? m m drive the NEW (MROLET OFF ) Continued from page one) has litat population increased dar ing the past ten years T you will ask yourself. Well, let's see a little further. In 1920 there were 8200 , vote* cast, while the population was #503. In 1928, two years ago, there were -983 votes cast in Die elec tion. See what the ratio of the 1920 rote was to the 1920 population, and figure on what the population was two years ago as compared with the vote cast in the last election. Then figure on what changes you think have been made in the last two y i n i s, and your figures will come pretty close to being the figures t$?t the government will find to be tlw population of the county. Talk with your friends, figure it aut, it is pood for you to know all about your county, any way, and it will be better for you to have a brand new Chevrolet coach that has e:.*t yon one cent. Remember. The Brevard News re serves the right to close this offer upon one week's notice given in the paper. So get busy and get your eshma'e in NOW. Do not say that there is no use of trying. It costs nothing extra, n< ' a penny, and you have ^ust as go d opportunity to earn this new >mobile as anybody in the world. C< e on in, and make a try at it, sr.; way, We believe you want The 8: vnr d News, especially now that tl campaign is coming on in full btast. The Brevard News is giving this now automobile away to get all of our subscrbiers to pay up for the year ? that's al lit costs you, simply the identical snme price that the pape- c ould cost you if you did not try t> -am the new automobile. SUMU ONE OF OUR SUBSCRIB ERS WILL DRIVE THIS NEW CAR home: will it be you' BALLGAMES THREE NIGHTS EACH WEEK Intercut is increasing in the three niirht a week ball frames for the young boys and young men of the town held at the High School. The schedule as worked out by Rev. R. L. Alexander, who is in charge of the activities for the Kiwanis Club, is Monday, Wednesday and Friday eve nings from 6:30 to 9:00, one hour being given for each of the three ?- lasses. '??[ Assisting Mr. Alexander in the supervision of the boys are several mon of the town who are interested ir> boys' work and have had exper ience along that line. REWARDOFFERED FOR BROMFIELD'S ROOSTER ?tames S. Bromfield, chief of Brv ?vavd's fine fire department, to head broken, mad, sad, indignant, helpless, hopeless. His favorite roost er i> gone, and his going left sad nt-- behind. The great loss came abr.'ut in this wise; I ? Tuesday a delivery truck, seUiii Chicken Dinner Candy, came to town. The body of this truck is built, in the shape, form and fashion of a beautiful hen. As the truck slides gracefully through town it has all .the appearance of a beautiful hen. all dressed up in finest feathers, with rare combination of colors so dear to honhood and so attractive to roosterhood. Wei1, Mr. Bromfield's rooster, his champion rooster, saw this hen glid ing about over the streets. Without as' much as by-your-leave to the hens about the Bromfield home, this rooster started walking along with this new kind of i. hen. The last >eo.n of him was as ? chased the truck, lieketysplit rough Pisgah Porc-i, keeping right up with the ;ru. >. Judge Eti rd P. McCoy is :.i 1 had about h rooster. 1'he chief is offering sizeable re wind lor return of his rooster, and in tin- meantime is searching all the ro. .-.nls in the archives of the hall of justice To see if he can mandam the candy people and stop them from iiMtu. such an attractive looking hen l>ot t5??ic church 1. ' "\9 ' 1 EHAMATiC CLUB TO ; EE AT THE C LEMSON The Brevard Dramatic Club is paring a real treat for theatre uers next Wednesday and Thursday, fternoon and evening, when a cast om this splendid club will present ? program of special acts at the .cuison Theatre. This feature pro am will be added attraction, as the . .ual high grade pictures will be hown, the Dramatic Club features blowing the pictures at each hour ;i the two days. The Dramatic Club has been doing .il work during the past several ?veks in rehearsals, and those who e in a position to know assert that ome fine entertainment is to be rovided all who attend the offer tigs noxt Wednesday and Thursday. JURY LIST To T. E. PATTON, Jr., Sheriff Transylvania County: You aro hereby ordered to sum ,;:on the following citizens to serve as Jurors at the April Term of Super ior Court, to convene on April 7th: 1 Fir.t Weelc T. 0. Henderson, Lake Toxaway, s:. C., RFD 1. .7. E. Galloway, Brevard, N. C. C. Y. Patton. P. L. Gallamore, Brevard, N. C. N. Morris, 3revard, N. C. U. II. Israel, Chcrryfield, N. C. J. D. Cantrell, Brevard, N. G. J. M. Bryson, Bvevard, N. C. L. E. Powell, Brevard, N. C. RED 1 J. F. Lance, Cherryfield, N. C. D. Simpson, Brevard, N. C. Clyde Blytne. Brevard, N. C. W. 11. Sentell, Brevard, N. C. T. H. Shipman, Brevard, N. C. 0. E. Tinsley, Brevard, N. C. \V\ II. Underwood, Brevard, N. C. S. M. Macfie, Brevard, N. C. H. f'^?hapnian, Lake Toxaway, N. 0.. RFD 1 L. M. Simpson, Brevard, N. C. Barney Chapman, Lake Toxaway, N. C. C. E. Hogsed, Brevard, N. C. . W. E. Shipman, Brevard, N. C. ' I. F. Shipman, Brevard, N. C. 1 Spergon Owen, Lake Toxaway, N. C. H. B. Glarener, Brevard, N. C. J. L. Garren, Brevard, N. C. T. H. Case, Brevard, N. C. G. D. Ward, Brevard, N. C. E. W. Hamlin, Brevard, N. C. W. T. Whitmire, Brevard, N. ' \ RFD 3 J. L. Merrill, Pisgah Forest, N. C. D. P. Kilpatrick, Brevard, N. C. I V. C. Orr, Penrose, N. C. R. E Mackey, Pisgah Forest, N. C. J. R. Mahoney, Rosman, N. C. J. A. Gillespie, Brevard, N. C. RFD 2. G. W. Bowen, Brevard, N. C. J. H. Baxter, Brevard, N. C. M. A. Mull, Brevard, N. C. F. G. Norton, Brevard, "N. C. Jess Breedlove, Lak: Toxaway, N. C. \V. U. Merrill, Brcvurd, N. C. S. H. Gillespie, Bre-. ard, N. C. RFD 3. Jury Second Week W. H. Edens, Rosman, N, C. Spurgeon McCall, Balsam Grove, , N. C. John Fisher B Penrose, N. C. J. N. Whitmire, Brevard, N. C. H. E. Morrison, Rosman, N. C. Y. J. McCrary, Brevard N, C. H. W. Paxton, Rosman, N. C. E. C. Wilson, Brevard, N. C. George R. Nicholson, Brevard, N. C. \V. J. McCall, Balsam Grove, N. C. J. A. Miller, Brevard, N. C. M. I.. Galloway, Brevard, N. C. J. L. Waldrop, Brevard, N. C. RFD 3. C. H. Glazener, Rosman, N, C. J. F. Case, Brevard, N. C. ? Guy Dean, Brevard, N. C. R. F. Tharp, Brevard, N. C. J. I.. Morris, Brevard, N. C. Morrison Baynard T. E. Blythe Brevard, N. C. : RFD. Freeman Hayes, Rosman, N. C. Coy Compton, Brevard, N. C. RFD L. C. Galloway, Rosman, N. C. Ralph Duckworth, Brevard, N. C. Signed) T. J. WILSON, Chmn. Jury Commission. EXPLOSION PUTS 3 IN HOSPITAL Fire and explosion in a Hender I sonville dry cleaning plant early I Sunday morning resulted in injury ; to three men who were in the base j ment of the building at the time and in severe shock to a woman who was in the rear of the building with her husband and child/ owners of the building. All were safely removed from tne- burning building with only slight injuries, the three men being taken to Patton Memorial hospital .'or treatment. j It had not been determinpd what caused the explosion arul: consequent fire. The estimated loss to the build ing, which is said to be covered by insurance, was $5,000. The shock from the explosion was felt several blocks away and was heard- practic ally all over HendersonviU'e, it is said. , MAY OBTAIN DAMAGES FOR RAILROAD ACCIDENT j Movement has been started in j congress to obtain monetary dam- ' aires for Mack Corn, who lost a leg in a railroad accident during the war period when the government was operating tke railways. The in jured man was but a boy at that , time, being only 13 years of age. j Corn was then living at Tuxedo, but hus been living in Brevard for some time. Congressman Pritchard introduced . V!* in c-.v;-. '?r v -.1 *?? ? < .. .viiiv, for Mr. Corn. ^INGfiSwoiii Get-Together Meeting Monday. Brings Many Interesting , Facts to Light HIGH SCHOOL GROUP GIVES MUSIC PROGRAM! Record of Year's Work Sho-wa ; | Much Activity? .Working for Better Brevard 1 Featuring the March meeting of the Woman's Bureau held Monday > afternoon at the Chamber of Com- 1 ?merce was a get-together meeting of ? ' tho women of the town. About ; I thirty members and visitors enjoyed; i the program and social feature ar ranged for the occasion. I The High School orchestra de lighted those present with a number I of selections, with Miss Call at the I piano, which were highly praised for 'their excellence and enjoyment. Mrs. O. L. Erwin, the Bureau presi dent, told of the main objectives of 'organization and of the plans for ; the present year. The school ground | beautification program was stated as i the outstanding piece of work the ; Ipast year, while the chief goal to be | attained this year is . increased mem bership to accomplish bigger and bet !ter things for community welfare, 'and to work toward the goal of a 'swimming pool and public park for j Brevard. i Mrs. H. L. Wilson, president of the Parent - Teacher association ! spoke of the work this organization j has undertaken the past year, in jihe school ground equipment pro gram, establishing the circulating ibrariee in tha rural schools and sponsoring the health seal work for undernourished children. I Several vocal solos by Alvin Moore i added greatly to the enjoyment of ithe program. Miss Martha Boswell presented the matter of the Associ ated Charities employment bureau ] for jobless women, and urged all i housekeepers, churches and organiz 'ations to patronize this service, ! thereby benefiting themselves and .those out of work. The Chamber of Commerce rooms were beautifully decorated in potted 'plants' and blooming flowers, carry ing out a green and yellow color 'note, lending a pleasing spring-like charm to the occasion, which was in , decided contrast to v.he blustering weather without. Coffee and home made cake were served at the con clusion of the meeting, by a com mittee of members including, Mrs. C. C. Yongue, Mrs. Bill Fctzer, Miss Rose Shipman, Mrs. H. E. Erwin, and Mrs. J. C. Wike, who were in charge of the social feature. | The following members and visi tors were present at this meeting: Mrs. T. H. Shipman, Mrs. Harry Perry, Miss Eva Call, Mrs. A. It. Gillespie, Miss Florence Kern. Mrs. |C. C .Yongue, Mrs. Bill Fetzer, Mrs. | W. E. Breese, Mrs. T. D. Grimshaw, . Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Miss Martha Bos j well, Miss Rose Shipman, Mrs. H. ?E. Erwin, Mrs. Ernest Webb, Miss Katherine Griffin, Mrs. W. L. Aiken, MrB. Lula Andrews, Mis3 Alma Trowbridge, Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Mrs. I,i. B. Jones, Mrs. W. H. Underwood, .Mrs. Perry Galloway, Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, Mrs H. C. Ranson, Mrs. J. C. Wike, Mrs Roy Cole and Mrs. j Whitesides. NEW FAlLYCOMES | TO MAKE HOME HERE i A. G. Galbraith and wife, of Buf falo, N. Y., arrived in town Monday 'and are guests at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. C. Austin. Mr. Gal i braith is a brother of Mrs. Austin. They motored down by way of .Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee over jU. S. Highway 25 and encountered , much ice, sleet and snow on he way and one day were able to cover but 'twenty miles of their journey. Al though they arrived dur'-ig our cold i snap they are much enthused ovei the brilliant sunshine and mount;, 'i ! scenery, and are happy in the thought i that they are to become permanent 'residents of this section. Mr. Galbraith, who for the post I three ynrs has held a position as i general manager of the Buffalo Can | company, of Buffalo, N. Y., has re I signed and is now a member on the staff of the Wilkins Insurance Agency, and is to become actively associated with the insurance busi ness in Western North Carolnia. BREAVRD BATTERY CO. MOVES TO NEW HOMEl | Moving into the. Lowe Budding, next door, the Brevard Batfery com pany announces an enlarged business ! place and installation of latest ma chinery and equipment for all kinds i of repair work on automobiles. The service of this company has been enlarged to do general repair work, it havisig been for many ytrara do injr special l>atWy .gnd electrical work. An interesting portion of the announcement is that which tells of a Jartce reception room maintained for the convenience of the public, \ and the company's invitation to peo ple to make use of this spacious I room while in town. The fuil an nouncement appears on another page. | BORN, A DAUGHTER Born, to Kev. and Mrs. P. . Mason, a daughter, Rose Joannette | on Friday. February 28, at the Tran- ' sylvania Hospital. BORN, A DAUGHTER Bum uv ?r.u ilT- s. J. I . Za-Ti* j a vy ? daughter. Ami, en ' March .1, at Transylvania hospital. TO BE GROWN HERE (J. A. Glaiener, Ajfri. Instructor) The ??threat in Lespedeza is grow ing in leaps and bounds. It looks now as if there will be from fifty to one hundred acres devoted to this crop this year. Following are the ones that have already spoken for seed and the acreage they expect to sow: Names Acres T. H. Shipman 15 Harry Clarke 4 C. F. Woodfin 4 Tom English 4 J. A. Glazener 5 Carl Allison 1 F. D. Clement 1 Houston Glazener 1 Carl Talley 1 I fully believe that the growing of this wonderful legume in our county will make one of the mots progres sive steps we have taken. It will furnish a bountiful supply of high grade hay for the needed stock this county must have; it will furnish grazing during the summer and early ffill which would mean much in a livestock program; the demand for seed is far beyond the supply, hi nee making the seed a cash crop while the tailings furnish feed of a fine quality and last and doubtless great est of all it is one of the finest soil builders to be had. After ali is said and done, you cannot get around the fact that a rich soil is the basic fac tor of a progressive agricultural de velopment. It means wealthy and contented farmers. This we r.eed. LARGE DOCKET HEARD IN THE COUNTY COUR1 .Judge D. L. English and Solicit;)!' L. I'. Hamlin disposed of a luge number of cases in county court Monday and Tuesday, resulting in on" prison sentence and many fines being assessed. Most of the cases were of nvinor interest, including i several charges of violation of the liquor laws. A jury has been summoned for the County court which convenes on March 24, and the list of jurors ( drawn are published in another col- 1 umn of this issue of The Brevard ' News. LAKE TOXAWAY NEWS .Miss Virginia Bruner was the .guest of Miss Willie Mae Owen Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Clark, were callcd to Andrews Saturday on ac count of the illness of Mrs. Clark's 'mother. G. J. Bruner was called to Pennsyl vania on account of the death of his inistei , Mrs. Clara S'.roup. Addison Bruner was the week-end jgutst of his sister, Mrs. Welch Gal j lownv nf ffnpmnn. CONDITIONS HERE Nearly Ail Merchants Report j Unusually Good Business Durin* Last Week That business conditions ic this j town are improving is bcrtse out by l statements from the various mer- < :hants and business houses of Bre vard, practically all of whom state I that last Saturday's business was larger by far than any Saturday's 1 trading within the past several 1 months. Some stores report a larger t volume of business last Saturday J than was registered on the Saturday ' before Christmas, which is always ' considered a great business day. Oi particular interest among the bat-new firms reporting xood bu-i ness was the statement made i>> j Fred Johnson, who says his business last Saturday was about double that Df any other Saturday since he be- ? can business here. Johnson's Grocery Store is adding many new custom er 3, as are neveral. other business houses of the town, it is reported. Mr. Johnson is offering, in his ad vertisement this week, to pay a year's subscription to The Brevard News to the person who gives him the largest order for groceries on this coming Saturday. He says he hopes that the pereou getting this subscription will then win the new Chevrolet automobile which The ; Brevard News is giving to some one j of Its subscribers. Bank deposits last Saturday and Monday were unusuaily heavy, and taken all in all, it would seem that old Brevard has struck a new pace, 1 nr.ri business conditions are now really improving./ MORE MEXICAN OUAIL DISTRIBUTED IN COUNTY E. R. Galloway, game warden for ! Transylvania county, has distributed ; to the citizens of the county 25 pairs of Mexican quail. It will be . recalled that several pairs were turned loose on various farms in the j county last year, and repoits are to the effect, that these have increased in splendid manner, and that the Mexican bivd does well here in Tran sylvania county. Mr. Galloway expresses the hop*; that the county will soon be well stocked with the Mexican quail, and | bespeaks the interest of all the people in protecting these birds un til the ''woods arc full" of them. , FOR THE LEGISLATURE I hereby announce myself a candi- , date for the Legislature, subject to the action of f-ie Democratic primary in June. I shall appreciate the sup port of my friends and all citizens who believe that I would do my best for the county as p. representative in the General Assembly. W. H. DUCKWORTH. IHpn WASHINGTON D C (Continued from page one) nuch as the "federal Interest" woniti indicate, that is to say, one-tenth, roe-hall or the whoie; that the "federal interest" concerns com?3 nercs, navigation, or water power. "The first qoeation to come up w the moral liability on the part of in* United States to remove certain letties placed in the river by th ? government The answer came hack ?t once that the jetties, or dike*, were placed in the river at the re quest of the people of our district. "This we could not deny. "However, we succeeded in secui Insr almost positive assuraace that a bill introduced by Congressman Pritchard would be attached to or included in an omnibus bill which carries authority and direction to the War Department to make this ?.ur vey and investigation; and make re port on same. This bill has been in troduced and will in all probability pass congrtM at au early data. "Should we fail in this plan tc get the river cleared, our next step for relief would be for all of the prop erty owners on French Broad river whose property is damaged by flood watera, to become co-plaintiffs in a suit brought against the United States in the court of claims at Washington, seeking damages for failure on the part of 'the United Statef, to lake out these jetties or properly maintain them. "I think that effort) in regard tc the French Broad river project hs already mad a assurance of sorrc fruit, and that if we push ar.d pull with jftepmentatlva I'riU-hsrd w. can drain thin raliey land and in thi way improve uor comity. "I interviewed Col. $>hc-rrr.n:i anil Mr. Yarnell, of the Forestry division of the government in regard l.o ob taining an increase in revenue* from the Pisgah National Forest Gar.io Preserve, or that boundary of sanv lying iii this county. I found that the government owns 32,000 acres ir. this county, and pays to ?he achoo. fund of this county one-fourth of ai: 3TOS8 reeeiaht from said forests From thiy I find that Transylvar.i; cour?t/ received the sum of t?97 and some few cents for I am. year. "The Forestry division officials then informed me that if it, proTOd burdensome fov the small counfi< like Transylvania to permit the gov ernment to take TflOTe lands in fiountf arlee, then they would mi.ke do fur ther purchases until advised by th county commissioners that the coun ty can afford for them to take. Subscribe for The News - 22.00 per year. The Proof of fht Pudding Is in the Eating Thereof Bring your Mail Order Catalogue, and let us compare prices and we will sell you that famous RICHLAND TIRE Just as low as you can buy the Mail Order Tires ? Then, you have us right here to back up our statements. You see the Tire before you buy it. You have no carrying charges to pay. You talk to us and we talk to you, and we get to be good friends, and that means something in this old life. GOODRICH S!L\ERTOWNS One of the outstanding Tire3 of nationally known brands, has been ad ded to our list. Fact is, we can Tire your car, with the kind of Tires you want. AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT AT ROCK BOTTOM? JUST AS LOW AS ANY MAIL ORDER HOUSE OR CHAIN STORE. Keith Tire Company PHONES 90 and 43; ' Hendersonville, N. C. Wholesale and Retail