THE BREVARD NEWS i i'ubli.-htd Every Wednesday By .axlu: TRANSYLVANIA tV.iiHSHlNG CO,, Inc. ' i Entered ut the Postoffice in Brevard, i N. C., as Second Claw Matter. < I ( James P. Barrett Editor < Aliss Alma Trowbridge, Associate Ed. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( (Payable in Advance) j One Year $2.00 ?Six Months 1.00 s Three .Months AO t \v . . iiiODAY, SEPT 18, 1929 v. a. linj the W,.. ; tiS THIS COUNTY '! K ?'.'?OUS, SA :'s? JCNSS. u i.. -, as I. .-j known Ki \ iiy, l'roi'esaor Jones as he is >ionul!y, caused mem bers of the Kiwanis club to scratch i I'.ivV L-i ; 111 .'iLllljk ilC t ?? ? ::njr. The professor was trio ako: of the day. and being the :un Lit he is, spoke on mat airiing to the schools, ?i em ;gy in Transylvania i i... unites a tremendous ! .'?? ' . Jcnes said, "not re to i ur streams that rush ?. h in- mountainsides toward gulf . i, and the loss sustained there in tt unharnessed energy going to i. y by day. I!ut I am refer a till ^rCate.r waiitc -that of ?ted energy of our school chil Professor Jones then toid of how t!u , lo school boy can stand no ii ,.!i iix hours a day of close application to study. Counting eight ... mat leaves 10 hours in every twenty-four for the boy In be wasting. There ought to be, ac ? ?. . /i'rofessor JoneS, some v.iiii'ii the boys could find ! work, that' they might be lining themselves in use fulness and at the same time be ?thing with which to pay spenH's incident t? their schooling. This cannot be done overnight, .... county would : . problem, Prof. Jones be lieves that a plan could be worloi out whereby such places could : tiie boys and young e county. k is a challenge to the men. Won tiling will ever be done ? '??'out it. lN hung that all PL-.t. CAN HELP along. ibtrkle.-* Barton, in. charge of tlu (. inly ionic, is making effort to .. tii grounds about t!u.. jiliA ' . 'i is a most worthy ambition I that : npts Mr. Barton in this v.' : ,1 .-hould appeal to ail good J. ? .Barton is asking ;sii who v.' i>l h in '.'lis matter to . . ... . ;us ; . ubbery, bulbs ,.r as .-.d ot" flowers that can be ? : r. . d. and in this manner the . . in ibout the County Home can ? t; :.*.i attractive. At . why shouldn't these grounds In' i .v attractive ? It - r ue that in of us look up on ti oor house' mply as a place m wind: to hide th men and v.-t men ..!? have reaci i the end of the way and hive .othing upon which live and no e upon wlvmi ; ii- if it .is ha: enough for i men s.:-. i women wh once weie stri,: with the streiij; h ol' youth,! buo.. . . by hope, crossing the | meridian ot' life midst a storm of 'lis--- ! appointments and failures, only to] ? rue ? ? old age as charges up >a tiiv ; county, to be admitted to the county 1 ????? ' tiey sit there day after day, I living in a world that is gOne. think- 1 iii. ????>?? l K- c.istj'.ke.- that brought them to the end of the journey in j i . y .rid rags. Beaut ificatioh of the gronn Is about ! them would add much to their lives. In t! - that bloom in the -j-i.-iii, tini< , tin old people coul'i liv; over I again . days when a rosebud meant love hope an I happiness. I la:. ? lug of railing vines about the cou-uy h->ti; ^ 'i:!d bring back to t!.ise,<-' ?? i.e days when they sat in a vine-covered nook, and listened to the -it weet story of love, as whis pered to them in the stillness of eve ning. i i every flower and shrub and vine that can be planted about that county home there would be endless messages to the inmates, now broken and aged, of the days when th world looked bright and rosy to them. Let's all help Mr. Barton in hi; line work. We're mailing statements to all subscribers due us on the paper. When yours comes, please pay ii promptly. You pay your other bills Why not pay us? utcis: ' TOBACCO AS A MONEY J :rop in this state. i The tobacco crop in North Caro ina last year brought to the farmers i he huge sum of $99, 921, GOO. That 1 s an average of almost one million J lollars for each of the one hundred : ?ounties in the state. Transylvania i ?ounty received not one penny from l obacco, simply because none was 1 crown here. I Every man in the county who 1 inows soil, and knows tobacco grow- 1 tig, says this county will produce J ust as good tobacco as can be ] jrown in the state. Why, then, is :his county passing up a million dol- 1 ar cash crop. 1 <?? tobacco is on a rapid in- 1 :rease. Everybody, his wife, chii- ' iren, mother-in-law and the cook, 1 ire smoking now, speaking broadly. 1'here is no indication, therefore, ,hat the use of tobacco will decrease , ' jut, on the other hand, will continue 1 increase as more and more women lu to smoking. With these facts before the farm ers of Transylvania county, why is there any hesitancy in raising the iveed here? i' . a cool million dollars for the farmers of Transylvania county, I !' they will but grow the crop. SEVERAL THINGS PROVEN :*Y NEWS WANT ADS. We often express the belief that classified advertising in The Brevard brings more results, and i[Ui>.:er results, for the money ex pended than any other form of ad- j ivrtising in the whole world. So i many, many times have great results been obtained from these little 25 eent want ads that we repeat our assertion ? there is nothing that ' ?: i: vreater returns on 25 cents invested than that of the want ails in this paper. Last week a gentleman advertised that he had lost a sum of money in un envelope, and asked tin- finder to return same to The Brevard News. The paper went into the mails Thursday morning. Thursday after noon two line young ladies walked into the office and said they had found a sum of money, and if the advertiser could describe his ! ? s, and the description tallied with their l 1 .? could have his money. The gentleman was called to the office. After introductions lie said: "I lost :in envelope containing ? $37.1!', and ...." "That is all you ne <i say,'' broke in the young lady. -,1 have your "7. It'. 1 found it in front of the postoll'ice, and have been awaiting i publication of The Brevard News, I i. vifiji the loser would advertise for his money." There you are. Doesn't that prove the value of advertising in these coulmns? It proves another thing. It proves j p ' vie are honest. Cuss this flapper-age and pleasure-mad gener ation all you may want, the fact re mains that most people are honest, and want to do the right thing. If you have something to sell ? if you want to purchase any particular i thing ? if you want to exchange; something you have for something j i |se ? just try one of the go-getters, those result-producers, these mag netic want ads in The Brevard New . Just costs a quarter. BOYLSTON NEWS J. M. Patton made a trip to Pen rose one day last week on business. T. J. Hollinr-nvoi'th visite<t rela tivi < at Holly Springs last Sunday. Friends of Mcldon English will be triad to know that he is improving since he returned home from an Ash' ville hospital, where he under went an operation. .Mrs. A. D. McLain, of Darnell Creek, was a week-end visitor with friends on Boylston. .J. G. Holden attended the Holden family reunion in the Horse Shoe section last Sunday week. Carl Orr worked with the bean piekf. s on Pine GrOve farm one day last week. T. J. Hollingsworth visited Mrs. M. A. Orr last Sunday. We are nil glad to see the im provement that has bon going on in our section during the last few weeks, as we noitce that Furman and Arlin Ileeee have recently built a tool house to shelter their farm tools and remodeled their barn and now ; have : .cted to grade a road from the highway to their barn, also the Hen ih son county road gang has been rocking a portion of the Transyl vania road. So we hope the Rood work will fro on. T. P. Dun . n has been having a !ot o: troubl- of late supplying dry wood ' > run his laundry business, as he is not using coal at present, and the pr< sent rain and mud are a great drawback to his business. Jim Mann, of Etowah, is workin in our section at present. C. M. Pickelsimer and C. Allisor and family were in onr section las' Sunday. Subscribe for The News - ?2.00 per year. PISGAH BANK POPULAR OURING PAST WEEKS. The Pisgah Industrial Bank, one ' 5f the popular institutions of the r ;own, was the center of attraction 1 [or small borrowers during the past L several weeks while taxes were be- ' ing paid. Hundreds of citizens bor- ( rowed money with which to pay their taxes, and are now paying it \ back weekly or monthly. It is es- ,j .imated that the Pisgah Bank was a ;he means of saving a large part of I property of the county being sold ^ Cor taxes. The Pisgah Industrial Bank has an 2 unusually strong board of directors, und as their loans are made only to , those people who have at least two , r jjood endorsers 011 their note:;, glw.; ! 1 the bank fine protection. The ban a j makes loans on the plan of repay ment by the week or by the month, ,c running over a year's time, thereby i t helping the borrower to get cau." j" up on his oblgations. 1 In addition to tho loans, the bank I |i:.ys live per i ent on time deposits, ' , does a general insurance business, j and is really filling a great "place in i the life of the community. gimTetsoass ; ifiMitf ii riwuitoo i (By J. A. GLAZENER) The agricultural department of the [ Brevard High school has an enroll- ] ment of fifty boys this year. 01' this tv. ^nty-turee are in' eighth grade, nine in the ninth , 1 j;rade, eleven in the tenth grade and seven in the eleventh grade. Last week these boys were asked to give a written answer to the fol- J lowing question: "If you were go-, ing t'> farming in this county what'; farm enterprises would you devel op?" Hogs, dairy cattle, beef cat tle, poultry and truck with suiTic- } ient feeds and pastures for the stock was their united reply. Take it for what it is worth, but don't lose sight of the effect it will have on the progress of this county when suffic ient numbers can put into practice the splendid vision they now ho! i. -IOME-COM1NG DAY AT OAK GROVE OCTOBER 2 As a final conclusion of Homo Coming Week, which will bo hold hero the week of October 1-1-19, the Oal: Grove Baptist church will ob- ? serve Nome Coming Day on Sunday,' October 20. An interesting program lias been i prepaerd for the day, par icipat d in by members of the '/'lurch and oth ers who live in other se. lions rnd wiio >ii e expected attJnd the Iiuiiiv , Coming Week observance. it is urged that all former pas-tors, ?an. I members, and all present mem bers and friends will be present for this occasion. Dinner and i social hour will be engaged in at the noon liour. CHANGE HOURS OF THE U. D. C. LIBRARY FOR MONTH Schedule for opening hours of the U. D. C. Library for the remainder of September will be every afternon from 2 to 5. and beginning the first , of October the hours will be three afternoon in the week from 2 to 5 o'clock. Report of the librarian for the week ending September 14 shows i that a total of i)-l books were taken out, and a total of 150 people were in attendance, of which num.1 ? r 11 S were adults and 32 juniors. Three new members were enrolled during the week. TINSLEY WINS SECOND PRIZE IN CONTEST (By .7. A. GLAZENER) Joe Tinslev, an agricultural stu- 1 dent in the Brevard Hi, school, i won second place in judging dairy j cattle la. -. Saturday at the Biltmore | Farr.s. Biltmore. N. C. There were twenty-two boys in the judging con test, representing eight schools. The object of the contest was i ? select an agricultural student to . represent the western district in a j state judging contest to. be held n ! Raleigh. September 21. Send in the name and address of your country cousin who is living in another .state, and he or she will be invited to come home during Home Coming Week. | NEXT I We contribute to your E good looks. You can get g a Vitalis treatment here, n the vegelable oil tonic, 1 ' also the Fitch products. ft! It Pays To Look Well SMITH'S BARBER SHOP ? j CLASSIFIED ADS 1 :0R RENT ? Furnished Cottage, j four rooms. Special rate to couple. " Lpply Mrs. E. D. Murray, 630 Pro- j lart street. ?? j :HRISTMAS CARDS ? Beautiful line of samples for your selection. Jnusually low priced. See Hazel Ubert at Hamlin & Kimzey's office, v rime to order NOW! Phone 275 v nd I will bring samples to your t ionic. I h V ANTED ? Six girls to make rugs, v Experienced or inexperienced. W. n (I. Collins, Plant Manager. ts? g ?OR SALE? A Tailor's Singer Sew- i ing machine in good condition ; v vasonable. Apply to Miss Daisy c Norton, Brevard, N. C. ltp ? ?OR RENT ? A four-room or two- f room apartment with bath; reas- c ?liable. Miss Daisy Norton. It j 7OR SALE? Chevrolet Roadster. \ Good condition. Cheap. You may ) lave terms. See it at Brevard Bat- c cry Shop. SI 8 3tp t "OR RENT ? Convenient apartment., | well furnished, bright, cheerful ? ?ooms. Two rooms and bath, hot s .vater heat. Phone 272. S18 2tp ( WANTED ? To rent or sell my bun- ; galow on French Broad street. ( Vacant October first. Margaret E. ], Stanley, X. C. S 1 1 ? : WAITED ? Part time representative j must be bank employee. Prefer j ;ashier or assistant cashier who can ( levote few hours each week to this , ivork. Write for details P.O. Box '58, Statesville, X. C. S 1 1 3tp j FOR RENT ? Furnished house for ' winter. All conveniences. Apply . Brevard News office. KINDERGARTEN Opens ? I am now conducting a Kindergarten class : ut the Primary School buildine : Phone 205 for particulars. Mrs. J. C. McLean. 11-18 j C Mc. ' FOR SALE ? 2 sows, 10 pigs. Regis tered Duroc Jersey. Xow ready, $10 each. F. Ilendeson, R-l Bre vard. Aug28tfc NEWEST MAJESTIC RADIOS at Houston Furniture Company, Bre vard. Guaranteed no "A-C hum.'' A high class Radio at a reasonable price. jly 31tf LOCA' AND LONG DISTANCE HiOVjNG ? The Siniard Transfer | Company is fully equipped for handling: your household poods, in either short or long hauls. Car ful men. Big vans. Reasonable I rates. We want your business. Phone IIS. A18 tf. MONEY TO LOAN ? On improved farm lands at six per cent, for long or short texm, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dollars pre ferred, however, one thousand dol I r loan- will be accepted. l-20tfc50 ' F .MITCHELL. Atty at Law. FOR SALE ? G5 acre farm, within 5 ' miles of Brevard on State High way. Good buildings, orchard, high state of cultivation. Plenty of run ning water. Lots of timber. If inter- 1 ested address N.E.H. c-o Brevard News. May 16tf ; NOTICE OF ENTRY North Carolina, Transylvania County Entry of lands No. 2G-16. To Ira D. Galloway. Entry Taker of Transylvania County: The undersigned claimant being citizen of the state of North Car.. ? lina, hereby sets out and shows that i the following tract of land, to-w:; : : Lying and being in Dunn's H Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows: Lying on the west side of William son Creek. Beginning at a white oak former ly F. L. D. Thomas' corner and run- ! with his old line to J. B. Allison's old line; then with his old line to old Lowery line; then with Lowery's old iine to his outside corner near !>?? Medow Patch; then to the begin ning. Containing one hundred acres more or less. This the 18th day of Sept. 1 020. A. J. Thomas, Claimant. SI 8-25-0 Ira D. Galloway, Entry Taker -1-11 frtoMs cf Paris KEEP THEiii bEAUTy By USING f*\ ,'M LEMON cleansing PUSHE^L'S DEPT. STORE Bi^vard, N. C. W.V .JruvrXi. ? ?? We Pay Cash for Chickens, Eggs and Irish Potatoes / Hr avy Hens . . 21c [jfght Hens . 18c Heavy Fryers - 20c fight Fryers 18c lid Roosters 10c 'lean Fresh $<rgs 40c lirty or stained eggs . . 35c Potatoes, per?bu $1.00 \ f B./<& B. Feed & Seed Company I BREVARD, N. C. The School Corner Brighten the corner where you are" The outstanding event of thL s .reek in school affairs has been the ^ isit of Dr. Ernest A. Branch, Direc- a or of Oral Hygiene in the State loard of Health. Dr. Branch's visit ad been preceded by the splendid . rork done by that very fine young 1 nan, Dr. Pringle, State Dentist, who J ;ave the county over three thousand J iollars' worth of free dental treai rient of school children, and whose 1 rork had to be curtailed by the lack if more funds. He treated nearly >00 in all; it had been planned fur ? lim to reach every school, but the j unds gave out before that could be ' lone. ' Dr. Branch spent two days hern >ne at Rosman and and one at Bre- ( ard, lecturing on the care of the nouth and teeth. He proved to be J >ne of the finest public lecturer? hat ever visited the county. He wan larticularly happy in his talks to ] ?oung people ? plain, simple, direct. , ible to entertain and interest at the ' :ame time, of a good platform pres- ? ?nee, well-poised and with a voice ;asily heard in any hall. He is also m artist with his fing i ? makint. . luiek and accurate drawings to 11-,, ustrate his theme. T>r. nch shov.T?d the childrcr. low much danger there is in mouth n factions poisoning the whole body. ' tie traced the development of tooth 1 lecay through its several stage:; From a crack to an abcess with ? graphic clearness. He was listened i :o by the large audience with absorb- ' . attention. It is a pity that the visit of such : ill unusual man as Dr. Branch could j aot be preceded by adequate pub- . icity so that our people might know ' what to expect and turn out in large numbers to hear him. There is so . much gush and gabble turned loose | on our platforms these days that i when a man able to treat popularly a theme of such vital importance ? a | matter of life and death very often ? can be heard here, we ought to know about it in advance and pre pare our plans according. 1 Conducted by S. P. VERNER County Superintendent The Vi?it of Dr. Blanch f Dr. Branch is a member of a amous family in North Carolina ? s our students of N. C. History ;now; with a governor and the amous Confederate general in the ine. He proved a fine mixer in his ocial contacts and his whole visit fas thoroughly enjoyed. Come igain and often! The Superintendent received an nvitation from Governor Gardner to ittend the Forestry Meeting at Ashe rille, and was able to snatch a few lours on Thursday to attend, where - Md the pleasure of meeting an ?d . .lend in the person of Mr. Jack iolmes, State Forester. Thirty even years ago I made r.iy first visit o Asheville in the coin >any of jrother-in-law of Mr. Holmes. Mr. Robert Alls) on, and of Sidney Lanier l?\, son of the famous poet. We vent to Mount Mitchcll then, in a >ne-horse wagon. AsbevSU- was not is large, and not. nearly us cj&m. .hen, as Urevaru is 'oo.v. Visiting the class-iT-oms in Rcsimm irought out the face that they have rotten down to business there and :he whole school ?.ecnu to lie distinct ly improved along all lin.'s. Teachers woitld do well to know that ?: !>- easier to teach when pupils ure clone to th. m. This cannot al ways be done with very large rlass-.s. hut where if cr.n b" Hurie. the ad vantage of having; children close ? ? not hsvuij: to shout over tli? heads of several other (rades to reach the one being tr.ught ? is decided. Dr. Branch cautioned teachers about punisl.ixv children suffering from physical ailments or handicaps. He is exactly right. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. SELL IT? USE A WANT AD THE KODAK PETITE A little gem of color is the Vest Pocket Kodak in five different colors. We also have the Brownie Cameras in five different (jolors ? green, old rose, gray lavendar and brown. '? ' We do the kinTt of kodak finishing you'll like at very moderate pricesN ? V$e' fN^glad to show you. Frank D. Clement, ^The Hallmark Jeweler CLEMSON THEATRE BUILDING AAA A iu I.I. Listen to Enna Jettick Melodies over Blue Net work and Pacific Coast Stations Sunday evenings and Enna Jetiick Dances over Station WLW Sat ?urday nights.

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