fork Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miles visited the former's sister, Mrs. Avery Mor gan, of Old Toxaway, recently. NEW SPRING HATS And Ladies' Ready-to-Wear. Best Patterns and latest styles at lowest possible prices. No need to leave Ros man to buy any needed article in these lines, MRS. NATH S. GALLOWAY Rosman, North Carolina B. B. WHITE Invites your patronage when needing anything in Sta ple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Candies, etc, Also Feeds and Feedstuff. Home-ground Meal for home 'folks. We grind our own n.eal right here in Rosman. Your patronage will be appreciated., and keeping your money in Rosman will help all of us. B. B. WHITE ROSMAN, N, C. ?vru'jvyv'k' J. w. GLAZENER & CO. General Merchandise ? For 20 years serving the good people of this section. Having: been here for so long, naturally we know how to select goods for our trade- ? that's why Rosman and this entire community always leel satisfied ot getting just what they want here. Then, too. wfe have always solo our goods at very small profits, and shall continue to do so. We thank .you, and hope you will bring your friends to trade with as. J. W. GLAZENER CO. ROSMAN, N C ' SSI MlXJf To Close Qui: At THESE LOW PRICES 1 ftfl ONE TABLE SL1 ; 11 iU pERS) OXFORDS. _ .. And SANDALS SPECIAL 1 Lot Slippers, Pat ents, Blondes, and DA IDC Whites, Values to rniiiu 50 special 1.98 88 1 Lot Slippers in Pumps and Straps. Pf-SRS Beautiful co1 _>r com L binations. Values to $8.50. SPECIAL Full Fashioned Ladies Bemberg HOSE $1.00 Complete Line Ladies Gordon Silk Hosiery

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