BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 16, 1929 VOL. XXXIV, HARVE S1ANBERRY HOLDING REVIVAL In Auditorium of High School Building ? Interest Is Growing Harve Stanberry, well known evangelist, is conducting a revival in th^^uditoriuni of the High School bu,^ Tig, the meeting having been started Monday night. Good crowd3i have attended, although the meeting' has had but little advertising. Rev. Mr. Stanberry is well known! here, having lived in the county a ' great many years during which time J he was employed by the Southern Railway company. For the past seven years he has been in the evan- ' gelistic work, holding revivals in many sections of the country. He has a host of friends in this county, and people from all parts of Transyl vania are seen in the congregations at the High SehoonTbTlcfing. A few years ago Mr. Stanberry held a revival here, with great re suits. Friends predict the present revival win result in much good 10 the cour.ty. and that attendance will , grow at each service. The meeting ; will last for several days, the clos ing date to be dteermined later. Mr. Stanberry and ris family have taken < a cottage he'e. and may remain in Brevard for so-ne time. i Orville Simpson is leading the choir, and he asks all pecple from < all churches who will assist in sing- t ing to join the choir for the period < of the revival. 1 . ECK SIMSNAMED il ON STATE PATROL : c d 1 Eck Sims, for many years high- ( way patrolman in Transylvania coun ty. has been appointed on the state , highway patrol force, and will leave ? soon for a meeting with his chief and ( fellow officers, when special training j and instructions' wil: be given the t force in this new work. ( >lr. Sini< is or..' of the most widely c known men in the county, having c been in public life here for a lor.g t time. It is believed he will soon be- j come recognized as one of the most t efficient men on the state force. 1 .KIWANIS TO PLAY BASEBALL TODAY: Noon Meeting In Charge of ? First President, W E. Breese r and His Soard Directors | Great- doings at the Kiwanis club r meeting this Thursday noon, and " 'this afternoon. j Hi noon meeting, will be in , charge of the first Kiwanis president, | W'm E. Breese, and the officers and;* directors who served with him. Mr. ij Breese has just returned from Phil- J ;?1 hiii, Baltimore, Washington, j \ anuria. Richmond. Danville, ' Reidsville, Greensboro Barber June- ? tion, Statesville, Hickory, Morgan- 1 ton. Old Fort, Asheville, Fletchers, Hendersonville and Davidson River, I and is all keyed up for a great ses- J sion at today's meeting. Then, in the afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock, a picked nine from the Ki wanis club will play a game of base ball with a team made up from the ] town's best players. The Kiwanis club has on its. roll baseball players who made "as- ball history in the dim i and distant past, some of them claim-' ing to have started John J. McGraw on the diamond, while others say i they gave Hugh Fullerton his first ; lessons in writing sports. These < super ball players will be given a < chance this afternoon of demon- < strating their powess with bat, ball, 1 mask and mit. j The irame is to be played on the j Brevard Institute diamond, and it is ? believed practically every man. wo man and chilil in town and for miles around (own will be on hand to see these veteran drug store baseball players strut their stuff. The poor youngsters who will rep resent the town team in the contest with the brave Kiwanains have been cast, and following is the town team line-up: Peavine Price, lb; Bil Erwin, ss; Purty Scruggs, 3b; Institute Leb bett, 2b; "Dudie" Macfie, c; Goldie Holt, cf; R?d Carson, If; Runt Grogan, rf; Pet Graham, p. The Kiwanis line-up follows: ! Harry Patton. 2b; Roland Whit vjjHrt1. cf; Fred Miller, ss; Bill Fetzer, nfo; Jerry Jerome, cf; Chas. New land, e; Red Misenheimer p; Tony Trantham, rf ; Rush Whitmire. If. Kiwanis substitutes ? sitting on the 'bench- ready to fall in as player? fall out: ? Spank Macfie, Jim Bar rett. Frank Clement, Julian Glazen er, Calhoun Henderson, Tom Ship man. Brown Carr, Chas. Lynch, Dick Zachary, Whit Whitmire, Jim Jones, ! Wallace Hartsell, Bill Broese, Mack Allison, Fred Johnson, Pat Kimzey, George Lynch. Ralph Ramsey. There'll be umpires galore, and plenty of policemen on the grounds to insure order, and physicians, trained nurses, arnica salve peddlers and Sloan's liniment venders to' take care of everything. CLEANING UP THE TOWN THIS WEEKI Campaign Under Leadership j of Woman's Bureau Is Most Successful Brevard's annual clean-up cam paign is in progress this week, and it is expected by leaders of the movement that by the end of the week the streets and vacant lots of Brevard will have assumed an ap pearance of cleanliness and orderli ness as never before witnessed, with everything in readiness for the on rush of summer visitors which will shortly begin. The cleaning of the residential section of the town is in the hands ; of the Women's Bureau, and this j section has been divided into zones j for the convenience ot those taking ; part in the campaign. Mrs. D. 1 .. I English has been appointed chairman 1 of the clean-up work, ana -she is au- ] thorized by the Bureau to' offer cash j prizes for the largest rubbish piles 1 found on certain streets at the close J of the campaign. A prize of one doi- 1 lar will be awarded to the party or 1 parties accufi7uTaTTn;f vhe largest rub- J bish pile on each of the following j streets: East Mam, Whitmire. Frencn ' Broad, Probarte, Caldwell, Broad, Saston and Maple, and Oakdale. At some time designated by the ,'onimittee in charge, either on Sat-;, irday or Monday, a tour of the ref-i- > lentiai district will be made to ascer- 1 ^ ;ain on which of the above named 1 1 itreets the largest pile of rubbish is J 'ound. Following decision of the ? udges in this matter, the cash prizes f vill be awarded to the righful own ?rs. It is expected that many of the * ?hiidren living on these streets will ompete for these prizes, and thereby ? render valuable assistance in the ;lean-up campaign. By decision of the Kiwanis club, c nembers of this organization spon- ? ;or the clean-up work in the business _ iistriet. Several vacant lots and ^ /remises around business houses al- c ?eady show noticeable signs of work * >eing done, and It is expected that ? >ther property owners in the business! Iistriet will follow the lead, So that j his section of the Irwn will mal; )resentable showing in keeping with,' he residential section. SEW HONOR WON FOR THIS STATE Randall W. Everett, Jr., who is a,i ] t'.ulent at Yale University, has wen ; ecent distinction at this institution, : n that he has been elected a mem- 1 >er of the Aurelian Honor Society j tnd has been named chairman of the ienior student council of the Shef- ^ ield Scientific school of Yale. . c Young Everett, the son of Mr. and j1; Urs. R. W. Everett, of Brevard, is ( i junior at Yale, and was one among ^ !0 students elected to various Yale j lonor societies. This is the first ,ime in history that North Carolina 1 las been honored with one of her j. ;ons being elected head of the Sen- ? j. or Student Council. * ? E m GOLD MINE is j; OF LOCAL INTEREST!? Bosnian Man's People Are En riched by Big Gold Deposits In Philippine Islands That the Philippine Islands is rich n gold is now an established fact, md to make the matter more inter esting to the people here, Mr. H. L. Cadwallader, of Rosman, is interest .d in the great gold mining opera tions of the Islands. The following radiogram to a Chicago newspaper ?ives details, of the tremendous wealth represented in the operations: NEW PHILIPPINE GOLD STRIKE REPORTED By Walter Robb (Special Radio to the Star-Tel egram and Chicago Daily News) "MANILLA, April 27.? The sec ond large Philippine gold strike within a month has been made by Cadwallader Brothers, proprietors of the Cadwallader Gibson Lumber com pany, pioneer, marketers of Philip pine hardwoods in the United States, with extensive mill interests here and a factory in Los Angeles. "Their gold strike was made at . !i village of Tinabaku, Calarines sur Provinces, Island of Luzon, where members of the family have taken 12 claims covering the mother lode area. Within the claims are 240 acres. "Placer workings led to the dis covery. The gold assays very high and a stamp mill will be erected soon. Cadwalladers named the claims after 12 western states. "Another year will see modern gold mining progress at four differ ent points in the Philippines, three of which are on Luzon Island, which the capital. Manilla, is situated." Frank D. Cadwallader, son of Rosman's Mr. Cadwallader, is a mem ber of the firm owning these gold mines, and was the one to discover the precious ore. , I Officials of the New County Court JUDGE D. L. fcNGLISH Named by the County Commissioners i ; fis Judge of the County Court, which I : ivas created by the Board on the J first Monday. HON. R. R. FISHER Appointed by the County Commis-' sioners a? Prosecutor in the newly, :reated County Court for Transyl-j ,'finia County. RAIN INTERFERES GOLF TOURNEY Brevard's first golf tournament for he season, scheduled for Tuesday, vas not completed on account of ?ain. The event will be continued intil all entries have played off, and hen results of the tournament will >e posted and published. Unusual in ertst is being taken in golf ihis 'ear, due to many causes. The mem >ers of the Brevard Country club ire, in the main, enthusiastic golf rs, and enjoy the game for the famo's sake. Then there is the rec ignition of the fact that Brevard annot hope to amount to anything it all as a tourist town unless the :olf course is kept in excellent con lition, because tourists will not latronize any town where there is no ;olf course. The course is in excellent shape, ; .nd it is believed the course will irove of greater value this season' han ever before. During: the evening formal open-1 np of the Countvr Oluh hous ' was elebrated, with Mrs. Harry Patton s hostess. A large crowd attended nd delicious refreshments addo': ouch to the enjoyment 01" the .-o. }? ' ctivities. fOraSMANBUED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Grover Riddle, 18. of Cashiers 'alley, died in the Sylva hospital Saturday night as result of an auto mobile accident at Fairfield, when a ruck in which he was riding ran off he highway and turned over. Bob JcCall, Jr.. driver of the truck, re eived serious injuries, and was re moved to the Sylva' hospital, when le is still confined, sufeHn- fro troken leg. A brothi r of the dead nan was slightly injured, and also mother occupant of the truck suf ered slight injuries as result of .he iccident. The accident occurred near the ionic of Wade Reid, who tot k the njured men in a truck to Sylva. vhere young Riddle died ten mi nut ifter reaching the hospital. CHICKEN THIEVES ARE MOPPING UP Chicken thieves art becoming more ) active than ever, and more daring in their continued prowling", Tuesday night the Rang got chickens at the home of C. &'. Sharp, Selica, and at Flen< Glazener's home, just below Rosman. Automobiles are used by thieves, and this make-; capture really hard, even the hlood hound being un abl; to trace t.he thieves further than the highway where the truck has beer, entered. Hardware stores report the salt of much ammnuition during tin- pas; few days, and citizens express a de termination .to place sa-d ammuni tion into the carcasses of these thieves. Officers are working hard in an effort to capture the thieves, I but on account of the systematic manner ir. which the gang does i: work, the capture is hard to make. Brevard's newly eldcted ?towr, council met last week and organized the 'jroup fir the >oming two years' work. R. P. Kilpatrick was. selected as, mayor pro tem, am! tbcfollowins; committees were appointed: Water and Sewer Committee-- R. I'. Kilpatrick, chairman; Clyde Ash worth and .1. E. Waters. Finance Committee ? W. M. Henry, chairman; S. M. Macfie and R. P. Kilpatrick. Light Committee ? S. M. Macfie, chairman; W. M. Henry and J. E. j Waters. 1 Sanitary Committee ? Clyde Ash-! w'lth, chairman; S. M. Macfie and W. M. Henry. St re Committee ? J. E. Waters, cha' r.ian; R. P. Kilpatrick and 01! Ash worth. Franchises Committee ? R. P. Kil ? ?airick, chairman; S. M. Macfie and ? Henry. Public Safety Committee ? Mayor Whitmire, chairman ? All members i f the board as members. ? Corn Responds to Nitrogen How corn responds to the use of ! an application of quick'y available | nitrogen is indicated conclusively in a demonstration conducted on the farm of W. D. Pass near Hayesville in Clay county iu.-t yea:. . to a report recently made by County Agent John _V. Arrendale. In the photograph above is shown the actual corn harvested from two measured plots one-thirteenth of an acre in size. The corn at the left is the actual yield of the plot which had been fertilized with 300 po'in of superphosphate and 75 pounds of muriate of potash per acre. The corn at the right is the yield from a sim ilar sized plot that had been fertil ized with 300 pounds of superphos phate, 75 pounds of muriate of pot ash and 300 pounds of nitrate of soda per acre. Mr. Pass conducted a five-year corn demonstration in one j of the series arranged last year by; tlir extension service of State Col ic*, v cooperating with the Chilean! Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau. According to Mr .Arrendale's re port of this demonstration, the corn fertilized with only the phosphate and potash nroduced 3.57. bushels per acre. ' That fertilized with the nit rat of soda in addition to the phosphate and potash produced 49 bushels per acre. Mr. Pass lost at the rate of 63 cents an acre by the first fertilization and made a profit of $39.80 per acre in the second where he added nitrogen to his fer tilizer at planting and then top dressed with the temainder of the nitrate of soda when the corn was about knee high. Both plots were side by side in th<? field, reports Mr. Arrehdale. PROGRAM BEGINS SUNDAY MORNING Graduating Exercises at Bre vard Institute Set For May the 24th DELEGATES FROM COUNTY PRESENT W. M. U. Association In Ses sion at the Brevard Baptist Church, Wednesday Commencement exercises of Bre yard Institute will be held the coir lnK week. beginning Sunday, May ID and continuing through Friday, May ? . Twenty-six membera of the senior class will receive their high | school diplomas and 1 1 members of [the commercial class will receive certificates of completion of work in this department on Friday ni^ht. v?y when the graduating clas: will be addressed by Mrs. J. \V Downs, secretary of the Home De partment, of the Woman's Mission ary Council, Nashville, T?nn. The baccalaurcate .sermon on Sun day morning, May 19. at 11 o'clock at the Brevard Methodist church w:!' be delivered by the Rev. Waltc West, pastor of the First Methodist church, Hendersonville. The final examination period cov year's work begins Satur day , May J. 8, and continues throuir* the following Thursday, May 23. All programs of the week will be ",e'? in -the Institute chapel, with t/< exception of the baccalaureate ex ercises which will be held in tin Brevard Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ? The following program a.- subm.'i ted i v Superintendent J. F. Wint.on, will be carried out during com rner' ,'nient week: Saturday, May id, to Thursday, M,i -3, Examinations. oundsy, May 19, 1 1 .00 a.m.? .Com mencement Sermon hv v>,.v Walter West, Pastor, il< ndw sonville, N. C. Wednesday, May. 22, 8:00 p.m.? Music Recital. fhurs. , May 23. 2:30 p.rti. ? An nu..I ball game between facuhv anu Senior class. ft.OO p.m. ? Annual declamation and recitation contests for the R. Neel and Mabel Jetton medals. Friday. May 24,? Senior Day. 1 0:00 a.m. ? Class Day program 2:00 p.m. ? Annual Faculty-.'e.. ior Luncheon. 3:.'0 p.m. ? Annual Alumni meet ing. 3:00^ p.m. ? Graduation exercisi Address by Mrs. ,1. W. Downs, secretary Home Department, V'oman's Missionary Council. .Nash v. 'He, T.^nn. Presentation of medai.i and awards.. This will be the occasion of the fir presentation of the Ralph H. 2a chary medal for proficiency in Mathematics. HOSTSWiMS A17ENDFMI: Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. W. C. McCall were held at C'atbey's Creek church last Friday afternoon, and burial was made i:i the cemetery of that church. Rev.' A J. Manley, assisted by Rev. Wa!-j lace II. Hartsoll, conducted the ser vices. Mrs. McCall died early last Thurs day morning in the Mission Hospital, at Asheville, after a short illness. One week previous to iier death. Mrs. McCall and her husband ver . ! called to Epworth. Ga., where Mrs. ; McCail's father. A. .1. Bracken, was critically ill. He died about ten minutes before Mr. and Mrs. McCall reached that place Mrs. McCall was; taken ill that night, and when phy sicians declared an operation was necessary, after having done all they could for two or thre days, she ex pressed a desire to be taken to the Mission Hospital, at Afcheville. Her sister, husband and Dr. Lewis, the Ep wortfe physician, 'accompanied her from the Georgia town to Asheville. The operation failed to save her, and early Thursday morning she passed away. A great throng of people gathered at the McCall home, at_Selica, and ??t th- church and cemetery, to pay th ir last respects to Mrs. McCall, and these, with great floral offerings, attested the deep affection which her neighbors had felt for her in life. The husband, W. C. McCall. for mer county commissioner, survives, and nine livinsr children mourn her loss. The children are as follows: Mrs. Joe Tinsley, Mrs. Van Hug cirs and Alice McCall, Brevard; Mis. J. C Milton, Greenville, S. C.; Vaughan McCall, Asheville; Dewev McCall, Mexico; Fred McCall, Cal ifornia; Eleanor and Mildred Mc Call, Selica. Mrs. McCall was a member of the .ft t church, having joined when she was a 12-year-old girl, and her work in church affairs has endeared i her to many people. [ J. Frank McCall, W. A. McCall, I T.. P. Hamlin, H. N. Blake, S. P. I Collins and Lloyd Cantrell were the jpall bearers, two of the number be I ing brothers of W. C. McCall. RHODODENDRON SHOW AT ASHEVILLE. THIS SUMMER Miss Edith Russell, of Asheville. invites Brevard to take part in the Rhododendron Pageant, without cost to Brevard. Those who will take part, whether in the pageant last year or not, are requested to notify the secretary of the Chamber of Com merce, Miss Mat'tie Lewis, at once., Approximately 100 delegate: from | various sections of the county were in attendance at the all-day meeting : of the Transylvania W. M. U. Asso | ciation, which convened at the Hre ] vard Baptist church on Wednesday. | Twenty organizations comprise the Association, and of this number 16 ! organizations of the county were ' present at the all-day meeting. Mrs. Wallace Hartsell, superintend end of the Association, presided over the meeting. The main speaker at the morning session was Mrs. Edna R. Harris, state corresponding sit-re tary, Raleigh, who stressed Steward ship as her principal theme, and gave echoes of the Southern baptist Convention held in Memrtiii. Rev. Wallace Hartsell. pastor of the Brevard Baptist church, talked on "Keeping laith with our centen nial pledges." Reports of the various depart ments of the work were given by vht committee chairmen, and devotinntl* for the morning were led by M.> i. A. Glazener. A duet, "Ivory Pl aces,' 'was rendered by Mr.-. H E. Erwin and Miss Gfaieva Neill, ac companied 6y Miss Robertson it the piuno. Fo'dowing a splendid * lur.i-i ? >a served in the basement of the < hurck by the local organization at the noon hour, the conference was resumed? with the afternoon se?sio.i, wl./. )? i n ti tided programs by th< Sr.nb-.i n* of Mt. Moriah C'slvert churcif and '>y Sunbeams and. -Junior <;. A V ?>{ ;.?e Brevard ehuveh. Devotion*, 1$ :e led by Miss Bernice Bri-ig:*=, idtVr* a' her subject, 'Highways >! ;<i vice." One of the main feat'A.ijfjS ?! >e* afternoon session was i.iie p. service conference in cha**!?- i A. E. Hampton, the personal ,-er -e chairman. Mrs. Hampton tu'knl a the W. IL U. Specials, jnc-iu l,in. - the W. M. U. Training 3. i < .. re Margaret Fund and the j i 'ai . It was decided to hold the .t annual associational meetin- ?> tfc the Eonon church, the dsiti", nlflt- 1 in? to be announced later. The following offie - v ro! , . ?<! for the. ensuing year: Mr-. Hi*. J; | Pendleton, superintendent;, Mr- ! B. Jones, associate superi3jep-.U-|it; Miss Myrtle Barnr tt, y<>utv>, ?, .}_ > leader; Miss Jeannetf.e Talky. X sion. study leader; Mrs. A. E., }l:.n:p ten, personal service ehairmur , Mr a. J. Si Gillespie, secretary; Mr?. R L. Hogsed treasurer. AEOLIAN CONCERT Mi Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Adams Captivate Brevard Music Lovers Club The Aeolian choir of Ashevdu s Saturday night gave a concti u i the auspices of the Breva. i Mit-c Lovers' club to a large and . - . ative audience. Mrs. A. H. Kizer, president oi.h* club, introduced the choir . ; their director and accompanist, Mr ir.d Mrs. Crosby Adams. The -boir, dressed in simple white ro!ic-'. gave the Greek impression thi: T treir name implies. Mr. Adaftis explained that tlv igh the program was secular, th-;. w. uM open the concert with a relit; :ous number, since church music than any other is written ft ? a num ber of voices and suited : ebon singing. Folk songs from the E: . -h .r.a Irish dominated the program. The Londonderry air set to the wi rds "In Berry Vale" was the n.u.-t pop ular and was repeated after a long round of applause. Three tfcer numbers were encored: "Tfc*. Foun tain," words by Lowell and mu>ic by Marschal-Loepke; "Will O by Spross; and "April my April.'- by Milligan. Each of these uvs ,,.;ht and airy, with a theme of ; yousness or fairy fancy. During the evening Mt . Adams ' played two piano numbers, and when encored, played some of her own ; compositions. These were particular ly for the children who were in the audience. The effort of the choir music is gained through careful dir.. *ing and the harmonious accord <>? all the | voices rather than through the v. rrk of one or two. With the exception of I Mrs. Learned's soprano obligate in "April my April" there wa- no .-olo i work done. , | Mr. and Mrs. Adams, who now have their home at Mont 'eat, have done much of their musical work in Chicago and are known throughout the United States. Mrs. Adams is a composer of note and has written books on church music and hymnol ogy. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN TO MEET MONDAY May meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club will be held next Monday at 7 :30 p.m., at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, ^here will be no supper feature at this meeting. Election of officers will take place and a full attendance of members is requested. ^

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