WOMEN OF BREVARD GIVEN HIGH HONORS An Editorial Written by Miss Alma Trowbridge Wins First Prize MRS. HUGH R. WALKER ELECTED TO STATE BODY Mrs. Lawrence and Miss Jean nette Talley Given Recog nition by State Members of the Brevard Business and Professional Women's club are happy over the many honors coming to the local organization in the state convention held last week in Raleigh, and the whole communi ty is rejoicing with them. Among these honors was the awarding of a prize won for the most dignified piece of publicity published during the past year; election of a Brevard woman to the state board of direc tors; recognition for most interest ing programs during the past year; and many other honors and recog nitions. Miss Alma Trowbridge, for many voars associate editor of The Bre vard News, now secretary of the Chamber of Commerde, won first prize offered bv the state organiza tion for the most dignified piece of publicity during the past year. Th< winni'i" article was an editorial writ ten ly Miss Trowbridge and pub ished in the special edition yof The Brevard News which the Brevard dub printed in its entirety several months ago. The entire paper was praised at the state convention, and attracted widespread attention. The particular editorial which won the prize v.Yo republished in many state papers, and the ability of Miss Trowbridge and published in the special edition of The Brevard News which the Brevard club printed in its entirety several months ago. 1 hij entire piver was praised at the state . convention, 1Tid attracted widespread] attention. Th-.- particular editorial I which won the prize was re-publ- 1 lished in many state papers, and the | ability of Miss Trowbridge as a nwws- ! paper writer was given great em- j phasis. , . i Mrs. Hugh R. Walker, ong active j in the Brevard club, was elected on j the state board, reprenesting the j first district. This recognition is ( especially pleasing to all the people J of Brevard, where Mrs. Walker is known as one of the outstanding ; business women of W estern North ? Carolina. She is engaged in the insurance business, nad her institu-, tion has had a steady, growth, even i during what is known as the period of business depression. Mrs. R. E. Lawrence was given recognition in the state convention for the splendid programs arranged and carried out in the Brevard club during the past year, tor a great many years Mrs. Lawrence has been recognized as a woman of exception al ability, and the recognition of her work by the state convention is pleasing to her friends here. Miss .Jeanette Talley, president of the Brevard club, was given unusual honors at the convention in Raleigh, which she attendedas representative of the local club. She was appoint ed on many important committees, and took a most active part in all of the deliberations of the convention. The convention next year will be j held at Hemlersonville, and it is ex- j pec ted that the clubs in Western , North Carolina will make extra spe cial efforts during the coming year in all undertakings, to the end that when the convention meets next year still greater records may be presented to the state body by the clubs in the Western part of the state. METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE -TO GIVE PROGRAM SUNDAY NIGHT Members of the Epworth League of the Brevard Methodist church will have charge of the service Sun day night at that church, giving an insight of the work of the young people's organization. VISITORS ARRIVE IN NUMBERS NOW Streets of Brevard are rapidly as suming the appearance of the old town in the good old summertime. The visitors are arriving daily and every hour in the day. Within the last few days the Chamber of Com merce registration hook shows peo ple from twelve state3 located in Brevard. Miss Alma Trowbridge, secretary, reports that numerous in quiries are being received every day. Automobiles on the streets bear license, tags from more than half the states in the union, and one foreign cai\ Many familiar faces are now here, people who have been coming to Brevard for years and years, while Brevard men are meeting many new people who are her for th first time. Camp lii'p will soon be in full sw \fltt, as Transylvania county is recpfc' ' - tion,? in session at Winston-Salem Thursday and Friday. GIRLS' RESERVE IN CONFERENCE HERE Two hundred young women are at Camp Sapphire for a two weeks' conference being held by the Girls' Reserve of the Y. W. C. A. The members come from practically all of the Southern states, and the con ference is made up of young women who have made outstanding- records in their own organizations. Many noted lecturers will appear at the conference, among them be ing the Rev. Dr. Dwight Bradley, pastor of the Congregational church of Newton, Mass. It is planned to have one of the lecturers, probably Dr. Bradley, speak at the Kiwanis meeting this Thursday, at which time the business men of the town will be given first hand information of the work being donf the great work [being done. 'JERRY JEROME ATTENDING 1 BLOWJNG ROCK MEET5NG 1 Jerry Jerome, secretary of the Brevard Building and Loan Associa tion. is in Blowing Rock, attending the sessions of the State Poll ding and Loan associations. The Brevard institution has a splendid reputation over the state as ar organization that has ben of tremendous worth to its community. >{r. Jercnte ex pects to return to orevard Thursday. J. E. RUFTY HEADS DEMOCRATIC CLUB Young Democrats Organize for Campaign and Name Qfhcert for Two Years J. WILL PLESS~HEARD IN MASTERFUL ADDRESS I ,^at Kimzey Presided at Meet | Ralph H. Ramsey Chosen I for Secretary Place With a large crowd in attendance, .tne Young Men's Democratic club of j Transylvania county last Saturday 'evening elected officers for the com ing year, heard Hon. J. Will Pless in what was said to be one of the finest adresses he had ever delivered, and rnf.de plans for an aggressive cam paign to be carried on until the day of election next November. The meeting was held in the county court house, and regret was expressed that Wm. E. Breese. county chair man, could not be present due to a death in the family. J. E. Rufty, principal of the Bre vard Elementary schools, was elect I ed president for the new year, suc ceeding Pat Kimzey, while' Ralph II. Ramsey, Brevard lawyer, was chosen ,as secretary, succeeding G. C. Kil ! Patrick. These officers urged early j precinct meetings and precinct or ,ganization. Inspiring addresses were made by the retiring officers and the newly selected men who are to manage the club this year. Pat Kimzey presided over the meeting, and read a letter from Wm. E. Breese, in which the county chairman expressed regret at being unable to be with the young men. Through the letter Mr. Bresee asked that voters withhold their judgment as to the "So-called economy of the republican board of county commis sioners" and their method of handl ing the finances of the county until an impartial and unbiased commit tee shall thoroughly investigate where the money paid in by the tax payers is, or has gone, and make known these findings to the public. The feature of the evening was the address by Mr. Pless, who ex pressed his pleasure at being in the county which had given him an al most unanimous vote in the recent - primary for re-nomination to the of fice of solicitor. He thanked the democrats of the court'." fir their support and evidenc-s of friendship and confidence, as reflected in the vote. Mr. Pless then attacked the na tional republican administration, de claring it to represent the spirit and thought of old man Grundy of Pennsylvania. The speaker vowed that the tariff bill just being adopt ed in the republican-controlled con gress would cost the average family one hundred dollars a year. He poked' fun at Congressman George M. Pritchard for the latter's asser tion that he would defeat Josiah W. Bailey in the race for the United States senate. Mr. Pless predicted jthat North Carolina would, in No vember, give Mr. Bailey a majority ranging from 100,000 to 150,000. LOFTIS DEATH IS i CAUSE OF SORROW I Thomas N. Lofti^T 37 years of age, died last Saturday morning at 1 i o'clock, and funeral services jWeii-e conducted Sunday afternoon, after which interment vas made in the Gillespie cemetery. Rev. W. S. Price, Jr., assisted by Rev. J. H. i West and Rev. P. P. Hartsell, con ducted the rites. The deceased had beer, ill for the past six months, suffering acutely at times, his friends land relatives becoming convinced several days ago that he had slight, if any, chance for recovery. Mr. Loftis was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Lof tis, and was born and reared in Bre [vrad, having u large family connec tion on both sides of the family. jWith the exception cf a few years that the deceased was engaged in the 'drug business in Asheville, his whole ,lif e had been .spent here. Several years ago he was converted, joined .the Baptist chuvcb and took a most active part in church work. Later !5iis activities in the church ceased, but some time before bis death he /talked beautifully to his sister and friends about his raadicesi to cross the river, j?iving every evidence thai ail was well with him. i He is survived by two (sisters, Mrs. Nettie Deaver Benedict, of Brevard, and Mrs. J. C. Scaffev o'i | Atlanta; by one fcrothc-r, K. E. I/Of 1 1 is, of Asheville. It: addition, thew ure -nany, many relatives and a .whole army of friends Heft. T0e?: Loi'tis loved ii's friends, and it was always said of him that hn would givz the la:it filing he possessed on earth to a friend for tile asking. Di'.rin^ tis ilisess, t.lie deceased was tenderly cared for by hi.: sister, Mrs. Benedict. Rev. Mr. Price, in rraking t'.ie funeral oration, top in gripping manner how t'uis sisUr hid stood by her brother in his illne?s J and in the last moments. "She was J both a intfther and a sister tc this] young 'nan, and 'her devotion to hi ml wav something beautiful to see/' the J mintster said in his sermon. I If i