Legal Notices Legal Ads in strictly CASH IN ADVANCE, and CWkn an ONE CENT PER WORD, for each insertion _ when there are two or more consecutive insertion!, For s^tle insertion, the rate is two cents per word. Figures, groups of figures, initials, abbreviations, count as a word. NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania. tfUttfier and by virtue of the power o! contained in that certain ?deed of trust executed by J. L. Whitmire nnd wife, Betty Whitmira, to the undersigned as trustee, dated the 26th day of October, 1928, and recorded in Book 24 at page 91 of ?the records of deeds of trust for Transylvania County, N. C.( default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 26th day of October, 1929, at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., the following de scribed property: Adjoining the lands of J. P. Whit onire, D. M. Orr, et al. Beginning -on an iron stake in the bend of the branch near D. M. OrrN barn, and a corner of D. M. Orr's and J. P. Whitmire's property, and runs thence N 67 E 27 poles to an iron stake in the E. L. T. Eubank line; thence ?with the Eubank line S 60 E 14 poles and 8 links to an iron stake, Eubank's corner; thence with Eu bank's line N 47 deg. 30 min. E 16 poles and 22 links to an iron stake Eubank's corner; thence with Eu bank's line N 71 E 35 poles and 8 links to an iron stake, Eubank's and Martin's corner; thence with Mart in's line S 44 deg. 16 min. E 34 poles to the center of French Broad River; thence up and with the cen ter of the French Broad River, S 4 W 21 poles; S 39 W 37 poles and 16 links to the mouth of a branch; thence up and with the branch, N 76 deg. 45 min. W 44 poles; thence N 44 W 52 poles to the Beginning. Containing; 29.15 acres, more or less. The above property will be sold subject to taxes. This the 25th day of Sept. 1929. Ralph H. Ramsey, Jr., Trustee. 4tc chg BBca S 25 Oc 2-9-16 NOTICE By virtue of the power given in a certain deed of trust executed by J. F. McCall and J. W. Duckworth to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness mentioned therein, which deed of trust is dated 6th day of April 1926 and registered in Book 20 at page 174 deed of trust records of Transylvania coun ty, said indebtedness mentioned hav ing become due and default having been made in the payment, and the notice as required in said deed of trust having been given to the mak ers of said note ana deed of trust to make good the payment and default i not having been made good, and the 1 'holder pf said note having demanded i that the land3 described in said deed 1 of trust be sold to satisfy said indebt- : edness and cost of sale. 1 I will sell to the highest bidder for ' cash at the Court House door in the i town of Brevard, N. C., on Saturday | Oct. 12, 1929 at 12 o'clock M. all i the following described land: i Lying in the town of Brevard, and being Lots No. 7 and 11 of the C. i A. Shuford estate, more fully de- 1 scribed in a deed from James H.Hed- : den and wife Irene Hedden, dated i April 6, 1926 to J. F. McCall and i J. W. Duckworth. ] This 10 day of Sept. 1929. ROLAND OWEN, Trustee. 4tchg BBco8.52 Sll-18-2502 , NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust executed by John H. Brown and wife, Callie Brown, to the undersigned trustee, dated the 3rd day of December 1928 and recorded in the office of the ; Register of Deeds for Transylvania county, N. C., in book No. 24 at page 141, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 14th day of Oc tober 1929 at the courthouse door in the city of Brevard, North Carolina, the following described piece or par cel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Brevard, County of Transylvania, and state of North Carolina, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the east margin of Maple street ex tension the northwest corner of the J. L. Albert lot, and runs thence with the line of the said Albert lot south 89 degs. 35 mins. east 186.4 feet to an iron stake; thence north 7 degs. 47 mins. west 60.3 feet to an iron stake; thence north 89 degs. 35 mins. west 182.4 feet to an iron stake in (the east margin of Maple street ex tension; thence with said margin south 2 degs. 46 mins. east 50 feet to the place of Beginning. The above deed in trust and notes have been assigned and endorsed over to Carl McCrary. Said sale being made for the pur- \ pose of satisfying said debt, inter est, cost and expenses of said sale. Tkis the 12 day Obf Sept. M29. Pat Tmtea. : .,a 4te | i?zey TW canMeC l?-260c 2-9 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained ia a deed in trust executed on the 29th day of April 1926 by W. R. McCafl^ aad wife, Hilda McCail to W- S. Bree?**ra? tea, which m trot K recorded is {he aftce of the legbter of Deeda of Tn^uyivafue eianty jjs and record Jeferew re is hereby m*de and the same made a part hereof for the purpose of description, and do fault having been made in the pay ment of both principal and interest on the note secured by the said deed in trust and legal demand having been made for the payment of same by the holder of said note, and all other legal notices having been duly Kiven, the undersigned trustee will on Thursday, the 17ih day of October, 1929, at 12:00 o'clock M. offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for caA at the court house door in the Town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, state of North Carolina, the following piece, parcel or lot of land, and all inter ests therein, as described in said deed in trust, and said land being more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning on a spruce pine and beech stump at the upper end of Beech Island and runs north 20 deg. east 22 poles to a stake on the top of the ridge; thence north 37 deg. west about 80 poles to a marked Spanish in the line of the Justice Bailey survey made by thorn by or der of the U. S. District Court; thence in a southwesterly direction with the Conditional line agreed up on between Riley McCall and Dillie Owen; thence south 35 deg. east about 120 poles to a double chestnut oak; thence with the H. C. McCall line 22 pole* to a stone; thence to the Beginning, containing fifty (60) acres more or lets. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, interest cost and expenses of said aale. This 16th day of Sept. 1929. W. E. BRESSE, Trustee, chBBco 4tc 18-26 Oc 2-9 NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of J. R. Tiasley, deceased, late of Transylvania County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said oeceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Brevard, N. C? on or before the 4th day of September, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pleas* make immediate payment. This the 4th day of Sept 1929. B. P. Scruggs, Executor of S4-1 1-1 8-25-02-9 J. R. Tiniley NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION T. H. Hampton et al. vs. W. H. Duckworth, Mrs. Mollie Aiken, Lula Duckworth et al. The defendants Mrs. Mollie Aiken ind Lula Duckworth will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in :he Superior Court of Tran sylvania county, North Carolina for the pun>ose of selling lands in Transylvania County for the parti tion of proceeds among the several :enants in common according to their interests (which said lands are lands commonly known as the J. E. Duck worth farm;) and the said defen dants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, in the Courthouse in Brevard, North Caro lina, on the 11th day of October, 1929, and answer or demur to the peMtion and complaint in said action, etr the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition and complaint. This the 11th day of September, 1929. Roland Owen, Clerk Superior Court of Transylvania County North Carolina pd Sept. 11, 18, 25 Oct. 2 NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania. By virtue of power of sale con tained im a certain deed in trust ex ecuted by J. L. Whitmire and wife Betty Whitmire to J. V. Gillespie, Trustee, securing six certain notes therein mentioned made payable to S. H .Gillespie, said deed in trust be ing recorded in Book No. 61 at page 154 of the records of deeds in trust for Transylvania county, N. C., and default having been made in payment of a part of the indebtedness, se cured by said deed in trust, whereby the entire indebtedness has become due and payable and the holder of the said notes secured by said deed in trust having called upon the un dersigned trustee to advertise and to sell the land herein described for the purpose of paying said indebted ness. I will on Monday, October 14, 1929 at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Brevard, N. C., offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the land described in the said deed in trust, to wit: Lying on both sides of the Bre vard-Rosmaa highway, and on the west side of the old public road, and described as follows: ?Bflfiflping on ft stone in the old public road at center and runs with said road N. 180 deg. E. 17 poles 3 links to a stone at Rufus Owen's corner; then with Rufus Owen's line [ N. 79 deg. west crossing the highway J 16 poles to a stone ;n George Mor-( gaas linn; then with his line S. 81 fleg. W. < 9oh> and 20 Units to ? stone at Mr*. Aiken's earner; tfeeni with her line S. 74 deg. E. 13 poleej >nd 17 links to the Beginning, ton j toning thi**-fonrthu (&.#) of a?J s; airfe'd recorded in Book 52 at page 11. This 17th day of September 1929. J. V. Gillespie, Trustee. 4t? Ralph Fisher, Atty. S18-2502-9 TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by Amy Emanuel to the un designed trustee, dated April 3, 1926, and duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for 'Transylvania County, N. C., in rec ord of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 20, on page 156, to which ref erence is hereby made, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale contained therein has become oper ative said undersigned trustee will ?n Saturday, October 19, 1929, at twelve o'clock, noon, sell for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in the town of Brevard, county of Transylvania, state of North Carolina, the ? following described land and premises lying, and being in the aforesaid county and state, and being more particularly described as follow*: BEING all of lots 11, 13, and 15 in Block "A" of a subdivision of the Feaster Tract, Section 1, of the Castle Valley Land Company, Inc., division made by W. C. Young on the 26th day of Jannary 1926, which said map is recorded in book S8, en page . . . . , of the deed records in and for Transylvania county, N. C., in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county and state, and reference is hereby made unto said record for a complete description of the lands hereby conveyed. This the 18th day of Sept 1929. H. C. Jarvis, Trustee 4tp 81825 Sale & Peitnell, Attys. Oc 4-11 TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virture of the pawer I or sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by E. J. Anders to the under signed trustee on the 1st day of March, 1927, said deed of trust being recorded in book 16 at page 536 of Transylvania County Records of Deeds of Trust, at Brev ard, N. C., and default having been made in the payment of the Indebted ness therein mentioned, and all notices required by law having been given, and aaid default not having been made good, and the holders of said notes evidencing said indebted ness having requested the unWrsign ed trustee# to foreclose said deed of trust. WE WILL, on Monday, Octo pber the 21st. 1929, between the hours of 10 KM) o'clock A M. and 2: 00 o clock P. M., and as near the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon as possible, at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., sell to the highest Didder for cash, all the following prop erty, to- wit: "Lyin* in the town of Brevard, N. C., on the S. side of Probarte St. Beginning at a stake on the South margin of Probarte St, which stake is N. 61 deg. W. 180 ft. from the cor ner of Probarte and Oakland Streets, ?nd runs at right angles to Probarte St. S. 29 Deg. W. 132 ft. to a stake; Thence parallel to Probarte St. N. 61 leg. W. 110 ft to a stake; thence at ?lght angles to Probarte St N. 29 ieg. E. 132 ft. to a stake in the South nargin of Probarte St., Thence with :he South margin of Probarte St. S. 51 deg. E. 110 ft to the beginning." Said sale made to satisfy the in lebtedness, interest, and costs. This 18th day of Sept 1929. L. E. Johnson & H. E. Martin, 3.26 03-10-17 Trustees NOTICE OF ENTRY Vorlh Carolina, Transylvania County Entry of lands No. 2646. To Ira D. Galloway, Entry Taker of Transylvania County: The undersigned claimant being a ;itizen of the state of North Caro ina, hereby sets out and shows that he following tract of land, to-wit: -?ying and being in Dunn's Rock Township, Transylvania County, STorth Carolina, and more particular y described as follows: Lying on the west side of William ion Creek. 1 Beginning at a white oak former y F. L. D. Thomas' ccrner and runs vith his old line to J. B. Allison's old ine; then with his old line to old -.owery line; then with Lowery's old ine to his outside corner near the VIedow Patch; then to the begin ling. Containing one hundred acres nore or less. This the 18th day of Sept. 1929. J. Thomas, Claimant. S18-26-0 Ira D. Galloway, Entry Taker 4-11 NOTICE OF SALE Under and _ by virtue of the power )f sale contained in a Deed in Trust executed on the 2nd day of October 1928 by W. H. Duckworth and wife, Roxie E. Duckworth, to W. E. Breese, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Transylvania County in Book 24 page 99 and in dexed in said office and to which said index and record reference is hereby made and the same made a part here of for the purpose of description, and default having been made in the pay ment of both principal and interest on the note secured by the said deed in trust and legal demand having been made for the payment of same by the holder of said note, and all other legal notices having been duly given, the undersigned Trustee, will, on the 19th day of October 1923 at 12:00 o'clock M. offer for sale at Public Auction and sell to the highest bidder FOR. CASH at the Court House Door in the towa of Brevard, County of TrooBTiraaiE, State of North Carolina, the following pieee, parcel or lot of lasd, and all interest therein, as described in said Deed in Trust, and said land being more nap ticularly described as follows: BEGINNfitfG ast & peat oak in the margin of the railway right of vsy and being the earner ot the 10 8|l0 ffitt brief tff ite W. H. Evttkwrth ivctt Hosjfs .said ro*s vjft tin taSmad a ,ioorA-TOpter? dhxcti&a 11 1?? to a {tafce; Ofcg*ct? I'iS M to ? ;tlAS> **+ nv ; -)h?* _"?> ? - -- KW " ~ . tract; thence ' north 50 'west, S I poles to a stake wfth same line; thence north 72 deg. west 8 poles to a stake in the margin of the road; thence in a northwesterly direction with the said road 110 pdSts to a stone; thence north 57 deg. west 28 poles to a stone in the Nicholson :ine; thence north 32 deg, east 10 poles to a stone ; thence north 4 deg. east 14 poles to a stone; thence north 23 deg. east 17 poles and 17 links to a stone; thence south 4 deg. east 1 poles to a stone; thence youth 54 deg. east 8 poles to a stake; thence north 85 deg. east 12 poles to a stone; thence south 8% deg. east 5% poles to a red oak; thence south 2 deg. east 2% poles to a stone; thence south 32 deg. east 9 poles to a stone; thense south 48 deg. east 15 poles to a black oak on a high ridge; thence south 43 deg. 27% poles to a chestnut stump in the E. S. English line: thence south 1 3-4 deg. east 16% poles to & stone comer of the Duckworth New Home tract; thence south 3 8-4 deg. east 52% poles to a pine; thence south 66 deg. east 25% poles to the Begin ning. Containing 21 7 1 10 acres. Being the same tract described on a plat made by A. L. Hardin dated Oct. 1st 1928 and hereto attached. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, inter est, cost and expenses of said sale. This the 23rd day of Sept. 192S. W. E. Breese, Trustee. 4tc S25 chg BBco Oct 2-9-16 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed in trust executed of the 22nd day of August 1923, by Albert McJunkina and wife Rena Allison McJunkins, to G. C. Kilpatrick, trustee, which said deed in trust was given to secure certain indebtedness therein describ ed, and which is duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Transylvania County is Book No. 15, at page 273 and indexed in Mid of fice and to which eaid index and reference is hereby made and the same made a part hereof for the pur pose of description, and default hav ing b?en made in the payment of both principal and interest on the note secured by the said deed in trust and legal demand having been made for the payment of same by the holder of said note, and al! other legal notices having been duly given, the under signed trustee will, on tnq 21st, day of October, 1929, at 12:00 o'clock M. offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Brevard, County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina, the following piece, parcel or lot of land, and all interest therein, as described in said deed in trust, and said land being more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning on a stake en the bank of a 30 foot road and at the south east corner of lot No 16, and runs thence with the margin of said road South 31 3-4 degrees East 64 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 16, 100 thence North 12 degrees East 200 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 19; thence North 84 1-2 degrees West with the line of lot No. 19 to a stake in the line of lot No. 16, 100 feet; thence South 5 degrees West 192 feet to the Beginning. Being all of lot No. 15 as shown on a map of the C. C. Kilpatrick lands, lying on Mount Aetna branch. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt interest, cost and expenses of said sale. This the 21st day of Sept. 1929. G. C. Kilpatrick, pd. S.25 O. 2-9-16 Trustee NOTICE OF TAX COLLECTORS SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES On Mcnday, October 21, 1929, I will sell to the highest bidder for :ash, at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., the follow ing real estate for 1928 taxes now due: T. E. PATTON, Jr., Sheriff-Tax Collector Transylvania County, N. C. Brevard Township Pickelsimer, J. H. & Chapman M. M. 16 acres *12.70 Macfie, S. M. 1 lot 70.46 Shuford, C. A. Estate, one lot 51.24 Wood, T. S. 41 acres 262.92 Miller, N. A. 1 lot 28.90 Anthony, Henry 1 lot 4.70 Poor, James H. 1 lot 32.60 Boyd Township Orr, P. M. 63 acres 26.60 Brown, J. A. 66 acres 19.85 Eastatoe TowtiUp Garren & Johnson, 125 acres 17.32 Murr, J. W. and wife 236 acres 5.76 Robinson, S. E. 50 acres .... 11.28 Rycroft, Harriett Land .... 9.95 Glouce*ter Town (hip Duckworth, J. E. & W. B. 47 acres ? 14.68 Hogback Townthlp Bennett, Mrs. Grace 2 1-2 acres 4.24 Dunns Rock Townthlp Freeman, C. D. 1 lot 4.48 Little River Township Allison, Dorus, 27 acres .... 6.38 Corporation Excess Hunt Cottages, 1 lot 58.70 Lawrence Land Co., Acres . . 87.78 Purity Products Co. 1 lot . . 59.38 Transylvania Tanning Co., 1 ] let. 997 .29 1 Traawey TMurisr C&- 1 84M7I Gloucester Ebr. Co. 1 lot . . TW-7J ? 666 fc * few Wd?, Gyippa, Fin, {fengse, Bfl&nu Vww It U t> A* imt (jMutfy I THE PRAYER CORNER WHY I TEACH Sometime ago the beautiful verses on Why 1 Teecb appeared in "The Prayer- Corner," but they are SO helpful and heartening I would re peat them here, hoping and praying that all the teachers in our Elemen tary ana High School will commit them to memory and repeat them at least once a week until they are firmly fixed ir. their minds. I would that all the teachers in the county might do so, for repetition is the soul of all true teaching. WHY I TEACH "Because I would be young in soul and mind, Though years may pass and age my life constrain, And I have found no way to lag be hind The fleeting years, save by the magic chain That binds me, Youthful, to the Youth I love. I Teach Because I would be wise and wisdom find From millions gone before whose torch I pass, Still burning bright to light the paths that wind Too steep and rugged, for each lad and lass Slow climbing to the unrevealed ali>ove, 1 Teach Because in passing oa the living flame That ever bright burns the ages through, I have done service that u worth the name Can I but say, "The flame of knowl edge grew A little brighter in the hands 1 taught 1 Teach I Because ? know that when life'* end I reach And thence pass through the gate so wide and deep, To what 1 do not know, save what men Teach, That the remembrance oi me men will keep, li what I 're done, and what I have is naught. I Taach A PRAYER OF TEACHERS' We bless Thee, 0 Fathe;: God, for the free and noble spirit that is breathing with quickening power upon the educational life (if our day and for the men and women of large mind and loving heart who have made that spirit our common pos session by their teaching and ex ample. But grant that a higher obedience and a self restraint may grow in the new atmosphere of free dom. We remember with gratitude to Thee the godly teacher ol our own youth, who won our hearts to higher purposes by the sacred contagion of their life. May the strength and beauty of Christ-like service still be plainly wrought in the livrs of their successors, that our children may not want for strong models of devout manhood and womanhood on whom their characters can be moulded. Do Thou reward Thy servants with a glad sense of their own eter nal worth as teachers of the race, and in the heat of the dav do Thou show them the spring by the wayside that flows from the eternal silence of God, and gives new liglit to the eyes of all who drink of it And all this we ask for Jesus Christ's take. Amen. ? C. D. C. PLEASANT GROVE NEWS Mrs. 3. L. Thomas, of this place, is ill at present. A number of people from this place attended the singing conven tion at Brevard Sunday. Miss Arra Rushton, who has been visiting friend# in Hodgea and Green ville, S. C., has returned home. Mrs. O. R. Justus, who has been , very ill, ia improving at present. Mr. and Mrs. Carl KUlian, of Brevard, spent the week-end with friends in this section. . Clyde Garren, of French Broad Parle, was through our section Sun- i day. j Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grey made a ] business trip to Brevard Saturday. 1 Miss Azlee Justus, who is at- 1 tending school it? Brevard, spent the , ' week-end here with her parents, Mr. ii &nd Mrs. D. R. Justus. ' Mrs. Flora Pickelsmier and Miss I lulia Hamilton spent the week-end i with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Blythe. I Mrs. S Hamilton made a business ] trip to Hendersonville Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson, of Bal four, spent the week-end with the ^ latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Srey. i< We are all glad to see the sunshine (gain after so much rain. ] NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND ^ Under and by virture of the power i if sale contained in that certain deed >f trust executed by Gene W. Stan- < jerry, and wife, Yvonne Shuford < Stanberry, to C. M. Hauser, Trustee, ' lated the 8th day of September, 1920 ind recorded in Book 16 page 357 f n the office of the Register of Deeds < :or Transylvania County, North Car- i ilina, default having been made in ;he payment of the indebtedness i thereby secured, and demand having 3een made for sale, the undersigned > Trustee, will at 12:00 o'clock noon on 1 Saturday, October 26, 1929, sell at public auction to the highest bidder ] for cash, at the Court House Door 1 n the City of Brevard, North Caro- ' ina, the following described property Situate in the State of North Car- > >lina, and in the County of Transy- ' vania, City of Brevard, and more J particularly bounded and described , >s follows: Beginning at a stake on W. Maple Street, 50 feet Southeast from F. E. i Shuford's Northeast corner, and runs 3. 74 1-2 deg. W. 160 feet to a 1 itake; thence S. 21 1-2 deg. E. 80 ft. to a 3take; thence N. 74 1-2 deg. E. , 150 feet to a stake on the West mar LAKE TOXAWAY N1EWS Mrs. F. Y. Wlllbanks iru called to Ware Shoala, S. C., las; week on account of the death of h< r brother. Mrs. Z?lma Gloud end little grandson, of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting: her sister, Mrs. Louie Fisher, this week. Mrs. Celia Stranton, of Los An Silas, Calif., is visiting her brother, urlir. Owens and her sister, Mrs. Granville Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh and children ,of Brevard, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mc Neely. Mrs. Ida B. Payne returned hom? last weak after spending a few ?reeks in Waynesville. Mrs. D. C. Scruggs and Mrs. W. W. Ray spent Monday and Tuesday in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reid, of Oak land, were Toxaway visitor a few Ian ago. Mrs. Henry Alexander, of Oak tad, was a visitor last week in the icme of her father, S. L. Sanders. W. W. McNeely was a Brevard visitor last Saturday. Noland McCoy spent the week :nd with Mr. and Mrs. Arrowood Lee. Harrison Hall spent Saturday in Brevard. Miss Carrie McNeely, of Bre rard, spent the week-end in Toxa iray. The meeting that has been going >n for three weeks at the methodist :hurch closed last Saturday night. Hie meeting was a great imccess. Oneil Owen, who is attending ichool at Brevard, spent the week end at home with his parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. Ben Owens. Fred Hall, of Brevard, was a Tox iway visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols will neve to the Galloway house this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland .Owen, of Brevard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bur in Owen and Mr. and Mrs. Granville Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Case spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Banther. fin of West Maple Street; thence sith the West margin of Maple St. tf. 21 1-2 deg. W. 80 feet to the beginning. The above described property will le sold subject to any and all taxes ind paring assessments. This the 26th day of Sept., 1929. C. M. HAUSER, rrustee Gralloway & Ramsey Attorneys. 0 2-9-16-23 Mothers wh? reali f* TiUJlj PURE FRESH 1 A RAW MM

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