THE BREVARD NEWS j Puoushed Every Wedneaday By j THELB TRANSYLVANIA PUBLISHING CO., iM. Entered at the Postoflica in Bntui N. C.f u Second Qui "" James F. Barrett Miss Aima Trowbridge, Associate SUBSCRIPTION RATSS (Payable is Advance) One Year t&M Six Months IM Three Months .M WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19? GIVE THE COUNTY CLUB ONE FAIR TRIAL, ANYWAY. The Brevard News is convinced that the organization of a County Club in Transylvania county will work wonders for this whole section. The plan of the organization being that three-fourths of the membership must be from the county, and one fourth from the town that is the central part of the county, gives as surance that the county interests will be placed squarely before the membership in all its transactions ami activities. Thi* paper is in favor of the or ganization of the County Club, and the merging of the Kiwanis club and the Brevard Chamber of Commerce with the County Club, having then vne bitf organization for the who!-.- county. The interests of all the county could be all the better served with one organization than with the many organizations. Bre vard has no problem that is not a ?county problem, of just as much in terest to the county as it is to the town. Transylvania county's prob lems we Brevard's problems, affect ing the town in the manner and de gree that it affects the county. Then why have an organization in Bre vard, or two organizations in Bre vard, when there can b? one organ ization through which all the prob lems of both the town and the county can be met and solved much more effectively than they can by either group working alone? Brevard is nothing but a part of Transylvania county. There should be no division, no difference of feel ings. between town and county. Brevard is nothing but a band of country people who have moved to town. The boys and girls on tli farm* today, will be the men and women of Brevard tomorrow. An organization embracing the men of the whole county can work wonders for the whole county. We believe, if this county club had been organized twelve months ago that already there would have been a great smoke stack at Selica, belch ing forth the information that a big industry was established there, with hundreds of men and women regular ly employed at good wages. We be lieve, too. that had this county club been functioning a twelve-months ago. that many miles of good county roati.s would have replaced the mud holes and ruts through which some of you must drive today. There are only about twelve thous- 1 and people in all thi county. These are scattered from the Henderson county line on the north, to the Jack son and South Carolina line on the south ; from Cedar Mountain on the east, to the government lands on the west. Whatever helps the people in j ?ne of these communities must of j necessity be a help to all oher com- ! munitieo in the county. Whatever' hurts the people in one of these j communities, always and without a j single exception, hurts all other com munities in the county. Through a County club like this, where the men from each and every section meet at stated intervals, there is bound to re sult a wonderful advancement for all the county. A handful of men in Brevard have been attempting to carry on the necessary work in making this a great tourist center. It has been an uphill job. The people in the county have not been in the movement to make it a great tourist center, although the farmers derive a direct benefit from every tourist that comes here and enta the produce of fartn and dairy. On the other hand, Brevard has been los ing lots of trade of the people of the county because during certain months of the year the people is aoat?. sec tions simply caasot reach the town. Instead of coming here to stake pur chases from Brevard merchants, they let the post office department bring their needed artieka from rafttt or der houses. Had there been & cntttgr dab like this premises to be, 'maeh ol the work in the county eosid We 'been attended to in sasne way plan ned thjfough theek ine?tk?^ ?W? .teatis of thousands of tut . ?w?fl Seen sent away, sever to bs retdra ed here, would still be in this county. [ But the finest result that an or ganization like this can have is the 1 fine feeling of friendship, fellowship and neighborliness that will spring up through the association of the men in the meetings of the county club. The county man will find that his neighbor in the town is a pretty good fellow, after all. The town man will And that the man in the county is simply a prince of a fellow, and because of the the greater and finer feelings thus engendered through these associa tions, there will grow here a genera tion of people in Transylvania coun ty with high ideals, lofty ambitions, actuated by a spirit of friendliness and sympathetic co-operation which will pay the biggest dividends of any thing that has ever been attempted before in the history of Transylvania county. Let the town and county say to one another: "Your problem is mine, and my problem is yours. We cannot live alone, we cannot live without one another. Whatever helps you, helps me, and whatever helps me, helps you." Therefore, let us centralize our forces, our strength, our efforts and our aims in one big county wide organization, and then with confi dence in the future, begin to build a structure here in this community for which oar children and our chil dren's children will rise up and bless us. j AN EXHIBITION OF FAITH THAT IS REAL. Talk about faith, we've found a crowd that has faith what you might well call faith. It is that group constituting the Men's Bible Class of the Methodist church. It is be ing planned to have an outing of the class, a barbecue, or stew, some place in the mountains nearby. Here's where the faith comes in. Dr. J. F. Zachary and others are going to the woods on the morning of the feast day, and kill the squir rels that are to go into the stew, or barbecue. We know nothing of the marks of marksmanship of Brother Zachary, but be he ever so good, we still claim it is an exposition of real faith for the men to journey forth at eventide to partake of a feast that is to be prepared from the kill of a crowd of hunters during the day. Boy, if they SHOULD fail to have said squirrels, their several hides will not be worth much when that ravenous bunch of real he-men get through with them. BY ALL MEANS MAKE THE TEACHING OF BAND MUSIC A PART OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. That plan suggested at the dinner given members of the Brevard Municipal Band to place the in struction of band music in the pub lic schools, sis part of the regular course for those who have talent, is meeting with fine response. Why not? The public school is for the purpose of preparing boys and girls for life, and to make a better living by being the better enabled to ren der service. There is no field where young men reach the point of self support more quickly than that of fered in a band or orchestra. The boys of Brevard have demon strated beyond any doubt that there in fine talent here, awaiting only the one thing ? training. Already there are Brevard boys filling places in bands and orchestras in various sec tions of the country, and their first and only training was received here in the class conducted by Prof. F. J. Cutter. With Prof. Cutter employed as a teacher in the county schools, di viding his time between the High School in Brevard and the High School at Rosman, this county would be giving the school boys a real op portunity for advancement along one of the shortest routes to self sup port and a paying position. The young men now constituting the Brevard band are being scat tered to the four corners of the earth. Some of them are going away to school; others to accept po sitions. Unless there is training of new material for next year, this town will have no band. The only chance is to develop new players daring this winfcst. Talk the natter over among your friends. It is your probtara. Talk to your school authorities about the pJaa. 8te what they have to say about it Exprass your views through this paper, if yoa so desire. Let's see it it it the ibtag to do. tbe am spofes are acst assaredly . ip'&duag tMsis up ttows BpW .wju r a? ? ii LET THE CHILD DIE FOR WANT OF ATTENTION. Once upon a time in a community not so far from here, there lived a ' family of three ? the father, mother and a beautiful child. The child grew ill, slightly ill at the beginning, but gradually grew worse. The father and mother, both strong, healthy people, paid no attention to the child's illness, other than to complain about the inconvenience and the extra cost of such sickness. Then, too, it interfered with their personal pleasure. They would not call in a physician, nor did they of fer even the simple remedies that might have saved the child's life. Now, there isn't a word of truth in the above statement. It was writ ten so you would read the rest of this editorial, for the following is a fact. Brevard is a beautiful town. It is sick, desperately sick. The citi zens of Brevard are strong, healthy men. But they are doing absolute ly nothing for Brevard's illness. It looks as if the strong, healthy, in telligent men of this town are go ing to sit idiy by and watch this beautiful young town die in its in fancy, just when it could be made into one of the strong towns of the Carolinas. Even the simple remedies applied in usual cases of distress would work wonders in saving this town's life. It is YOUR town. Do you care any thing at all about it? If so, you would do well to busy yourselves in applying whatever remedy is neces sary to save the town's life. It ain't agona rain nomore. If it does, Noah's flood is gonna be a puddle alongside uv our flood. What's the u?e to worry about the tariff? The Big Boys are going to get their own brand of tariff, just as they want it, where they want it, when they want, it, and how they want it. That's why they have Premier Mussolini Andy Mellon so near the seat of government In fact, he'? on the seat. The land of tne tree and the home of the brave, where a great free and fearless public is in the hands of the stock gamblers in the real capitol of the nation, that is, Wall Street. No more will the pictures of warriors bold and statesmen great adorn the walls of our school buildings as bea cons of hope and inspiration to the youth of our great and free land. The pictures of successful gamblers will replace the old foggies. Rules for successful stock market specula tions will replace the beatitudes, and thou shalt pay twenty per cent foi call money with which to gamble will ! replace the ten commandments. A seat on the stock exchange is al ready more to be desired than a seat in the White House, and "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" has already been changed to "Give Me Just One More Chance on the Stock Market, or Into Hell I Go." Fine country. Fine gambling. Fine example for the youth of the land. I A PROPOSED TEXTILE REMEDY (Asheville Times) I As a solution of the problem of controversy and violence in the Southern textile industry, The Bre vard News proposes to all concerned j a Southern Textile Union, home or- 1 ganized and home controlled. Mem bers and officials would be workers employed in the mills of the South. This suggestion from The News, of which James F. Barrett, former President of the North Carolina ? State Federation of Labor is editor, offers no encouragement to organiz- . ers of labor from the North and I East, neither to those affiliated with the American Federation of Labor nor those connected with the Com munistic Party in the United States and Russia. The News believes that some time, possibly a long time, such a Southern Textile Union could be merged with the American Federation's United Textile Workers. For the present that paper sees as much opposition in the South to the federation organ izers as to the Communists. This recommendation is worthy of consideration by employers and em ployes, after the present distempers and disturbances have subsided. Some of the mill owners have already accepted the principle of collective negotiation with the workers in their own plants. If the owners could be assured that not in the immediate future would they be confronted with "foreign" unionism, they might encourage the formation of a Sou thern Union, Right now an acceptance of the , idea appeals doubtful, in so far as , anything mora than a local plant or- j jvntration is concerted. The work- , era in many places J?re manifested little of the self-discipline necessary , for wise co-operative action stretch- , :ng across county or state lines. . For this vet y reason, however, |( &e Southern Mul workers need some I, sort ct Iefctfe*sHp to whip them into J ihape as more effective mill open- j Uvea attd mow impendent spokes-, nen o? tVslr own itttcmpts, wbeaever j rtd wfctrrrer those interests an ?r- < rlookei by will ottssm and j j aw Xo to jmHc* tSufe t ihe gteat teed of itoctue ownership ] and textile labor is leadership. And, having said it, there comes the dis couraging reflection of how rare, in all the fields of human endeavor, is leadership of steady far-seeing eyes. SAYS BREVARD NEWS TOO ! HASTY IN STATEMENT Editor The Brevard New3: I should like to comment upon your editorial in the issue of Sep tember 4, having reference to my ar ticle in the recent "Farmers Federa tion News." I am very sorry that you apparent ly expected to find in my article a complete description of Transylvania county's road system and its points of scenic attraction. My intention was only to call attention to the fish ing opportunities in the county, and I might add that all the facts and figures used wore worked up by your own county forest, game and fish warden, who spent considerable time and thought on the matter. I agree with you that Transylvania has great scenic attractiveness; but no more than other W. N. C. coun ties. And may I again state that the purpose of my article was mere ly to present facts and figures re garding fishing waters in each coun ty. I am glad to note your interest in the matter, you can be of assistance to our department through your paper. Your County Commissioners, you will recall, were very slow to adopt the County Resident fishing license resolution, without which the state could not have afforded to protect and stock the waters here in West ern North Carolina. Your County Board has also withdrawn its support of the state's work in forest fire pro tection. This directly affects fish ing, in that it discontinues the or ganization of Forest Wardens, who were also Game and Fish Wardens, and lays the fishing streams open to partial destruction by forest fires. I visit your county rather fre quently, and would be glad to talk with you at some early time. Very truly yours, C. N. MEASE, * Ass't State Game Warden. Black Mtn., N. C., Sept. 25. PRAISES REV. MR. MASON Editor The Brevard New3: I feel it is a God-given duty that I, through your good paper, give our beloved friend, Rev. J. P. Mason, praise for the good work he has been doing here at Lake Toxaway. The Christian people have been praying for God to send the right man here. There have been several revival meetings held at this place but seem ingly no good accomplished ,then the Lord sent Brother Ma?on here and he has been giving his whole heart and soul to the work. He preached for 21 days and not one sermon did he preach but what reached the hearts of both saint and sinner. The writer has known Brother Mason for the past 18 years, and in all these years has never heard a harsh work spoken of him. He has such a wonderful way of winning friends. As a friend he will do ev ery thing that's in his power to do. As a man of God, he seems so deeply interested in lost souls that I believe he would lay down his life for God's cause. We should not forget Brother Rufty, pastor of the Methodist church, and his wife, also Brother McCall, principal of our school here. They did everything in their power to help bring lost souls to Christ. There were 24 professions of Christ some having never known Him a? their Saviour, and some having been Christians and grown cold and drift ed back in the world who were re stored to God. We have had a won derful meeting. ( 1 feel that everybody has been p.reatly benefited by his coming to Lake Toxaway. May they all live for many years yet to come and many precious souls be brought to Jesus through their preaching and teaching. Mrs. Lela Mae Owen. Lake Toxaway. Mrs. Rena McGaha Mrs. Rena McGaha, aged 56 years, died at her home in Dunn's Rock township Monday, September 16, following an illness of the past year. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Dunns Creek Baptist I church, with interment in the cem etery nearby. The service was con ducted by Rev. Cleveland Reese. Surviving are three children, Hes- 1 ter and Myrtle McGaha, and Mrs. Daisy Hamby, there brothers, Lee, Zeb and Henry Rhodes, and one sis ter, Mrs. Harriet Dalton. Her hus band, English McGaha, died seven years ago. Mrs. McGaha was before j her marriage, Miss Rena Rhodes. TOXAWAY BAPTIST REVIVAL STARTS! Lake Toxaway Baptists begin a meeting Thursday night of this week, October 3, which will run thru Sun day, with no day meeting Friday, but at 11 o'clock Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Leonard Simpson of Brevard has kindly offered to help the pastor in the singing, and song service will begin Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Oak Grove is cooperating by giving up its Sanday morning service, and its members are invitea to attend these meetings. These six sermons will deal with rital questions which come to seek ers, and one subject of the series trill be, "The Reasonableness of Bap dsm," to set forth clearly the Baptist position on this ordinance. The Sprvard baptistery is offered fofr bap tizing mw members. IfemWa, recent conwrte ax$act ng to join a Baptist church, a?d & public in ?ner?! art ,a?*ikg8 faatay wltf <!?P*n4 tr^fep aftfawe *ai latest; ini!#or* ?asfe>r E. R. Pendreton. The School Corner Brighten the corner where you are") Conducted by S. P .VERNER County Superintendent The second Teachers' Meeting of he season was practically a hundred er cent in attendane. Prof. Jones i&a re-elected President of the Tran ylvania Local, Prof. Bush of Ros isn vice-president, and Mrs. Reid of lelica secretary and treasurer. There was a considerable enroli lent in the Extension Courses of ered by Prof. Morrison of the State Jniversity. These courses will re lew or raise certificates. They are o be given at the Brevard High School at 4:15 P.M. on Friday after loon of each week. Others besides eachers might find it advantageous o take these courses. Prof. Moore, Principal of the Ros nan Elementary School wishes to 'mphasize the relations of parents to ichool progress and plans to invite jarents to come to the opening ex ircises of his school as well as to risit them at any time. Prof. Bush, of Rosman, is a chess player. How many more in the :ounty. Chess is a good game for winter evenings. It has long been a favorite with certain types of men who like to think as they play ? such is Napoleon, Franklin and others. A conference of the Public Wel fare Workers is to meet at Asheville on October 7th. The public is in vited to attend. We are proud of our teachers-in law, when they are men like the two Brittain brothers, who hare done so much to help market potatoes, and other produce, and who, at their own private initiative, have built up a business of so much importance to the county. Give us more like them. If only some more Brittains would come in and put up a cannery, pickle factory, and other such things. Teacher Nicholson is starting to make sorghum syrup next week. How much molasses candy will Round Top get? and how soon will there be a candy-pulling at Wilson's Bridge? Please note that Snpt. Allen has notified us that the Text-book Com mission does not require any partic ular text-book on Civics. Any of the texts previously used may be used this year. The law requires "Ameri canization" to be taught thirty hours in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; and "Our Dual Government" is the offic ial text recommended. We are indebted to the County Commisisoners for a "County Cal endar" which is a text-book on civ ics itaslf. I BEE GEE'S CORNER SIXTY YEARS AGO THE COUNTY COURT MEETS Murehiton Given Thirty-Nina L*ihe* (Note: The court house is a small frame structure, near the rear of the present court house. All around the square is an open glade, or wood land, with the underbrush cut out. The nearest building to the square is Bob Hume's store, about the present location of Plummer-Tranj tham store.) The whipping post stands in the open glade, about twenty feet back of what is now the rear of Macfie Drug company.) Various cases disposed of. J e r y M u r chison is brought forward, charged with stealing chickens from Ove Erwin ? larceny of property of value less than twen ty dollars. Unfortunately for Jerry, the live chickens in his sack are identified as chickens belonging in Mr. Erwin 's chicken yard. Various witnesses as to value, placed the chickens as worth thirty-five cents each, or a gross value of $2.45. Various testimony as to previous record of Jerry. Judgment oi the Court : That the defendant be given thirty-nine lashes on his bare back, at the county whipping post. The crowd gathers. Jerry is strip ped to the waist, and strapped to the whipping post. Sheriff Wilson's deputy "Lays on Macduff." Modern query: Would a good hearty, vigorous, whole souled pub lic whipping occasionally help to do away with the petty thievery that the community has been cursed with for the past few years. WINTER SCHEDULE AT U.D.C. LIBRARY ' ? Winter schedule for opening of the U. D. C. Library is now in ef fect, the library being open to the public only three afternoon* in the week ? Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday, from 2 to 5 o'elock, accord ing to announcement of Librarian Miss Susie Hunt. Library report for the past week shows that a total of 70 books were in circulation during the week, of which number 62 were adult books and 8 juvenile. A total of 88 peo ple were in attendance through the week and four new member* were enrolled. A new book, "Carolina Mountain Breezes," was donated by Miss Geraldine Barrett. The librarian suggests that a lit tle renewed interest in the library ?a the part of the reading paUic would result in great benefit to the library as well as to the readers themselves. THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Moat com fortable. Most reliable. Costa lesa. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trip*. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Bmard Ei W. H. i? Yi P. 0. Bull dine }OAY (NS Jb SON utisfcetlon N? C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY OFFERS SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIP FARES to F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L GAMES at Atlanta, Athens & Durham Atlanta University of North Carolina vs. Georgia Tech Tickets sold Octojber 10th at rate of one fare plus twenty-five cents From Asheville round trip $9.42, final limit October 14th. ? i Athens \ I vs. University of Georgia Tickets on sal| -October 11th at rate of one fare plus twenty-five ceafe for the round trip from Asheville $8.07. Final ljpiit October 14th. Durham p. University of Pittsburgh vs. Duke University Tickets on sal0 October 4th at rate of one fare plus twenty-five cents for the round trip. Fare from Ashe ville $9.10. F&al Hmit October 7th. For the Atlanta-Athens Games where party desires to see both games, tickets purchased to Atlanta will al low passenger to make side trip from Lulu to Athens at the same rate, that is $9.42. Those desiring to go to Athens direct $8.07. Special sleeping- cars will be operated, Asheville to Atlanta, also to Athens, Ga., and Durham, N. C. Squally low fares from all stations in Westers North Carolina to the three games mentfoaed above. , i ; >?| a Passengers purchasing railway tickets to 'Athena game can secure thru as choice tents for the Yale-Ga. fame. ***** ' C. ^ '< moo*: ?* to#

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