ACTIVITY RESUMED BY CARR LUMBER CO.j Logging Trains Started Regu ular Runs at Twelve O'clock Tuesday TO GIVE JOBS ONLY TO I THEIR FORMER WORKERS j ? ? ! ... I Big Mill at Pisgah Forest Has Started Up ? Means Much to This Entire Section Tuesday's noon hour witnessed re sumption of the big plant of the Can Lumber company at Pisgah Forest, when the logging train was started on its way to the mountains, and the big mill on the Pisgah Forest yards began ripping big logs into lumber. While the company had been operat ing on part time, the larger part of the industry had been closed for some time, and/ resumption of operations brought happiness to the em ployes of the concern, and encourage ment to all people of the community. The policy of the Carr Lumber company in taking care of its own men is well known. All of these are to be put back on the job before any outsider, or new man, will be em ployed. In fact, officials of the com pany stated that it would be a long time before any new men could be employed, as all those who are known as Carr Lumber company workers and who have been idle during the shut-down, are to be taken care of as (Continued, on page four ) RE-OPEN 50-CENT OFFER ON THE NEWS So Many People Came In Dur ing Week That Proposition Renewed For Few Days "I just couldn't get here any soon er," said our good friend, Mr. J. M. Galloway, chairman of the county school board, "but I did want to take advantage of that Fifty Cent offer that you had made for The Bre vard News." "That was my case, exactly,'1 said Mr. J. R. England, contractor, who was standing nearby. This was last Monday morning, and we accepted payment from these good men on that basis. Since that time many other people have come in and wanted to come in under the special offer. Now, here is the reason we are telling these facts: There are others who would like to take advantage of the special offer of getting The Brevard News, paid up a whole year in advance, for only FIFTY CENTS. And here is another feature of it: It' you owe something on your sub scription in the past, it matters not how much, this FIFTY CENTS pays up ALL BACK subscription, and gets you a receipt to The Brevard N'ews up to October First, next year! Tell your neighbor about it, please. This special offer will be definitely ended within the next few days, so please make haste in getting yours while the offer is re-opened. Remember: Only FIFTY CENTS for a whole year's subscription tc The Brevard News, ahd if you hap pen to owe something on back ac count, this same FIFTY CENT piece wipes that all out and pays yoi up to October first, 1932. PURITY PRODUCTS CO. The Purity Products company makers and sellers of ice, and deal ers in coal and wood, is among th most popular of Brevard's busines houses and establishments. It is op erated by A. B. Galloway, whose as sociates include many of the leadin; men of Brevard. ? HOUSTON FURNITURE CO. Perhaps the most active busines house in Brevard is the Housto Furniture company, employing large force of men and running fleet of trucks. This firm, while sel ing everything in furniture, mak< leaders of their famous Hoosk Kitchen Cabinets, Majestic Radi( and Roman Ranges. A. H. Houston manager of the firm. H. R. WALKER INSURANCE AGENCY Under the management of Mr Mary Jane McCrary, the Walker A ency, represents some of the large companies in America, covering i branches of insurance, including coi pjete coverage for all lines, and e joys the confidence and patronage a large list of -clients. CARR LUMBER CO. STORE Operating at Pisgah Forest with general line of merchandise, compos of staple and fancy groceries, d goods and notions, boots and sh< featuring the famous Star Brand lii They also carry a complete line horse and cow feeds. BE YOURSELF ? Austin's Studio, photographers, recognized as one of the most p ficient photo places in Western No: Carolina. Mr. Austin is a photog pher of recognized ability, and d work many leading men and 1 ncn of the South. He is photograp' for many df the camps of th? cour * ' TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY'S FOUNDATION STONE Every standing structure has its | foundation stone, upon vjhich the I whole building must rest. That is hrue j of community life. The progress ?/ a i comnunity ncpends upon its business lift. We arc herewith, prqsentinf) for H ir consideration the list of business j A its as and the names of businesses tnit constitute the very foundation stone of our Community Life and t Pr>g reus. If these business -pliees j euce*d, the whole community sue- j cads; as these places prosper and prgrots, so will the entire c4nvmnn ity progress and prosper. Pledse read thr list, and study the importance of community dealing and community cooperation. i SP BARNETT MACHINE SHOP Vith a shop equipped eqtial to the j !be? in Western North Carolina, Sid iBanett at Pisgah Forest operates i thi only plant of this nature in the j cointy for the general public. Highly , j skiled mechanics giving the best of . ? iserice have aided Mr. Barnett inj| IbiLding one pf the best business in j; i thi community. |, I li 1ARR LUMBER CO. STORE !, (perating at Pisgah Fotfest with ali gerral line of merchandise, compos- | led f staple and fancy: groceries, dry j j goos and notions, boots and shoes j jfeairing the famous Star Brand I] j line They also carry a complete j , :line>f horse and cow feeds. >< j LONG DRUG COMPANY To Long Drug ^company, with li- 1 1 Icensd druggist, is an up-to-date i druj store in every particular. Pres Icripon work is a specialty at this i goocdrug store. Every family knows j ! the alue of a good drug store ? its ? i serve is indispensable. j I j? t | IMPSON'S BABBER SHOP jj i T ? Simpson Boys, as they are i j iknon, are good barbers. They are|j I alsocood citizens. Furthermore, they j are ood singers. These boys make the 1 menook better with their shaves and 1 haiuts, and they sing wherever and ? whe>ver they are called upon to ! { I sing l j SHOE DEPARTMENT j' | N Morris, in charge of the Shoejt ? Dep-tment at the American Sales j t j Co.,s said by his friends to know ' j i the ze of the foot of every man, wo- [ ! mannd child in the county, and buys ' jtheioe for each particular foot. He 'has most splendid reputation in the jcouy for fair dealing and as a j"sqire shooter." A NEW CONCERN i T American Sales company, pur j chars of the Pushell Department, a iStoistock, is made up ? of highly !s jtraid men in merchandising, and is j Inowngaged in selling out the stock, j of Shell's Store. New Winter cloth- j ing>r men, women and children, is : t Jthe viting feature of this store. If THE CITY MARKET T City Market, owned by S. F. : Alii i and B. W. Trantham, and op erat by Mr. Allison, is a combina tioniarket and grocery store, doing a tb-ing business at all times. "Ev ; erytig to Eat'' is the slogan of this ? popir place. It is "a Home Institu ition>oing Well." r; BLUE FRONT MARKET T Blue Front Market is the name of a>od store, owned by W. L. Mull . andjerated by C. 0. Robinson. This j ! is dimplete market and grocery ? stoB owned and operated by Bre ? van own citizens, and is an import "lanturt of the community's active I busks life. -] THE CANTEEN e j . "1" Galloway's place, "The S|C;mn," is such a cafe as would >- { d<? ?ice to a town of ten thousand -- ] pnption. Visitors and home-folks S ; alikiraise The Canteen for its spleid service and good food. It is the (gest restaurant ever operated in tj community. HARP, THE PLUMBER a R . Tharp, the Plumber, is a a |nios?Iuable man. Not only is high 1-jclas plumbing and steam-fitting is | wor one here, but high grade elec ir triciepairs and installation is a >s | pari id parcel of this active busi is.nessace. Weather reports indicate thatlu will soon need Mr. Tharp. j 1 CENTRAL MARKET T Central Market, long a favor 's- j ite e for obtaining fresh meats K- 1 by ^ge number of citizens, is man st ; aged ill i by jo Allison. Native and western ll- 1 mea| n- \ ner, 1 ' t J. E. Waters and operated re served here in expert man [1 the Central Market is a of | houald word in Brevard. 1 IITH'S BARBER SHOP i's Barber Shop is an institu J Brevard, headquarters for hom|<s and a meeting place for visitors. John Smith, in ad . being a good barber, is also :he hardest working men of the h in planning, boosting and buil| for Brevard. j sl a I tion ed !ry >es sum diticfc ne. ! one of G you at tj r.'.'es The is ro rth ra ces WO- i her ? ? | ity. I lent THE WHITEWAY . Nicholson, one of the business men of the town, is ame time a veteran hi the and dry cleaning line. The iteway Pressing club has been fjuous business for the rast roan-, testifying to its excel ic<? and good- work. \ W. O. W. INSURANCE Woodmen of the World insurance i" being recognized throughout this county and the whole of Western Carolina as family protection that is A-l. Several hundred Wcodven arid their ladies, members of the Circle, ir, Trans vlvam'a, give their o. k. to W. 0. \>. insurance. W. H. Grogan, Jr., is district manage)- here. PLUMMER'S STORE Outstanding in Brevard's business I life is the Plummer company's siore, ] long a leading institution here. Being j a department store in the truest j sense of the word, Plummer's carries j a complete stock of seasonable mer- i chandise at all times. It is one of ' the very pillars of the business life | here. BUILDING AND LOAN Many people of the town and county are home-owners because they were enabled to own their own home through the Brevard Building & Loan association. The Building and Loan is I >ne financial business that weathere'd j the storm. It is safe; it is good; it] is a builcjing force for the commun- 1 ty. Ask Jerry Jerome about it. SUNNY SIDE DAIRY Paul and Walter Glazener, two of j Brevard's most popular young men, I >perate the Sunny Side Dairy on a 1 scale that is attracting much atten- J ;ion. Aside from the grade "A'' raw nilk and buttermilk they sell to a arge list of customers, they are plac ng a chocolate milk drink on the narket now that is very popular. CLEMENT, THE JEWELER \ Frank D. Clement, The Hallmark j feweler, conducts a jewelry business j ?hat is second to none in any city. He i landles only the best of standard | foods, and his reputation as a man is | ust as fine as the fine line of jewelry | vhich he handles. BREVARD HARDWARE CO. \ The Brevard Hardware & Furni- 1 ure company, with Messrs. D. F. j ioore and Purde Osbore at the helm, J eaches far out into the countryside j( listricts, serving the people of the ! own and county with hardware of all I ;inds and furniture for every pur- j lose. ? J - BREVARD BATTERY CO. jj Thoroughly equipped in every es-j( ential, the Brevard Battery com-j, iany has long been an important ji ilace in the business life of the com-;' nunity. Battery and ignition work isii . specialty there, although every j ihase of auto repairing is carried on, ' ,nd the large rooms are used as i torage for the public. RECREATION CENTER [i All work and no play is not good;i or any one or any town. W. H. ] larris and B. W. Trantham have es-H ablished and operate an amusement enter known as the H. & T. Recre- J tion Center, where are located the ; ery best alleys for bowling to be 1 ound in any city anywhere. AVERY CASE ji Windows get broken in the best of !< ionics, and auto doors and wind 1 hields have a way of losing their j astenings. Avery Case, 151 West I lain street, makes a specialty of j ?lasswork of any kind, from replace- j 1 nent of the smallest particle to the j i retaliation of the biggest glass , ? ound. His is an important work. < 1 RED'S SERVICE STATION , "Wash 'em, and your wife won't |; yeep ; grease 'em and they won't j queak," says Red Misenheimer, peaking, of course, of the automo lile. Red's Service Station handles i standard Oil -and gas, and does a i ; jeneral greasing and washing busi- 11 less. Red himself is an important l| actor in the community life. ji THE SPIC AND SPAN One of the new businesses of the immunity, headed by young men j lere, is that of the Spic and Span ' Dleaners, located in the Clayton Ho- ! ?1 Building. The new firm has in- I tugurated the cash and carry ?sys- 1 ?m, which is proving quite popular > lere. C. W. Townsend is manager of ;he Spic and Span. THE CLAYTON HOTEL The Clayton Hotel is one of the old andmarks here, and is an all-the^ irear popular place for tourist and local citizens. Its home-like atmos phere and famed dining room makes if the Clayton Hotel an important Factor "in the business life of Brevard ?nd Transylvania county. JOINES MOTOR COMPANY | The Joines Motor company, author- ; ized Ford dealer, is afnong the com- j munity's larger places of business. : The head of the concern, S. R. Joines, i is recognized, as one of the commun ity's outstanding business leaders. In addition to sales, 'the place main tains a complete repair department. MACFIETS DRUG STORE Every person, without exception it is believed, in Trqmsylvania county knows Macfie's Dtfug Store, one of the oldest and most popular business houses of Brevard. It is known as the Rexall store nnrt during the last part of this week they are staging t'hoir famous "1c Sale" at which a penny extra will buy an extra iter' of merchandise. / I SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES The Southern Public Utilities Co., branch of a statewide utility, is in Brevard, lighting the city and run ning its machinery, and has an ample supply of power foi any industrial purpose. The presertce of this com pany in Brevard is a promise of greater industrial activity. MAIN STREET A. & P. The Great. Atlantic ii Pacific Tea company finds Brevard a good place, and the Main Street store of the A. & P. is a favorite place for many housewives of the town and county. Lee Aricdge is manager of this store, and takes an active part in commun ity affairs. PICKELSIM ER'S DRUG STORE The Brevard Pharmacy, presided over by J. B. Pickelsimer, Ph.G., is one of the popular business houses of the town, and is noted for its special offers on standard remedies and na tionally advertised goods. Dr. Pick elsimer is one of the leading church men of the town. BREVARD PLUMBING CO. Nicholson and Duclos, forming the organization of the Brevard Plumb ing company, have had much to do with the progress of the community in its building aspects. This firm has had many large contracts for plumbing and steam fitting, and is an | important factor in the life of the i community. , I JUDSON McCRARY Perhaps the one man in Brevard who has done more than one man's j part in keeping real estate on the "up and go," is Judson McCrary, real estate dealer. His offices are locat ed in the Tinsley building. Mr. Mc Crary rents and sells property of all kinds. RAD NICHOLSON'S Rad Nicholson's Shoe Repair- Shop! is a favorite place in the community. For the past 22 years Mr. Nicholson has been soling, re-soling and con soling the footwear of the people here. Friends say that half the j sounty walk on shoes soled by Rad | Nicholson. WATCH REPAIR WORK B. F. Beasley, long an honored cit izen here, is instrumental in keeping time straight, because of the large amount of watch repair work that he Joes. He also works on clocks, when / they go blooey, but the watch repair . work is his favorite line. He guaran- 1 tees all his work to be satisfactory, j MARTIN'S BARBER SHOP Lester Martin, and other Transyl vania boys are operators of Martin's Barber Shop, a popular place in the town's life. These young men know ;heir community, and enjoy a large patronage from both -the town and :he whole of Transylvania county. THE CLEMSON THEATRE ' Year in and year out, in good times and in dull times, The Clemson rheatre goes on, providing a place of amusement for home folks and visi :ors. The Clemson gets first showing sf pictures at all times, and it is a I theatre that is a credit to the town. J DR. J. B. S. McINTOSH There's a thousand and one things | to delight the lover of beauty in the store of J. E. S. Mcintosh, the man who has had much to do with devel opment of the organized camp life of this county. It is, indeed, a variety store in that term's broadest scope. It is a good place to visit. WARD'S NEWS STAND One of the most popular places in the town is that of Ward's News Stand, where papers, magazines, books, and periodicals of all kinds are always on hand. Then Ward handles rigars, cigarettes, candies and so on, and operates a first class barber shop in addition. BROAD ST. A. & P. STORE The A & P. Store, on Broad street, manage;! bv Harry Sellers, is, indeed, a popular nlace. Mr. Sellers is one of the most popular young business men of Brevard, and his friends are scattered all over the county. This store is_ recognized as one of the lead ers in the A. & P. system. FRED HOLDEN Fred Holden, young business man, is making great headway in estab lishment of hia business as opferator of the Shell Service Station. In addi tion to selling Shell gas and oils, j young Mr. Holden renders such ser vice as greasing, washing and ad justing automobiles. PHILIPPS' BAKERY Philipps' Bakery, a Brevard institu tion, is an important factor in the business life of the community. Goo-J bread, rolls, pies and cakes can bt had at Philipps" any day in the week. Mt. Philipps avows that he sells as big a loaf of bread as anybody, good, and fresh, and for five cents. THE NOBBY SHOP The_ Nobby Shop, Brevard's only exclusive fhop fo* women, "is operated | by Mr*. Flax Lawrence, and is stork ed with carefully selected wear things for women. It is a known fact that The Nobby Shop has in stock i dresses and coats of identical n,aV? i in larger city stores at 25 to 50 per 'cent less cost. MULL'S STORE Mull's Grocery Store, on the cor ,ner of Caldwell and Jordan, is an 'old landmark. Mr. Mull is not con cerned ubout 'ompetition, he sayB, jand offers groceries and service in : such manner as to meet all comers, j (His is, indeed, a most successful | j lome-owned grocery business. DRESSMAKING Quietly, unassuming, but constant- ] : ly and persistently, Miss Maggie' 'Ownby has built up a dressmaking, I establishment here that would do ered;t to a much larger town. Many , of the best dressed women in Brevard I wear creations planned and wrought ? by Miss Ownby. K. & M. AUTO REPAIR One of the long established places | jof business in Brevard is the K. & M. j' ! Auto Repair, with Dan Merrill and j i the Kilpatrick boys as operators. . : This place is one of popular appeal, j; ; repairing any kind of car in fine j 'manner, and selling the famous Wil- 1 | lard Battery as a leader. j! McCRARY'S j ! Carl McCrary is recognized as one ' [of the most successful young business [ 'men of Western North Carolina. His; ' is, indeed, a "One-Stop Service Sta- j Iticn," everything that a car can need I ! being found there. Mr. McCrary i ^ ! makes a leader of Firestone products, jj jand does a big business. JESS SMITH'S GARAGE ; Jess A. Smith, recently moved into j his own building at the "foot of the ; hill," and adding the Shell line of1 gas and oils to his repair business, is _ making graet progress in his line. ? His slogan, since moving, is: "Come! to the foot of the hill and save on | your iepair bill.'' He carries in stock , Alcorine, Alcohol and Federal tires. ^ PISGAH INDUSTRIAL BANK j The Pisgah Industrial Bank, with | its departments of insurance and oth- ! er forms of service, has filled a great | place in the community life- here. . ( Active in the affairs of the place are i, 0: H. Orr, F. E. Shuford and T. H. ,? Galloway, three of the leading citi- ? zens of the county. They say "Spend r your insurance money at home and i get another chance at it yourself." j ED McCOY'S? Pisgah Fore*t At Pisgah Forest, just two miles * from Brevard, Ed McCoy serves as * Postmaster, sells hundreds of Good- * year tires jearly and presides as ? Justice of the Peace, besides operat ing a Standard Service Station. Most : anything you want in a hurry is i o what you get at Ed's. c EAST VIEW FARM DAIRY I o Operated by C. K. Osborne and n sons, this dairy , furnishes much of j 1 the milk and butter for Brevard peo- a pie, and in the summer enjoys a wide j J trade among camp people. The Os- ,D bornes have been in business here a ; f long, long time, and have built a big s business with their dairy products, h I THE BREVARD NEWS jS The Brevard News, for 37 years IS boosting and pulling for Brevard, isjD producing each week what the other ; t papers of the state call one of the n best county newspapers published j anywhere. The job printing, done by a C. M. Douglas, Henry Henderson and s Clifford Monteith. is of best quality o at lowest prices. jt ' j CALDWELL STANDARD jc STATION On an equal par with the excellent service of all Standard Service Sta tions is that operated on the corner ' of French Broad and Caldwell by : Harry Sitton, popular young Brevard : man. Polite, courteous service is the 'c keyword with Harry as he sells Stan- jt dard gas and oil to a large number i of customers. jt BREVARB LUMBER COMPANY !, F. E. B. Jenkins has been in Bre- 1 vard doing a lumber business since Brevard was in its infancy. His mul titude of pleased customers have been ! i responsible for the growth of his lum- c ber and Building supplies business, j Mr. Jenkins also sells much of the J fertilizer used in this county. s ? THE B. AND B. The B. and B. Feed and Seed com pany is so much a part and parcel of the life of the community that no one f tries to remember how they got along r before the B. and B. came to ttfwn i fiVe years ago. This firm has paid c tens of thousands of dollars to the { farmers of the county for produce, i They handle the Checkerboard feeds i i and all Purina products. 1 W. 0. TV. INSURANCE 1 Woodmen of the World Insurance I is being recognized throughout this ( 'county and the whole of Western < ! Carolina as Family protection that i- 1 A-l. Several hundred Woodmen and ( their ladies, members of the Circli\ j ;in Transylvania, give their o. k. to W. t O. W. Insurance. W. H. Grogan, Jr., i jis district manager here. *EAST MAIN STREET STANDARD ! j STATION j Glenn Lockabill, operating t h ? 1 (Standard Service Station on Ea-* < .Main Street, has been responsible fo. i ja larire number of car owners' chang- i ;ing to Standard Gas and oil. He gives j' ! excellent, servv;- at ctaHr.n an."; I iii one rf th^ .noatest appearing sta- i I tions in Brevard. WfflTMIRE SHOWING SOME IMPROVEMENT Injured Last Friday When His Auto Turned Over On Highway No. 28 IN PATTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SINCE WRECK Showed Signrf of Improvement Wednesday for the First Time E. J. Whitmire, prominent citizen of the Cherryfield section, is in the Patton Memorial Hospital, Hender sonville, as a result of an automobile accident which occurred last Friday night on Highway 28. Mr. Whitire was rushed to the Hendersonville hospital, where examination disclosed a fractured skull and other injuries. He has been in an unconscious con dition practically all the time, re gaining consciousnesg for a few mo ments Wednesday morning, ft is said. Mr. Whitmire left Brevard, it is 3aid, early Friday night, and later was found by Mr. Tom Galloway, ly ing prone in the side road leading into Ship's Anchor, while the auto mobile was several feet further away from the highway. Citizens investi gating the scene of the accident say that indications pointed to the fact that the car left the highway and turned over, down the embankment, anding in an upright position, ami had apparently rolled on down the (Continued, on page four) ROSMAN GETS NEXT W.O.W. LOG ROLLING Rosman Won Its Laurels by v Winning the Prizes In Recent Contest Rosman was selected for the April invention of the Western Carolina jog RoHing Association district gath :ring of the Woodmen of the World ind the Woodmen Circle, at the neeting held last week at Murphy. Woodmen and their ladies from wenty-three counties of Western Carolina will be at Rusman for tlcir irst convention in this town. W. I. Grogan, Jr., is district manager or this section and urged the accept ince of the invitation extended by the tosman delegation. W. E. McLean, consul commandor if the Rosman Camp, won the two lighest prizes offered at the Murphy onvention for work in the fraternal rganization during the past six lonths. First district prize, a Wal ham wrist watch valued at $25.00 ,nd fiist state prize, a $20.00 watch, tosman camp won the state prize, a ?eautiful silk flag, valued at $40.00 or the greatest net gain in member hip, their increase being nearly one lundred per cent. Members of th>* tosman camp, Consul Command IcLean and Financial Secretary A. I. White, were warmly commendiil y state officers at the meeting for heir excellent work during the six months period. District Manager Grogan was warded a $25.00 cash prize for out tanding work among the district men f the state. Mr. Grogan declares hat the Wodomen membership in his listrict has shown a decided gain luring each six months period of the last two year. A number of new and (Continued on page four) BREVARD DRY CLEANERS Operating a first class pressing ami leaning business on East Main Street iijder the management of Cleo Gar ?en, this firm has many satisfied eus omers. They are firm believers in rading at home and merit the sup wrt of the people of this community. THE CHEVROLET PLACE Paul P. Smathers, long experienced n the auto sales business, is now iwner of the Chevrolet agency, oper iting under the name of The Auto Sales company. In addition to the ales end, Mr. Smathers is operating t first class auto repair department. GAR REN AND V. S. S. H. Garren, feed dealers and grocer, ills an important niche in the com ttunity life. He operates a corn mill; s authorized dealer for V. S. S. feeds ind products, and operates a good grocery store. His home-ground meal s a popular seller, and his feed line s recognized among the leading >rands. WALTERMIRE HOTEL Brevard's only all-the-year round :ommercial hotel, The Waltermire is >perated by that genial booster, T. W. [Vhitniire. The Waltermire is mod :rn in every respect, with steam heat is drawing card for winter tourists ind commercial men. Mr. Whitmire s advertising extensively in mid Westerns papers now. ED McCOY'S SERVICE STATION Ed McCoy's Standard Service Sta tion at the corner of Broad and Jor dan street is in charge of Bill Erwin and Albert Lyday", who delight in serving you with Standard products. The?? boys are responsible for a l-i "7 her of the clean autos, be ing exerts in the washing and greas ing business. liE'l < i

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