teccd Happenings Miss Nettie Wise returned the first of the week from a visit with relatives in Edneyville. Mrs. T. B. Suraraey visited rela tives in Greenville and other points in South Carolina the past week. Carl Coats has returned to Bre vard after spending his vacation in South Carolina, and has resumed hi* duties at the Western Union office. A Hiss Mildred Trantham, accom %P*ued by friends from Gastonia, spsflt Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Trantham. D. G. Ward returned Sunday from a visit of two weeks in New York. Miss Martha Boswell, who has been confined at her home for some time on account of illness, is able to be out again. Mrs. R. W. Pridgen, of Charlotte, spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Barrett, returning to her home on Monday. ( Mrs. Edna Strickland and two children, Wade and Aro, and Miss Vinnie Strickland have returned from a week's visit in South Caro lina. ; Mrs. H. H. Alexander and little ( son, of Asheville, are visiting the i formers aunt, Mrs. Perry Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Austin an nounce the birth of a daughter, * Joan Annette, on Sunday, Septem- } ber 20. Miss Eliza Henry, of Gastonia, spent Sunday with har parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton and family have moved from the Coun try Club to their home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Whiteside, of Augusta, Ga., spent the week-end with Mr. arid Mrs. J. K. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Shields Dunbar, of I Greenville. Ala., are visiting Mrs. 5 Elizabeth Murray at Peter Pan cot- 1 tage on Probarte street. 1 W. D. Hampton, of Charlotte, ( spent the week-end with his sisters, , Mrs. Mary Hampton Mills and Mrs. r Thomas Dodsworth. 1 Mrs. C. S. Osborne and children, i Mrs. J. K. Mills and children and r Mrs. W. E. Bishop spent Saturday in ! Asheville. 1 Mrs. Jack Hine and children left c Saturday for their home in Jackson, r Miss., after spending several weeks r with Mrs. Hine's parents, Mr. and t Mrs. W. E. Breese. I Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson and t children were visitors in Greenville 1 last week. J Miss Margaret Lyerly, of Ashe- 1 vill<\ spent several days hurt week o with friends in Brevard. . Mrs. J. E. Clayton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cos Paxton, in Green- [ ville this week. Mrs. C. N. Rogers and daughter, Miss Carlotta, have returned to their home in Blenheim, S. C., after spending the past several months at their summer home, "Rest-a-Bit" cottage. Mrs. C. E. Orr and daughter, Miss f Rowena, were shopping in Asheville Saturday. r Miss Helen Baldock, of Little c Rock. Ark., arrived Tuesday to c spend two weeks with Miss Mildred , Clayton. Miss Baldock made many [ friends while visiting in Brevard the ,, past summer. _ r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huggins, of { Hendersonville, are visiting Mr. and s Mrs. Judson Coren. c Pres. C. H. Trowbridge, of Weaver \ College, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Julia Trowbridge. f NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust, exe- r cuted by Mrs. Gracie L. Jordan, to I the undersigned trustee, dated the 14th day of September 1928, and recorded in the office of the regis- : ter of deeds for Transylvania county, ! ' N. C., in Book 'No. 24 at page 70, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been ' made for sale, the undesigned trus- 1 tee will sell at public auctio* to the highest bidder, FOR CASH, at 12 o'clock M. on tne 28th day of October 1929, at the court house door :n the town of Brevard, N. C., the following described piece or par cel of land, lying and being in Catheys Creek township, county of Transylvania and state of North I Carolina, to-wit: Beginning at a birch on the south bank of French Broad River about 1 two hundred yards above Lyon's Ford bridge on a bluff and runs south 22 degrees east 132 poles to a stone near the head of a branch in the line of a tract described in a deed from Henry Lyons to W. L. Lyons; thence with line of said survey west 68 pofres to a stone or iginally a hickory corner of Henry Lyon's; thence south 55 deg. west 6 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge corner on line between J. Zachary and R. H. Zachary; thence north 43 deg. west with J. Zach ary's line passing a small beech on point of ridge near Buck Aiken's spring at foot of ridge and running thence with line fence between J. 1 Zachary and R. H. Zachary 135 poles to a stake on the south bank of F rench Broad River, J. Zachary'g northwest corner; thence down and with the meanderings of the said river 140 poles to the beginning, containing 90 acres more or less. Being the same tract of land con- , veyed by W. T. Jordan and wife, B. M. Jordan to F. H. Jordan and wife GracieE. Jordan, recorded in Book 21 page 296 of the records of deeds of Transylvania county, N. C. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, inter est, costs and expenses of said sale. This the 26th day of Sept. 1929. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Trustee. 4tc chg TAEng Oc 2-9-16-23 Miss Nan Kilpatrick and friend, >ho are employed at Enku, spent lie week-end here with her parents, ,>lr. and Mrs. D. P. Kilpatrick. II. L. Wilson and B. W. Tran . ham spent a few days last week in "noxville, Tenn., on business and .tending the Tennessee State Fair. Miss Jennie Aiken, who is teach ??.sr in Forest City, spent the week nd here with her sisters, Misses ?fell and Bill Aiken. Dr. C. L. Newland returned last .veek from a ten-day visit with rel tives in Michigan. Mrs. Paul Smathers and Mrs. Rush V'hitmire were Asheville visitors <!onday. Miss Opal Fulbright is spending .r two weeks' vacation in Asheville. Mrs. Carl Frady and small son are isiting the former's mother, Mrs. lamie Verdery, in Charlotte. Welch Galloway, of Asheville, was business visitor in Brevard Satur lay. \V. Tinsley, of Seneca, S.. C, spent several days last week at the Walt ?rmire Hotel as the guest of Mr. and Urs. T. W. Whitmire. Albert Kilpatrick, who is attending Jhrist School, spent the week-end vith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. \ilpatrick. Miss Virginia Stradley, Miss Jane )rant and Leslie Stradley, of Ashe ?ille, were Sunday guests of Mrs. 'j. W. Nichols. TO ALL TEACHERS There will be no meeting of Prof. Morrison's Extension class Friday evening. Explanation in next issue of The News. LOU ML OSBORNE She was truly a mother in Israel. ! between the dates of her birth, Feb. j 11, 1851, and her death, August 29,' 1929, lie nearly 79 years of spotless, ife and devoted service. She was the ? laughter of Capt. W. H. and Mary, oung of Candler, N. C. To the first ; narriage with Joseph M. Gudger was >orn one daughter, Mamie, who died n early childhood. Her second mar- ( ?iage was with Henry C. Osborne, vlay 17, 1888. To this union was >orn one son, Rev. Mark R. Osborne | if Ebenezer, S. C., with whom she nade her winter home. She was the nother of six step children in the Os- 1 >orne family, namely, F. W. Osborne, iiverside, Calif.; A. J. and P. K. Os- j lorne, of Delta, Col. ; Mrs. E. H. Pen- j ey, Weaverville, N. C. ; Mrs. J. H. Ulen, Lowndesville, S. C.; Mrs. Joe tivingston, Los Angeles, Calif.; and ne brother, Rev. P. R. Young of tsheville, N. C. The funeral service was held at the kittle River Baptist Church, conduct- j d by her former pastor, J. R. Owen, ' nd the body was laid to rest in the Id Osborne family cemetery. Pall- 1 learers-Three nephews, R. E. Mack y, C. K. Osborne, and F. E. Shuford, .nd three grand children, Paul H. Smbler, Charles Embler, and Lucius Edwards. No mother, or step mother ever i lerformed her duties with finer grace ' ir deeper consecration. They were a ; hurch going family, and lived their eligion in the home. I think it was Jickens who said that it must some where be written that the virtues of nothers shall, occasionally, be visit- j >d on their children, as well as the ins of their fathers. Fortunate in leed are the children who are reared inder such parental roof. KcCALL REUNION SUNDAY 1 TO DRAW LARGE CROWD I The McCall Reunion, to be held : lext Sunday in the county court louse in Brevard, is to be attended >y many hundreds of people. These eunions are among the largest of til the family reunions held in the ounty, and many people come from ither sections and other states to ittend this annual affair. The copv nittee in charge urges every family ;o bring well filled baskets to care 'or the big crowd expected Sunday, j NOTICE OF LAND SALE | Under and by virtue of the power >f sale contained in that certain deed >f trust executed by Robert L. Mer ?ell and wife, Mira N. Merrell, to :he Commercial National Bank of rligh Point, North Carolina and Cen :ral Trust Company of Charleston, West Virginia, Trustees dated June 1 5, 1928 and recorded in Book 21 at page 1, Section 2. of the deed in trust ?ecords in the cffice of the Register if Deeds for Transylvania County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having made for :ale, the undersigned Trustees will ?iell at public auction to the Highest bidder FOR CASH, at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, M. C., at 12 o'clock M. on the 28th lay of October 1929, the following described property located in the city of Brevard, N. C. BEGINNING at a stake in the North margin of French Broad Ave. which stake stands South 58 deg. 30 min. East 313.2 feet from the inter section of French Broad Ave., with Railroad street, and runs thence North 15 deg. 30 min, East 140 ft. to ?i stake; thence South 63 deg 15 min. East 53 and 1-3 feet to a stake; thence South 17 deg. West 139 and 1-3 feet to a stake in the North mar gin of French Broad Avenue; thence with the North margin of French Broad Avenue, North 58 deg. 30 min. West 53 and 1-3 feet to the place of beginning. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, costs of 'sale, ate. T? This the 2'6th day of Sept. 1929. Commercial National Bank oi High Point, N. C., Trustee, Central Trust Company of Char leston. West Virginia. Trustee. Fat Kimzey, Attorney 02-9- 1 6-23 HUNTING LICENSE LOWER THAN FINES All school children have heard the statement over and over again that "honesty is the best policy," and that other one about it paying in the long run to do the right thing. E. ( R. Galloway, county game warden, is the first teacher, however, to of- , j fer actual facts and figures to show , 1 that it pays to obey the law as to 'hunting and fishing. Receipts for License . . $522.00 J Fines and costs 534.21 j These figures show that it has I cost the sportsmen in this county, ? who violated the law a few dollars i more than it cost all others who , bought their licenses and enjjoyed : .the sport. A great many more peo- 1 I pie bought license and enjoyed the i i sport than were in the group which , violated the law, yet paid more mon- j ey into the county than did those who went at the thing in the right manner. C. N. Mease, assistant state game warden, has promised, it is said, to provide special assistance in this county in the enforcement of the hunting laws during the winter sea son. I 'Spect it would be safer to buy li- ! cense and abide by the law than to 1 run the risk of violating the law and being haled into court PRIZES OFFERED i FOR BEST CANNING' Just how good at canning are Transylvania women and girls? This question suggested itself to day from an announcement in Chi cago of a National Canning Contest to find the best jar of canned fruit, |. vegetables or meat in the country. I ( Twelve hundred and fifty dollars in i , cold cash awaits the woman or girl j ( in the United States whose entry is | selected as the best jar of canned food entered in the contest. The contest, which is sponsored by the Sears - Roebuck Agricultural!1 Foundation, seeks to acquaint more j housewives with the economy and j 1 healthfulness of home canned foods, i For years the U. S. department of j ? agriculture and home demonstration! agents throughout the country have worked for inoreased production of ; native canned foods. It is to further j this excellent idea and at the same ' time to help absorb the threatened surplus of farm products in many ' sections, that this canning project i was conceived. Two hundred and twenty-two cash prizes, totalling $5,825, will be dis bursed to the winners in the contest, which has three major divisions: fruit vegetables and meat. The best entry in each division will be awarded $250 and one of these will also receive the thousand dollars sweepstakes prize,, thus bringing the total cash prize for the best jar of canned food in the contest to $1,250. Second prize in each of the three divisions will be $200, third prize $100, and fourth prize, $50. There will also be five prizes of $25 each, ten prizes of $10 each and fifty prizes of $5 each. In addition, a thousand dollars in cash will be awarded to the home demon stration agent whose county sends in the greatest number of entries, $500 to the agent whose county has the next largest number, and $100 to the agent whose county sends in the third largest number of entries. A number of lesser merchandise prizes 4 are also offered. Contest Close* October 15. According to the rules, the con- 1 test is open to every woman and girl in the United States. There are no restrictions as to the nature of the food sent; and fruit, vegetable or meat whether home grown or purchas ed, is acceptable. Contestants may en ter one, two or all three divisions. Entries regardless of when canned, must be sent in not later than Octo- 1 ber 1, which is the closing date of the | contest. No entries will be returned, ! but instead these will be sent, with the name and address of the contest- j ant to an orphanage, hospital, in- 1 firmary or other charitable institu- 1 tion to be selected by the Foundation, j Specimens of canned fruits and vegetables in the contests will be judged on the basis of clearness, col or, pack, neatness, flavor and tex ture. Meat specimens will be judged in their relation to pack neatness, texture and flavor. There will be three judges, to be selected by the Foundation from a list of outstanding authorities on home economics, do mestic science, and canned food. Their decision will be made known just as soon as possible after Octo ber 1. Gives Hint* on Canning "Any method of canning may be used for this contest," announces Anne Williams, director of the con test. "The use of a steam pressure cooker, however, is highly recom mended by canning experts and by j the U. S. Department oi Agriculture, especially in canning meats. Not only does this method of canning save time and fuel and assure absolutely, sterility and preservation, but food canned under pressure retains all its natural flavor and texture, which are vital points in any canning contests." That the judging may be thorough ly impartial and the display of canned samples absolutely uniform, con testants are required to submit their entries in standard glass jars of the i quart size. All contestants will be furnished with one Ball mason jar and carton for sending in a canned article, but those making entries in , more than one division are expected | to supply their own jars shipping car i tons. The sample jar and prize entry [labels for use in submitting entries may be secured without cost by com Imunicating with the headquarters of : | the National Canning Contest, 925 j S. Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. ! One man out of every nine meets : with an accident every day. PROCLAMATION BY I [ gov. max gardnerI The State of North Carolina has made wonderful progress along many lines but it has to its credit no more striking achievements than the results attained by the efforts of its firemen, teachers, editors and other public-spirited and forward-looking citizens who have carried on for years a relentless warfare against iire waste and its attendant loss of life and property. I am glad to be able to say that there has been improve ment year by year for the past sever years. While the records of oui State Insurance Department cover ing the seven years between January 1, 1922, and January 1, 1929, shows a total fire loss of $44,799,499, t truly staggering amount, the los was well below the national averag* and the fire los for the year ending December 31, 1928, was $4,912,925 a million and a half of dollars un der the 3even years' average. I attribute much of this improve ment to the educational work donf throughout the State annually dur ing "Fire Prevention Week' whicl falls this year in the week of Octo ber 6th to 12th. While we are proui of the progress made, the fire loss o 1928 was much t?o great for an ena lightened citizenship ,such as onrJ and I appeal to all good citizens tfl become vitally interested in leBsei# ing this economic waste. But the property loss in NcrtK Carolina last year, heavy as it waS was not our greatest loss from fir A The Bureau of Vital Statistics ol our State Board of Health report! that two hundred and seventyonl lives were lost by fire in North Caifl olina last year. These appaliinjB losses were caused by carelessneaj and ignorance of the fire hazard. 1 I, therefore, set aside the week oH October 6th to 12th as FIRE PftEfl VENTION WEEK in accordant ivith Section 6080 of the Consolida? ed Statutes, which provides that thfl Governor of North Carolina shall each year, in October, issue a pro? lamation urging the people to I proper observance. During this week I also urge thi lire drills be held in schools, facto ies, and stores, and that they 1 continued at regular intervals. That schools, theatres, church? public and private hospitals and ins tutions, factories and stores and h tels be inspected and see that eve: safeguard against fire is provide and also that exit facilities are su ficient in caBe of fire. That local authorities examii their fire ordinances and make the sufficient if they are lacking in ai particular. To this end I urge our citizens cooperate with our Insurance Coi missioner, and that every mayor sue a proclamation. I earnestly i quest the cooperation of every ei zen, Chambers of Commerce, Rotar Lions, Kiwanis, Civitan, Americ Busines, Monarchs and Wornei Clubs, and all other civic bodies a the press. Now, therefore, I, Oliver M Gardner, Governor of North Ca lina, in accordance with law, do is: this my proclamation, and do aside ana designate OCTOBER 6 TO 12 AS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK and do urge all the people to proper observance of this week obedience to the Statutes of No Carolina. Done at our City of Raleigh, ' 25th day of September, in the y of our Lord one thousand nine h dred and twenty-nine, and in one hundred and fifty-fourth year our American Independence. 0. MAX GARDNER, Govern Tyre C. Taylor, Secretary. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE ? Used Monarch Tj writer, good condition, at real 1 gain. See E. W. Blythe, Macl Drug Store, for particulars. p LOST ? Tan spring coat ? Rewi Elizabeth Mills, Brevard, N. Hendersonville highway. pJ FOR SALE ? Pears for canning preserving. R. L. Gash. Phone FOR SALE ? Pigs weighing fron to 200 pounds, cheap. Apply F. Lewis, Cashiers, N. C. S2 WANTED ? Plain and fancy sev making specialty of childi clothes. Apply Mrs. Tom Tear phone 110. S2| FOR RENT ? A two or three upstairs or down stairs furnil apartment. With sink and bata either apartment; also handy garl Rent reasonable for year round." Mrs. Hinton for terms. Mrs. Hinton, S25 2tp. CHRISTMAS CARDS ? Beau! line of samples for your selecl Unusually low priced. See if Albert at Hamlin & Kimzey's ol ,Time to order NOW! Phone jand I will bring samples to home. NEWEST MAJESTIC KADIOd Houston Furniture Company, f vard. Guaranteed no "A-C A high class Radio at a reasol Price. j'.yJJ LOCAL AND LONG DISTjJ MOVING ? Thfi Siniard TraJ Company is fully equipped handling your household pooj either short or long hauls, ful men. Big vans. Reastfl rates. We want your buS Phone 118. A| MONEY TO LOAN? On imp farm lands at six per cent long or short term, in amount three to fifty thousand dollar feiTed, however, one thouuand lar loans will be accented. 1-2? ' F .MITCHELL. Atty at "

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