S0C1ETY:;NEWS " r MISS JUUA SKINNER VWEBS MR. J6iiN M'LEAN, A marriage o! interest in the com munity \tas that which occurred ia Nholby Tuesday, July 2, when Miss Julia Skinner, of Thomaaton, Ala., became the bride of Mr. John C. Mc Lean of Brevard. The ceremony took placc at the Presbyterian manse in Shelby, with the pastor of the Pree bvterian church of that city, the R?t. Mr. McDairmid, officiating. Mrs. McLean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner, of Thomagton, Ala., and is well known ir. Brevard, and has many friends here, since she taught in the Bre vard Elementary school for the jwst two years. Mr. McLean, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. McLean, is a popular young man of Brevard and active in the business life of the community, being owner and manager of the McLean Motor company. Following a short honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. McLean returned to Brevard, and are temporarily located at the home of the groom's parents. PICNIC IS ENJOYED BY YOUNG PEOPLE. A - : nic was enjoyed Thursday neon near the Davidson River :i;ing pool by members of tha \ ? un-r Peoples' Missionary society of i !>.' Methodist church, chaperoned by fhei" leader, Miss Mildred Trunthahi i' ?>') Mrs. J. F. Winton. Following a delightful time in swimming and in playing various gaii-.s, a delicious picnic lunch added to the enjoyment of the occasion, af ter which the young people departed for their homes. MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN REG ULAR MEETING !y meeting of the Women's Mis ; onary society of the Methodist church was held Friday afternoon in the ladies parlor of the church. IVIlwving the business session, de v icnais were led by Mrs. B. E. X;, ;o!;om. presenting in a novel ?? her subject, "The Ministry i i ,'!iildren." MUs Julia Merritt in i ' in^-iy discussed the topic, "Wo iv- ? in Industry.'' Mrs. A. R. Gilles p v. 'O was the delegate to the re o district conference in Black Mi untain, gave an interesting re ! ( i the meeting. Other members xv attended the district meeting d in a mund table discussion !? .tive to the conference. [ Texaco Gasoline r co Golden Motor Oil \ \j FREE AIR AND WATER LADIES' REST R0OM ri-'' mev&d ri v.* . ii - . I.ii 3.J - - (24 HR. SERVICE) | J Frank's ^ Service Station $ North Brevard L*WN PARTY IS ENJOYABLE EVENT. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Winton enter tamed on the evening of the Fourth of July at their home on the Bre vard Institute grounds with a lawn party in honor of tha student body and faculty of the Institute Summer school. Many games were played by the young people on the spacious lawn, which was rendered more attractive by the pleasing arrangement of benches and chairs amid the back ground of natural greenery, and by the lighted Japanese lanterns hang ing from the low branches of the trees surrounding the lawn. Punch served from a huge cake of ice, a larg-e cavity in which formed the punch bowl, was an enjoyable fea ture of the occasion. P. Y. P. U. ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR. At a recent meeting ox the B. Y. j P. U. of the Baptist church the In- | termediate Un'on elected the follow- j ing officers: President, Roy Johnson;' vice president. Rachel Williams; sec- 1 rotary, Clara Garren; treasurer, A! j fred Hampton, Jr.; corresponding secretary, Mildred Hayes; Bible d in various other enjoyable features. The good things t > eat ad ded much to the pleasures of the trip. Through the courtesy of Dr. Dixon, the campers were allowed th" ? > vile"1 of occupying u e.-.bin on the premises. The following young people, c'r.ap- j eroord by Mrs. J. Cant ret! and Mr.-. A. X. Hinton, enjoyed the camping i trip; ivl Jones, Speedy Jon ??', Hi'/ \ Sellers. Richard Bryson. Rue! Hjlint, j SO FOOLISH TO BE WITHOUT IT! The CAROLINA MOTOR CLUB Provides the following distinct and worth-while service ^o its members: Emergency Road Service? -Recovers Stolen Cars ? Provides Police Bond ? $1000 Accident Insurance Policy ? Legal Advice and Aid? Maps and Information ? Eliminates Speed Traps ? Full Membership in AAA ? Helps Prevent Accidents ? Monthly Magazine ? Legislative Work ? Reward for Ilit-and-Run Drivers ? Advorti?e? State. And All This Service Costs ONLY THREE CENTS A DAY! Inquire of: J. H. Tinsley, Brevard, N. C. ; Joines Motor Co., Brevard, N. C.; McCrary Tire Service, Brevard, N. C. ; Hayes Motor Co. Rosman. Orwrite: A. H. Miller, Dist. Mgr., Box 902, Hendersonville. You Can Get Your Home Paper and | All Late Magazines at Wards Barber Shop and News Stand 112 W. Main St. Phone 54 BALSAM GROVE NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Hannon McCall and children, cf Pelzer, S. C., spent the ' i week-tnd witt their parents, Mr. . ] and Mrs. Jimraie McCall. i| Wesley McCall of Sellca, was a 1 dinner guest of Mr?. Doctor McCall, i Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Galloway and ? son, Avery were Shoal Creek visitors 1 Sunday. i Paul McCall spent Wednesday night with his grandparents, M". and , ? Mrs. Lewis Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cwen end little daughter, Ionia, spent the 4th , with Mr. Owen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Owen. Rev. Dillard Owen preached a very interesting sermon at Shoal Creek, Sunday. ! G. W. Wood, Harold Richardson, Frank and Willie Painter of Green ville, spent the Fourth with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Zeb Packard and children of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A .McCall. Frank Owen was a dinner guest of Luther Owen Sunday. Rirkmon McCal) visited Mrs. A. I Calloway, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brown spent Sunday nisrht with Mr and Mrs. Charles Lamanco. We art sorry to have Arch Gallo way and family move out of our community. There will be preaching service . also a decoration of the cemetery iu Shoal Creek the first Sunday in Aug ust. Sylvester Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Owen and little son visited Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon McCall, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Owen were dinner guests of Mrs. George Ham ilton Sunday. We are having a real good Sunday School at Shoal Creek, and woui 1 be glad to have anyone attend. It has been suggested by <>ne of our local people that the Brevard court house be moved, and set uf beside our school house, so as to be more convenient. Perhaps it would be a good idea. Then we might ' iFn ;? ?ffmet,imos when neede. We see no use Jn trying our yotin.;- men for drinking whiskey when some of our older fellows :? allowed to make and sell it. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McCall were Shoal Creek visitors Sunday. Curtis Owen spent Saturday ni;;l>: with his niece and nephew, \ . ar.d Paul McCall. Oscar McCall is building a in house. Mi s. Claud Mason's baby h,' be y :?! ill, but is improving nicely Kufus McCall and son?, liichai nnd Ira, have cut and saved quit' nice lot of hay, although tli- ? r? . h". ven't been very favorable for ha; m a k i n g. i 'oi'liie Erwln. Torn Patton, '.V; Bryant. Lloyd Alli-on, Mi .;???! . lars, Elizabeth Mills, (!l:i ! \ Kuth Cnntrell, Mollie Snelson, i'.. i lette Gillespie, Mrs Wnllis I ! i ; i Miss Ruth Hanson, Miss H; Morris GILLESPIE-HANSON. Many friends wore taken by n. prise on learning of the n:;r ? ? M : 15'- "U Gill*. -jiit' . of I'm . . ?. E ' .vard A. H#M"n of A -i villt*. The ceremony occ ! ..i t: oil' ice at 1'ii k* ; * C'., ' ii Saturday, July 0. The bride is well known throu h OUt the county h: : .in.- tp.ugiit nine vi1.'1!'!' i'l the Transylvania ?. ty schools. Thw groom i.- a j Hampshire, but >ent ti years in the South. He : meted with the Knka plant r. Ashevillc. The young couple will ??? home temporarily in Ashevillc MISS LOUISE HAYES WEDS MR, WALLACE BRYANT Mifs Louise Hayes and Mr. 'Vi ! lace Bryant, both of Brevard, v. ri married Saturday afternoon, ?' me 29, in Pickens, S. C. After a short motor trip ;h? young couple returned to Brevard, ! where they are now making their home with the groom's mother, . . . . i Hi U'e Bryant, on Maple street. Mrs. Bryant is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hayes and i native of Brevard, being a popular ; member of the younger set. She was a member of the graduating class of 1929 of thie JJrevard High school. Mr. Bryant is the son of Mrs. Hattie Bryant and is engaged in business i/i Brevard. PICNIC AT WHITE OAK SPRINGS A picnic was given at the White Oak Springs Sunday by the David son River Presbyterian Girls circlt and Woman's Auxiliary, honoring Rev. J. H. Gruver and five orphan girls of Black Mountain Orphanage. Those present for the delightful occasion were: Rev. J. H. Gruver, Mary Etta McFall, Georgia Hensley, Mildred Hale, Edith Thompson, Helen Branch, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Patton, Jr., Rebecca Patton, Ada Hedrick, Elizabeth McCoy, Jennie Mae and Kathleen Poor, Mamie Flora, Inez and Doris Lyday, Mary Barnett. and Miss Julia Deaver. ENJOYABLE PICNIC AT WH3TESIDES Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hayes entertained on the Fourth of July with a picnic party at Whitesides Mountain, honoring their brother and his family, Mr. and Mr3. Ed Hayes, of Lubbuck, Texas, who hate been visiting relatives here. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes on this occa sion were: Mrs. C. F. Reid and chil Jen, Mrs. Eli Huggins and children, Ivin Hubbard, J. F. Hayes, Miss Mamie Hayes, Miss Thurza Bowen, Miss Alice Hayes, Vera Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hayes and son, OAKLAND NEWS Our vilage enjoyed kq unusnally quiet Fourth of July, ahhougo we had a number of visitors. Children, prandchilren and greai-grandchil iren visited home folks on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nicholson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson, of Rosman .were picnicking at the old home place near Oakland Thursday, returning to Rosman in the after noon, accompanied by their grand father, T. B. Keid. Miss Vergie Lee Bryron, of Ashe ville, was calling on friends in our village Thursday. Little Miss Thelma Fugate, of Cashiers Valley, spent n few hours with her little cousin, Billy Jo Math eson, one day last w?ek. Miss Myrtle Robinson and brother John, and Miss Gladys Galloway, and brother, Haywood, ot Tryon, were visiting friends here Thursday. Some of the Oakland folks spent the day in Brevard the Fourth ar.(! report a jolly time. The many friends of Otto Alexan der will be glad to know that he has arrived at his brother's ranch in Wy oming and has communicated with friends here. Mrs. E. A. Reid and son, Let. spent one day last week with friends near Brevard, ar.d worked on | the cemetery where Mrs. Reid's par ents are buried. The many friends of Mr;--. T. B. Reid were glad to see her able to tie at church Sunday. Master J. L. Nicholson, of Rosn-.r spent several days last week w his uncle, Claude Nicholson. Mrs. Mary Burgess made a short call on Mrs. Guy Mathesor. one da;/ last week. Mrs. Fred McNeely has returned home after an extended visit t friends at Black Mountain and other places. We wert glad to have with as i church Sunday a numb?r cf eld fiiends among whom were Mr. and Mrs C. R McNeely, or Brevard. We hope the committee for the Fisher reunion will show greater in terest in the next appointment, which is called for July 21, tV same day as our next regular preach ing service, the hour to be 2 o'clock p.m. The many friends of Mr. and Jr. Ransom Gr.lloway, of Gh i:c< . ' Ohio, will be glad to know they st remember old friends in t h . rar. ty, especially those that compose 'i membership of Lake Toxaway 1! tist church. A special f'i "nd < theirs received a swoct letter '? Mrs. Galloway with a liberal n pr< .i ?! = excellent sermon Sunday i'r< : text, "How shall we escape if neglect so great salvati'in." f< the second chapter of lle'e v hope the members of (he chart will become more interest - "* a; him a larger congvegati:n, f : ' : ways hag a treat in store f.> present. CARD OF thanks 1 take this ocasior t>? t!vn r, my friends for their kino: sympathy during the i 1 1 n - ? a; death of my beloved father. T ? ? kind friends and neighbors 1 ?" grateful for words of co: -olnt^ flowers, letters and dev !-; ? f ? : r ? ness. May God reward you each ? everv one is mv sincere praver. MRS. W. !?:. V " P.O. Box 846 Phone 62- W W. D. LOHMAN The J. V. f^LSEL C0MPANY SHEET METaL=~ -BONDED ROOFING Contractors and Manufacturers Office: 331 7th Ave. Eart HEN.DERSONVILLE Just 28 Minufcee from Brevard. Statement of Condition of Banking Company BREVARD, N. C. At the Close of Bu?ines?- Jun>; 29th, 1929 REgOtJKCES: 9 Loans and Discounts $1,302,903.01 Br.nk Hctise Furniture and Fixtures ... 60 843.57 Real Estate 21.293/"! United States Securities .0,369.16 Other Slacks and Bonds 22,230.18 Cash in Vault and Due from Eanks .... 592,540.61 TOTAL $2,016,180.46 LIABILITIES: C !'al Stock 5 V ,,o00.00 L : plus 67,500.00 Undivided Profits 8,458.76 Bills Payable and Re-Discounts 320,000.00 Bonus Borrowed 5,500.00 Divid ids Unpaid "">.00 Reser.c for Depreciation ;,-?3.4o DEPOSITS i ,-.98,428.24 TOTAL $2,016,180.45 DEPOSITORY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA CITY OF BREVARD OFFICERS DIRECTORS I'ilOS. II. SHIPMAN, Prti'. JOS. S. S1LVERSTEEN JOS. S. SILVER3TEEN, V.-P. W. S. ASH WORTH ANNIE L. SHJ-'MAK. C shier R. W. EVERETT R. J. DUCKWORTH, C. C. YONGUE Asst. Cashier ,,r. M. HENRY N. A. I.IILLER, As t. Cashier THOS. H. SHIPIviAN J. I. CRAWFORD, A.; st ( !j. T. MACK ALLISON AGAIN Firestone startles the motor world with an outstanding introduction of improved tire per formance. Just as Firestone was first with Firestone Balloon Tires which today hold all world record* for speed, safety, endurance and mileage, so is Firestone Sk now ahead with a new type tire, designed to carry KSk greater air volume, nive longer mileage, give you ' added non-skid protection 2nd safety in driving, and add to the fine appearance cf your car. CTo ?ee this new tire is to want it ? to, & have a full set on your car at once. Thif % we make possible by giving you a liberal allowance on your old tirw. ^ Drive to our fervicc station today, and be intro* ductd to a sew world of endurance and safety in Rrotone tire perform* ance. A liberal allowance will be made on your old dm. McCRARY TIRE SERVICE