THE PRATER COWER "LARGE BLESSINGS OF A BRIEF CREED" "I know Him whom I have be lieved."? 2 Tim. 1:1?. "Think of the Urge blessings of a small theology-T*a religion which shall really being to us, be a pari of us, enter into as, abide with us, and with us only, but with our chil dren forever. Not many doctrines, but sojid. It need not be very wide, but it must be very deep. It must go down to the bottom of oar hearts, and dwell there as a living certainty." "To be sure of God, most wise, most mighty, most holy, most loving, our Father in Heaven and earth. To be sure of Christ, divine and human, our Brother and our Master, the pattern of excellence, ar.d the Redeemer from sin, the Saviour of all who trust in Him. To be sure of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Guide, the Purifier, ghren to all who ask for Him. To be sure of Immortality, and endless life in which nothing can separate us from the Love of God." "Let us concentrate our faith up on these thinsrs." "If we can get hold of these pro found realities, if we can gather abour. them all the forces of reason and, conscience, and experience and testimony, to establish them forever, if wvj can rest upon them firmly asid steadfastly feelincr that they are our?, because they are revea'ed, we (4) all he satisfied. For our great need is not to know more about religion hut to be more sure of what we do know." "One thought I have, my ample creed; So deep it is and broad, And equal to my every need, It is the thought of God. iSa.h morn unfolds some frosh sur prise, I r.-aat at life's full board; And rising in my inner skies, Shines forth the thought of God. i SELL rr? USE A WANT AD KYES EXAMINED GLA*SES FITTED LENSES DUPLICATED Br?t?rd OtTic# in P, 0. BnOdbf O-pwm Etmv TUESDAY AfUiaita W. H. HAWKINS ft SON 49 Yfters of Satkfmctiou H eeJannBTilU, N. 'Vi I ' ;At night ray gladness is my prayer, I drop my duly load, 'And every care is pillowed there . ' Upon the thought of God. ; I ask not far before to see, 1 Bat take in trust my road, 1 Life, Death and Immortality, ; Are in my thought of God. ? To this their secret strength they ' owed, The martyrs path who trod; The fountains of their patience flow ed From out their thought of God. I Be still the light upon my way, My pilgrims staff and rod, My rest by night, my strength by day, 0 btessed thought of God." A PRAYER . Dear Father, I thank Thee that I 'ran come near to Thee, and find in Thee all I can need and all I can di-sire. Help me to be unselfish in my prayers, seeing in Thy glorious goodness the assurance of Thy help. May I love the silence through ' which Thou uost speak, and may 1 be quick to hear Thy still voice sounding- in the tumult of human sound. Dear Jesus, help nie to confess Thee truly in life and in speech. Let mo remember that the ffcith Thou dost ;>.sk for b a daiiy service. 0 keep me from lip worship, while heart and life are far from Thee. And may I so earnestly speak Thy name and follow Thy example that my confession may please Thee and , bless my fellow men. i 0 Eternal Spirit, I would communc with Thee. Far away from all that troubles and disturbs, I would rest brside the river of everlasting love. ' Tiied and weary with all my striving, I give me Thy strength, comfort me ! with Thy love, and fill me with Thy ! life. Flow through me, cleansing nie from all stain of sin, from all dark thoughts and weakness of body, and lift me to a consciousness of Thy nearness. Breathe upon me bo that I may be able to hear Thy still /?mall voice. I wait upon Thee now, hushed and silent in Thy Presence. Dear Lord, I thank Thee that Thoa hast not left me uncertain concern- ; ing what and where I shall be when I die. In thine own book and by Thy ! own blessed words Thou hast made ' clear the ar.swer which satisfies my , heart. I know not what bliss awaits j me there, and I am too feeble to | understand the greatness of the | Klory which Thy love has prepared, but oh, dear Master, J know that even as Thou has cared for me from iry creation so Thou wilt care for me through all the ages, and in Thee have I put my trust, Amen. ? C. V. C. ? i 13MB i The Best Garden ? ? is the product of good seed and industrious care. The most satisfying financial success is produced in just the same way. Our Savings Accounts and Interest Certificates, for ex ample, industriously added to at regular in tervals, grow to bring joy to the possessor. Are you experiencing the joy of saving money industriously and regularly? Brevard Banking Co. '? f .waft? n " w :ti i BREVARD, N. C. mot an -,n ;-iv :?'jon am: 4% PAIS ON SAYINGS ACCOUNTS ; arncw wrecto rs THOS. H. SHXPMAN. Pres. JOS- S. SH.VKRSTEEN 70S. a SILVERSTEBN, V.-P. w- S- AflHWORTH ANNIE L. SHIPMAN, Cashier R. W. BVBRETT R. J. DUCKWORTH, c- 0. YONGUB ? ? ' Aa*. Cashier W. M. HBHKT N. A. MILLER, Asst. Cashier THOS. H. SHIPMAN J. I CRAWFORD, Asst Cash. J. MACK ALLISON 5 ? ? j* >? : Could Have Avoided Years of Suffering mrs. a. w. hupp 'If this wonderful new Sargon had only been on the market earlier I could rave avoided years of suf fering. For seven years I suffered almost constantly with a dull, ach ing pain in my side and finally these troubles broke down my whole nervous system. "Thanks to Sargon ar;d Sargon Soft Mass Pills ? all my troubles have disappeared, and I haven't had a headache since taking thn treatment" ?Mrs. G. W. Hupp, 3508 South 20th St., Omaha, Nebr. Thousands upon thousands of casen like the above can be cited where Sargon has triumphed after all other medicines had failed. DAViS-LONG DRUG CO., Agent. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust executed by J. L. Plott and wife, Sallie Plott, < to Lewis P. Hamlin, trustee, dated the 14th day of December 1929, and , recorded in the office of the Regis ter of deeds for Transylvania coun OAKLAND NEWS MOTES Mrs. W. H. Nicholson called on Mrs. L. N. Norton Sn&day afternoon. Mrs. Claude Reid has been qoite ill the past week. Miss Lessie Reid of Sapphire, had is week-end guest* her cousins, Misses Flora and Bess Reid of Bre vard. Airs. Clyde Chappie was ill last week, but is able to be out again'. Otto Alexander called on I. S. Sanders Saturday evennigr. Mrs. C. W. Fisher and Mrs. W. W. Reid were guests of Mr*. I. S. Sanders Monday. Mrs. Lee F. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. f.?y Matheson were Brevard visitors Saturday. Among those calling on Billie Jo Matheson Sunday were Peggy Sand ers, Allene Fisher, Clara Lec Fisher, nnie Chappie and Artense Chap pie. Rev. E. R. Pendleton of Brevard, .vas guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Reid Saturday evening and night. We were very sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Johnnie Reid of Rosman. ! Claude Nicholson culled on his cousin, Leo Reid, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harrison and small son Richard Jr., were Rosman visitors Saturday evening. Evannd Sanders called on Mrs. Ethel Reid Saturday. Mrs. Ford Reid and children of Sapphire, called in our village Sun day. L. E. Cash and Jess Cash visited their mother last week. Mrs. Cash is very sick in Ashiivtlle. Little Misses Martha and Mary Matheson spent Saturday after noon with their aunt, Ola Sanders. I ii .in ? ty, N. C. in Book No. 24 at page [283, default having been made in the 'payment of the indebtedness thereby jsecured, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned trus tee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder FOR CASH, at 12 o'clock M. on the 31st day of March 1930, at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., the follow ing described piece or parcel of land, lying and beinjr in Cstheys Creek I Towxiahfo, and mora perticulnrly de scribed as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING on A stake on th# west margin of Highway No. 28 ?t i the junction of an old road, and runs with north and west side of the old Toad the following courses and. distance*: South 74 deg. west 76 feet; then sonth 47 deg. west 40 feet; then south 21 deg. west 20 feet; then 6 deg. west 189 feet to 'i stake in the old Paxton line; theft' with said oid line south 87 deg. east 30 feet to a stake on the west ma gin of the Highway; then sam? course south 87 deg. east 260 feet to a a take on the north bank of the old road leading to Lambert Gilles pie's house; then with the north mar gin of said old road, north 46 1-2 | deg. west 282 feet to a stake on the east margin of the Highway; thei, crossing the Highway, north 18 deg. west 36 feet to the beginning, con taining 87 ? 100 of an acre more or lea*. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, inter est, costs and expenses of said sale. Sale made subject to any and all taxaa. This 25th day of Feb. 1930. LEWIS P. HAMLIN, Trustee. 4tchg OHO Mar 6-12|19[26 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under aDd by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed in trust from W. E. SMpmtin and wife to the undersigned trustee1 bearing date of .March 30th, 1928, and registered in book No. 17 at gege 293 et seq. of the record of eed in TruU for Transylvania coun ty, .securing certain indebtedness therein mentioned and described, Jiud default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and all notices required having been given and said default has not been made good, an<i the holder of the paPtr evidencing said indebtedasas having requested the undersigned to fore close said deed in 'trust ; New therefore the undersigned trustee will on Saturday, March 8th 1980, at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door In Brevard, N. C., offer j for wale and sell to the highest lid- : der for cash, the following describ.-d property to wit: Thf.t lot set out and described in the deed in trust aforescicJ, reference being harol>y made to wtld deed in The writer wishes to comet ? mistake iti*t he made in tht Pleasant Grove News last week. 8a*. 0. N. Xcykendoil in place of Rev. Hciihsfs . worth has been elected pastor o f Plettant Grove church. | Mr*. D, R. Justus, who is ia Pat ron Memorial hospital in Header sosvilie, is gettiag along very nice ly though aha ia very sick yet "Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Johnson of Balfour, spent the week-end with the latter'* parents. Mr. and Mr*. J M. Gray. Misses Goldia Banks, Paulette Grey, Kate Blythe, Florence Blythe. and Messrs Aldon Drake and Earl Uray attended the annual banquet of the Juniors and Seniors of EXowah High School, held Saturday evening at the home of Martin Garren of Hendersonville. Rev. O. N. Kuykendoll preached an interesting sermon at Pleasant Grove church Sunday afternoon. It is hoped that all the members will lend their assistance and cooperation to the pastor. Creed and Anderson Banks have been suffering with a bad case of mumps. Clyde Blythe, of Enon, was in this section Sunday. Coy Blythe of Hendersonville. spent the week-end at the home of 11 is parents. Rev. and Mrs C. E. Blythe. Airs. Ramon Howard, of Hender sonville, spent Wedmssdsy night at the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton. Charles Jackson, who has been working in Greenville, has returned to his home here. Miss Florence Blythe was the din ner puest oi Miss Goldia Banks, on Sunday. trust and the record thereof for de scription of said property by metes and bounds. The proceeds of said sale to be ap plied upon said indebtedness, cost* of sale etc. Thla the 6th day of February, HS?. D. L. ENGLISH. Trustee. 4te >8.88 V 18120127 Mar3 mL IT ? U3E A WANT AD ? ? ?H? ? ? ACTTQDAY^DONt MBSS THESE BARGAINS ! CH EVROUiTS (Jiwlmtmz MOW IC RED "WITH an O&THAT COUNTS If you haven't attended Chevrolet's Great Spring Clearance Sale, come In today! To make it the biggest of its kind ever held in this community we offer bift reductions on popular cars that set a new record of value for your dollar! The big reception given the 1930 Chevrolet has filled our showrooms with late model, low mileage car? * that must be sold this wetk to<kSilfl?W6ttr?or mow i trade-ins. Now you can uecvr? 2 handsome, J spend able uml car bearing the red tag "with act OK that counts". This aignfiicj that the car ha* been thoroughly reconditioned by expert mechanics to top-notch appearance and performance. See our big selection of make* and modela carrying the famous red "OK that counts" tag. Buy today . and ?a*?t .-tli KUKAOBUMAftT VALUSS EN LOW C7UND3SR CABS :>W?s' : ?. ?' ??1r! ~Ol *. ???llilS". BVj?-C 'SI f _ iw <?UWf 1939 CHEV. Six RoUctor ia Tip-Top shape. Wilt trade. 1926 CHRYSLER SEDAN Good tires; New Paint; A Good Buy. 1928 STAR Sport Road?ter No time to lose to pick up this one. 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE A REAL BUY Look Here! OH BOY! A 1929 CHEVROLET SIX TOURING A Real Car ... A Real Buy 1928 CRtVKUU.1 inwv? Four cylinder; four Special Tranwrdaeion ; new tire*; with an "O: K;vTh#t Counts" jSWC? > . .'? { k it-*" CkerJlutLlGHT DELIVERY A GOOD TRUCK Folks, we have other good buys and we want to sell 'em, so come in and see 'em. ?MALL DOWN PAYMENTS ? SASY fl. M. A. C. VMM* WHUMIRE MOTOR SALES COMPANY BUY "OK" USED CARS FROM A CHEVROLET DEALER

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