BREVARD, NORTH CAR GLIUA, APRIL 16, 1930 Number 16 VOLUME XXXV. REV. DR. M'OELLAN I TO PREACH SERMON AT COMMENCEMENT; Mrs. E. L., Candidate! for State Senate, on High School Program MISS LAURA VERNER IS f CHOSEN VALEDICTORIAN j Fred Miller Is on Program Julius Hinton President of Big Class of '30 Plans are complete for commence ment exercises of the Brevard High School, outline of the .program for the great event being as follows: Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday, April 27, 8 p.m. Class Day Eexercises, Tuesday, April 29, 8 p.m. Graduating Exercises, Wednesday, April 30, 8 p.m. Class organization: Julius Hinton, president; Elizabeth Mills, vice pres ident; Bertha Jean Hampton, secre tary; Charles Morgan, treasurer. The Rev. Dr .Clarence Stuart Mc Clellan, Jr., will preach the sermon. This minister is one of the most widely known preachers in the South, ;ind has in his congregation at the ! Episcopal church, Fletcher, visitors I from all parts of the world. He is I a regular artist on W \V N C pro- j grpms, and school authorities have' expressed keen pleasure in being'1 able to announce the coming of Dr. .McClellan for the baccalaureate ser-|' rnon. Mrs. E. I.. McKee, of Sylva,- will ' deliver the address to graduating class. Mrs. McKee is one of .the best1 known women in the South, being M state president of the United Daugh-i< ters of the Confederacy; past State!' president of the Federated Women's i Clubs: past director Southeastern ' States Federated Womens Clubs, and i active in all community and state af- I fairs. Added interest is attached to I the coming of Mr . McKee because of ? the fact that she is a candidate for \ nomination on the democratic ticket 1 for the state senate ? to represent f Transylvania. Jackson and Haywood counties in the upper branch of the 1 legislature. I Mis.; Laura Battle Verm r, daugh ter of County Superintendent and I Mrs. S. P. Vcrner. is valedictorian. Miss Verner recently won distinction in the state-wide essay contest on the subject of General Gorgas. She J is one of the outstanding students of the High School, and is popular licit i niy ;::v.'?nv th students but in the community as a whole. Joseph Alfred Miller, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Miller, is suluta- <. torian. Young 'Mr. Miller has long s be\ n active in Sc wor.k, and i<; one of ! ' i ? ? ? ? ilar l...y ? in town. He ( was chosen t ' ; I ?! .Scout in West- < ? ?rn North Carolina in 192!' by The . Ashevil'e Time- Si:i >fcy Mountain!; ?xpedition committee. Musi pttpil' in the Brevard, will jri". . :? recital at the | II, 1 i.". !?'?>?/ Friday evening I , at M o'clock, .and an elaborate pro- I gram has been prepared by Prof. Alvin Mocre. <?. raetor in music. I The rec ital will < r . n with a number , ; by the Glee <-!ub, and the following J , -tii'ient- will be heard: Rhuenima Beddingfield. Celia Shu-i. ford. Rachel Williams, .limmic Bar- j rett. Marshall Tea;; le. Elizabeth Mc-!s <'?>?, Dorothy 'r..-,v ?nd. Ruth Pi"k e >iinor, Or;. Hi ' , I.i iv . Dorothy ' Kventt. el>i! Ai'ison, Sarah Teague, Nina Austin. It is expected that a large number ( f people will attend the recital -and manifest appreciation of the great : ogress the pupils are making in music, EASTER SERVICES - - AT UNION MEETING Special Music by Joint Choir ? | To Be Held at St. Philip's Church Special Easter music and Easter services will mark the union meeting j to be held next Sunday evening at ' the Episcopal church, at 8 o'clock. The choir, made up of singers from j all the churches participating in the Sunday evening union services, is j practising this week, and it is be lieved will give the best musical pro- 1 gram yet enjoyed in these union meetings. Rev. J. H. West, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, wlil preach the sermon. The union services held last Sun day evening at the Brevard Institute were unusually attractive. The Rev. Harry Perry, rector of St. Philips, preached the sermon. A large number of people of the town at tended these services. Ministers expect a large congrega tion at the union services next Sun day evening for the special Easter services. IS YOUR ESTIMATE IN FOR THF. NEW CHEVROLET? COME ON IW!i 'less than third 1 1928 TAXES PAID Office Force Couldn't Write Receipts Fast Enough to Clean up List MUCH PROPERTY TO BE ADVERTISED IN MAY Plea for People To Pay Now and Avoid Rush of Last Few Days With less than half a month in which to pay 1929 taxes, and less than one-third of the amount col lected, Sheriff 'Pattons office is fac ing a rush during the time between now and May first that will tax his force to capacity, and try the. pa tience of the tax payers who come on the last days. Lt is said that if all I those who have not paid last year's taxes would file in a constant stream by the window in the sheriff-tax col .ector's office from now until the iirst day of May, some one paying taxes each minute in the day, that it would be impossible to wait upon all those who have not paid last year's taxes. On the first Wednesday in May, it is pointed out by the officials, all property upon which taxes have not been paid will be advertised for sale. As it will take several days to ^et these large lists into type, it is 1 expected that Sheriff Patton will turn the list of unpaid property jver to the printer on the night of the first day of May. Request is made, therefore, that ill who can possibly do so will be loing themselves and the tax col acting forces great favors by pay n g their 1929 taxes now, and noti ivuit until the last days in the nonth. It is said that many will 'ail to get their taxes settled simply >ecause of the impossibility to wait ipon all the hundreds ol' tax payers vho will rush the offices during the ast wceK of payment period before j idvertising begins. ? j Voted Educator Coming To De liver Commencement Ad- j dress ? Fine Class Dr. J. Henry HiRhsmith, of Rnl- | will deliver the commencement < iddress to the Rosman High School t ... Wednesday evening, April 30. 8 i ('clock. Principal Bush and members >f the liosman school faculty express genuine pleasure in announcing the i ming of Dr. Highsmith, who is ;tate High School inspector for t sTorth Carolina, and is one of the mist prominent school men of the tatu. It is expected that many people -;of hi county, knowing of Dr. Iffpjh- I ; sith's- recitation as an orator and ?loqusnt speaker, and his recognized ;tandin ?; as a school man ill the .to, ?..?ill attend the meeting at the .ime Dr. Highsmith speaks at Ros'? ? van. ) :ll program of the Rosman com- K ii- tvi'iiiont exercises will be pub ished in the ne> t issue of The Ure al', 1 News. Patrons of the school' in he town of Rosman speak very il'jily of the work done this y.-ar, ?nd it is said that an unusually line. ;roup of young men and women will : graduate "this year. The whole com munity is showing great pride in the graduating class, as is the case in the 1 ntire student body. 350 DELEGATES TO ? BE HERE THURSDAY; Three hundred and fifty Wood men and members of the Woodmen ! Circle are expected in Brevard next I Thursday to attend the 37th semi- 1 annual convention of the Western North Carolina Log Rolling associa- j tion. Plans for the gathering were: perfected at the meeting of the lo- f cal Woodmen and the Circle last j Monday evening. A strong commit- 1 tee was appointed to have charge j of the convention and entertainment of the visitors. The committee is made up of: W. H. Grogan, Jr., chairman; T. G. Miller, H. A. Plummer, Fred Johnson, A. B. Galloway, H. E. Kilpatrick, Miss Majorie Garren, Miss Hassie Tinsley, Mrs. W. H. Grogan, Jr., Mrs. A. B. Galoway, Mrs. Bank Nicholson. There will be morning and after noon sessions, with time out at noon for a picnic dinner in the Woodmen Hall. PICTURE OF HOT HOUSE IN NEXT WEEK'S PArtK Farmers and truckers are asked to be on the lookout next week for a picture of the hothouse, showing what can be done in sixty days. The hothouse is that on the C. O. Yonguc truck farm. Plants of every descrip tion and flowers of all kinds are rowing, some of which have been ??.ransplanted. Rev. Dr. Chalmers D. Chapman Many friends sent greetings to the Rev. Dr. Chalmers D. Chapman last Monday in celebration of his 85th birthday aniversary, and wished for the beloved man a continuation of the splendid health which he now enjoys. Countless thousands of friends who road "The Prayer Cor ner," published weekly in The Bre jyard News and numerous oth?r newspapers will join the family and personal friends of Dr. Chapman in wishing for him every pleasure and i enjoyment during the coming year. Last Chance to Win New Car; Closes Saturday, 19; Come One and All, Now! Have you done it? What? Have YOU Entered your etti mate on the population of Tran sylvania county, thereby plac ir.j yourself in a position to win the new Chevrolet Coach. THIS OFFER CLOSES SAT URDAY NIGHT NEXT, NEVER TO BE RE-OPEfJED. The man or woman who makes he nearest correct estimate Vvill )c given, absolutely free, this new hevrolet Coach, fully equipped, "il led with gas and oil and ready to ?ide home? as YOUR VERY OWN! The only requirement is that your subscription to The Brevard Slew h> paid up Ln full for this year. 1930 If you are behind on your pap?r, hen pay amount* ncceysafry to pay <>u ui> to Jan. 1 l',?30, anil th n you ire eligible to make your e.-timaie. If you are noj a subs rib:'!, all ,'ou have to 'i" is give one subscription, two dollars, anil make .our estimate. The census takers are almost htough their work. As soon as they have lineshed, and heir reports are sent in to the supervisor, and that gentleman will ;ell us th." exact number of people ivii ^ in Transylvania countj . ac ?urding t? thesv ceusti (igurfes, then ;ho car will 1= awarued. T he one having the closest sis. ?"< lo the number jjiven out by til" eel. jus official will be given the car. ;olutely free. In it. -i- of a lie, those tying will divide the prize argecable to them selves. There is but the one main prize. Surely YOU will not permit this contest to close without entering your name and being in the race to win this car. If you arc in doubt us to the :5<ii"unt you owe on the paper, just send in a couple of dollars, and scribble your number on a piece of paper, and your name will be enter ed, unless you belong to that group which owes us more than that ; amount. But send in th?t amount ; any way and We will rush the in formation to you if more is needed tu bring you up. r Letters bearing postmark of not I, later ilian midnight Saturday night I will be entitled to have their names I red 4on the fortunate list. ! We thank all those who have tak- j en an interest in this woi i;. We are | order 10 get our subscription iist on : giving this $700 automobile away is | a paid-in-advance basis. It goes 1 without saying that, after we have ! made this unusual offer, those who ! are stfll behind with us frill be |: dropped from the list, unless such persons come in and make arrange-' ments with us t o carry them on. or ? ' write u- and let us go into the mat-j' tcr with them. Giving this automobile away im ' enabled us to get our list in fairly j ' good shape" ? much better than ever before. We do not want to lose a ingle subscriber, but we raust havj? ' our money, or no paper will be sent from this office, unless, as stated above, the subscriber thinks ? nou^h of it to come in or write us and n:?.ke rrangements for the future. GET YOUR NAME IN NOW. YOU HAVE THOUGHT THIS THING OUT. YOU CAN FIGURE PRETTY CLOSE TO THE NUMBER OF PEO PLE LIVING IN THE COUNTY. ! SOMEBODY IS GOING TO WIN THIS CAR. WHY NOT YOU? MANY TOURISTS IN ! THIS SECTION NOW Several tourists are now arriving! in Brevard, some uf whom are to spend a few days in this community, others coming for the summer. Among the interesting parties is that of a group of Minneapolis peo ple who have spent the winter at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and arrived here Wednesday on their way home. They stopped at the Patton Farms, Davidson River, for several days be fore continuing their journey into the West. In this party are Mrs. Donaldson and daughter, Mrs. Kim ball, and Miss Benton. These ladies have stopped with Mrs. Patton on several occasions before, and are deeply impressed -with the beauty of this section. Another party of Minneapolis peo ple is expected to arrive here Sat urday, having taken the beautiful brick bungalow on the Patton Farms for the summer. In this party are: Misses Mary' Harmon, Irene Harmon," Ethel Harmon, Elizabeth Cochrane and Edith Griffith. The Patton Farms, as operated by Mrs. Bates Patton, is an especially appealing place for summer visitors. IS YOUR ESTIMATE IN FOR THE JEW CHEVROLET? COME ON IN,! EXCELLENT PLAY THURSDAY NIGHT Members of the school faculties in Brevard and their friends will pre sent an evening's entertainment this Thursday night at the itigh School .auditorium, given under the auspices ,of the Parent-Teacher association. A small admission charge is to be made, the proceeds to go in meeting a deficit on the school grounds work which was done by the Association. There are to be three one-act plays, a chorus of unusual ability and music by the High School or chestra. According tp those who know, this is to be one of tbe most enjoyable programs ever presented by local talent. i REV. HARVE STAN3ERRY IN LITTLE RIVfcR MEETING 1 Rev. Harve Stanberry, popular Asheville pastor and "former citizen of this county, is conducting a re 'vival at Little River church, preach ing twice daily, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 Ip.ih. It is said the meetings will close Friday evening, -on account of ;Rev. Mr. Stanberry having to leave for other work. Much interest ha? :boen shown in the meetings, several Brevard people going to the neig'n ! bor church to hear their old friend. FiRES SWEEPING OVER MOUNTAINS I Thousands o i Acres In County Bared and Charred by Roaring Flames SUSPICION~CERTAiN MEN OF THE RESPONSIBILITY Not Confined to This County ? A11 Through Mountains of State and Virginia It is estimated that from four to five thousand acres of mountain for ests have been burned over during the past several days that the forest fires have been raging. In all sections j of the county the devastating flames have eaten their way from mountain to mountain. It is said that more than one hundred men have been fighting the firse in various sections ! of the county, some seventy of! whom were taken from the Silver steen works and put to fighting fires. The Gloucester Lumber company, the Moltz Lumber company and the government have been large suffer ers from the flames. In the eastern section of the county, Cedai1 Mountain section, re ports are to the effect that fires have raged there. Fire Warden Galloway is planning prosecution of some par tie1- who he claims are responsible for some of the fires. Several citi zens have expressed the opinion that many of the fires were purposely and maliciously set. Forest fires are not in l'ransyl- j vania county alone. Reports come ^ from all sections of Western North) Ca: rlina and Virginia of raging fires .: that have swept mountain forests I clean. According to some authorities, there : :;o possible way, of estimating!. Lhe tr .endous damage that has been j, lone ihe county through these fires. >j BERG NOW PLANT !: SUPERINTENDENT!: Announcement is made of the pro motion of Thorwald Axel Berg to the position of superintendent of the Rosman Tanning Extract company, ii Mr. Berg has been with the Trar.syl-j vania Tanning company. Brevard. J for a number of years, and was trans-: ferrcd to the Rosman plant as super- ! intendent. Announcement of the! promotion is welcome news to theil many friends of Mr. Rerg. , |i Since coming to Brevard Mr. F>erj: : has mule many friends, and is popu-: lar among the business men of the j ' town and in fraternal circlcs. TOBACCO EXPERT PRAISES COUNTY it A. H. Veazey, tobacco expert. I' -pent three days here last week, go-| ing with Julian Glazener into all ~:cns ?f the county where farm- 11 . - are preparing to pro w tobacco jj ? year. Several trsts of soil wore I' made, an I the expert declares Tran- J ! :tnia county oil should grow ! sood tobacco. He urged, however, ! t if be not made the main crop, 1 ; j'. simply grown as a cash crop, as a sideline to the g 'neral production < of (t:i ? staples and stock. ' JIany farmers mot with the official: ' at the Br. .aril J i : .h y!v>->1 Saturday ' and much valuable information v.-as : gained by the tobacco growers h re ' r :n the tobac o expert.. LIST TAXESNOW OS i PAY THE PENALTY! On another page appears a notice j of importance to property ownejrs | and tax payers. It is '"a last call" for) tax listing, signed by W. S. Price, | list taker in Brevard township. Fri day and Saturday of this week are , the last two days for listing prop-j erty and pool fnr taxation, the no-.! tice reads, a^nd ' the lists are to be j turned in to the county authorities] on May first. The list takers in Brevard town ship are in the commissioners room j at the county court house. After j Saturday night, those who have fail- 1 ed to list will have to go to where- ' ever Mr. Price may be, which would | be a great inconvenience. A penalty ? is provided for those who fail to list! their property and give in their poll. I INTERESTING VISITOR IN BREVARD). FOR THE WEEK-END! V. M. Thomas.. Jr., of Johnson City, Tcnn.. spent the week-end here with his father, V M. Thomas, at the Pierce-Moore. Young Mr. Thomas is connected with the big rayon plants insEast Tennessee, holding a respon silW'. position in the organization. Mr. Thomas, senior, has been ir. Brevard for a long time, living at the Pierce-Moore, and is one of Brevard's greatest boosters. AT DAVJDSON RjVER Preaching first ;md th?y-: .Sundays at three o'clock p.m., bmh f- h Alexander. ?.? J ? LOCAL LAWYER IN SOLICITOR'S RACE Delegates Named To State and District Conventions ? Res olutions Adopted PRiTCHARDAND DUNCAN . GIVEN ENDORSEMENT May 17th Set for Date of Nom inating County Ticket and County Chairman Ralph R. Fisher, of Brevard, was endorsed as candidate for solicitor; Congressman George M. Pritchard was endorsed for the United States senate and J. S. Duncan, of Greens boro, was endorsed for state chair man of the republican executive committee in the county convention held in the court house Saturday aft ernoon. Delegates were named to the state convention, and to the var ious district conventions, and May 17 selected as date for holding regular county convention. At this conven tion the county ticket will be named, a chairman fcf the county executive committee elected, and other busi ness transacted. Delegates chosen to attend the state convention now in session in Charlotte, included: L. P. Hani n, C. R. McNeely, R. R. Fisher, Dr. C. J. S. Parsons, M. A. Moltz, Carl Moltz, S. R. Joines, \V. L. Couch. Judson McC'rary. Rol and Owen. John Waldrop, A. M. White. Julian Justus, E. P. McCoy, R. L. Nicholson, E. O. Shipman, Miss leannette Talley, Mrs. R. S. Boyd, Mrs. C, F. Baldwin, Frank Carr, Mrs. Frank Carr, Mrs. \V. \V. Pruett. Resolutions were adopted com mending the county commissioners for "the reduction in taxes Ijrought ibout since their induction into of fice. and for their splendid, intelli rent and patriotic service to the :ounty." $22,500 VERDICT IN POLK KING CASE Said To Be Largest Verdict Ever Rendered In Tran sylvania Court \\ hat is said to have been the bin jest verdict in a personal damage ?uit ever rendered here was the iward of ?? 22,300 awarded Mrs. rt innie P. Kin;:, administratrix of :l:e estate of Polk Kin}:, in Superior bourt last Saturday. Trial of the ?ase consumed two and one-half lays, and was bitterly contested. Jn t''H complaint -it was alleged iat King. an employe of the Rosmatt Tanning Extract company, was killed .. hile in the discharge of his duties, ind that his 'death was caused through negligent-" if the defendant company. Death occurred. accordim: to allegations, on November 1:5, 1928, while King was oiling niachin ?ry in the company's plant at Ros uan. Defendant company, in its tnswer, denied responsibility for t ic leath of King, claiming it had safe guarded ? its employes. Many wit nesses were used by both sido^in presenting the case :?> iht jury. Motion to non-suit ami fur :: n- w trial will be heard by Judge Moore an the first day of the April-May term of Superior court in Henderson county. Wm. E. Breese and I. P. Hamlin. Brevard lawyers, and J Bat Smathcrs, of Asbeville, repre sented the defendant company, while Ralph R. Fisher represented the plaintiff. MRS. (MEY BUYS THE BRYANT HOUSE Announcement is male of the sale of The Bryant House, by the Missea Shipman to Mrs. Ida Conley, of Almond, N. C. The deal was made several weeks ago, but announcement withheld until the present While no price is given for publication, it is known that the sale was for cash. The Bryant House has lyng been one of the most popular hotels in this section, known to tourists and trav eling men throughout the South, and famous for the splendid meals served there. The new owner. M"-. Conley, is a woman of wide experience in the hotel business, and those who kno^r her assert that she will rr.alnuin the high standard which The Bryant Hotjse has enjoyefl fn* many years. Mrs. Conley's daughters, Mrs. R. K. Rollins and Mrs. Epps, will have management of the house. They are now here and in charge of the place. Mrs. Conley will come hera to live within the next few days, it is announced. The Misses Shipman have re-on ened the Shipman C^tages, on tne west side of town, near Camp Tran jsylvania. Much repair work and many improvements have been made on the cottages. The two transactions ? the coming of Mrs. Conley, and the open ing of the Shipman Cottages, will mean much to Brevard as a tourist center. 1.IS YOUR ESTIMATE IN FOR THE jlNEW m

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