... . ? ? - Brevard and Rosman Schools Enter Upon Week / Of Commencement Exercises In Highest Spirit DR. MELTON CLARK AT BREVARD HIGH SUNDAY EVENING Large Class to Graduate with ^ Exercises To Be Held Wed nesday Evening, 8 o'Clock PROF. JONES' WORK IS LAUDED BY STUDENTS Dr. H. T. Hunter to Deliver Address to the Gradu ating Class Dr. Melton Clark, Professor of Bible and acting president of Colum bia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, will preach the commencement ser- , mon at the Brevard High School Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. H. T. Hunter, president of Western Carolina Teachers College, . Cullowhee, will deliver the address ; to the graduating class Wednesday! evening, 8 o'clock. Prof. J. B. Jones, superintendent ? of the Brevard, schools, believes this j year to mark the best in Brevard's], history, there being manifest a sin cere effort on the part of students and < teachers whic hhas resulted in great 1 good for the schools. Students, on J the other hand, declare that there is 1 inspiration in the leadership of Prof. ! Jones, an dthat work comes easily ' under his direction and because of j his influence. x Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday, April 26, at 8 o'clock. Prelude By Orchestra Invocation Rev. Paul Hartsell | < It Is Enough from "Elijah" Mendelssohn Alvin A. Moore p Scripture Reading ' Rev. A. L. Alexander j Offertory In Heavenly Love Abiding Mendelssohn c Louise Gillespie, Orlen^^Capps, c Thelma Johnson, Hattie <&ue Sitton f Sermon Dr. Melton Clark t Benediction Rev. J. H. West ' Postlulde By Orchestra Class Night I Tuesday, April 28, at 8 o'clock. { Act I.? The Past: I Historian Rachel Williams (Continued, on page four) HUNDREDS SIGNING BANK AGREEMENTS Trantham and Fellow- Work er# Highly Pleased With Progress Made "They're coming in the finest you ever saw," is the way that B. W. Trantham expressed satisfaction with the progress being made in re-organ izing the Brevard Banking company. Headquarters were 'opened last week in the Joines Motor company's place, and Mr. Trantham was selected by the joint committee to have direction of the work. |Ie has been on the job all the time sipce opening headquar ters, and reports that depositors are signing up rapidly, and predicts that the work will soon be completed, if the same interest continues for a few more days. All members of the committees en gaged in the work are giving much time to the matter. It is necessary to have all depositors sign the agreement as adopted by the committees repre senting the depositors and others in terested in the bank's re-organization and re-opening. Report was made that one of the largest individual depositors in the bjnk signed the agreement Wednes Jft afternoon, the amount this depos itor had in the bank being above $22,000. The sooner that all depositors sign the agreement, the sooner will the barj; be re-orgariized and re-opened. Because of recent developments, it is necessary that quick work be done, dn if the plan is to succeed. Delay in ? ""ihe work now is dangerous, and men W r interested in the work urge all inter ' ested citizens to lend every effort to the task at once. ^ JUNIOR ORDER IN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Tarboro, April 22. ? (Special) ? With 3,000 new members set by Ed' gav V. Harris, of this city, state councilor, and his board of officers as the goal, a state-wide membershif drive is being conducted throughout the month of April by the Junior Or der. Plans for the campaign have i ifc ybeen sent to the several hundrec councils, located in every section oi the state, an encouraging responsi has already been given. h ? SENIOR PLAY TO BE GIVEN THIS FRIDAY AT ROSMAN SCHOOL Commencement Sermon To fie Heard Sunday Evening, 8 o'Clock PROF. BUSH PRAISES fEACHERS OF COUNTY Elementary Program Will Be Given Wednesday After noon ? Great Year Completing one of the most suc cessful year's work in the history of the institution, the Rosman Elemen tary and High Schools are entering upon Commencement Week in high glee. Prof. G. C. Bush, principal of the High, and Prof. A. K. Moore, principal of the Elementary, have both expressed themselves as being highly pleased with the fine records made by the pupils, and they are es pecially loud in their praise of the teaching staffs. ______ Prof. Bush is also president of the Transylvania County Teachers' asso :iation, and in commenting upon the work of the schools during the year just closing, asserted that the loyal ?nanner in which the teachers have stood by their guns, and worked with >ut pay, entitles them to deepest jratitude of the patrons of the school. 'I have never witnessed display of such fine spirit in my life, as that of ;he splendid teachers who have stood o.vally by their work, pay or no pay, vithout grumbling or mumbling. , surely Transylvania county will re- . nember these teachers in all the I rears to come. They have earned the I ' leepest gratitude of the citizens of Transylvania county.'' Musical Program The Musical Recital by the pupils >f the Rosman school was the first m the program in the commencement ictivities. This has already, been ;iven, and will be followed by the senior Play this Friday evening. The musical program given by the ] >upils was well attended and was , >ronounccd a success. The following ^ irogram was rendered: Soldiers March, by Schumann ? (Continued on page four) ' I PLAN DAILY MEETINGS IN I BANK ORGANIZATION WORK j Movement was started in the Kiwunia club Thursday which . which will result in daily noon I meetings of all men interested in establishing banking facilities here. The plan provides for all men of the town to meet for five minutes each, day at noon in the headquarters, with the campaign director, Beverly Trantham, and assist in whatever way each can best seme. List,? of depositors wilt be studied, and each man will be asked to see so?ne friend of his and obtain that friend's sig nature to the agreement for re organizing the bank. RARE GIFT TO BREVARD HIGH ' SCHOOL MADE BY COLBURN Burnham S. Colburn, of Asheville, .spoke Wednesday morning at chapel , to the student body of the Brevard 'High school on the subject of min 'erals. Mr. Colburn is an authority on minerals and precious stones, and his collection is said to be one of jgrat valu<;. At the conclusion of }<i= j address, Mr. Colburn presenter the school with "4 specimens, and tt. ' school authorities are now entra:, -d in preparing suitable place for safe keeping. Mr. Colburn was guest of Prof. S. P. Verner, superintendent of 1 public instruction. I MRS. ROBERTSON IS I CHOSEN PRESIDENT! ? Mrs. Lodema Robertson was elected president of the Business and Pro fessional Women's club, at the annual ( election of officers held Monday even ing. Miss Eunice Simpson was nam ed as vice president; Miss Reba Ash worth was elected to the offic^of cor responding secretary;' Mrs. A. H. Houston was chosen as recording sec ! retary, while Miss Bee Daniels was re-elected treasurer. i Reports from retiring officers gave evidence of much work done during j the. past year, resulting in great ac ? coijiplishments for the club. Miss ? Jeannette Talley is retiring president, ? and the members of the organization i expressed keen appreciation for the ' excellent work done by Miss Talley t and her staff of officers. The new president wiH announce : appointment of the several commit I tees at an early date, and members of : the club expect splendid progress to 3 be made under the leadership of Mrs. Robertson. " COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER % PROF. H. T. HUNTER * President of Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee, who will deliver the Commencement Ad dress at the Brevard High School [Wednesday evening, April 29. Prof. 1 'Hunter is a native of Madison county, ] and is one of the outstanding educa- ] tors of the state. i] All citizens of the community are ! jrged to attend a mass meeting to i)e held in the county courthouse this Thursday night, under auspices ol :he Woman's Bureau and the Cham >er of Commerce, for the purpose of re-organizing the Chamber of Com nerce and planning for greater activ ty in behalf of Brevard and Transyl vania eounty. There is urgent need or an aggressive organization just low, as many inquiries are being re vived for information concerning warding houses, apartments and louses for the summer season, indus rial propositions, and other matters j >f vital interest to the community. Many citizens are planning to at ?nd the gathering, and take part in ;he work of realizing upon opportu lities now within the reach of the :own. There is greater optimistic 'eeling in the community now than at iny time during the past two years, t is said by observing citizens. This lew feeling is based upon the activi ;ies of the community which place it MASS MEETING CALLED FOR THIS THURSDAY j AT COURT HOUSE TO PLAN SUMMER'S WORK ! ... . . v ? ? - * I far ahead of other towns in Western |v North Carolina. It is pointed out jt that the highway work now going t on in the county by both the state | and federal forces ; the increasing ? } operations of the Carr Lumber com-jl pany; the continuous operation of the |r tanneries .both in Brevard and in Ros-!t man; the' revival of tte timber and j lumber business, all combine in cre ating a really splendid condition - here, considering conditions through out the country. With the Pisgah Mills running day and night, changed within a few days from an idle shop to an active bee hive, and this resumption of work coming, about through the concerted efforts of the citizens of the commu nity, it is urged that other and still greater things could be done if the Chamber of Commerce should be re organized. All citizens, men and women, mem bers or non-members of the Chamber of Commerce or the Woman's Bureau, are invited to attend the meeting. BOARD MEETS FR1DA Y T0ELEC1 THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDED ? Transylvania county's school board will meet this Friday for the purpose of selecting a superintendent of pub lic instruction, to serve during the next two years, at a salary of $2,000 a year.1 It is not known how many applications have been received by the board for the place, but friends of two men in the county are known to have been busy, advocating their fa vorites for the position. Friends of Prof. S. P. Verner, pres ent superintendent, are emphatic in their contention that he snould be giver appointment for another term. Reasons advanced are two-fold. First is that Prof. Verner has demonstrat ed his ability in management of the schools during the past two years, and that his services to the county entitle him to another term. The oth er reason advanced is that Prof. Ver ner's term has been filled with most perplexing problems, piling up addi tional irk and worry for the super intendent, and that his handling of these difficult problems places the itjounty under obligations to re-ap point hin to the place. Further, it is pointed ott, Prof. Verner has worked right on, with but little pay for his services s:nce the county's funds were tied up in the Brevard bank when that institution closed last December, and it is said by Verner advocates that this display of patriotic spirit assuredly entitles Mr. Verner to an other term. Others are urging appointment of Prof. J. E. Rufty, present principal of the elementary schools here. These friends express belief that Prof. Ruf ty's ability as an organizer and his long experience as a teacher are guar antees that the county schools would make fine progress under his manage ment. No one makes any pretense of I knowing what the board will do. Much speculation was caused by the act of the legislature when it increased the board membership from three to five. , Some citizens expressed the opinion J at that time that the increased mem bership was made for the purpose of swinging the appointment of the su perintendent. In what direction this "swing" was to take has not been sug gested, however. , There is keen interest in Friday's meeting of the school board. An exe cutive session may be invoked by the members while discussing the election of a superintendent, as was done at the first meeting of the new board when it organized on the first Mon day in the month. Many citizens have expressed intention of attending the board meeting, in event an open ses sion is held. i KIMZEY MOVES INTO NEW I OFFICE OVER DAVIS-LONG Pat Kimzey, Brevard attorney, has moved his offices from the former lo cation in the Hamlin & Kimzey suite, to the offices over the Davis-Long Drug Store. The firm of Hamlin & Kimzey was dissolved some time ago, but both attorneys retained offices in the suite occupied by the firm, until last week, when Mr. Kimzey moved into his new quarters. Mr. Kimzey is attorney for W. W. Woodley, Jr., liquidating agent of the state in charge of the affairs of the Brevard bank. Miss Catherine M'of fitt, who completed the high school commercial course this Spring, has been engaged by Mr. Kimzey as sten ographer. Whitmire and Ramsey In Race for Office of Mayor THREATENS COURT ACTON IK MATTER OF WATER CHARGES Judge D. L. English Says .He Will Not Submit to Pro posed Increase CITES CONTRACT MADE BY TOWN WITH OLD OWNERS Provides Maximum Charge of: $1 a Year for Each Room Announcement that the city dads planned increase in water rents has t brought forth tremendous opposition to tie plan, many letters of protest' having been sent to the press. There f arc others, however, who make asser tion that an increase in water rates 1 is necessary, if Brevard is to "carry on." Another group expresses opin ion that an increase is in order, but the increased rates as announced are too high. The ordinance will be acted upon at an early date, and it is expected that delegations representing every line m of reasoning on the subject will ap- .1 pear before the mayor and board, to 1 i-nice opinions in the matter. Following is a letter submitted by i Judge D. L. English, in which plain L state :.;ent is made that the officials I have i:o authority to so increase the ] rates, submitting as basis of this as- ' sertion the contract under which the own acquired the water system. The etter reads: Editor Brevard News, Brevard, N. C. Dear Sir: I noticed in your issue of April he 16th that you published an ordi lance that our Town Officials pro >ose to adopt and I wish to take this j neans of stating that I am absolute- f y opposed to said ordinance in its t iresent form, in that, said ordinance t ittempts to violate and abrogate a t vritten contract now of record be- j ween the Town and the citizens t hereof. 1 The deed under which the Brevard Vater Company conveyed to the c !"own of Brevard its franchise as its 1 najor consideration, was and is, that t he Town of Brevard should never be J ( Continued on page four ) I NEW ALDERMANIC ' TICKET IS FILED TO OPPOSE OLD BOARD Jerome, Clement, Harris, Wal? lis and Galloway for Aldermen PRESENT BOARD FILES, EXCEPTING MR. HENRY, Saturday Last Day To Register ? Much Interest Being Shown In Contest Closing date for filing in the town primary to be held next Monday; brought a surprise in the form of an aldermanic ticket that had been given no publication prior to the 17th, last day for filing. This ticket was head ed by Ralph H. Ramsey, for mayor, whose formal announcement had been made, and the following as members of the board: T. H. Galloway, F. D. Clement, Jer ry Jerome, A. H. Harris and William Wallace. Mayor Whitmire and all members of the present board filed, with tho exception of W. M. Henry, who is now in the legislature. The contest in the primary will b? as follows: For Mayor: Ralph H. Ramsey. T. W. Whitmire. For Aldermen: Clyde Ashworth. Frank D. :Clement. T. H. Galloway. A. H. Harris. Jerry Jerome. R. P. Kilpatrick. S. M. Macfie. Wm. Wallace. J. E. Waters. While the nine men are candidates 'or nomination on the board, with ive to be selected, there are, in effect, .wo distinct tickets, one pitted against he other. There is one exception ? J hat of T. H. Galloway, both groups laving him on their Kst. As the line lp really exists, the tickets are a.< fol? ows: For Mayor ? T. W. Whitmire; Al lermen ? Clyde Ashworth. T. H. Gal oway. R. P. Kilpatrick, S. M. Macfie, (. E. Waters. For Mayor ? Ralph H. Ramsey; Al -7 ( Continued on page four) WOMAN'S BUREAU TO MEET NEXT MONDAY The regular May meeting of the Woman's Bureau will be held next Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Chamber of Com merce rooms, instead of the usual time on the first Monday. Several matters of importance will be din cussed, including the outlining of plans for the play which this or ganization will sponsor on May 14 and 15. It is urged that a full membership be present at this meeting next Movday afternoon. MRS. ROBERTSON OPERATING I POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SHOP] Announcement is made that Mrs. j Lodema Robertson has been placed in j charge of the Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, at Plummer's Department Store. Modern equipment and every accepted method of beauty culture are stressed in the announcement as guarantees of excellent service. Mrs. j Robei-tson has made many friends , since coming to Brevard. DR. CLARK TO PREACH AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j Dr. Melton Clark, professor of j Bible and acting president of Colum- : bia Seminary, here to deliver the ? commencement sermon Sunday night. ! will preach at the Presbyterian I church in Brevard Sunday morning. B.Y.PMNVENTI0N IS DECIDED SUCCESS Rev. Paul Hartsell, pastor of the Brevard Baptist church, Ralph H. Ramsey, director of the local B. Y. P. U., and members of the Baptist church here express pleasure ovtr the successful sessions held last Friday and Saturday of the regional B. Y. P. U. convention. .More than 325 delegates were present, representing all sections of Western North Caro lina, while many outstanding men in the Baptist church were on the pro gram. Brevard people entertained the vis iting delegates in their homes, and Messrs. Hartsell and Ramsey are loud in their praise of the manner in which members of other churches in the town co-operated with the Baptists in caring for the visitors. Rev. Mr. Hartsell stated that he had never be fore witnessed such fine spirit of helpfulness as that manifested here. Much work was done in the con vention, and officers of the organi zation were highly pleased with the meeting. i WILD GEESE BREAK LIMBS FROM TREES Stop Over Here For Rest, and Play Havoc With Elec tric Light Wires Brevard was visited Sunday night about midnight with a flock of wild geese in which more than one thou sand, it is estimated, gathered aboui the home of Mac Allison, on Probar. street, and filled the great trees in the grove about the Allison home ur til their weight broke large limbs from the trees, which played havus with electric light wires in that sec tion. Members of the Allison family were attracted by the unusual noise cf these flying visitors, and made in vestigation of the cause of all the dis turbance. When the limbs began to fall under the weight of the big birds, and the electric wires, torn loose from their poles, fell over other wires, residents of the section became alarmed. Lights in the homes and op the streets in the Probart section were put_ out of commission, and Manager Gaines, of the Southern Public Utilities Co. was called. With a large force of men quickly assembled, the damage was soon repaired and lighting restored. After circling many times about the place, being disturbed in their selec tion of a roost for the night, the winged army left town and coursed north. This is not the first time that great flocks of wild geese have select ed Brevard as a resting place, many of the older citizens recalling similar scenes in the past. GOLF COURSE NOW IN GOOD CONDITION Everything is "jake" now on the course of the Brevard Country club, and golf is being played there. Under the new rules adopted at a recent meeting, 'which provides for playing at the rate of one dollar a day, to members or non-members, 'greater in terest is Being taken in thejgame, and larger numbers of people are playing. The course is in excellent condition, it is said. W. W. Croushorn, president of the organization, is devoting much time to the club, making ready for tfcfl summer season, when tourists from nany states will be heie,

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