MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Manager N NEWS -F.NTH GRADE OF ROSMAN HIGH PRESENTS 1NTEREST1NY PLAY f T':e tt>nth grade of Rosman High School presented at the chapel period jou Friday, February 28th, the very j*ttactive one-act play entitled "Batty |Becomes Engaged." The cast of characters was as follows: rnest Fayre, a prosperous business p man ? Robert Lyda (Bctfr Fayre, his daughter ? LilyMae f Whitmire Jferandma Fayre, his mother ? Jessie Fisher ?Ralph Paytoti, in love with Betty ? , Harry Owen. ? This was one of the most interest ing and enjoyable programs given I during the year. The pupils deserve a great deal of praise for the splen did way in which they acted their .parts and much crcdit is due Miss Ids May Armstrong, the tenth grade teacher, who directed the play. HARRY SCOTT j Friends in Rosman and different 'parts of the county will be sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Harry Si tt, which occurred in Tennessee V incsday, February 26. v. ScMtt, when retiring for the a' it' v?ood health. A holt time iater, lie was stricken i paralysis sud died almost ira widow and two ?auf>v is, one daughter residing in Tenn ,-e and one in Oklahoma. Baby MILES TAKEN IN DF.ATH The infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Miles died Snturday. Funeral services were held the following day st Old Toxaway church conducted by Rev. Nathan Chapnnn. Interment v:i.? made in the cemetery nearby. MISS EVA DODSON Alis.- K\'a Dodson, age 16 yearn, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. George Dodson.. died early Monday morning after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon at Rocky Bottom. Surviving relatives are her mother an'i tat her and a number of brcth ?)-. and siste.?s. mrs. John reid Mrs. John Reid. age 32 years, died Saturday after a lingering illness. ?t her home here and was buried Sun dsy at Oak Grove. Quebec. Funeral ?services were conducted by Rev. lurtson Corn. V rs, Reid was for many years, a a'emuer cf the Baptist church and lived a true Christian life. i>h-' is survived by her husband am! three children; mother and fath er, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyday; two brothers. John and Lawrence Lyday ?i Rosman: two sisters, Mrs. Walter >Cha;>pel. Rpsman. Mrs. Mitch Teague, Lake Toxaway. ENJOYABLE PARTY GIVEN M i- Eila .Mae Collins entertained with .1 party Saturday. March 1, in honoi of her twelfth birthday anni versary a: the home of her parents, ?Mr. and Mrs. :. A .< 'ill ins. Games v.?e . played throughout the afternoon. Miss Collins was the reeipitir ot many nice and useful bii'thda % Jfis. Refreshments of hot thocola'.e, cake and pop corn balls ^ t re served. Guests present w;re: Ella Mae Collin.-. G. (\ and Hetty Lou Mc Ciure I... Lesl' and I.aVone ?Nicholson, Ruby Gl; ner, Margaret W!:iiif. Dorothy MeG t, Rubv Love. Eliza' i ' h Brags, Ev. 'harr. Kinney Kin : Pauline Mo H. I fadwallader > ,s a business ?rL-icoi Brevard Satt. lay. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT ROSMAN HIGH SCHOOL The regular picture show and poul try club met Tuesday night. The picture as "Speed Spook." The club had as their subject "How to Brood Baby Chicks." Diploma? and invitations have ??-en ordered for the Seniors of Ros n High School. Miss Geneva Paxton, senior from the Ashcville Normal School, is vis iting Rosman High for observation ::nd practice work. She will be here two weeks. This work is part of her raining at the Normal. The nnith grade wili present "The Colored Honeymoon" Friday morning n chapel. Cast of characters : Bridegroom, Jerry Junebug ? Edna Hinkle Bride, Malinda Elsie White Landlady, Hannah Boardfree ? Irene Pharr ?Janitor, Sam Bud White RELIGIOUS CENSUS The pastor of Zion Baptist church Is having a census of all the members taken so as to enable him to become better acquainted with his people. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Uev. and Mrs. J. L. Bragg and '.i:ldren were dinner guests ol' Mv. nd Mrs. M. C. Sumeral Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. R- S. Winchester IK'Ht Saturday night as guests of ; !.h.' letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. !Miies Raxter, near Brevard. Archie Galloway and Clarence | Green and Mrs. Charlie Norris and on Gua, of Balsam Grove, were bus iness visitors to Rosman Monday. Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Eldridge and children were dinner guests of Mrs. .Merrill at Little River, Sunday. C'ope Lee, of Lake Toxaway. was a business visitor to Rosmar. Mon day. Glen Mitchell returned home Fri day, having been at East laPortc for n number of weeks. I Carve McGaha ol' Blue Ridge, Ga. ??;>?. lit the week-end with his family '>re. Mrs. McGaha and daughter, '.)oiothy and son Roy, will aecom ;;ny him to Blue Ridge Tuesday to pond several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and aughter, Ruth and Miss Edna ' {inkle attended the singing at Six Mile Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Waldrop and children, of Cherryfield, visited Mr. .;nd Mrs. George Glazener in Bre vard Sunday. J. C. Whitmire, who has been in T'ranklin for some time, is spending several days with his f; nily at Cher rvfteld. 1 Toinmie Moonyham ,nd W. G. Towns of Pickens, were Rosman vis itors Monday. Freeman Hayes was a business vis itor to Ashevifle Monday. t I>. H. Winchester is spending sev eral days in Knoxville, Tenn. buying .'-?pring goods for his store. i Mrs. E. A. Hanson of near Ashe , ville, spent last week as guest of her 'ster, Mrs. Prince Cannon. Mr. Hanson joined Mrs. Hanson here and spent the week-end. j Elvin Edney was a visitor to Ashevillc and Enkn Sunday. I Mr". Oliver Galloway was a guest ,of Miv. George Rice Monday. Jeannette, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Owen, is reported quite ill. J. B. Watson of O'Connell, S. C., [was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moss Sunday night. i L. Siler and Bender Whitmire. of Greenville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mitchell Saturday. Mrs. Hood Jones and daughter, of East Flat Rock, were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Zeb Stroup, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owen, Archie j McCall, S. M. Fisher, Obie Fisher, | Rufus Woods of Gloucester, were ' business visitors to Rosman Monday. | Claud Stroup and McKay Collins were Six Mile visitors Sunday. Rev. C. .J. Eldridge preached at Little River Baptist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Faister, of ! Asheville, spent a few days last week us guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. ;J. E. White. Miss Alma Galloway and "Dutch" Brunei- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welch Galloway Sunday. Messrs J. B. and Walter Rogers , spent the week-end as guests of their j i parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Rogers, at Walhalla. C. B. Mitchel was a business visi jtor to Brevard Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Edney, Miss Namur Edney, L. R. Chapman and i ,Kon Ralph, were visitors to Easley ,and Six Mile Sunday. Mrs. Jim Russell and Miss Viola . McCall wee guests of Mr. and Mrs. i , George Rice Saturday. ] Arvel, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Dowle Manley, is reported quite ill H. J. Burdette of Chesnee, S. C., joined Mrs. Burdette for the week end at the home of Mrs. G. C. Mc- ! Clure, leaving for their home at ' Chesnee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mickler Lusk and baby visited relatives at Six Mile Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sumerel of In I man, spent the week-end as guests I of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sumerel. 1 S K. Owen of Gloucester, spent Sunday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R .Staton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sentell and children, of Hendersonville, were re ; cent guests of Mrs. Sentelle's sister Mrs. R. S. Winchester. 1 Mrs. J. B .McClurt returned to her home at Chesnee Tuesday, having spent a number of days as of h.-r son, G. C. McClure, and Mrs. McClure. Missea Ora and Marie Cathey and Jack Wall, of Asheville, Miss Edith Sellers, Catherine Osborne and Harry Sellers of Brevard, were Sun day guesi3 of Misses Mae and Eliz abeth White. 1 L. R. Staton was a guest of Mv. and Mrs. Bcnice Owen Sunday. Miss Ella Mae Collins was a din ner guest of Miss Ola Paxton Sun day. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Rufty and 1 children, Edith and Inez, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W j Gravely at East Fork iiunday, the former preaching at the M. E. church. I Mr. and Mrs. Vando Morgan and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I.. L. Sloan near Seneca Sunday. They were accompanied liome by Miss Christine Morgan who spent the. past two weeks visiting relative? in , Sou'.h Carolina. Weldon Galloway, of Old Toxaway was a business visitor to Rosman the :irst of the we^k, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stophe) re cently entertained with a dinner ' party in honor of Mrs. Clyde Sane, of Arkansas. Guests present were: Mrs. Clyde Sane, Misses Iris Wilker :on, Annie Davies, Mrs. John Byrd :*nd Mr. C. F. Cuplinger. Mr. and Mr?. Taft Owen and Mrs. Marion Glasener spent several days visiting relatives at Greenville and Pelzer last week. Miss Ida Nicholson of Enka, spent 'he week-end as guest of her sister, Mrs. N. S. Galloway. A. O. Kitchen and Prof. Jenkins recently enjoyed a motor trip through Cashiers, East laPort, Sylva, returning by Wayncsville, Canton :md Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Morgan and children were dinner guests of Mr. :and Mrs. T. J. Galloway Jr. at Cal vert Sunday | Miss Geneva Paxton, a senior of Asheville Normal, is spending- two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j I". Paxton at Calvert and observing 1 teaching in Rosman School. , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ( Whitmire at Calvert, a daughter, on i March 1st. J Rev. am' Mr;. W. E. Rufty and Ichi'dren and Mrs. H. G. Stophel i were shopping i-. Asheville Tuesday, j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCali and j ton Ernest, and Miss Beulah Owen, of Gloucester, were dinner cuests of I Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Stophel Wednes day. QUEBEC NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and daughter, Verona, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, of Quobec, recently. Misses Moilie Thomas and Erma Reid and Bert Brown and Clarence Harter of Easley, were Quebec visi tors Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith, Thursday, February 27, a daughter. Mrs. Alfred Owen is reported to be very ill at her home. Mrs. J. W. Robinson visited Mrs. Hannah Whitznire Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlowe McCall are visiting relatives in Gluocester. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith, Miss Senora Smith and Mr. Bill Collins visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith on Sunday. Miss Mary Etta Fisher, who has been at Easley, for some time, re turned home Saturday. Miss Marjoric Henderson, wh? has a position at Enka, visited her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hen-j idersqn, recently. i Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Henderson ! jwere dinner gests of the former's brother, T. C. Henderson, Sunday. Miss Moilie Thomas and Bert ; Brown were Sunday guests of Miss : Jessie Fisher. I Lucie Whitmire, of Greonvilie, S. C., spent Sunday with his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Whitmire. ' Miss Almr. Chapman is visiting her : sister, Mrs. Frank Fisher, of Ros 'man. JiTr. and Mrs. G. C. Whitmire and children spent Saturday night with ? Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Fisher, i J NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power i of sale contained in a deed in trust I executed on the 6th day of Jan. 1025, by W. 0. K. King and wife j Elsie King, to C. B. Denver, trustee, which sard deed in trust is duly re corded in the office of the register of deeds of Transylvania county in iBook 18 ptge 327 and indexed in 'said office and to which said index and record reference is hereby made land the same mpde a pt.rt hereof for j the purpose of descr iption, and de fault having been made in the pay ment of both principal and interest | on the note ? secured by ih? said de?d in trust and legal demand having be? n mode for the payment of same' I by the holder of -said note ? and all] 1 egal notices having been duly giver.. i the undersigned trustee will, on the j | CO day of March 1930, efc 12:00 j o'clock M. offer for &sle at public j auc! ion and sell to the highest bid- j der FOR CASH at the court house j door in the tor.n of Brevard, county | of 'i?rnnsylvunio State or North Car- j olinu, the following piece, parcel oi | lot of land, anri a!l interest therein, as described in said deed in trust, and said land being more particular ly dencribed as follows: Being Lot Nt. 4 in the town of i Brevard. N. C., BEGINNING on a stone in the center of Main stret t and rans north 63 deg. west 5 pol ? I to a stake; thence south 27 deg west: 19 poles to a Htako; thr nee south 63 deg. cast 5 poles to s. stake; thence north 27 deg. east 19 poles to the BEGINNING. Containing 19-32 of an acre more or If . . . Exception : There is excepted and I excluded from the abovi named boun- 1 dary of land, 3-10 of an acre form-' erly sold to W. J. Puett by W. O. K. ? King and wite by deed dated Nov. I 25, 1!H3 and which is recorded in j book 29 page 359 of the deed rec ords of Transylvania county, North Carolina and to which deed and rec ord reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of the land herein and hereby excepted. And the said C. B. Deaver, trustee now being dead and the undersigned Nettie Deaver Benedict having been duly appointed qualified and ?ctin?' as administratrix of the said C. B. Deaver. Said sale being made for the pur pose of satisfying said debt, interest, cost and expenses of said sale. This 19th day of Feb. 1930. j Nettie Deaver Benedict, i Administratrix of C. H. Deaver, Trustee, deceased. j 4tc BBco 19|26 Mar5 12 ? ? - ? ? ? : * Political I V Announcements FOR TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy | for Democratic nomination for the office of County Treasurer, subject to th? will of the voters of Tranayl vania county as expressed in tne June Primary. pd E. CARL ALLISON. FOR TREASURER ft I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary in June. I shall appreciate your sup port. H. C. AIKEN. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of Treausrer, subjoct to the action of the Democratic primary in June. GEORGB M. JUSTUS. FOR SHERIFF At the urgent request of many of my friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for Sheriff and Tax Col lector of Transylvania Connty, sub ject to the will of the people as expressed in the Democratic Pri mary. I am in to fight for my party and my election and promise if elected to serve the b*st interests of r.l! the people. ECK L. SIMS FOR SHERIFF To my Trannylvania Friend*! I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of Sheriff vnd Trx Collector of Tran sylvania County on the Democratic Ticket in the coming election. I have tried to perform the duties of ray office as Sheriff end Tax Col- , lector since my election, according I to law and tc the best interest if the i people of Transylvania county and would appreciate the support of my friends. Respectfully, pd. T. E. PATTON, Jr. L - - ~ - I FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce tay candidacy for noniin.ition in the Democratic primaries in June i'or the office of Representative in the next General Assembly of .North Carolina. pd W. M. HENRY. FOR CLERK OF StJPFJUOE COURT. I hereby announce my candidacy fur nomination for the office of j Clerk of the Superior Court in , Transylvania. Couftt?, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to bo held in June. pd. OTTO ALEXANDER. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS j I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic primary In June. I shall greatly appreciate your support in this my first venture in offering for public office. ? BEWEY GRAVELY. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy ; for nomination for the office of Reg- ! ister of Deeds, subject to the action i of the Democratic primary in June. ! All who assist me and help me in 1 any way shall have my deep grati- j tude. JESS A GALLOWAY. ; NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY j PUBLICATION In the General County Court S. V. Rackiey vs. Arie Rackley. The defendant above named will : take notice that an action entitled as ! nbove has been commenced in the i General County Court of Transy!- ? I'ania County, to secure a divorce by | the plaintiff from the defendant 0:1 1 statutory grounds; and the said de - ? ~ ? GLOUCESTER NEWS Booth Wpoda spent the we?k-?nd with Mr. ?ad Mrs. Booth Price. H. Btirrall has been spending a few day* with his parents in Walhal la, 8. C. Booth Price and Clarence HcCall were Brevard visitors Saturday. J. M. Anders and sons, Mervln and Bill, were Bosnian visitors Saturday. Harrison and Doyle Devore were Brevard visitors Friday. Mrs. Boyd McCall has returned home after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Corn. Mrs. Judson Corn spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Obie Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Booth Price spent the week-end in Jackson county. fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the General County Court of said County to be held on the first Monday in April 1980, at the Court House of said County, in Brevard, N. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint This February 25th 1930. Roland Owen. Clerk of Superi or Court and ex officio Clerk General County Court. Feb 27|Mch. 6{ IS 1 20 rig... NOTICE TO JURORS North Carolina, Transylvania County. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT To- T. E. PATTON, SHERIFF OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY N. C. You arc hereby commanded to summons J. J. Jackson, Alexander H. Kizer, J. W. Nicholson, E. B. Bishop, P. C. Oir, B. C. Banther, T. A. Smith, J. M. Allison, T. S. Smith, J. L. Hawkins, C. B. Mitchell, G. N. McCall, Lfewis Miller, J. A. Bishop, Cole I. L ee. D. H. Miller and J. H. Brown, if to be found within your County to appear before the Judyc of the General County Cojrt 2'or Transylvania County at the Com Houee in Brevard, N. C., or Monday March 24th, 1030, to serve as jurors in said court. Herein fail not and of this writ mak?s due return. Given under my hand and seal, this 3rd day of March 1930. D. L. ENGLISH, Judge of General County Court, County. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Under r?nd br virtue of the power of sain contained in that certain de