EXPECT 100 MEN AT GREAT MEETING Stikeleather, Lucas and Green ville Delegation Coming to the Meeting DINNER TO BE SERVED AT THE MASONIC HALL Woman's Bureau Is Giving An All-Transylvania County Dinner at 7 o'clock With many prominent out-of-town visitors present, thfc Brevard Cham ber of Commerce ana the Woman's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce will hold a jooint meeting Thursday night in the Masonic Lodge hall, at which plates for more than one hun dred men and women are being laid. Among the prominent men who will be here for the occasion are the following: James G. Stikeleather, highway commissioner of this district. J. Paul Lucas, of Charlotte, vice president of the Southern Public Utilities company. F. G. Hamblen, president, and L. M. Glenn, secretary, of the Green ville Chamber of Commerce; B. H. Peace, editor and publisher of The Greenville News, 0. P. Mills and W. ('. Cleveland, of Greenville, promin ent men of the South Carolina city and large property owners in this state. Good roads, good business, good fellowship, are to be the names of discussion at the big meeting, which is one of the largest undertakings in the history of the local Chamber of Commerce. The Woman's Bureau is preparing the dinner and will serve it, a dinner as nearly all-Transyivania grown as possible. The following committee has charge of the preparations for the Chamber of Commerce, and tickets are being sold to all citizens who de sire to attend and take part in the community's efforts for community advancement. ?ferry Jerome, J. W. Smith, Mack Allison, J. S. Bromfield, T. G. Miller and Fred Johnson are in charjre of the sales. The Chamber of Commerce is re ceiving more inquiries than ever be fore at this season of the year, ac cording to Secretary Mattie K. Lewis and a big season is predicted, provid ing the citizens work together in bringing this business here. FIFT Y MEN TO GROW TOBACCO THIS YEAR Preliminary Work Is Already Underway ? Brevard Bank Financing the Plan Fifty men in Brevard and Tran sylvania county have signified their intention of taking advantage of the Brevard Banking company's recent uffer to finance the growing of an acre of ground in tobacco for fifty men each. The work of starting the project is well under way, the preliminary work of planting the seed being in charge of Julian A. Glazener, as sisted by his class in vocational agri culture. The work is being started on the T. T. Loftis property west of Brevard. Mr. Glazener states that meetings are being arranged for different sections of the county, at which time instructions and plans for further carrying on the growth of the to bacco plants will be given to those men who are undertaking this work. Following is a list of the men who have agreed to raise, one acre of to bacco on their fafms: Wilson Poole, T. G. Miller, R, L. Xicholson. W. C. Allison, J. M. Kil patrick, W. W. Galloway, J. H. Con ner, D. M. Orr, Ed. Mackey. Vol McCrary, W. M. Waldrop, W. J. Owen, M. 0. McCall. W. C. McCall, K. L. Gash, Harold Hart, Carl Alli son, Jim Queen, Fate Mitchel, V. M. Owenby, L. F. Lyday, H. L. Cad waltader, Cloud Shuford, Otto Alex ander, Henry Gillespie. E. Paxton, A. H. Gray. W. W Pruitt. R. I,. Capps, J. L. O'Shields J E. Clayton, Martin Shipman, W I j. Townsend, .T. L. Merrill, T. P Galloway Jr., Edwin English, Cole man Galloway, J. H. Pickelsimer, H i M. Merrill, Boyd Lyday, Charlie Gil ' lespie, C. W. Talley, Avery Morgan M. L. Anders. W. M. McCall, J. W Burnett, E. W. Galloway, F.. M Cantrell, H. P. Nicholson. KIWAMSCLUBW!LL MEET WITH C. F C Regular Kiwanis meeting, schec uled to be held Thursday at noo! has been set for Thursday night s 7 o'clock at which time the Kiwan' Club will joii. the Chamber of Con merce and the Woman's Bureau i the big dinner meeting to be Iteld i the Masonic Hall. It is pointed out liy the offieer of the K'wanis Club 1hat attendant credit will be given members for g tending the Chamber of Commeri: W W N C GIVES TOWN WIDE PUBLICITY G. O. Sheppard and Clyde Smith Guests of the Kiwanis Club BROADCAST PROGRAM FOR TOWN AND COUNTY Great Crowd Hears Officials Tell of Operation of Radio Station Brevard Kiwanians enjoyed the jgratest meeting in the history of the [club last Thursday noon, when G. O. Sheppard and Clyde Smith, man ager and assistant manager of Sta tion VV VV N C, The Asheville Citizen's broadcasting station, were guetss of honor at the meeting. Be [irinning promptly at 12 o'clock, as jthe members and guests were seated 'about the table, a special Brevard j program was broadcast over W W N C, in which the beauties of this community, its natural advantages, its agricultural progress and manu facturing possibilities were given in detail. After this tribute to the community, a special musical pro gram was given in Brevard's honor, lasting until 12:30, when Messrs Sheppard and Smith began their splendid addresses. The speakers gave the Brevard men some idea of how a broadcasting station is operated, its obstacles and its achievements. Mr. Sheppard urg ed the citizens to make suggestions to the station, asserting that the only way the officials there could determine just the kind of programs that pleased the people or was not so good, was for the people to let their impressions be known to the station. j Mr. Smith told of the commercial' [side of the proposition, saying that I no magic wand was moved across the I station and enabled the operators to 'provide a continuous service from 8 o'clock in the morning until 12 i o'clock midnight. It takes money, land lots of it. There are but few jways in which the company can .raise money: Through advertising tover the radio, just like newspaper advertising, and through the mem Ibership in the radio club, just like the subscription list is to the news paper. The visit of the two gentlemen to Brevard meant much to this com j munity, and all citizens who had the i pleasure of meeting with them and I hearing them expressed great delight. ! Win. E. Breese introduced the speak ers, and thanked the radio officials for the Kiwanis club and for the town and county for selecting a Bre vard man to broadcast the Sunday School lessons every Saturday eve ning over W W N C. A Majestic radio was installed in the dining room for the occasion. This was done by Houston Furni ture company, local Majestic agents. REGULAR COMMUNICATION AT DUNN'S ROCK MASONIC LODGE Regular meeting of Dunns Rock Masonic Lodge will be held Friday night at the Masonic Hall, beginning at 8 o'clock. The third degree will be conferred at this time. SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES HERE NEXT MONDA J MORNING * Error In Last Week's Copy Confused Many Citizens ? Two Days of Criminal Court and Civil Docket Comes Up on Wednes day Morning ? List of Jurors Given. Error was made in tne Court Cal endar copy given The Brevard News last veek for publication creating the impression that court convenes one week later thf.n is the case. Superior Court will convene next Monday morning, with criminal cases scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, and the civil docket to be taken up Wednesday morning. There are but few cases oii the criminal docket, most of these being appeals from General County Court and [others continued from the last term of Superior court. ! .Judge Oglesby and Solicitor J. Will PTess, Jr., will constitute the court convening Monday morning. It is believed -the case of the Shad ricks will be taken up either Mon day or Tuesday, and disposed of. These were given preliminary hear ing in Mayor Whitmire's court Tues day. Following is a list of the jurors who have been summoned to serve during the two weeks term of Su perior court convening Monday: First Week T. C. Henderson, Lake Toxaway, R-l ; J. E. Calloway, Brevard; C. Y. Patton. Brevard; P. L. Gallamore, Brevard: N. Morris Brevard: H. H. Israel, Cherryfield; J. D. Cantrell, Brevard; J. M. Bryson, Brevard; L. E. Powell, Brevard, R-l ; J. F. Lance, Cherryfield ; G. D. Simpson, Brevard ; Clvde Blythe, Brevard: W. H. Sen tell, Brevard; T. H. Shpiman. Bre vard. I C. E. Tinsley, Brevard; W. H. Un derwood, Brevard; S. M. Macfie, i Brevard; H. P. Chapman, Lale Tox- 1 away, R-l: L. M. Simpson, Brevard;! Barney Chapman, Lake Toxaway; C. I E. Hogsed, Brevard; W. E. Shipman.1 i Brevard; I. F. Shipman, Brevard; Spergon Owen, Lake Toxaway; H. B. Glazener, Brevard; J. L. Garren, Brevard; T. H. Case, Brevard; G. D. Ward, Brevard. E. W. Hamlin, Brevard; W. T. Whitmire, Brevard, R-3; J. L. Mer rill, Pisgah Forest; D. P. Kilpatrick, Brevard; V. C. Orr. Penrose; R. E. Mackey, Pisgah Forest; J. R. Ma honey, Rosman; J. A. Gillespie, Bre vard, R-2; G. W. Bowen. Brevard;: .1. II. Raxter, Brevard; M. A. Mull, ! Brevard; F. G. Norton, Brevard; Jess Breedlove, Lake Toxaway; W. U. Merrill. Brevard; S. II. Gillespie,) Brevard, R-3. Second Week W. II. Edens, Rosman; Spurgeon 1 McCall, Balsam Grove; John F'tfher. Penrose; J. N. Whitmire, Brevard; II. E. Morrison, Rosman; Y. J. Mc Crary, Brevard ; II. W. Paxlon, Ron man: E. C. Wilson, Brevard; George R. Nicholson. Brevard; W. J. McCall, Balsam Grove; J. A. Miller, Bre ivard; M. L. Galloway, Brevrad. J. L. Waldrop, Brevard, R-3 ; C. |H. Glazener. Rosman; J. F. Case, i Brevard ; Guy Dean. Brevard ; R. F. :Tharp, Brevard; J. L. Morris, Bre vard ; Morrison Baynard ; T. E. Blythe. Brevard, R-3; Freeman Hays, Rosman; Coy Compton, Brevard, R 3; L. C. Galloway, Rosman; Ralph Duckworth, Brevard. The Calendar The docket for the civil term, be ginning next Wednesday, follows: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1930 No. Case 9 ? Montvale Lumber Co. V. Ernest Paxton et al 10 ? Bessie Davidson V. Ralph Fisher 26 ? Spurgeon Owen V. 0. W. Clay ton (On over protest of Def.) 27 ? Nichols et al V. Wilkins et al 28 ? Hamilton V. Rutherford et al 29 ? Winchester V. Smith et al. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 | 41 ? J. R. Whitmire V. A. B. Owen j et al ?13 ? Kinnie Craft V. Gloucester Lum ber Co. 4 -J ? T. A. English V. W. H. Duck- j worth et ux 45 ? T. A. English V. Gillespie et al j FRIDAY, APRIL 4. 1930 48? C. G. Keith V. Cha:,. Ashworth et al 49 ? Winnie King, Admx. V. Ro3man Tanning Extract Co. 50? -Hosea Lee .V Bumgarncr Bros. j et al 52? C. J. S. Parsons V. J. B. S. Mc- , Intosh SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 MOTIONS & DIVORCES 7 ? Cos Paxton V. J. II. Pickelsimer f 1G ? Victor Thomas V. Lois Thomas 19? Lyday and Shipman V. Mathis 21 ? Hovey V. Hovey 36 ? Fred Harris V. Ola Harris I 54 ? R. A. Conley V. Transylvania Tanning Co. 31 ? Warren V. Bland 58 ? Henry V. Anderson 59 ? Tinsley V. Mortgage Co. GC ? Carr V. Carr MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930 ?12 ? Fidelity and Guarantee Co. V. Board of Education et al -Sullivan-Marklev Hardware Co. I V. Board of Education et al TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1930 18- Standard Motor Co. V. Lowe Motor Co. 32 ? Lowe Motor Co. V. C. E. English 33 ? Lowe Motor Co. V. Cole Owen et ux 47? C. E. Lowe V. S. R. Joines | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 '55- ? Duke Power Co. V. R. L. Stokes 57 ? Reeves V. Carolina Power and Light Co. (On over protest of j Plaintiff) 1 61 ? Lyday V. Ramseur et al jo2 ? Sallie Osteen, Admx. V. Brevard Light and Power Co. et al 1 63 ? Arthur Sentell. Admx V. Carr Lumber Co. j THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1930 68 ? Moss V. Ralph Fisher t69 ? T. A. English V. W. H. Harris 70 ? Susquahanna Furniture Co. V. W. B. Walker '71 ? 1). L. Einglish V. R. L. Cansler ? 72 ? J. S. Bromfield V. Public Utili ties Co. SHADRSCK BOYS BOUND TO COURT I Went on Warpath Saturday, aired Several Heads Were Badly Banged Up WILL BE TRIED IN NEXT WEEK'S SUPERIOR COURT Interesting Evidence at Prelim inary Hearing ? The Trio Resting in Jail i Joe Shadrick, Jess Shadrick, Jini Shadrick and Bud Pressley were Riv en preliminary hearing in Mayor Whitmire's court"" Tuesday morning, on two warrants charging- assult and assult with intent to kill. The three Shadricks were bound over to Su perior court, while Bud Pressley was not connected in the evidence with the ease. Evidence showed that the Shad rick boys, and another man went to the home of Alonzo Holden Satur day-night, where the latter was given a severe beating. Mrs. Holden testi fied that she was at h.;r son's house next door, when she heard the rack- j et, and ran into her own home. There j she found, she swore ,o?ie of the Shadricks ac one door, and another: Shadrick at the other door, while two men :n the room were beating her husband. She was not allowed to en ter, =he said, the Shadricks on the door- threatening her if she at tempted to enter the house. She swore that one of the Shadricks knocked her daughter down when the (laughter made effort to go cc her' father's rescue. After leaving the Holden home, the Shadricks, it was testified, au ; anothi -ian not indentified, rushed past tl barber shop nearby, where several men had rushed out when they heard the screaming in the Holden home. The Shadricks, it was I testified, knocked these men down i as they came to them. In the crowd , was Looney Owen, who turned the , Shadrick trick on themselves, it was, testified, and laid one of the Shad- j rick boys out. Several heads all wrapped up were about the court house, mute evidence of the terrific forc<? of what is commonly called on the street" "The Shadrick Rebellion." Arrests were made by Sheriff T. K. Patton. Jr., Deputy Tom Wood and Chief of Police Freeman, who were called to the scene and made the arrests. Their case will come up next Mon day or Tuesday, it is believed, Ralph | R. " Fisher and Pat Kimzey appeared for the boys and will defend them in the higher court. KEYSTONE CAMP REPORTS GOOD YEAR'S PROSPECTS ! I Word has been received from Miss | Fannie Holt, director of Keystone Camp for Girls at Brevard, that she is anticipating an unusually good camp season this year. Miss Holt states that registrations are coming in better this year than ever before, and that a splendid and happy season is expected. Miss Holt is planning to arrive in Brevard about June 1st to remain through the season, which will be welcome news to her many friends here. " Time for Closing Automobile Opportunity Draws Near; Is Your Name on the Eligible List? \lrho Will Drive That New Car Home? Better Hurry Is your name on the list, and is j your estimate in the office. Are you going to let this oppor- 1 tunity to win a brand new Chevrolet | Coach, absolutely free, go by the board simply beqause you will not i take a moment's time in which to make your estimate and place it with those other wide awake citizens who are trying? Some one is going to win this car , i ? why not YOU? , | The Brevard News is giving a new ? Chevrolet Coach, fully equipped, .filled with gas and oil and ready to -Iride, to the subscriber who"~ makes the nearest corrcct estimate of the population of Transylvania county. In case of tie, those tying are share and share alike in the prize, and can settle it agreeably to themselves. THE OFFER MAY CI.OSE ON APRIL SECOND. It is likely that it will close on that date. You have, therefore, but a- f?;w days longer in which to get jjfbr es timate in the office and ent*6d on the list of eligibles. The only requirement is that any one to be eligible to win the car must have their subscription paid up in full for the year 1930. If you are not now a subscriber, you can qualify by subscribing and paying one year's subscription to The Brevard News. Following are the names and ad dresses of those who had entered estimates up to the close of lasf week. Several came in this wee! !?ut we had not the time to plaet ",lMyr names in the paper. They wil! be added to the list in next week's paper. Mrs. B. F. Beasley, Brevard; Mrs. L. M. Watkins, Rosman; B. M. Mull, Brevard,, R-3; L. P. Lyday, Brevard, R-2; Jas. P. Cannon, Rosman; Mrs. R. 0. Rice, Rosman; Sid Barnett, Pisgah Purest; F. Y. Patton, Pisgah Forest; Ed McCoy, Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Lee F. Norton, Toxaway; Rev. J. L. Bragg, Rosman; J. If. Scott, Stanley; E. R. Echerd, Canton; |A .Cannon, Salem, S. C.; Sam Gilles- ( pie, Cherryfield; C. H. Trowbridge, Weaverville; C. C. Morris, Brevard, I R-2; Mrs. Chas. N. Rogers, Blon heim, S. C. ; C. E. Hampton, Gadsden, Ala.; J F. F. Corbin, Rosman; Mrs. W. C. Morris, Pisgah Forest; W M. Cloud, Brevard ; E. P. Galloway, Dacusville, ' S. C. ; Jackie Clayton, Brevard; Mrs. j M. Shackelford, Badin, X. C. : Mrs. ?Carl Frady, Brevard; J. C. Hender json, Webster, N. C.; Mrs. V. C. M or rgan, Rosman. | A. M. Paxton, St. Petersburg; C. J. S. Parsons, Sapphire, Mrs. Z. \V. j Nichols, Brevard; C W. Tallev, Pen rose ; W. M. Henry, Brevard ; Mrs. D. L. English, Brevard ; Ira D. Gal loway, Brevard; Roland Owen. Bre vard; Floyd Gash, Lenoir, N. C. ; W. D. Gash, Chester. Pa. E. L. Gash, New Orleans. La.; Margaret Gash, New York; Mrs. W. E. Deaver, Morganton; Chester Gal lamore, Boothwyn, Pa.; Mrs. F. V. 1 Batson, Brevard R-l ; R. C, Galloway. Gloucester, Ohio; Philip G. Clarke, : Spartrijhorg; Mrs. P. P. Sledge, ? F.reva^MiLE. Byrd, Brevard: R. P. 1 K il patipMfttf v;,'d. V. C. Moore, Brevard R-l ; E. H. Kitchin, Candler; M. II. Holliday, Penrose; Mrs. I. T. Newton, Chad bourne. N. C. ; J. A. Schachner, Bre vard; E. S. English Jr, Brevard; H. S. Loftix, Brevard; Mrs. Sue P. Deaver, Brevard; Mrs. W. B. Rus tin, Penrose; J. W. Nicholson, Pisgah Forest; G. T. Lyday, Brevard R-2. W. B. Cohen, Charleston; Mrs. Joe Corbett. Brevard R-2 ; T. A. Miller. Brevard R-l; J. W. Hamet, Dacus ville, S. C. ; Mrs. Grace E. Jordan, Brevard R-3; Mrs. A. B. Moore, Brevard; T. G. Miller, Brevard; Mrs. Aston Heath. Brevard; E. F. Gilles pie, Brevrad; Rev. J. II. West, Bre vard; Mrs. J. A. Moore, Charlotte; J. , M. Grant, Phoebus, Va. Mrs. YV. C. Gravely, Brevard R-l ; A H Houston, Brevard; J. S. Brom field, Brevard; Mrs. Hazel MeOall, Penrosie; Lillian M. Shulor. Easley; C. E. Campfield, Pisgah Forest; R. j W. Owen, Cherryfield; J. T. Harri json, Sapphire; Lily P Hoffman, New i Jersey; Mrs. jasper Orr, Brevard; C. j M. Grant, Brcvad; Louis Johnson, ; Brevard- Grady Kilpatrick, Brevard; j W. D. Glazener, Brevard R-l ; R. L. Raines. Brevard; H. P._ Jewel, Bre : vard R-3. '? , Clyde Case, Pisgah Fort?; Webli Hollingsworth, Pisgah Forest? Cole I. Lee, Lake Toxaway; La verne Wat ers, Brevard; G. K. Witmer. Mont gomery , Ala.; Mrs. Mary J. Burgess Lake Toxaway; Miss Nellie High , tower, Longview, Wash.; Mack M I Raines, Rosman; W. M. Henderson ?Brevard; W. H. Grey, Penrose; E D. Ow.fn, Brevajd. I G. M. Justus, Brevard; Harrisoi Rhodes. Pisgah Forest; Oscar Gallo way, Lake Toxaway ; Vance Gallo way, Lake Toxaway; Mrs. J. T.. Mims, Sumner, Ga. ; A. K. Lewis Asheville. How "about YOU? Don't wait dont' put ItfTjff. Take the figures be iow and study out your estimate get your subscription fixed right, am stand in line to win this car. It cost' nothing extra, and the study you pul in is simply studying about youi own county. This offer is open to all people anywhere. Our regular correspondents cat enter their estimates, of course, a their subscription is paid throu0-! their splendid work in sending ii the news of the county. Come on, read and study the fig ures below, and then get your esti mate in and stand to earn this fin' new Chevrolet Six Coach. In 1890 the population of th county was 4,000. In 1900 the population of thi county was 6,020. In 1910 the population of th county was 7,800. In 1920 th(v" population of th county was 9.503. Jn 1920 the vote- in the count Wis 3,206. In 1922 the vote in the count was 3,645. ^ In 1924 the votSvin the count was 3,622. In 1926 the vote in the count was 3,822. In 1298 the vote in the count l was 3,983. m VERNER WINS GORGAS CONTEST Brings High Honor ta County and the County Schools -Many Contestants * ?** ' ' STATEWIDE VICTORY FOR YOUNG BREVARD LADY Now Eligible for Nationa! Con test ? Friends Hoping She Will Win Highest. Award Distinction of a high nature has been accorded Miss Laura Verner, in m that she has been awarded the stato prize for North Carolina in the sec ond annua! Gorgas Memorial Kssay Contest, sponsored by the Gorgas ! Memorial Institute of Tropical and .Preventive Medicine. In addition I to receiving this hi^-h honor. Miss I Verner was also recipient of a cttsfc jprisie in the form cf a check from the national sponsors. Miss Verner, who is the daughter of Superintendent and Mrs. ?S, P. Verner, and a member of tbe senior class of 1930 of th? Brevard High School, was winner among three [contestants from the local High ? School, winning a bronze medal, thereby entitling: hc-r to ente r the state contest in which she was win ner over many other contestants. Having won n the -tatc contes*. Miss Verner will now be el itri bTe to enter the national contest, compet ing for first prize among e thers con testing in the nation. Forty-two students in as many states in the nation won Gorga< Me morial Institute cash prize- for the best essays written in their respect jive states, and 212 students won Gorgas medals for writing the best essay in their schools. total of 4,741 essays were entered in the national contest. In achieving this distinct honor by writing the best essay as adjudged by national judges, thereby winning first place in the state of North Car olina, Miss Verner has accomplished a commendable piece of work, re flecting credit upon herself, hc-r school and the community in which I she lives. Her many friends art* ! congratulating her on this honor 'conferred upon her and predict for her the winning of first place in the ifinal national contest. FIDDLERS CONTEST HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Prizes Being Offered for Best In the Several Classes ? Big Crowd Expected Great interest is being taki'ti in the Old Fiddlers Contest to be staged this Friday evening at 8 o'clock, ill tiie auditorium of the Brevard High School. Five prizes are to be given winners, three in solo work :>nd two for string band excellence. The best banjo solo, either playing and singing or playing alone, will be awarded with a Swan hat given by the A. C. Glazener company. The best fiddle solo will draw a prize ><t a dress shirt given by Plummer'* Department store. The best in mandolin, guitar, or other string in strument, a prize will be awarded by Pushell's Department store. The best two or three piece band will re ceive a cash prize, as will the best I rendition by a string1 band of four lor more pieces. ! Men from all parts of the county I have been "tuning up" their old in struments, and are coming with Iblood in their eye to win these prizes. It is expected that a large crowd will attend the affair, as the proceeds go to the athletic fund in paying off debts incurred last year in giving Brevard fine baseball and oth er sports events of the high school. jsHIPMAN RETURNS FROM WEEK IN NEW YORK CITY T. H. Shipman, president of The I Brevard Banking company, has re turned from New York City, where he spent a week on business. The ! 'Brevard banker expresses belief that i! financial conditions will show some* i improvements within the near future. ? j He says, however, that there can be no real revival of business until ? something is started which will give | employment to working people. I I Progress is founded on production, he points out, and when working men I'are not producing, there can be hut i little activity. ATTEND TAX MEET Much interest is being manifest lin the tax meeting scheduled to be held in Raleigh on March 31st. The rate on real estate, which it is point* ed out is excessive, is doing much to prolong the period of depression, advocates of a new measure. afseYt. I The following men from this town [and county have been appointed by Mayor T. W. \yhitmire and Chair man J. H. Pickclsimer to attend the Jmeeting next Monday: i' i J. S. Silversteen, T. G. Miller, W. ,W. Croushorn. Carl Moltz. R. R. iFisher. S. \Y. Radford. J. S. Rro in field, \V. E. Breese, J. F. Barrett.

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