. typhoid clinics to BE HELD AT TWO PLACES IN COUNTY To Safeguard Against Disease the State Is Conducting Clinics Here COUNTY TO BE MADE . 100 PER CENT IN HEALTH] Free Vaccination Against Ty phoid ? One or Two Cases Accepted as Challenge Typhoid clinics will be held at Pisgah Forest school this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock and also on the two succeeding Thursdays of the month; at the Rosman school Friday atternoon at 2 o'clock and on the two succeeding Fridays of the month, when large numbers of people are to be vaccinated against typhoid. The clinics are being held un der auspices of the State Health Department, with Dr. Charles L. Newland, county health officer, in charge of the vaccination work. John E. Floyd, District Sanitary Inspector, is in charge of gen eral arrangements in connection with the clinics. The vaccination program is being arranged simply as a precaution against possible spread of this dread and useless disease. , . There were one or two cases of i typhoid, it is said, at Rosman last year, and this year another case or | two developed proving to the author ities that some local conditions exist- 1 ed in that community which created j the typhoid germ, or there are "ty- 1 phoid carriers'' living in the com- j munity. The authorities have been j busily engaged during the week in j making examination of water supply j there, and have made such changes ; as would guarantee complete removal I of any cause of typhoid from this ! source. The only other thing neces- j sary, it is pointed out, is for citizens i to take the vaccine treatment, which | makes them immune to the germ eith- j er from water supply or from conta- 1 gion by coming in contact with a; "typhoid carrier." Pisgah Forest has been exception ally free from typhoid, and only the suspected presence in the community of a "typhoid carrier" causes the authorities to deem it necessary to give the vaccine treatment in that ( Continued on page eight) MASONIC REUNION TO BE HELD SOON Program being arranged by the committee in charge of the Masonic ? Home Coming on October 23, calls for an afternoon of splendid enter- j tainment, with a real dinner at 6 ' o'clock, and exemplification of the Master's Degree at the evening ses sion. Mr. Frisbee, of Marshall, sleight of hand performer and ven triloquist extraordinary will be pres ent at the afternoon session, giving performance of feats that challenge the keenest eye. Members of the Eastern Star and women in Masonic homes will be invited to the after noon session. The ladies will also be guests of Dunn's Rock Lodge at the 6 o'clock dinner. The evening session will be devoted to Masonic work, and the ex cellently drilled team from West Ashevifle will confer the Master's Degree. It is expected that practic ally every member of the lodge will be present, as well as many former members who have" demitted to other lodges. ANOTHER CHANGE IN | SCHOOL BOOKS SEEN This Time Ii Is the Old Arith me tic That Needs a New Bath ? 2 Plus 2 Not 4 Raleigh, Oct. 14 ? The State Board of Education has decided to call for | bids for supplying arithmetics, and presumably drawing and writing ':>ooks, for the public schools of the State for next year and following years, on the belief that contracts ? made now will be on a basis of such a low price that the State can ill af ford to postpone adoption of new books longer. Also, the new books will be more modern and up-to-date than the books which have been in use, one book 15 ] ' years, another for 10 years and j; which are regarded as antiquated by i the teaching profession. The board : last year postponed adoption, as rec- , ommended by the State Textbook ' Commission. The board, in calling for bids, reserves the right to reject . any or all bids, a move expected to ' bring the books to the lowest possible ! price. The meeting was held Saturday , mornifcg, attended by Governor Gard- , ner, Lieutenant Governor Fountain, Attorney General Brummitt, Auditor Baxter Durham, Treasurer Nathan OBerry, Secretary of State Hartness, and Superintendent of Public In struction A. T. Allen. By changing arithmetics now, the time can be re duced for changing geography and history books, which are more notice ably out-of-date, since much of the i ? geography of the earth has been < changed and much history has been i made since the World War, about ] which time the present ' books were s adopted. 1 SMATHERS OBTAINS | CHEVROLET AGENCY!: 1 1 Opening of the Auto Sales oom-ji pany, in the Jenkins building on Main i street, brings back to Brevard the'' Chevrolet agency, and the big show i rooms now display the Chevrolet ! sport coach, the standard coach, ! ' sport sedan and standard coupe. Paul : < Smathers, with long experience in the j : automobile business, ^ at the- head I ?nf the new concern, and will be per-':' sonally in charge of the entire busi- 1 ness, which includes a complete ser- ' vice department for which all latest' repair equipment .has been installed. ' Mr. Smathers is said by automo bile men to be thoroughly informed on things relating to the automobile J business, and his entry into the busi- > ness field here is an announcement I that will be most pleasing to his many ! friends who are plad that he is to | be in Brevard all the time. He is | active in civic affairs, a staunch be- 1 liever in the future of the town and jcoiinty and his influence in the civic and business life of the community will be a great addition. BUDGET FORMALLY ADOPTED BY BOARD | At Monday night's session of the | (board 'of Aldermen the budget eti-j I mate and tax rate recently presented! was formally adopted, setting the j town tax rate at $1.25 on the'hundred j dollars valuation. The budget esti- [ : mate was prepared three weeks ago, ! land published in The Brevard News. I Adoption of the budget was the j jonly business transacted at the meet- 1 ;ing Monday evening, except action j , taken on routine matters, it was stat- \ ed by Mayor Ramsey. 1 Ehringhaus Blames the Administration For Pickle That N. C. Finds Itself In Raleigh, Oct. 14 ? Promise to give to the national administration the ' blame for the present economic ' stringency to the extent that "it is ' attributable to stupidity in national legislation and leadership" was made by J. C. B. Eringhaus, Elizabeth City, in his radio speech in Raleigh last week / in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for Gover nor. While Mr. Ehringhaus spoke pri marily regarding taxation, devoting his time to three of the planks in his platform, immediate revaluation of property for taxation, special pro vision for relief for the small farm and home owner, and economy, but economy with sanity, he gave promise that in due time he would take up national issues and speak of the part they have played and are playing in bringing about the economic-debacle of the country. "Though our" country today," he said, "is possessed of considerably more than half the world's entire supply of gold, and though our peo ple in industry and enterprise, as well equipped for .life's battles, can match any on the face of the globe, we fjnd ourselves in the midst of a depression which has played havoc with our economic structure, destroy ed many billions of our wealth, re duced both industry and agriculture to n condition of unparalleled pros tration and brought several million jobless men in the nation face to face with the winter's task of provid ing food and warmth for their de pendents. "That a part of this is due to world conditions I do not deny. "That much of it is attributable to stupidity in national legislation and leadership I shall not forget and in propoT^cime and place shall lay the burden at the feet of those re isponsibile therefor. j 'I mention it now," said Mr. I Ehringhaus, "merely that we may 'recall, as a background for our pres I ent thinking, that the problems in 'taxation now confronting the peo : pie of North Carolina are the crea tures, not the cause, of our present I distress." In introducing the subject of taxa tion, Mr. Ehringhaus said, "I venture to suggest that important as it is, the subject does not comprehend all thai challenges our attention in the pres ent situation or that calls for some' thing of our thougtful consideration.' SINGING AT GLADY SUNDAY. Announcement is made that the dis trict singing convention, to be hel< next Sunday afternoon at the Glad; B'-anch church is to be one of thi most largelv attended meetings eve i held in the uiouict The pubiic is in ivited. THAT FIFTY CENTS OFFER WAS GRABBED UP LIKE HOT CAKES AT A BOARDING SCHOOL Brevard News Made Unusual Offer for a Few Days, During Which Time Fifty Cent|~ Would Be Accepted in Full Pay ments of All Back Due Subscriptions, and Pay Up Until the First Day of October Nest Year, a Whole Year In Advance ? Offer Is to New and Old Subscribers Alike ? Fifty Cents Pays Subscription on Brevard News to October 1, 1932. Many Poured in. "Well, here you are," said Uncle Joe Oil', of Pisgah Forest, one morn ing this week, as he entered The Brevard News. office and patted his left front pants pocket. "Here's c double handful of fifty cent pieces, for which you are to send The Bre vard News to the names on this list." And he had a list, take it from us! Uncle Joe, bless his fine old heart, had been out working for The Bre vard News, and brought in the bacon. Uncle Joe is not alone in this work, however, as other good friends in all parts of the county have been bring ing in and sending in right good lists )f new subscribers and renewals for )ld subscribers. One good friend, unable to come into town, has mailed in several money orders srnce the an nouncement was made last week. And then the good people have come in themselves and subscribed, or renewed for another year in a man ner that provides great encourage ment. We are going to extend the offer for a few days longer. Judson Mc Crary, who brought in a fist full of subscriptions, says many people have asked him to tell us to extend the offer for a few days until they can come in and take advantage of it. So here goes! Bring or mail or send in fifty cents, and get a receipt for The Brevard News paid up until October first, 1932! BOND PRAISED FOR i GREAT WORK HERE Rev. J. H. West, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, and the < ?ntire membership have expressed < ^reat appreciation to the Rev. G. T. 1 Bond, of West Asheville, for the ] splendid revival services conducted in 1 the local church last week. Rev. Mr. ( Bond preached twice daily throughout i ;he meeting, the morning services be- 1 ng-held at the Brevard Institute andjl the evening services in the up-town ? i :hurch. The earnest manner and elo- i :juent appeals of the visiting pastor j J made lasting impression upon the .< large congregations attending the < series of meetings. '< Members of other churches in the town were regular attendants at the 1 services, and expressed genuine joy < in the spirit of the meetings. The re- < vival is said to have meant a great deal to the community, and the citi- i sens now are turning their attention . to the coming revival to be held at 1, the Baptist church. ? < FOUR NEGROES HURT I IN AUTO ACCIDENT! i: Several negroes were seriously hurt i in an automobile accident on the Hen dersonville highway last Sunday, when a car driven by one of the col ored men collided with a car being driven by Tom Cox, of Henderson ville, in which members of Mr. Cox s family were riding. The car in which the negroes were riding was headed toward Brevard, while Mr. Cox's car was enroute to Hendersonville. II is said that the cars were round- ; ing a curve on the highway at the , (). L. Erwin place, and in some man ner the car being driven by the I roes went over the embankment, hurl- 1 ing the occupants on to the railroad | tracks, several feet below the high- i way. Edgar Mooney suffered a brok en arm; Filmore Walker was ser iously injured by cuts over the eye, while Homer Smith's leg received an awful gash. A woman by the name of Perkins was injured internally, Dr. R. h. Stokes states, and the ex tent of the woman's injuries are not as yet determined by the attending physician. , ? Members of Mr. Cox s family es caped with minor bruises, it is said. PAULGLAZENER IN APPEAL TO B. Y. P. U. It has been planned by the Asso ciational B. Y. P. U. that each dis trict of the county shall have at least two study courses each year, Presi dent Paul Glazener announced Wed nesday. This feature is to help the members carry out their work more successfully. ... The study course of the Carrs Hill B. Y. P. U. will begin Monday ?ght, | October 19, and continue every night throughout the week. They will take up the study of the Organization Manual. Mrs. G. F. Gallimore will teach the course and those who have had the privilege and pleasure of taking a course with her supervision realize that she will teach in a fas cinating, interesting and instructive manner. . President Paul Glazener urges all ; members of the Center district to at tend these courses and asks them to ? bring some one along who might be ) interested in taking the course also. : CORB1N AND GILLESPIE RETURN FROM ST. LOUIS ' Prof. J. F. Corbin and Wallace Gillespie returned Wednesday night from St. Louis, where young Gillespie represented the 1 State of North Carolina in a Na ! tional contest. It is expected that b anmuncement ivill be made of r date of the Bosnian F?>r, post. -i becausc uj Louis I trip, within the next few days. COUNTY TEACHERS I TO SPEAK AT MEET ! Many teachers in Transylvania j :ounty are planning to attend the J district teachers meeting in Ashe- j rille Friday and Saturday. Prof. J. J B. Jones announced Monday night :hat the teachers would, however, 1 complete the day's work Friday, and ittend the evening session and Sat urday's meeting. Heretofore it has seen the policy to have half holiday n the school on Friday when district meetings were held, but owing to the Tact that the coming session fasts two 3ays, it was not deemed necessary to sacrifice any school work in the :ounty. The afternoon session on Priday will not be attended by local teachers, as schools will be kept in1 session until regular time Friday aft ernoon. At the association of Commercial teachers, Prof. J. B. Jones, county and city schools superintendent, will deliver an address. Prof. J. A. Glaz ener, instructor of Vocational Agri culture in the Brevard High School, will speak on "Evening Class Pro grams" at the association of Agri cultural teachers. Following Prof. Glazener's address will be that of Prof. J. F. Corbin, Agriculture in structor in the Rosman High School. He will speak on the Young Tar Heel Farmer's Program. BAPTIST REVIVAL MEETING DELAYED On account of the illness of Rev. Jesse R. Owen, famous Mars Hill preacher who is to conduct the meet ings, the announced revival at the Brevard Baptist church has been postponed until the Rev. Mr. Owen has recovered from his illness. Prep arations are being made, it is said, to have a real soul-stirring revival at the Baptist church. With its large membership and numerous de voted church leaders, it is hoped to bring many people into the church and renewed Christian activity among some who have been drawn away from church influence. Announcement of the beginning of the revival will be made at a later date. REYNOLDS TO ENTER I NEWSPAPER HELD Ra'jigh, Oct. 14 ? Cap'n Bob Rey | nolds, Asheville, prohibition law mod ification candidates for U. S. Sena (tor, breezed into Raleigh and breezec jout again, going and coming to anc (from a ScotlAd Neck speaking en gagement. He left the word that h( I will circulate a newspaper through 'out the State the latter part of thii month or early in November, send ing it to every rural delivery mai box in North Carolina. Editorial: and news stories will present hi: views on the modification of the pro hibition laws, he said. Meanwhile the other announcei candidates, Cameron Morrison, in cumbent, "Tam' Bowie and Fran! Grist are campaigning in their res pective ways. A. L. Brooks, Greens boro, a prospect, begins to look les prospective. WS BLUE DEVILS WILL PLAY SYLVA ELEVEN FRIDAY ! ^ Coach Tilson announced Wed nesday that the Brevard High Blue Devils were scheduled to play the Sylva High School elev en on the local field Friday aft ernoon at three-thirty. The post - ponement of the game with Frtinklin wap not blown until after the first run of The News went to press. All sport fans tire urged to pay the snw V entrance fee of ten and twon tn-five cents in order to support the Athletic movement in the high. .-.hoot. S BEST REPORT EVER MADE, SAYS THOMAS Report Made By J. A. Glazen er and Cla/,* Gets Great State Recognition According to Roy H. Thomas, state supervisor of Agricultural Educa tion, the report compiled by the Bre vard chapter of Young Tar Heel Farmers and entered in the Ameri- ; can Farming Contest is the best ever I made on Young Tar H^el Farmer ' activities. , The report made by Pro:?. J. A I Glazener and his boys was in book form covering the work of the past year, with actual records, data, charts, numerous newspaper and ' magazine clippings? which had been published concerning their achieve- , ments. The book gave complete and interesting coverage of the entire 1 year's activities. It contained many , interesting and vital articles with other topics valuable to the agricul- J turists. The whole was enriched , with clear, actual photographs of ? the projects, and members of the 1 association, together with complete I explanations. The cover was a beautiful hand- '? painting of the emblem of the Fu- ' ture Farmers of America, of which | the Y. T. H. F. is the North Carolina department. The following is a paragraph taken fr; m a recent letter to Prof. J. A. Glazener from Roy H. Thomas, sup ervisor of Agricultural Education in North Carolina, referring to the re Port' ? r "I wish to acknowledge receipt of the report for the American F arm ing Contest. I have looked this over j carefully and I want to congratulate | you and your boys. This is the best report I have ever seen on Young Tar Heel Farmer activities." NEW YORK JOURNAL j EDITOR IN BREVARD Harley Brendall, associate editor of The Wall Street Journal, was in Bre vard for a short Nvisit to relatives, a 'guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs.! 'J. C. Wike. He left Tuesday for j Pinehurst, where he is stationed dur . ing the winter season, keeping in touch with the men of affairs who ? j spend vacations at that popular re- ' I sort. Mr. Brendall has been on The Wall j Street Journal for the past ten years. He is a native of this state, being the son of the Rev. Dr. Brendall, Greens j boro. He would not commit himself on the probable outcome of President I Hoover's recent move toward dispell ing the depression, but did say that j The Journal believed that Mr. Hoov ler would be renominated and re i elected. BREVARD MENlN ! NEW FINANCE FIRM Chessay, Inc., is the name of a new corporation, announcement of which was made Monday, with two Brevard men named among the in corporators. Thos. H. Shipman and R. W. Everett, well known Brevard men, with T. G. Florence, of Ashe ville, are named in the dispatches as incorporators. The concern has an authorized capital stock of $25,000, with 51,000 subscribed by the three men named in the papers. The Ches i say, Inc., company is authorized to 'collect, buy, sell and deal in current land delinquent accounts and pei-sonal ! securities. LICENSE STATIONS IN EVERY COUNTY, IS PUN OF BUREAU ? t Harris See# Great Convenience to Auto Owners In the New Plan SEVERAL STATIONS ARE ALREADY NAMED BY HIM Sales of Autos In State Larger Than One Year Ago, Fig ures Disclose Raleigh, Oct. 14 ? With the ultimate aim of having an automobile license plate station in every county in the State, both for the convenience of the owners of automobiles, as well as for increased revenues for the State, Director L. S. Harris, of the Motor Vehicle Bureau, is making plans for an increased number of stations for selling plates at the end of the year for 1932. A dozen permanent stations arc to be added to the 16 in operation last year, to remain open during the en tire year, and 23 stations, an increase over last year, will be open during the license plate selling period, from December 15 to February 15, Direc tor Harris said. Permanent stations will be added at Lenoir, North Wilkesboro, High Point, Reidsville, Rockingham, Ab erdeen, Fayetteville, Wilson, Green ville, Kinston, Weldon and at Way nesville or Canton, in addition to those which have been in operation and will be continued at Asheville, Statesville, Shelby, Gastonia, Char lotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greens boro, Burlington, Durham, Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, Wilmington, New Bfern, Elizabeth City and Winston Salem Temporary stations for the two months period will be established at 23 points, unless plans cannot be completed for banks at those points which can and will meet the require ments of State Treasurer Nathan O'Berry as State depositories. The tenative list of these stations is an nounced by Mr. Harris as follows: | Sylva, Hendersonville, Morganton, Marion, Rutherfordton, Boone, Hick ory, Monroe, Lexington, Albemarle, Wadesboro, Laurinburg, Sanford: Roxboro, Henderson, Tarborc, Eden ton, Whiteville, Murphy, Wilming ton, Warsaw, Washington. The Carolina Motor Club operates (Continued on -page eight) BAPTISTS CALL ALL OFFICIALS TO MEET All members of the Executive committee, pastors of Transylvania Association, Sunday school superin tendents, Wumans Missionary society leaders and all officers and members of various organizations and depaii jments of the churches and Sunday (schools of Brevard and Transylvania 1 county are urged to attend an im Jportant meeting to be held at the 'Brevard Baptist church Friday night 'at seven-thirty o'clock. | Dr. Burnett and Perry Morgan j will address the group on the "Work of the Promotion Committee," which is the major reason for calling the meeting, Rev. Paul Hartsell announc ed Wednesday. Mr. Hartsell was pleased with th splendid results of the first meetinc which was held last Friday night at the Baptist church and he wishes to extend a cordial invitation to all Sun day school and church workers; Bap tists are especially urged to attend. I - , Brummitt Says He Wants None of Governor Max Gardner's Support r r t - Raleigh, Oct. 14 ? Attorney Gen eral Dennis G. Brummitt has said, in so many words, in two statements is-, sued the past week, that he wants j none of the support of the present administration, as headed in the ex-i ecutive, if and when he enters the J contest for the seat of that executive. 3 : The statements are two hefty blows _(at the wedge into the relationship ofj I Governor Gardner and Mr. Brum-, j I mitt, which has been cracking under , . ! the strain for many months. < | Mr. Brummitt's statements are - dignified, terse ahd to the point, but - show a feeling that has been foment s ing in the Brummitt breast for some time and has just come to the sur face. Mr. Brummitt charges Tyi C. Taylor, executive counsel for Gov ernor Gardner and formerly hi? private secretary, with getting out the propoganda that Mr. Brummitt will resign as Attorney General arhen he announces formally his can didacy for .Governor. That was one statement, to which Mr. Brummitt adds that he has never had any thought of resigning. The other is evidence of resent- 1 ment as being classed'.as a follower in the matter of the qnadriennial re valuation in the excerpt from the radio talk of .T. C. B. Ehringhau? announced candidate for Governor, ?last week. Mr. Ehringhaus express } ? ed pleasure that other candidates and prospective candidates have tak en a stand for revaluation of prop erty since he announced his platform. Mr. Brummitt's statement reported a conversation with Governor Gard ner in January, in which the Attor ney General was asked to approve- a measure to postpone revaluation two years, to which, Mr. Brummitt makes it plain that he could not subscribe Thus, he would have it known that he did not follow Mr. Ehringhaus, but was for continuing revaluation all along. His statement is precise, and he gives notice that more may be expected on his resigning while running for office business later. By his statement, Mr. Brummitt puts himself a step nearer formal announcement, but still leaves him self leavay to run or not to run Many believe that his candidacy de pends on whether or not Josephus Daniels gets into the r although there is intimation from the Brum mitt camp that his plans arc not con tingent upon the rtmning or not run ning of any man. Still there is Dan iels talk, but as yet, no action. Many who doubted any desire on his part to run, now believe he is giving it serious consideration, It may be that he is playing with it in order to bring one of the candidates nearer the Daniels point of view, peesibly Mr. Brummitt, probably not. 'v-jq ??

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